Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 27, 1896, p. 4

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rwpmvcittfph sfw u hijc ixiim jrec jjresa- tiiunbdayjpkniiuany in miro r w tift uk a urh htouv ujldxibt hi uilli 1111 loilrlttlnn homo willi hrn i j liani wblob nevnr fll wnrknlit wood for in xt lindanes ttlobo mill iii llllilvel imiiilillil i iiioiiru i faltered htlll will i tt while- ulf heal liopcvlhi ahbtierod 1 trust in the i will not doablflliounh all my prayers retutn i nanawnred irnm the eltxwnu realm alvo i will believe u an ell wise wlilcli haa rnfue1 thnaa tliliik tor wliloli i an i thouflli at ln oaupol kaop from at ilia pure ardor of iny nod imllovliig 1 ndlmnied shall burn i will nol doubt lliouuli sorrows falt ilka rain an i troubles swarm ilka bees about to hire i will believe tho hetruta for whteh i ulw ara only reanlied by anguish anil by lln ami though 1 ijroen writhe beneath my i yot ball see tlirouflh my severest losses tha grnatsr rain touched a ten chord 1 ew persons ara oulirely loal to honor thorn ia alwajs a spark of meolioeaa daiy whioli when touohed iu the right manner will nobly reepood soma yeara ago jo tha loan or l lived an rasy going unobtrusive person by tha name of tom lawton lika that far famod individual rip van wlnkla ha had a great aversion to anything lika pro fl lab la labor ila took tha world cejdly pending moat of bit lima at tha aalooa ramon strenoea were of little avatf ila wo old promise l reform but would aoan ralarn to hia ovij way ona hot day- in samroor torn fall aalaap at tho aalooo whila in thu state of unconsciousness hia poly child a boy of four aummora and tba 1m ago of hii father aa far aa a it no rat atata of ontidlness wool oama swaggering into the aaloon tberr thai a tom a boy i eaolaimod one of tho bystanders a chip oil the old block a iirrat lautthler followed thia ram ark j deolare lie la 1 siol aimed ao other tom will never bo miaaod tha boy will fill bin place 1 the apotl at the expense of falhar and on contiiiuad ontil aomeona propoaed to aet up the drinka for iha hoy the ileper moved he puabed back hii hat stretched ont hia lega and at rode lleaurely into the middle of tha floor m vp not been aaleap all thia time notes he an there kama pf qonarnl inforeat to prow proaa fitted ara kljirlj per out of all the people need fo tako a course of jloodaflariaparilla atttin aaaaon to pro vw tha rnnning- dowrt- de condilion whiob invltea diseases money invested in half a doaen botn of mood a harsaparillawlll oomc baek with lartta ralurna in tha tiaallb and vigor body and strength of nertra holl oa ay to a ills ape rale are easy in buy oaay corn all liver illi tak j with many reader brillanoy ofaly passes for aftluoiiay of thought thoy miitaka buttercups in the ttlaia for im measurable cold mines under ground longfellow i heap fro rlrn prompt a marvel of obeapnoaa of eflloacy ol promptitude la contained in a bottle of the famona remedy putnam a eainleaa cora ei tractor itrooa hffht to lha root of the tfoabla thera aola nuiokly but aopafnlomly that nothino known of ita operation uulil tha corn ia ihelled bo ware of aubititulea offered for intnam a taiiiloaa corn i itrao tor tafe anra and paitiloaa bold at drngftiata tha mora aympathiea wa rain- or awaken for what fa boaatiful by ao muolj deeper will be our ay m pa thy tor that which ia moat boauliful tha human aoul ijowoii ten tlmucand tim fa- ten thourand timra o fagyaxii a paotoral balaam haa proved itaalf a aura core forcooghe oolda bronohltia aalbma aora throat ijainaay and pulmonary oom plaint a never riak a joke avail tha laaat oflen aiva in ila nature aud tho moat oomiron with a peraon who ia not well bred and poaaaaaed of aenae to oomprebend it b r try era signa of worma are variable appetitr itching at the noaa etc dr low a worm syrup i a the beat worm ox pall or began vnd it about lime thia thing atopped the man who off or a that boy a drop- of liijuor i ii knock down ilea my child and if i can help it ho a nq got ok to make a fool of himaelf aa i e dona aod what a more thia ia tlio laal tiron hell hava to come to a aalooo to and mo and ihen taking hia boy by the band turn atrodo out of the aaloon hor i few minutwa ailenoa rngued au pretiic soepeona aaid tom would befbaok in una than week bnt ho waa m lata ken tom had left the aaloon for good bel thr of the thn kindergarten la haalthful in tone and uarmouloai id hm ambodlmaatof what ia aaientinc atbtoal and apiritaal wfth out force it arouaoa in the child an inner want for inatrootioo aa froebjgthaa aaid and a wholeeome tonio in harmony with the inatlnota of the obild ia preaantod in the wfneome do thia vfn may do that coanwauid let a try thia way tha waot of em ploy men i tha daaire for daa iruotibiliiy and other conditions of mind are mat in tba nee of tba mauriali of tbo kindergarten tha appetite for truth tba aenae of beauty the fcallng of oolor tba pontanaoua aottvity of tha moat at art mind aod dextoroaa banda reocive aoien tiflo diractlon in tba kindergarten tba liltla obild wanta to be good because ha ia taught in many waya that this li right and that after all it ia tbo beat kind of fun to be gentle and loving and true we conaidaf it to be a mcmtnjortanr part of tba work of the church and of the aohool from kind org arte a to university and including home life alao to tnaka truth and beauty attractive tba spirit of unity and devotion to this work will win grand reeulta in the elevation of the individael many wbo have but oaaually observed tha kindergarten object to il as a plaos wham play ia all there ia of it this iivfo all but tf it wore romenibar that plaf ia an important part of life to men and women mxm ciiiwiotil foarraa in tha ckamtau uiih for february 8toppinq a qreat ship dt6 hop7tectotrntj atht traa throo eoolanlaatlab hava booh spoubri cordlnl wurdn in favor of dr aunows calnrrhftl powdar w ona ii f thn moat rordial flidomomiiula of the otiralivo powvra uf dr agncw a yatarr lial iuurrlitr haa roinu from the hi it hop of tnroiild rtrrrlm ti i biih a ii hi praian uf thin inirftrinr jin wai tw iwd by mm itk llm ile johu lanxtry and tho llov w ii wnde roc tor of the rinirch of the aicc naloil hamlllon ont and falling into hue with tlie itev w it willinnia air linglry a papular ouralo hie llov ii ii lwniif latent pastor df ht ivitr churtii hamilton iim llraii one of itin laftarktctlwau ihta womtorfill romrdy it never ui- an 1 ia an juiok in caao of cold in the head an i catarrh ami la ttld oumiit pankna for ii 1 over ham plu bottle and hlownr aunt oil ree ipl of two leant atainjia h i doldioii tl charoh hlreol jornl old by kannawin it ia miu thought lo fle from thn work that cod appoinla ua fur the bake of find lug a urcalr bloaoiiig inata a i of seeking it wjiero afohb ii ia to lie found in loving obedience tleorge r hot uiiioiihiiivb and liver complaint head aoba otc ara cured by liurdook itlla ho that i ungralefullj haa no guilt but one all other orimot may pass for virtues in in ill uttt f hirem tniu itnd llloofl diuihnia lor jhi to a limit tuno my blood wan very bad iaro on uould break out ou me from a small acrnloli i hlarlol to take mir ii u which completely cared me 1 ncummend i unlock ulood liitlura to all mut rn dim bir v bihnc heart llucaae ithin had blood yuodueh ont il in 10 lilmitra 1 vomrrrl t it irfaald of m ny rririedloa that limy help for a time hut thn iliseaao afterwards ratnrna ilnrilock i hood llillari being a radical nitre i fttnl relieves hut er niatieplty onrea lyapeplt ronatijinilnn ilinoiibpx hie hrititiohr ilnd illuotl sic hii ivilnoimca lell gfadlyfti it ii tnntay enri if a proud man make im kctp mice tho comfort ta that he ut the aame time hwlfl jype sia and indigratloii px a co hyraenae n v wrilm send na leu groo f iilln we a mora of isrmeli t ill lot than i lii inn w hn iloaae ro elllrui n y oilier illl we krup th iy have a trml repiilalinu fqr hid euro of r nmipaia and liver fcjom plalnl mr 1 ti a rmill limfaay writes iarm ro a iilln aro an eenl tent jnnljqmr my aiator iibb ttcantronblail willi revere iicbiihi he i lit tliesn pllla have cured her an rnterpifee heu fairly mien began ahould not bo left till yll thai o ight tf won bhakoepeare vhii n taby wot 1 l n wlinii ab wna i hll 1 lien aim tmeaui wlioli aha lisd lill li n r uiurla t i outurla l uturja hooking him ilashftil xung laalor ponderously n know man propoaea but mibb thlrlyamlth eagerly this ia ao so auddon but yea dear 1 yellow oil uaod internally reliovai and on res croup sore throat asthma bronchitis and similar complaints used externally cures rbonmatinm lumbago sprain bruisea galls ahllblaiiih frost hitoa outs wouuits inaoet bltca lame haclt neuralgia etc hut hotitll american khonmatic ure for hhouinaiiurtrand neuralgia radically cure in 1 to 1 daya iu action upon ihobybtem ia remarkable and myalorinua it removes at once the cause au 1 tho diaeana tmmedi atolydibptppearn tho first tiosn greatly bene flta ti couui hold by j v raima inju riea we do and those dom weighed i i thu same mot a ft tie iimn usui 1 urrtl in a 1 pain in um lpt pleaaant an 1 w lt ruse fir cousha culda ailhnu bramchltla hutmhw ssrw throat wboaataa con qalnay cbast and all throat lunj dimim ths beallnpantoonaii motive vlrl of tba norway plant ara combine tlh mctln with wild cherry oiliaf pntnral hsrtm and ralaa nmattat ru prlca ssc mail joe there is no doubt that thera aro par tioular moods of mind aapeola or feeling or of ufa that oan bo adequately ezproaaed only by particular kinds of music w knight belelf n si h the motion of a staamabip ou a calm sea is so smooth and steady ibat ona hardly realiaea the tremendous momentum ol the veasel under his feel a collision even after the ooiiinea have been slowed down ivo startling ravelatloo of tha energy of motion the time required to arrest tho motion of a ship and bring ii to a standstill oan be accurately determined by naloulatious those calculations havs been rscenhy mado for several well known ahlpa to atop the ktruri whoan dla plaoamant u ufltfti tum humapower itflll an i bmmii h iu knot a au hour two minutaa an 1 forty mlkeo arconili ara required and durttik lha prooesi of stopplug lha abip will forga ahead 2 404 feel or nearly oue half a mile thaunited hiataa orulsar lolumbia with a diaplaoement of 7 3a0 tona 17jul hire power and a speed of j rt kuuia osn be alophd in two minutes aud nflenii aroooda ind withlu a apaoa of j u fh i he cuahitih 11 h n whose dlailaccinonl la uuly 10m ulna bnd horss power 1 7i with a aead u n it knots distressing kiduey and bladder diseaaos relieved in sis hours by tbs great booth american kidney cure this new remedy ia a great surprise and delight on aooount of its exoeoding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder kidneys back aud every part of the urinary passages in la or female it relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im mediately if you want quick relief and oura tbia ia your remedy bold by j kaxmawin aoton tba obild uugbt to believe any occur anoa a good or evil omen or any day of tba week lucky halb a wide inroad made upon the son nd news of hia ondors zwaiu moofty bared and pjn reliovod by the loading household remedy dr thomas electric oh a small juantity of which usually aufuccs lo cure a oough heal a sore out bruise or sprain relieve lumbago rhenmatiam uearalgia excoriated nip plea or inflamed braaat what might bo dom what glorious deeds would tbey unite in their acorn uf mack j to u tit aflnowlttiro for uin hearf jive drfect relief iti all canca of organic or sympathetic heart dlauaim in t minulbh aud spec lily r too is a cure it ma ktorleas remedy fur palpitation hhortneaa of breath hmotiienni ripeli- lm in left aide and all ym homtof a i soaaed heart oue doe coiiviuc hold by j kanna til produi t from lto- ulug an 1 rentlesanrefc at night are sum symptom of worms in children do not fail to gm n iwttle of mother oraves unrm 1 term um tor it is an cflcclual nieduuuo ipulo a change for having no liberal mau should i of unsteadiness to snu changed ins opinion cicei hagyard s icrtoral ilalaain cures coughs culda asthma bronchitis and all throat id lung 1 rouble for twenty 8k years dunns bak powder thecooksbestfriend larqkst sale in canada ijot not any one say that ho cannot kovern hia passion locke ittokle and onsuinplive hprup stands at ihe liesi or the lidt for afl dlseaseh of i lie throat and lungs iolmaluufc up a buhl a cjugli oi auou anbdotti llkhluesa of the best rellrvetl vxhlcttns mr fllajifonaa oioo allows no algns of fun iftlin listener but aliiita ts ia eyes whnnjhn ol i man is talking lie fffol that hi ia hiing nllroshail by a intn in tha prinii ol life tliujlritisli crrtwp in ihatluatpot ota jfl pa sapplii a i m aids hoi in liter and gold wnlghs u tf iilnl troj in it i horn arn 1 ir2 llamnnilfi jtl f arts 17 ipi hire- and 1 1 iiiuirnlils nolwithslsnding her advanred aue iuih n viutoria a i ways ilrivrs oil in an- nptii oarriagn even wlmn thu wrntlior ia wit if coll licit alio im wrapped altout with im tiiiktithh rit and when it rains one of the illklilsnd servantssilltng bo hind tho rarriate holds su enormous um hrolla a ixl to hrr head iromp li tho king of ashantwt has ii 111 uiiia and oflers more human aacriflo on than any of hia prndrccaaora he site on a golden stool instead of a throne and si all public runotions wearn an old pug hat a loiirhiug alnfy of beocher a aympsthy and power is related hy a contemporary one huuday morning at the brooylyrrtab- ernaclo mr boecher told aliout a friond of his who hoi oillrd his attention in the peculiarly had cniw of a young girl who wa to bo sold that week but who having fal len into tho hands of a slave dealer less obdurate than some had obtained perm is aion to try lo collect from charitable souls hrr own purchase price that she might am tier liberty beocher s help had beerr implorril and he had brought the girl there that morning ho called her up to tbo platform aud said this girl will bo sold to marrow unless woaavo her to day her pticnrtlahnd sat down without another word the dotooua sprung op and beao to make a collection women who had no mouoy with thorn tore off their or name n la to place on tho plaice and two men walked up to tho platform and told preacher that whatever the collection might he thoy would guarantee the needed sum and the girl was free and then tha vaet congregation of i 000 people sunday morn ing ihoukh it waa ruao and cheered in gladuess of thanksgiving i oo a day im in ink a journal for advertisers hi it laal imuu ives an interesting sketch of j i pouera the advertising expert of new york whose fee for writing preparing and ioohium after advertising is 100 a day i von at thia prion he refuses hunnrods of orders a few years ago mr powers waa john wauamakor s advertising mansgor at a salary of 1000 a year hia employer allowing him tl00 000 a yoar for advertia philadelphia alone j a superior disinfectant the very beat dm in feet a ill and deodoriser nown copperas a double handful dls solved in a bucket of water and used to will drain pipes and rcceplaora of waste material will keep such plaoea above suspi clou tho water in pitch rv mid lower holders should bt changed r- ry day on attention to such sromnily trivial jetaila may ban a humaq life er to fail n the active principles several medioinsl herbs depended uou for all puli plaints vaoiunih tor infantsond children others do you know r ttsioman a druns godfreys oordlal many aooallad boothlna byrnps aod tnoat rotnaillos lor fhlliliaii ara eoanpaaad otonlusa or ansjiklaat ps yam hjaww that nisum and morphine are atnpnrytna narartlo isganwa t ctancurunurohwoy mim m no i ml it a st pa yem kwo r that in moat ouuntxfee dragxlsta are not perablttad u sail aatrcotlca vttbout label nig them pribrnns r pa t kasw that you should not permit any i1b to be gtessi your ddld wn yon or your physician know of what it is composed i pat yam kssw lhac csntoela 1 a purely- vegetable rsvpnrauew and that a ut of its ingredients ts published with orary botue i p yes kawrsr that catoria u thereacrtptkin of ttw farooas pr bsimwl wbcwt that it baa been in use fur nearly thirty rears and ibai more casuaia t now eeh taaa of all other ramodbar for cblktren comldood t pa yam ksaw that tbo iaisn 9fnca department of the uatlad btataa sad at other counuiee bare lasueil eabtarra rbrtit to dr ptteher and his aaaunm to uaa taw word s rh ii t iwt h i p rjf pa yarfrkjsisw una of the reasons for araaunf this ton hwoansn caatorta bad been nrovrm to be edbaolatskly auarvalawat pa yaw kwrw ibat 30 avanaia doses of cawtorla ai oe oeot a dose f runuaawd tar 85 pa taw ixsmvw that wfassi pnsseised of this pscfeet preparation tootcfaodrssi nay ba kept well and that you may have unbroken rest f t waj3 thaw taohlfa are worth kaoarbxa tbay am faata tha fwadmfla t tzffmgu i zes children cry for pltohara caaterla toooooooac look for this print in tho snow 11 li the jullcri i hie 1 ci of the oranby robber mcl overahoe tlie next time 5611 buy pur ol rubbers or m rrslioes b for cranhyi itnl look for tins inllcm nil the heel there u no neea lo lake 1 t rantij ttint li not the mme ahnpe your boot licnu they are iimhe lo fit erery hapc of alioe rubier that iloi not fit the hoot win draw the fool i nrav jtar r thin hjht elaatic and lit rfecuy they wefjf he nn iiiiiiinnaaiiaiwiiii iwoodehc dehcravino j 3t0 engraving half tones j l jones hoist to inrin success i be i ld a dialanca of 901 feet in 1h i bocouds in raob esse the voasel it auppoaad to be golug at full jhwd aud the aloppage produoad by revsrainr tha soli in of the profiler kattwag ttrvtfw manui oaouraphy the ur liver la 1 ime 1 he deepal orean is death the rckion hare no liviuu thing hath habitation la ualled yesterday the htxheat mouuuin is oallrd huooaas kdw reach tbs top save ihoss who watoh sharply for the paaalng of the spirit of tha mountain opportunity vho carries upward all thoea that saile bold upon him the greatest desert ia called lifa and it bath many oaaira tbeaa ara oat lad ilops an 4 aenbtion ixiva aud charily apd home and of them all boms ia lha rnftat tesautiful besides there are many others smaller in extent wbeuoe tha traveller ab- isiostb rsf rash man t during i be weary jour nay lhrouich life iravishuees may be considerad tba oau ker ut ills iba daa troys its vior aod obaoka us impruvemanl that creeps ao with hour- dsprshlatlou jd taints ftud niatsrw1llittaarilot donmma7oiiion every family should know that v vtgf rable j ilway time tabltt kspn mall 7 7ii i oolllgwott oil a n oolnnkaat 10 41 a it tlila hum fttl l a siiveinbi r tntb ihil only r il a a far id mam out n m iu ia p iii tile t il mouda skahoin lllilli tokaepoooatanllt ordinary alaes of nliik ibaub lo our many pat iberamup nrl in thapvsl you that w have entered sash doors etc and will also aupi ijr any apiclal aiara on natieaatoublpl filcet i framoof all kinds made lo order wealso kpep in alooh a 1 usee window and lloor caalng ci rucr ii lumber drrasril vt bile in i 60 jter il pumps italau better able tlian heretofore wo will aumily oltber wood or iron pumi t promptly all work duaranteed anlufactorr call and inspect before purebasln tnohebbage harjibcr 4con a holareh deitist 241 veena st tom onto rinlclaab 10 bet of toatb for 3 k i a 4 just- spend his four j 4- quarters for a bottle of j s burdock blood bitters as all s iblc people do be- jl caow it curts dyspcpsu can- sttplflontniotr s cst t ilctdtclc r it cd and all asl diseases of i si mach liver l kidneys l i blood from j a commr i i npk to the norst 2 ascroiul j-s- obr 1 iwvswl the perfect tea monsoon tea rwqm thg tga putwt to the tt cui im ito wativt puhity mcwunofi trattptknl indrrll- tlwtetiiwtiikli ajtrtrdru a untpli f that- qtuliof ind luv k out iuhhi thry bat duos but the trry trash leatea go intu mmmn packages tkjtuh monxmin ibaprrfcdtaacaats- iu at lbs turns pnic aa inlii lea 1 ml up in xalrd uddln of ih i lb and j lha intuu in thr tlitaxita al a juc bjtd 6dc il i u r uf irr tkut nol ixvp it tall him to a rtta i sthi ihutmru uawl tjfeaatsl lit t lo remedy iu tho ituvrkol ss of ila ureal worth scrofula any doctor will tell m that professor hare if rbon mt lollere 1 hiladelphia is one of tlie liikhest authorities in the world on the action of ruk- in his last work speaking of the treatment ot scrotula he says il llumir l alvcn in i luuihl he also thiifi ii i ilninl a iyt that the uypophophitut bhould be combined with the oil scotts emulsion of cod- hvvr oil with liypophot phites is precisely- tuch a preparation laut tu thu ttneral frrlliily uf the yatrm juinliie mi and ila impruvemeul haa from the ural discovery of tho url virtuoa of jolnino as a luminal sttout boon fine uf the moat thoroughly dlsouaard roiiirdica over otferod tu the publlu u ta one of llio groat lonioa and uatursl life iltn biiiuu lanta which tho mrdloat t rufrsaiuu have killed to recuulae and presorlbo messrs notthriip k lyman ol lorunti have given to tha proxratitu of tbrtr pure quinine w lie thu kreal uto dui tu its lmorlanoe and hie alaiiidard cionllojuo uf thoarlfblo whlub lliey ollr iu the pubflo ooinos uilo that market nurtfed uf all thn defeula whlall akllful nbaurvbtiuji atid salon title nnioioa ban polntuu oul in leaa orfet hoar i ho long as teople will eralal il this method tho beat tluiiti thy can do is lo koep a rcmelt liku i iaa ure ftir tho heart oloso by i hia remody is a heart remedy only but la almost miraiu iu its cffeclb iu all ossea of urifauia in alli alto heart dlseaau relief ia aeeur wl wilhin thirty uiiuqtes mil ihcru aru scores and hundred of ie la lu canada jftho testify that tvd it mil boeu for lbo prompt iaa of thia medl lue tin y would ucravrattoms uf the a am dahu j n boann tlwdf gritia loda bowby f l il j kanuawli t fir the lountr printing ohice i the irouty it c light in conbtruction luumng rctdily uiidrstud iu all its prts and does supermr work tho i at t lhat every proas la paid for in oaah aoablaa tils manufatoturara to eel ha proutjt at very low priosa tbora am no loaaaa you oan arrajuijatq hava freight and duty prapald aud save all bother of importation eta stiid at once foi catalogues aiul prut h p hqore acton ont sole ag for canada or it walker co manufacturers hadlson wis 0vt jnto uib r ivt rfm llaadlank wriu in munm cu mi u umii naw v aa ount lraau fur anilrlaa palfat la anrrlra kry jak nt lltn wl i r u i bnaiahl brim um uuluu by a uutlaa alma n of uiania iu um scientific ractian i mar rintinn ttaprr n iti wurld h4aiulkllr llluxratod n lui iiuipiii sm attouu tx without it wtwklrt yaari fuoala nvmlha whkmuvt lu 1vauajluo a i tuxumtwa hiw v ark uu catarrh r aims5p jtllvil fclxs2jbxjlbglltibf rfe iijijiu t

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