Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 5, 1896, p. 2

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onammmv8 niwoi i i a luikiiur tobn school dill opfln tho do- f batft of tho boanlpri uabbtm remedial bill debate a c nf tho mnnl- chairman tho hlnht o spook qf make ft mptlon coneiflnrablo epectihcllntl hee arisen lnr laal laano ot lh rnrr 1urjt on ttio iuee lion of the rittliu ami privllogti of a pra ii aiding olhcer a multim by rhairmu nf o ii 10 it in btortibl l jafommillee r cununitloo nf llin whole pfim rm by itev ymn u lummnl up in ttio procrrlina wbilo in soiuu l ao unusual that puhlia iuty oeuaher olur rdvmdcont ot an afternoon and iho flvetila upon wtiich men ol oipernmee slimit invariably uher uciaiimttixakikiat tt a home o um the lortunee nf canada hen ft wctp outlined acterue audi a motion violation of the lrt alivssttsasssfinlsei in h hh wa formerly launched rule ot procedure nm rally fnhaad iinhur l not aince the esaulng deya early in an ecemp liowcter upon the trry best eul uery hei there betfu such a crowd in ill ballerioe a wee i resent when hir charlee topper rota lo move tha second reading ot 111 ilcrnedial hill ilia eloquent epeoch n mainly historical lilt argument wm lhal confederation haa proved a great sue oeeh it would never hato been eterlod had not blr a trofch luanriod a clanee lir lha h j j constitution protecting did right of mln lu lf orlttte in mature of education and there fore wo ought in aeoure similar rirhla to ttia minority in manitoh in i u mhiai ii e cbelrt su 01 ii o coiinillteo n liaatha riulll tc ohio u l tlr is v ft rt y w 1 piir ffir js t w3i u y fcn b km l tin at itaehwamt on frl u valiraar shtli htvtd htiullu 1 u join and 1 day nilr ha italjwrt itoyu dd in hit llat ytt if lit cnwnw al 1 inixhoum on thursday wut cotiruary tlm widow ot uin lartj tlanry cra acmi liower mprin uir vrry lwt auilior it thai a m ttfon hy n chairman 1 terfoct ly lnl a llirt inn it of lr hoiirinnl oldrk nl tho tlouao of sunirruma u forth tn tho following letior ffnm i linftiraoii t mni i ilf lcblltt mltus itl 1 to r llio d i l rffci irlll umr rnian tl t- tm ii aucti matt reasltiml iho na of ul fool nrt anklo mil llmnrtit io waa nt ournd an 1 itiacunlli nod tticlr oo r i innfl hkl lm bo tyi aaflirer howavar thai tt ai tmwitnlo lot him to twoomn rnnvnlnaennt lit no ahnrt tkmo an uti i u ol lha krlji anniu brnarht nn tl a male but lint hy ajiji indana ao lariunit rim riy mr hthw 1 fast rfitnitilnil lit rmor licp m d fi1 oortaln that tho i nk lmila wlt calrmlh ato all tracoa ot diaflana 4 nt h- hn tef la ao urattdo i tur wrjm tbu jiuu havo ilfino for him that h rtully avi llrt llifnr rrvalioi lo tho llrt ire for ilbliant tho hnpo hi at i n 1 sporlonnr ntny hn ixjncdt to aomn ol r aufl tor or william i nk pill- olrllio at tltn toot nf iho diarn biwinu it from tli torn and reatorintt ho pallent lo i onllh trmilh in ob of prali trouurtt i uti molt nlia lilt umehouau if mr lyrn konnly ba lgft ouaph ud roniovfd tn ijirftohailio to hlafftuinra juilo a hnintwr of itoya and nltja have had urcat uport mlnltth riilinfl dutinn lat al audot 0 titthnmrnmiduito wtldhaa h i n n ifilltittd to hla lw i i roorsvorltlr nilor c iraa hharp haa bnon nry hi tho i ui u w wm ua ho la imjirovinn and tho t ulad to od tilin otit otioo rhrirp attit a i itiit porlnd t f auftorlhtf mra 11 huw dio i on tho jutlt nlt ri10 waa 11 1 uti 11110j by all tho nonplo lcro m u a p bvmof 1 srsre- cl tin lliy aro l j bv 6ornrk nr brokoii down tty mr lurirrfollowoil in ibniluni 1 ma which ii deourrd tho eflnrt of hl ilia in i u tl riiain in nt 11 u iho way or a bid for popular inpnorl tho i blnit a imwlhir l thn 1 1 uuclt haa tlio rlnll lo i n mnttcly onv ulahrrta with it uhi rlril touak a ub in llk i ill n l comments d bid lor popu m apd mov o jlwak uloti carrloa wtiu it lito nn motion wliful iu tho olialr unlnta tln ntli uur and moved tno aim moiu- iv i ol ilia rf ulicil ftrntilltll i1i1 1 iroiu au rl idk i ilia bid lor i ha anppnrt ol ontario i wtmn clllc4 u d ulb coull the conviction i laat raitiu iiidcrlin that qroat brltaina hoatlla nititoda to gomtany mini be conaiderod a polulcal factor nf permanenoa abd that thafriandly antaule botwoon garmany rnaala and hoi it ilia uiu and tho troteslapt voto will wo imagine add to hi atrnrlh in tho oountry ind hla bold nato of defiance tu rrpw to iho throat of lha hierarchy will help to make ot mm a popular bora all over iho ooantry oven in hi own province 1i t t loo 1 thatr uormany factor ol permanenoa abd thai tha irianniy mk 01 n nteule botwoon garmany iluaala and my owo pro w frwcimurtbomadaalealor oformany a i tho ourictta uwrbowrd lie look hi forolun polio ohanoo ot holdna hla trlnda in quebco tho annaal rport ot tho dominion do tt m p0 pp- ho aup- lrimrnt of kiahorto waa uid on vha tabla p o oolaylo and tho wwl of tha hcmao o commona laat work it waa thon that ur uaanor would tho total eapendlturo tor all iho nthorioa lhe re raov ll it voar waa foor hun known propoal of a commiaaion ot in ttni tie canto oat atraight and mci b total eapondiluro tur mc durinu tho loat year waa foot hun drat atid twntj ihqnaand dollar and lha revenue nlnrty five lhodand doll at a tha v urnpoan praaa pretty enerallv o preaac the opinion thai if preaidaul cleve land ulvta ckpreaaion lo the sonata raooln lion in faor of nsooimiaioklhe hollmorenoy omhac tlbajli ntcn ta il will lead to ilrmi avqpattrtrtoo wnb- ol l it wm aerioua oomplioationa aapattttirtao bnb- plrited loknucklo down lo ibo dictation ot iho i nlled buua fifthly two thouaand aini hondrod and iblruen dollara i in rvply to mr caaey tho hon finance mialaler luud id par itamenl tha other day the prohibition n hd ooai iba oonnty thla largo aom jnat think of hi 48313 lor a roaming commiaaion to myall y publlo opinion reapectrafi ao important quaation aitectins the body politic and tht too in the faob of an noroaainfl publlo debt lion mr ooaohen preaentad tha naval eatimalte in iho imperial parliament on monday the government propoaea to build nw dooka at oibraltar and lo add to tbe navy five betlleehlpa like the improved jriiwra oar flratflla oraiaara throe aeoondolaaa oraiaara i tbirdolaaa oruia or end 3h torpedo boat doatrotora tbe total eotimatoa were til 833 000 as agaiuat 11 h 701 000 laat year and it was arraouooad thai the oxchoqqar waa able to bear tba inoreaecd burdtan thi montreal board of trade cqqdqii havo adopted the following reeolotiod to be ao broil tod to tba mioielerotplaanoa that tbe council of the montreal board ta trade hawing taken oogniaenoa ot the bill no h entitled an aot reepeoung inlereat now before the federal ierlie mrnt hereby expreaaea lla opiniou ihel tho rduolion ot ui rate of legal internet balow ft par oaut would be very mjunoua to l iateraat of the trade ol tbe doralr evade the real ikud known proposal ot a commiaaion ot in miry but he camo ool straight and member a i ceeduro will be ferd one way or the other on tho direct taiuo lotting them glvo what roatona they can for their course the qoeailou will now be debated lor a week or more aa to lie second reading and if it over paaaea that stage il will go into oomm it toe where it will be talked out l mrtwli uie cualnnan ir m ir 1 loi t ititnk an too ruins urolilblt llianlatrfr in ajioakltia or mox ura u il i haxi m- a careful examination nl lhe twenty eight rulee of order in neo ly acton municipal council ahowa that no prohibition is placed njpon the chairman if a committee an aug geatril in dr bouriuot atalemetil 01111 cillor matthewa moll in though evitenil maile ina lvertentl ta no use pionily tn ao cord nee with well mined rules of pro molt i no wltli cod liver oi and hynophcephltoa fov consump- lon colda nnd bronchial a no obcotiona can ho urgol attalnnl the 1 generally nouiowndgl remedial proper line i ltl 1 ot pure r mi liver oil beyond lt tendency to npam tho atnmach and impir tho appetite i rtiiiintrly even ill diavbaok la over n nt the 1 rcjnratknn maltlno and cod h11 willi tinphnpliiun tho oil vi j rr 1 alatatlje and ol eeay dilation tho r 11 apputtleij irrij roved an i the itypoplio m i mphilea aro ol ureal mirvifo in pulnionarv worry aftoclmtia and in wanilnudlioaaeahonerwlle cl malllnr too is uniiiur not only tor iii auilti mail hmi 1 1 m elur but by reaa 11 ol ilaoncrget ritcu up 11 titer chy looda throwing cirrulatlott a largely augmented aopply iwsilablo lor lha replacement il ac hi a trtnl will convince ot f fhcry ismooo waited 1 waliaveotniim in tin ncoord i lllmk a lull i una of- w tim and oilahttx vfaiui bilvktlwaiill patkht ukdlointb w for vtieotaewea j a p symoi fttto bbertinwni if h uoeui in two months time to enable us t6 pay spot cash for spring and summer tgooda thatb the way wc save our customers dollars upon dol- i we do an uftodatc business cksh or prodvce ri t t j 1 j v tiravlno aol1 out 10 t c moore a ho lnat s the way wc do business and people are realizing at rqaet aetuemaut ot atraoeoonu 1 s r r later than joui uareh 1hu6 parties bonoa 1 more and mnrc tint it lb the proper and best wav for everv- nolc vi m j j altar abova date will be lalt with it j uol 1 uoqv tor oollaetloo 1 3 a i i1bur1hr1 a rr uiu um- dy 30 ocxdooto go for 1500000 th clr lo hamilton conf the febwtjxtnrttxaal th r roll foi rmr ion the budget speech in the ontario lrg uleturo abowad that during the peat year lltere had been st3 fewer liquor hoooeea iaseed than five yaara ago a deoreaaa ol ten per cent and tha treaaarer axpreaaod the opinion that it tbie faluoit off continued and the indication were thai it would the many and aerioua difflooltiee connected wtlh tho liquor trafno would in a law yeare to a great extent aolva themaalvee there waa a rralifyioghint in ibeeeme direction in tbe uadftat epeech of mr foe let the react ton agaiuat the drinking habile of the peat haa eel in with great force on friday last the usual monthly exam inationa were held at the 1ubliq hohool ith reeolt a aa follow i clan v maggie wajtaoe tls maggie claaa iv sen lena holmea wt5 john moore 300 edwin rraoctaand wm arnold 250 claaa iv jun delay niekltn i75 clare cobban 50 tom llooderaon 2t class iu boa hva perrvman iu ediihnioklln u bertie speight i marka poamible 500 t t mooaa teacher hkcoan nar am kxt benlora minnie arihara ilarry lfoveya and ilabina wallace wfi john arthura j16 mabel moore and bdilh warwick jot marka poaaible hm inlerme4iateabltia mcdonald i jo alfred qardiner iwi ueorge her ira qeorge oram and laura 1 letch 1h3 marka poaaible 29 6 mcpiimin teacher tinai icriatiiat benior claee ida laird b tbsj mills anna oram and orvllle millar ittt junior uaatminnle mopbereon uj lena colltna 140 lyle qnodell 13 part 11 claaa mrtle matthew ihl maud chambera 1h3 alice ueaoobv 175 marka poaaible wm in e ptijiy teacher rot xtii iinranivt beu i lass part 11 floeete murray 1u0 hna peareon i ho kttte matthewa 1h0 lot claaa part 11 willie proul ittl john purvia 17j mary mills it jun claa part ii daniel lulchie 103 myrtle cook lox 1oaala werwtck 1hh beu ulaea lart i ida folater 1b7 laura moore and llwto perry mau lrt5 myrueboper 1h0 marka poaaible 00 m l nilhui teacher total pnpila on reguier yj1 aggregate attendance afrn average lari t 1 miwat drat coneiiuon f the 1 pvrorth ioaguea wil inn the liounda ol hamiltou ouferenci held at berlin laat a markotl aucneaa throiittbout juuu waa llttong at i llto tbroe uvcitiug meetinita foulil its btnrrch- nrnroitrii hi every part many eloqneul adilreieo wtro delivered uumeroua helpful ppcra were toad number of profitable discuamoua were en gaged in with vim ani a aerioi of depart mental rallies wore engaged in with much interest and prufu tho devotional aide ol iho convention we ot the mo it spiritual character the eloquent and inninng addreaa ot tlov dr hleel nf naabville tcnn n heroes ot melhodltni was tl e ireat evrnl ol tbe convent lot llev s scltcry ill i real inn presided with grace aud ability 1 ho election ot officers lor the coming year resulted ai follow hon prre kev wm hot hew el i iuu president hev eorkb v kerb b a bt catl arinca flrat vice preaiil thomas morfln juu hamilton eeooud vice pros i do ill mih annie turater 1 al meraion third mfvkte acton ii h douall b a i filth vioe president mine uartau kelly hamilton aoretary llev h i marsh all it a b d waahiugton treaaurur miaa ada i leaadir alkerton con term on reprreentativo m the v pwurth league buare uv h hellury it 1 ouelph wl1us ihcd to clear out weeks many hnts i u r barfiims in i lines dress goods ortbl hnc rldu rtltiioul ts anc shoes week we d w e q r rvry st c irls bhocs s 1 set h shocs7 next two look for uadb olothino 4 iiir rnirrn wmot mm sjmssffii notice so raw is2s 6 in ol lfiil in for uall you ceo r oarpitb and oh olotb boots mto bhobb 1slsgizzi d nm 1 in helton county eieept al uoou at bbooa u m j- walkfh mollbah t co dated at utltan ibia i0lb jaouary woe abli t lent ol now drew goods at this wle a m j sjihi ut i wbathar you buy tlisui or bmleltor lor api llcanta i co and the 1 not why go to toronto fov toode wbea you eata tat i lust aa ood from walker uelteaa a on tor leas i rwi too know good talks thai every i r docket a i s t 1 ufies bee l idles 1inc shots 1 ine shot i cr pair i lt piir i 2oper pair wby go to totoouj im and tuem h j m gcog ltpttl walker uellean a qo foe i- i money do too know good folks that every tatlor1nq dkpabtukmt time you go to toronto you are oat of pocket a tlte ol stormy weather we are busy tu this tew dollara uao are laarntnii wbere they l roartosental uufea 7d per pair bcl wanted mllllnorv and dres ihky lont reauthi8 loaalng everyone tbai bhq in oonalderauon of uis bard times we base decided to reduce our tockef building malaria to tbe lowaat possible margin olpront ploovitu bbeatblng door and window pramee llould lnga caaiuva- ale tor one moatb etbina door ana cesfogs e tor one moatb we give vou a special prloe tor doors and bash for apot cash llemamucr it will not be repeated after april 1st tift then we will etve yeu an a i dooh s 1 1 10 in x ft it id in by 11 ineb tbtek ti oo both aides solid mould tor the a otber sitae in proportion hull of sheetings cotton ana skmlsbswe the place to stop is at gssvajsss5 gs tu mouse lafiriaias the mkmmoth hou lssjs t hev eotkb w rieruj arlttca ftral vice preeident f a uu lumttton eeooud va o iii i o at mish annie torster 1 al i zilij t c moore st son i 11 a 11 1 ouurtun 1 k11 1 ok- nlfabt setts tho cti a c c c c1- oolph oultou b i th ajimbeir ot i u an effort to haw a numbor or llcamaem cot off the annual meet log ot lha llelloo pro i i billon aaeociatlon waa held 4fi tbi boyad templars hall milton tbe alien duice waa smaller than usual no politi cl action waa taken other than inatrua lions to the hiecntive committee lo call a n noting when the party candidates are e field a deputation waa a board of lioanas oommlseioocra wltt a vie ol having some of lha hotel licensee out oft a resolution waa paaaed endorelug lha principle of having two members ot tba board ol license coromiaeionera named by the county prohibition organisation tbe tollowiug ofuoere were elected ureeidenl dr uoberlaon vine pre d hartley iweiarv ft- hawaii hjlhridn freaaurer geo wooding milton r xecu live committee john harris c i 1rew ton b wbiu b dioa and jobneon har riaon along with the ofnoara ah tamparanoe aocletiea in the oouoty were aaanaeal tl each lo pay for the run ning expenaea of the aaaooiation the next annual meeting will be bold oi the third tueeday lo i n tha pmonowr farm and tho ww- koon county tn rainy hlver dlatrlot we have uat received an attractive little pamphlet from hon john dryden the ontario minister ta agriculture entitled tba pioneer run and the webiuooi country ilaluy river district tba attention ol tbe department having i- h called o this bltberlo anaet moniiiig abuu u u 4 lock fire biolce out iu the chem departmout ol the ooleria agnculti college 1 he bull hug waa com pi del gutted loa 10 001 lhe loss on lb chemical laboratory t uildlug resoliui 7 hou and tho apparatus lualroyrd was valued at 1 mm the i artiall l vared by insurance how a home was l0st thb bitter exptrlencfe of mr elwood br of simcoe attacked with nuuralula of thn limbs hu baoarnu hulplema and tiuftnrud intoneo agony bpent hte homo in dooiortnjt with bpuolallutu without avail dr wllllama pink ptlla come lo the neacub whan other manna had fallod rrotii urn tilluc w kelt n nt the many virtues ol dr williams i ml pills for pale 1 eoplo have ao olieii lieoi publlahed 10 hie oolumue ol this papei that ihey aro widel y kuowu u tbe real letila pt norfolk unly an 1 it la aa widely run ceded lliat they lias brought j it lo mur than one household an 1 their merlin sr apoken ol unly in words ol praiae 1 i th inalance lhe laots are brought directly home to uie reside ills ol hi moo a gentl cnan wliu la glad u tnatily to tho nenertt be tie reonivrd iroiu tba use ol tlmau pill being a real lent u l town mr win 1- iwood at a reeideul ol kimouu t i bout two years and lor years a resident ot tori 1- rie a carpenter by trade n i iu 1 id his praise ot lite uonaqla be derived irom llie 4assvnll4jlijllr- an interview with mr 1 iwood th 1 ok- broaulaet setts dinner setts tea setts chamber satlb pitchers cups and saucers plates platters c tea setts butter dishoa cheese dishes lamps vc odd pieces theyre nice cheaper than usual too call and we them ckoc 1 kh c olues oilnu d i s dius eti canntd c inn kit lntt 1iuiu tied rwgioa mt dryden dolor mined eetebliab there what be termed a pioneer i arm to demonairalo in a practical man nor tba country a agricultural capabilities tba experiment ao tar baa been very mo oaaaful aud tbla pamphlet giving general information regarding the eooliun wbioh a now open lor eetttwmeul ta the result it la illustrated and con lain a a map ol lhe dielrtca ibu lutorroatiun will be vary opportune in view ol tbe tnoreaeing demand at tbe present lime tot cheep land especially mi tba part ot young anen ol email capital the lrubb aooa ot tarmere wbo desire to aeoure fauna 1 wnohfcl limo and home ol their own bach should by bu uii x bo u all maadalnvealigatatla wabigoon oountry i and otber uoeetlted portions ot outarto belora turning tbair attention elaewbere ontario still haa va4l reeoorooe at her ootnmand a heritage intended for her rn people end preeeuie advaiitagee by any pro i one or by any toreigu wuriuic a oopy i i icu 1 u i itaiiiullu i a hdiumcrinji ill round us volley and th indei lmbter pat it ind putty hy while the gasmen d id to light us on to victor beseiged by commercial men offering ui pluudi assailed for situations by people without number calmly wc progress through the din and dust obstacles vanish when wc say they must ouhscd to ihlb vim l o ihtulii l j- 1 hlo week wc hope to otluo the fit opening up new tkds come in and set d antagt ol the man hues wc arc oflci du we i cake educed wall papof room mouldlna picture frames cornice polee artlsta materials etc at lowest prices go direct to waters bhos4 mu oobij 7 ilia gewimtawfold l lulit vears xa be that about eight y b ulotwlod ualarrh ol lb ihmat and wa obl t i luu tvuita of st modcuil vvt ik t h i lis lppl 11 lhegrcttist men h iiuhiin cioods stlhng al llu i ttt ol uus ind dollars woith two strt 1 1 cars ill slop it llu lie last v frank oovvler cublfit and impirroeuiwt mccollum wilt prrpaieaa on ui o clock ixuaj chappel l akin may be aaj wid tetn of lug aodpawjlng dbmtal or ibauratfltore lewtb a aoaaialiyj a alateybarw d uey tuawday a dr laugbllui andl auooeaaf ul batar4ay tm t log injech w uoertngfrom froa tba koiparor of irluo and prlnoai 1 jebirabarg in uj tie wbioh u to towardt lb and of lornb u nlxorn bcbool t- g the honor roll ol tlendanoe lo nra in m1 thk e t mi havo been wrtlteu on ii itiu abort y after be v taken ill dekeluped lulu uouialgia of tbe luwer limbs fri in wliiob lie uttered lorrtbte agony during 1 i i ng illneaalbe serviooe ol apnueliata in im hi i r to and budalo well aa it muiu1 ltyliwni both i all gibson mil no old stock 1 ci i yi5srs ii uj wl l btl t look will rinb hiqb ciabb ailob qanllsuien do you pur thk editoba fbrur iu 4 ill rf 7 i n o mouwl h7 1 al d o hi m 1111 bn r u03 m h4 i w- bu iri tl jkhsia mli rotkbly 1 r 1 w i ho rty uol ln 11- j di iiro- i iluxhut u 7 ju i- ui00i0 hi v i ud- f m u i- this view bhows ih sleigh loads of tllorlh famous seeds with a reputation of supremacy 1 hat is world wide i mdt ma bal did bo t ua tlit ht ii i j n l wrltera i w vm u 1 hob- i llb1 l o bo ii bltchmou- pl lo lb tor ol il i i m lrl old 11 xyo lndlio drilgblful frirm tiouaoourlialntny 1 a h iady bnlth umm ld monday ill lerd jrar in i l u humo without time mr 1 iwuihi waa puns a l hi home but ait loug was he 111 thst lm apei iu ii not patrm all bta properly in the hoie ol renalnli ant otunbar oolllvatiug hw bub lntt tail mr linwi con that tor february d m taking pink pula and aliortly efier vli4urw poania ba organ to feel an improvemonl hi n ho mutlnuod lu use the lillx had taken thlrtten boaee when hu lo give you uie boa i- qknta rttilkibhlh the tatoet stvlsa iu hu- nsek lloaleryulovaa i udurweei tc hu llli list- lb lalost u hard 1 kelt uau tu lb ljli i- ualisli i sl-1- tuu will lw tlu ilaa f j luslu-i- v irlbuiu v swell special uul hthioti 1 1 vlhill z i jkiai 1 1 uuln 1 1 ihmu ihiv wl w korin u1uson ullta i ilo block u a ooiui dud il pl s1 ii iliv li f or i r- i i ffcoio i toronto jukot style meohani8m h a irozlek tobonto ont j jackson a t r aftoee tea yoot raaijjau j shirt i coilere cut bic l work oallad for 1 khardit w d i and bftaard ttr rsc3

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