Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 5, 1896, p. 3

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v r ai wxmnun la kuunwotii on thursday february soui tli wife or william alsaariilar of a duulr wliajiun hanfnon in toronto ai day fhrury w lljriljn it uoorni john i ttfilon of trtlar in hsndorson nf toronto uednas a wnbner ustrw pnottn conn at the reildnnca at ithriirl tern rniiu ill i loll on tuesday fab vi by if i a mllfllmll win j 1 rood of trafalgar to i ury daughter of llr kdward com ij i auoiil in axikh at the homo of the i rldna irnta on wodfiawday mill february i y iter tlio amy malann mai aimlillit ron of ii htilualiun im inuary iu ishter of ii lrt aklna kari all of nf nmn larjawnya -a- km i n at hook wood nn prhay palirnary emit david hliultla aged year and i daya jlovira hramplon on thnraday february tfj hi ltev lloliert lloyle di in tlia tlat yr ciiawmiaw at um house on tliurwlay vtli knbruary tbn widow of urn latu henry craw aliaw afiad oft years 7 m out ha drmmy a ifta lioma near orangerihe on tuoaday art ueroli thome danny aon of tba lata it abort danny acton aad o year ffiljc ctoir jfm ras thursday manoh 5 ibofl notes and comments tlio con v jot ion ia tut jrowirik in berlin that oromt britain a hoatile sltltnri to qermiuy muil be considered political factor of permsneno and that the friendly entente bet wean germany ruaal france meal be made a featarroraerraany a foreiun polio y ttie anno report of the dominion da iwrtmenl of flsheriea waa laid on the labia of tho house of common last ttie total e pen it or for all the flaherfee eertice ilurinu the lal year waa four hop dreci and iwentj thoatand dollara and lha revenue ninety five thousand dollar the european preaa pretly gonsrall ex preset the opinion thai if ireaidenl clave land itlvea expression lo the senate reeolo tion in favor of roootmixiug the belliiterenoy of the caban lnanrtfnta it will lead to aoriona oomplicatione aa spain ia too tiih apirlted to knuckle down lo the dictation of the united btaua light two thooaand eight hundred thirteen dollara i in reply to mr ca tbe hon finanoa minister elated in 1 lament the other day the prohibition commlaaion had coat the ooonly thia urge aom j uit think of it t 811813 for roaming commission to myatify pnblii opinion respecting an important qn nation ail acting the body polilio and thia too in the faos of an increasing public debt remedia bill debate tha booond nandlnp of tho mani toba school dill opona tho de bate of iho suasion lauiniinb s mo holst ottaw march 4 yesterday wnnno of ho tnanl notablo whioti lha larliamtftla ofcuoad liaa aeon the lnlorol of six year waa atimmrd up in tho proceodtnir wf an afwnooti and tho ovantaapou whlcli ho lortunea nf canada hang worn outlined rn ihe policy which wai formerlylaunchrd not alnoe thn oiolllnfi flaya oarty in jan uary ha thora been anch a ornwd in iiiq oallerih an wai protont when hlr cliarli tapper rots lo move the aeoand reading ot tho itaroedlal hill ilia eloquent apwwh waa mainly historical ilia rjomont waa thai coufcdtrationha prood a rrtat bud oeaii rt would never hae been ataflod had not hir a t jail liiaortod a olaaao in th conalltulion prdlecling the right of mln nritira in rrialtera of edncatfju and thore fore wo qiijtbt to aeoliro aimllar rnjhti ic tlio minority in manitobi mr laurirr followed in a brilliant apueoli which l lieoumd tlio aflnrt of hi lira the wy of a hid for popular aopport tho world aaya he oarae iaaroly out againa the moaaurn and moved tho tin montha hoiat ifia bid for ihe anpport of ontario and the prolcalanl vota will we imagi add lo hie alrength in the country ind hia bold nolo ot douanoo in reply to tho threat of lha hierarchy will help to make of him a popular hero all over the oounlry oven in hi own province he threw tbe olerieala overboard ha look hia ahanos of holding hia frienda in quabeo and he made a powerful ppal for the aup- port of ontario and the weat it waa thooght hal mr laurler would evade the real ietun and move hia well known propoial of a commiastonof inquiry but he came out atraiitht anil membera will be faced one way or the other ou ihe direct laaue lotting them give what roaaona they can for their courae the cfueation will now be debated for a week or more aa to ila aeoand reading if it ever paaaeethat at age it will go oommtuoe where it will be talked out lion mr qoachen preaeoted the naval eatimatea in the imperial parliament on monday tbe government propose to build new dooka at gibraltar and to add lo tbe navy five battleahipa like tbe improved htmotfa four flratolaae craiaera three aeoondalaaa oroiasra aix third olaaa cru la- em and 21 torpedo boat dee troy era tbe total eatimatea were 21 833 000 aa againat ilb 701 000 laal year and u waaaonoanoad that tbe excheqoer waa able lo bear tba inereaerd burden 1 hi montreal board of trade council have adopted tba following reaololtou to be an omitted to tbe min later of finaooe that tbe council of tba moot real board of trad having taken oogninno of tbe hill no 8 entitled an act respecting interval now before the federal parlia ment hereby expreeace it opinion that tba reduolion of the rate of legal interest below 8 percent would be very injnrioua to tbe beat interest of tbe trade of lb domin the budget apeeoh in ihe ontario leg ialalure showed that during the past year there bad been s79 fewer liquor lioansee lasaod than five years ago a decrease of ten per oent and the treasurer as pressed lha opinion that if tbia falling off continued and tba iudioationa were that it would the many sud serious difflonltiea connected with the liijaar traffic would in a few yeara to a great extent solve tbemeelvee thar was a aralltyrnj1iat in thrum direction in tbe badge apeeob of mr foeler the reaction againat ihe drinking habits of the peat baa aet in with great force halton prohibitionists an effort tol have number of license cut off tbe annual meeting of the elation pro lubition association waa bald in the royal templars hall milton theatun ilkoce waa smaller than uaual no pot hi oil action wa lakeo otbar than in at ma liana lo the kxeoutlve committee to call a meeting when tho party candidates are in the field a deputation waa appointed lo meet tbe board of lloenea oaromiaaionera with a view at having some ol tbe hotel licenses out off a resolution waa paaeed endorsing the jirinoiplo of having two membera of tbe board of liceoae commissioner named by the county prohibition organisation the following ofnoera were elected preaidont dr robertson vloeprea d hartley heoretarv a newell kilbride treasurer geo wooding milton klacu live committee j abn harris c p pre top r while b dice and johnson her litheonloeie all temperanoe social tea in the county were eaaeesed 91 each lo pay for the run iilng eapenaea of the aasooistlon the neat annnal tmhing will be held oo the third tuesday in deoember lornb the honor mlljtf lamm flflhuol il jtlh balow olon to irrekular altendaaoe oatieed by the stormy weather several pupils have been present at only two of tbe three oianiioaiiona held ou tbia acoouul- ihe proentagae ohtsined to the snbji written on have ihmii made oat and tbe f lb wlnu rctiurl aitbinltteal a a v ahoo ilrown m7 mioagam i 7i- tla iv kilmt fimpvttiri 71t- rl iii sen huo uolhiiiald an i hicir i in i h7 t ah rlnytlar i lrlle gonblf h4 i lo j ii nakli llrowi ii j- 1 in i h- klwiiimr u0- harry luld j mcl naid h4 caall will byrter hi willi roil 711 1 prt ll tus ullle ureaumt mo j ltlo mruonall bojl jmmk mliuu rrhar the february examinations the public school honor roll for the paat month on friday last the uaual monthly ex inaliona were held at the public school with results as follow- near i i xmurxr clare v maggie wallace 15 maggie laird 233 cordon henderson ill clasa iv ben lena holme hm john moore 200 ldwln francis and win arnold 350 class iv jun daisy nicklin j76 clara cobban iso turn hendorson uh class iii ben eva perry man j50 ediih nioktin j46 bertie bpelsbt ilfi marka poeaible 800 t t mooax teaoher ueconu ukrartmkkt senlora minnie a rib are harry loveyi and robin wallace 330 john arthnra 21s mabel moore and bdith warwick 307 fmrkm poeaible iao intarmediato lttie mo don aid 1j5 alfred gardiner 1hu ooorue charlea oeorge oram and laura pletoh 1h1 marks poeaible 2u6 c mcputil teaoher tiiinii uwatumt bentor clan ids laird pthet milt anna oram and orvule millar im junior claaa minnie mcpherson hi lena colli n a ho lyl qnodell 131 part ji class myrtle malthewa 1h1 mand chambers 1h0 alice boaooby 175 marka possible 300 in b panaauok traeher beu class part ii flossie murray 110 bo pearson lbo ktlie malthewa 180 lnl claaa part ii willie proul 1h1 john purvia 17j mary mills 177 jun claaa part ii daniel ritchie 1118 myrtle cook iu3 r loeeie warwick 1h8 beu class part 1 id roister 187 laursrmoore and blwin perryman 185 myrtle boper 180 mark poeaible 300 m b naumiv teaoher total popila on rrgiater ril ajrgregate attendance 3032 average 108 t 1 mnoui ontario for untarias the pioneer farm and the wabl- iroon county in rainy river district we bave juat received an attractive little pamphlet from hon john drydan the ontario mioiater of agriculture entitled tbe pioneer rsrm and tbe wabbfoon conn try rainy river li strict tba attention of the department having recently been called to tbi hitherto unset tied region mr bryden determined lo eelabliab there wbat b termed pioneer n lo demonatrat in a practical man per t ooontry a agricultural oapabuie tbe experiment so far baa boeu very iuo ifol and thia pamphlet giviug general information regarding the section which la now opn for settlement ia the result il la illuatratad and oontaina a map of the dialriol this information will be very opportune lew iff the i u areas i tig dam mil l the a ubwitchinqumile luceim an sddnt glory if it encircles rlv wbilen core of the path teeth it imp y nrvlecled often to the nirru i thlr l4wv or deelruo tlou bv use t feuaiueleallimi leutifnoa ivorioe drllghtlul rsfresbjng impart pearly wbiuuea- lu the trelh prsveou deoay ui flrmnes to tbe gutne and a delightful rrsarsoo to lady 8niil wife of pr prank hr fled moudy i lilh riru krvrtairiauu bineiny m the part of ynungmen of small capital lha one of farmera wbo deelre to secure farms and home of their owu bach ahonld by all mesne investigate tbe wabiguon ooontry and other unsettled portions of ontario before turning beir alien ion elsewhere ontario atill has vaat rveoomoa at ber c tisiilaja jn tended for her own people and presents advantages tin surpassed by any province or by auy ocoigji tboee desirous of eoouriuii a oopy of the pamphlet should address a pard lo ihe department of agriculture toronto the editor s table maey a midt mlia f r february la remarkably itkd llnilxr he ar idle are on pro i u top and are artinir ably lllubtr ird h 1 l m lha llrltlh nv ri i lay verm 1 and lh veneauc kiib ihe ai 11 ii the lenvii rill be itt more lhali paaniuw hitereel 1 ivy r brlnfu 1 of iufotmatlun glvan in sure alive lurm lu sddltiou to the jnlliiary con trnl a of s a chairmans motion nnlll ir klatlbnwa f io be sld i tlio com tol tbn imxttloii mrardod aa the tlnliiai pnrllamontary proooduro glvotu chairman tho riant to bpoak or mhlca n motlortt l cotislderabla spoaiilallnu has arlaenaincn laat liens of tho fnrr puum qn the ipiet tlnii of the riglta and privilegm of pro uing ofllyvr a motion by aehirmait of acornmitcj or cammllloo o hid whole whitd id oaiuii je a i mliiadal that puhtln men uf eiptrluncn nlmoil iuvaruhly uhar solarise auch inolinn aa a violation nf the rules of prciccdiiro hlirlly followed it bcenpi however uon the very heal author y iiibi iimtioii by nohalrman ia jjcrfuct ly loitml an ft ho i pirn hi of ir nourlnot clerk of tholliiiian nf common aula futtl in the following letter trom i hpndfron la i m v moohi i limurkh tnli lu hinnn 1 null in laal w fltlir ilirtm jiioli n i aa lnnti ralnxl ai til tblnalily f liitl ii it to iii iiuuilwr of llcoiiuw a ha i nliir at hit tllim lii r itittr i ibn u b i q today lo lr hoirlnot wl hlglioat autborily in calia la on audi matto ila aya that um chalrn f o tbe cam ml t tee belno lucmbartif tlio cfliinrtl haa tlia right to aneaif wbleti rarrloa wllti it tlio rluht to make motion wliilat tu tbe olialr unlnaa tbe rnli at tl e council prohibit liitn from ao lining i aomo cities tlia ruloa of tbe council mala by tliriitarlvea to gnnrii tbelr rocofbjrn furltld uie obalniiau fr in itiwaklng i ion t tlilnk- aoton a ruin eroblblt ilia cbalr friiitt akiaklug or moving ura iru n hi a careful examination of itio twenly eight rules of order in liaa hy aoton mtinicipel council aliowa that no prohibition ih placed upon the chairman of a committee aa adg geeled in dr ilourinol a statement oun cillor matthews motion though evi lently made in ta oonseipmnlly in a aordanoo with well ilphned rulea of pro epworth league convention tho first in hamilton conference a gratifying success die brat convention or ihe 1 pworth leaguea wjltnn the lionnda uf hamilton conlereuoi hold al ilerhn laal week wa a markel aucoaaa ihrouehoiit hviry aea biuii waa thronged n i the throe ovemng meet inga foun i liie church crowded lu every part many eloquent aiidronao were doliverod numeroue helpful jihr were road a number of pro it table diaouaaionq were en gaged in with vim and a eoncs ol depart mental rathca were engaged in with much interest and profit the devotional aide of the convention was of ihe moil spiritual character the eloquent end inspiring ad dress ol rev dr steel of nashville tcnn on heroes of methodim waa tho iresl ovrnl of the convention jlov b bellcry 1 1 irnaldenl prelde with grace and ability 1 lio election ol offloora for the coming year resulted ai follows hun pres rev wm kettlewel paris presidant ltev george karby b a flt cstliarinea nrsl vice president i bomaa morrin juu hamilton second vice president mian annie roraler pal mcraion third tice prcai drill mr ii p moor aclon fourth vice preaideut rov ii b dougall r a b d courlland fifth vioe preaidont mia manau kelly hamilton acretary rev h 1 marahall b a i d waahmglon treasurer mm ada l teaadale walkerton conference representative on the lp worth loag ua board ltev h bellcry b d uuelph do ooo fire at the o a c tho ch tar omlcal dwpar o aurlculturn quulph qui tmn code ted ii lha ag of un ite bill college ieb ih this fire broke out ut ol the out the building ig about chemical ricullural amplelely gutted loaa f- 10 ooo 1 ho loaa on the chemical laboratory building reach ta 7 500 and tho apparslua duslroyed waa valued at tl 600 i he loaa i parliallj covered by how a home was lost attooked with neuralgia of the limbs he beoame helpless and suffered intense atfony spent his homo in doctoring with specialists without avail dr williams pink pills come to the rescue when other moans had failed from uio hi in coo llolomsor the many virtuea of dr willi ma pink pilia for pale people have ao otleu been published lu ibo oulumna or tbia iaper that they are widely known lo the resident ot norfolk county and it is ai widely con ceded that they have brought j y into more than olio household and their merits are apoken of only in worda of pratae in thia in a tan oo the facta are brought directly home to the resldauta of hlmooe tenlu man who la glad to loaliry lo tho benefit ho ha reoeived from lha use of tlteoa pill being a real lent of lhi town mr wm b j wood ar a reaidenl uf himooo fur about two yaara and for yrara a reaidenl of tori 1- ne carpenter by trade iseelid hi hia praise of ihe benefits he derived from the ueeof pink pilia in an inter view ub mr 1 i wood that gentleman told ilia vvmrr that bout rmil vr i- bh oiaaa aw a with u oersted uetarrh of the haa i and throat aud war obliged lu ijuit work aud slnoe that time has not iweii attu to reaume bia calling ihodiaeaae aborly after he wa taken ill developed ipto neuralgia of lb lower limba from avhich he buffered terrible agony during hia lung illneialh set v loo of apeotaltsla in both toronto aud buflalo aa well aa llioiw of local pbytilclana both hi bia former lnni and hlmnoe were islletfluto reii niiiou bill all to no pur prl el magesinr maay a hl lis special departments editorial sgrtault oral woman rlm literary an i humor ou aniontihonniriliiiir are kd ward ferrer j w beuiouh m kilatriok w falla and othir well ki own writer no betlar mauastna for i cpi i j t llahed lu uknada ci marti lh yuuiig proplua pam ol lb metbodiat church lirunlo william brbjrjr ia ooihlng if not pauiolio the editor imhm friuanl numbers oulttvaliug love or ooontry that for february ijud 1 davoud riptalahy lo plolur poama and articles ou urllaln aoteraiguly at the i price on oent each regained ilia atp of 111 a foot anil ankle hnji ittnnrlii lio waa ai nt ourotl anil dlammtiit ued thrlrj mo h i long had lin honu n aftarer mvavar that it win inipoioiblo for hfrn lo iminmo cnnvnlaacniii in an abort a time an atm k of ilw grip ngain brought on i o to a but mil by eny tnoana ao tnrrll in a formerly mr uttduil again oomriionofd iking ho jfitin and ia rt regajulug hu irmwr haallli nnd tutt onrtaill that tlin i uk pilia will exlermin ate alltraoea ut diansho from his ayhli m n ftfla ao iraliflol f wliat um plllahavi dnne for him that h gladly uavy tlyvinfor maiinn lo the fir in4i tor piiliticallnn it ihe hopn that in i ipenmion umy ho n bo no i lo aonfe ol r an fit ror dr williama 1 nk pill atrikn at tin root ot the dibraai diiving it frnm the ya lorotaiid restoring hn patient lo lieallh n i atrenglh in aa- a of pirnjrli trnntilih ixiiimot iii a atttn miin i raij liia fa inlii ui iruiihlrh rto lhec arr uj erior to all hrr 1rl metil i liny urn nlao a aprnifln fir ll trouhh a which malle tho lic if m mm worn i n a burden ami apradlly niitorn the riuh glow of health to sallow hooka muii broken dowji by ovorwork will find in pink pilh a curtail bold by all de a i em or amit it mail paid at fifty ornla a lot or aix boxi tttaar by addreaiinu tho dr willi i medioln compa ilrcwk villi onl bohnecindy n y buwart nf imatalii and uhilitnle allngedjo bo just agth limrhpuse i mr cyrua koimhy haa loft ottnlph anfl reuiovr to limolirtuao la hli fathers jniln n nnmbor of boy and glrla have hail iroal hpnrt sleigh riding during laat ivcck alnnnlir o noil df 1 tnioliouae wiioiibb born nnntl 101 kthlrboalf u recovering master haa hliarp ban bnnn nryiu th i nt f wooka ho ia improving tid the bnn are glad lo aee him out onco more after long period if miiftertng mr ii rawljaw died on thn juth ult hhe waa much eitrmnl by all the people here moltlno with cod llvor oil and hypophosphltos for consump tion colds and bronchitis no objection can be urged agelnnl the generally acknowledged rerrusdi properties- pinl af lllt0 e 0 beyond it tendency to unart thn atnmacli iid impair tho appetite aud f rluunlfly evou till drawbaak ia over roiin in the reparation malliqo and cod i nh oil with iipnplinaphitca the ou ia rinlirnl palatable and of eaay digeallon the appultle la improved nd the hypoplid aplilnit areof great aurvlco in pulmonary aftcctlomt and in wanting diicaaea generally maltinr loo is utiiiiiir not only for ita nutritive talur bill by renaou df itaenerget lo action upon ttarchy food a throwing iulo circulation alargoty augmented suppjy of iiiiriiin nailabh for hie e place men i of the wait its efllcscy worry jkibi trial will con vim stock thking- we ire bus stock i ikiiil ind during the weeks mrfny lines will be sacrifice to clear out bargiins in nil lines dress goods lvery line reduced boots and shoes sec girls shoes 50c see b s shoes yjt next two look for sec mc 1 inc shoes- i cr pair i er pair i 20 per pair see ladies i mc shoes t 15 per pan see l uhes i mc shoes yc per pair millinery and dress making apprentices wanted henderson xfe co hcton come to t c moore st son 1 ok- breakfast setts dinner setts tea setts chamber setts pitchers cups and saucers odd pieces plates plattors ovc tea setts butter dishes cheese dishes lamps 6vc koci kii s coiues oatme il c i is i ites clt canned ooils ol til kind- produce t iken in t lii hi t 1 he inum lint 1 1 ab nuil km t li une a t rieots pples 1 ill soheilcd t c moore son fire iazmter smoke 1 i a jiiii orlll of htolk lu ul lluolid uul 1atm in lie ixmodckd vvi 1 k c iilixuh is scion is the last ol tlic ootls disappcir i he greatest mere h mdlauik ever known in cuelph oocls selling it tlw ritt of siouo fier da and cvciy tliuus ind dollars worth two street cats ill stop it tin wwtr sttle j d williamson co wyndham and maodonnell streets quelph ihtalker mcb6afi a co georgetown fa ilav 15000 yanted in two months time toenabjc us to pay spot cash for spring and summer goods thats the way we save our customers dollars upon dol lars we do an uptoflatc business chsh or produce thats the way we cto business and people are realizing more and more that it is the proper and best way for every body 3000000 togq for 1500000 rjbadt uadb olothino rot half rou can sat them lu in oitr carpets and oil cloth at uir rira cbn b hats and caps tftaat stsod um thar will bo mons tliess for the nsat lo months kvary one knows whan walker llollesn mass a out they moaa what thay itrtlss drksq ooods wlier can von gelrupb a saleollant now kara in helton county essept t walkkit ucdban a co a atilptnent or new draea qooda fr ttila aafit come and aeo then wbathsr yon liny ihsm or tatlorino dspart1cbht in anil of atormy weather wa are huay in this department uen era lasmlns where tney en nl a anlt made hat will nt them mada of altber canadian or hcotch twbkd tar balow what any other iter in u dominion will aell tbam salt for dltehs buith and flna cloth inn aneilt ourcuttar la dofo rmarkhly wall and la pleas tojl ivaryoo that haa anfthinii to do with a for new mil boots and- shoes tea wa lead tha oottnly in iloots and bboae what tbsy aril in toronto for 4tm w sail avery dy for vi 11 lo soy ooa that oan i thai r on atom era dollar or um on pair of uoou or 8boa why fro lo toronto for aoods wbso yea 01 juat aa good from welkar ueluen m oo f or laaa donor do too know bond folks that evaey tlroa you go lo toronto yon ar out of poehst few dollar whv wa nndsrssll lha departmental alar rvary day von may pies an hn tbst fa llltlaobeprbotljittll all throqah yon pay tl par can mora than do in osorgatowu bk honzst and patron la yoer own ootmty full of sheetings cotton and woollen the place to stop is at the 7vth7v7vcoth house ceorgbtown report progr9ss rid thund 11 illj to lett t ua liaiiiliiclii hammering all round us volley anof thunder plabter paint and putty fly while the gasmen dt uj uy to light us on to victory besciged by commercial men offenne us plunder assailed for situations by people without number calmly we progress through the din and dust obstacles vanish when we say thejy must out ihclvtiil lb piouilbcd tor this week 1 his week we hope to occup the froi i vvc ne jpening up new goods come in and set hcin t i ake adantagc of the man lines we are offer i g at red iced prices frank dowler a new businjtbs cfiafrf piano in totf for cmmh j a p symon mm sooqrda block uili btroflt aoton b lllork a full hardware tin and obanite ware jewellery silverware patent medicine b j a p symon ilfto abbfrtibtntrnlr tawaiuliaoh cicknheb 11 r uooitp laai x or uannunx cickkbbn rrivtaofflo pre press otdes aoton norice h av1no sekl out to t c aloore a hoe 1 rfldt sslttonjanl of 11 aeeoanta not later then intfa urorj lkm iartla eoaeemed will tile tsn notloe a all npald aeeoanta alter above du will be lell with k uensbb for eollaeuon a l nbubtilrbt notice notice ia hereby lvn tbt n pplleattan will b mad to tba lesrtblatqiai of the province of ottrto at tb nail aesslea thetwor on baball of tbe tmat and concrwjbtlori of kozcnoon a to in eonneetlon with tb united ivwabyterun chore h of osnad for an aet to enable tba said trust sad eonctwgsuoa fossil sad dlaposs of in aaeh wv as may b naiiaaiarjr nd doainbls ilia lad bld by them for oh arch norno end betel a part of lb aastarlvbslf of lot nnrobr lwntylht in lb bsoood oonoesslon of tha township of ksqna- ln in tba coanty of helton containing by dmeesnremant thirty foar pare bee mora mr is togsthsr with uie buildlne sad ereetlona thereon or otherwise dl with tb same aa tby rosy wlan dated at u ii too thia i6u1 january irk- j w ki ciott bo t lei lor for applicant dont read this vnlcmm ion wan i lo wefce vonejr in eonaldsratlon of tbe bard tlroa w hv decidwd lo redooe oar stock of balldln materul ta in lowest poasibl maroln of profit flooring bbaaublna door end window frame lfoold in caalfia ao for on month w jdre too rpeel prloe for door and saab for spot esab jletnetnbiru will not b repealed nr april lat tlulbn w win flv you u i 1 dooil t ft 10 in 1 b ft 10 tn bl ineb utletr ralawd panel on both aide aolld men id for lb low prloe of 1 00 end other alaa in pro aa w ran bv wtar power w ebum w eq do roar dreeslna obeapor than elsewhsrs pi eall and inspect our atock and prloe before parebaalna ol fu7utrs thos bbbacc bhov at foot of biveb 8tre8t aoton our new spring cood8 are now in stock theyre nice cheaper than usual too call and see them shaw a turner merchant tailors guelph dont you whnt wall paper room moulding ploturoa framea a cornice poles m artists materials f lowest prices go djrect to waters bros hub post opriok qdbub georgetowns livest store thl tihiii cash stokt guelph this view shows rh sleigh loads of horps famous seeds 5aaavsw poa- tlit bait did h become and to erwat were ihe ili that ehol thnojh hia limb thai at llmta mr 1 1 l ltl 1 ihj hrid d w u iilpu i1 iii- i nml bowpla w revrltua ur i i u iulrd in ilt ih mi ao- ui a vrar h 1 it ihe 1 1 i iii lc i hit and ukjrmi 1 n m -111- i wlk n 1 i i 1 home with nt uie1 lilhniliv vt una lime ur 1 iwortd wae hee ed uf it jrood home btit an lunu ha ill that 1m apant ell hia properl in lha huim or rotfiniii hia lkilt h lat foij stf mw mxi torn nieuoml takiutl vftih 1llla and eliuitly eflrr h brgan to feel eit lminvenlenl in hie cafitlittor ho roiithmrxl lo nan tho tiltu i untihie h taken llililrert boa wbrn ho m a kk k t sk a k k a canadian bicycle rt with a reputation of supremacy 1 hat is world wide i hi cleveland swell special gibson miiiar co no old stqok hihlnu hihtno ttl u1nu wui soon be here people will wanl aprina epoda and thu will be apirinf fooda iraportatiooa of lha aaasoo in dreea oooda olove uoslary bmsll waxes etc wa nvo t so to wait month to sail off oar old stock od transfer oods to raise mousy lo bay new anrlnf dod wa bav tbem here oow boaafat for sf tba wsy we do bnatn a vwrytbina in to data an lnapeetloe oi rlnee lb moat akapuoai fine hioh oulb8 tailorino oanuanion do yon want a aprlnj ault if you do this will b iba pise lo buy it as we employ no inoompeteat bauds our liuportsuoea in bns tweed sol unas tronearln ovareostinca te- ebqot be aurpsaod you set style tit and workmaasbin bet wedontawt up our work a ready mad work wa don 1 sail you caued uaj a hooteb twoed wa doc t pur cm etvlna rout00 for one but what wa do la ta you uie boat good ur uie wal utuowy obnta furnishings tba latest atvhai in due neckwear milru hosiery aiovwa undorwoar eic hat list llta um leteal lu llent and haft fall hata in the laadiiih kualui end auirlooa atyhw tlila will l t ti to buy jkb hiklntl ilora aud 1 ult a luart olotblna alrr- ltni tyl tor prte tar arnvtnu direct from tb old couutiv l his now orsiu jiu band ulere opposite city hall gukllh raoftmiu xi toifonto junot m le mechanism strength fcrid fon oataloo a lozier go tobonto ont j n jachflon aknt at qaorarwtown ortt aum bofoni parebsala alt tfrtrtit tlab oo utouk i ruduo taken in shnb gibson uiixail dt joy boe lllook main btreel oeorirrtown f b a 0001 d ate line om u btarrbanjtovsalwaraln t dy bteek j uarasin day acton steam -laundry- a cook proprietor kirat olaaa wevji noarmnteej rmahly luttdrj war shiftm cbijejw cuttm tic wqriu 0iia or vary llond thotwdajr and delivered ever tirx- aod saturn a cook tr bairt va ms tfr

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