Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 5, 1896, p. 5

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v i tsjsvse wss r- ic tton3free flrtss tiiuiibday mm10ii fcrrtijn a movtu aithucnntstuati ola lite wlmiftyducfwa uiolwexuem bird and wltli itnoftllllll wiu n great liiilv i an i a blaaa y kod i trim hut ida wini km tfitnu kiiifmilruila pulled i ami lil head la iwlatwtawrjr for the kvfl has torn dm limb from unit am liaa allowed ilia wiiufty duffs eye tim nofilotyduui hod a wotiblliiu imbd and a uloe reuud curlofi linjn ami a lai that would alinoat wau itself ami a tinae turned up in corn ii lit llio oojjlolyiliim lati t aeoruful now ho la meek and tad a oan lie for the uooiroo haa lorn hi liom abort off ami liaa broken 111 tall in throe nervoi a trouble that nkndttna the life of mankwomen miserable f yhoao trouble was aaarnvntad by- nay diaonea telia how to round hoalth and happlnoaa krnnranttthrni1irttimntfl 8frran ttni ttrmrtt birjpni i pntiltah aoootints of tlio euros by llio tiao nf dr wil llama pink iiiih iti representatives have found that iikii tha wonderful on run i ffool ml by lliia rnedtoloc hate not yttl item dlvoit lo tho ptlhlio wnnion as well tie men wlin have found mil of are oacjar in la the facte bo known for tha bo oil i ol other sufturars arnoii lliom la mr j mot coin m f tlio townehip of wolfurd the nk thank wliouk used to aqunak i loy- tliat 1 when properly proaaod willi a to lea uial waa hiddon away anmewhero in in lapinrsriieniniiaw tmwn hn 1 4 you oould see the haplos aorpes tint la lylnn i mm an urn iod oil ilia wlisnk whank wliauk liaa a ulinatly look hlnoa uu googoo tarn off liar head and yat in spile of hor deadly work the aoona la dnar to mi tiioubii itil aud malai 1 ahall love liar till and her com rail a in arlm i iflm for lieu 1 turned and lookad just now whepi ill- lay in liar trundlebed h1amadlil ma tha wnok of uio oofpnty dum and fan la what aha aaltt carl smith m january uk homr journal just for fun tha other day an elderly lady wlth an umbrella hood on the sidewalk in wh infton street vainly trying to slop aoutb bound oar a white car otmo alonn and the woman brandished ber umbrella and oalled out hero stop i yon atop i the motorman slowed op a httte and oalled out we cant carry yon thia is a mail oar well screamed the old lady from the pavement oanl a female ride on it traneriit if wo hmveyany trouble wrtenflhnd said ihc aad eyed roparter whose copy always needs revision before it toes to the h wonld prlnibif i hwni rarm well aaid the city editor like lo ro as the war oorraspondent i can apeak the english ianfua4e if i oanl write it chicago jvthune cawker i havedisonvered whatslartad the new woman craw cddin let shave it cawker listen to this testimonial in a patent medicine advertlremenl since taking tour bottles of your health itaatorac i m a naw woman lift k man wont into a drafl and aakad for so moth ir j to ouie a heidaobe the drnjoriat held a bottle of hartshorn to his noae and ha was nearly overpowered by ita pungency as soon aa he recovered be bettau lo rail al the drniuilst dut did ii not help j oar headache t gas pod the man i haven any hradaohe it s my wife tt at haa the headache maater look here my man are you out of work t dennis yaa aorr i am that i master well i want a man for odd jobba 1 ii fie you uin hillings a week and your keep is it a ot dennis it a aorry ol am aorr but i cau i aooept oi ve got to march in tha procession of tho unemployed poor next week yer honor public school tbaohtrs salaries unusa the public at onoe take op tha matter of larger salarioa for public school ivaohor dnr adooational system is gointc lo be aertously deteriorated by tha present practice the idea of a mala teach or poa sfalnk a sfoond or thlrdalaas otrtl float and boiu g over elffbtean yarmof av work log tor i00 or 2fi0 a year i it is dangerou no teacher with loch a salary oan afford lo buy books or eveo to wear rood cloth io he will thua loae the dignity which la derived from both thaae so areas ha will be reduced to the equal of tha farm laborer who seldom gala lets than tvoo per year and bia board in fact com par lag the two the farm laborer is in better circumstance the teaching profession will simply ba a b dy of men or women on lb look oat tor new poailions and without tha dignity wnloh should b trans mitted lo the children ondar their charge tber are vral plans for obviating tbla evil the provincial ed 0 oat ion de part meats may make tbe educational grant depend partly on the salary paid tbe minimum aga of taachar may be placed al twenty on instead of eighteen 1 be qualifications may be raised of these three the first is the meet feasible and wonld be the moat effective prom currtnt thumgku in february camotluth itaga hnyrkllxtf rtiou hktkuk iiklliactle tha lady referred to waa for twelve yeara a constant uffernr from nervouaness head sohe and kidney trouble having read so much about ilr w jam a pink iiiu aho determined to kivo them a trial theii nae for a short time brought a great im provement and after taking them for about a month tbe nervous headache and kid ti ft v trouble left her the degree of lhankfulneaa fell by one who recaivca such heneflta aa the above can belter ba imsg inod than desarlbod hera are mrs cot n am a words if you could only know or if i con id bul tell of tho intense buffer ing which i have nndureil and tho many sleepleaa night i have spont in mental and phyatci nflony you would not wonder at the drgree of thankfulne i reel for my restoration latioalth her troubld a continual dread to her aud tor a loiiy limn prckfiilcri ber itata itoidu any wnrk jtuoe n aa well aa ever ohy rcatorod 1illa are now k who mar wat inhabited there are many reaenna iu favor of tbe auppoaition that mara is more likely to bava bean inbabilod in peal age- than the present lime in spit of iu etmoapher or watef or clono tst troolor tor in stnoe hae pointed out that a glob of the bia of mara would oool rather more than two and a half t true i aa jaickly aa one tbe siao of the earth if the earth ktad mar were in a rirottef- eowdltia 1h 000 000 of yeara ago mara would have attained aooordiug to that rale of cooling ui tha eartlpb present o6ndttlon in 7 000 000 year i r ii llooooo yra ao eod hie earth would now require m 000 000 future yeara in which k oool aa much aa mar ba oool ad during ihe laal 11 00 000 years ho far ei regards that conalderation therefore tho probabihtv of tbe present habltatilllly of mara muat be compared with the proba bllltyof the earth a bem la habited wbn in km 000 mure yeara will be paat and gone how he mada hlmaeir pleasant a auah a favor ilr ow la it you lie evrywhare you to while h thataeaay enough when ever anything pleaaaul hapana to mo i keep it lo myeeir ao a lo make nobody etiviou but all my miafortunea i tell lo ever body who will hoar mo aud you can i imaulu htiw happy ihoy make fvorybody i tell them to they eay you know that nilbfry4e oompaiy i dou t know how that la hul company imai mlrery every time ihiledelphl juurim a mouthful of pearls uaing the p da she use her own wordi the household tilla fill are now looked upoa st one ol the nrccatrit a as i the case wth every food auso pink pills have much to contend with spurious articles have been placed on the market and though iu appearance and color they- may raaeroble the genuiue they have an altogether different effect on the seatem 3cba onru una in a store when pink pills waa asked for by a oat tomer thedealer hadn t them but aaid that he had something joat good the public are warned against this just aa good scheme which is too often resorted to by some store koepcra it should be borne in mind that or williams 11 nk pills are a spool flo for all diseases arising from an impoverished condition of the blood or a shattered nouditmn or tha nervous forces suoh aa st itua dance locomotor ataxia rnonmallsm paralyaia aclatioa the after effects of la grippe loss or appetite headaoha dizziness chrouio arwalpalea scrofula etc they are also a oo re for the troubles peculiar to the female system correcting irregularities auppres alone md all forma of female weekueee building anew tha blood and reatoriug the glow of health to pale and sallow ohoeka in the oaa of mou they effect a radical ore in all cases arising from mental worry or overwork of any nature bold only in borne bearing tho firm a trade mark aud wrapper printed in red ink and may be hod of al druggula or direct by mail from dr william medicine company orockville ont or baheueo tedy ny at 60 oeuta a boa or an boxes for 111 60 how to laoe 8hobs few people lace their shoes oorroolly about the noareet anybody gats to it i to laoe as tightly aa poaaibli way is to pat your foot aa much a possible in lb beet of your shoe when you are eboal to lac it tbe beet way lo do tbia ii to rest tbe heel of your shoe on a obair atauding in front of you over fbo instep it should be leoed aa tightly aa poaaible this will hold your foot back in the shoe give your toee freedom and prevent their being cramped laoe above your ankle to ami your oomfort interest vs rent it a cheaper to pay microti tbau rout so said business cpad reputed to be shrewd wbeu aaked about the heavy mort gage on hia houae and ho carried the idea iota afloat lu seountig a houno for hl son in law he has purchased a houno for 4 000 on which hn haa paid b100 down and giveu a mori of ii imk with iulaweelot ft per oout a the rent woold be about 3j a month and tho internal amounts to loos than i jo the aaving la evident aud if he cannot pay up why only ihe 10l deposit la id i ijoobtioa many would oilow this plan but it ia nut ay to buy a h 000 houae wild 1 1 ik oah tho inatalmnnt plan item of aenornl tntoroat to proa pront roaifofn llltntrll lllf htun r fj lit lliat flooilv tea porn oil y nml miriiiinuiitly ana oaiihmi h y inipurn lilitn i cl i nil in tuiripinllil and ihoi tnu tknn bii iiniplmli pparnllnn- imil failid rl miimprncbaliln il any himkibllliy nf id ftfii if mdvtmh icna judlr mlce nil irvir ill lion ink ho urn intuu illiif of the linrli tha iliutei riolhiiift of uin hubert lull tlir i iglitulnc ii no roe i y itibrn rapid limn the lightniiui liko action of ncrlllnn in all kinds uf pain is it neuralgia rrlirf u certitlu bud rapid ixxilhsoho in ritrnil as if by mftilo hlioti malinm hilda a innhlcr iii n triw applications ot uia powerful an peiieirutliii ncrvilhip in it word pain whullirr internal ore terrial ffndi a prompt antidnlo in norviliim give nerviline a trial lfrufigisls a oil dewleru ovorywhero sell il and it ooala jficonu a bolllo only uy naturua lawn iniinuttbhi and j nil enjoyment slops when indolmioo txgma imiiok he hiti trio i it mr john adonoi kinloaa wrilrts 1 venture to hay low if any have received renter benefit from tho use or dr thomas lalootnc oil than i have 1 have usedit regularly for over ten yeara and have recommended it to all sufferers 1 know of and they nliq found ii of great virtue iu oases of severe hroboht lis and incipient ofinaumplion no ron strengthen animals elk no pie help yni robust by dy cure oiiuhs old allhnm llrnnchitis o so well as lr woo1 a hyrup it boals inollie is the lunt4 and throat nor snd i roup cli agreeable friend it t they ir allllrfcoo lo grow strong nn 1 cimiilorbquiig anything tlmt oauarajl heall ease in children ii with mother iran it never faiu one great came of din kerr 111 em teeturui ilia groai bryant out of sorla hymptom loaa of apotlleiurrbil tonguo iudiposilion theso aymptoi erl develop into acuta diceae aylog thai an otmt worth a poiiinl of cure a pp ire ut aoii headache aud general is if neglect it is a trite revetiliou js and a ittlln attan till point may mi siokness and largo doctor inlln i complaint tako from twu to three molec wgctable 1ills on going and one or two for throe miliu in lun and a cure will bo effoctotl if par to bod cures dyspepsia bad blood constipation tlwzv troubles ri5mache biliousness l ask foi i have hand mr nsrvoulv 0h w uerrick an ihe instalment plan that you can support lb may call ain lerybody rays o label id young wailei it 8pm btnrtllrut fnott conoqrnlnp mm aotiorrdftho honrt lo moilo reongiiin the iininuiisn work truiibiiclfid by tin hiiurl ill hiihio dtj it eiiub that uf luluetmttr irtlinlrnl mi 1 llfty poii ml te i in iglit of thirty itiroti ittindrd fori- i yl itntiwliigfjnr 1 n- irf i i p immni m uoms j tbl irltablo in th epiplrxy are 4oean ff tlm tmidy 1 here u i otliliiu renu fact thai heart failure and airjnug tho tnnil prrvslont dh day happily rnmidy la fniiid in dr aimnw a cure fof tlm heart wluoli give relief inalonll i lua mudlalno nhould b kept in tuery lion so that mi the hiiiu oat indioallon of i irt tronblu il tou he taken ullfcatnd by ita prompt and efficient work ll lives ol thousand j- f aiiadiana hold by j v kannawln i know no mull tiling mi junius it ia tiolliiiig but labor and diligence hogarlli iurili cpugha heavy opld- hnararteb alhmaetidjjmufihltu ae eured by ilr wood isrvay 11 no hjrup ihn best junu remedy iu llm wprhl juslilo la thoconatanl dosira andffurllo render to every mau his du jiiminian todslroy werma aud expel thsntrvom children or adolt use dr lown wbrm hyrup idleness is the burial uf a living man jeremy taylor in ha vegetable pille dr permelee haa given lo ihe world ilia trulls of long sciou tlflc rcccarah in the whole realm of medical aciehmi combined with now and valuable discoveries neycr beforo known to man tor delicate and dqi hitalrd cotiatituliona parmoleua iilla act liko a charm taken in amalldoee the effect is both a tonic and a stimulant mildly exciting the necrcliona rjflhobojy giving tone and vigor many an old aheup playa lamii to fool the for twenty bix years is baking ii powder thecooks best friend larqkst sale in canada ihero ia nogeniua in life like llio geniui of onergy and indualrj d o mitchell lough colds sore tbrost asthma ilrouchiua aud all lung troubles an quiokly oured by tliouae of flagyards pec tore dalaam dou t wait to be happy to langh et used to ll ard it will grow on you norway pine hyrnp ciirre coughs n old ago t of a a pencil uellal and ihn tnnderi heaven the treasury of overlaatllig oj hhakeapcaro coughing load to colllu unless btoppod liyur wood a norway pino hyrup tho safest anil heal cure fur cough colds aud lung i roubles price 2so all druit of all vain tin buxton a hrwlirr ui are llio vainest itnanl ol hrnltli ribed hoot i a 1 mulainii in id uven when lliu digestive ak il hat been lillowed mllh 11 p iuuim a i m 1 ulali ill ixl kionty fhuublt r of will lb tp a i i uly id daughter you feel girl jou y iu irrai ibihty the leelh perhaps mof than any other feature enbanoa or deilrojr thai intangible beoeuae oouiifl thing w call beauty what more repellent than iii kept dia colored irrth t what unalghtlln mnm uevdlra and lnxouable t ivorioe i d llghtful whether as a cleanser or in it proriy otimparling lo the tlb tbal daaaling whltaueas so much daalred and admired and aa efficiently doe it xnder ihe irweth sweet and fragrant ivorlna u imply looom parable a a tojlst raquiall whicb ooeoonufor lie retoinmrndatloa aud iu by leading dentist ila no irick lo b beautiful if o mdmlhiiig lo bulldcn haw 1 here la a dauger mauy who have tiled of consumption i a toil their troubles from axpuenro tollowod by a cold whloh eettled on ihoir luuga an i in a short tlmo ihey were beyond the skill of tha beat physlulan had they used biokles anil consumptive hyiup balore ii waa to tlmt ll vo woul 1 have boeu apared i his medicine haa no ul fur ourlng ooughs oolda ami all alfoclloua nf the thruai end lung tuo oiowuu uf ilittie wlltj liava died of lirluhl ilieae dliutus and km trfd om plaint 111 knout that in tli lm of ihoum 1 cnt ihi i tijol ui a alxrt time will devrlii lilt tlii itred inu i dlaease id the kill ioa in ll mililral form wlnnitkilxxnii vv imu 1m uihi wo need nut go to acliool to learn cum rilnil bonae anil t s our lil balance wllool tht pain lbft quickly rhuumatlem of savon yoare stand inn cured in a few day i have boon a viotlm of rhoutiialis ti for sovon years lieiug nontiued lo bud for months at a time unable to turn myself i have been treated by many physicians in tin part uf the country none of whom be no hud me i had no faith in tiimmalio cures ad vortiaud bul ury wife induced mo to got a boulo of bo il hi american hlieumu tic cure from mr iaylor druggiet owen bound al ihe lime i wa suffering aou iking pain bul inside uf iwalvo hour alter i took the first dose ihe pain loft me i continued until i took three bolllea and 1 consider i am completely aured j 1 mcleod leilh p o onl hold by j kaiinawiu ii dun i pay fur a woman lo follow ihe profesaiuil of being a mau sliu loees too many privileges burdock pilla do nut griiu or sickoo they ounr constipation aud bick headache to heal haftkind il iaihnprntliofnrlarahnatwarl soruh ii cera hlnlalios shin fliessus cancer nnnrfiilmih anrrs ntn that llurdrmk sllnod milura 1 1 m won amnl nf ita moat signal vwlntioh ivr diwrase injivory coio where it imt lieeu faithfully tried a cloan while km and aou wj flcib hvn rosultkl llllie v doyle of klraders hill out bay isir thrrn nara i lisd a ersl bd bresviilg nut all over my fane and went lo a doctor who ua tallin a iniltle of i jiaed hut gut no hmelll annllur llor who gavr y ace kept gritting i ledirlne whleh i i thon went to mo metlluine bnl inn i askel hii to uhango tha medicine which lie did but it also fa ho j to do any good and lie told mo ho could do no more fnr me about ih ron months ago i got a bottlo of itilrdnok illool lliltsra aud began using it i aoou found my face getllnlouuch better an i g t another ball in and nned ll aud on uhing a third hotlle found my face com plrtoly nurid hovoral othorn who have foltutlrd my a i vice lo try ii ii ii have twin r ii red ofalmllar troubles iliilio wiitosthe poetry ot the boy bat memory that of tho inan km or son riio fruit delivered from labor in the sweetest of all pleasure vauvenargnea sir hlbbartvrupper haa entered ihc llalifai law firm o ujrden ititejije park er a chisliolm two of ilarriatou a hotel keepers have born summoned for a hearing before tbe major of that lown for aelltug liquor on bunday if llio prince nf wales cannot preside at the mealing of the british association in canada noxt year tha presidency will be given to the duke of york and failing him to eilhor mr balfour or mr chamberlain there is a clothing atrike in oormauy whjoh has thrown fifty thousand mn on i o fe m ploy muni a report from ihe bocioty islands by way of ban rranciaoo saya that a rrenoh iron clod in endeavoring to oheck a native up rising fired on the bniiah hag lordan minor or rparta was fined tim an illicil till kauuawm s cogdition po for khr and piga aro ihe beat limy improve ilia appetite and cure oottgtih told and influent i armers wanting hardy native block to plant this coming fall or bpring may pay for it in work we want men with or without oxperleuce on full or part lima heiaty and expenses or commission write at once for further information bnonv hiumikiui guviam continental numeric toronto ont eyes tested r catarrh la lu i catarrh i e t hmrilta n i half virtinuis inlentiou iwm mmt4e lifium ivra o whatover la the in at nou lli mint a liniffti hoed the i heading thai made li ered r kilnry li kloy ur ody for over whelhr hr ih worth miptly audaoily fall a moils beat friends are hlelnn linger robert col iyer the shortest way to glory is to bo guided by conscience home fashion muat be forever uow or she lie come insipid lowell tb bypocrtl who poses f jrajklut ateala his halo from tho davil tha virtuous home is llio beats uf all national properly anon whan igdoraooa knows it knows a know more itian anybody also knows b more prompt ui go to a frlrii i iu ad vanity than in prosperity cljilo any rani haa haractur ennugh to kick without asking lit master permiaiou scrofula anj doctor will ui1mi that tiottshor llirc ol litkrson medicil toiler lliildclclutiki is one ot the ltijjlicst authorities m the world cm tle uction ol lnihs in his libt work hieal inr iu ircitmcnt ol sci ol uin he in s lie also hat thai the h poijiothilch should be cwmbined with the oil emulsion ul cod- lhcr oil with hvpoplios- phltcs is iiccibely such preniration will jou 1 rrililo iln hoou uf ovcrylhxty iruin in ik1 it fnr tlio ka uf ihk klltl ll imlttlllltt in aiwrliiimi uial peee luk kxpkkt op tician can suit tiik most diffi cult cask new eeilahses justin savage 6c oo jl m l i lkb cuelph what is s castorim gastorla is dr bamnel itchen pmiicrf ptlon ftjr iiithntat and oblldran jz contain noltlior oplnm nor other korcotlc rabstanco it fhn ltarmleu rabatlthtai for porofjoric drops bootlilnn syrnpn and giutor oil lb in fleafiatit ith gnnrantoo is tlilrtj years nju by hllllonajif jlffothern caatqrla dostroys worms and alloys feverlblinews cajitorla provonts tomltlnjr soar curd corns dlarrhoaa and wind colic castoria rollovos toctlilnff tronbov euros conrfflpntlon and flatulency cairtoria nsslmllatos tlio food rcgnlates tbs stomach and bowolh trtvtns licolfhy and natural sloop cos torla tstbo chlldrona panacea tho mothers friend castorla ossbwlt is on ceuent medicine foe eml dren unthrrehavn mpealedly told me iu aod eoact upoa tbeu children da- 0 c oeneee lowoll ium rasterla u tlie tel reroeily fbr rtilldren of whldi i in acquainted i bnpn tha 1i37 not fni- distant it ben motberawlllconohlertho real letcrest of tuelr children ami uaacobtorla in stead of the tartouaqiiaeiroalrmn which ere destroying their loved ones by forcing opium morphine boothld ayrup and other hurtful feats down ibrlr throaia tbercby mdlng ihem to prematura crave castor a ooaway xr castorla itaowelladsfitedtaciihdreej thai i rnoommewl it asauparlortoany prwaewpttflbi known lo roe il a aacanr k d mi no o s nrooklye it t our nrrtstcujw in tb chlldtwe dpr- mrnt hito bpeben bijtdy of ttnlr expert mow in ihelr ouuide practioswlui coatoru and ollhoush we ooly have amoag our medical pupplle what is known a rirulr producu yet wear free to confess thai tb merit of castorla ha won ua bk with favor upoa 11 unmet noarrru m p a allow a sasr ws leua owarteanr cennbuw ii afarraf varar york cmy what are you wearing on your feet this w s o a icrc is in lata each veatthe gninbr 2 d 11 w 1 i hats each year the granbpj of 17 fit all the faihonbichpi inhes wk tt the of the insquahty of j ss r j c k ant 0ln o up to due in style fit and finish they retain their old endurm quality igranby rubbers wennikc irons woodengravino photo engraving k half tones jljonlst xg tzvipfa2sttxu the hi7 of this store is to lead in new st ic goods see our new r nyliah and american uats neweai htl and color new up to date colors ties and colored shirts orrcct blylea close price r e nelson nd 1 urnibher i 111 gtililfh i 1 cadln hmkrican 7giucilriuihi weekly only 1 00 a ykar all llm icaillou loatutu ulat bava uiatlo it mtlily ph ixioitltr arc iurlul all i menr fluto k moral k1 i klarkol irlir i ri kojrt lu tliolr haa ttimionml crm nuwi anfl tjetlor aoiotiu ite farm heuturoa i i huk1 dairylim llru llnrkel tlavnldiiliiii ami ulliar y rllcl audiueofalul i nlwl will lllilrun ir alu th latl mrtol how to win success ial peunei inch ileal dleana rooted i dilfefauuy leitf of lliepali b illi torn wo travato the olhrr wo in quinine wine when hiund uuadultralrd tule in any and triovtji lly oly fr tra ar led juiliuiuua uar llitt frilml into ooii valoiiciinu and uutilh liy i inlluoiite wlnuh giunino exnrta on nature a own realoralivea it roliavo tlio droupiiiu apiril of ihoao with whum a chrouia lata of morbid dnapotidencv and lack uf interest jn life la a dlaearu and by traniuilluit tha nerve diapoeai lo sound aixl retreat imi leap impart vi to the action of tbe blod whiuh beiuu biiinulated uouraea lirouilliout tlio vol im atruntillioniiim the illhy animal furmtlon nf llio ajatom reby makuiij aolinly noulsaary rmolt strenklhlun tho raid and ulvinjt lf iu the diiteslio organs whicii naturally de maud inoreasctl auhetance rotill improv appetite northrop a ly o lur onto liaveglvm to the public fiir qulnino wine at itle ual rate u i uki by the opinion of sulnliala this wine tptirrriicrre neareat per fool ron of any in the market i hold i j kannawlu the family faaturee i irl hiirla i ih kulilti fan y woik tlia i km kk talk lit u khui iuil otiut tjltrv crfiruvr an i o kulk pa romllto u it ui upirhnnut of u mueti tajua a uioal of tlio ueoial katiilu llr gu auuii aiiodrwl uu le ua dlol lr iiiary and iittn i tniliia i ro ot otiarue tliouauailno kuiui facirilauo oomiol ac idoul farm and family wpkly kuft hlmiii i ql koiii 1 lo amhhican aokioulruriat 62 liifuyollo pi new york skah0n luti only a little ad written in catchy style when irado waa very bod customers to bejuljo only a little apace uoutiht in the local preaa ueetiuh the reader a face souring a quick auoceaa only a crowded store as a reeult the next day w hero alienee reigned before now busineaa ha full sway only a rapid sale loldluk a profit larrr hanttinit tho merchant s lal al very irfdtuk ohariff ouly a merchant ulad ustomera aat laded all though a little ad muil opportunely tried oo tw and do likewise if you would boom your i j hkillfully advertise aidynu a aucoosa have fiiad ilernl thr ht1jb rut is arcumpttmti the aureeaw ua1lwav t tltbt ixir mall titff qnmaxibt n i t in v in nii r hi an funk i wacnaiu8 standard dictionary iv tlitrarniim l liol aumtuk liiraa hi tiik ff t ur the bebt tor all ptrtipobbs it la tho latest and unit complete remains nijs wnnl many tliouisnd more any oilier dleiloiiary over mililliliod uora than oonmio wore aiieiiiod hi tte produo hop j17 shrlalliu and f ullors were riibujwl in it irearatlou ita deanitlons are clear and exact prealdont llllno k york ktau normal rolleue aayit ha drflnltloii aro lieat lo be found auywlien ricoin of critics say ihe iu etymologies are sound they are caiecally caniiiiemlea by atlantic month i r iiostoti tlia sytmrui itkh ajntarr 1 london rtiktut hlhool tmii ihlladelilila and loorea af othsra it la a aotaramant authority tt is lu uin in all the dojiartmonta of ih uultvd htatea oovormnent at wahlntori aed all uin doiartmetila of the dominion of canada loveruuiaiit eirmrts lo it tb praftnniioo on all u points it in adopted in ihe public schools f canada and l uliod htstes its new nducatlvo train ro aru nitrnuielt valuatila iu train lii iiuplla to a ciiitmi uao of words eatiltala hyphen nlc iu iduatrstloui ar uh rb ita ulitea ol coins welfabta sud uioaurrs ilatit animal oto ars oihsus- tlvo a u if canuul le fuund olaeehero it la the moat highly commended noor has a dictionary been welcomed with ueli unanimous am uniuaiflod praise hy tlio ureah llm nrot uulveraltlea and by throudhout ihe bng u o hlaiidanl dictionary am iimiui iilablo abundalilly allmttxl l y uliluimiaohalila buttiurltlae ihe new 1ork hkiui n say the hundard ulctlujiary i a iriumjili in tlm art uf publica tion 111 tlio moat atiafaelory aad most oouiplet dictionary ynt nmuted tlie hi jameaa lit imikt oaixttrl london uvi the htaiidard dictionary alioulil be the pride of literary amrtca aa 11 la ll is admiration of literary kuufaiid hold by hulaerllllolietil aoknth wanted id j veil ibm not boo half ituiln full itumla ufeeo if no aitnt i punk waonall3 oo h richmond st w toronto 0ht nacrtptli ltreulart ill le oui on application molren dextist 23 yonge st toronto lflrtcbjes10kll of teeth for dr woods norway pine syrup rich in tha lunebeallngr virtues of the pine comb lard with tho oothlna and aspactorant properties of other pectoral barb aed barks a pckfeot curb for coughs and cold3 hoarseness antrim rronctilti s or threat croup and all throat bronchial an lung diseases obuaateconijlwiich reslil other rcmediej yield promptly to this pleasant piny rup rtiob bc a mb coo ff ootttmm the perfect tea monsoon tea rmrit tea rwom tmi ttmauht to twt tttq cu ih it nat1vc furity mouoon tea la packed trautihiiunimliio if lh t ifiownm 4 n jt ertwrd aiulld tnrthaaa a umplc f iha hnl tu4liiraif injtan and ceyloe rraa hof that rcan ihrr am that noo bul us frvmh lcc i niio moiikkw pcfcarca tharuly mon-h- th perfect tea cob be bf m ih tb and ii ir u j n i kcrp it ullklinio rite itffi lttkk to m snd 13 freer st i tonnio u al tlw umc prwu il i pill up in eakvl ijil h artjhxuln anhartki we willi lu lulo au air ui kpp diiiii urdfuary aia 1 upporl tu the aal tliat we bavo entrl 1 it bmevbrt lualpb d a full look of tb sash doors etc flllaltm aunply auv aiioelal aisoa 011 uiorl oat iunlpl oileei framesof all kinds l fonlrr wna10 konl in felwch a uub 1 window and d001 aelug curuor llloeka r lumber dretved while you t all irlre l bo per 11 lleluu litl 111 ply ilthe all work uuai pumps r abla than tiolofor wo wll wood or trtin teiiupa pruaiplly lira tjiuarauleoil aatlafactory mi call ami luapeel belure purob u tllriebuae atanuer 4con oorc editor a fh aclon o- lr- 11 fur loree 1 new firm new stock new prices but old management doluti bubineaa 11 ailuu ao ion undei oatlnued bul the old busineaa mil o j a speight co department will bo most uulioeabl owiuii lo the hi autlimj llo prloetlii all lir f mu caskets and fui whole out al at any reasoned i o offer yon may make uishlnkb aud will supply the we have no oonnootlon with jiy undertaken combine and govurn our own prices hmbalmiuit douo when required al li omr a cliark will be made uid if not satisfaclory uo furnittr buccy si wttcon biuu under very iy tow price j ic liefeclton aarefnlly aelected block of furmtue hand which we will dispose of at a fair until profit lupaiiia don in tb am oid satisfactory aud a prioee periian a ii tile lowet ii aajteube iu carryinit on our balnea we oan car let uly eel ilia undertaking especially we bah do ibis siul entire j a speight co mntdat avlmcun k0st successful bbhe0y for man o ia8t ullasjfcjsjr uw rendllsspavincurl tar hln i iraai n m n r nm lta4 nun tbal in bail ouxojkaen a tuiae all tha uin yuunindj caus rewcu kendalls spbvin dure i amtum ma aer l mi lawr sir i i umtwnia bhut of uf iwulirili liiriunn t hhst ll p o ivn m vondarful mnlrli mo ji kesft a bout r aun1 nflprln tha k if imia jlllvr lm wwij kplemiiiir hmm man ihmii i u t lllnut 11 yeari uu imttu uli 1uauiwni 3ui 1nki ik

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