Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 12, 1896, p. 2

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i mmm wwmt vfrtirtvvlnr- il- unw w tuatuai in mil ton issan ttsrtnfnr nostli llinoitii at dm lake horn nant on thurly march 1th mill hells k ihgger in her jin i mi piiktma firvisia1wky ntrthtlrsdey alar iiuijaullieihad ran aged i mai imly iuuhhlr of mr i z liter ilil h rqrs sml 1 month a i rmillhkav maiig1i u uqu no votbfoh a week yet m- a n- ttio dobato on th second road i nor of tho riomodliil qui continuaa with mora or loa of intorost compbomtbe with manitoba i oynm r il tim uornndial hill 1 the editoivs ta0 curront mnpazlrton and now vol- utnoo of intorobt to tho rtoad- inu publlo notes and comments mr joeenh chanaarrlain in iho 1 roper jal house of corrfltione mond said that lll government hsil just received a atroor nriitrst from cansda in regard lo lha pro nosed xrnianoiil eiolaiinn front tha united klnittlotn of flora battle the rotset ba added would ronalie careful consideration henry clews the well known bankar sy thai not only in wall treat bql throughout l ijo country man of bnsinoea re afraid of cong pat whin citizens see lrcat questions of public safely and nunc lery integrity turned into mar a occasions for a display nf rlrotionrnrtni lactica they feel 1 1 at a most serlnn delerlora rome over the spirit and rnnttl on at learn ftnabiti tlta all absorbing tnpta and will coiillnm to bo art for aoinu hiiio to co mo tho d abate whmh lias now boon in iirojjrliia for ten daye in almost certain to drafl nut until tha end or next woelc thtr political botancc iluptinn most deftlouli to fathom and no one on tbo ground at proaant will vonluro a predlolion aa to lha poasiblo oil loo mo there it a promise held mil of ncijoiia hon between mr groan way and tha ottawa oovornrrfrint took in to a oampro mi an probably one or two of the minis ten will o up lo wlnntpotf but tlic carry inn he roond reading la declared to im a oondllion preoodejil to these nekoliatlnm inn for -llrtbr- 1rlco j h a nar i 11 ik fur mix month ikio number jo oonia 01 fmoinl id mtlh him mn iiml it fkhrnh itrlml nnmtn wm baa if amerl liinoiy intfir- in tbin illuutraied aril lea mi hoclety iid llx worlt o hiixloy with porlrnli wlib lliu had oi i lb and on niiii oil hocont lu tha ontario legislature laat trurday hir oliver mowt a ironudmitii to mr crawford resolution drprelinu lha ooar oioii of manitoba aud uryinn lnvoatiktion jaou- tfi tho ekaa befora ramo4il loitialktmn ia pnaaed wa carried by vols v to 37 mr whllnny amendincnl 4kt tho irovinoa of ontario ia not oftlled with tha aubjeat wm defoaied by a ol of 7j lo 111 ourimklbui the total importation of lioraea intonkland numberod i3 100 of rhob lnanv annphrd uzi in 1b05 lha import raadho4 si u7 of which the dominion furibnd 1j uu8 in both yam cankda waa ahead of ny other country u the supply of hnraca for orol driiajn lsat year wa aupplied mora than m third of all that wero imported and atfoaortnir im porta from tho u blind btatoa by mors lhali 21100 canada now load a in the hnp hab market in ohaoaa and hormoa tha vonexuelan cuobui mr n g uureli ihinka ibro u no doubt that tha i oommuoioationa beink eiabanxad botweon bir julian faunoafote the dritiab arobaa- ador t waahingtou and baoor andrada tt van min atjtha m oap tal will load to modua vivondi tba departura of sanor eat me i rojaa iba venumojanittirter tor torein affitrf from caraoaa for london pramiara to and the venesnelau difficulty ha la one of tho moat oulturad men lu vaursuala and well acquaintad with luropean molhoda the amaudad bill for tbo rod notion in number- of county couuaiu by hon mr uardy provides for tbadiviaion of oounlioa uiu districts each of whioh at lbs annual municipal elections would elect two mem beraof tho county oouncil by direct vols ihere are three olaaaea of oountics propos ad in tliia second bill tboaa of under tl 010 population tboaoof between 40 000 and 00 000 population and ihoaa of over 60 000 population in ooonlioa of tba first olaai then were to ba twalva members of tha second class fourteen members and of the third class el toon mem bora kaob division was ui aleot two membora at tho same time aa the cnoral munioipal alec liona fnr twq yem terms and tbm save tha expanse of a separata election tba bu will spply only to thoao oounlioa which at ho prcaonl time havo over twenty mem bars in their county nonnaile in hal ton tbero ia a pretty geoaral fool ing eapeotally among tbo uimperanoo people that tba time has come to mako a allll further reduction io the number of lloonscd hotels in tba county tbero are a number of hotels where tbo chief if not only inoomo ia derived from tbo bar and where public accommodation is only of secondary cons id oration if it is a consider a lion at all buch places as tboaa what ever benefit they may bava been in the paat whan tbero ware no railway facilities in tha oonntry have rmased to be a publio necessity and for that reason ooald with out much hardship to the proprietors or inconvenience to lbs travelling public ba no louror licensed to aell liquor thera ia elao growing fealinj that some of the llobtjses tn tba larger towns and vitlagva might with edvsnlaga ba cat off milton reformer the canadian 7voj itevtno of montreal sukgesle the advisatnliiv of supplementing our list of coins with a new one o ihe valoe of li oonla thore aro thousands of transactions daily says qjir o ntem porary which call for twelve and a half oeiilaand thirtj ooen and a half and so on beinx paid and tl la impossible to my till aum by conibluinti auy ouina we use half yards half pounds or half pecks of any tfotkls which are twenl five osnta a yar i pund or peck can not bo bought at ihe rito ft soil 1 ho uuivorsal onaloii is to chstko thtrowm otmts for ihe half of any article at twenty flvo con la now half m oonl is not a large sum lo moat purchaser but to many il ia an horn they outthl lo he protcatrd from wasting fur surely it ii vsate to aacrlfioe money solely because tbero i no coin to represent the payment we wish to make j the ooorae of a year these half cents amount to a aum worth municipal parliament a blwoekly mwatlna has ni excltament for thia seaalon ouncll met on monday evening lu rcgii and conservatives who aro oppoaed to the i km mils i bill ro eskwl to vote for voooiid roadlnfl in order lo let it reach this stage how theycaitbo persuadou to vota for it under tli4o oirtmmslanccs is linrd to understand for tho issue ia exaally tha me an aalnle politician in vlowln the ailuation flays in looking forward to the fate of the itqmrdtal ltill lltreo courhss uf probabilities seem tn ltn before il tbero u the success of tho measure and its final passage through parliament there ia its dsfeat in the house followed by prompt dissolution and there is a pro tr so tod debate wasring away the days of it is parliament prorogation fluding the bill under debate and still only a powerloaa bill and tharo il another course that must not bo lost eight of so long as grounds for hope remain and that is conciliation compromise and pesoe manitoba may oonsont to settle the matter and with mutual consent the vexed question may be takon out of tho arena of federal politics wtkhirkn march 11 although the announcement by hir charles dipper hi tbecnrnmoiis on monday that premier sreenway woulatw invited tp a oonfnrouoe lib the kodersl qovorufnonl un the sohool quaation after tha second reading of -ttr- f t h n ngraviugs of ilueiilgeh bthoda photos ofwido intorcel also aro the splendidly illustrated articles on here ami riicro in the homo land with a boo to of illustrations many other inter rnting artiblns aro otjoore than ordinary interest lliit populsr msuhainn nhoiild bo in every methodist imuschnhl hack unborn osu be suitliul doulnliish mi othi r nojnan tn the world at lint prihoiil moment tho huhjrol ol erasl iiilxruet as is miss clara barton a lalo portrait of this noblo mid glftad lady forms tiejnmtlpieca nf the lutiitnu jumt fur ftlarch a earlier or trait scrouipaiuca s sketch jt hor life by lilian vhitiug life on a farm one op hafloshlp and uqn- btant exposure fraquontlv tho mott huairad con- 1 atltutlonajmiinrolian down a i promlnonf f trrnor tbiib of tha wondorful d ottparatlvo poworo of a fsmoiid monloln pram tile aislnllmls baltouats n w t lvrryone aroq i yuri ton kudwa mr ixhn qerry end what a pushing active buslneas fsrmur ho waa until la grippe look hold o him how llatlosa and qnotted for hardntgj he ifttnmo or mnutlib ha sufforod from tha lianaful aftar cfteoui of the trouble and a ihuuuh ha still endrav ored to take his al re of tho farm work ha found 4mt is vrrattery trying ho had become greatly a skciied had lost both appetite and smbi on and waa tired with the leat exertion he trirtl aeveral roirmihrs without drriving any beiiefit and aa one after hid failed bo determined lo the riitiiliiiiiunn always frtila in now idoaii presents in its march number a novel combination nf nloncc and lotion entitled a itomanoo of the fituri by mlns mary propter a dsughler of ihe dis tingulshoil astronomer il a proctor and herself a suocensful wnu r and leotupnr on aalronomical suhjeola tha march uumber of tho immentor ia called he great spring number and ia aapecially valuable and interesting bocalaae of the early forecast it contains of spring and summer styles and mutoriala for ladies iniasos and children tho aral of a series of arliclt h on ourront events of inter oat to women bytnlrs 1 redone khiiio lander jo no- appunru in this number and ia followed by much mstter of interost to ladlo other features iuclu le the aooond paper on the caro ol the tooth kdtia witbarspoou s tea tablo chat tiara miller jlrb s kiiidergarien paper i notices of new inmiks and the n lane ms knitting 1 ttttlllg ususl lal hnovo ii ill was lo the olisir and mn oillors n icklln matthews tvanois aud uruwu wrs in lhair plaooa lha fourth report ul the cominlttaa un kinanoo wa real and lha followinii aooouuls rcooiiitnendod u be paid t t ui- hoval oil iai j v l lu i acton faaa ibju utf u ra 36 u moved by j if maltbew seoooded by wni llruwn ihat the report ul thsvinanoe commiltaa juat road be ajopld carried ihe provisiuue dttha proposed dog tag uy law wars dtaouaaed a letter from reeve bar bar of georgetown gave the experience of ihaleown with ilia tag ays lorn and elated ijiat during the prasenl year the council there intend to enforce the by us atrlouy tha aassaaor said ba was aatiaued ha could rvoord all tbedoiib within ihe man cipslity witlevsry few exceptions 11 was uoally decided to continue ihe old eystem of aasasamenl for lha peasant year cotlnoll adjourned at90 ooloaa- tha uoyawvsvtcjut uoafiul at montreal baa just racaiwd gifu ram lord mouna being arranged for biaphau aud hir donald tiinlth of tlftku aob lo cover the eipentea of lha hospital lul yawr talk here there is on second thought not much importance attached to tho matter indeed it is generally regarded as a potty political trick the tyiouitr ihe oreeuway organ at winnipeg in an edi jiii last night says tho whole proceeding has trickery stamped on its fee and it is predoomod lo failure it oonoludea it haa been suggested that ttiaietiuaal for the eonferenoo altar lha aecoad reading is paeeed is designed for tha porpoee of bringina unusual pressure upon the rtreenway oovennnimt and fore- ing it to compromise 1 1 is hinted that the dora to ion government boo in tho second reading of the bill a mail potent srgnmenl to compel mr green way to capitulate they evidently think that the parliament of canada having passed the second reading of the bill and thereby affirmed the principle of separate hohools will never hesitate a moment lo 10 tbo full lenxth sod pas a the third reading if the g roe n way government does not capitulate f tho ottawa government had desired to inspire publio conudonce in its proposition and bad in reality at heart en earueat do aire lo reach au amicable sottltmepl it would have acted in such a way as to place its motives far above suspicion the county legislators the county council met jn regular sen bion at mlltou wardou pettitln the chair outside of tbo usual routine business tho following matters had the attention of the council mr j b deacon public school i napoo tor p rose u led bia annual roport aud addrvaaed the council in connection with it mr andrew moved seconded by dr robertson that wa have listened with pleasant and profit to tbo oxoollenl report of the publio school inspector also to bis many suggestions rev poet in the manage raenl and standing of the many schools m the oouoty for all of whioh the thanks of this council are hereby tendered carried tha warden presented the thanks of the council to mr deacon who responded thanking the oounoil for the compliment paid blm mr madongall moved seconded by mr iliobardeoo tbat tbia eon noil grant the earn of fi5 to the halloo farmers insli tule carried dr webstar moved seconded by mr barber that the doputallon preaout re pro sent lug the 20th battalion bs heard carried majors appelbe good will is and hoi and cspt ueattle members of the deputation addressed tbo council dr woutor moved seconded by mr androwthat the warju bo authorised to issue his order uu the treasurer to pay the paymaster of the 0lh battalion t sum of tweuly five cants per day fur nu nou commissioned nfher au i man w perforins his drill while in camp for i present year carried major appelbe uu behall f i lout kerns and the officers utlhosolh ilaltaln thanked the council for i ho abuvo grant ounoil adj turned lu meet ou lha orel tuesday in june bio firc at oranoeville tha town a only manufactc totally deslroyed loss ioooo osanuatiia mar u the ucmaater manufacturing establishment was totally destroyed by ire at four u clock haturd morning when the hrrman arrivo1 the fire bad trained bonaljerable hoed way it waa found thai the hydrant was frui causing oonitileralile delay hi gelling water on the buildlug tba loss lo the company will be till 000 with an iuauranoo of 3 000 the building whioh is owned by mr t htevenaoh t total loss and is valued at s 000 ith insurance of i j i50 thik is the third t the building has been burned down ore deprives orangeville uf the only industry il oould boast of qgorotown tbo itov j fc howoll m a of acton leotoiad in tha methodist church on kri day eteuiatg lo a largs audience ilia sub jrat was the new woman mr a ii qlbbard ii a gave a fine reading from bvaugaline mlaa carriquo recited a mutifa poem choice music was fur dished by misses young grant fnrsler and williams also by mr c williams prooseee tlh 00 fur kpwurlh league pur poaa tbs iuv d a molr preached in uualph lait6unday of iu dr haarkwfk a parlor aooial will be held in ihe melho 2b paraonsga on wed evening arch lhib a eplandid prograinntn ia admlasiou jo oents the farmer are making good use nf he alaighing aotioipaliug ihe breaking up uf tbaeuow dr williems pink pille a trial hi fall so atteilyarotooolt a ot tho pilta ware taken before ha fonni any baneflt bat with tha first signs ol improve mant ba took fresh courage and continued taking tha pills for three months by tha and of which time ba was again au aotio hustling man feeling better than he had for yoare mr garry tells his own story in the following letter lq the amlnnan dtun hm after a severe attack of la grippe 1 was tinsble to recover strength and aotivity i had t tho thousands nf other enthimaitio adirtlreranf dr williams wonderful health restoring medicine yours gratefully dx gaunt dr williams pink pills atriko at tha root or iho dlanaaa driving it from tha system and restoring the patient to health and strength in oases ofpsralyais spins iran bios locomotor ataxia sciatica rheu malflm erysipelas aorofnlou troubles oto iheae pilta are auperior to all other treatment thny are also a specific for the tronblrs which make ihe lives of many women a burden and speedily restore the rich glow of health to psle and sallow t man broken down by overwork dr worry wfll find in pink pilla a oerlain an re 8old by alt hosiers or sent by mail tost paid blmot box or six boxes for tardhy virlresbing the dr williams medlalno company rrookvillo ont itawsre of imitations and substitute el log od to be just aa good holmos to hang in maty hiiiiuhiiuiio pa march 10 tha record in tha holmes oaaa waa received al tha execulivo dopsrtment last week the governor haa abtnsd the death warrant and herman w mud rett aliaa uolmss trill bn foqiwoayrmayt cibveand 0 ambition 1 to use a popular phrase di1 not case whether school kopl or nol i tried varioua mcdi oines without deriving snr bene fit from fnr either work or pleaanve ah the pearl of qreat prics to woman la beauty deacty tha key that unlocks every door commands defer once inspires homage dot beauty of face oannot satisfy unless tho additional grace beauty of tha loath adds its charrrr fino teeth swoet breath rippling laughter three graces thai alwaya go together ivorine imparls daxtling nearly like while ntai removes discoloration and tartar from thu teeth and renders tho breath as fragrant log ole nubcnption price of the drlunttr ftl 00 per j oar or 1 5c per piuglo copy leave your subsuription with the local ilullerlok pattern agency or addrmia tha jjtuucatittt publlabiiiii co of luronto limited 33 hichmoud ht west two new volumes have recently been isaurd by the method nit nook and publish ing ltauao toronto which are being- received with much interest tot and cradlo stories b mr catharine pari traill is tin pie urthetaa ihanrotiniatm atones written by mrs traill in 1h1b and in irtuj roprestiutliig a period of 7h years uf active literary hie it is a collection of children s stories dohghtfuhy old pure aud interesting i be talented authoress hasalwnyi born a charming storey teller and has lived m lha hoarla of tho various generations uf children who fiave been privileged to enjoy her company and liateu to hor recitals about bir an 1 bees and llnwnrs and squirrels hho is now in tier ninety hftii car and her vuioacanu soon cease to be iuard am ng the illlletolkb but hot sure iotes will be roa 1 in t it im vol ume urar and far and thruugh its lerusal ttioy will imbibe a love fur the dumb croa lurua of our heavenly r atbar it is ele gautly bono j aud sells for fl 00 a very suitable book fur ttio bunday sohool library a ictory won is one or annie h ttwarrhr rates produulhtua- it ulll xefioiko a hearty reception among those who onjoy tho writings u this prulilli authurors it is a well told tale of real life us prlnci pal events are onactod at a country aeat in pyfeshiro scotland though as the story progresses the reader is taken to ldin burgh loudun and paris in each of which cities interesting evetils aro woven into the experiences of thu various chsractsrs tho writer is in one of her best moods ss alio pen this aliraolivo book and tho chinas reacheh in the cloaiiiu pages is a titling ter mioattuu lu tho splendid stur in respect to illustrations and binding this la one of the moat handsome volumes over issued among the many of this character uudor tho canadian copyright by tho methodist ilook hoom tho price is tl j5 the rsw f riiniut for march pre eonla lu compact furm tho most valuable material yet available concerning the no process of photograthy by cathode rays a translation of professor roentgen s own aocouut of his discovery is given together with a portrait a reproduction of a photo graph ol a living hand taken with the x rays at hamburg uorinauy aud other illustrations the second instalment of ian mutaroti now story kale arnegio appears lu the march htu juij and i in man lareu best voio una las la it a remark ably good one and contain among other things an article on the new pit ho raphy with the beat illimtral i in wluoh have yet appeared nu illualralr 1 article oil the mull who have made mt oil and au anicle m ihe nature ul luberl burnt the friniisieoe beluit a picture ufa beaulltul tuloo of hkiih1 mary lhe llluslralioii- are vrry iouero and uf a buprrtur character shot fcloht ptkbonb unocstiiii maiuh 10 at llrookville man iisricdapoinl ursced with drink abut mr prior moore lead in lha ulrret i bousii nriuit proiiiiaii ualy al oiery ii sighl al iiihiii on mutida he wuuu chief oj 1 ilrna lutovnry serum- oil 111 air an indian and lovrrsl olh klliall 1 miii i w1 hot d iwn ami plajeil uudrt arrol lit lul a brer h i a lln m he ha born mt iniiki dnlauoli fur sov islvi i iu i that they will tho lbat they lu robrlgllirl nlli ejllel is of ilia in t wleiil facta uf our existence the only rational treatment is lu employ mallme with curl lver till and hypophoaphllos a preparshuu of inestimable value in all pul llklliary ooiuplallll lu ail 111 i in lo up plying thu nil in a firm in wlimh it may eaaily be ashlmilaled slid wilhuul disturlj ing thoslumach it reprpseiits thu nulrib4aa properties uf wheat oats and barley anrs iboreforo a ro matniottve and tiaaue form or of eminent value nut leas important is ihe action of mallino qu starchy foods these are rendered digoatltila aud capable of rejilacing the waaurfomtie body thle is natures owu method try malune with cod liver oil and iiypopbosphltre henderson cfe co hct0n whiteweae its tm1st phuof bealtlwob and othfr yw- tukesiluke itthb fahi hunwno of wiikkim kll ridh1ity iha11tv and htkenoril ii uah no kquai 1 1 n bend for oataloo h a hozier go raotomta to rfinto ornoss toronto dunot w 100 yohqe 8t r j h jackson apnnt for eapuealnb and erin oeorsetown ont rta ithrk a full handwatle tin and onanite waub jbwflllffiby bilvbrwark patent medioinkfl lrler v sk j a p tfvmon l ilttd ailbtrtisrmtnlr notice shirt waists mew spring prints nihw spring dress goodri henderson ot co this sface belongs to imteh an cuelph whter smoke kvtry dollar b worlli of stock to bt cleared out ircm ises to he rv modeled work to be beun as soon ah the uht ol the goods disappear the greatest merchandising ever known in guelph goodh selling at the rate of uou per da and every thousand dollars worth two street cars all stop at tht fire skle j d williamson 6l co a iij wyndham and macdoonell streets quelph the mill that grinds must have grist wc li ivt just received another lffrge shipm6nt boots and bhoe8 j his is i department that made itsclfsolid with tin jeoplc thohe who watch our business closely wonder how wc handle so many goods here is the secret we watch the markets closely we ven ture to say that there is no manufacturing industry in the country where the read dollar can be handled to better advantage we use it and give our cus tomers the benefit no inferior goods at any price are allowed in our stock all our goods are marked m plain figures we give ou a big dollars worth every time i his is why our trade grows and grows there is no spasmodic effort but a fair steady strongly driven business seeking only the legitimate trade i hen our expenses are cut to a minimum it is easy enough to see how we can sell cheap frank dowler not it f is hrrohjr alvtui list an sppllestlnn will hs uisdn to the lulslstura of the prolines of ontario at the noil session thereof on behalf of tile trustees and congregation of kaox onuacn a ton in connection will tba unlled rreabytsrlan church of canada for an ael to enable the aald trustees and oongrrffsllon to ssll and dispose of hi suoli way as war he necessary and do treble the landa held by thstn for church tmrnosss anu balng a pert of the oasleelv lial of lot number twentyeight in tba aaoond conors lon nf the township of ksques- irjo in the county of ii a ton containing by adiusaauramoiit thirty lour porches mora or less together with uie iiuiiilinb sffd sr actions tliereon or otherwise deal with ihe same ss they may wish dated at ullgou this loth january inon j w rlliott eiolloltor for ai ursula uidi- t1if okllihilatbd stearns bicycle v f sfvbvf f so ss vsf fffsvve tor lightness hlrength lleanty aud bass of ilunnluh the siusrtost bloyolo yal produoed bample uodel k on vlowatjuo 0 ilillstors bamnls uodal a will arrive shortly w stark agont dont read this fjajesa von ivanf to jtfalce mtoany to the lowest peejlble margin ol pfoflt plooring hlisathtna door and window pramos uould luff gasfiigs c for one month ws give you a special prloe for doors and saab for spot cash lamombr it will not he repealed fln april 1st till then vr will give you an a idtjbilbft 10 in ssft 10 in by l inoh inlos raised panel on both aides solid mould for tbs low iroe or 1 00 and other slses in proportion as we run by water puwar we alaim ws eaa do vour dressiug cheaper than olsowbere please call aud insiwet our stock and irloee befors urchasltig olsawhsrs ru7rs all klndi at right jirioe m tly attended to thos ebbace aud repairs hltol at foot op hivbh bthket actof cash storl cuelph walker mcbean co ceorcetown v- a m 15000 waii id in two months time to enable us to pay spot i ish for spring and summer goods 1 hats the wa we save oiy customers dollars upon dol- ln- we do an up todate business crsh or produce i hats the wa we do business and people are realizing more and more th it it is tin proper and best way for ever body 30 000 00 to go for f 15000 00 ready madb olothino mens hatb and caps walhkh uollmanato cjinoauaie lhiibethr uieutov tailorino department kit s sull insaa that will at thaiu uiabrof either anad1an or hcotoh twifkd far below wbatauy ottiei atere in tha oiinilnlou will sail thni a suit for uhkhh hu1th and kin elutlilng a epeciallv our ant ter is doing reiuarhshly well anil j i least eg avaryen that uai auj tiling ui do villi blm boots and shoes d ha oly i his i tool ami whal they aell lu term evry day fur l ux we havw bean obliged to noull klioo department our trad is lucraiug wliloh ws lass this otiportuulti ul tbauajng c uianr frteuds and natrons for a arm is a friend to auy i uist ean ibelr customers a dollar or 1 m u a iaii lloou ot hboes why go in toranto for aoihla when veu oau get just aa good from walker ucltsaii 4 co for lees uiouev da you know tf hhi tulk that svary time you go to turuutu you an out of nookst a few dollars why wa undersell th lirtiun wary tsy yuu iiay lok ui a llus little oheaper buukms 11 all througb i lal aloree uiat is a i uiigb you pay lu lu qeorgetowu bi nonpar iir ills yuur own couuty full of sheetings cotton and woollen the place to stopis at cborcbtown spring seeding now is the time to buy your heed uraln and tiraae needs in need qrsin we havs all the loading varieties which lnoluds many new aud valuable additions lo anr heed oraiu diifierliuoiit we also handle ihe beal llrauds ot lted clover timothy 1 orchard ureas uammclb fled clover luoema clover itye dress auuka clover pernenlal rye ira crimson clover ueadow rescue white clover lied ton hungarlau trefoil clover banforu cloer millet tlokhara clover ilrumera inaruiu theso seeds are imre ami reliable aud will be tuplilled at lowoat cash iirlees also all klodaof flour efletl and lruduce tba mammoth flour teed and seed atora james hewer 48 macdonnell street east cuelph ont h r 7 reform convention wiu ii a linn ok saturday mar 14 in the town hall milton ueugaiaa will tuoal al 11 u cluck aou a mass ltblic mketing vvllflll bildlbmo will iw luaae i 1 the candlbate chosen wm patterson m p bnt thos bain m p wehtwortm oeorqktownh li vest store gibson millar go no old btock mi juno hiiuno hi illmtl nil ruiil will waul prtti if hi nlaon lu i uy turn a lliihrtaliolii of it ti 1 tlii will be ell tba latoal ureal uoods oluvsa llualary uuiill u etc ws haven i got to wklt in ill 1 1 1 ll jrt iur old stock aod uaualer mxl l ih v t4j l s4 biriug guudi m v liav 1 1 ul haru uow jought for nub th m ill the war w u buslosea everytblna uaw brtrihi 1 lu date au tnenetlod of mr tl wk will ui nvlnae the moal ska uoej ffne hiqh oldtaa tailoring tentlonion do yuu want a sirlug suit if you lu this will be tlis iilaos to buy it ss we suiioy uu inoouimteul bands our iiuihirtatlmis lu due tweed nuttings trouscriugs ovarooatlnfs ate oannot ha aurasseev you get style at sod workmanship hare wa don t gel up our work aa ready mads work ws douvasll yuu caned tan tweed ss hooteh tweeds ws dun i pur- ttoea giving you m 00 fur dd but what wa do is to glva you the best goods for the lee i muney oents furnishings the letast styles in vxam neckweer h1 in lloalaryolavw underwear eto hat hate hau the latet in llanl au i kofi kelt hauin thelaadiug kugluii and anirl u atylasi this will he die lilacs to buy hllsb hlkclai hoys aud youths haltiiear clothing all of uie lalssl style for ru b for less thau abort worn gwuds sell fur lwhre we give you a hearty welcome lu una and insnoet our stock before durohfcslnn liiwhara koh tuin tttulv hau uot to uk ti1h ikuli k tt btoilk ltoduee taken in oaliaugd giiihon mhlaht rov lto hlook alain biro i o0tfltuwll f awswiyj imvrt si

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