Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 12, 1896, p. 3

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msww z i t f baptkofham i lton hj0jjb pri0r uau1lton turitallall ut ijttofloo itaibkvm kun1 sajjou totat assats hu3tlo ioiin htuaht a itaalhay ireeldaril wooirealdont jons inooron 110 iteacii a t wood a 41 lsa toronto wu jinan u i ii it wathon li aoencie8 liiu4to the ne at home montly of local character and wary itm intoraatlna ftefarm comramtlan tito adjourned ootivaiilfon of ihe helton latormaiajoutign will h halatklilufcr on slurdy tha 14th last delegates will mral 11 o clock in the forenoon lo nominate a candidate and at a p miwm hamilton tflartou hi peel hnj alllstou llorlln hosloy jeoruetown urlmsht mstown lucknow u i lion mount kanul ursngovlllo uwh bound part kljl him ooe tortmta win ahs m britlah oorreapondobta london nations jrov luelaj uauk una ind ltd american oorrespondcnta tfnw voss fourth nsuunel hank end hanover natljuej llauk llaetoninternauoii llenk dsreoit detroit nations liar kambab oin nejnel llk of cambwm afionto in montreal the hank of toronto georgetown atlbncit nates dlesouuted end edvsneee nibde on au collections mull end drolls bought and aold r iurqpfi upon on ail eooeaalbls poldla la canada united htetas saving deportxnent rslthdrewel upbciab dbpoh1th alao received at current raise of interest n u mvlnghtonr aeonl combs sidbcomb3 buck comas circuukr c07utss p1isb combs drisssinc cotutbs call and see our new stock envelope note pupor iau inlti sahoal hooks luroa an oeo hyndb aotpn ont thursday march 11 ltkmi little local brieflets which caught tha byoa oreara of fraa prau report a re thla weak heil tjusday la bl patrick day mr ass rail slipped on an icy walk on so nil ay and saslaiued apainful fall thawnhwayi v otackr edsjsio by i bo at or in on bat onlay and sunday mr oliver lesby baa purchased tba ad joining fifty acres part lol 31 con 6 naa segeweye from j 11 crippa a number of tha atdowalka am very ancvon with tba qoanlity of ioa wbicb baa baan a lo t c 1 lo aocmnolalo lately tbumodidnahal jvrm one of tbo moat antarpriaing uawapapera of tba far wotl oommeneed ia third olam laal week aroording to tba almanac apnnk com oisnoaa a ajack from saturday spring ilka wcatbar will be gaoarally appraoaatod tba advartiaamant nevar open a ita tooatb bat it aaya and doaa mora to aall gooda than any other faotor in tho world auootreal paper ad vi ana the go rani mant lo iaane new coma o the valoeaof 13j and 21 oenta tba latter to be of canadian ooelph preabytery will meet in berlin next tuesday tbo iraabyury will meet in con fere do the previooa evening at 7 30 oclock mr w blara agent for the blearn dloyojee advert tea the wheel of 1h9g a thb amarteet yai prodooed the st earn la the yellow fallow an axcheafe eaye photorapb by oathoda ray a la dome aoma woaderfal thlnga bot it fa aoarcvly to be hoped that by ita aid we ahall be able to aa ourselves aa other eoa oa thettobla fit bernard dog belonitiug to mr oatnoal leird waa poiaioned laat waak lie waa a floe well brad animal and a jcraat favorite with the family mr laird valued him at fm mr ii t arnold baa purohaaad the dwelling on the corner of charoh and fredrick streeta on the moore homealcad mr will ramov it to the lot in rear of hie glove factory oorpar mill and wdbar btrrete the new hoaea of mr hiram bwaok bamer on main street la about oompleu ad it will be ooaopied by mr john mc qoeen of rookwood who haa opened agrt oaltural warerooma in the baildiug opposite c o spnigbca a tor rev j e howell m a will preach anniversary nnnooi at norvaj on sunday n p l aupptiea nj iiov a j irwin 13 d of norval one of ib foremoat preachara amoog the young men in tba metbodiat miaiatry on friday evening jkhh mat the ladiaa miaalon circle will hold an open meeting in the daptial cbnrah at 7 30 otiloek addreeeea will be given by miae kogwra returned moaiooery frem india and mrs o o laogford of oeorgatowo al are invited lo attend jemea bewer the well known prodooe and oommiaaion merobaot qoalph la now i natal lad in bis mammoib new alore on maodooald btreel he ae yf hie buaineee a aod for so many years in the peal tbe new premieee ere crowded with seed grelna for a p ring sowing a list of leading llnea appear lo aoothea oalnmn a graod maeloal veepera will be bekl in bl patrick a it- c church oeoriretowo ou bt patrick a evening taeaday tba 17th net special singer ere to aaatel tb choir and a prominent feeture of the program ma will baa lecture on bt patrick aud ireland a apeciel ailver colleetiou will be taken op during vespers com menoas at 7 90 i haley pastor lu referring to the ea reeideooo lo be erected tb0aming eaaao for mr u p mooralberawaanomeotlouof tba aroltlteet mr j a kiue4 adelaide hk kaal toron to mr kuisbsahad wideegperienoeeod la one of tba moat aaooaasf ul and popular men of bis prafeamon in the province hi work from port artonr to bmttba telle rafuete hi skill aod popularity snd gives mple vldaoee that be ictloal in hie dealjras end dnuh meatino will be held whan addrmeei will tie made by the oanditlate nominated and by mrear- wm patterson m i of lira n i end thou luin m p of wehlwoith halloa caaatjr imal tim rrjkirt of llio inapeotor of prlaone to nd ahowa the number of oom ml mauls with their or taint in helton jail at milton during ihua to taf vn been aa follows horse atesliiik i rohtwry 1 larceny 0 asasolt 1 threajrninit tf rgurgn i traepaass vagrancy o lier t toiicre 1 t ty eaya tlie jojlirmttsltalty full el present thtire arti riatreit iriaonara confined in it and half ol ihom including an chicken thiovca an i two menl oommitted for nom euport ol thefr wivta oome from gorje ton our cillmen tialdlerm hie oumraandinn flffioere of the oom paiiira i i the joih ilattation lorue luore havu rriu fait mne for new dollllng for their men with orders to fill tnem out end for war i ihm to l he flrlksde ofivrr wit boat dnlat the now alolhil g end estra ay fl x p r i on oommtationoil ofdcer and mm voted lo the regiment bv il f tint council laal areek ah u i attiatt a good olaaa of reouita compuy no c acton abould now have its ranks filled op ajjaio a aoore of year ago jre had one of the frft fnmpinlfi fifltr hhl hf ngiuhoonrtood news nttwa itamai 8upi3lled by corroa- pondont unrj cmohonaon uiijtithouae the annnal tea rrieelinx in ilia prcahy toriari ohuroli laat weliioiay evenliik waa a great enroeaa tlivalfandinrrwaa tsrffn and the programma interest ing a alrgb lf flf twnty dn yinnj nj kmqacmtat board of uomtth the following resolution providing for the board or health and its ofnoers waa passed at i lie laat meeting of kerfttewllig council mored by mr wrikgleeworth ecoonihd by mr stalker that the bylaw to appoint ofnoera to ounatllote a doerd of hralth alio a sanitary inapoctor and a sanitary pol loom an ba read the arooiid and third lime and parsed and that the blanks lu tho ii y law he qllod op with the names of william ituassll for a term of three yea re jticbard dick for a term i f two yoara aud paul kennedy for a terra of ooe year the hoove and clark being ex officio members and for sanitary inapeo tor david ucouire and sanitary police man t hnatophcr nixon dfceeae of m fromlaemt ilmltom mmm mr laaao cartroer postmaster nf milton died last saturday morning after many weary months of auflerins botne time ago he foaud himeelf tha victim of cancer and this ineidiooa disease waa tbe cause of his death mi cartmer waa for many rars a hjnly rateemed rest deal of the county lown he oooducled a aodce- r kl h -itt- iht htm lis nf 1ra f tba farm of mra benjamin anderson lot si oon 1 esqosaiiur aod tha stock aod imtdaaamu at tba unset mr fiolsy mocollonat will w oflerad for sale on the premlem ca moeday wrd march al ooe oclook lewtaabharmsjiva aoouooaere chappm imdda loflaniad and rough jill mtytw huh by tba waa of ktnna epjsj pf hf aael it la eooth ingi late john lyon haa filled the office of post master mr cartmer waa an energetic conservative and dnnng a number of elec turn camp gna in helton he performed to hia well known prociro and syatemalio manner the clerical wqrk of tbe aasocia tion to which ha belonged ho was flnm clal agent lor mr i henderson m p in hovers elections the funeral on monday waa very largely altrnded a iromporoum tratpcrmmcc socieo- the weekiy meetings of acton temper an co union continue to be well attended aud much interest it tskec by the majority of the membera tha programme last r nday evening waa one of uouanal interest it embraood the following numbers cborna vole it out by the temperanoe a club instrumental eelecliona by miae turton and messrs allan campbell and warren pollard solo tbe ctioket on the hearth miu nellie mattbewa chores tbe sweetest draugh the gjoe ci ab solo with auloharp acoompaoiment by s dna thurston chorus good bye the glee club in addition to the above an excellent twenty minute speech on the hnemiea of prohibition was made by mr harry jrana iu which many pinta were brought out ilefreabmdnta were served by the ladies during the evening surccmal anattirmrjr iho annual mtasionaty services utld in the melhodiat cborcb last sunday were largely attended itev r hobbs of branlford who commenced hia very ano- cneaful career sa an ordained miniater io acton nineteen years ago preached etirn eg eermoaa morning and evening tbe text the morning diaoourae waa matt u la give ye them lo eat and in the evening solomon a sony 0 10 in tbe delivery of hia aerroona itev mr ilobba has lost none sf his old time energy if atjoaible bis pointa are even more forcefully pot and tbe entbualaam manifested in bia subject invariably oommaods tbe attention of bhr hearers the anbjeot matter of both eer moos was rioctleut aod embraced uomer qua nd impreaarve thoughts upon the themes presented tbo flosocis inlereala of the missionary aoctety were well ana- tsinod by the oftoriuga of the day hav mr hobbs vial led tba sunday school lo the afternoon and addrc tba acbolars in a happy and luterestitig manner a nam or the membera of the school wore christ ened by bun some he juliied in wedlock and be laid to real lu the cemetery a number of the departed loved ones of those i resent hia visit to acton waa mutually enjoyed by the congregation and blmself jfcssrs frmacim ana tutpc win the halt 1 ha one oaae of apecial to hires 1 al the division court ersaion here laat thursday waa tbe auit gordon mackay a co vs frauoia aod sopor about a year ago wm lee tailor who bad lost bia hoaioeis through hta drnking babite prof reformation and moeera i francis and oeorge so per were induced in tbe kindoeee of their hearta to go lee a aeourity for stock iu order to put him on hia feet again mesara gordon mackay a co supplied tlta worth of aluck upuu tlie guarantee of mesara krsuole and kdper to ey in aia moutha if lee failed to do i to aeoure thorn lw made an agreeenenl of sale of bis luck iee took to drinking ajrelu failed lo meet hie ubllgalloua and bia aurltlee paid the tls in tba meantime be bought riot atock to the value of lru60 atatiog lo i ho wboleeale nu that franeia and tfoper would be resouaibla for thla alao he ebwllv afterward failed the bill of sale was clues d and bis frtenda eecured them solves in pert gordon mackay k co 4ben aucd fvancia sud bopcr for amount of- lastiuvoioo lit so and this waa tho case before the court on thursday judge hamilton dianuaeed the oaae holding thai there waa otaevldeuoe to place reepoueibll ily for payment upon messrs franco aud bo par and abating that they had already laat aufflaieut from aclon swelled the attendance a4uc prreb torisn atirce owing to tor ma and bad rosda it v mr afdlntre waa unable to iranh hern jin- sunday evaninit lu take tho preaching lrr vloe in the method jit churoh mlr iaatao newton of harnia who ipcnl a week visiting frienda in limehotno rn turned to sarnie on saturday mini inn mia mimiio nickiill or toronto win had hern ap ndinif a o mpln of wrrka with friaods here roturnol l i r yito on satur u mr john lanr wh haa liatnkvilluml to the honn thronuh jllnnia for torn i liuin ia able to bi around again crewson8 corners tlio alarm on saturday and hon lay blocked the n a 1a badly there waa nu aurvion in the m lliinliil church hero on sunday on acoouut i iliti storm itev mr lltrl or prhd iln formir miniater of tho moth xliit churoli 1mm attended the weakly prayer mnollni inat tuesday night in many friend wore pies sod to ace him again air jas btophenaon haa deal ind lo gtvn np farming aud will have a eale on bt patrick a day ho will in future reaide in 1 took wood meeara grey and lamb uavc ranted two hundred aorea of psaturo lati i in nanaaga woya from mra watora of giibl h mr howard mooro of toronto la acr loaaly ill with diphtheria hi mother mrs ll moore of thla plaon i in tir tnto attending him mr uouurry of trsfalsr vtitd at mr nicholas forbes ual week mra jaa kimahaw spent a fuw lay a laat week sllh frienda in lowvillc coming jnd going viaitora to amd frdrrn aaton and yarlausothor porsonal notoa the fesa iuksb invite elf lu roaitnratoii7r tr units o tills oaluuill if v ny frlmifla arngnlifganay oifa holiday trio or if yon have frli ml vliltlim you drop a eanl to the fuse rm i mipb llbbio may or ii irnby vihed an fr uiisweek hoods cured aftor- others failed awful in tha nookbunohas all oono now air ll r hi m i waa homo over up from ottawa on friondhi mr d henterwi sunday ho om t riday uiht itev j w hie ia attending ihe huron county hiuidsy hnhnnl cfln vnntmii at hen- aall thla week price of wheat in manitoba tbe ci i wi in set doer milton vi town of millo baa been set down tor trial at ttieproaeui eittioga of the court of appeal tho cue la number gj on tho liai and will probably not he heard until tho may aitlinga ol tbe court last week k w duwna of drumuuin 1 waa engaged in cutting straw an i al fi 30 waa just uniahed there was some loose straw in the feeder of the cutler and duwna fed it into tho machine with bia left hand in a eeoond hia hand was otuglit in tha roller and was gradually drawn tu the rollers and kntvna maiibling and cutlim lal before iho i noceaaary ui wnat 1 ho ilnn arupu hia arm up to the could be lopped m for when it waa found tate the baud at tlo miu i dung well s no two or ttif years ago be had tho tirt j tnt ol thn mi i ttngtr of the fame ban 1 taken if with straw cutler dr j allan n- if s h vlri in lowu a coupln u days til week i gueal uf ur tduu the hoy a i oak base b ii club lis- l- reorgautsed tho followui nlticsrs w elected judtt llaimluin lion pra dud prra w horry 11 ice pre bennett sec y g w ijronl troaa peatou m soaker c jonos j t llaiuisi j dewar j w klliott and m l m italic rasnsging ounitiiillce plan and apnctncaliona arti new angticau church illmi f i rock wood tho miaa kau tuugb was found dead wear her borne at graven burst poiapuing auepectod george swau ol kinoardlne wboebut btmsalf to tbe head fabnrmry j9h died monday morning damtu orrica dr wilkinson over lbs drag store gold oiling and sruuea loath a apeouu charges as reasonable day toaadayaod friday tubojaii alide baa been lumlo rather daugoroua by the thaw hume wore hurt but not badly on ihursday nixht mr juo gibbon haa one of the m brentford biojclea on exhibition al bia ahop with all iho latest improvement he has the agency for thla seollou hev d siraolian united w n rofl 1 1 mlaa kau dredifo in the boti i i wnlliwk on wodursday tlie wedditiit t mik place si mr n dredge and tho large oompauy look part in tho oelobratloti of the event the farmers of lramoia imported a oar load of amcricau corn and intend expert mooting with it to see if it n good for block feeding mr a adsmi i opemug s grocery atore in mccarthy a old aland mr hugh black while driving do wo street on monday nearly met with a had aoddent ilia liorea kioktd and it leg waa caught in tbe shaft but aa it oould uot mo it was unhitobed without any further damage mr geo lawrence has bjught out btrachan a co a g ocory buamoa c m mccarthy has also aold hi slock nd left tbe village mr hugh black was elected eecielary treasurer of ihe mutual i ire insurance association which met in loronlo last week it la proposed lo ask llio tiovorn menl to establish a bureau lor iho rrgnlra lion of area on the linen of tho acl reaped li g birth marriages and death na93aoaweva vioe irea keunedy presided at tho rig uter meeting uf tbo naaisgaweya y uug liberal club last wednesday uigul ihe audience nam be rod about alily a do u tatiuu from the hamilton young liberal club bad aiguifled their iu ton ii on of bo log presetit but uwiug- to the severe woather could not be etpooled to gel through in their absence an informal meeting of o u aiderahlo interest took placu al whicli a plab of oamaaign waa roejiped out iho naxi meeting will i alto place wednesday ovenlug march ihili ihe prugraiume consist uf a debate uu tils ha our d of the i loin lu ion government aud rprcrhe by mr j slrachan buck wood and capl johnson r ramose iu the dobalo moasra j logie w amy and d iugte aro to attack and dr futt aud mr 0 mcnair to defend the aald record ll is uur sad duty lo cnromolo the icatb of miaa maggie mophedran or nasaaga ways oo thureday morning march 5th aged 30 jeara 11 luuulba diseased had been sick fur a lonu lime with lonaumplinii she tried all thai medical aklll could auggsal but without avail tho fu iters took plana on friday lo the 1 beueaor oom elcry tha isrge ouuoourse of irlouda wh gathered to pay their last repeola to llio deceased walked from the bouse lq itrave ard liev p llekcr uf i veil ofsaialad assist oil by the hev a amy sod blair uf nasaagaweya tho pell hearers were hob laing john locker john mc caughan jphuathan w aden eon dun oan i tool neon and henry mophedran tba bereaved family have the sympathy of the oomrn unity t tha storm of saturday and sunday was lbs owens of blocking tbe roads and mak ing them almost impassable kaunawln a condition powders for hot see cxlle bbrep end ptga are the beat tl improve he epprtito and ewre cwgliajcylds aud iuflueuxs rd o onllla dsy r two uot week in town juu wilklns hi it kuu lay at tho pan 1 1 mi homo near llrmntnn- mr wm oraham of kriji vuilol re latles in aaton during the week mias nollie brown o toronto wits- a tjueei at hlllxeii place over sunday mr dmal maiiu who la now at grand vallnj hk heros fbw ayi lanl week mr join it diinami of kriu siwnf a few days during ll e ok with frien 1 in aoloi mr fdiauh smith of ulaufurd ia visit ing hia former frienda and companions in arloii council r wrlggleworlh and r ora ham loo ol aiihgruva were in lawn on tueiy alia bert boi guoat at tho lion ihia week ie of uonrgetown waa io of mr j v kaiiuswi mr rn k ii nl buffalo n y waa mowing lua boyhood a thn f ilowiiix letter fro n manitoba ex plain ilaolf lu looking over tho i uaa paxnh which came ihia morning i was a littlo aurpnacd to read mr john hay a referent to the price of wheat al cart wrighl if he had lo nell hta wheal at 15 ociiib per buwiel it muat havo brcil badly frotaud 1 be prico hero fur good wheat ia at presfnt 47o lo ha it was 50 3 for a whllo and wo think that la a am si i price i don i know how wo would fool if we bad to take awo or ours mrf h mcflofrriap arrived homo from hor vuit to ontario laal week she left acton monday and waa here early llmrsdav hor viall did net mako her it all dlaaatiallod with manitoba she ia salliflrd allll aa wo ail are thai the northwest ia the place fur a poor man wo have bad a very moo wiutur it is very soft now aul the know ia nearly gone your truly mrs sain not mouormen ardeu uiaiion man a atiowplough and engine left the track i the lkuum brwch ot the u i 1l mou day an 1 txlh were wrecked if you want aral olaaa uueiphaaah and doors a i guelph prices t 1 iiluna can llll hi r order al hi l sum null rtmori wauling hardy nlive stock spring may ay hr with r wo olperte hlr ul ripe diiurllkiin ins toronl i out full liiformil spring trade 1896 willi the present iiiuulh we outer upon llio twelfth year or twenty third season of our business in our present alore seveuleen yeara ago the aeulor of our firm entered into buaineee in ouelpb he baa ooniiaued as principal without interruption to the present aod is therefore tbe old eel established dry good a man in guelph what changes hare taken place lo tho buameaa personnel of the ally durtog thsl lime how many budding blowing aepir aula have flourished for a day and loon been laid low by the qoroe bleat of bnai tics adversity what a change uur own buaineee present a eleven years ago it alerted in a luodoel way with few depart men l to day ik oouupios more than double the apace and its departments cover every branch of the legitimate dry good trade and in every aawantiat oastpha lead l n dry goods home aa an noloslvo dry goods house no other store in uuolph so fully reprceenle every feature uf the trade while others have branohed ufl into hcola and kboaa furniture oroo erioe book drugriau goods aro wo bate maintained the characteristics of this buameaa aa a legitimate dry goods buaineee in all lie branches our first pjrculer announced aa the best a principle of our inot hod the maxim never fear to do right thla stays nailed to the roast at the prose u t and shall for the future and is what we have carried out even some times at an- apparent loss tbe result is however ibat thla buainaea aland on tbe solid foundation of tbe oonodenoe of thoee with whom we have had transactions nona oan say that they have ever lost or been al aluly treated by u when aoylbing needed making riitht and so ws inland to continue only this that as business in trasses facilities increase- and our rami bastions lo day cover a wider held our source of supply are world wide and our nutlet fur good continually spreading we atari thla epring better able than ever to aerve our outomsrsell to still more widely eatend our business we open the ssast n willi tbe keenest out prices for nice clean goods thai ws hate arer made from here there and everywhere where ever the ball bargain a oootd be driven oar purchases oome ruahing in a poo u and they ahall ruah out upon you en the oloaeal margin of profit thai a brat class growing buaineee oau do look to ua this apring for the cheapest good dry oooda in ouslph fur the next couple of weeks oar milliners sod d res mak era are operating in new york and we hope lo announce an opening of fariy spring millinery aod fancy good a indue lime e r bollert co an and 37 wyndham qtraet ssngonrllle maine r i flood co lowell mass i iciitkui i fan uiftl i cannot toy enough i i tit or of hood s barxaparllla for bvo years i htvolfcn troubled with scrofula hi my neck li i thro u apreral kinds of modlelnes which i i le i did not do roo any good ami when i eont- mcncod to tako ijoud a saraaparllla there were largo bunches on my neck so sore that i eould hoods- cures net heir ho allchtrst touch when i had taken i o ikiiuo of tills medicine the screneas had c uc nuil before i had ftnlihed the second tbo bu irlie liml entirely disappeared 0takcub am iii sattservllle maine yinlcclilo pwwta ft lie hi luccd to buy any other f urtnp ij ntlpatlmi by re tor- l litieuutfy caual spring seeds t criuisiui loveni itsd t hentunky lllun an i oreliard iraa hasd oatt i u liarler corn wlieat ac orouud olloak si oon p ua or l no twr 1 puimwi l 10 par buahel klaxsned uoal halt s0 in i arailo 3fm i 100 iroun i hu tior u lb for xvi d h 1111m for xv halt i aire 111 cent per pound haled hay till 00 to slfto por fin htraw 1000 u oeo j thorh hre liiini n 1 rain dialer 0 blorr mmhrl h a mat ionnoll h ul 11 1 ii un 1 seeds foi spiuiiy 11 j u lilt ll thllll i cidl hi slc1i i bulbs fin sji1iil pi i nt 11114 ltivt our oidtrs it the utulj store and the will be illliidcd to prompl j v kannawin dhuug1ht acton wtlv ol oui seeds foi pi ni4 ac b shaws drug store rockwuou is tlu tuil plaec 111 kot r wood fur tlcun i icali imleiit medleirils no out of tlatt 01 t it k medicnu in slot k remember the place llio 1 luo iu hook wood for i ure dru atij paloul medicine acton steam -laundry- a cook lyoprietor r rt olaaa work ituaraulced lu shlrti oolurm cuffm klc work oalieil for overy won l a d thursday and delivered ovory thursday aud saluda a cook oublpu ont valu aulb imtoikkl in acmn von sal j riklous s lit 1 mlreol oan isrtl 1 oeeutwli v hi susr r lbs qultlusr is heraby ofletud ui tl houae i a oom lortabla rousli oast vltl woojabad and than a a rood s labia oil tliaf rsuilass also two building lola ou late aiinui it huilthshurvey teruia raaaouable kor particulars apply t c athllrtilt or wu hkwbtllkkt actoi aclon hept ittb imu what makes a watch main- sprino drltalc ia orian asked of tha watchmaker it is hard llilnj in ray txactly what iiihth il only we know that thn weather hk roma aftsot an thorn my watch book for thn past twenty five aretrh ked over would givs a good idea of tl o wosllier oliailto thitot ebeiigea of temneraluro alwaj bringe in iii four limea sa many broken msinprinta as teady weather i slway buy the very best quality of springe thai can be gotlan as my role ia to replace llirm free if broken within a year from the time put in in fact i think it does not pay to put any cheap material for the aake of being able to do the job a llltle cheaper beoine f do nol think a oheap job in chep at any prire i mnst have been trainod in a better aliup than the moat of wall hmakera as i find ii bard to get a journeyman al any price to do the work a carefully aa i would like it dona many of them don t take the trouble to take out ihe alemwinding wheel when cleaning a watch of course it aavea time nol to do bo and the owner nf ihe watch will never know ft aa the watch will g aa well without but the wu ding will wear out twice ss soon if you don l aa far aa 1 know all watchmaker wno have served a fall apprenticeship charge tneaarne price for their work in getting your watch repaired the j oration be who will do it thn best i am continually trtug my best lo keep op ihe good reputation i have already got and if yon think beet to try me i will take the greatest possible peine to do good work i alwsya desire to return tbe money paid on any watch that i cannot iko go astlafactort rjrstt dwtshyotip krtti larly to ask for it o d prinqle watchmaker guelph another slaughter in 3 w a t jt p a pkbj wt inirt make room for spuiu sunk and to clear g fc out wt oflcr the follow mil lots of w ill rip r fc itridieulous prirt s 3 2 lota rouular prlao 20o ndtilo n roll i 2ba 2o i 2 so 3o i 36a to 13 noa ao 3 ooo 7o io 7bo loo i 7bo i2lc i 91 oo uja i mail rln m 3 hfmd lo aa for hrtmjil f wai lr fz promptly atiendet to i inl g s7vtith dispensing cmmibi and booksi i i lu gum mi iuuluiiliuiuiluluwiuiuiuiuuiiauliiiuiluiiiaiuiuiiiill sterling silver belts nai iow icilnil silver and silver gilt beltb are the stjlc for this spring savage jo jbw m 1 fchb guelph job printing i l udinfl hooka 1 amplileu i ml til itoaah irnular o 4o laculad in lr aty ib at llio art al moderate j ricoi aud e liort i ollco j ly or address ii t uooitk kaas iaaaa urflce actoi just received a large range of black and colored dress goods s valua unpi ouoddntod a e ourriey fc co mill street acton rac the mra ij of this stoic is to lead in nlw stl- jimkn 5 i see 1 uur no- 1 nelili ml amil ii t nvrlhl i i h now up to date colors ties and colored shirts g t or reel hlylc tone 1 ncea tx r e nelson jj 1 eadnil 1 ailor nui 1 urmsher gui i ill if you have money to invest ind in aiuio us for 1 lare retntti nm our mvestnu nt bl kuus now from g b ryan 5c co cu6lph i he following reductions will bring the goods at lebs than we paid for them but this will be better than to pack them away until next fall which we wil have to do in a few days as we will require the room for our new spring goods for one week we will moke tho following ro duo lion b i wool heal cape m loans ions 1 wool heal caps 1 luohea louh 1 wool baal cap- 30 luohea loug 1 lllaok astraouau cape li tnobea loin i orey lamli cape 90 luobsa long 1 orey laluu cae tl luohea loug i ursy lamb cae 3 luohea loiial i orey lamb oaw 30 luobsa long i batifs cans nns quality u lucnea ions t habla caps una quality iu lucliaa 1 u i hable cape huo quality 1 loabo long 1 lllaok persian luub captvaitrs uuallly iu li niaok astraohan jackets 1 lllaok astjmohstl jaokot 3h luclio luuu 4 lllaok aatraohan jsoketa ui lilolias lonu i llhlck aatrachai jacket sb mono i mm 1 orey lain i jaokot 30 luauoa li u i grey 1mb jacket 3 lucboa lot g 1 lllaok astrakhan uuff i tllack iormlsu lamb uult i lllach i enlsii lamb uuo i lioavar stuff i booth hm hoal uaff due uallty ladlea tut lined circulars i kur llud llroular blk fluurvl ol i kur huw1 clroular blk aatlu tints 1 f jf lluut clroular bis satin h us o en v u im ou i uu ojxira oloaka u wot 1 loll i rswiil jull l i hum ilsjl 1 1 lua lui t g ryan co grnelp 1 i cor king ano tiami waulngton a utual fire insurance company kara sua est l io imuuuanck on cash an i uulual plan any eouiaiuulcauona torwardatl to uiy adlrcat llot 0 or letsplioue m will ta prouiptly al john tw a i ie right house new spring goods to hand u i hblitiuga u i h l ujo a apecial hue uf oaford hlnrlluga worth 11 ai 1 j o hide li 12 1m io viand iio ohuioe patterua 1 1 ha va1 uk i h n at 111 ea b aud oo a pools line s3 inohe wido njjo usual price llio jwr sr i 1 guallly flanuelotle sbirtinue isl li aud loo nee tlulon shlrtluita uaiik coloiuj 14 jo aud new sheeliuua x yards wlda li 1h snd ioc lairs heavy al jj ami jj new iillow cotton 10 inohes wide ido circular lilow gallon sj luohea wide u hew half bleached table lineu 0u inches wide m 40 aud oho new towela and towelinge very apecial line of lowcla j for jio roweilug by hid rl new ssllahniy klannala oothlng more auisabia fur ldlea uouae wraps ido a ar i complau range of patterua si- nd foll baaulls new prints canadian american and lngliah prkoa from no a yard up ouarantml la new dress goods sll wool serge 40 tuohee wide all e had re from hoc up new drees tweeds 4j luohea wide js worth boo 40 worth 6q aud goo special offering of carpela will continue during ihe balaucs of the mouth best a frame druaacls regular tl s3 redioed to 1 10 beat quality tapestry rettular due reduced to 7 so b0 pair beetquallly wbiu blauksls al a discount uf fie per ib during the ueil 111 laya samples asol ou application freight or express prepaid to ynur nearest hallway slalil o 00 aud upwards tubtuout ilbusl king si uaa oornsr llugbaon at usjuillun jabxuar y ltfih 1u1kl hamilton ontario i9lff

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