Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 12, 1896, p. 4

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j r be ttott jfm tyvtss tiiiiuhuav manait m ihoii ft paling tallin hriairrvitovmiltiiii tyv it ij j mi w tl i lit iim lutrki nion porlnet ho tli r hair always onmlirhl sml tl always limit ir unites a 1 in ir in ihnhfjlt i lulou doer ai 1 imvnr from llinin lines she linai itoin oomeuear tim llltlnost teen 1 ml uolso hill would not ehaiigo ynu far tl hwtk1 lllttsr nor you trick j tntn no nor in u ilouglili lots tlio 1 will rnnfesi wllh jour tints an 1 your 1 soi i tit t men would gladly trads off aver ono- ths i till 1 in rll all tlinu oil tl thuu lull ui m in would jut want in rail n heck nuaili nnspnct f th norvs koapofatfor tho nnrro hen di mann the vnliunoo at overwork of otory kind whether mental or phyalclal tim muoh ealitig fa overwork of tlte digestive organa ton muoh blnyclo riding draws loo heavily on ilia heart ami lungs too nuibli thinking notes he an there horns ofqonornl intoront to rrno probn ronilorn my lady just nmr the may loll mo miur thai alia flavor tatcllne not sews now hint j am sure sounds well just a bit ft r i oan not meiiep o tliat way ea 1 say tliat i cannot menage that way don t llieyplayr 01 course well that la i suitoea hut i would not qlieiifte yon tor them hitler ifwpnt nor you tricky tom no i pol far hers era bus warble boys silent anil oolrt anil gladly ilia d give tl th all of liar gold to foal ilia close clasp of a bab warm hand or hoar tlio word mauitua lull oan i uoiur 1ihi ho cuddle down clean and tonlghl when we lry wo 11 tliluk of my lady tliat uvea ores the way uxjit iiocxxt fiahkm itoaigish dictionary qirls a disagreeable flfrl awile moeily a nkhiin girl battle margin a sweet girl carte mel a very pleasant girl jennie roesily a aiok alrl bailie ete a seedy girlcore ander a dear usee of girl e luoy dale a geometrical girl- polly oou not a christian- hatty ilodoxy on of the beat girls kllia gaol xtrwetrtrrltnrlm 1 a mualral girlsarah ned a profound girl moitio physio a alar girl mela orlr a dinging ejirl jeuaio mine a nervous rirl healer loal a muscular gtrlcallle bleulca a livrly k anna mellon au uncertain girl- eva neaenl a ad itirl htle o a serene rirl mollta f a urea l bl m bllle ihaut a wr like a jnt nynryr the illneatlvp anil aaal lative oraa nr alrainlnr tlm iieart or lurm uonrrp the nrrvo cunt era to rctiuler tlie fatal winn for en loti a the dnratino moni la mtv beyond the power of vital foroo to rectify il bat temporary end the luillbrlnm will bo roatoreil die true tlioory of hvitik licaltliful life woo lil eoem to be ttiii leke oaro of tlio contort to do thla umrd kln 4 llt 1 over esperidituro of net vona foroo hut majority perhnpa of fairly uitelliftent people do not know wlien limy are makltir tho moat deatruolive in roada on heir vital auppl and aiiohlnnor an oo ji vory hard lo reach with tho on lfjhnnient of aoienoe a peraon of woak etomach by ealinu a bi of piokle may brmk about a nervou waate reatar than that cauaul ty a day hard labor un made lemand upon a lol of dliardar ed nerved arid they cannot aupply the force it la like beating a poor weak horae be oania he cannot draw a load uioeteoi are mi at prevent aucceaaea editor out look in the haulaiiiunn for march a timid houiskeopor mra newod we will have to havn a peakink lube from the dininjf room in the kitchen ma newed why mra newed well i muetuotinibi of talking to the cook without bavins her throw diahea at me one source of pain and suffering undar human control an eminent apeolatlat in atudyinu pro foundly the conatruction of tho k tinny and their diaeanea aa well aa the diaeaaoi nr the bladder and urinary paaatee hat rod ocnlacd the fact that in order to troat kid oy and bladdor diacaaea auoceaafully a romody muat bo preparnl c pool ally for thean oricana and one rich in iinallnj owrrf after muoh ronrcli a renin ly w f whwh- a a llm twat kirl o h o john s forethouqht j ill n aaid a wife who waa aappoaod to tie on lirr death bed in oaae of my death i tliluk a man of your urnperamant and donnntip nature aaide from the good tho ohildron ahould marry again do you think ao my dear t i certainly do after a reaaonable length of time well now do you koow my dear thai relievra my mind of a great burden the little widow jeokitie hae acted rather do mure toward tne aidoa you were taken aick hho ii not the woman thai you ar a tronk minded tntalliiten woman of obi aotnr but ahe ia plump and pretty and i think would make me a deelrmble wife the neat day mre john waa able to eit up the following day aba want down ataira and on the third day ahe wae planning for a new dreaa it is better net to let your aail be bigger than v boat to let your rroreatlona be manful not inful ts bead the neck pioenptly than to broiae the forehead to think before you apeak than to ep bfifore you think to bold to yoar good name for it ia of more value than gold to pat yoar foot down where you mean to aland and keep il there to look well lo your feat when they are likely to lead you into the pat ha of ain to labor to keep alive in your braaal that little apark of oeleetial fire called coo acienoe to atiok lo your own opinion if you have one and allow olbera tho tame liberty of ticking to tbeira no versions of hm bible having oorfiplefadlu abare of work on tw reviaea vereion of the apocrypha the cambridge uuivoraity free ia abool to bein a large edition to the beptuarint aioo of the old tenement which will take many yeara to complete the readlnga of all oitanl greek unoial manolotlpu and frattmnnta will be viven aa well aa the ovideuoe of lte old 1 atiu egyptian by lleiaplar and armeniau varaiona and the ipiotaliona in 1hllo joaephoa and the hrtaiian i- ather the editor will be itev a l brooke of king a and n m liaii of chriai the dvat volume will be rnady it ia hoped in fi yeara hensiblg sayings 1 hat laiaurn la wealed which la not in in ylolj iniprowment of eome aort un rannol he wiae in everything but we oan at uaat be punotoal to oor eorage- niruti tho man who faila lo grind hie aa ia the una who fear that the onuntry ia tfoink alralht lo dratruoiuui and proclaim the inoel loudly or woman who apeaka in pleat moot direot utinjui viioal lanuuage loaat in bio to be miauudorelood nr tor the mixtiniatioti of rlpla liafion 1h u ntla apoloiry altar waa both llly and an ii uiaite one uf the m tat delicate type evon in thai favorllo ronton of ejujoi lid iho wni kuii why air auch a wpal qultet aa that la au inaull to every elf rrejkptiiig oalf iu the uriliah empire ibo waiter huug bia head in vary aba me fur a moment and then replied in the language of hum bleat apology i really didu i intend to loault you air uha wanted to know altva tbi amuov uo they carry ocean itiliv rna t maiqina no indeed thta la one of the lineal afloat anea-i- weil ilia peorsao u fur pen and why laul tba atearage foa eleere t there viae a mow blookada on the caca diau laoino railway in the niouotaina and no through traioa from the weal reaobad winnipetf for three day a ep to monday ii rtrrt wiailiim wuiilhuui iih nrfit hiallh flicatiaa mini u womr urn imt perfnolly wleo lliry itiiixi tnloi mi liiinn toiiwi thmn v- h- lr nijllilm hqant troudle nblliiveo in 30rvinutbs wondorfml rneultn follow tho umi of dr annawo euro for tho hnnrt tfin iooil iliel 1 agimw a cure tor the llnarl handnnn 111 afinginu ti jin in tlm jiutru ufthoiiuanij k fjiiada udiuhawu 1 thu mnllcln lhfi thnhnu of uol ixiiltl ii l h h- hbarilla la tlm oni i run i food inrlller il givnirgooil liinhli liiomio il buil in upon thn triiii rouiiilatiuii iur lilool lloidrf 1iiim ant purely vpuiitahln per feclly harnruiih alwnh ruliabla aiidy hen efloial if iyhm 1 hud a grnat dl of jralituii iu a pnnr man i lko h fr graittnl there would bo a numb miiy l rioh iupe what vvorld of on mdtig una attitrmiil nuitkhlich jiil what ynii nro looking for tail not t illlnnm n pninlenn om kit ran tor the jrtjat hiiro top corn euro ou thin way it makrit no norn apota aafe acta apeedily tirt wllhoorlain j aiiro mid mildly without inflaming the parta pain loaaly do not bo impoaod qpon by imtla tiona or aubihtuto i antliin iu ihojillr dn the manufacturer afjer having been uaed in koneral practice by aeveral phyblciana with grand reaull it waa placed on the market and ia known at sji h amnnoan kidney ouro n nc ur fails lo uivo relief in all houra in all derangement of the kid neya or bladder bright a dinoaae diabetea ludtmmiuador ulceration of tho kilnoja neuralgia uooaumplion hemorrage an i catarrh of tho kid neya tnllammaatan of the bladder etc sold by j katiuawjii many bmlonaua lakn pliaruro in put unit into the inoiilha of prlucca what they havn milliur natd nur uuht to imvu uaid vulurn no remedy curia oiiijif ulda roup tlbatfllinrt aathma uronchtlte iiiora throat eti ao well a r ood r nor all burtctifflll tike tlllllr hno- fromthe complexion of the heart an umucapca ibeir variety from light bacon there never wm and never will be a uuivereal panacea in one remedy for all ilia to which ueah la heir the very naluro of many curatives being auch that were the germb of other and differently aeated dleeaeea rooleil in the ayatem of the patient what would relieve one ill iu turn would aggravate the other we have however in juinlne wine when obtained iu a aound anadult rated elate a remedy or marfy and rrievoua ills ly its gradual jodicioub use the fraileat ayatemh arc led into ooovaleacenw and alrouth by tho influence which quinine exerts on nature a own reetoralivoa it relieves the droopiuu apirlia of those with whom a ohromo aiate of morbid deepondeucv and lack of in tor oat in life ia a dieeaae and by iranijuihiinu the nervee dlapoaea lo sound and refresh ing alaep lm parti vigor to the action of the blood which being atimulated oouraoa tbrougboot the veins strengthening tho health y animal auction of the system thereby making aotivily a neoeaaary result strengtbing the framo and giving life lo the digaetive organs which naturally de maod increased substance rosull imprur ed appetite northrop a lyman of tor onto have given to the public their quinine wine at the usual rale and guaged by the opinion of acientiata ihla wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the markot three things thai ruin many to know little and talk rouah to have lltlle and apend much and to be worth little and pre anme muoh taken luttme hoods barmaparilla hae achieved great aooeea in warding off aiokoeea whluh if allowed to progress would have uader minded the whole system and giveodiaeaao a strong foothold to cause muoh buffering and even threaten death li ood a ttaraep aritla baa done all this and oven more il hae been taken in thousands of caaea which ware thought to be incurable and after a fair trial has effected wonderfal ourea bringiiik health strength and juy to the aflllatod diplomacy aousials larroly in baokiux down with dignity when you have ono too far there le a danger in nrglooiitig a cold many who have died of consumption dated their troublea from oxoiiir followed by a cold wliioh aoltlod on their luuga ami in a abort lime they were beyond the aklll uf the beat physician had limy uod utckle a anil oonaurrrptfva hyrup before ii waa to lale ihore live would have been ajtared ithls medicine ua io eijual fur ourinif oouha oolda and all allootlnus of the throat and lunna without corrtenl we ahall and it a difhoull lo plaaao others aa ourso qod ufldeaoauda to lall men and ihooifh ihelr liabitatton walk i their doing mil ion rtm brttftrseel blase uf mlolliitemi inoaloulably leas vall than the apark of charity nnvina w ii m mlnialrr of artuullur has arrive i in ixiudon in aearcti of health tbe world looks dark blall moii thero fore be dark too 7 la it not a manly bul ncaa lo briug it bapk ui iimiii an i liiy illcaod diln t knw ihe fsol uo 11 that a veal culll walir7 -in- a cmu l h tales wae sold leal week hi london f r jl1 0jo although soma of the irnvui were what i una new pteut mmlluhio uf browns for cold avud mimmnptim m lie nan i tell until tlio label are printed tbe british troop which or rood pirt of be aahauti expedition returned lo iaii dou on thursday and w enlhuahkaunal ly weloomed the desire to be beloved i ever restless and unaalisfled but the love tha1 lluws out opon qbera is a perpetual wollspruig from on high through the will uf the late ii a uaseeytf toroulo about luo00qdis beiiaeatbedlo flduoalional and charitable ijuuuuticne threugbout tbe dominion lb man with tbe most experience lu making reawlutiona turns out the rmorcal quality of thaaatiole just stenti his four quarters for a bottle of burdock blood biters g as all sensible people do be- a catscll titrt1 dyspepsia ton- stlpilloil illllnuiiilii sick d iicadkhc hid uluoj and 011 diseases of the si nuui liver kidneys uuwb it d blood from c ii conimun rtniih wor r way imio hyrup mtrtngtlitti hie ting it him and td urn i ly iiereriary in avt t ipllck illm i nol the caaa wllh hrart eftrciinn of ai kiwi whethci this lm chronic orymp thclin or parlakr of a more starlit fhlranlcr lie is a f tohsli one who will hi ilatn to- apply an i mdiatu rtniedy this remedy wil never fail lo rrlf iu minutes no ma ior how long standi or dialrossing the i inlih may lm if y have heart dimiaec tnd wiali to hvn y have only lo nee t n ureal urn h d i j kannawin lrrbohiliou ia a hnavy atone rolle1 up a hill hy a iv ak child and ninvn a ihllo up jutl to fall book again itidrr 1 ftktfed out none but thoan who havn rkjiomo fagged out know what a deprniiard niitcrablo feelinh il i- a mneth i gone and doepoudency ha tlaken hold of iho uhtorere they feel aa munich thero is nothing to live tor there however in a cure one box of iarmeln- s egotble iilla will do wonjjra in restoring health and strength mandrake and dandollon are two of tho article mitt ring into i ho umkaklinn nf iarmnleo lila 1 hn way to fill a large aphcro is to th ily a small one there le no largo sphere you are your sphere braislin ii rah cougha ilnavytolds iloarsenesa aathma and nronchil ia arc cured by dr wood a norway iino hyrup the best lung remedy in the world the gain of lying lo b trusted of any nor lo whon we say thn irulh halm uli bat a uugb tojiea it is aa a licaliiir medicine for all outward sore iililrx hlotrihonskindiseasta ranopr sifjifiitoiii snrih filial llnrdm h lllowl ililtorh inth wiiu homo of its moat signal victnrirs over ilicui in uvnry cnso wlntro l iibi been ti lluiulli irlel u rh all white mi-tr- aw il mouml wlioltf flesh imvn rnsiillml here u wlial mias itlllo sv dnyle of illiliig else but nut ir lo bo believed will you heed tho warning hi signal per liana of the sure approach uf that more ternblo disesao xinsumplioii ask your aolvtm if you ran aflonl lur the aako of waving ihc to run tliu riak and dn nothing for it we know from oxierieiioe tliat thr i hut one teuipln n ihe worl 1 in i that is iho body of man sotlnn is holirr than this lnili form njvaln- the public ahoul i brar in mind that thuinib 1 clritr n oil ban notlilnu in rorn mun wilh thn luinure delt norallng claaa uf aoculn1 modi inal tills it la rminmlly pure and really elllacluuii relieving jialu and lamuuoaa alifliieaa of the olnu and musoka and itnrea or tiurla hnaidna being an excellent aihtitlalor r imihiitntii and hrouchial oumplainls hurdtck iilla do not irrpe or hi u ken 1 hey cure unalipatmu aud hick headache 1 here tail hn no oxceis lo iuvl to know i edge lo twauty when tteae atlrlliutos aro considered hi tho purest uniini i merson a uruilier ol the diilnrh ii wnl hrniui 1 have preaoribud bcotl i mulsion in oliaumpllou and uven when the digeatlvti towers wore weak it ban been followed wllh good rosull ii i wjkn a 1 ml hie ui limy de hi iki ii liyer ui while lliny ll from urn oily doajwliim f all lliat arc imsiiiiary coltuu norway i urn hyni ourrn ahihii olds iloarseneaa born 1 hroal aallima itrou chttlb etc fou twenty six ysaes dunns baking powder thecooks best friend larqcst sale in canada lo lbs thlukur the most inlliug ex lor nal objects ufmu sufgesl idtias wbith ex loud link after link from oarlli to heaven itulwcr oughs ilda hire 1 i mat thm uronctiitla and ail lung i mublm are juloklj cured bv iii ln f llagjarila ie lural it nam if rinklc brown lot thrm n imarts 1 tie apt h edyw ill the thlligi wh lull lm baa nol hul trj fur lhtis1 whitili he la aoting aproitloall iimjii urn disraaiht ur allidulslltig to at ii ill tbv l rmail rno of ihe sbteiii ihtrohy reuuivinu li it tact i grsl m ihe p r ti i aliiul ev u i iiurn aro di from tl bl mi i iraw wll iu i ill- an i iui i tl ei t r and ue that will boll yqir child on noli iln dill it iu i in hihli n soim h t i lit ul t i i iiltm nt t t ii r uli the bct tit rnr thrr tnr llioii posnl ptis t hi hilcll imhimtl witlv ihiuht n will lll i i tilullllloil t tltu 111 wlllttl jnioi illt t h ml 111 milium i 1 lu uitli out ptnw r to i l mst lis ic t lu ii t i no it- r c mit iiith scott l of tod lici inj uihitiypo lhosphitos is k liii oil pn tl dialed iiulitliptlil to tlu- wctktl hyi-uon- of ijiiulivn built a uvwa ihjiatuk ufk t l j amiov uro will never fails hold hy tv hlradnra iiih uill fgy ur tiirrn jusra i hsdaxeiy hnd brnnkiug nut all uvt r nt faro aiiitwnnt to a doctor vtliokavnjtx a bottle of ttiniliciint thrtcli 1 used hut got nn bonellt 1 then went in another due tor ah gavu inn medicine but aa my laon knpt gulling worui i asked 111 in tu uhangn tlm mod initio which ho did hul it alo faibtd in do any good an 1 he told ma hn could do no more for me alxiul hire monlha ajo 1 g it a bollltt of iturdnk lllonj ililler4 1 began tislug it i kikiii f mud my fner gutting muoh hettir no i k 1 ui it i it hottln aud im 1 tl and uu inmig a thtr i ixitlln ftiiind my tarn mm pletnly nnil htivnrftl it horn who have followttl my shluiti try it ii if have bri n cured of nlmltar tronhlna btifltritig for othara s iron a til nun oar own jkiwers of cntlurancn we lose them if wo rirrrim litem a kir la any feoling that take a man away from hi homo ui a traitor lo the household ii him cher hauiiawiti condition powders for morse altlo bhcep and iigs aro ihe best i hoy improve the epprtite and cure conghh ohia and lnfltietir i arnmrit wanting hardy native block io plant tin romiiik 1 all or bpring may pay for it in work we want men with or without lipericiico on full or part lime salary anil expense or commission write at once fur further information i limn s hitotiiklct oui kh oullpciital trriph rnrnnto out castor ia baiisvayjttmfi tabifg- crnnct trunk railway mall kain i si t i a 1 1- j kniinaviii it is right to he oonteuttd hit wti r have but nover with what wo are i oughtng i esda to collin iinloaalpd by dr wood norway 1itio hyrup ihe salcsl aud best cure for ough loldn and lung troubles irico 2nj all druggists rtaos ium4d7 forcalarrb is uj q peal kasle to psaaod catarrh no man ha come lo irilt grealno who baa not felt in some degree that hi life belong to hi race it rook to oeatroy worms and xpel ihem from children or adults uae ir iiw worm hyrup do a favor rather that rrrelvt nm if you would be frro new richmond st hlet mbtho dlbt church rev a b chnmbore ll b tho popular pastor of tho now rich mond b i root methodist church toronto toatiflea slraluht in favor of or aunuw a li larrhnl powdul usapsofgoud thlligx ro brink aaid of the ltev a u hs tuber 1 1 ii for his straight talk r secularised achooln quite avlde from the mcrtle ol ihe iiuialloii the ud ablu mr chambers handled ihe aubjocl ttaa tieru universally admiiod lu the aamt rank and straightforward maimer tin gentle man whom iho now jlichmiml blroel molhudial church has rr ucste1 ehall te main their pastor for anolher term talks of the help that cornea lu those who use dr aguew s alarrhal powder mr uharnbors knows irorn oxperieuco in bin own family and he nays ao ocr hla uwu algitaturo how helpful una remedy la cold in the hostl end otren fevor it will give relief in t trice ml cents bamplo bottle aud blower set of two 1 cenl tamps b o douhou ii t hurth t bold by j kannawin lu hay stop i that lolgll l i sim sliaws lccloral oiitrh ii highly recommpndottrlviucuuh llauiiuil and folluwtnk uriia a ilircnl 1 limulomo ijtlck ifs cents 1rriirol hy i shaw l rockwood druc store 7mkrian 7oric tlrrkihi weekly itileuaetl faun ntna aiiil loluira a itu rurm fouturoo i i if slthk dairying llortlot ii markol llartletilug and othi r i hie laleal markola and cniiiulnrt ui arlci nig ara lallng feature 111 khh hie k tu tlio family fuaturoe hi rl h n ib1i 1alinu fant vsotk llie iikhl hk talk with tin doctui i uulo iiiiau 111 rarv conier an t uutig vulka tat c uil lite to make ihla ldiarttiiflut of a iniicu laltia a moat uf the h falillly 4otli atianrptl on iaw utdmlilo ler an ideal farm and family weekly amblhican aqrioultukiai 62 lafayette pi now york the belfast store ftcton 1 ol 1- ml 1 ilui 111 i lllll i uu c lion i rn sprliif innls i trl ilui in 1 1u1ik ii tu shining i i nn ulc- our jii t usliim ic lliii in k ulii- cents department 111 iv i t i 1 1w i 11 1 i of i hi i 1 u h lil iilil ini iu iii slllin llll- till l i groceries 1 ins i iilini iu it iiiiuiisiiihk t vo 1 inll iiiimiih piuuil illintion k- til i a e gurney co mill street acto iirstclrss thilqrinc w- h adams scotch buit1nos at lqoo ano utwailba canadian suitinqs at illoo and ujwardb bluk sklldk buitinos a i 13 4b and upward venetian ovkhcoat ino at ilb6 and upward iahxlmo at 3 00 1nd upwajld i raous liiukiuk uielr i gwla iiuiil llioin and miiuiiiod at nj wr i fmrrymmb a uluck mill strt acton ukc h hdkm3 m new frce iftn old plhci ml ii holmes 1 would rnsmcllullv sl tormur oualutian an i tho tihltt cuniallr lhal i iio euuimouovd hualuia at ll ataml uli main htreal where will iv fount a iuilnl h k nrstlass mkkf uii1tiis i uh 1 tilth troah and hzu ttvui ktt bahfh an i i ol i tlt in rraiuptdwlverj tal block waa k u collins for infanta antf children tasmhlixttww tea e catajarla wii tks p af m ifle waaqweefjamamy ttw aiasr rs t sussl cliuaursoa ejio w liae m fciawna it la fcauf cisumrawm i0ta i w i them health it win wo ota llyej it u lcatlmwa u wathlawjarfcl le afcealwtale- safe aa wserueajly perrfbrt aa a ohims acjielaa casiwrla datey warma oastorla 41aytaahsaiess castorla pr wesjalusuy gaw ce cauitaru oarsts piarrltsa sua j wutal cello caatexia rauawsia taaiwwst castoha ceres caaatlpauow ajad rutwlamey castmla neatrallaaw tha exraota ef oarwsat sveaj as wr palaoweoa ajr castoha doas not coartmlxi worgstiaa aplsni err ayosa majesrtle praparty caatoha asslmlutas th foej r ea stosah swdwersja artfxm haavlui sad na ataarp n qaetorto is pat p in rma-el- wtla ew ly it mil x paat allow ary one to sau ywt tuljt 1w at tae t weemlas aatula 1 baa tluat too arat castqhia children cry tor pitchers oastorla- longer v mm tiui t i i dili in doing kl 10 41a in this tluifi lahln we iirainthir ihth imn only ruiibssfarai m0mmi9 1rvavvrwawv granby modelled cat h aesssesssstseew honestly made of puro juibber f hin light elastic stylish durable modelled cat h year to fit nil the latest bhot shapes extra thick ball and heel sold everywhere they wear like injo aasasxssaaaaaaaasssaspqaaaa rubbers yste have the gcood8 9 s hjuant noli iper uul lnclopeb u uiui i crtpc i lhbul iapcr isiting cards wall paper from the best american and canadt u tt ikca bomlilun cr fine in yuilit shades and designs all new goods best ouilit bottom prices c omc anti sn- our stu k no trouble to show goods ilue ti lis eer time 1a g s7vnth drugs and books jo w ndham st gueiph hovsr to win success hitik iityokk lot tur iho man iu buaineen nowadays of course must advertise tot surely ibat a the bent of ways uig 1 ratio tb realise hut ere you any contracts close rrrmirrd this maxim keep 1 he wisest business men are those who look before the leap don i advertise in papers that can never do you good where your boat ads fall sorely flat and aro nol understood duu l use a mod mm jaal becauan lis rate seem very cheap i ha host ol modern butsuees laws la look liefore you leap i u i over iry to buy hi ore apace than you can woll afford don t run in debt in any case and always keep your word don t ooanl at first on profits rroai bmall harveal you may reap i lie wlae bsgiiinora emulate aud look bofora you loap alln litto ad to it far lerfe t kkkc- mw firm tiletcv stock neyv prices i lm urtii f tug luinca in autou so lias bcwti diwuoiitliiuitd but the old bualuj j a speight co ilmtiifh in onie reapeua there will 1 dec ii wi changes if the undertaking department bl lw must notloeable owing lo tbe bard llmee ws are cutting the prioe in all line uf oihus caskets and furnishings aud will supply lha wholo out fit at any reasonable titter you may in eke but old manage ment tig under the uama uf juhn t boi i will go on uader tho new name wo have no connection with ju any undertakers oomblne and govern our own prioea lmbeliiimg dime when reiulraif at slightly ov ohsrgo will be made el ami if not sell ftolory i purnitur6 a carefully aelrcled stuck of furniture on baud which we will dispose of at a fair living prool buggy st whgqn sss zljit manner and at prioea perhaps a if tils lowoel ileiug under very amall eaiwuae in carrying on our business we oan certainly sell at very low prices lu the undertaking especially we oan do this and ive entire satisfaction j a r speight co funk wacnalu standard dictionary tile debt poll all puiipojbbo it la tbe latest and moat complete tontaluaaoim words many tfoinainl more any olhpr iljcuonary over iiulillaliod mora than eilvhmn wnra pxpniidid in 111 pmduo lion u 17 himclallats an i ki 1 1 or were ciicanetl in ha irp artitiu i la deflmtiona are clear and exact rrealdotil milnp of now tk blah nnrpial collngo ar- found h critic y ttio iu etymologies aro sound tiny are pahoclally rnuiiiimi toil liy ihn an astit movtiii t llostun tlm khtuin latkii laxkttk londoii tl ml r ht iiooi ttuxa i lilladolphu and acores uf thers ulaaoo auth it i in use in all tho detriments of uis lnitedhtaln qotanitnent at uashinatudt ami all llie itepenaunntb f t doniiniou of canada tlotoriiumul exnrui give it tus pre fore noo on all illaiiutetl jhilnts it ib adopted in the public bohools of canada an i lultil ktatc lla new nducative features ale onronielv valuahla iii training pu lis lo a etrreoi use of words canitals hrlhnna nte its tlluitratlau are auih rh its lahtea f enlni welghu and moabrrres ptsrttf animals die are bill in i live aild cannot l fintnd elsuwhent it la the moat highly commended sorer has a lictltuarytoeii wtdaouiod eltll ucli unatiluiotix anil untillnl iiralae by lb- ra the groal unuoralllo and by oducmtiint anil milr tlir ueliool tho pug hali4aklii worl i tin lajtiloti tiuip mia the uisrlts of the hlaiidard dlclloiiary am indluubla and are iaxaxi illeacliatil illiurlti the standard theht jamas hi mil nay thehtalidard die rllot literary amrlc of literary ruglan i hll in kuliaorlinluo oulj 12kttk- 1tiudon nary alitiul i lie tho it ii the admiration adlnth wanted feffi g00 ntlm agrat tsm pi tow somt your oel- criilluu lo funk ft waqnalls co 11 richmond at w toronto ont ecritlvn circular t ill l nt on t illcatlou a molaren dentist 243 yengs al torontd flntrclaaalldlset of toelh i or pi nt pin i i ite 1 i t ufch- cids athma brotttblll hujrseita sore 1 broat crvam wbolnk cough quinsy pain in the chest and all throat urunchlal and lung iiikuu tho lip utirf null man ntue vlrt u ilia norway pine a e co iilnnoi il n 1 i ir v ill wld cherry i lcr i tal llarb and llalsams tu 4s vvfavsv e 1sv itvvavfl the perfect tea monsoon tea rintev tl from the tta sunt to thk tu cu- in it ntivt purity monsoon tra u parked injfrihihinmului of lhetcwktworbanji ajvcniapd anjaoklby thcra a a aampieof the bra quaulteaul lttduin ji crjuw tcm ktw hut mxm tdry tra dial nonej but ik h ia put p in jlu andaukllnlli if gr t j t stfiel 1ia1tlk ft eaal turuolo juiuhhu l prrfott tcmb 011 u ui u tb ik atul thst most successful remedy for man or bkabt oarsana ujupiraou aadaarer buatars kendalls spavin cure ilo aacanaau llaaderaaa cu i1l fou st h or 11 jkuuu fjo imrmn tlrmt mlnoninf tmir llona cihkiaiid oblurfi i barpuaatl al u it yiist phlall im fur will uifcl ui ii la a woularf ul tunllriih i mliaii man ikai bad u emu aau aial iln utti ouiw uar 1 saab a btklu mi hud al i um lint tuarslralt out idwbu kendalls spavin cube tumu uu ajar tx ill k j gbiulxtl laxir fir i iuvp uhi lu of roar uul- url j ji t paunu3 ptrraltiul nw uruaaamcii pioasao with ad kni it llmp lllt a it itav i o tvs hahy copyright rtwlnrtwrnatlonanl tpo llaoiilahh wriip i uusn a tu sat ha mwi n of ipi liuream rr arrhrtiut 1mb l li i irrlra krr ml tit tajt n uli iliiuin iiul t i- two tba imulleliy aullcvklvthlneur uanj lu itv ricultfic american 1 hll milly liluitl i ahouu iw wiuhhii it w lalim oil irmw llipol till a tsin i

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