Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 19, 1896, p. 2

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of tpt j t- wpirttwitwb turuui in tttreutavlll nn tuesday march ttnl in mr ami mrs ii t taylor twins im mh 1 ulrl on iii nnfiinauliy on rsttinuyrpeb bid mr nl uq uacloii a anu- ilimiiat oskvllle ml hatunjer khli feb lary o mr ami urn win funster i ulhlr t i mattuillt h1m iihku n ww1ihuk llltllfllbtc li i in j mm i tli lllt thomas tll n i milium 1 hyilnr iwttmt ouelph tnrnililn turn ii hti i kwiii at llif reaitiintnf ttld lill father on hlliruy lllll uarrh by lliv 0 hl7lill joint jarknr i martha ann nlth lauflhlfar jama 11 htoibiium all i i ralirfs r null hi kit at tlta real unci of ttm urlilr uf on lulnwuy htli uardi ii itav ll ry talliell hti- mr joln william sllia saaasaweyayin kllou a ilaugliler of i hriitl i sqiliialiig hi uiiiuki- huiiiplirn oh u h uv xlareli tn 1 john r ol sorval wl 11 rars 6 days htkikmh is llih han noar crowsnna eonisr an kriitai li lame ii buivnnaon mead 61 ui i aiikk at lilt dundss hi toronto janolian nn thursday itttli unroll uaggla wont on wife i i john uninaii aged 23 years ii ui inn t at tinr iidhi in kuinya nn monday march iflui tha wliluw of ilia late j olio cumuhoun aflod 101 tears 3 months tuuiiuoay uarflcu 10 1mm notes and comments llie ad mi lustration of tha herns system thoroughly discussed in the legislator hi wadncaday col kern mpt caliod the attention of tho hun to tbe recent libel suit in thh county and ta7ma3 that the law was not properly administered in uluin ihe pruvinoa will have aim t her oily i tho near future the ontario govn mo iit haa decided to grant the petition for the annexation of allandal 10 the town of llama the new ward will be called allanilalo ward and slaps will at onw lakuiv to hae oarrie created a city tho policy of retrench men t trial ita led by llm newfoundland government haa been llm moan of edeotlnif a saving of 150 000 li it t li rnnnlhi ll hf fprrigu iiiaii aervioe ouapled with an iucvtaaa thn mail despatched the repass al tba saving bank ia favorable aud oonoaenoa haa inon re lured the montreal cilixeua committee which waa referred ibjj brilisli empire exposition question last tneaday decided that it should not bo kone on with ibis year but ahould be held no i veer- a big committee u appointed tn path tha tfainr and the projector promts an internatioi exkmttiun in jhj7 of which canada tbatt bo proad a m vctnonl haa been started in toronto to revive tha saltation in rolaiioa to rail ion traalimit in he public achoola ol oiiiarin the church of hnlnd ia al the head of tho movement which instead of secularisation for tta object alma at in oreaallik the hour devoted to religious snb- jriis more than this tha plan ie to intro duce dr nominations i teaching by tha mm isirrs or their representative of tha var lous communions ill atlornoy uoueral baa introduced an aat in the legislature providink thai all action attain l muhiotpal corporations in reacci to injur lea sustained through i repair ol stroela roads or sidewalks aball lioreaflcr be tried by a jode without jury 1 foe eneol of this ouilbl to be to re duco the ainnunta which tha muuicipalitla are called upon to pay out for damage for accidents juries are prone to mulct corpttruratiun heavily in suob caaoa itaferrmii tu mr waldiea candidature the littt raid yesterday mr john v die has fourht aomebard battle in halloo with varyiiik fortune and ba can acoept a defeat aa calmly aa a victory aud oome ujj ii mil hit for tha nnxji aaccnnlar judiu ik by saturday a convention tba day of tho liberals is coming round an in thy are in vplendid spirits aod ibey have a candidate of whom auy oonatitaanoy mihl bo proud sturdy in bis faith in liberal principles honorable in bia methods and of first rate busiueas ability the halton liberal feel that in mr john waldie tttey have a alroo and well tried candidate lor their standard bearer in his addrcas at the con vent loo on batur day 41 r waldie said that he could afford to be defealod bot not to be dishonored by any action that would briun the election irilo the oourta and desired thai every sup porter ahould pursor an ajigreaaive but legitimate effort unlil the election halton ha seen many cloe and ucitink contests and there is oo doubt the coming geuaral eleoliuii will witness another il is always popular in some fnartar in ciiiiircllou with the various ol lurches to alvocsta free pews but many church hoards have found a nominal uniform ran tal preferable 1 he free pew system has n it been auroesful in monnl forest the ttrirfxlalii stales that ihe quarterly it ard uf the methodiat church in that plaoe after folly testing the ayatem of free pews haa docidod to retgueat th trustee lliaid 10 attain aasnme its former oourae of rotilliifi the sltlliika al the and of lha praam i cjuiilereuov car au i furniah light f irl npira die aa formerly theory and p aotlce don t always barmontae lion u w itov bill to ooueolidau and rev las i lie public achoola act oarae up tor its second roadm in friday que of the pnnolfial olauscn tu this bill ia lb at which la intended to assist the poorer section it route that lha municipal councils of vary county ahull levy and oollaol lha mil i th at least fur every public sanoul eeuliuu in which a sohool hap bsavi kept upri tha wholo year and a proportionate sum whnra the school has beau kepi open for an month or over an ajdltloaal eum uf j- shall be levied aod oolleated in a similar maituer for avery assistant leach or engoitnl lor lha whole year and a pro porllimialo amount if snail atsletaul was otnjsjrd fur all mouths or over this li in addition to the 1100 uf township grant koiim olijrfltion was made but finally 11m bill received its arooud readme erin 1 its i iwnahip of brin spriuh sho will bej in illllahurg bo priday april 17th mr thumss moculqheou haa pure baaed lha bankrupt look of u uubmi a co of uiinuii al ihe i ome of mr ii bwaokhaninaar one avriiium last weak a farewell parly was given in honor or mr 41 hccntcbn0 wbo ml ou 1 hursday for hi horn in manitoba after apeudlng some time bar thii wa lb a veu i of lb aeaaoo al ii war rpr aantad aoton bvertou crawaoos corner and lltber hr win chlatiolniof th lltibltoa erin iaaafttuuvilu lbavwilug aud ba lke op bia ftaidenoe in the bouaoproslta lb john w chosen km ton lltmarata 4n an gnthualnatlo cphyfintlon mutt him again rndlf slanciarapaar-o- a neprgsdntativp mefytino tho liberals of ilallnu held their ad jonrnd coiivpnllon al millnh onhalnrday t jolin wanlie wascaip ohon to carry of itcfo lnt tlip banner inf itcfnrrn ilominiuu electifflt lie aocepted tho mm itmijn and iletltted hjmsidf in do cvfrj lliiug thai i ejrgitimalely ooiilddo in arcuro victor wrtli tha undiidal supfiort of llm party in ilallon a feature at lira mwtlnj waa the tplri did spemhns of mr win lateraon m i and mr tlioi ii m 1 tho nomination convoiilion waa held in the town iniiat ii o c lork irtlliefurrnoon dr mccrimmion ireatdont jftbo iuiii astocialiuii and secretary vv i imck called the muster roll and tha following delegate answered untokllayor uclluui dunean devar dr itolwrtaik leonm v uccraoov j a rrset j h llecannell in klccatl john hlawart vowng ubaral club d u itolrtou uornrrpwi m llarclar it u warroii w i uoore ichian oraut win uclo1 job n it ueksniia n hunter itotiart uolnxm itav ii luft vouug 14brral club it c fcfccul arrox ii j ucsaltb j j laaron ticsiree llavill jobu warrao si vmnlau oavium hujjian uarlalt v lurnol la w w ialterson j ii c derm 1 j atwlorsou a k cross c ii ratteraon jaiuas ouun i o cameron ivtar hsllay uurriaalali iiubiixoton j w lleollbtmm ti- u purkef w j llruah itobsrt hrntnor a murat t01ih8 uiwnila 0ircwstttn kxui aaixuiu j collmll jaliina 1 nulm juo lloliert catutkilu llobsrl hlswart itutrt klelaujjliun lluitli cuuulugtiam jolin lluflnian william itrownrldcb w lu mekarlsnr john k uccoll j il undsay tc hurt man ii 1 lswaon alas waldi sou john htalksr ibpbraiui uoore jas iliboua ii j waldie llobert harper ueorge ilsuderaou n h uml say john henderson john ktana taaraiaji john ucuoucall wui jardiuo john dickia archibald jarvla uohart 1ual aibsrt clamenu wesley utephona c ityaa j jobnatou v b jobu ortli james ltedultea arthur htapbsu rdwanl camiiball flvrtisrt inglabaart wm raedmore w h htionrs taptadn j wilson j rtckant mm llualiend y uorund nlmiaivitt- ex warden llouslsa llnury daalala uaorsa k itch i dc jamoa a damson saijmmilsortii k flaher itouert uodlay h obnnt dr carbbrt jsbn ii aid loorgv itaui shew j uenevtn john luadhoad unorka cot trail usvtd 4lcbolsaii ujwvllls club nmwuiwkh b msrdea ueniln haiuool ucduwsli u ikwtlio oun ulwrsl lull uurpo ucnsir among others preaeot at the public meeting were inspector deacon ex warden itobinaon sherlfl clement johuaon liar rtaoo mr tattoo u ri t knncoe crown attorney matheaon the nomination proceed l niia were com mendably brief ha vn arden monaics moved that mr waldie be the candidate and lo doing so paid a high tribute to hia pluck and fighting spirit iteevo llavill of acton seconded the domination aud no other name waa put forward mr waldie oo being tendered the no ml nation on a standing vote of the convon dou waa received with prolonged a p pi suae lie promied lo do his beat to win sod said his honor wa in the bauds of the delegate he counselled them lo do noh lug that would bring ilallon agsiu into the election courts 11 could afford to be beaten bat not to be dishonored and hoped that ibey would be able to return him by uch a decisis majority that there would be no after dispute at lha public mealing which was held in tba town hall in the afternoon there wa a larg attendance including many ladioa il waa from tbe outset a atirrtnrg gathering and withal moderate in ex pi east on and well behaved throughout dr mccrim moo first introduced or kobertaon ex u p v wbo moved that the moeliog offer to mr john waldie tbe unanimous nomlna lion to the commons on behalf of tbo lib arala of halton in support pf tbe motion be doctor aald the liberal a woro going in ibis tim to win and were going to hit 1kb i out from tbe shoulder of tho leader of the liberal party many eloquent lords of prajjas were spoken there had been ctr french leader before men like lafontaini aod cartior but they worn isadora of their own raoe only mr laurmr wa the leader of the llberala aud of all canada and wa supported as heartily by lha people of ontario aa if ho waa a pore bred lngltahmai he hail shown thai he waa the atanrp of matt that tranont citixens ooold follow mr mcleod seconded the motl nt sod called on all desirous of promoting tbe wel fr of canada to jun in overthrowing the moat slipshod aud blundering lovurtimaul that wuy free country waaevcr cursed with us sitjjia s rutiiiau the nomination tiavtnu been oonftrmeil by a aland log vole m waldie returned hi siooere iliatika aud spoke brlrfiy on the uf the day in tho last oanilii b said be loyalty of the liberal parly lo canada bad been challeuged thank lo th ungenerout meaaage of o rover love land lbs papers and partlaaus that had challenged tbo loyally uf the llberala had boon euenoed end il baa been shown that lb ltef or roars war roady tu a laud iu tho trout rank whan the day of trial mine tbe tariff wa uuw a before a chief jmjjjcol of- discus ion lha present taritf was undoubtedly pre judical- to tho people iu any- cbangeaeadeavor ahould bo made to briog nooul that harmouy wilt 1 upland ild show us in be worthy son a uf worthy air canada was lho brigtiuwl ouldritkl jswol in lite imperial crown and with laurler ek lis leader would ahum brighter ihao over applause lo lho nr nl tariff he believed wai direfcrty traoaabl lb dacraaalng population iu vaf ioua section of the country it slkiufd bo obanged o thai our ouila mou iuatvad of king home tn a fonjigji land ahould be attached to tha aoll ot which ihay wrre born apfdauae 1 he result of eightoeu yeara of realrlotiun bad been made appar enl capital bad been drawn into oeruin favored industries that were profitable al ural but thai afterward brought rain be omafe lb law of th country were not so framed as to retain in canada lb mir nhrrir- of lb prod uo is of the industries tbeqberej party would destroy uioooeo its bat ll would not bajur one gen nine udualry tbe ubaokea mropoed would ild lo lb kurl proaportly of ui oouutry by wtiniag lb yoorg pv h bad ofua ooliaed fa toronto thai ool of the that h met going to work in ibet mornlnfl were grey headed vrtnle in ilnffalt they were niitir ninn who i did lliat men i fl imply tliin that wn vrdrb driving ont tlin flnwor gf tim nnftli by a iiviiik y- r rtinti tbo liberal parly it rjtiirnnd to power wotil i not deck id km p n flnn by gnrry muderlit lfisfriinl mr jttrsoii was onn if thnpn sftaioat whnm the girrjinail der nf 1hm wrh him 1 it- inking two ii v fur i i 1 i- i hi y iii kcitp him mil uf thi mm sucoaaa applu t 1 hrrn wr frauililan s l l uhlih it unhid to stuff llm itaih niih dm n l lc lsuimr ucanio in the ttefonii prlt tju hut id bo my l tents if mr lho policy l ion lisls ml lists which cat uni lie i r hjn i remedial bill debate tho mombors qbttlnp hot nntt dln- i ailsd b a cantv thu tfinian is dexd thin mnn trlnd to tako cnnntla in lobq but l pronoitv more timh vet to de wastkd i inim marrih 1h it wn thg end fit ual wnnk that a iiiviti hi v ink pin n on llin 11 mihil 1111 by iu rrwtnrt 1 h hw 1 jumttitn march itt major john aiitythofvtiin1eader dtol in ojtk iniid nn k nudity sity aablslnd iu plan iik the i ivshiim nf cs in infill when iikhjiiiiiwdii lout lui i oil i i now ynrk plsreil a prlt lhn dtvil a day or tu onlay win t mm cliarnctorixod h ihtcliea a lhxliaui iiimjl by hi at i aat fiirlht lllllmi day am a llll lllhut uf nhl hitler nltaiiks ii of iji hinuilinl hill wi hihlmrl lupprr who mild w i i n ijtl rls tini f mi lh thn poll ol i the i of llm ilt thn rlf govrumiil it form parly to iniio of provincial rights the rspfoaoutatlvenf hal rti a votu for lrvrnoil a h altai mr arlhj i ilxrnl irnlrr ho wall iffxnh n hia iirti slid flnnintiwi hii rinsn nrl vaiueil al f 10 0ih1 carily i iniiftut h itcdnolivbh for tunny years in livat dually coming 1 1 california to ol onobtown k i i ale tiled mr m icry full it wbi land b applauar i ton h hal righuon a rruur oroa im when lho in lcrola of qnouc vitm invouel he was opposed to any lulnrfrrence vrllh theaohonl legislation uf maiutulm thiers blair monls hail been mado that tho i ihrrsls ol ontario had gltrn the krptrnte kchonl favor altliough nothing had vou given that was not fair slid right nqw tho very man who made these asneriions were ork to set aside thn legislation of manitoba aqd create friction ho hellavcl manitoba bad the beat knowledge as lo what waa good in the matter of schools for its own popjrfa iinu and would a tho iuterosls of id lis laws whei ii ui id iwcomo it was ham ered ioub injury woulj a strugglns with keep its populatiar with eactanan srli be done lho irovii dakota looking at ihe whole iiirsllon he milkt a thr ir candidate state that im was in favor of 1rovincial right an in ut any query or i uali ilea tlo whatever buie lug that the ren edial ojjjeliild do perman ent injur lo the ctatfttpat emliojled in an act of parliament mr william pstcrson m v on ooming forward to apeak was reuivnd wllh prn inngctl applnn- 1i congratulated the candidate aa mr iful huainesa ma knowledge nf i he iueatm waldie who as a mi had a smclal itecllng trade mireo witii whiuh thu ii man had ao often to deal of the uoitions liefore the electors mr lalerson llien sjioko for almost su hour and a half to an au hencfl that punctuatwl his points whi enthusiastic applaune mr thaiiiaa i4i m 1 made a epucch aa a farmer to farmer lie deltod into tho details of the school iuouon the n 1 the bonusing of the aiiatrallauj line and kindred sunjreta and held tho al lent ion of the audience by hia uuineroui illustrations or tho shortcoming of thn ivernmeut thegravfcnhurst tragedy tho poisoning oummiiimi ont march 17 lowi in tho touilt hsmmoud case haa in nu abated 1 he atoinaali sent to 1rof i ilia of tor analysis mr i- i c of toronto haa boei mond father for lho defence it in now known that kate lough had m 000 nmr aure on her life lu tho provincial 1rovidrnt and the metropolitan i ho ueatloti ana oe whero hammond eipecled to got lho money lo ay the prptmums he di i not earn onouxh lo pay hi own board ktlies wage were used for ihii purpose i ho hammond and tout a havo not been friends aiuce the young people started to keep company i ho evening uf thn poiaiui log katie put ou her hat and ran over in the hammonds soinolhlnt aha had nut done for at least two yeara half an hour later she was carried into hi r own home dying a oung man had foun her in the snow had shouted for help and young hammond had responded he hoitad to carry the liody in a lovinqtributfc to lho mumory of thu lato mia martiurut mcphourun nuauauiiwoyr ed waa it duhiihton g retained by ham lho la iok pa pet death of miss mar naaaagwoa will lho iit a frlouif through col announced lho mclhedran of ucr 1resa par offer few words of lovioj itihute ui her memory margaret mclhrdrau was tru y one of i host rare souls uf whom that great atu lout uf hnman nature lau maclamu epeaki wiio follow their ootnwtoocc as king and uut truth dearc ard fortruth tha the frienda as alio wai ol a usitloii the i rut ter waa kmsir t ot uatn i snd a atrial nhl nod wllh rsrs tuud bsding chsrartenslifs ir of bar i obit uhrnc of lho bulljmit tiouoil hare rrillrdial leglnlatl 11 kir lirln i uppor ii rt gives of motn n to night ll at the lirnr will take momfays ant lhurslas fn rrumrill hlltinoin hrreafltr crew90ns corners lsat week a almost ii oi mui i hie llih iuro of mi plac wi ads j met h htaveiison of ihi decorated lo do hi i or tu lha oousaiun of the marriage of his daughter annio to mr juhn tsrker of kramoaa shortly after one o clock thu invited guns is arrived from hospelcr 11 a mi i toll lrin and other plsces and as lha bride is a general favur lie with her friends she received merty haiidaome and useful presents just before afttarvy enleeethlie- h a wti4l4lufleetua parlor to the joyous strains of a march played by miss ldith hlevenson ihe bride waa given away hy her father and waa becomingly atlirud in agowu of brown cravstietle and looked tho cmbo llinenl of trace and beauty bho was alleuded by her sister mian mary hlevciiaon who was also beautifully attired mi ii it parker aaaiated the groom lho marriage oero motiy wa performed by iter d hlrachan of hock wood ifler which lhejuesls repair ed lu the dining room and did ampin jnitco to a bouuliful rrpaal 1 he haji y couple left lor s tour to barilla and other places tuerr ed blins in h rati lu hlo wt u hint of nil lh and what waa ou wrducsd ol joyous tuarilage frstivitirs waa on im day turned into a houto ol mourning last friday about half paal five o clock mr james h sloven son and his sot a were in their bay house belling soma hay to a neighbor when suddenly mr htevouson fol over on th hay aud before he could bo carried to his house llfu ha 1 paaaed away ror some tunc past m r fiieveimoji has been m very poor health having been troubled with heart failure jl win this whiob caused his death mr steve n ton has been a loldcnt of this plaoe fur about forty voars and at the inns uf his dralh was ixty four years of agr eceaed was highly lirniod by all who knew turn ho was a kind snd obliging neighbor a loving and squciionale husband and father and will im greatly missed by all in una community lho iw h inlr d sill forty thrln pitiil n mr 11m lu llin puhlln ncluol last si iii vvir agu nttnudaiico ill mr a i itbbarda a la chair man of ihe pul in idrarv ilnarl sol mr h 1 arngny tary ihe k og i oundry ahows evident r of cltv7nn rah ma again i lie at ua roio cuih has beei re organised i he v ah lritn iiung pefipln cole braird lh an hi mary of itov mr id rins unfurl 1 in ou oiailny uvi ililig u v w alverl uf oakvlllr will pro srli m oi uu b rum in the e rgo town auc a igrove nfothodliit- ct u che 1 neat bundsy itev itplf duflgave an inlcieating sd droai on armenia lo a iarge audience last aitindai evening in ha congregational ohuroh an evening with japan wa uia topic at the missionary prayer per vie in tho math odtt church last 1 hursday mis linduay ilatlio and lmmi tindall mian bailey ftirtiishod lha music a good collection or mlosions wa given ihnltov 1 a moir preached mondav and tuealay cveuiugn ot this week in the dublin htrefll methodist huroh ouelph rown atlornoy matheaon wilt shortly remove to mill on ivorinb makes discolored teeth white tvortne the nnvr dentlfrtoe displace all other preparation from use because it dues good work dnicolnrstion and roughi ftfo sliiioiilly l sl hn telh retfjer ed vtlntu aud highly poltahed ivorim fragrant and refrevlnug preservatlvi soli nil teeth aud decay retarding ivu removes tartar and diarolnratiuus makes tha teeth iwik beautifully white is often asked of tho watchmaker i hard thing to say exactly what doc it only u know that tho weather has tome off pet on them my watch book fur the paat twenty five years if looked over would give a good idea of the weather change 1 hinder k tor ma and sudden changes ol temierature alwajs brings in three or four timea as many broken niainnprinim as steady weather i alway buy the very best ijualily of spriugs that ran ik got i ss my rule la to replace tl fioti if broken frc wlni tbe i not paj pu mtimely departure a ii daughters i ly nduw flv nit ily i blevi ndy i amnaih i thel7a fact 1 think cheap material for the sake uf being able to do ihe job a little cheaper bcciuae i da dot think a cheap job in cheap at auv price i must havo been trained lu a belter shop than the most or watchmakers as i find hard to gel a juuruoymau al any prion do ihe work as carefully as i would like done many of them dou t take lho trouble in takeout the torn winding wheels ivh uch of c 11 tin hev mr malhea onto preached a ve livo sermon here waa ftev j chap au i i j v the misses duffleld ol visiliug at mr juhn oabori miss ijllto son who h friends in kal luther for mr it in rlutiday 11 hai kctl am f iiwville visited frloinja here this week mias flhel tanu who has been visiting trionds here for somo tune returned lu her home at the forks of the redlt last week mr ueoxg ouey has bought for a fair figure ibe farm whn h ho has ren tad fur tho paal two years slid which was formerly known as lho torbea homestead uol to do so aud thn owner of tho ill novor know it as lho watch will g well without but the winding wil wear twiin aa aihiii if you don i aa far a know all watchmakers who have servo- dull apprenticeship chargo the sine pr fur their work iu galling your ws repaired the juealioii be who will do it the best i am oouliuually trying my beat koep up the hood reputation i have already lui aud if you think best lo try me 1 take the greatest possible ptn to do good work i alwayit dusire lo returu thi money jmd ou auy watch thai 1 aanuol make go satisfactorily and wish you parlic ularly to ask fur it q d prinqle watchmaker ouelph ip stall paper i vst all paper 1 he lilac tn lu wall ipt i i- il arv g s7vvith 3 1 1 m si tf i could tu lho dear trim 1 who wa t uu the bonier ul 1 bho riiiainol i the olos au 1 soimk f tin 1 vly 1 trtliulrs purti aa wa the oas iii thi rati liable woman r 1 in iiim of her faithful am nun r etld young ia dy while al t in an t la mm a from h ma so 1 am ug lraior drepty t rosed by t u l n twati nharaclor il imr atia iran a- k if- clunk to bor a the ivy oh tigs ui lha oa above all -l- margarol mo 11 olrao a hrisl an wllh a c ii lilriiio that ll wavacj alio followed iii ihe f istrp the ulviiid al aster su i with a sweet obilujlksruii llt ioviig elaviuur who raj a prtkimua tl hai alia pasril lut tho dark vail j that lea ia i lha pifil uy milton h s mayor llion baa opou spiluli i una toe lor lttbmslou the ulo 1 adnni i here are a number dt appliuaiila t ir tiro vacant mtniaershlp here meaars fcsrl a lllly tin and atnvs mru have dissolved partnership air t arl will continue tho business mr ilatly m to loledi ohio a uurnber of mlltob youths were ohariied before mayor mocollom last week with stealing cigarettes it fl lorler anavjiu suuorvillo bate bought a aawullll qk lali ltoaseau uut auks and mr 1urlar left last week to taks charge of it mr utebavrd ilamatraol ar ia about lu return lo the farm on tbe sixth line 1 ra falar whtro lb gruslrr pari of hia lifa haa been pen i ills rand iafra will be missed on our struct bouuliful drdwuial ituuin puporn ilull pupani diuiut room pupeni bed room papers also wuahuble papers for bath rooms and kltuhene for r bea i mmc i ua i r itood pa per 1 1 mo i ua f doalgua ooiiio to ua au i mo call suit uu itii i forgot the place w g s7wc1th n ill wynilla iel pr uplea mall cjufaihh hae from sou 1866 clevi m vsv ea wfev w a new business speglklf if not w jd- x cam a no see t leal ik ok riit tfonfit lmujt ohad and its tapkhel tuheino nahkow treads clinch hllrikkh wool aki aluminum h1aih dust pltool and ohound healllncjs and manv orilkii teatuues h atixozier l go toronto ss jackson a0ort for eequalna and erin qoonxotown ont chanpmt ilnca tn toirn or cash symon mra booordb uioolrr mll btret actow i li im merinfa 111 the mill that grinds must have grist wc have just received another lhrce shipment ol boots and shoes i liu is i department that made itself solid with ilt people i nose who watch our business closely wonder how vve handle so many goods here is the secret we watch the markets closely- wc ven ture to say that there is no manufacturing industry in the country where the read dollar can be handled to better advantage we use it and give our cus tomers tl e benefit no inferior goods at anj price are allowed in our stock all our oods are marked tn plain figures we give ou a big dollars worth ecr time i his is why our trade grows and grows i hcic i- in spasmodic ctlort but a fali stead sttongl driven business seeking only the legitimate trade i hen our expenses are cut to a minimum ll is i is enough to sec how ve can sell cheap frank dowler cash slum cuillrtl walker mcbean co ceorcetown r cbup gd0d8 s- a tyl 5000 waii l odf dictionary in wc li for just received a- large range of black and colored dress goods 7 s cg value unprecedented a e grurney oo onths time to enable us to pay spot spring and summer good a 1 hat s the way we save our customers dollars ujuu do i we do an uptodate business cash or produce t 1 hats the ua we do business and people are realizing more and more that it is the proper and best way for every bod 30 000 00 to go for 1500000 hardware tin and oranitk warr jbwbuannv silverware patent ukdioinet8 wnrnrllally luvlle inainxl n i rlrraaikn for themselves j it a p 8vmon attn adbtrtisemtnl k0r exchange im ii- uojrnluilwl lui or sain nrvrtlrnvauaaaa 1 for round csttlu a miuihhihl thivrer and hanrtnulno lloi a llglil ot llotisalihs wltli pole ana shafts nearly new slid a pair of msavt hob slelghi in irooil oomlltlon applv on tbo farm lot w con jlksqueslnaor ta ww nkvvton llmehouan r o valuable property in acton for bale a new grocer 1 2rs a new stock smw customer mrti mill st rest dry goods j a cobfffibld cannot us atoek ol rsubi brlua isais call and lo aha good a tine uioh class ta1lor1nq our stoek is now com i ate or bprlng blorsy olova u usorgsuiwu i funk wacnalls standard 1ucadt made olottllno rui ualf iu mil ral tlisui ll ilia city carpets and oil cloth mem 8 hatfl and oapb vi hat a taii i lima uisrs will im anions ibasa r tlia iiml twi mihiltia krsry ons knows lau w uelloau uisks a out tbsy lusaa iu llaluui cuuuly an wai kkit tlottlcan ji o a til lofuilpl new dresa tluuita lur uila sajs uama oad as tbstu wbstlasr uu tur tbaui or tailorino department in spltaif stnruiy w sat bar st are buav id thta deiiarluisul usn ar isarnlug whara ifiav oaa kl a suit iiiads that will 111 lliaui mad ol sllhar nalllan or hcotcll twiekl far balow what any oltisr atsm tu tha domlnlou will ball tbaui a suit tor ulleha huitu and fin cluuila buscua our cullar la julug rwuiarkably wl and la lilaaalnarrobat baaaniuiiug to do wtb bootb and shoes vsa wa laaul tba cnuasj la uuuu aud hlw wbai lby 1 tannui fur ub w 41 avary day for j3 hi at and kbos daparttnoal our trad is lucrawlug u wulou w lak this opportaalty ol ouuiklug our many rrtaod and natrons tor a brut u a trlaod to auy oo that oau asvs tlialr eustonaat dolur or 1 s3 ou a pair f why n to turuuto lor sooda whs you oausat just s good from walkar uoltsau a co tor lasa uiousf uoyoa know good lolka uiat avry llin you go to toronto you an out uf jajusal a lew dollar wby w undaraall uis dartmatal slurs vary day yo my nick lit ii cba r bmiaiiiiu li ii mjoiii uuorgvtbwu be honest and alrouls your owu uouuty mill street actoj full of sheetings cotton and woollen the place to stop is at ithg mhmmothhqjus i georgetown pi ki mitum tkjuolaa ra i usaa mu tub lui-n- to aa 1hjc debt for all purposes ll u lh lalmt aod most oomplat luutalns aolji wards biany tboosaud tuoc any otliar dlotlouary vr inlilubsd war tuao moju war ipandad in iti produo- tloo 117 hpaetallbts aod kdllors wra ugaawd lo its iwwparattoa its daflniuoiu ar oimt and exact lrsldut sillns new vorh btau normal oollag says lla defluluoos ar bast lo bs found anywhsn bout as ol eriuca uy ilia it etymoltskl ar bound tlsy ar ratolally oouiuisiidsil t atuhtk uouthl r itosulu ilia wmathtm 1st a niiulti luadod hi lv m moui tlksa i lilladliiia aud soorvs ol luira it is a oovamroodt auuiorlly it is lu us lu ail tba depart uuludtitaloa tjoorumaiil al u aod all lbs lanartiusuta ot tlia puiu cauada ootsrliiiisnt iwrl uls ii ttl prsfsrsuoa uu all dla htl ilnl ll la adopted in lha public bohool ut aadk an i t iniu1 mtaue lla nsw educative iraliirsa at aatrswaly valusl is lu italiiiiilti u lla lo a curraat use of words caul tau liyiiliua etc ll lllustrauoua ar niwrt it 11 lo uf coins wsltits sod iniaiitra ilsitla aiiluials ate sr sihsua i1 an i uauuut u fuuud alaasbcrs it is tbf moat highly oommandod ooi lias a dlotlouary boon wsloi uiwl wltli iauluicua aud unfiusilnao irsu by it at uaahiimtou f tha ui anal uutvsrsltlas aud by orilica thruuithoul tba kug- tuoator and c llab sneaking wurld lis irfiudoii tlmks say tliti niriu or lb huunlartl dlotlouary sr ludla u tab is aud ar abundantly attestaat iy targa numbr of iuundntiy siissisii in iuluihchabl auuutrities lha nsw york llaain saya tbe h laud ant dictionary la a uiunijh i tn art of nubllea uou it la tha laost aat l so lory aud uiual oouiilalaullqttonsry yt prlutsd tha hi jamoa huhost oasattbl i uudou aays tbahtalidard i u unwary should ua uis prlds of urarv amsrloa aa 11 is lbs adtuiratluu of lltsrary k tig laud t hum by hubscrlulun ouly auk1t vvantaiu pnicba halt ituaala full ilussla uunwou tin on iai tluu if uo ageut la in your fuwu avu i yuur aub crliuou to titnk ofwaawalxs co llblamaondsu w toronto ont usarlillvs circulars a ill bewutonaij llistlou tllk bouse and lot an ague htreal formerly oeouilhl by tba owner ur lbss quittner is bstby oored for sain lurtable rough cssi vlth fa a good atalile on the ire muss also two uulldlnit lots ou lak avenuo in hmltlishurvy terms reasonable por particular applv to hiphiiit or vvu iouht1iukt aolnti actnn rel itth 1w1 j a cornfield groceries at confectionery frssli from uio wholoaalars and muiilie- turers in tho prciuuo lately occupied by john l charles i have also a small hue of dry goods ahidi i ain runuiugod at nrioss below oust aud bava many bargain iull rnmaluliig i havesetllod in aeton with uis purpose of doliik su liuncist atralglilf irwanl and paruibnant buallioaa aud will troat all eostooier gauaroaaly georgetown s l1vest store gibson hilur co ws bear from all ijuartsrs that our stock of dross oood prtnu ftinosn may 8ulunjj ato- il dry uood in vary una for ill b plaassd to bav all ui lakoa look through no trouble ete gatung satlsfaeuou aa tills daparuuanl u not under lha mansgamsul ot au toaxpartraoad ebsap man but oo tbcoutrary la maoagsu by a mau wbo has a roputauou aeoood lo nona in cauada ao you can tie assured varythlug will lef-41btabamwrtn- i alyu aa aub a4 workuianshli oent8 rurniahinob a uow and complete stook for spring lu una uaek waar abtrta dollars cuffs uudarwaar hoalary fur boys and man at lass than city prices hatttf hath all uis latest ttyla in bug- itsta and auiarlean lust arrived for spring tba largaat aud uwosl a lock in lowu to salad from at doss prions ss w maka a spoclalty lu bus tiala itoya and youths itaody to waar olothlug uouiarst now la tu urns to bo 1 sol your boy a suit wbsu th hud ar all oom plots aa ws bav a largo stock to balt from atprlo tnateannot b eatn aaywban as ws handle tfaws goods direct from tbs monmaolurar w sitoud kind inrltajuon to ooino and inspsol our stock befor urcuoaldg alaewher oiubon milukacoy iloe block main btreet georgetown ill prtoe paid tor uutlar aud kgg is ws bava tbs oaolustvs 1 mht of salllnif tbe oaklirauxi anjaiu day

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