Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 19, 1896, p. 3

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tlr x bank of hamiuyon kgxporriajii t trrrili ur taval ahiti hamilton 1300lo mtfljjoo tormofro boarp op dlttkdford joilnhtdant a o iujuha1 president weulrnsldili joint rnocrron nro iujuii a i ttm a h liaajtorouui j vfi uiimoiml agencies hamilton i liar ton hi t hul fnrt alllslon llerllu tio ttaoruoiowii tlrlmaby llstownl luckuu ulliou uuuut forest iriio villa uwsii hounl lort ki himcufi toronto wi ihsm brltioh oorroepondonto american corrobpondontoj nhw vou fourth ntiona lleuk nl if auavsr natunal ilsuk hoa-rcm- internation al truslga llurikt0 uariualleiik cint tuu national hank of illinois ami union national flank darnoit- datrolt national hank h uiui citt national hank or cuniiftertia agonta in montroui tlia llauk of toronto ailjoboetown agency notes discounted and advanoes id win an aull tbl securities jouseuotuimado and drafts imuglit kill aolil ui ui amaoaible point lu canada unitod ptate ort4liuiiflduntooiihnotofkqropb npon moat favorablo terms savings department dsnollaof al and upwards rocoiyed interest allowed from da to of deposit lo ilau withdrawal brkolaij dkiobith alao received at current rates o interest n u lu1vqhtum- aboi wall papers ajvs colling papors vei window shados curtain polos our new stoclrnow opened call in and het the best assorted stock of the above goods eve shown in acton geo hynd8 acton ont ikwkuijtltt btutls she tton 3rrrt ffirtss thursday mahch 10 nrtw l- little local brieflets which causht the eyoi orein of pre ptflss roportora thla waak five sundays tbt moulh council meeting neat miojidsy evening tho mapte sugar sea will open m a um days st patriok day au iho aral real balmy aptinn day spring chicken and apple bud ro bow being dreamed about many farmer throughout iho country an abort of food for their oilllo tho olal service boma conducted b ibe misses hall in mccoll street church toroi to are proving aucoeaaful mr jamea ilyan editor of tho luck ttawettnat ban been appointed by tho ontario government licenso inspector for booth draoe tho stook of grooorio crockery ato io tba poal ofqoa 8 lorn wu aold by the rosta last waak to p o maddock for hd otnlaoo tba dollar some bipreaa a lunging like tltia ob for tba time whan tba blue bird chornly wblatla and staff 1 m here i m hero i bring to you spring a lit bun coleateu baa purc front edward forbes of iluntaviile tba brick bona on main btreet iu rhiobba formerly resided bare tbe prioe pud wa wto tba balloon sleeve having bad a mint wbal laogtby innius tba hoop akirta are oaxl to appaar two of tba lataal parisian faaolon joqrnaia ao anoodnoa and faah oaaraaa ara inviolable itiarqmored that mr john wataoa jr who baa porobaaad tba farm of bia father mr robert wataoo lot 7 con 6 eaqaea ing will abortly remove from manitoba where be haaraaided for a number of years the palmeraton rtporttr hea just laaued a vary creditable illaatraled edition which will prove of amah vain m iutrodocm tbe own ita prominent ailiaena public build ioga and floe reeidauoea to ibe oataide world an enohauge aaya no aeuaible mm bnuld gat angry because lha oewapapor man dona bin for mooey a dun ia not a impeaohmantof aaubaariber a integrity bat ia simply an outcropping of a pub ushers neoeealtiee and bia plan of business tba georgetown ttraid appeared sat weak wttb a new dress of type new beadlnk and ouier improvements the titrate makes ik aoiquoannoudooroeollbat it is ibunliirtbtad at home on paper man nfaefarea lu ita own town and run by a water motor alao made in georgetown tba jadiee mission circle of tbe baptist church wil bold an open meetiuk on friday evening uext march iolli at 7 90 oolook whan mies rogers returned mis looary from india will addrrst the moet log also mr langford of oeorgatowo ulse rogers la a ibrllltng earnest speaker and all interested in missionary work boald bear ber all are walooms silver 4ollc ctioo at tbe door uf j- b qamilumi proprietor of tbe old and reliable granite a marble works goehbh from whom ocarly all tba mono meota lombe o have been porobated in this locality and wbo is noted for doing tba bast and obeapeal work in ontario will rsosive ovdera np to tba loth april for spring dellvtrr at w dlsooanl and terms in suit customer over 100 diffarenl designs to seleot from now in stock tbia is a obanoe of a ufa time lo purobaae a genuine import ad artiole at leaa than cost all work sjid matarjl warranted kejmawin s condition powders or unraa oattls bbeep and pigs ara tbe beet tboy improve tbe apprliui aud cure count golds and laflueaaa tbe farm of mrs itaujanto anderson lot hi con 1 katioaaing and tbe stock and fmplemsflta of tba unant mr klulay ucgollom will be oflnrad fur sals on tbe premises on monday j3rd march at otto oolook laoaaw a fjavtkaitast auctioneers chapped bandfjpflaroad and rough lktn nay be avoided by tbe nea of ksqna wins cream of witch ilasnl it is sooth log and healing on friday evening volh mat tba tfdja mlaaion clrola will bold an open meet log in tbe daptiu church at 7 ho oolook addreses v111 be given by miss nogenrtaawd miaalocary from india and iff o o langford of georgetown allsjsinvittdtoalund dnrtiomidr wilkinson over i be drug blare gold filling and artifice teeth a apeolalty cbargme m reaaooabla x aa e bpeoial offlo d man day tuaedyad friday t thekns mofttly of at local charnotor and ovary i torn irttaraatlnii interred in aetan ilia raniaiiis of mr john a mottsrnn of roionto jiinotlnn wore bruuglitlo anton laat liidny for iiitiriuent tho funeral lkk pla u on hatunlay from llio liorrio of mr w t worloii ia talrvlowccmalgry ijula waa well known in aoton a mii mss8iotvuraeir rhowsk- married tlinn years ajo laat queens ulrtllday a litil dsuflliler ia left to the borrowing liuiliaml improvement tit tha llnn fiuelph i lib will known store of meaua j willitnmon a lu ia olitaod fur one week lo raabla llio warkinnn to mka the ncoossary reaira wbon they open oat sgaln the flooring iu tlm ural anil nobondfllnliu wlh be remind now unia topjicj oauntor will bo put in lbn show ifsm mantle room ilrtsmiiaktti ilopartmcnt and carpet roomi will bo all ropsporetl oto a metal lie coiling of abeel steal pronaed into pet torn will bo put nu lliedry oodi depart mont on fhu first hal tbn promisee will be iraualorniid in apport co llrouhoul the iamtorm uml inlpltm i bo luual liitcu aervicoa have been bold in hi albaua and bl joaepus cburchoa iliiiiiix be week itev d htracbau of llookwooil preaolio 1 in knbx chiirul laat hunday ills aoi inoua worn oarmal and helpful itov j h howell m a preached aniiiverrarv rrrmoni at torra ulu laat bimili i bo pulpit of tho motbodiat cburob was ably filled laat hunday by llev a j icwin u d of nurval mr irwin norinnua ware able and lucid rxnohlliaua and gave ovidence of deep ihouhl and ctrrful study he tnugbl tliu bible olatu in the afternoon attractive seed calajojuc wo are junt in reoeipt of geo j thorp a bpilug tteod calaluiue fur llila aoaion it la tory noally ijolton up having a liana some lithographed oovor is priuled vmtb bluo ink on pink paper it contains 41 pstfes k a full dorcripllon of ibe var lout vonolables flowers and qcld seeds which mr thorp imports direct from the oriiual growora iu lnglaud sod uia con tinent a well aa the kind that are grown in the t nltcd blalos and canada all his ecd packots are put up by hn ii niatm pp newb now itoms jbuppllad by corran- pondontb nncf exahonaaa nockwood tilo kickapoq moilujlno company utro hi tlm village from i lit- 10h to ihu 1 7 1i haldtnic frto onlerlainnionth ami nellirm t jmlian nit0tclt thny ntu ftt present in llden milla his now store on the market bquaro and maolonool hi luelph they will be foun 1 well ft hod and contain uoue but live aeeda hat trow alaloue tool im applt cation to hini rtorgnnlxntiub o the um jirigado since tho parcbaso of tbe stram are en gine and equipment the members of the kire company have fell that a reorganise tion of thobrigade to suit the requirements oi the now order of thing wax nnceaaanr to accomplish this a aeries of wall attended mreling have beeo held duhruf the laat month or so iho outcome of winch is an ontiro change of rules of government a committee of six messrs j j lawson g c heuderson w williams ii grindoll d mcloiild and john harvey have pre pared a coucue aud workable act of by lawa aud llieae were revised and adopted atlhe meetine of tbe company on mrnday ovonnik the officer i or lbo briuado will bo olcttrd under lha new bj law at a meeting to bo liilil un monday etching mb april the call iu lie jlor j xv mao kev o bttaoban ot llookwood preach od iu kuoi church last buuday morning and eveuiiik al tbe morning service he read the edict relating to tbe call from tbe church at toronto junction to it mr uae aud cited the congregation lo appear at a meeting of lroabytery to no bold al pergua at the end uf tho month iu the oveuiug llev mr rao was present aud in referring to tba oall look the cougrsga tlou into hi coo ft deuce lie said ilial in a case of this obaraclar inclination and duty were aomewhsl oooflioting while irjrre are mauy atrong reasons why bo would prefer to continue bis present pastorate doty pointed urgeuuy to tbe field wheuo the call came tbe congregation of knoi cburob hare is in a most prosperous oondi lion ami ibe charge is generally regarded aa ouo the moat enviable of ita class in the country no official action respecting tho call will be taken until lbo above meeting of 1 re by lory kvtdonccb at spring manifestations are numerous that apnng is rapidly approaching tbe calendar marks nexi saturday vial lust as lbo adveut of tbe balmy iaaaon bo mo of lbo spring birds are hero aud others are mig raliug further north the girls have roe urreotod their skipping rope aud tba boys are enjoying tholr nolay gams of marble and wearing out tbe knoos of tbeir trousers farmers are completing their wiuter s work laying iu stores of summer wood aud mill feed for the busy days to coma and selecting their seed graiu for lha aeedtimo a taw weeks bouce tesmslors ara taking advantage of lbo dual daye of sleigbiog to flu lab teaming in wood sawing aud other eomraoditt tli- marnin opening and displaying their attractive apring novelties apriug la in iho air and dame nature will auoti boater herself lo tbe disap pearanoe of the snow bauka wblah have long roroaioedaafrioudly neighbor and to ihe gratitude of all who ohorinh tho bright spring buuablno aud balmy days ibis week we have bad a foreteela frrmvutmtiuu lo kflaa tfarwica- mia- may warwick lot uu monday for uloveravtile n v wber ah will reeid in future at the dote of the aor vice in hi albans church ou friday evon lug leal mis warwick waa prcaoutad with tba folluwinu address aooompaniad with a bandaome obaaad gold braoeul by rev mr godden in behalf of the ooogregalion ufca uia wiawu a ii la with imiidip of ila rasfret wbloli 1 ban br oi proas not oul uu balialf of uivaelf but uu bvltall ul tlm oougrodallod of bl albaits liurcli tbal wn irtru of yourdairtura from our tulilat liloli la uuw faal airuaciiluk for ills peal aa aars uu itaia lakmi a moat uu iarl lu lbs work ot lbo ulmol n lallbful uuurlud aarvla wblob vuu liava mud of ml lo your uual in tlm uaa of tbal ijlfl wlilob baa diialilad yuu ui laail so siqdlaully uia uiual oal iarl if ills buly mrfloa aul vur tajuitui 1 tarries auu tu satum llkwls lu faadliia un dtlod ui jour aa yuur aullre davouiu ui tit 1st aud tills aburrb as stiitwo to all your aarvloea oauuscud hi lb uils oburob ara wurtbr uf tba lilbaal mtuiuisuilauod i uoail not asaura jruu bow ilia ouo rotation anil oliolr bare aradiaiad yuur awrvlooa aud wbjst iboy take tbla uimktuully of irmlug you ullh thl tokau uf reganl ii br no uiaaus utiroaaae ibolr aiwaolatlou of jour taleul and ft laklni your leavn bldilluf la ra wall lo ua all may yuu boar haupr rem i loo tlou s v ht allu bub wlui you srlll always ratain lliaui of yuu awl niay uoil bias you euil ro wr yuu in your future work said sarvlos wbalbar l tw in your dally work or lu tho talruafllo uf tba aloal high blhiiail on italialr of til obolr aud ouuuraaauuu j k uoddlis rev mr god jn thanked the oongrega uoti ou behalf of mi warwick for tbelr valuable gift aud kiud words of farewell m warwick was a favorite lo a large circle nfimidbaid h rerauvsd will be keenly fell bytkenreil if you waul oret olai doors at guoljjl prlooa xi till your order al bteplanari aojll gunlphsaabaud x lagoausw bjul the patrons of tbp htmsu factory imld a inrclilig oilllio llltll lo dlsvitkh neilaaasoiia business the poor auanon provud fairly satiafaolory after all mrawoiin hmiln of draylnu hero visiting her aiter mr- w mocullouh laat week satlr and mr m 1 barry woro in blrat ford a week ago attending tho funeral uf mr ilsrry brnllur in law mr tract late ptiblialiar u tllo stmt nrd atltytfirr w ngret u nolo hi i mr john mo juton is about to remove hi business t aoton all will join in wishing lum ur j it ijrydon ha hocu gaxotlnd oor ouor for lbo county uf wellington his many friend- aro nleaaa i to ubsnrvo till mark uf prefermuut nassaqawkya ur wtllianxbinitb who wia taken to tho general hoipkal gtielpli apmn lime ago and waa found lo bo ufforing with some unknown tllaosso iltetl on saturday morattrg last tho remain were bruught to in residence in naaiauweya in lbo afternoon diseased was tl yoara of ago he loaves a wife and thren children to mourn iho loaul a lmahnd and father the funeral left on monday at i oclock p m for lbo city or tho dovl in mnrrtsl iwu the rev mr rlalr nominal d tli anro naanagawoya ul toil resident passed peacefully away to her heivenly rest on monday morning march icth at j o clock a m in the person of mrs john cohju houn al tho wnudtrful ago of 101 joara j months 1ull particulars will anpoar in neat laano mr trauk trnd of thiuidrr hay l3istnol is visiting fnerda in nasaagaeya mrs robert burrow nf ouelptf i visit mr henry moore uf nasagawoya near jcnstohholl ia moving to 1 don mills this week iln hns looted ills farm ami llio tenant in moving into ills huuso limehouse a very happy eient look placo at thu residenco of mr and mrs jss hcoll esq nosing on wdnesday evening llih march lbn occasion was the mairtatfn of their daughter misa nclllo t mr win j nail ia of naeiagswey the ceremony was performed by ilev 11 sldwi ii of abtngtoti ailfd by llev it j m hit re of lvertoil circuit in the prrsruci nf a lark circle of friends and chniinsncrs 1e brldo waa nally atnrrl in slte 11 lorrd satineito trlrnmud uiih tkei and uold colorwd jels wlnlo the iriileatnail mi beckie hcott was hp 1 in imilr abodes mr 1 litis nrlll siipixiitol llu uniom alter hi knot ixrn uroly tird and the newly wed le 1 uji had assembled fnenda a suinpliii u- r ptsi wai partaken uf i ho i alanou i i hn p g was spent in sootal enjoyment and rilil hmotrily the lmurs flow bj 1 lie bridal tokens woro costly and nuinrnu winch shows ibe liloli esteem in win if tlm juuiil cudple aro held ihu removal uf mrs nll i mu li rr grollod by the oon il lla luhio dist church at limohuuac lit wlnuh she baa filled lbo posiiiuu uf urgaoiil fur several jean fler rondlng a couple of weeks among friends aud relatives mr aud mrs nellis will result iu ouolnli we join in wishing thorn mutiy oar uf happy wedded bin j churchill 1 ant irilday tmculul llio huiiii ul all harry gibbdua ird line was lha totio uf a very happy ovoul uhoilly aftor eight harry was silting juiolly bj his uioaide atnglug to hi little daughter hacol that awoot little aoug she the only girl 1 luvo whou a rap asms lu tho door ho iiuletly roes and weut to ace wbo tba usiler might be when lo aud behold a crowd of people numbering about seventy with baa kets ia band came marching into tbe room ills needle to lay harry aud hi good wife wore not a lilllo nurpriwd hamig heard not a single whisper of llio ovotit previous lo this momout after tbe kiud friends bad all got tnsido aud wore made aa com or i a bio si possible under lbo cir ou instances mr ami mrs gibbon wore rcijuaatad to take tbolr seals in tbo oo liter uf the room the following addrsma was ibao read by mr william 1 bwaokbam to ita uu list iiudush gtaauouet cburoli lu ibis laou avail ura lm ul uiu uiurtuuuy il aukut wlo1lim ui altonttva aud ooolluuwl sarvlocs i ulh fut llio habbath tirlioul an i buret liar hi have baen ul arlml in your work f lull an i labor of luva holb uf yuu havu sliuwn yui o uabli me aokoowlwltfo lu iid rxuxuiixl will itlauwu r u 111 aitlu i all hliil uu inlialf ll s nan stl n wu 1- ttum hllamh 11 j uu1th it k kit ii lioicl bill uariti ulh 1mm mrs tuvld buihh i bun rcsonlwl ur gibbous with a bvautilul uil i uiam wiih aoal atlachod and mrs a hiitith preaani etl mr ulbuins willi a apioudld silver cruel laud mr gibbous in replytug ou behalf of hla wife and himself aaid we feel very thankful tu the kind friends for the prrsonta vve fcl c hooted aud en ouuragod uul so inuoh un aooouul of the gifts ihouuh wo nrico ttirni very highly but mora especially in knowing thsl wo share in tho luiealid sympathy ul sunh a largo nuiubor uf kind friends aa bavo gathered at our homo lu uighl huch a galhorlug as this ia nut intended in sadden or discourage a jwrauu but uu lbo oilier hand is oalculatod lo cheer and encourage wblle wo have trird in uur own humble way lu do what we cuul 1 fur ibe master wo hope by his grace and love to do a great deal more in the future than we have done iu the past then whan time shall be oo more may we all meet an unhrgtasi ootp pany at hi right hand after thla part of tba ceramooy waa uvar tbe baskets war opened and a delightful tes for wbloh the ladiee of crmiroblll are noted vtl l the remainder tba avsuin uu ooe o clock waa taken up with eoaga games uf different kinds the na oamf at last whu tba happy gathering oomo tu a cloee and with peasant fee logo aud good byes ibe parly dispersed cpmingiprg0inor visitor to and from aoton ana varlousother poraanat notaa tlitifnaa lnitss lomo all iu readers to en tribute to this column if j uu or your irlemli am lining away tin a holiday trip or if you hays trliiuda flailing yuu drop soard to lbo knvr illkak mr wm- oarrotl nrttbtt tullavnr trr ugurktlllttujttltjsriiia m a guest al jr during i watson mr im weber returned last week from a trip lo olovnrsville n v itov and sirs henry caldwell or ker vuited frionds hero last wee mrr weaver of llupo iuy- iheguosl ot ur daughter mrs john williams mr and mr a l ilesnetreil hkte re turned to tho uld ho too toad in trafalgar mrs a 11 usfhxm and babe of lincoln neb are guests at the home nf mr ales be cord ms ahomas ljniistun returned liuma frtmi ilraceh id go last- wak for a short mlaa i upper td ilntmi tho home of ur i perr the week mrs lultu norris of guest at the home uf mr thla week mr and mrs win joans and children of george lot n were iu town ovor sunday with their relatives mrs c b bmllh la the dslsgsta to the supreme circle of the c hvc from acton hnmo circle meeting at hamilton rev j w itae moleratorof lbs pros hytcry of uuolpli went to berlin on man day to attend the metlu or presbytery thsre mrs j 1 pearaou who was a guest al iho home of mr and mrs l smyth lorontn for several weekrt hai roturtieil miss ida thiima- who lias be erf visiting at htr talher a homo hero since last fall returned lo rochester n y on monday morning mr p h w mayer of lha berlin t oolubrated ida thirtieth sum oraary as an active uowapaper man laat week thirty year ago ha became owner of the waterloo cirouif r wo were sorry to iiolioe while hi jlclllill p llltvb tiok itl i slste of 1th mr moyor ia in at present the hopes tie will have a speedy f iflttltrvlo with cod clvor oil ano hypophoaphltea palatnhio nourlohlnir body bulldor onsiimplimi that dread disearo oo often arises from iltiilect c i la not aer inns in themselves b drprcsklt g the vital force play an importaut part in provoking run litmus that render lun diaintegrai ion almrat certain to obviate thla deplorable ariienrn uf nom ted odd a tho body ahould tw fnrliftwi alrcnutliptied iiourlilio1 and thin msy wiih onrlhity he accomplished l tli t se r malline ollb txl liver oil an i 111 tiliisphlles us iii x in of anlloli is plain lha oil rentier d pa la table and i hi ii i i it fin t ll 1 prepar thy ft- h1 it i uf iho w of frci tot illsappoal he fliueatlc ilia r r hj ita aoti affords for the sin of the boty strong b ih d i irritation of ih i r rn sleep la roslur uf nd the tfennral i nd permanent 113 cases bales opened l ufuaiui ul luirsly aw ikila aud bea it iji new fabrics indtoale the opening a spring arrivals on a largo scale great luaulilio ara here and other are un ibe way w have advices uf ship by tbe 8tt spree auubohs car lb agon lan and plhi upia whltli will knock tor admission in a day or two the well oar nod aud thor ouglily established character of this busi noaa aa a leader in good un goods in ureases season by season dress goods how cau wo meutlon the hundrods uf aiirpriatn in roluring materials stylos and aluea i hat our immouaai new stock of dress goods altorda hilk and wool blebdium shot aud plain bociliaus bright german taruus bilk warp mohsirs black aud raucy repoos hilk kin t hod alpaoas 1ilrsllry s black goods 1 vely new bilks nd hundreds of noollf lo rllk ivl and utltiti mihh 1 hnnojt i as just relumed from now yurk wllb mauy a mar loan novelties aud rlpooialille in lftossmaktug millinery 1 arly spring millinery haa wrought a great transformation lu lha lojk of our mlliiuory ltouiua aud ladles will du well to see what lbs loading millinery ueparlmeul of gualph haa id naw sljles for spring m1bb manny ha returned from na york and the evidence of ber trip to the american metropolis is apparent in our showroom iiuw fur spring balmy spring r bollert a co b and 37 wyndbam street qukixpu ont it r tl hl tmugo new ilrunswlck after the grip no strength no ambition hooda saraetparllla cavo erf oct hoalth tlm f lliinlnn irtlr h from a weiymown nlrrrlnul 1 ill ir i f st uouri n 11 i llnmt a i mtrll mmi tleulleiiioii i mil rflid ti siy lint ilnoil larsaji irljln nu i iltiml n uia iiiio duue nia irntlrnlof cohi 1 hid a stivero attnok ul iho rrlp i the hilt i i n i nftrtr nctllug oer the nrcr 1 dl i nut mem to gnllirr strengtli nnd hail no ambition hood s hlraniuirllli prnred u lis just v hull needed tho nuilis mere very satisfactory mid i rcrnuiiueiiil lltli nieittrlnn u all who areufhlcied llh rlicuimitliiii or otlist hoodscures aollctlona rituaeil by pnlson ami wor blood 1 qiwas kopp bikid a harsntiarilln in my hus nil i use it when i iipdii a timlr we alio keet llmi n i llh on imn i iintl think highly uf uiem j w- utkrara- ttr lenter netv-bnnnrwlca- h aods pllln to purely votib an i d uipuri inln nr ldl u illli all druggliu seeds for spring 11 tui winl diithinj4 pelial in slcs or 1ju11 for spring plaiilnif leave jour ordt rs at tlve drug store and tlu will be attended to prompt j v kannawin dhtkoiht acton of wallpaper kk in it si uar uia i uat uflleo 1111 ii chas l nelles n v v 1 1 ll i ou lkj ipj rjlf 4 u tr anf aotou and lioek a wwmi ollimns will find lha lirlnoa and ual1ly t i to data window shades i o 111 1 ii o llilti j d dado 45 cents i y fnngt 50 cents childrens carriages big block and express char ges prtpud from cuclph chas l nelles near post office guelpb slmunci skkding which lut1 lidos luauy new aud valual lu utir bowl uralu dujiarliiiaiit u ulu boal tuauda u llsdulvm ituiutb himuiotli ltl i vr 1 orchard iras luoertia cbvsr llyu auik clover i eniiuiial itjrb ti crimson luvt meadiw reacue while clover i tol trefoil clovor mntiarlsii hauluvu cluai ul i llukhara luvai mi li suppllod al lowosl east prloaa also all kltnu of kl lur kawd mid i rulu the uammolh flour feed and qoott bu a james hewer 45 mocdotinell street east cuelpht ont dont rkad this ilea t uu maul o juaae afu i y hi i- rwn uuull liifcs atliipt me for owe 111 utl wo blva yuu a spatial plloutnt atut haal i spul raal lloitiiilkr 11 iii ul raoalal aftar april ii till thou fill sl yuu ski a 1 uooll ii ll 10 lu 1 fl 10 li by li iiidii uuk ralo1 pauolun tkilb silos ulll niuuld lur hi luw prios ul 1 ou an i oittor slsoa in i ropurlluu as wo ruu by watar wa claim wa oau du call anl lusiiuel our at ik aud prices usfurv thos ebdace allol at kuoi uk i1i eiwtiikr i a1 o w martii w inds mahl lkuhaiing chaps bbaws hazelink will urc it i s- nd j5c per boctlu obtained only at shaw j drujmjtore rockwood the only i14bl uluo lo lloakwooa fur lfttedi uadlcinc pujci nd 11 ohoof uook ud btuoiury important questions about your feet do your shoes fit you 7 oo your ahoaa wear wall dum sho often p- you can answer yes if you buy them at w mrriiaren ge tbe ladjnp shoe btore guelp1i tho bright particular star or the lilojclo flrmameol is ibe stylish stearns oracxrul as a yacht rlkkt as ah arrow stott as a pokkr five models 175 to 1100 w stark agent ttaulplo uudel hon vlawaljuo c hills store hampla uotlel a will arrive shortly tmerican cgriculrurist weekl tu aitotid its useruluoas and make it a israeli cai uocoaaltf tu avary pruuroaalr farmer aud his family tbn awkmiiam annit t ti bist is now publlabed weakly tins toad of luuiitbly al only si oo a ykjah all ibe ireitluh fraturoa llial fiajrn uede the uiontbly u hpular are retained and inaiy new fraturoa ad led sucb aa leueral and lueal uarkel iricea rup llnurts lu uielr hoaaoti coudonsed fanii sewa and ijotlora anions tbe ita farm features kucb fjvn htock dairy i im mnrtlrullnn iuulury uarkat uanlaiiliiij aud ultirr topics wrttwn ny liracttrtl and lueeassrut rami era auieiuentod with uluaursxlooa by auu aniata combine to make it invaluable to tlioaa wtiu fa mi it for a livln tho lataal markau and coiniiiomral aurtcol tura aro liadlnu koaturaa in whlrli llio aoal the family fast urea hliort hortna luteal rastilnua fancy wixk tin good lik talk with the ikxdx iuaale ixileau ijbrarv coruar and tiutis rulkv iaitn pom 11 us ui tuako ibis te bcendersbn oo blhck goods season this is tlic 11 lie of 3 par win n most inches buy a hlnck dress anticipating this trklc wf are i i pikmallj well assbrted in nil kinds of dress lahrn s including the new sicilihns fljin 35cimd ficur6d lustrss h6nrr6tths shtin6tt6s st sgrc6s ophul hcinds our range lb extensivu alueswill be found surpiisingly good it will pa you to set us hefore huing as we in ike a specialty of this department our milliners are now at work the formal opening will be announced uter but customers can be supplied with a new easter hat at once henderson co acton closed jbr a 15ee wo havo closed lhelllal mill hal llxi k iiiornbsuisinu episode ever known in thn aiiuala of luelph we lotik back on lbo is at silly days and in memory recount ihu work of dolruuiim llio haines spread and the never ceaaitik torrent of water jhiured over thi dihcnte fabrics tlestroyinu what the more merciful fire and siiinke spartd lbo fanl for mini mount ins of ice tbe beautiful pint tiro of the i inn beaiiliful even lu death a 111 brilliant raa uf tho sunliht of ihetullowinit hun lav ititirninij worn n fleeted from its klislenink walls tho dovototl hertilstn of llm tlrrnifu aa ihry met llio fast advatioirik flamoa and drove i hem bach never llinnhitiu fur oto moment that lunk and weary artlc nlhl the umido view coiiifs auain lo our inrmgry and we eee one ohoatia rnaaa ot dry umu too and ouidnra win la ovurbaad tbreauui io0 with momentary dr struct ton i he nnwaiy invader uf llio premises i sheet of rapidly del aching planter hut willtnu han 1 niantbdo slock was not into slia soeued ihu i i hn tisti 1hk and what a hut already it we are sorry we cmnul ooiitiuun the hale mm we is tale and we must not into aliane for sprint tradr renewed counters rr paired and nnw uood marked ofl an i put into plant it is our intention to ben in wiih an ciiilrcl nw l th all the uld u d will i hi laid i a laruo room upstairs wirre wu wm ho u rm uedielay the irllh ids dn and after that dale to incidental to theao repairs the olothiuic rfepartinrnl will bo uen an iimiiui aud wn intend by apetjal barualn in that brsnali u briny up the week s liusinuss to smnothitiu like the total basiness for both atoros we thank tho public for a most unrroti troalmeiit durlou the riri hle and wo oonndently look for a miliar reception when wo auaiu rise wllh our now nloresnd tew slook a phavuli from tho aidia of the nnil j d williamson dc co wyndharn and macdonnell streets uuhlph tuako ibis teiartiiienl uf as moat of ue hrial rinilly wernl on uw midlclnn rlor i nary and utlmr tuple i tm ic cliarga tho uauaalue kunu fact tlsuo como uul rarui from si u m an ideal farm and family weekly l r- haup1 h copy soul on rsquml american aqbiculturiar i 25 lafayette pi new york firstclhss th1lorinc w h adams iae tixj1 aud a flr1 nlaa lit an i workman i l fan iiiiim i i a i u ir 1 ll 1 an ui luatluu uf uiy alixk i all ll al is uociaary lu cuntineo vtknlliat un i t tlm rltu illnk at uio rip lit price our hrlnc hlock nf rausdlau ur hr k b anl lllue nert foillii just nlir1 bootoh bultinna at 16 oo and upwards oanad1an buitinos at 110 anl upwaun blue serflk buirinqs a i 13 a molarei dehtist i ionb t4j yeaa t t0r0n10 i nrllmmsaetostwibforfi aa a i tl3 45 and upwahd tino at lires and upwhd d upward um tt rde iaksh goods i ll i l a gical wash cjoods n sm 1 hilc ot lcllnvs in popular fane cwtton 1 i sltadil gruwn in lavoi with the result that the t these da ilt dress materials is unpi et edeliled tl ii htlps one to realize thai spung is aluuist ihe delicate tinted fabrics in all the iilw u on each other in great heaps on oil new gutds go on salt as last as uu hul diet passed upon them is itou nti s ur this scltoll lem tin is st im in u it i it shadts t ounte iul lh i ht tlil g rds 11 i il ui iu j il 1 iht tint itt i d t it ainif 1 i a nu i i ol wt ale to bait ablgiush liu tsli gtls tills dj tint itt jiilii g b ryan co guelph ie right house cor king and hamil i ow rjrsu ooodj j i odd line bought al a bin from boo to 00a all r r nmoa from boo lo u thnd kh hamlll nm w ijnayx cpm 1 ll utiiular atylr velvet collar all stw lawn bruwu aud black extra well made wow hrtuu lieauliful jialterus new dialjina jj in wide from ftc lu w risuiasjeiisui tloat ullity canadian 3 luchea wide aorth i ita lor new jtnciib rlitaomimltmrn 1j inches wide rstra uallty aold everywhere at turn ul to 16o bend 1ult rlamlleh new pmtfrmi la sprtag aiashmm ci inches wlda fait colon bordered asw caoadiaa ihtrtmtm ludikodyas absolutely fast colors ueat tjualtly widasl width ipociaj j oh ljam dreas oinbams wide width f aat oulors send koh hamlijib w rabja ljaaa looni diue 70 inch damask 70 ipch jvbw ul v m k 1st 1 n w 11 oi try an f uutlr an i ohlldrrn all ln k i he dio 37 c sao new llmndktiichtntl tnilbrod border kinhi lahly embroidered ede meu a rurttlabiom i slra ualily all wool mens hi i drawers ihe mu kind tfimi lultuu siiirtx hi ij lo li 10 regular i i 7 cloud inajy elra quality iroimil uga all leather aohd atraji jood size now cutfuuaifdjr qood ijushty speolal line mail order filled aama day a received rrrei ur espi 11 fiaokkesa of u m and upwards send for batdplea t1ik right up use kin st east ooruar iluatbaon at namllton usrch tiui 1h0c prepaid lu you iicaroal railwayataliut tu dull j u hamilton ontarr 1

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