Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 19, 1896, p. 4

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-tf- -at- jl v l tiiiiiianay maiioii m mim ft aun0 jfdllifi i i im mild 1 nrjr ilny in ulrfe fu always ailllt r or ill uatl to t iy a oamb of no i urn rnitiit to describe m llint oill vatml my oiitliul hortml whlali i linvn vcouofl with milea many mil many time i uowr have md with t kama mnnlct of oiijr j hi liourn i m i ml to ihluuji 1ipityifhil lid the only ay iff prcwoontm in write a ipw5 of ord lo ih pllnu of it i it i wikm tin- 11 ld for a lam clilll lrl wruiiif ii iniixlmr uaed tollou thla mit jodaj lode irfil alt lie ay al dear jog i irol fur dq mr liaro iroublo rtoulil wimp you bun w uio i la maliya lunoaome year t trail luiotlmr a iil haa reached ny oar anl i icll my aili or ihe year tone tiy yon went wllli tliem gran liiiolhor dear i allll have icfl your iuallit ol i anliil i that 1 atiall alus avutl paasslutiii tu uwlay iel all 1o ray tomorrow uyiliu ton 1 crtit 1m nyoubqfrow j klimomi v loobk if oanabttwas not british wliei tier border worn invaded by ft hordo of lawlcaa men from ilm united btalca a mil fot volunteer wii eaffdrly responded lo ami in leaa than twenty foar hour 14 000 men worn- oiitrrniag upon ui4r fo nhonr rvao back ia cou- fauna when tit insurrection iri the nortli wmi of half breed and indiana took place iu i8h5 1000 volunteer from thebateru province left their homoa in midwinter and cruahod it at an expense of mvoral lives and fo 000 000 without cadi- in k umii iwtroopa at ilahfas fur a man major general llrokohbary bai put on record the fast that the uocej of lb nile eipeditioti due to l ho french canadian voyajfoura who rostmtidod wllh alacrity to iheoallof lord wolealey who knew by tipfrienco their value a lbjit time o when ihore were threatening in the haat x wm directed la place a regmignt of itoyal canadian infantry at the service of tin imperial govern men t lo be maintained by cauad 1 tie protection of the llak of ktiklaud la of inralimstile value to canada and ut deoply prised but i drny that lao ada coata tttla country alnitlo dollar for any purpoao wrbatover either civil military or naval uoca any iiitelliitenl man be llevo that if anada were driven out of i he koniirn iidconjlled o bocome pari of iho amoncn krpnbho that knpland which now poaaeaaett tbo lineal orta and moat valuabw cukl nilnea uu both the at lantic and iarido ooaala wauli bo atrenlh rued by liavmtl tinlhrr the one nor tho other on the continent of north america or that her power would be mcreaaod by havuik the araenala and part of the qibral iar of america in the llanda of a foroln miwrr advanced lk ndiea nearer thla country than at preaonl or that her trade would is improved by dnvtok fi 000 000 of loyal anadlali at no diatatl date to bo w0o0 0o0 behind the mcklnley tariff nn inalrad of beiuk able to reduoo her army by a man or her navy by a alup abe would be compelled to inareaae both largely to maintain her present power and influ cure hia luiiim ttritn hxm in feb ruary iumlutn ioyojc dlbcovered throuoh achild when hlr humphrey uavy waa a boy about aixleeo a little kirl came to him in freat escilamenl humphrey do toll me why theae two pircea of oane make a liny apark of imhl when i rub them together humphrey waaa aludioua boy hoimul i oiira in thinkln out aoteuuno problem he palled the child a aurly head and aald i do not know dear i i ua aeo if ihey ready do make a liht and then we will try to find mil udiy- humphrey aoon found thai the little ffirl waa rutbt the piece of oaua if robbed together ijoiokly did give a tiny lijjbl 1 hen ho aot to work to hod out the raatan and after aotne lim tbaoka to the ubaarv lull power of bl littla friend and hi a own kindnoaa to her in not itnpalkanlly utllink hor not to worry aa ao many miht have done humphroy davy made the oral of hi lulereaunk diaoovorie lvery rwod oane aud graaa haa au outer akin of qlnly a tuff wbloh pro loot a tho luaido from inaeela and alao help the frail looking leavea to atand uprinht talkitik about children uelpinit lu dia varlem reminda ui of another pretty lalu in 1h67 ami children were playluu near the uranko river lu africa tbey picked up a alone which tbey thought waa ooly a vary pretty pebble far prettier lhn any limy had found before a neighbor aoeintt lhla alone utlnrcd tu buy it for a nitre tijiflo he in hi turn old it to tomaotie elua and ao the pebble ohaujfed iianda till at laal ll roaohod the knvsrnor of tho colony who iaid two thou and iollara fur ii thla olono which the thildrru had luuild waa the ural of the aln nda ii how it struck hin lifo jmaauna raid ul j lutpcr aa he teaceuilvd into the hilahrii fuli f the u n veraatlim lifl hail huard while winiih at lhn tablo dtahero jatneaoii a rail an i d wy ji violona and all limn tolka la a lrcalln uu bout ii make inn link er d way da olujjynian duim ack tow da nkflksullma one lime ij olujjymau ouutapwd inter oti a huuae an zob ha done aa i m tor atop an take dinner wf im wm ho wati gwintor bt ohiokan lull dinner b aaul do cluy jm yob kalu t luhd m lab ohiohaii uu dinner what yuli u ut uxml v n mine whh i itit nil ha auawor no i uwiuler hab ubiokau fob ditmar an ila nougli f ill do prnaenl oaalon lim do iiiimater lu n in au ho lb dat i ih wii o ll olr u enber tiad bout till he orlr t ahame o hlaae f and he wall mini ulai on trai wib icr atruo mono he inn tputi i tin an il ab bo wor rlod in- niildli iraroely trnik da ulllpklu hill when he dona tfh it oookaat do clujjyroan drorod bj cha it up an at hi alia re oa do aama liko ho d uabber aald a ldlcurn tbo buril of a livm man laylor 1ealuroa tba treat auula apjiarvot awal llrani a mil a beat iriend ra hia tin flnger colly or of all vain thlu atauni are tttvinal fluxion livau lit rcury of awlaatiuti joy bbakeopoar rhoiighiftil dlaoiplttiad inuoded in aolioti luudnlph who ic1 good i ialld a lhif who fual domioion tutor f tlii and hriuiitir if not a new eertaliily now vcralon of lliia hh kamo or whalnver one mi call it 1 olluwinu you 111 id five liata of word aud irnn of worda iiiimimrnl cunaroti livoly jol pnkoge ol oarda blank viafliliu oarda to bo llad of lhn tlluur will anawer wall and write all tho phraae and word oaoli on aaparat4i can tlion arraiigo them lo qorxeapotid with the hal hero ahown- making flvo paoka o ij card aalj ltaarllw no 1 on the iieckf of ihr ft rot ei nu i on tho aocond nlo ft lutkro ilidenlincalion tlila dono tlic game proceed a follow i loll ttx ave t card aud beitiuiiink willi nq 1 tho card are laid upon iho tahlo fn their order until the flo hv player then ono read aloud the aentmirns pro duord by the tine of card and iiouaeuao indtwitu uaually 17 of cuurw the crd intuuju t io thufllou l0 lll ardor of thoir appear a noe after each game and the combination aeafia endloaa prnvid ing an oveniuga amtiaoment of winch 1 uaetl never to tire different word and phraae may bo introduced and oven bolter or worm combination arrived al ily way of illustration i will try a few and record lite reading of the linn they appear a ranvbaarfad billy goatupuai ulvuui doa parala butter kes a ohlckon brtmulod hyena jumiod ions haired rollliib pin a reckleea beau put cliaanl a finilll monkey wrench iibt 1 i iht a reekleaa ixan pot ti0tes- he an thebc lonm of oonornl irtturodt tp frod promt rnfitlorii in nt ll tl lift nut ih nilii idttn buy fttiy nllior if uil hni mail up imr mind til take llmd haapnll ltumetnlior llml iihhth hra wlin all tti a itrnn nlln inl a re1 ueaileil an irritable an old laatlonml uvea olllotonn e mi uli lul a left hamlod coal inxt ir nltim lkiarl a nuarretaimie aotilckou lireoald1 imiiil km lilllv ki a nervoua jumihnl nvar h milt led chaaed uio ilaaj orate ran anxinil flew al lhn lieauuful oapered wltt a irrenrfiaallil wept over lauflml at tile loot lialrwl thr rra tliooariuleiil die ilnceitlvn llir kill lnarte1 iiiqi tral bulter k u dililug table kirou ln bunch or nullaiii tinxihey wr i when th older reader kola tnlud caij with the hiioui work of life let him pauao a littlo bile and try my reinody for it play tbi kme of nouacnae canada and the republic it would of courae bo a mlatake tu in pute iho canadian dlalike of annexation la an unfriendly dlapoalllon toward the american people tariff omn plication a the iloring sea diapule and tbo flahene oaoation have cauod govern mrutai friotion between the two oouutrioa aud there linger yet a few rohoe of 1u1j but aociely on both aldoa of the lino la democratic and lhr la hardly ono canadian family in ten wbloh hajt not mim member in the united slate the kiigliahmau who would nol bear of the british fleet bom bardiug new york because hi four boy lived there haa hia counterpart lu the canadian who would doprecato hotlliliea for a airoilar reaaon the roal raovo mentf oi aooial moral and rellgioua reform on boih aide ut tbe lino hsvo comrnon aim and their great gathering moot alike in america aud cauadian cities duriu the ltm e m in leg to ttte muimoo doclriue there waa deep gratification felt in ibe dominion at the friendly tone of tbe beat american entimetl no widespread desire baa been ahown to aopox canada and it ia raay to dialinguiali between the politician playing to iho gallery and tbe res poo ti bio utters noes of atslearaan tbe varied problems sod unprecedented krowtb of o ureal a natlou are aufllcloul lo tax tho best energies of hb citieene secure in its primacy uf the continent the llepablic waioboe with friendly io tor oat the developemont un tu northern border of a civillxatiou willi foal urea eaaenllally imilar lo ua own trom a lloview of canadian aflsira by j w hi wn in the march hrvtrtv uf ttrvwtr novel advert isinu an apple grower lu the fsmod lako region of wesleru new york tiad ionic doair ad a trade mark that would protect hi par licular brand uf applta whluh ha had lirouht lo a great atate ol perfeotkin by grafting and yeara ol aieaial cultivation aaya arw idea he bit umhi tho tollow lug plan which auoi eedod imyood hia epecttloua haleotlntt ino tree hearing the yraft nf winch hia aluppieuta were princliavlly oonioad aud ihat ha i a jyoni southern exposure lie in- pared alipt ol alfod ierth wlnoli he out oul or eleiini ed tho lollera uf bla name and when the apples ware fujly idaturudpu llio ire and about two woeka bo to re rixoiiiiu or piokiuu time be bound a piuon of par around each apple taking oaro to have tho naiiio part uu the atiuny aldo oj iho apple ho thua baodaged aeveral tiuudrod euoutfh to allow of potting una lu the lop of each barrel shipped i bo aun fallhfully or funned ita work and when the lime fi r plokiug tsd arrived tho uaine alrlpa wera lull iiamo uf lhn tfrnwr lu re i letter- on a miceu background joe of the at uaiiu applra was wraphid lu tiaaue paper and placed on top of every lull barrel before heading up an 1 the tend look toi ulalde of tho barrel l d i hia lll apple lu ijo l aa look for th bnares foh the longul six ibiok thistle aliaka tloah of i re- lily fried tlyni it i the sea oeaaelb and ll autll lelh ua high roller low roller rower oajta uu the itray briiiado htrang alralegio alalia tier uivekjrime jim a h gig whip bh aaya aha sella aoaaliotl a cup uf coffee in a copper cotton pot hay should auoh a haly tufa ahabby tltche show t sarah in a shawl alio vol led aofl inaa oflly smith pirli uasti aptit philip aixtli aiatar fifth uiulrr a akull a buz of mixed bisoultsja mlxid biaouit bo strict airong btapheu stringer anarwd aliklj 1 jsuvjukn hwao awiut over the aea awlm btuk jrln well uuniawtn 1 full ii ml k i ini ihcauan utlmr milium lavo filnl in lithi litlin llmid a- rltrnipitrilln fiuthflijly and jou may rmainmlilv nt in imi urtd itoui imi r purrly t gnlald wi- anothen victim or oriohtb dib doonubo ho hnd not lunrnml of souttt arnorlont kuinny ctif looking iho btnhledhr afior thi imrnu ia auilon i disappointing and ijl in the lfilc mat it rn kirlnny irnuhlr u- vlrmn in many osara ltnr ihiy thn nnwn papuraarn inlllng nf unf dualh nf ptnpli fully pnirid from iho h at jlhgniluiil jlo tho iiiuql ro nor dufuatcd in any argu men i llu on nuttir lain pur- a lull aching of nrvnur iiiiimiii or tlio uutar pint r to lhlh oriumbg inaku uiu a iniaury i hull baud re loiifhlle1 lo uuer day ill tfrid day out aim ply lieoamo they ate unnii iiiaililel with tin xtrnnrdliirypalnaublu lutt power ol nervllllie ihegroat tlorvi pain oure it i cortoui lo cjiro nerve pni ipocdlly nirtulmo euro tootbaclio rhuu uqntiam iuura imnliagn afc- jauudlluo i powerful ponulrating ud fffeclual hold osrywhtro lerjlhhly haa illit talr in migti bor a bnaiurn cuuglii aud cold 1um to coiiau nipt lot if nrglouleil lr wood a norway ililo syrup curua quickly and ib pleaaaul to take it ia tiaturu rtqiody for all ihroal and luiig lrouble with a tun in llmejoonolaniiul aeo the hinialtf had l jipl a nokertiuu i armir dultuu writia inal winter i had im fijpi an i it loll nm with evere pain in lhn amall of my back and hlji that used to cut oh mo wheiutvr i wont to climb a fouce i 111 laaled fur atuul two mouth when i txiuithl ft boitlo uf ir i liomau 1 oleolrio oil and uaid it both internally aud cxtoruall lnnrtlltlfc atltl evunlug for three day at ihu expirali in ol which limn i wua completely ourwl lliptm la lhn r i of adverliaimioiil in all line ol life norway iltir hyrup cur ouha old iloaraeiofa son 1 hroat aalhiun llroii when uih aeuae of aliamu la lual advaiuo iovrr and auu and hilioua drrane men la are malllvoly ourotl by tbe use of iarmefrr a pill thay not only cleanae tbe atntnahi and bowla frtmi alt hilioua rruulor llie rijmi iiji 1110 xlrblory vnola l ml nit ihem tu hiiir luua rffu aiona from iht blooil into ihe thel after which the orriijiled maa lo thrown oul by the natural ptatage of iho ulv i hey re uaed a a general family uiedicine with the beat reanlta dr woods norway pine syrup rich in the lunptieallnk virtue oftha pin combined with tbe aoothlna- and eauectorant pcopatttie of other peclural herb and baika a fgnr eor otjc row coughs and colds hosraeobaa aithma dronchitla s or a throat croup and all throat bronchial and lung diseases obatlaatecaturha which plaaaaot piny ayrup rmiom mo atto ooo rw nomc uenio hear one individual aud tliei comprehend ten ir wood norway ium hyrup poailive y ouroa uugha i nlk aatlima lloirre noaa llrouohiua an all diaeaioi of lb netluetltio uka at thr halllejlll tro make it- arruwn katal ltr i iinkios generally follow lului i lieu loot lion i be ru kluan but pi n ieiuly take a tew loea or h oil a 1 muleuu in modiialely fullnwiim u ore lo unll ll will aavo ii many pai ifiil day an 1 tnep lea nghl uui ptaara aru nut alwayn muinuiad exorl hi follb mil aiiiiiiiii hutu oy limlu ft who have aenure i tnii t i y lh agtiew tatarvhal i w 1r la known 1piuoal lalll i 1 ii iri i i havlllk fauilllai may able p uae1 the tiuiriy the ileal an i lalmrhl ttiuhlna lie haa llkowlao over lila own ai ajxiknii lu favorabh lerma of tiiln lumit ur in ihe oaaeofoll in lhn head iho fehef ao speedy lht 1 a i i uflr it 111 a ie 1 hy i v a in llflkuil p ihl ta kuinp e uillln k id wor anil ll rr f l wo 11 i h o liithn ii i tirii hireet loroot holt by j uanawii science si hllil li ulltiwill ho w i iii llk k u t lllt scott b kniulslon i m t st it in e vntit inatti in la i tfe pi nit itu mil lv i in pjoviuj tm-luotlh- in emul sion must im 1110114 in i tei t limn u lien intlt in t lu- old lime w u ith iiuii tu uui p st it- i f v nmu is at u i i uk j ills is li y si ott d 1 uiulsitm l iuvli pu ales keeps svott fn cais ami wliy cvciy bpooniul is cpial to eviry otlici spoontul an ij t npiotltu t lit n million t la nh eliilala a attu a llama is at f hmytp wwt ttltwr an aw ec uhdkusa lut mulla oaniues kl iale cel wrapper iron bright it dlmcitiwaud llrlghoa ill iaudy davolnjimimt uf kllnty iiumh whit oin pnitltivily ho rum i by hxiuth aiiiirlmn kidney urn it i not nee hhjy id will until on hit ilfiglll diaeasu in i lia tlihv modoliie why not laku it when anmo uf i ho earlier ymptom of kid noy trouble iikvc hicomo nntuld i 7 i hum i only oneway in ullj of llil iimliilno anil ttiat i to cal a opndo a apudt itjnl auy that ll luailively ami nhrtiluul co fun till fealiinaof kid in duma u moat ilitn grr i- m tat ll tnniim h 1 i by j iwniiiwiu t llxillah wlimh eansjh frnn the lu ik eemsnlway the irtrg it iturdurk imih do nut krlpo or ken i buy nun matituiuii nml hiok 1 1 ndncl rescued fltom infsanity icntikmi n tn y alt i oimht to in lutnr nf ii ii fl would hr irhp letitile it im ixmi n groal iuhuii rttun r lo me mid ldo am ar im it i am n dlltoniul mnu to wlint i wit ton ynara ngo when it wrin ni piflid i woill ln m lhani ii 1 awl m mrfrnt rrbnt hftttlth mid if v ihu h ii ii hint did it i aullttn i fur live ik i pi i ha homo conaoini gtiitttr mr riinnim lltllard hjrciiw n writen i imvi ihiii ullliole i fur unarlyb year willi lliit jliol to botlrrnduil dinima dyapojiait nval 11mm witii mil with jiaiu and wijut 01 akup an t after trying altnanl everything rooom mended i tried unit box of isruiolou a vngntnblu 1ill 1 am now nearly woll and buliuvu thoy will ourc nftfj i would not bo without thorn for catarrh sympathy and nnvnnty acldum i hand in hand there are a iiumtior of varmaol mm hnllnway a urn urt will rrmnvo any of tlirin all on jour druggiat tiud got a bottle- w krop your wound rnv rod and it may hen i without a ai r no old or ongh la th wttern to yield lo the nuralive power f hr wood a nnr way pino hyrup it u cured thnuaand when ynu jry for atrungih in runat tetiiiitatlon help answer your prayer bj kreping owl f bad company there n a danker in neglecting ci 11 mrwd- tnnr irutittirmttl nl by ny wno nive ihnir troublra from exjunure follow oold which aultlnl on llirir lung au i in a abort tlmu they tm lieyoixl the aklll of the beat phyaioitn mad ihoy uiud bicklo a anti consumptive hyiup boloro it waa to late thorn live ttouhvhtvii beef curing cough i old ant all tf u tun of iho throat and intim lo pray ihe i i te a ieua tillht it will makeeirry iimn lite iuardiaii uf hia brolhor iglil lo dnatroy womiih aud xjlel ihnltfoln children or adutla uau lr bow a worm syrup holorr lean taiiuhl iii dtai iplea hn told lliern ol the flh r i whom llinlr jirayera aliould be a idreaau i jj1 u im i a i ui will you hoed lho wariiln 1 i m l peril a pa of lho auro ajiproaoli ul thai more terrible disease ionumptlou aak your aolve if you can a fiord lur ltio ako ol aviiiu fioc to run the nak ami do nothing for it wo know from oxiwrluiiou that shiloh a urn will cure your louui it never laila hohl n j kaiitiawn jtfhiju muni k luisypj new i aiu uo coin o a luaipld lowell oukiin cold soro 1 hroat aathma liruuohiti aud all lung tmublu are ulckly cured by lho uao of hagyard a im tural balaam ihevfrtuou home la ihe baa a ol alt national pionjicru auou i irara never wm atd never will be a 1 1 in to which heal ia hnr ihe ve naturu uf many curativea boni auoh that wore hid gorma il other and ditlereully aealod dlaee rooted in the yulein of thejialieiil wtial wi uld relieve utie ill in turn would aggravate lho other wo hnv however in guiniuo wine when obtained lu a sound inadullratel title a mo ly i ir many and uriovoua ilia uy ita gradual judicioua uae the irallent yatrmn aro led into oouvaleconte and altooth by lliw lullueiilo which ljultuiio eiorla uu ntxturu a nr ai yoilrr fiom uuiinlipnliiin niiiuii ho hi i hint i wnl it oufol my mind t tri 1 1 varioiihiloruom hull in ill uiuu iry nu i in lho uily nml took mdininn tiwi iiumnroiia tu tiimitiiui hut everything fail il oliitv nfiiut vvliou luatd llprdnuk blood illliern it auccrcrtrrt tmyfind nil nx pro i ut ion a rnpilrmg only two holtlia to cure hln 1 u tokun ll atill morn certain ihat ii ll i t tho roal mint for oonti patlnu t may uty that aom two year nfter lflt lhn a mptimm reluruiiig and t ink nun imvilii morn and front that time in the prai nt day jovtir eight years 1 havu uuvur id any rulurnh of tlm d i am an i iintir know any mtiiliuiuc lo work au woll 1 1 iiooh nol houiii lo ha a mnro romov it hul n aun nil i rertaiu mint aa 1 can tallfj li for dnllnra worth if medicine no i ntvlan failo i to do mi any g nl hul ihrin dollar worth of ll b ii made a rwitnsnenfc cure t hwgivei tne y of hitllli nnd comfort 1 miri truly 1 km uxu toronto one nf tho moat iffiolual injniiona for roiianjmtlnii in young cinldrnri ii riiinl jinrtu of glycurluu nml water ll ii ban irhunitl liualiiii witt n pithy r ia al k wo ftvi lior t aatorla bnn aim waa u llilll nho crlr i tar caatorla u lien aim becttlii lllw b rhn g in coalnrla beu aim lnd l till ir i lon1 uienicaatoru 1 ho ahortcat way lo glory i lo lw guided by conncinnco hume that dread demon huart dlnaaso aaain vanaulnhod tontlmony from a moat reliable souroerollor in fifty mlnuto mr loli ii t row son of ceorge crow ftsfri tho oulty-od- weukuo lax reaiding uunr i ara oul nend the follow ing atntumint whioh he doaire publiahed 1 or thu laal ton year 1 have aurfored from laljiicalioo and uulargoment of the hnarl and during nil that timu i have doc lured oonatautly hoping in vaiu for a cure homo lime ago 1 w a tonlimonf from a turn citicn rogar ling ir agnow cu for the heart aud dooided to try it al lho timonf writing i have used four bottle of the remedy nd never foil beltej in my life if 1 in not already rid ofthu d ii of i nh f in irhid drapinloi iamiae 1 g ir vjgol ii i an i ittfrt ii the acli in ruulaled unm ul lh iiikhi will h belli throughout lho voiua lronglhonnig ihu tiaallhy animal f million t lho ayateiii thereby making aolinly a tiuonaakry reault alraiiglhlur ihu frame and glviiitt life lu tlm ilikealtte oigai n wlut h nalurally le la iujr 1 1 ilitn of anienllata ihla wine approacliei eel k rfmtlnii of ally m tho mai ket m i am joaitlve lllia remedy- will com plete the cure hold by j kaitnavtin hharp aayluga are nol alway a n hood i ruth uoc la lot haiujiiuu hul follow hieblug inf nubllon i n iimmeut i bhuillt- bill not lo leuru in i nlllig ahame ihmu dm i lr wilkniaoii ovoi ue drug hlur cold filling and artltloa teeth a npolialt hartioa ti reaaotiablc a olbcwhere special ollice daya moil da i uuadny nml 1 rlday culpable neglect wo need not draw on the distant ooulur ion lu tlud caamplua of our roajioualblllty ir lhera hiu in our falling to interfere to irevenl aln 1 o day wicked 1 i luy are liven md bucnuao wo fall lo ajieak in day wrong nnd evil aro power fill tktauao wn old the hand and oloao ihi lip ihe templed are yielding teoaane we aland by the loniptor i he pure arc triod bruniiho ttu her no aynipalhy 1 ivea lender are hr iken lxioauae we alay not ihe deali yer 1 ivea are lonely be cbuho wo ah iw no rleudablji ll a uouo ut xuy bualnaaa ma iy tha la iu li ulan it i your buaiuoaa to keep olhor atrong and noble itrv c i ti acton steam -laundry- cook propnctor 1 lint ulaaa work guaranteed iu h lull id satin ia fmmuy laumlrjr wura a cook main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect qnd contractoi uhjcslfu ma ti htnti john cameron proprietor fire aazattlbr s7vokb 1 vi i dull ii s worth of suha lu l ilciriduut lnm is s tu lx inudt it il wotlvtulu htun i simn islln list ol tin kuoik lllsippi 11 ihe n itvst merch lnclliinp irr known in utlph jooiis si lunn it tin l hi of liiuu pi l ili mil ivny thousand dollars worth two stru t c irs all stop at the r- fire shle c jd williamson co wyndham and maodonnell stweetb quelph ractanirv tor infanta nnd children iothers do you know rri ttatiiman drops ooilfroy cardial many ochojit boothlnu hrrupa and moat remndln fur clilldrar aro oornponeil of opium or morphine f t yon kitw llutl opium and motpbloflare attlpftyliiir naroouc poison 1 pi tow know that in noat countries dktfnriku are not penuiuod lo aall narcoue wluiout labcllnzhiuiin uma r p tni know that you ahoold not permit any modlcuv to be liven youc child unlaasyouor jrour pbyalllan know of wlint it inconipnsnd t do tew kwow that covoru la n purely vegetablo prnparauon and thai ust of iu toflnxllent a pibllidind with every imtile r do tonhwnw hint cuitorta la uie proscription nf the rntnrtua ir flamtutl rtteftet that it has boon in uao far nearly thirty year and that mora lsatoru la now sold than of all other rented lea fur children mhlned do vim know fint lho patent omen department of the untud stale and nf other countries hnvo lastied nsclualve hjchl to dr tttmur and hi asbtctu to use tbe word oastorla and iu formula nd that lo imitate them i a atale prison ottmotm 1 pet ton know- llutl one of urn roaaona mr gtqntlnr this hrtntmeiit protootloo was becaubo caloru tuul tmen provi n u be atbaolotwl buub1s do ton know thai 36 atterttsrai dueea of lssturu are runushed for 35 osnth or oaoeent do t do tern kactr that when poncsse1 of this perfect preparation yqur culsren may be kept well and that you may lutva unhruknnjresl t wwutthmw wortjajaowlngt thejarefacu grand trunu ivi lar tipnia jain imtib 10 j ant hall rtir nr t mail no jini sanngor t ft in utirrt iu ia in timk ur i i mini i jiii lillift at uu in ami 1 40 t lu juhib kail 10 1 in and 0 tn p u hia time abln moil into too- ton holiday veullmi i rati im4 only rnna a tar an htrnlloi i stqtling silver belts tho fkoalmila l of 1 ww iy children ory for pltohtro castorla grnby ttuubers it m no wonder that rub- lit rs hull arc not the same siujk a the lioot tihould lc uikjnifufiik it cobts mo- ty lo cmiloy skilled inttcrn uktrt but the rcbtilt u a aatisfirtory fit harh car now patterns ire added tu fit ill ilic latest hhc shaici and qranby rubbers ircalwivs i in dali they are honestly nnilc if pure doilt draw the feet rubber thin i ht clittu tlnrallc extra thick at ball and her ney htt the boot another slaughter 1 wallpaper i fc t illuil llllkc tmilll dl sjullil uflk tilij tu tkar fc nut wl nflcr i lie following uitb of all iapti ft it ridiculvius pnets w- 2 tut rouulur urlco 20c now i s i 2 6u y narrow sterling silver and silver lit llts are the stjle foi this spring savage oo tjl nw i 1 llis cuelph job printing bsatatyleof the art al in iki urate prlcei abort nollce ipply oraddreaa ii i u do lit kn rna offloo acton a nolarei deitist 243 yi il t0r0kt0 enkumltoaet ctftmtbforlft e 3 fc 3 is g illy ikiidi is is 75c i2tc i oo i2c of wall iapr by it inl g s7ith uibplsmm llllmisi am hodktl n it jll iii iuluiuiuiuiuiuniiaiuuiiuiuuiiuiuuilniiiiuluuluiaif new firm new stock new prices but old management cunaa dyspepsia bad blood constipation kidney troubles headache biliousness bbs unhtcka all the let tat i on udranmmm all lnpuitiri i ou ii e ijiltm ion a com mot pimpla to u it luliiou or the perfect ta rmtmr tt tea rhom thk tka futnt to tmc tka cu in it nativt uhtv 1 lo hi i i li bualucaa in aotoq au loik under lho ua t i jul tioltlt t hull i been dibiotilinuod but the old boaines will go on under the nw nano j a speight co ll u i reaped there will be deolded ohankoa ju hit u n de rt a lon c dfpartment thi will be most noticeable owiti lo the hard lime we are lliur tlw jrltii litira ol coflln casket an 1 furuhn and will atipply tho whole oul iu at any reasonable offer you may make wo have no oonnoollon with any undertakers combine and govern our own prloeo ho iouihiil al all u u rurnltur6 li hand wl inti fair iiviiik jirotlt l uf tuiulot i dnjxiae of at buccv whcon do niaiiuer and at pme i- hajta a little lowest lloiort i i- h ut oarrylim uo our buluoa se can rerlainlv soil 1 verjv nuo h thr uodorlkll eepeolally wo can du tin nd ivt entire j a speight co sz f t rz s ct r vr v v r- rr s r jzticuk jv gxrt the ai7v i b til this slim is tu liiil in n si i ii ils s t see i ft our new 1 iitflieii aid auhuiuiii hal nt a al h i luiuo h p now up to date culuib ties urn colored shirtb p c l-rreothtur- t i m j r e nelson g i t itlin i tilur and 1 urnihher cdlliml ll t hiiii 1 iilor and i urnihhtir a neia fhce in hn old plbce tlailu purchased lbs aloek aud tool will of ur it hoi uio i would roaihmitfullr atinounos lo all tutinar ousloiuar and uta publlo itausrally that 1 ita outiiuiaudvd bualue al bla old a laud on alaln htrwst wbarw will ixt found a dooilata block of tlratolasa 1ikkk mufton lauh loilk kraah aud 411 hauh halbatlka and loultlty tu tm jhisalbly ooualatwtl will ort- rate quality projapf dtltvary fmx stocm irsatea e b collins nf th tea atowars aoj a uronwof lw bnl q 1 cos for ha nsaxt moeapoe tea la ekl dj pf anduailartawdanjbhbtnan i tjualilwauindian adcylai frwhk ttuibhr mwah i us perfect tee cub kldl tlwaticwulntirir tea it put p in ualrd cajdtaa of m ih i lb stall jllia anjaoutolhrvaeuvout at ut at sod aec rvrrjxi rut knp it till him lo writ t stfkl hayttb i co tuut toronlo and ij vnntt stvihcure thb most successful remedy for man 0 bkabt kendulssplvincuriu pt it j att pmr sir ilea arrul n uaa of war nana fkhthi aul i4tlur lbateail aamal aal aljamr itmdall hib are lltt rxi aocecvi it i a wuodarrul mllclba i io sad a mar tkat had a omll rsla and fla bialua euiwi kar 1 kaw a butu on ood al i ut us yuan truly ou powau kendalls spivii cure cinod ms apr a ir b j kuuiinx hur li i uan hsmi aavrral bttlaa at f icauta1 altravla un lib nuek anrraaa 1 luink u ika b4 unduml i mr uaad rrwaaa van an nata puaaad till oisioh patbmt- oopvtttohta mo vet- tnfnratattovi and free llaaattoiik writs la munm cu mi uitdwt naw vou nlilcit bureau iw annnin natouta in america xrerypateet lakrnihil br uala brotuttit brra lb imtbtlo by aikitkie im rnsut gtitntiit juttcridtj larnwtotrpuutlntt nf nn hlcnllrln pacer in lit worlu bplarallult llluilratnl k lul lllarnt dtaa ahouul ba without it lwhlt 3 uo a yrari 1111 ail nmhiia a lnw mivv li lmunutaa3ul linulmiir l lfon twenty mx ybaiis dunns baking powder thecooks best friend lanqkst sale in canada

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