Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1896, p. 4

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tjiiiiibimy jllajlon jo 11101 adci trvk i n ru liltln ml lillalrlli ilowil v i tlrfw weka wl1i never a tl mi wniit wlsltlli up ami sy irlor ewlllii r ii jhfkiwrrill lot o rulilri when the onulria jumped tin tralo ditched an tho rolha ly ilia wreck surrounded tin says amy mho if wo il linen al wa itecknti w all rot drowned an wlinn the told htm tin jin was ti an hail un sains time or olir he ur aari lie mlhty ilail ua me 411 ii milulk or hern holly or lilutlier sharp practice iahs impjissbiqw of bnatand ha is lion land n a emnnl t j i ngo baas enoland at har baal a uonlrtal paper prjnti uma internal ng thlnfc uld by a fluntlsmao of that city mayor k l bond wh haa jail rata r nod from a fow months wjnurn in k upland speaking of the raoenl lurry over thn lomnoilrnptiiir mmiiuum 1rciilciii an austrian tranllemau went to trieate a fow month months ago to air a alaaniar tannchttl and in ilia aureesblu surprise li met an old schoolfellow anil former com tsdo lnhestrot whom lis bad lost aliiht o for years bat who i uow a fashionable physician with a large practice well i am delighted i exclaimed ilia out l am harmed t replied tha ojher and how are you hill 1 1 i on 7 oil i excellently i i have boon phyaloian hare for aomo years and i hsvo ijuito as macli ss i can do and yau 7 i am all rlahl i afcn4 moat of my timo in lenna i ran d n here for a change of air not feeling qui la wall old man oil ita only a pain lu my cheat a raid i fancy 1 shell-throw- ik- otl aoou i hops certainly dont give wmy to exsioteratrd fears thats worss than twonly colda dot whatever yon do take care of yoorcelf yon m prom 1m ma that won t yon i will and than the conversation bowed into othor channels a few daya ago tha leona tenlleroeo ra ce i ved latter containing moraly a bill from ilia old friend which waa worded aa followa mr debtor to h v throe llonni for a consultation iii the street x waa unspeakably indignant and went off to lawyer to ilia surprise the roan of law advised iay him till three florin by return of poal tiilmcjfianhb will oomo ml ktbiit u pnfj v whmrilnl uia iadlallon of lu gland wo hoard from n knropa that england waa without a friend rot whan auslralis spba whan canada poke when all parte of tha mighty kraplra responded making ajmoat a girdle 1 round ilia world of friendly oalonlea end outposts then indeed england waa con tent to sepapt her pi end id isolation con scions that aided and encoarseed by her children b might well real in security the message fro in australia and canada went dapralally ralifyinb ur ilond waa a biiay man duvinit ilia laal three monlha bal ia aparad many hnnra totho ooltlvation of aocial life and aa a canadian ha waa j ionised at the partita to which ho waa invitd he look thaoppotrlnnity of dojnit aoma miaaionary work for canadakitlnd information and danyinr with allha fervor of a man who went to tha front daring the- fenian rad that there waa any aiinatalionlat aenli ment imh dominion i generally aaidjt when called upan to apeak at dlnnara ot ulhor funofiona that while there might have been ave per cent of annexatioaial eeritiniotil before the prevent criale canada now fall aa ono man that ilia waa prepared to rally to the aup port of tha hmpire 1 waa aakod a area deal about the militia ahdtwa able 16aay ktfood wow hare and you will have to jive bii penaeiaud the ooat of the long journey to boot tbo aggrieved had nothing for it but to aand the mooey and write a qnar uloua letter to the papara partners a iturdy httltt flgore il waa trndgfng bravely by wilb a pail of water bo many and aurioaity prompted u to farther aoqaaiulanoa 1otrare a bnay little girl to day yea m the round faoe uuder the broad hat waa turned toward o it waa truckled 11 a tied aud pereplring bat clioory withal ym m t tk lp nf watar tn rln a notes mere andtherer itrma at oawioral intoroatao piaa proaa raoctara afe you onn of thoao unhappy woplnwlio are atiitor- ing with weak nnrvir alarllitig at story alight aruin i una bin tn ml urn any umiaual d 1 in rtia lire finding it itnpomblo to alebp rrroti md an foao lion iifimki inaile pura and uur iahfng by thn ureat blood puriller and i run ncrvo iiiulo iioihi m harajiparllla la 1iln a hint ilikrath rtwjtfwi iraat after dinner m prt veiitonaliialion upon llpa aud forget put a anal what you ha kind aftor love haji atnlnn forth into tha world and duun iix beautiful wurk g back into the hail ii aiali an i aay nothing about it lute hidea ftven from limit si dimpihiiiii 3 wo jiqualciwxntwopud dial of ml and do yon bring it all from the brook down thare oh we have it in tha ciatera moatly only it a been enah a dry time lately and there a nobody alae to carry the water nobody but mother aud aha u waab irk wall you are a good girl to help ber it waa not a wall oonaidarad ooraplimenl and lite little water carrier did not oon aider it one at all for there waa a look of aurpriao in her gray eyea and an elmoat indignant tone in her voioe aa abe anawer od why of oourea i help ber i alwayi help hor to do thinga all the time aha iibbu t anybody else mother and ma a partner wo looked alter her aa ehe picked up ber pail and walked on bending under her load a little bqt reoolute and with no though of complaining or ehirking a mont old bioiiod hotnoly little body aha was but we call har mother a rich and happy woman tkr yttttj itirn to make a happv home 1 learn to govern youraelvee and to be irentlo and patient j guard your urn pen eapao tally la boaaona o ill health irritaaloo and tronnla and aoften i hem by prayer penitence aod a aeuae of your own abortoominga and error 3 never apeak or act until you have pryed over your word or acta and oon eluded that chrint would have done o in your pi aoo i remember that valuable aa i the itift of speech tha hi ft of alienee la much more valuable do not expect loo much from others but remember that all have an evil nature whoao development we maal ex peat and which w ahourd forebear and forgiva a often daat forbearanoe aod forgivenee ooraalvee i never retort a abarp or angry word it i the eoootid tbat make the quarrel 7 beware of it a oral dleagrsmenl h i varn to apeak in a gentla tone of j learn o aay kind and pleasant ihuitfa wbenever an opportunity offer id study tha character of each aod aympathiae with all in their truunlea how ii lo not neglect little thinita if they oo affeot the comfort of other in the amaileat degree now you saw it now you dont for ihaf body i know something a don i the militia and i oati apeak for the material if not for their equipement t kxaolly the matanal i all right and wa can ehoot a bl loo ae we proved al the lima of tha fenian raid when tho flrat man killed waa a kb man at a diatauce of a thouaaud yard auppoaet wee a bit jinvoiatio aaftl mr baud laukhlng but il waa in ma and it had to come out banker are caotlou the tlnaucea of the united stales are diatruated agriculture la 4 and liquor is t he ear- f la- graat eentre of popolatlon where nearly every cauaof stratahadnea and dealt tn lion moane in itr laat aitliia whiskey or mora properly boar and in aaricnltara i in auoh a deplorable atate tbat a landlord la willing to give tha uaa pf land for nothing if ha can only and a man intelligent enough to follow oat hia ay tern of dreaaing and cropping matariatf a o i h poopla in england i aaw the most awful forms of misery and destitattou bgx i wi informed by those moit competent to jadga that liqnor wa tha cause in nearly every case the biahop of loudon inform ed me tbat the great evil they baa to light against was vested intervals still there ar m h another crop up all along lite a nalhwe or unfortunately it iium unexprotod that always i tip pen tunro i at ieaat one article of aakiinwtmjga i lunjit that never disappoint ialnain a corn v xtractor is are to remove tfhwuxt corns in a fow days aud aa no claim t inado that il will cure anything ilae it cannot disappoint if you havo hril or ift a ir m jual try il depart the article jual a gool n iolaon i o proprli tura kmaton y the christian who will tako evrry nerd to dud in prayer all aoon invt a faith that can mi ve moimtainn f-oiihh- lead iq raiiiaumplloil gloclcd dr wihhi a norway inio syrup cures quiukl aud in pleaaaut to take il ib nature b remedy for all throat and lung ironbu a markud dlfterencn ttelweeii a hypo aril and a child of xl n that the hypo crite has no cloaol for prayer rioaaant hb sjrup iinlhing equau il aa a worm- modicine lbn uauul in mi ravca worm 1 ileruiliiatnr eat worm destroyer of the age il waa beoaiisc daniel kept hut windows open toward jornaalun that he had no fear fish city which belong to the btata of michigan is a peculiar place with a watery flavor ha uo exisleaoe in summer but la a busy plaoa lu winter in not built ou land rnd yet has nothing to do with boa la the loeof bainaw bay ia used as afounda lion for the city every winter and tne town is oooopied by meu and their families who celeb clean and paok white flab and lake truut for the market it la built in ta aama oove every year bouses being constructed of routfh pins boards it had a population of oaarlv 0ou0 iu the winter of 1hu3u1 nearly twloa tbal nombtr lai win lor and this eoaaun the population be lakau another jump forward had uia for him ur james iayn uie loudes ern lalu a aaoaalional atory 11a aay a a young man waa paying his alien t toes to a beloved object contiary to tbe wlshneof bar father a man of lliewa aud sinew and on day thalajtar kicked the lover violaotly into the street in a day or iwoafler raapvwry th rejeolsil suitor apaiantly oo one whit diaoou raged oalled al tbe bouea ouoe more what again r exclaimed patarfaaauas putting on hi well soled boots lor action no no cried lb young tue i have given up all hope of winuiug your daughter bat in oouaeqoenoe of tbal eatomdiug kick you gave ma l other day bsva bam re quested on tbe alraotfth of nay ear nee i reoommsodation to tbe eojamtttee to ask yoa to joid our loot hall elub uiejknaliiigasfsirrbbf tliu church la working most earnestly and an doabtedly a vest amount of good is being al dinner parties mr bond waa goner ally in a minority as a water drinker sometimes there was a litlla plaaaant chaff again i hers would be earn eel enquiry ato tempereooa sentiment ua canada but prohibition was tbo tut bt to be im practicable mr bood mention tbat in one case tbe total abstainers were in a majority at a dinner table which was a rare experience the new woman i not according lo mr bond truculent in lngland aa might be supposed bhe rtdse the bioycle indeed bat she rarely sveara kicker bookers and never bloomers if kul eke r bookers be worn she la stared at whioh la a sure sign thai she ia not common ash ton bio fad is for tbe ladles aud gentlemen al a dinner parly to wind up wilb a bicycle ride through tbe streets of london i on don proper that la which is quiet at eleven o clock at night ibeir grooms bring ing ibeir wboela aa tlioy uaed lo bring tbeir hones tbey are oooaervalive in mauy partic nlars in bnitland they do not ass the electric light for street lighting aa readily as wa do although all lbs atoree have it nor do ihey use the telephone or type writer e do but they do play golf in hngland they play il with eat and nasaion the ladles are most entbaaiaatio over il tbey oom pete for prises and are very skilful at it aud tbe game la racb a universal favorite that wherever il la established properly goes up sixty per cent whereas in sum mer resorts and olber country plaoes where tl baa been ueglaated there land can be had for next to nothing finally ur bond ibioka be saw kug land al iu best wueu iu answer to germany waa to put ua back to the wall rooer and the tramp dog borne one gives tbe folio win account u do heroism 1 hia la a dog story iu wbtob itoger ibe hero the cook noticed that in ibe laal ten daya tbal itoger had developed a terrible a p petit and was uol satisfied wilb one bone but hun aruuod until he tot two or throe and iben he would start off with them in bis mouth i ho oook thought he buried ibem so he determined to follow him one day aud find out what be did with them he followed him over to the barn and oloae w tho barn there in an old hayrick with a fence around it and bare lo aoorner was a poor little miserable dog ua was one with whom we were uot oquainted aod therefore we called bim tramp dog he wm bhuw- jd bnd and ao poor tbat wbeu his tail wagiced in appreciation of itoger s winning him bones bis joints would make a noise like and paper roau itoger would put dowu the bones in from of the dun made a luuo do talk and all dowu aid watob tlie poor little tramp com ma no to oat them up fttaa harm 1 the lions do i- xcellonl reasons oxiul why dr 1 home i clectrio oil should 1m uaed by persona troubled with affections of the throat or luugs soros upon the akin rheumatic pain corns boo ion a or external tn juries- the reason e are that h is speedy pure and un objectionable whether taken inleruklly or applied outwardly for twenty bix yieabs dunns baking powder thecooksbest friend largest a ale in canada nov w h with row d p now touwnir fisrop wlw aoanadlan party i onosaf mwmrto tnlk favorably of or annowa ca tarrhal pdwdrtr there are few more noted iravelloraihsn the itov wuwthrnw d j editor of the cnaaiuim attlnnlimf anyn inr sin of other imtilicattons of thn g rest m clfiurniri this country ha is a wide traveller and jjfiijoys the opporlbnilic that irayel i ives of judging broadly ol ibe merits of any article lie liasrffreseil the writ ten opinion ttil- dr aguew s catarrhal powder iesa mokl xcellrnl rnmedy for oold in the head aiidvarious catarrhal troubles olio abort puft of thb breath through the blower supplied with racb bottle ol dr agnew a catarrlisrtowiler illffuana the powder over tha surface at l ho usual ssbbb it iftiiles an 1 delightful in us- il re linvo liibtanlly and permaucnlly uures catarrh hay fever nolds beadache nore throat tpnsihti and uafnass do cents sample bottle and blovervhonl ou receipt of two i oeiil btamp- h 1 dotuhoit 11 in roh blreel toronto hold by j kaiulawlrt in early life you may lay tbo fuun latiun otkjsersy of riohos industry or idlrness good or evil by the habit in which you train your cliilit m tratli thorn right habits iben and llieii future life i safe anon 1 here ii a danger in nrgleciiug a cold many who have did of cjjjsujtipltou dated theik troobirn from expaure followe1 by a oold which eotllej on their lungs and lu a short unto ihey wore beyond the skill of the best phyaiciau had ihey used hiclles aim ciinsnmpiuia hymp hnlnfn 11 waa lu late ill ore livci would have been spared thia modicum haa no equal for curing coughs colda and all altcctiuns of tbabroatand lungs rtaob itemtrtr for catarrh is t catarrh there fa a moral excellence attainable by all who have the will to strive for it but there is an intellectual and physical superiority which is above hn reach of our wishes and la i ran tod only to a few crabbe to ieslroy worms aud expel thorn from ohlldren or adults use dr iowa worm byrup ive thanks i it it be habit lo be grateful lu everything come a chrom ham ii rn i lie best 1ills mr win sydney rosaiug nt writea been usinit 1 armelec s lilla s by far the boat pills wo ever delicate and debilitated these pills art like a charn mall doses the rllccl is bolt a luuio and a stimulant mildly eiclllnu tho secretions of the body givin tone and vigor a kood dentifrice ia made of two ounom of pulverised bora four uuuees proolpi la ted chalk au 1 two ounce of pulverised caatile soap ou what a touch 1 find thru taken lu will you heed the warning tile signal partial of tho sure approach of thai more terrible disease consumption aak your solves if you can a lord for the sake ol savliik 50o to run the risk and do nothing for it wo know from experience that bhllob s uro will cure yuur cuugli it never fails sold by j v kaunawln all work loans ua beat uallly when it is dour not fur tbo iood t the world but solely lor tho solnsh personal wolfare of iho worker ooutfb olds sorelhruat asthma bruucbitia aud all lung troubles are fuiokly ourtd by ihn u of llshyanl ivi loral balaam uo lm is id m slow id iklilii it v i iiiko la tbu host faithful iii die prrrormaiioe of ii keep a clean mouth boys 1 resulv a d when could he ke laliugulalled auilior say i was a child usvsr to use not praoounoo before my ptlsl resolution and bocai ad 1 minded noble honored gautleiiian uia rule and example are worthy of imitation boys readily learn a class uf low vulgar expressions which are nover beard in reepsntabla circle tho utmost care of the parents will soarooly prevent il of course noons thinks of nirls aa being so much exposed to thi peril we cauno imanine a deoeut k using words she would not utter before her father and booh vulgarity ia thought by soma boys to be smart the nail thing to awssfluit au i not ao wicked but 11 u a habit whlib jeadb to profanity and oils ths mini wilit evil thoughts it vuikeriaq and degrade lb mmiuiljjrsparea lbs wsy for nisuy f the gross and isavfjl sins whioh corrupt society tjis llsinuvai iu nbn ouulij the man written u boutb amqria would cobaums lariie newspajior upaoe ltl lake al random a fuw adam sor iturkstalls out ono untie of boulb american kidney uro convinced ma of its great wurth michael mumullen lies icy on i procured ono botllo uf south amenoan kl loey uro and taking it aouordiug u direouona k liiiniedisle re af d j i ocko sborbrotike out i pent uvor lkl for troatuieiil but never received marked reliof until i ocau the use uf south a i arte i kl inoy ore uo james murdock st john n ii i have reosiwod hundrml dollar- worth uf itood from una buttltr uf south ameiicau kidney ure bold by j hunewm au inexhaustahla good nature ia one of the most precious ififta of heaven spread ng tlsftlf li wil over the ironblej eea- of thou iht and keepinu the mind smooth and equable in the roughest weather w irviiik no uld or couh ia too nevorn to yield to the rmretive power uf dr wood a nor way pine byrup it has cured thaasanda all our actions take their hue from the complexion of the heart aa landscapes their variety from light bacon chronic derangements of the stomach liver and rllood are speedily ro moved by urn active principle of the ingredients enter ed into tho composition of parmelee a vcfe table pills those pills acl specifically on the drranited organs stimulating to action tha dormant energies of the ttystem there evjijuo hahdukfltfli wa onn day ttiflro nw6od and wafer to bring home and mother was tired and ill ami john said i tove you mother and thru ho on with hia cap ami away out lothn awing under the iase and nell aid i lovo- yon mil her and thou leased and sulked till inothor area gad whanalis 1 all aaiil j- mal no school in lay aud i ah all help you all i can 1 hen she rocked 1 1 ho baby to aloep and awept thn floor and lid led ilia room and waa buby and happy all day three children that night were going tnlieet and all of them as id while mother tucked them iu iluvnjuu mother lkul now tell me wlrlch oue of ihcm dhj mollicr thihk lovnl her heal 7 tl youltve the saviour you will not for hot him some of ybu till if no iu your hymn aud piayera from morning till niulit all sunday thai you love him aud then you iopyl all the weea and no or seem to think of him again till the sunday after you jual live as if there wero no bavlouryst all wa shall meet him some day by and by and he ynmg o aay to some of us i never knew you you auiig my hymns but you forgot my co mm hid moots 1k juiix drurnrrn this has a fine old flavor i read a story the othor day with a lino old llavor that quite makes it worth the re tell inn in ihii prt i called a meeting of the llriiisli militia colonels to consider his additional torce bill home objected to the clause which oalled them out under all circumstances sod argued that this shoold not bo except in case of actual then said put il would be too late presently they came to another clause when tbe ssme objectors insisted on tho militia not being liable to be sunt out of the kingdom hioapt i suppose said pitt with cruel sarcasm in case of actual in humorous i sometimes wonder dstd au i ngliali man to a pretty american girl sitting next to him at diuner what becomes of all your peaches in a merles the reply w eat what we oan frnc i what we cant by removing disease and renewing life aod vitality lo the efhialed in this ilea the great secret of tho popularity of par me jooa pills o to willie i knev you were comi night gas hot on why willie ter has boon xslce all the afternoon ends to vwit lueuiui habitation walk milton oud oil dose through their their doings dr wood s norway i ion syrup ly euros coughs ld ailhma ii uos br ncbllls and all illseava pulmonary ur by ua urea laws it stops whei u tabic d ju bei norway pine byrup cures cuuijia hoarseness bore 1 hroal asthma chuis ele b 9 just spend his four a quarters for a bottle of a burdock- blood bitters as all sensible people 004 be- t cause it cures dyspepsia con- stlpallon biliousness i c k 4 ucadacbc had blood aud all sm diseases of itic stomach uver s kidneys bowels and blood nom jf a common pimple to the worst 7 scrofulous sore m si how did your dautchlcr come to ket the duke t by advertising nousense las u i mean to tell me you adverliaed for a husband for your daughter t no bal i advertised my business orioin o tee ihe itov joel newell who recently died in tro pa is said to have originated the word teetotal i h- story goes thai al a public temperance meeting in hoc tor n j in 1h2h he introduced into the plodue the letters o p for old pledge winch pledged against distilled liquor an i t frii tota li bo dr aml fermented liquors when uamea were being takeu a young man lu tbe nailery said add my name and a t for i am a t totaller mr newell adopted the word in pooches and rescued from insanity mtuhth to aay all i ookiu lo in favor of b b b would be impossible ii has beeu a great health restorer lo me and i do taoar by it 1 am a different mau to what 1 was ten years ago wbou it wi peeled i would ho in the aaylui i am in mtrfrct robust health aud it was the u it u lbat did il i suffered lor five or six years from const i pal loo somalimoe b6 bad thai i wont out of my mind 1 tried various doctors both in the ouuti try aud hi ihe city and took mod let no too uumeruub lo ri ontioo hot everything fail nl lu itavc the desired effn1 when i used burdock blood miners it sucotxxicd beyond all exectalioiia reiguirin ouiy two irottlea to cure me lo make ii still more certain that b b b is tho real cure for eonatl paliou i may way that some two years after i foil ihe symptoms reluming and look oue botllo more aud from thai lime to ibe present day over eight years i have never bad any return uf ihu disease 1 never knew any mediaiue lo work ro wall it does no i seem to be a more relic v er but a sure aud certain cure aa 1 oan teslifj to for dollars worth of medicine and advice foaled lo do mo suv good but three dollars worth of b b it made a permanent cure that haa iivou mo yoera uf hrallh aud couifurl yours truly c 1 hit mm lorunio never sweep dust and dirt from ono room lo another nor from upstairs to the lower pari of the house always lake 11 up lu eaoh room astoria coatorla uitrsabonftl vluhttfattrtctfttoi car ftxvnu and ohlldren it contain neither 9plnm morphine nor other narcotic imlmttanee it la n liarmlesai raitltnt for parefxorle dro syrnpst and castor oil it la pleojmnt iu cnarantoo i thirty year use by bellllons of hothern castorlatlestroya wonns and allaya ftoterlshness castorla prevent vomiting v cord enrb diarrhoea and wind colic castorlarolletea teothtnff troubles eureu constipation and flatulency castorla assimilates tho food regulate tho stomach and bowels nivlnff bnuthy and natnrol sleep cas torla u tbo children aanacenr tbo mothers friend castorla fsiatisli isaa exceuent medletiki for ehtl dree mother bare mpraterilr tutoi mo of its feed effect upon tbelr cbtwrvoa ba o c oatianev ixnrrlilass m cutnrla ts die tiesl mmedy fr ehiulrea f vrhloh 1 am acquainted i hope the dj ii ua riiruslantbjenlrmhhetswllcouldetlbnre3l lateral at luelr cblldren aud use cisjarii in stead of ibdvarkiuaquaek iiootrumswbkbaro destroytnc i brir loved ooca by forcing opluin wftllfait bjw ii sceots down tbeir throats thereby eroding than lo prsmaturo craves dc j f knacwsum ooahrar ar c raaafbrlahaowelladsbsmtdelwlww9a ix a aacsnta dl lit hv oxford til llreofttya t our rtrjatrbusi ttss cniurweb pe- avrnt jv spotee hicuy as tassr axbwrt- tsos in tbrir ouulds prsctk u1 csstorls sod allboagti vri oaly kave aaiesqt r tuediail simpuea hsk is kwawa aa recuur products jet wn sra frw to ooareea usat uba iim cs w ss is ess can last g errrs vsv tfca oaattsssof csfiawj 17 manraww auraaa marar tsorfc ohy wood enbavinc photo encravimc half tones uljonlsc wssl el but lioi a toirltlo tixlor disease vot l now e curei foi no with rtoai t urud by or af- tho heart scoots v emulsion the cream of purest norwegian codliver oil with hypophosphites adaptetkto the weakest digestion almost as palatable as milk two 3ls w tsnla sad si ou scvtt a uownti oclreville out our dear brother weak knees is n spasm of fear rant the desl ructlvo critics prove tho whulo blblo a lie and leave us nothing but the lord to depend upon alas doar brother wbeu thai lime comes we will have nothing lo depend upou at all burdock tills do not kripo or sicken 1 hey cure unstlpalluli aud hick headache the i rill umvoraal tan sees in one remedy for all ills to which fleeh is heir lite very nature of many curellvoa bein such thai were ibe forms uf othor aud differently seated diseases rooted in he system of iho patient what would relievo one ilk lu turn would aggravate ihe oilier wb have however in jumiiie wine wbeu obtained lu a sound jiiadultraled altttr a rrniody for mauy and m ills lly us kredual judloiuus use the irs ileal ty stems are led into couvaleaceute aud slieuth byllfo influence whpb jululne exerls oo nature s own reatora lives it relievos ibe droupiuk pirlisff ihoeewith whom a chroma slate of morbid despondency and lack of interest in life is a disaate and by trsnquiliaimi the nerves dihea i sound anil lofreeh lug sleep im tarts vigor to the sol ion uf the blood which boiu strmulblod courses ihroukbout lbs vein treheulng the healthy sifimsl iuicuouj ut the system thereby making sotlvily a noasary result slrenglhiug tbo framo and itiwntf life lo the digestive organs which naturally de mand inareascit substance result improv ed appetite northrop j i ynsn or tor otftu have tfivvn to tha public their quinine wjnesthe usual rste aud by uh opinion ol scientists ihliv7ua spproaches nearest rmrfeel ion nf eliy q ttw maikel lu uut uur largeel ympalhios swell uul to those who suffer from heart disease it comes ao suddenly and ha symptoms sro usually so distressing that the direct attouy is experienced by iho patient ihe case of ur i w law of lorooto junction tint who wa unable to lie down in bed for eiflloeu mouths owlug to biiiotborltig spells sud palpitatiuu is by uo means exception al who would have thought the case could be oured aud yet oue bottle of dr aguaw a ore for ibe heart removed tho irpublo ip tins oaae ii gives such epuedy relief that even where the symptoms are lens daukoroua it outthl al ouoe lu be takeu as a i loans uf driving tho terrible disease frtitu it e system huld by j kanuawiu closed for a week days we bao closed the ur at r nth bafc tbe greatest merchandising lo ever knowu in tbe biiubjb of auelpb we look back oo tbe past sixty and in momory recount the work of deslroctioo aa the flames spread and over ceaaiiik torrent of water poo red over tbe delicate fabrics destroying what the more merciful fire and smoke spared tbe fast form i on moo d tains- of ice 1 ho beautiful picture of ibe lioq beautiful even in death aa tbe brilliant rays of the sunlight of the following sunday morning wars reflected from its glistemm walls tho devoted heroism uf the nremeo as tbey mat ihe fast advancing flames and drovo ibem back uever flinching for ooe moment tbat long and weary artic iitchl tbe inside view comes ejrain to oar memory and we see one choatlfi mass uf dry kuod ice and cinders while overhead threaten iuk with momentary destruction the unwsry invader of tbe premises hanarsa vast shoot of rapidl detochinri plaster but willing hands were soon at work the stock was uul into shape ihe door opened then tho rash began and what a rush we are aorry wo luinjl oonllnuo tbo bale one week longer but already il m late and wo must itei luto shape for spnoji trade tbe oetlinit most be rouewod counters repaired and new roods marked off and pot into plaoc it is our iiiteulion to begin with sn entirely new slock ail tbe old roods will be laid out in a larv room up stairs where we will be clad on wednesday tbe ihlh aud alter that date to see all our friends wbo care to faoe ibe dost and racket incidental lo thrso repairs tho clothiug department will be open aa usual and we intend by special bargains in that branch lo brinjt up the week a business lo something like tbe total busiueab for both stores we thank thn public for a moat gtneftaa treatment durtn tbe kiro bale and we coundeiilly look fur a similar reoepn when weagsin rise with our new store and new stock- a phoenix from tbetfeeeea tbe are qoimluesl ottem anil ft golan past inumi sinllloj till i line laliln weul lulu tfr funk s wacnall8 standard dictionary la kikhywiiknb kkowi fmiki lit r iu jlllllt- khotnt tui tiu djcst p puitpoaes it ta-lhe- latest and ifoat complete coo tslns xi jsu words uaay tlioosand mora say dllier heunaary srsr potilulied uore than aavuu sore eipended lu in nmdrjc ilea s17 hreelalul and klltora aers rucaeed lu iu ermttod iu deflnltlona are clear and kxaot prseldsnl ullns of ne tfc htati ortnal col lops says lis dvanlttoaa are ll u bo foand au itaitymalogleai are bound they are tsfwetatrr feouitoeudvl br ibn auwtii llosttiiv llwtoo ue urxtmia kvh riisarrtk loadou bixuxv ju tiooi lajlillsaelphta aud scores of other- itbaqrrtramtmint anlkprhy it is isi aw ha sll the departments of uia i niteil sutes oovomuienl at uaalilngtoii sad all tlio deviarttnaau of the dominion of canada iovorumeut eapstts sire it tbe nrsrereace on all disputed polnls tt is adopted in the public schools of cnaila and i nltnl klalas lis new nlucstlve irsturrs sre tatremoly rains i tie lu iraliilnr apils to a cirreet use ol words capllau hishua rtr ita lllustratloits are uwrt its tables of coins arelkhta and uimiqm plants solmsla etc are esbsbtb- uva aud aanuo be fouod elsewhere it u tbe ifoat highly commanded never bass lleuonarr been welcomed wttli h uunlmoin and unfualloed praiae by tim koodoo tmc mi tlie merit of ibe huuxtsrd uictluoarv are india puts tile and are abtimlantlr siiesiwi v uip p r lurmpsef liable aulborltlrs f tlie new luvk llxasui ars trie hunidard itictiunary las ltiutnptt id tu rt of ablica uoo it utlie moat satlafaclory aod must cooiplsle dlctloosrr yet printed t james ttrnnit gaiarm l loodoo r america as it la tlie adrniraiioa un tli htaudard dictiooary abould be tbe lirida of literary ann- of lilerary england hold by huberltiaa only atth vi anted prices lu i vol in a vols hell h 1 1 is ls auuu fullltu u mm wu if no ataol is iu yuur town wod jour sub acrtjiuou to ftink a waonaix3 co 11 ricnmond sl w tobohto ont tailve circulars will tie sent on applleauoa a b pilti nntcaualioaat ftf tmcacartj j d williamson dt co i and macdonneil streets uutlph prospectiire housekeepers serioua iguostit u for prosioulln hi iry for iho purchase of approprulo kurnllun t nd uro laug vu cm rrvioeloall such 1 hoy ii bo surprised to lsarn upon bow isll an noiit they can biii with if tlieir selection is made from m stuck muse keepers can ii nd many arlicleslbe need this spring al vet low undertaking svvv t im mt plessant an i per- icl ure i r csu ytbeis breekcraltu rutthsiu sere tsirest crsep wsmeesws cews pale la lite coksi ad etl three br chlsl aad fusa dueawss the beellns bolimntnpllve rirtuea of tbo norway fles m m otubaed la iii inol li wig wild c and iir n ti j rterva ami bsssa make a irue awltlc i all luri i dlaeaae wl i noting fruia iuldl price 19c aad sec 1 dd to the perfect yea monsoon teft thi wasu sb raoar jwi tga putarr to twi tx cu in itb mupvc miwity m mutxht tn 1 jasfknl hhitt ihs t and i d ucd i al h he ullig ihl ull ialmmsuf imwui udclllka fvr that nvm uw lut swt to nu otic the maiotaiu that 1 bet 1 juatloe that to loceuco ol the inliutliin alia uutblug uf the mischief uf ilia esauiple hall auy ferliiik thai takes allien away fr his iioiiid ia s irailor lo iherhouaehol i w bceehor main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor uauulacturnr uf tiaali doors rentea unulilluu inr atihik ib iutlela iluustn i fluiob i ru l lion miles ol acton n lower tbui ever oobl o hi rirst class hoarae at reasonable absrices iho ajvij show room car wlitow ana jlguna ilrwefj j a speight co firstclhssthilorinc w h adams 1 1 r71 1 jll j lo euuvluva 1 11 inliad iii uaullsu lid ii t we bale lbs iitlii tiiluaj ml lllue nofsv i scotch buitinoa at slboo and upwards canadian buitinq8 at 11 oo and upwajidb blue serqe huitinob at 113 45 and upward venetian ovehcoatino at s1l8 and upwawjj pantinq at s2 oo and upward i uikiiiis ikuiuikii tloh 1 wn uiku can uel iimiiii made aud irluottoil anu us iliock uttl atree acton ant ft rdhms m iseiaz fhce uhkiing mattltllio aatl mlouldinu i t aboil 4im mi liiu t at i hcea ldaul john cameron proprietor its hn old plhce laliit purchasnl ilia klura iihi buul will u 11 tiulm 1 a dd rirtfull uiuuu all l 11 ur rualudiais and ibe hiblle kruaiall thai 1 liato luuiuioiirinl tualihws al bla uld aland mi uala hlrael wlior all le lihiml a nhtiplelo of nialclaaa lltchr ulittt 1 utl pthik klwh alii itall iiaut htl haukh aud till 1 til la 1 rlreawa as ai itwalliii cuailalant wilb oral b03t successful reieor fo tun on ualt cai i i wi mi i i m ara muacw is i sesw a sstus aa aassl all las uaa tears sralr c rowsu leidulsspiiiacurl itmr i san ri wuaa w rasa- i uauarmllnw ava nmi zz cu a haaa baaaem waa attu raam l1l bfsan it n j gtvdsiicojriui lossusts lllu vt ralauallty i frutupt dmtivnrj ft it tuck tvbfnrf e b collins si v vtfsf fe rta- ajj aw ibmimiwsv aaw a p a he- snitai uatslsla awrtia h lakra bj hu lewulii 1- t a uat lausta lay a owuixj slvva inge kmav ut ua aettitfic mcifln bftt jtif srwatiiw pair la lee sua aaaiu jas sllami ii u ajm 1ariauialvawwmiw v iasf- mtiva lnblmaa iii urauh sy f

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