Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1896, p. 2

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j 0 kktiuin al lila raahhuioe palermo tin wa- nnvur april at win ocfcaruia in bit 13rd iniiik in hrauipii agad w years u aiittiuk at hla residence near ostrlng on helurdey llli april ivler ueatilmr aged m roars ml in days r auruai i at ulllor iii thursday tb tod april l w fmplll ominly tri year elate w camp it lor of ll cliamiiom i v ffilje rton yttt rcss tijflrlay april u iboct notes and comments mr u v martrr has reignj the leader hip of the ontario opposition unrl mr j i whitney q o of morrtsbiirn he been chosen la succeed him th lwdon wy sr- sv it learn from ihe highest authority in constant noplo that thebullan hie prepared en i rede damming th wholrasle ipuliun of all christian miisianaries in armenia th ckvmtrte also hi advice similar to tboe received by the aafr jvre a win ot ih lila iridrh garfield who is member of lie ohio settktf hu intro duced bill which limit th- eipanse of candldetee in all election lo moo in oun whom 000 votes are caat wilh email ad dltiona varyink according to ih vote ap to w00whjch ia b meaimom thia ia tho right aort of corrupt practice act twelve year ago tha driliah aaaocia tioo foe a advancement of science mat io canada al mootreel tha rat tiering broontvnaoy notable man to these attorn nail year toronto ia to bo lha meetin- ploe of lh association and tlia canadian committee ahargad with the neceeeary arraugemauts he already aaaomod it dullea ur oriflltha lha permanent reo relary of tha aaeocialiou will ba in toron lo next moalli lo complete arrangement for lha meriting think it an intolerable diagraoe thai i hf altowld ba- riv w- liltla better than a vulgar bar room in th itooee or common at ottawa th mem bora of ilia ontario 1ogislelgr and of the ifilaorm of tha other nrovinoea w be liavr get along varv comfortably without a bar room an inatiiution which wo regard aa a disgraoe to civilization and wa do not ace why lha law makers f the iommion oould not gel alotut without ii loo omrtim tha oorooalion of lb cur of all tha rustles which ia lo lake place lu a faw noiilha will ba marked by a groat diaplay of em i barbaric splendor and lha alien dsnoe of a large tiambar of notabilities from many different counlriaa aa wall aa irom noarly every coart of horopr among thoea praaanl ii ia aeid will ba li huiiic chang who t to represent china and who will b aooompaniod by a vary urge and itupoatng auiae ha will go direct from alexandria or port said to conatan llnopl and lhance by odaaaa to moaoow i it la believed thai on hi way baok b will i viait both londoa and iarta lha lioeiim bran oh of tbr 1rovinatal 1 raaaurar a uepirlniaul baa aanl out printed letter lo every lioanaa inspector in the province aakink for a report on the condition of the variooa ho tela with ratrard to ulaanhnaa aloaplna aocotmnodation lava lortu ate they ara lo aaod in tbair rv raporta before may ut tba qovammaol waa aciuaud in thi matlar by what a deputation from tha waatorn ontario com moroiet trmvallora awjoclatioa hd to aay on tha abject a abort lima ago tbey laled that many of lb ontald bolala were kopl iii a flllby aod oohealttiy condition acton fire brigade a contl houia of commonjun 8oanln day nloht aintio monday with t llttla praarmm x the dill a fonlonft hope omwaiaiiril b tha llonaa ent fnlc aoaalon qn monday and liaa boat coir ilituad inr lnoa without inform la ion tliero waa an air of wren neat over lha ilouaa thla morninii at lha hour al which membera generally put in thajrappaaranca lor h daya work liver ihinu inokrd onlidy and unkempt mtrnbrra were rrolitiintt fntloaaly in llirir chajra llateuliir in a half aloepy manni r to lha iaachaa of tba mambera whow aola object appoarrd to ba that of klllintt lime- it ia evideql that boh kovernmcnl and opikmilion ara preiariii ammunition for tha iv m mil alec iuii4uuiuil rather than putting forth any eltorl to effect lejjtalatloil aa a aample of lha diftniflral air norma lini the iroceelinia lha irtil of id day dicla tha following aoetio al qiln ajiot in tbe chamlmir ham huhe and mr mu lock were oonfabinu al anoiht r place dark wallace and mr maclean were inn up tha ail nation while mr ulrou waa dually etiitbkad in iryitm to plaoi papaa- hat laallrl ulecp uarlinh on mic baaii of mr totcotlc during lha coo rue of mr uaina apeech three french member creatod a little divaraon aud awoke their alumbcrinh col laakuaa by bursting into the chamber one nlay inn a month org an and two ot tiara koapmjt time with roolara to revert or a moment lo lha early hours of tha morninff it may be said darke wsl laoa kapl up his end in good style until after 4 o clock and while mr wallace was peaking qoorit ii macdonnell wandered over to tba oppoaiilou aid and look poaaca aiou of mr laoiier a vacant aaat bam ilanbe uolicintf ihis called tha chair man a attention to the fact that a new leader of lha qppoailion had been installed and wished him lo state hi policy this waa loo much for mr macjonoll who hurriedly left ihe chamber the eatatinu hate of adairs la claimed b the opposition lo bedueto the fact that the govern men t will neither withdraw the bill aa a ueewe impracticable aud mischievou piece of eialalion nor make a genuine effort to pea h tlie cabiuet are they have always bee n divided on ll and tho bill while the ou aaltafled with the met joatiftau wine in o ubslruclfon ratal boiler explusion knunttoax april 1 a violent eaploi which waa plainly beard throughout town took plaoa at 7 3 ibis niorni whan wstaoo ijroa slave and hoop nut work in ci tod thalr ortlowra for thm oulno ysar at a maw tins haid on monday evartlnv th acton frira drigada mat in tha ooocil chamber on monday avanioi a arflo number of tba roam bars war present tbe officers for lb oomiiir year wra looted a follows cuiar john j lawaou cit-tat- aw iloaa itaai uuamiju w ii walker cittatm or lio j l u akrr angus lawaon baaata tasi aaa liimuu j mat ihswl uh r no a ii 1u j uima rciioe williams libit r no 1 u ltt willi wordeu lia rlllk rbomaa oambla mr hiram uwackbatuar elouad hi n3l aa omnia that poaltlciu baioa vacttol twiuk to tbe removal of mr j j pearson ur bwaokhamar lo be aaoialed by uraara jriudoll and vinoaot tba ohlef appointed mwr iw sod jruidoll to aol with the chief and lb two islni aa oran 11 lee lo draft turn lu itlfereul eeoliuua i lt ijlmlllr in w tu t motel lo hare the imw by uvi atblcb tiin jubi breii irehirod printed meeting then adjourned at 10 la the w1nqham outraoe waa wrecked bj tbe exploal tha boiler there were five in the mill at the time william cunningham sited 17 e daniel leech- fireman aged 10 who iravee a wife and family were killed john t fuller had an arm an le broken and waa injured inlarnally john bhav badly not about the head thomas p watson escaped with a law bruise win walaon badly aa about the head sud body and bis condition is dangerous m newcotnbr badly cut about tba head but bie oooditioa is not eertoua the tcmot about the mill after the utifor tunata affair had happened waa brarl randahng in the extreme women and children running about enaiouely eniiir tag for friends irapriooued in the debris tbe two onfortanale men who were killed war buried under throe fh at briok and mortar and were terribly bruieed itoeanu trpraeonreab be ascertained for lha accident the mill has been in opera tioo about nine yeara maaere watson lit other a spent lheir youth in acton and are eons of mr tbooim walaon tbetr loea will be over 15 000 ituuatu apul a j 1 11 allot ha s ucoam bed to the injuries sustained monday explosion mr william w boa one of tbe partners who was injured intanusllj is not like to survive hour legislature closhd current magazines ant tif produood for april itfitit auaauw al itrrinr for april 1hi1 toronto wm hriffits prior lhmd a yart ii 00 for sfi mntilha t sinulo number jo cent anionij iho iiolcwiirifiy arlliisof lliia nimilwr ia iinu hnlish columbia and jl kcatiiirces wilh luiruor oim xculloiit ingiatinga ur lha airikjiin soetiory of our pavilio prtninm cnsl iinica and cunlnrna in jmblo lauds by thn ldllor la also nry hamlaomnly lllua iralnl a lf hkri h ih ku n with r trait of thn rouiniitin narter of i rrdnlok douglsas i he hlavtt mii lucumo united h inlet marwhal ilia i diuir writes an apprfclkliva in mriiioriani with hir trail of the lalo ii a maiaty a review of bir william j dauaoti a latest soli ntlllo work and other niihirtaiit nvicus by lev channel inr ilaraih itev prof or lladglry and othata r uivrn tllu df part maul the world a prcgreh with lllua trallnux nl itrent hon non tirrciit thought and itoliiiiia inlhhgrncn will help lo krrp inn ifcrnasl of llir grrat muveitiniila of the lay the onnrral of ihe army the ifiicrkfj com m iid in the u h nirih of lugimera ic pre wrhb of i lie now york vntraf and john jamil aator compose tlia fihran mlitiiiit mitijttmt hoard of in dues tu dec id o the merili of horseless carriages which will ol rntored in ihe may trial fpr whhh thn muhlt ultcrslooo in prixea 1 hi committee is undoubtedly lha mini distinuiahod that has over con senled to srl upon thn ncrnsiou of ihe trial of a new and useful invention tho lulorrsl which those gmlllemen have shown in accepting places upon thn commllro ia indlcativo of the implrlaiior of thn aub jeel aud that thn contest ilarlf will be watclcd with marked intereal on both side of ihe atlantic thnvurif artiif- for april oontatii an interesting account o tho uid tint rial relief work now btiiug dona among tho armenian of an under the aiiperviaum of of lr irsro htmball an american modi cal missionary who liaa proutably exjmnd od more than hi dim for llna purose much of which liaa br n contributed id the tillcl hlalra no plrauu can iluubl lliu igus of succss whtcirmarti to prh maiiootllia riiiimffus written all over ll from and tho iniinnroiia woll eicculhl illoatrstiiiiis to tho liberally pat milled nrtvrrliaiou pa 1 bu loudon i nglanl srrtatt in its issue of march 7th mi an rxkiidr1 r mtw t tho imim liaijit inr aajtt ll i nut onl worthy bat spxara to imi nnniirtilly rlmrctnlio of our grral uirriran colony ixing a jilcdtt log blend of the solid and hie light juj jct guelph ll hlrrrl kallvao dthor mile of road a irua iloail hou the leu i ullli mn of age lit rick a ward waa by ilia lender of backing miller lb taaacugor atatlou turning homo ru she mot ibis tern murrod horn ual week crommiuif claiuit d anolliar ihnstooo a udy 7l year clarke alrnot m hi pal truck aidiutailly killed a 1 ll engine u it was e i i it bit igo to the 1 lie c o s irft locaday al alabama eb spend brother hdward lalo ol j al il i loruuon lot sloble a moiilli with bis t the hank of com the mysteb of pain what arb itscausebano wilv is it permitted tho qront work that la bolntf oono by drluht mlncfn in alluvlatlnu humnrt bufforlnu a cnnci af- fordlnu a strlklnii lltuatrntton vrotn the lime whan man ilrat pcupliil tho ritrth down to fc i resent iu the mjaterv of pain liaa fllltd all heart with woiulrr lid terror what arn ha oiinuts why i- hfiermitloil and what its uac are in tin uroal rriinnmy ol nature allihcao iiralii h mrii have nakt d of ihoiiihol tth and of nun another bill llli i int i inn has- follud no solution a ihat inn n done la to devise ways nf rulrrting ptiyricsl aril foug aud hrlglit mints hnvn lender heart it in i iltigluu aid to thn all the vaal renourcoa of natura a labors lory hsvo bean prtoct into service tu the aud thai tortured bo ilea niirroo from angutah and know llm jicsro thai only health ran bring and what more natural than thoje pour vntitni of discaa thus re i eaaed from aufttriug ahould demro to aid in the intension nf llio knowledge of the means whernbj limy haio been bene fitted 7 htich a oil la mis drimcilu hhluulor if lrtn ont vtho irlla a is of pain end u red through weary y ara an i of iknal relief aud oure through the int of ur williams link pill ihe k modi cluo uf the age mli hhinglrr nt twelve osrs ago 1 btrnmo iii in ted wttli rhoumatiam from which 1 have soflerod greatly 1 wo year later iiiih liouhlu waa aggravated by a growth whlfh started in tha throat and which recti jear hifamn larger and larger until it llnally txinuio so bad that 1 cum 11 hardly obum any sleep aa when i would lie down it would all liy throat ctunll g a feel tog of nlllfica liuti what i sultoro1 is slm st i yond ilevcriptiun and alt the medical aid i had did me ho uood and 1 wi told thai could only hope for relief throuuh the medium nf au operation 1 dreaded such a course aud declined undergoing tho operation au this time the rheumatism wai trtknit a firmer hold upon my a stem and i folt like giviug up in despair i loal the power of my limbs and in bauds iul so bad 1 could scarcely hold anything at thin slaves friend who from ptraniial exprrl once had alrnuir fsllh in dr william pink 1illa buimbl mo n anpply i ma lo try llicm i liioni i j sutcliffe sons toronto i to men- our mill nntcr department wilt ha tiicfiil to oith- of town people for the licbt or reasons hera aye two nf j tbcnl one we arc able io kive ytm belter gootls than rtu can buy at any store where you live two and j on ny less nioticy for gootlness icrt th in fur ihri poorer kind you llnr in likr uherr you live iiir hiindndt of mail- orders uc fill every tiny th rough the mail order department is all the proof we need hilt you lelteve what we claim for our iuul order department and i v jerks no safer aay of testing ui just nmt than in t clotifng order weve ft grand stock of lion- rmly imijr up tndale garmcnit in llipnerl styles ant patterns for i lb i0 00 i m mik lirrullv nt ixk t utiil ml iii aflt dm rk mymol nuwlr h i i i rltklulinala liiljniinllrrit uldi ui n suits altatlrca if i ll rtiuta anrtwrnll i ujo t iis 60 a stills all il twreda i sit ilka wwatrd suit imi little aflei i had ilia prorogation on tuaadaythls sos- alon ratoord breaker in bill paaaad i no loroncri jury aay vordlot wej conaldar qullty of murdir ihs april 7 iheadjoi itim tbe lea hi of j 1 hilda of wing ham waa con inumt last night before oroiter ir flock al tj ft a in i ho f returihtd lite itnltct we tba jurv rnipanellod u in eatlkala lh oauas of tho death of j o fields f wmghain do find lhal death iraa ilia rpaull of tiu ijukurn lo tlia cold ind the trvalniani he reoelvod al tba hands jf goorgtt phippen harlca manear albert martin itwttort lurriaon jama natlar held i ho klonlgoiotrj ami other and we oonalder lliani guily u murder killed on the track iuj lltmitioa april fl patrick o ooooor k laborer si year qld residing with hi slfa and five ohlldran at t17 plctoo treat skat waa inalautly killed oa hatarday light on th grand trot k track job ibia ude of tho daaijardin canal bridga by tba i is traiu torn tonmlo hi brolbar waa aalklug with him al lha lime bolb were toaomm april n tbe lat sneaion of the onlarto legislatura was formally cloaed toaaday afternoon by lha lieutenant qovamor a very few of lb meinbor and not many visitor were present to witnona lb ceremony in hi speech iba liaulemaat xvertior made apodal reference lo bills paeaett dur ing the aaoaiou relating lo couniy ouiirta oounly oounclla machauios llrna tho auc- oo duties the protection of game tho improvement of the echool system and the city council than the lleuteiiaut uutoiutu i of 111 bill which ia tbe largeat number ever pa seed in any on acasiou siuoe on fodarallou and the house waa iirurugued news of theoav buokalore aod iho prouikoa rnutiud in eu oral nabbauawtya at j 1 ludermtn of k loo oi u i i hortmi drowned one day last woo llo gel some wood aud in ciuaning a reek llio toe broke aud lot lite tiorao ihroogli llo fore help could boubtaiiini tile aiutiial waa drowned mr llndonusii has beco very unfortunate with his horns aa two oilier a died about a month ago we regret lo i earn uf ihe illuoaa of mr adai vho of pi daoghter mm ii ihdro she waa takon with a pi wn hope she may r cover on monday lu bring hn to hoi u i lit mr mr 1xsoi lrtl home on 1 ucadv of laal amk from ihel wedding trip tho conaecralioo scitit ot uo 1 i fc of the t banrsor hutch wa wo attended u waa com lot- led h muallar adamauu vice preiidonl of tho lintla hudoavtir drparliurul 1 he moeling was exoellrut miss darby rtmi a paper iho hoik uf out haul and mia howler of wswan si iivo a ircital uaing them for a few w i miter rxhim to doobl tl log im 1 was i kit g ii of finding rollef but to my great joy 1 f iho result waa lha a doecn b urn of 1 plctey tnre1 at i able lutin ha i not had k recurrent sin enjoying the be help tny stalemonl rek it nujhh i 9 of iininr trot 1 of health nay bo to olbe i j sutcliffe sons knr toronto seed grain horoiid 1rly 1 u tlolrtoti liie i mi lllakow wlii whtto ituaaiktl wl olowltt u beet ilihfthi wboat ni my inn mttr tho mammoth flour pood and seao store james hewer 45 macdonnell street east cuelph ont urged fell only loo jjd to ajjj m tc liniony to ihe ed a long tiat of wonderful cure mch a mine after that have bren wrought by iho use of ur wjlhema pink pills hlp i ilia prosiest uf tilucteonlb uonlui j mr 1 iho luities poslllvrly curun all troubles analug tisiil from a disordered or weak stale of the neh blood or shattered nerves if you air uful fceliok weak or dr pre awl dr williams al u iurk pilla ait an a prompt tonic nil if rimtt aeriiual ill no oilier remedy can so auiut prujnpily riatnrn you to health and com lri n 1 ho pimno i ink pills art put id ft p in ruind wimxiru boxes the wipier hae round which boar llio full trade mark uixl ir v illiams pink pills lot tale people the do not bo ixrsuadod to toko some aub a the cleveland swell specihl 7wenaerts1cm6v pp spring millinery opening we tc to imtouncc to the indies of alton and vicinity that our display otspring millinery will be open for their inspection on skturdhy hpl vvhfin we wiilsliow the newest and most fashionable ijchxk in htts bonnets uid trimmings of all kinds vvt will also show at the same time our importations of siium aiks wraps ami dkkss uoohs of all kinds black goods arc our specialty you cannot afford to buy ixifore seeing our assortment and values all are welcome no trouble to show poods if you do not bu iikndkkson co acton the great cash house finishing tough es a i j u conldci lhal wlicfc out mlllliictj ii v ii taking place was nine weeks ago a vacant lot ou will no doubt give us credit for some energy kvtr sinct wn caxoe lq guelph wo have endeavored to make the it better along other lines as well as our own business tis for you to say how well we have succeeded in this undertaking we hae but given you what other towns are having only ours is a little better and well befits a royal ot and should the operations of our business touch on the prohls of other businesses they and the public will please bear in mind that we have no quarrel with those people our object being to do the greatest goenj to the gieattsi number now that iht building is about uiplclt w lll devote more attention to the marking u trraiigement of stock and in a few days when we can get our fixtures finished which is thi delay we hope- to announce the formal opening of the whole building our milliliter and dress goods are full complete and are worth an effort on yur part lo see them prices will rule low in those depart ments this season too m mary lay lot and mi- 1 lla olhor ueu a rcai 11 welct urn idle ulleier t troy ad by flreit mood a d lua tidlmju tbe towu ot hani to 00 clio ui i uf luaoti waa sluioet ileatroyed ty tiro 1our thousand bouses were burned a oorodcri jury at ottawa has found that tb death uf mr hudson is duo tu bar husband kicking aod il iter w 10 ill iraatiaa- her it ia reported from philadelphia lhal ll ii holms ha made a ooiifesaion in wlmli ba ackuowledifa tweoiy murdera inoludidk tboaw of lh pietxrl lmlly 1u ww er d i f j a praabyterian hutch detroit fut inerly uf tba uetlxtdial buruh in 0lmd jied on tuesday uf typhoia fever ha president llnjiiu lurno was married lo mrs diiiimick at hi 1 bwuai churob nw york o uoiday oeii there nit but 3f awolaltira the death of hit jlward holiuolry tiering who was bial elected a tin tu bor ot parllatueut lu irtstt wbeu he waa returned for weafofd leave living only hired men who eat in lb ilntiaii flouae uf ommous before lh pas etc of lha reform bill iu 1h31 tha three crsoat onovao april u f milliard uuieanie ikl jl fanner in hamilluu townabip had yeatarday from all irmiora oaivd by falllutt off a load oi ba oa wednaeday laai lloay oheeks uihini eye and tajth of pearly wbltetiee urifthl emtio with a baokgroand of teeth not raaplaudanl of aruaanaan and purity impossible llamnty tttay ba found hidden iu bnttlo of fuamlnjc ivor inc lbs aismi boat aud laoat fraatraol preparaliuu fur lb aeetb isoriua is so nice to use fragrant re frrahlntl ll puilflea tba breath which 11 rendaani lastt aod to th iisih it impart botb whit and brill lanoy hot i bo 1 boy a 1 llir miss a la i ulo tn obblmlli k o nlouday lj ault two of lb iai iuiinrkalilo leaulla oil anl llypoph title pw 1 1 wit llat if d vj phlle i wilt wto byppboaphlfe nawfouudland oatcii falefa report good ataruh f hhi in in uc rall in laror i miillllt all rti iiuiiriahintiul lor tin 1 waate of tho body anil ir purloao if you are now ui ml ur any of hie emulator n weltlh ouraolf mallioe f end dbierve llo itaulla valued both wrlhl slid alroi lief from couijh hn nulual 1 thp dlslixsa these oocasiiiu ura jamea tiununor vill liar ues proprietor a of tho house tlalmiutl ilsuiai bar huaband ll unr au by i iceuso lnprolm i tjuuimerville reinat i lie duke of arijtn su weslminairr will en i a armlai lo iho american aud inal mi proas amltjn fur reliol or ihe suilrriuf ariuiulaor irld 1 it 1 t 1 lowest in irket price the 1 1 i high gi tdt whet 1 is k m st hint c in id tans an iflettd in ti 1 land a stnul high gt ult is low as the iiimi it i lit suit it mgn of in ll giad is the ltekoxuhliitiowft iv a denfr awitti -he- 1 uls i 11 i s i ut m k r hit ans low tlu ii a loikk m iuj yonut street roroni j m jalrtboj art for bit ueliu d fc it unumulown ont cfrank dowleit rial cnsli hihisu dcjiartnknilal cc walker mcbean jo 7urpc7ut7ueoth house georgetown iv l millinery ii hr a new business wt tikt much cubure in cvtcudin invituiun tu our a i ri1ng openituj ol lkrkkt mkn u the mam feature t t th duchess of oxford range p itt nt tluc vriiltlatt s tlu ovtu tlfoioughl unl keeps tl in at umfoiin hiroughout 1 i tlit tu for sale by syttton bros acton 1iik il lnk llli mlin llil tokomo f ht 1 homes ainal hiitllb l iho 1 cuwardou laea for fcitiun iflitled nut lu do te uultn of 1000 kmip whilp hiisiiipss no rod la may coior a ty urti irffivril tor 175 i tuallll mlllllicm its iuols sllkn liol bous lais and other novell i- on wednesday april 1st and uljowitif- da s rib frw4 tvuoila i no ae nub uf lu s t bciii am iwluf ni vera 0uilr jllabui villi ibwu 4m1 mil were prattler lliau vtil ibav bad shu iu tunietu tiik vkwkmttm itlut kult tlihciimu ou id gihitla tbal bve uwu in lli wboleaal iiamh hn iwu yoars or tuor tliuaa alio alumeil ifroa ttuuiu aa tbey tmrucbl fur ihw tltmu liav lual urott u ui dliwrl hunt lb fjnwl uarltti lu kiujiiid kiim kirl oerwuv tbrwura ex cu alio juu lb vary liaet a vllt lu iii huiimutli iiuubb olll nia you ot m ji muiia lu klall anion aaislulli aliit ll u ulm itou au- jcaaran j ualua htvliutniovw wo can sail an is 100 1 um 1jub ulr flmu aewf smom v iibwa ui ladies uoajrioa huuuu hwu suitable i aprine weatbaa t ao rawalar prio al 31 adlee dosndla kboaa last arrived frucu j klua ccl al 13 rawaur pries fti sllaaae isuible lloota tlroa aod darabl a urtb lx iiovh uoottl in iikk luuioittiu alataijloota ij1 mt chttmpent pluctt in towujttr cnuh j a psymon mrn socordh block a have nh ned in llrt kernl iuih k hardware tin amd oranite war jewillrnv oilvbnwark patent uedicimes a conllally invite liisnreuoii irle j a p flymon atto xftbtiitbrmrnlf halkkmkn wantki rushing irnatwnrthy en to represent us in ui safe of our choice norarry hlock flpeelal isuenntrullxl by na hliltr1 kalarr or com wlaalnnpbbl wl ht party emptovmbtir itlf rear mood outfit free exclusive territory aappriouee not necessary vlti rf workara alal inlnoruionia to br wanti2d- earnest hen and wouen t circulate tho henrtl of bdaiu or huderlng armanis fc uirlllhik liooh llraphte acconnt of tho kataru question tba turk armenian aud unhatuuiadanlrii wlib it horrill maasa orra sumorous startllna llluitratlaai ulin on tho apot- th rx only l do koud isl eta for eauvaaalna ttooh aspula niahe 413 00 to moo weekly t1if lliladih uaiuhthon co ltd toron in out wanted ua 1 itorr a dia 1 an i i h krown is shrulia lithlgn i potatoes lor the ircbardi in canada dur siierlene so brnaitiantel nuly nursery iisviiir teatluq wa klva yon tho lierjeflt nf your luccees is ituaraiilaad lug wu w iiionlli anl exinnsss write ua at once tur articular liberal com ml salons in itl mrt thus man rarraars sons hoc id look iu to tb la 11 pays bettor than working 00 tba faron and o flora a chance for prouiouan apply jinw aud imf rboia nl lanriiory htosr a wh listlton toronto cansds shaws drug store rock wood what do you think of buaineai man charging you the loos price because yoa cannot obtain nearer than gnelph that is poor bosineaa in fact no buslnaai man would think of such a thing bat some do we don t wa sell al rmht prtoea and handle only tbe poreat bd best drug to be ablained on the market try our baku tty our itlmpfumiug lifftmrtmemt far mofurmejr end dispatch new implement wakek00ms main street acton john mcqueen havldit leased the warroom of lira mcklln baa a full assortment of agricultural loiple uioota from the celebrated works of frost wood smiths kails alho oultlmnl scott oshawa drills and cultivators fleur plows rim iy rlovraharba to fit mu tuoda ot ca i an i inapt- john moquhhn a now gi ocer jlc a new stock j a cornfield desires to lutluiata ibsfhs lias lual oaued a uow stock uf groceries fresh rrui lb confectlonory dry goods ajau a autall hub of dry nula wtileli i ntnkoff at prices twiow coat and ban argajua still reuiejulug ia huihi lu acton lulti an luiuoet alrajgutfi bualnoaa autl will treat all and wttb uniform courtesy a oall is invited lbs jurpuse ol aud itaruiaiiotil keuoruosly ltiltvuhlv thilorirnic to llitukluk aim new fjuit kor spring n- alniwlng we eaa an lou s ave dollar suo bill ou a ivlup ulirr why uut you j suit uf houteb bill headb note haadb ujid till offico statiohiy at coueapondingly low pi ices h r 7vvoore5 fdllor a proprlolor acton free press acton ont 1 a our tailoring dkpartmknt ilea gltuu bulii eutlro ellstat tpu nudar lu niaaaateiueul of uair lsucuaaj eattas ajnl j iau- mr iewemi late of hcor 4 hi ltla titrwas oto tbat am are looklug fur nlrr tr hwltu alraadt lv duu cliarp awyihlug luore toj tb vnry lamat aad au tu jala atalw all work tiuarauteol wo uiuat af walker ucliaan a oo uotblog too gd etwuiubtvllsb lor uttr cualitumrii aud uiay apiaraetasa a aran ilka osua htbae tbar oau laaja rely mi nltiac reliable doikib anylblug babl iroaa sat lb aam tara oa aa iwinted briug it hk awl get your inuuay raljuidau wa antat la aliata mijim uiau wctuan aud ethltl a trial butt will ouuvluce yuu tbal th jae luges e ti oa ulna avjt aad abaap is al whlk6r mbehn sc co mkihmoih house ceorttown funk k wacnall8- standard dictionary b b1k i atubui hcuolm tu i tte best ror aim pubposks it la tba lataat and bloat oompiata con talus aolsu wurda uiany llummml mure auy otbar diououary evor published more than amtumo ware aipandad in 111 laroduo lioa it kteiijlala ami kdltors r augaicwil lu its prvihtratlou iu definition- ara olaau and exaol traldeut4slla ol new lurk ktal normal oolase says its denpllluos ce boat i fouuot auywlirr tktuaea ol rrillra u 111 it ktmologla ara bound tltay are na ii y iuiuiitulv i l t um art ahtii uttiil t ikisluii lli u t1 m1n utk laxaira lnidnti hi hi a 1 rajiooi tiwa pblhvdelpbia alul wuiw if haia it la a government aulborll ills in use in all lb lorlui ill ilia t ivatwtlnstori tla iouilulou uf terut give ll iii pralereuo uu all itapulal jhmuta it ia adopted in tbe public ttoboota of tiiada aiil i olid hlataa ma now lm oatreuiely vaioal is uprb ilia of orda w of 1 it u tba afoat highly commended avr baaedlcuouan ua alcttii tbew ln i tba london tlsiaa sava tbe uertu of i htandard dictionary are likuapulablo ml 1 1 lu tlia an if i ut li tbe lucat aetlaiaeltm aod mm onary vet prlula1 aid ol literary auirl of literary kuuud uuldt hubatrlpllun u ola runk wadnalls oo ltfuuunoa4 ut w touonto ont jogdlpue drcnjt will u ui tfti il4jcatiuu

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