Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1896, p. 3

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7 jfo t yj a bankofh am4l-ton- iibad ornate yamikton tut a i ahuh 11311000 board op directors loiinhtuailt- ir juilw 1 n 1m to ii uko ot ii a 1 a ii ikm toronto j u uiiibon itambay loolrnaldeiil uko ihiii ll a t vvuoii mr tljhsllui l ii h hthihhn ant cfcdilor i 11 u wathos liaperhr agencies hamilton illartou hi i a kasl hml alllalon llerllh isaloittloorunlownorluiahy litvi 1 mickuuw ill ii on mount forest trsnioni owen hound furl klglu hluicoe wonto wlnghain brltlnh oorroepondonut ixniw national i rovluelal llaok i f r ug lid j amorioan correnpondontu smw win lourth national hank and hanover neiunal hank hoston luternalldii al ttustco jluraioijarlnelleuk mi un national lleuk or illlnols ami luiun mil inal hank uarnolt detroit jlauonel hank h ksa li tv national hank otcorrrm ore agento ui montreal tho llauk ol lronip qjilordetown agehfcy inal favarabla tornia savings department deposll of si and upwsrda rncrlvni lutapeat allowed from data urdsixmll to li withdrawal hphcial fitcrofimi also received at currant rataa of interna u u limsqhtunf an dhlele 6000 rolls did week wo atari oat real sale of wall papers look at our pncee wall iapohrfrnn jc lo 50c ceiling papers while- beck only c 100 pair window shades mounted on spring rollers from 40a curtain polos all colors all lengths all price v a l bo pleased lo have you call and inspect our stock of papers window shad on ac qeo hynds acton ont jsok1xkiiy itulir i thursday amu mm little local brieflets which caught the eyas orean of frao praia reporter this wik too healer bonnets how lovely good friday iu a bluatory day ttin eohoola ra open iioxl mo udsy 4 thenews jit-homer- nbiohborhooonnwd montly of loon i charaotar and avorv it am intaraatlna tir vueunt canmty tremmareruhlp applicants for tlio ofloo of county rrnssarcr rondo rod vacant by lha dakth lat thurdey of i w campbell are already immorpm amonf tho applicant a arabkanmnjampa manalaa jplm uns- jsjoj apsua n l t moroetar messrs ueardmore i co are shipping tan bark for uo at the bid horse show in tore ito tba ofcriutt in tlm malbodkt cliuroli on sunday for the armenian itoliof rund waa 114 m theokville star that maaalca al rilttl prnvaltmt in and about oak villa arc of a danfteroua type ooolph preabytcry meeti in molillo church fsrgaa ibia a f to moon the call iq ita j w iu will be oooaijered st aana alation on lha u an w r r in itlia county i no mora it la now known aa tanaloy lha aama aa the post officio tho uorlln trtrjmpk haa born eulartt ed and unproved tho tlrjntih ta in ita 44th vol di4 and haa had an luquenlial ahe tio buaiiieaa on tlm docket on monday avning tba council decided to poalpodo meelmij until mouday ovodik i7tb inal e councillor ilarvay baa ban jubi lallng the paat week or lha faot that ba now anjoya tba proud dlallnotloo of beiuk tba father of alx flao jieallby and pretty daughters and nary a bod no doubl cbrieiiaulty baa a great rp on the feminine haart bat eome people are irraveranl anotikb lo aay it lakaa a new dreaa and an kaatr bonnet to atir tba da vulional fealinl to ita very depth soma months ago mr john itujdiok purchased fmm llr joseph mcclure i he rotihoast bouea on church atraet in which ha reside it le bia intention to consider ably improve tba property after a lime tne millinery show rooms of meaara mnolrsoa co ware largely patronised at lha opsaiugoo saturday uolwilhitand inil tba inclement waatbor the many pretty and arttasto enn captions eihtbitod moil bar pleased the femiuiue fancies universally milton al tba reoanl ooo vocation aieroiaw at knoa oollega toronto ibe dfflrea of li p waa conferred upon llev it ii ad do w u a aoolvanmry ep worth laagaa barvicca wara bald lo the ltslbodist church on sun day oommanoing with a sou rise prayer mastjdr 7 a m eaatar waa eppsoprialsly obaerved 4ii the varlotta otaarobaa uuiverl sytopathy ia fell fnr ufa l w campbell and family in the suddeu death of the husband and father from all appearances building uperav tione will out be very brisk milton llila year the land and goods bclongini to the es lata of tba lata postmaster cartnter will be sold by auotion on ibe 1 1th and 17th april mr j b deaoon i b 1 attending tul pro vi octal teachers convention at toronto crew80ns cornfcru the rural schools opened un tuoaday morning the country schools should have a wees a vacation at 1saler aa well a the town and village sobools tl- weather unw ia mora like hiialmea than apriugor kaatar mr alea rlppe intend starting his alilugle mill iu a few deja ho baa a la lock of sliiugla umber thla year ur lacblau mcmillan iho 1st line batgaeeing who has bawti lu very poor hnalth all wlular ia improving mita maggie auderaon of 1 luck wood visited hor home tiara on easter buudav ur josapb coleman jr haa gone to hamilton where be luleud to work tula summer wcdjlng balls have aain beeu ringiug iu this vloinlty the ootasiuo bclug ibe oiarriaga butt wednesday of mr joseph anderson si naisageweja to mrs u moore of tbls plaoa we join in wishing them all possible ha hue mlaa ada lachmau who baa boeu utidrr giilng treatment for htiuouesa in luroutu uanaral uoepila re l ur tied home last triday wa ars aorry u aay thai aba kasalvad ijo beueola from uia iraal menl it en tbara tba wasaly py amluga in lbs melhodial cbarub hers have been disoou lluuad udiii lbs rwad imiwovo baud ilohry itoblnfon j if uccollom i nrhlau grant hamuel dice m k ultalirll otr tho salary attached to the fiiw ik fmm a circular ifacrtdtht mr j hiriglit met with aaevrreacci dent in hie walnn shop un tuesday after noon in ripping an ash plank with a cirrnur a lnne pinoe rtsnghl the eaw ami ilurletl lack with ureal force etrikiiig him on i he wnatofthn nihthanil a painful uali wn inllirlml an 1 the wrist wa uo im lly lrillar 1 tile arctilent will nrcoailstn a lew days real st uhafta iralfy jfrrxintf the i slrr eatry mrrliiii l ht al ban a hyroh mi mnfidav oveninu was wall attended iuv ir lotldan preaidimt the vrl xih financial rrporte showed iho tun u in in in s fairly propcrtiiu cundi lion as a result of the spinal elections mews laorwe htslham ami albert wan ham are iho church wardenrlor iheeuening year an i moasrs joaeph mirnlith and 1 dward lovej are ilia sidesmoo rt frijojmbfc anterfarwnirml tho lime i ght exhibition k in tlr methodist chnrch on ifooil 1riday evening by lvaugeliel iuld waa moat interesting and instructive tho boat series of views exhibited waa that illustrating the been ties of hwiucrlend the views were superbly colored 4 of art and many of lha rnont piclureiqne ann popular points in the alp tiaiud by tounala wero vividly por lrrye1 tho varloua views presented aided ingoings varied and highly appreciated programme the epworth ieague pro vidnd ihia means of pleasantly spending jood i riday evening acton trnprranm t nius lha follow i ntf uflt ers were elected lu tha acton temperance ininn for the ousuing three months at the last regular m 1 mi taut duncan uodonal i loo t res fred uinlui hacrntarr t j kainllim ahiiiuii heeretarj ii uaaalna rreaauror ulaa hnio hieiiliniib cuaxuiu ua nellie nlaullur i slinr ula octavta lhicui henuuel lawrsnoe williams orvaiiut alnui u ucldtoab the union will oajebrata ita third exui vcraary with a popular entertainment in tho town hajl about lbs end of lbs month limiting the mowdard o cwrfiaoaiew at tbe provincial teaobera convention in turonto on tuesday mr henry uua uii1 oskvllh mows itoma suprfimatf by corrrrft- tiondonta nnd itxahnnaoa mr joint dull baa at ills atablo an im ported ooach alallmn antiooha tha horsa bslonga to a company and kir pnff iduljllllmabou lis ia a dark bay ojrar 10 hands high with aplandid head eiid nnak he took the first priin in his claai al the clu world a fair andfhn will iw sreu at the shows tlii spring llo was purchased from oovj a whialer of indiana by which ronipsny he wasimorlnd from lirmany ashgrtove itj ln the grrgatl poke on grouping sab jecu and grading certifies ea ha ad vooatad the raimg or tba standard of quel i illation m teachers and also reusing lbs minimum age limit to weed oat the imms tore teacher in i lira way overcrowding would be avoided and tba beat malarial attracted the advantages of grouping subjects were dilated on and tbe claim dtanord that pupil should be given be sdvantsgo uf subjects passed in id aub- actinit examination when partial failure liad resulted in the aral instance dhmcratjun ttect postmaster matthews haa haujnu the tukk pnaan lbs following report ae lbs result of ouomeration week at acton ioal onice march 13 1h the total value of poalago for tho week waa 174 2ti aa com urod with an average of about iti fur 1hj i be fullowiug a hat of the mail mailer canadian loiters mailed 1 hlj foreign letters mailed 7 ceuediau cards mailed ai3 h otcln cards mailed g newspapers circptent and eta matted itj priulers oopy photos eta ill oth class matter an lteglsterad loiters h free ijetlera li mr matthew vaj s il la only lair lo state thai tba trains being blooksd fur a couple of daya al tba close of the previous week swelled the amount of mall matter handled dsnug enumeration week a 1rofitmbte tmrtn prftrf many of the dealers of tbe t uitod tilelea seem to look to guelph and victuity for turnips as ibo cuclph shippers load mors turnips than all the rest of lbs shippers in canada com blued tbe past year ibare were uol nearly so many shipped aa usual owing to the scarcity of other fsetl oonse luonlly the pnoe lately went up to 15c and extras such as the shipper laying for tbe horse lu be shod lo draw them in also the wages of the teams and other little items jus car of turuie shipped from guelph a couple of weeks ago real iked t3b3 in phila delphia on which the shipper after paing i jo per bushel to tbe farmers for tba lor nips cleared i do and the yankee dsalsf c i oared lilt a lot uf money for a oar of turnip 1 hey also went up iu chicago lately ijc per huabel being paid jerrrf usee iho fulluwiug is lha house public hchool 1 1 easter oxamiualious class mary blr tu- cweiehu t w slwat 4- onus h ah fie mr i w campbell oue of the editors of ibe mlllou ham jim and treasurer for the cuuuly died at bis residence in milton last ibursday ailsr an illoeos of only four days on souday previous he was taksa ill viih cramps bat on monday was able lo be about un monday uihl lie was taken worse aud a phyalaiaw sent for hie llluoas in creased ami on tuesday night ho was m a critical condtliou the doctors liagnosed the case as thai of appendicitis ami on weduasjsy au oparallou waa da olded un aa the only hope of aavlng life the om ration waa performed on wed nee day night by lr howill uf guelph assist od by lrs llobsrtaon bloarl and ander sou of milton tho vermiform appendix which was found lu be in a very gaogreu ous coudiiion wat removed mr catu boll reouvcred slightly after lbs oporatlou bat about noun on thursday ho began lo aiuk slowly until death oususd at about i it tha funeral wa held on halurday afternoon mr ampbnll waa a native of ibia cuuuly a sou of the lata william campbell and waa lu hia 40lh year tho deceased waa fur a year ur two a restdsut uf acton about twenty years ago whan manager of thp domiuiun kilos at iully ardsn lu lbrtl ha was apuiutjd county treasurer a position be held until uj death tugothur with major ianlui he haa oun duolod the aumjimm newspaper for a num bar uf years ha waa a member of iho 10 n council fur several years aud whils in that poelliun performed bis work with general acceptance tba deceased was uiarrlod to a daughter of mr jobn while at m p who has beeu an invalid for lbs past two year a family of four soils and two deathless inoarn- hil smdsa death the eljral optus family 1 ia jara of age mr oatnpbsll waa a kind husband and falbar and wa held lu gnusxal ostawm msrrlae lioapses private ofboe uo 11 p moots lasusr acton agent of lbs manitoba i brought a party at w0 sell tors mr lundaot of victoria univir arhrd in ibe mnihodntt huifli him ls after no- n n itwiihstafn 1 vnr b i state nl the nsxil the c ll n itss almost aa i arte naua airs win ckikf of ht athanne in roturnod itoiue nflrr aendiiig a week wilh mrs mu mrs u wilsm vmled her d h mo til kilbrllle recently ihn yllaans dli k nf hlinco tr rn ji l or miaa hn ihok last wrk we are sorry to reorl iho illnefsof mis haines hho tit been- unblo lo take charge of in r iluul jiijt wutk mr will miirlorkiial the misfintunr t lose nne uf hia horses lately rockwood some time ego two prises were smiouno ad lo be oomimted for l e midsummer examinations here mr j n bun son merchant tailor nosi- gencroumly oltors in addition to tho eoovo to donate a iplondtdly bound volume or tennyson a poem lo iho pupil making iho highest percentage uf marks in arithmetic and cl rammer this ia to bo ourrpetd for by bo lb the hulrance and public bchoil leaving claaaes among the raster visitors were the following mr r red austee drantlurd w rieldlng ouelph john wright dur bkk miss 1 htull couksvillo ir currie luronto mid heleu float itorlin mise 1 ummiuga is vial ling in 1 oronto miss m xambs spent easter in george town ur 11 kennedy haa resigned lu poatttop stltramou ictmot nomber 3 nit ti mir ing from tha profession he inlende nntaring llw miuuuy mr john taylor is aay east to buy cattle for the cheoae faotcry oeorqetown tliero were very large oougregauui lu attendance at the methodist church on sunday the ladies had paid special at cominffand coincr vlaltom to and frdm aoton atd varlooaotharpovwqhal notes the pul ten lion to the flor dccoralioiji pit and platform were tastefully bedecked with lilies sud the choice l flowers the cbnrcb choir at both srrvioes rendered special music inging wiib awcotncsi and the easter acpauc in all the iliuruies wsrs fully sppreciated by their congress tiooa and tbe general public tho fsnaral of llio late ja- oruiumond look place on monday aflrrno u to drecn wood cemetery a lario number of v irrat nd frienda won tho he g engford a services 1 ho diciaril waa aii a member of the llapliat chuich an interesllug lecture was glvu iu baptist church oil tuoaday eveuiu the manner aud uatoma of tho j by mr lien o loil a jewish si udtml tending mimaater i uivcfoilv loruiiti mr and mr i iii ill ul luimlion iral tho gne wi sunday mr crawford or guolph ikii ruler wilb his sutler mrs allen tlulmea a union meetiug of tho melhodial ban list disciple aud prosbyteriau ohurcbos will be bold in the la i tor church un r riday evening object lo aid armenia lecture by mr mesrub uthdaarian a particularly sad sud ujj joili occurred hero on ti lord ay hi mr james jrumutood a ro pec led resident passed awsy he hsd been in oommrs lively good health until f- rtdsy evening wbeu he was taken very ill and expired at six o clock the following mori mg llo has been in business hero sa saddler for south bar or years ills luuoral look plaio uun day at lor noon aud waa very largely alteud ed the oeepoel aymiathy la fell for the beroeted wife aud family of eight young children who are left lo mourn hi los a memorial service will be hold in tho hap list church uf wlurh ohurch deceased was a member tor many years sod a member of the choir also next sum lay morning limehou3e nickel i mary osmund r rank mo cowan waller green 1 homaa joe deemerl kern liubbte t poidovin mary ihwmrri kuhjccu history ailll lai 111 hem si uo jllh maraiall jotu nrwtou a rlli 1red hwackiiamer t red moroditt but jrcla arlljiemetlo llialui v xl spelling laaalll juului l- n i nickel i tcarts meredith harlie 1 ane llobarl marshall subjects rlllniibll tcik i j hjtelllug part 11 senior julm lliimr o uun swaokbamor henry l i mtlsvui noyrl n nrokell joe o nelll subjects aillbciuello and slmlhug part ii junior h iic dcomorl llurwoll merrill kit i nan ottlof goi from h nglaud thla week ibe syuodoi llamtlou aifd condon will tiiret lu st andrews burch chslhain on the jqth april tiubjecu a imii hall llheuiql i ami h elll titos pupils hava not been j li i a r all the fai 1 e miss lioule ieainert a d albert dwmitl of llespeler vis tod ibel r pareut at i ime- house ihl weak mr james m jo of uelph wa lavllllug his flood hete during 1 o week tbe club house hero 1 a ciom ur the mr n ii 1 ludoay lol a tine boras laot week while driving through a buow bank us leg was broken it bad lu ba killed farmers have commenced lo make maple ayrnp hereabout miss kennedy of umchouee has been wry iii with dropsy deuces are becoming very oommon bore on saturday evening a number nf our boys roils from a clou to 1 i roe ho use on a ui car it was not s tciy com for lab a trip miss v lolal wslkrr of toioulo is viaitii g friends in iimehouse 1 iho window shades they are selling al the drug stole omnplels lor ihn are either plain withdsdoor fringe hhl or dailf colors ou goodspriiif tollers tho kksalna lnvle alliu readers to tribiitn to thla column ii yon or ynnr frleiula are going away on a holiday win or if you have trania visiting you drop a card to the xlis pmbw mis kslie aliorn vlaitat frieu ts in for onto fast wnk mrs janiei k cobban vuilad friends in milton last week mum jossio nmklm viill frinn it in lotiinlo ihia week mis mimiia nnhm vnitei friondi in liroolo this week mia ids psllerson weill lo gilnlpi to sjiend the vsosliou misi ahdo lyiwry of guolph is vising al lyir gruiipreiil here mr wartjii pollarl apeiiulie holdtilay e at hit lo tie in poroito mi44 cisyie mel up visited frieuiu in 1 oronto during the week mr an i mr l ij christie were gtiol of volun frieu 1 tin week mr- j m ivruley and children o ilraulforl were here lor her health truit vlroil fooling ooristipatlon nnd pai in t buck appatltb and hostth rmtorod by hood saraaparllla j kojigktowns ijvest store gibson millar go ilrorwgflodh rcss foods jrcsh gootln the latest luiiirtat mtannil nur- h ue nr n iii lt f jy i by i ihd had no anpctjlri trtiauvrr i ni lint ii 1 nwy limbs thnt i gnvo nut liofnrii li if tixw ii t howell n a or thoroidt ub itrtetf speit nnmirtr i mi 3v al did not rl my lwrnuuient relief from any highhohoot m home for e-su- mr aiil mr hilai olouisu of llranl fnrd visilrrl relatives hers thl week mtf john ihyinelt and miss winnie- of milton visited friend here- on tnesday the mtamscrainao toronto are spend mg the holidays with tbsir aoton friends mr t james moore and mies io4rl of gqelph visited aoton relatives this weak mrs dawson of toronto was a gneel at the home of mr john konnoy jr tba past week mr wra mcnabb ia spending the hestot holidays with fr lends in greenioro and ullingwood mia m j con boy i spending a week al the homo of mr 11 l hamilton hanker grand alley the miea wright of roronto wore guests during the week at the linmo uf mr james friralbrook mrs j hartle of niagara i alia apcul a few days this week at ihe homo or her fatiier ita win hryera tlov j w nse and wosdrs c hojtat aud a waldle will go lo fergus to day to ausmd tba maliuh of presbytery mr 1 keslic or mount rureal aud the mlaca kestle uf hockaooil spout good friday with their frieud mis walker mossr arthur eelsge and fred daw son of chatlotletown p e i spent a coaplo or days this week at the mjgplot mrs john 1 musselmsu of berlin ansnt a uai daya tsltb i al iha- melhodisl parsonage and elsewhere in town ur itev j h phillips of alma apoul a few daya during the woek with acton friends muoh pleamre was fell lu iho viall by hor many friends here ltev a j irwin 11 d of norval haa beeu luviud to tbe pastorate of the mo iho dial church tars to succeed itev james mcallster the lasl president o guolph oiifcreuce mta w 1 lliou of lorouto was 1 luwu a faw hour vlalltug ralauoe w uo havtt been in ill health on saturday her daughter miss mabel has not reoover ed any lately m a tlioua kai oj i 1 il bj b t hor many frieudi hero uu mouday un icav log lor jobusuiwu ny 1 lie bol wimiid or siccats iu their new home 1 illow ur kei fli ml 11 e tarce ol ill reason co roronle lu town the intercsu of ibo well kuowu and popular work men of caoada 1 bo fifth volmne mr john wateou who weui iu iho northwest a few wwk ago lo aoltu uj hia bueiuoas there preparatory to removing to the olil homestead here returned ou moii day llr brought 3 joo bushels of uais miss liuua of si miy wm tle gul ur miss cassis mcpbaii over easier her vibier mias maggie bonis who taught in iho public school hare fur eome time is doing well at draudon mau aud flud iho north west very coueulsl h you want first olase guelph aasb and duore al guelph prloea t enaaiik can fill your order al ills planing null wall jvapcii vlling lapcii indou miiwlc ui am rlc lwk l of t lie will lunvinci ill i t w intend ui inal l li j i1l ur tvti ut l i makl tlw ir boii its atti lctivt with very litlli- lciiic jur wall ia pel btartb at i roll and our win dmv bhadeb complete al jl each ca and bct- lhini at the drug btorc j v kannawin ihtlluulul acton akk mil in 1eki of wall paper t i iii hlik duij urnt lial ghas t nelles has ui block you are look log lor and acton aud i tuck wood eltlasos wlip and tha lirlm aud iiualliy u to wtffoow shades 6 imain 40 cuntb x b dado 45 cents j 0 1 ringc 5 cclub childrens carriages hig btock and exprebh char kli prepaid from uelph chas l nelles near post offica guolph ur chan strrte fit cnthcrlnr hit 0 i jloodbco iel mttjii for a mimlw o yenra i tv tirrji roitbleil lui a funeral tired f saline ahortiirii of inmhi win intliobock nnd coiisttimtlim i enuhl m nly little rest alblght on arcoiiiil of he 1 n my limballiht t gnvo mil tiofnru li i im i 1 ttprpit niirnieror nicflicini hoods cures mures nntll upon recommendation or n r irmt i purchase i a i nttl of ijrkmla ftinnjtrllr iluchmjulo mn led hettsrnl ohm 1 havu n o iiued ita tun lilting taken three imiilr ul i peal like a now man l liave agood nnliie feel ns alriing 01 crr i lid and nijoy iwrleil rvh nl nlliu i h 1 nuch picai ire tn wrllla 11 mm erring r si 1 i we haire nobody ii i ih 1 ainn f the ht altvh tlojcl 11 nut tor nnn th the rotor ol iu frsom and rtnii fu ma rycitntf wnria i eiow im the barfjjc at mrchmnleml itrrit hu cluaely la uia uthaunh iul ila oihr lw a wilalo1 in llo ubllr mlixl mulaliml in black at vour ouon w stark agom n 1 la uwlol k at j no t hill 1 hlore to write down in our adveli v u have only our u lu recommend and lo point out to mil tlin mnnf fratnr nf heir exoellcnru wo doti t ki before haa the a ivautsgo or a logllimale buaitios oiclusivoly dry go xl shown up bo well 111 comparison as thla ihn mill lurry openings ai over you have seen the vanoui exhibits or centra i gooda have yuu aoeii aiiyll mg that will comparu with our diaplsy of new hpnug dry goods t i ia lirtci3s3 coor aplay of novel tie in litis dopu rhuuasuda upon ihouasmis jf dolt if he moat eij ilaito aha lea an 1 ibrli a jlcer gxm are not ahowu lu the fldfl trades or ihl ooui irj ii itnyle y 10 don t waul lo pay a dollr and a half or two dollars a rl and j 11 il hikic thing at i- or jhrhaj t n or loo a jard fur a li inch ood our choice here i an ray ur so matter wlit kind dmi good you want frjtii the lowest to ie hlgheat and all tho way between your tereats have breu oarelully atu lied and better goods lor ihe pner are lu be had here wn have today umuod iho fourth bhl menl uiln apring of seolllau and muhah a rll k k uillui a nly 1 le t 1 1 ltn 11 aud a steady appl cat buail ms tl j even than it is a ood i like i rraililng yuu will nover llkol u oome auythiug but a oor tool al 11 iiiilea you have the natural ability 1 know tome preaoherb lliat wrh would make vor good walohmakfira but they are mighty pour preachers aud 1 kuow some watch makers who might make good jireachor i hey would probably make a bettor 01 at it than they do at watchmaking 1 jon i motu lo say i am t rr leljy aijtialnl ed with any of ilieu hut i know they iimal be aroui l eoiu hero by tl uuuiber il bally rrired wat lies weolteu got in lo fix lie the uil thing in the wurl i lo poll a wall li a lafele llp of iho screw druer aid sumt mg is put out of truth ami n b mm lung runs tru correct lime cannot be apoctrd some tlmra such ii i ts h pei i us but in ihal case wa alwat i 1 w arlfl which may have heeu dsmsxd a our slock or malarial is so large 100 i have beeu in busiiirsa hsie au long an 1 liavo alway made the repairing of watt bee aud clocks my hobby f work at tie bouoh myself sud so lung as you do 11 i aouuso uia of alaajlng the jawela out of ur wsltlt and puillug iboin iu my i icy i 1 really like lu do your work llownt noo all ibo bad lautum you like about 1 but bo sum you do uol forget mo wheu y llir wallhiueeds q d piunqle waichmakor guolplt kel liy lhauiumber of is wnsro ell inn tjse who lis is r lalaat srttvaia nf tine eoatumefe il call ami be onnviuothl that wa have las al the nloasf t price fink iliail class taieoiuno uruisii i i 11 1 rapcrlrii o anil eorrert laatrf in or 1st in nrihhien ailranlnry reaull wi1i1001 lie ll la fily osiierlmantlng as nui havo islnlyhiuiit out the iwlnful atlmnnta f n ihirmmtbtor are familiar to u all ll long ea lefluc aklllml workioairhlii and bhkllbr djlset uhrt in ooatael wllh lbs inst work enlinl for juallty wa bboiild b able m satisfy ton in b rv rniw tho larcwst anil beat aaaortmetilnr finn hulilngi overooailmra atr u solent frmu 111 town etitlouien lac your t r ler will ua wll re yo 1 ro aura or grtlitig ihe qents funnishinqs llojj an mouth itasdy towaar clothtng a rull and oouipleta alnck and srn ars oftertna greatlitdueeineiiu lu ui tiartuil prioes hulil hdod- rlgllt un trpubl 10 shew gnu vvsnateoil an inviialiuu to oue and all to call an4 lnnatt our atnek sort price bafora our elisslug alaawhesa gihhon miliak a coy itoe block main street georgetown the color oft proclaims the wheel main street fm mi acton ont john cameron architect and contracto mauulacturer u hash ioora fralum uuuidlm 111 all stylo uhxino a a rc uina john cameron proprietor wanted- an idea s preteot year i4aui tsjer rnmr tirtag yos wsallk writ john wepdkjtatjrlf ou rtat atlor nsn waabtsstoa d c for lasir tla bssbs sfs udun at two anadrsd twwaueas wasdsd a aiinmimiimiiiiiiiiin aasaaaisaaiaiiaasssaaiiiaiiiiiassksatssaais mi i tstalli paper fc 1 ho nlic to buy wall pipur is at 5 i wrg s7ith e no lowlmumm blldll gill 1 11 3 15 15 15 15 15 omo sud see our suuk no in i i sr show gooil- wiha boautiail drawing room papora hull papora dining room papora bod room pnpom also wonhablo papora tor bath rooms and kltahona for cheap paper 0011m 1 1 ua i r o hi j n r i me in u for n itl doaigna come lo iimiiii oron 1 i win j don t forget he place g w g stuuth no cui3lph send tm ijo w eat pr joes in tile gllv jjrirl aiwk to t liooa fi samples mall orders promptly allrmlnd 10 ittluiuiiuiuiuiuiuaiuimurututlum success supreme with all goods reliable and at the lowest possible pn e coupled with bargains ew r da i make trade mow ind grow special alue in black and colored dross cooda loco curtains and art muslin mens spring hhts slock complete with ill the leading stales and colore groceries i il li supply of c ooklng iljs pples nut lt in a e gurney fc co mill street actow fi rstclhsstrilorinc w- h adams au t wui iiik hat you al ll k- 1 t 1 lalt ran i bad lu acton tnal tba au lain lkita and a a rat r 1 nation of my itiick la al hi ul wrku r rio scotch stfitinos at 15 oo and upwardh canadian bditinqs at til oo and upwarub bloe bxrie stjitinqb at 13 45 and upward venetian ovttrcoatinq at til 85 and dpwahli pantino at a oo and upward uloch mill ztito ht h 7dr crpsb 1 i arup tor thii hpring in iho t ape 1 ii tur k tittle it 00 m tlio lutunt in color i i 1 iiuw hi uxpruirfioiih ot tlio intent tiihlnon initttt li i i iw inn llu ninkt of horhn li eriiinii and tht uri 1k n l i i i h u ul vvc luivu llieiu in uior txrudu aiil i utility from lit c limlu iuki iiietlium lu tlio low prictid hut uxtro vjuj ih titl n iiiuicitl tout u ru of thoii atl you louvo our muutlc room wuli licliu ol anrnrino that goods of nuch attracts cimtw can ho 10i1i inrmi hlllt niciil3 hut it in gutting o near to tho actual cott ot protlmtion that unable ub to uo it n fia prices 1 t j i iu fawn dark cardinal and other uol or i oar i ui faced htylial caps iu fawns and discs olvol collar stray hastening llaiiilauroi caps m black and colors beoed with olvet handsome cape in leading colors very stylish h raided stylish cape ittchly lmbrotdsrsd stylish cape trimmed with applique and many others uull hlghar tn pnoo 11 110 tied nih luuii iii lilouning mill 1 tl n ituu vei rtfinuinhor wu liwu un hh uiiuhi u mil ml muntlu clotlim ly thu unl and u rikilllul man tit ku up our spring wrup uat ur j ou inh to htvc it nt i al 1 ii b ryan co guelpl itutturlck iuttcrita iu hloik e right house coi king and hamil 1 i dd hues buukla al a big i ea fmm soo to 15c all i folt samlms w 3pr1f cspeis 1 valval collar all ia hid blai k extra well ii adr nmvr fnati 1 new dsslgua 3j in wldr jtfvw flannejettss i i jual ly 1 adlau 3j inches wido suuit 1 k lor waw maglsa riaaaejetlss j iuiici wide extra imalltj sold everywhere al from ij lu l5o hbnd i- oh hauflks ffmw ssjoj 10 ipj-iej- qimhma i nuheo wide fast colors bordered nsw cmamdua shirt i of 1 igu dyca absolutely i colors 1 it ullly wideal width itpmclml job lta iii es llnghams wide width fast colors i tihnd 1 utt uamllls jve tmbl tiavtx 1rutji di 0 i 1 mask 70 inch he 111 uk 76 nl rud many blorna mill 1 rr il ii pi t 1 vvw mu j or- j- aiitf uu 1 ir and uhlldrou all aiaoa ituil t iii ru nuv aucmirn niea j buidci gootl uallly ldenl edge h at d jafeu j uratahiag ipisllly all wool mall h wcie lluvath kind arwns cotton start biaea lit iu 1 t 16 regular price ll 1 lb no ha d urn a nn ki uubiii luailly all leather solid tlra- good rise uc ooxid ialily k mad ordtr bllrd aaiuq day a retwtvod h reihl ur express prepaid lo your uranal rilwaj fetatiuu i 1 1 uu paokages of o oo upwards bend for satnplos tttq3sscas c svatzkiijsrti hamilton ont h hit 1u04t llouhl ling si east oorusr llughson si ilaiuilcon march 14th lbhj n

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