Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1896, p. 4

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l j be ttoit jfwt jms tiujhbiryaijui u imift ffijf doling ohic uotiikus kuttanii ttlut a pound u lev hi one and llirrttt a kit of alra wherry jsnl l kmui popr- boi twenty of o aud apuuml ut nultcreit ham i ii lav it over all ihn w iii raael ahoild for ci knr if t chance u i rliuf ltiltp afother ifeta liilo mil a 1 mi ii ml itl tea at ddp and llirrn a liot of alrawberry jam rknua lion lalil ettffa donenplibt adii a pound or rsahsra ol ham tliarn lu tlm hay ttin children ulor they re having aitcli jolly fun i ill bo ilirre lo ut what i ihdn a pound ut isa al turn and ilirne a pal of now laid jam home alrawoerrr efta adoien ie and huiil of raalmra of hojii then herojtrdd iftttutjika u jrddy white nylne liti kil a himself urand idieare i ri m an1 wy lo make it fl ul u sky b kver ao much lilaliar tusu lbs olil church bdre ami then but llioro a tiounil of three at ono anil lea a pal of iinw lalil jam hotim atrawlterrr not- a dnteu wt and a wninil of rashers of ham now bore a ilia shop oulsldo i ii slop aud say my errands asalu 1 havent argot no naar a jut it aliowa i hi sharp that a plain a ponnd of three at ouaauil lea a doaon of strawberry hern a iwt of ecb ul a doaen paga aud a rasher of now laid jam park hurst on child traininq vht training la in tha aral ieslsnoe ethical rather than intellectual writ the ju qharlea ii iarkhurst dp in tha laiittt hume journal no one will ask to have tttia olnt argued who considers that ibo child is to bo educated for tho purpose of hie own personal onhenoamen- and not for the purpoaa of making him an expert or a sharper it la a ureal deau eater to ma ha people bright than it la to make them sound mentality is an eaay art aa oonipered with mortality there ia a rood deal to be aud aboii mja dlhoipline whan got to hat point but it la aiill trao lhai tho ibiaea of life are oat of tha heart ani not out of tba brain tha brain can be tauuht frotn hook but moral tty la not a thing thai can be printad there are it la trur bmika that are pnb llahrd on ethlo but few read lliam and probably nobojy jircllaaa tbnm tha o4 l gnrde wi n n ceple annie of them written by ooda own hand bat even the drat general ion that had tha ten comiiandnkuta bad to be killed off before the 1romiand land ooald be e i am not aoine to undnrata tha aalne and impnrtanoa of mental ttchoollng for the children and it nreda tn be aaid that milob a man haa a pore an- boneat heart thr laaa he know the belter it will be for hi hi nd for all concerned and u neoda alvi to be emd that even tmatwurlbli mm of hitelleolual act ion wila on peraonal miundneai bound brain and nnaound life are inioompaltblo kven if our objeaav nj iiitly to arenre the local and fulleat ininllnntoal develupement we ahoold till aim firm of all to acotira a foundation of personal integrity for the aciona of wiadom to rout and vetrmale in it la aomatbing a it i- with the planting of an aatronoml cal observatory however one lu etjuip mettt and whatever tbe power of the lansee wo depend pra4 of all upon the aolidlly wiih which the observatory la pi at tail a brave stand a sulrfioaaful evangelist loll lbs laaulia ritlh followed a aimpla stand for christ a oommcrciat travcillar had made a good sale and tho merchant aaid it la your treat lla knew what that meant there a saloon acroaa the atreet and ho was eapeoled to tfo aorota and aol up tha drinka for tbe whale eatabliahment what la tha uae he said to til in self this is one of the eipedionaiea of tha trade i needn t drink anything i oan order tbe cigars or a sapper or yea aomething bald to him yon can jnal aell right out bare and make a wreck of it all iiqjb aaid be in the new inspiration sent from above if i ahoold do that 1 would do tha meaueat thing in all the world and if youll bear with me ill tell yon why 1 hevejuat coma op from thf very galea of death and hell through blroqg rink and if 1 did what you aak id do tbx meanest thiug in all the world both for you and ma instantly tho oeabier leaped oowu from tbe deak uave you got a pledge t ill biki it and ibi merchant afterward took it commercial traveller aaldo to aay i promlae you ill never drink anuih drop aa loo as 1 live it pay u be uuufukoi fix ijtirlt tieleoled at his homb hill nrm hf- however wa- i h malln lhaii lazv or mo an rrhy officor routrfl to a reporter of tho waalifngtan star thln hory yiion1 wm a llnilcnlant during llifi lrat yrar nf ihn wnr and we worn in virginia wo hail in the tiimipany inubhy illiteralff 1ay fnlloiv named jack biiitilor ha wa lerrlhly aloookly hut i nnliood that whenever tlmro waia nklrmiah uok alwayif waiitnd tn lio in it worn caught on a roflky knoll by n batlaliiin of cavalry fnnu mm other lide thorn- was a groat deal nf rhoolinp hut tho nddi loo rent7i then who prnatintl sioto out of their hliltnif placn an escape all of thern id lhat is lo aay e jack houddar remained alorwj a the lop of the knoll among ihn boulder a hlaa ing awey monjejil lo momoiil the cavalrymen onnld iloi get at him without diainounling at innglh a lliiutn regiment oa mo in mghl and tlie confederal en rnn kj tlin jack camo dowu tlia hero of ihi hour i was for making a onrporn1 of him and catlml him in for a hltln talk iwfnre taking aotivn measures in lira behalf are you awaro jack said i lliaj j did a very brave thing tn that light thla afternuon r what flghl lieutenant 7 ha responded dott be 10 modoat said i know what light ynu mean tho half njjhl ilnni oi liout8iiaiit7 thorn robs didnt fight only tho blueooata fit wh none of tlien did but you iriheaarwbknr notfefn didnt you know tfiey all ran away and left you there alone well i noticed i fell kinder l thata all right jack said i getting lo tha point you did as bravo an ant aa a soldier oould do and i want you to be rewarded for it what did i do lioutouanl you didnt run away as the others did jack chuokled aa though aomothing funny had ooourrod to inm why lieutenant be aaid that brat ory there was a lot of h tickle be rr lea up thoro jist in roac p where 1 wun lawu among tho rock in the autinlnuo and 1 wilt iil loo laxy to run uhiph w you take i a writer rolatus a tout lutiu epinodn in e iifo aa fulltw euterinu the omen of a will known mcnlbaul i liltad nit and found mv- aelf confronted with tho brighteat and most thrllliig teuiprraiice lecturt evor ateeratt myiolf agaiobt in the whole ctiurm of my life it waa ao macrition marked with a pen on the back of a pottal card nailed lo tho deak the iiihcnptinii read aa follows where did you gel thai slid what li iu nail 11 there for t i salted ihn icr i wrote that myself and nallnd it up ore was the reph snd i will trll ou the story of ibal card botnoliiim ko 1 found myaolf falling inu a drinking habit i would run out one in awhile wtth a customer or at iho invitation of a travel unit man or on any slight excuse 1 soon found thai my business faculties worn becoming dulled that my stomach was continually out of aorta my apetlte all lnj and a constant craving fur alcoholic atimalanta beoaming dominant i eaw in of wife depicted on the face of the nhildron and then 1 took a lung look ahead ono day i at down ai thin desk aud half uttoouaoioua wrote the inaaription on that card on looking at it upou ita completion ita awful revelaliun buret upon me like a flash i nailed it up there and road it over many many timea that afternoon that night i went home sober and 1 havo not luuobed a drop of intoaicatlllk htjuor aiuce you aee how startling la ita alliterallou now 1 haie no literary proclivities and 1 regard lhat card aa an inspiration it speaks out three solemn warnings every tirao i look al it the aral a voice from the altar the second from the oradlo and the third and laal from flare my frioud a aarnoalneas doepaned into a solemn ahaking of the bead and with that he resumed hia work a foreshadowing a fi eff at lutlo country cljool inrof tbn bclioura was loyidrtaa a inraliug nf a do tinting aooletyfor av flrsttluin the mealinn lo im liciiasninwss ha boivcii lhat thn miii i iiilgfiliiiri tliaii the awonl and ho wai tn open ihn diociiaaiun whlnh lie ld by at pping cn ihn platform ami saying i indinx nu i luliirrtrn i should any brguing jour pinion i am in opetkrttyt on the jnnsllnu lhat ihn i imglltjer than tha swnrd and ao i iln air mr chslnnsn and ftiftid- hutry lellana that thai or lhat wnllltdnnt matter hit ti1n1oii wing i ihn kiu mightier than i tin aworift ami if ami wliarefnre hiu wem wall they httfort know wero not vorjrniitnnn ami the swnrd was bnt i am no hero to talk ikiiii the swnnl for im ojithn pen miiii thnrnfnrn i will leavo tho fiimir fur my opptnmit mi th oilier aidn a ml li a4 down itwee very nruol for his npmufnt in lein ilia up toll by saying after ihn eloipn nt rnmarka nf thn gentloman on tlm oilrer aide etc dem watermelons inw iwopln remarks an eicliaime are awaro nf tin- msgnitudn nf ilia watcrmeloji ludualry uf lht soulb thuiaavilla wlnah isceiilreuf the wmermclon district covfrs an arra of 1511 ml lex rjiiaro it tiudmlas tha oiilh wvslerii xirtiou of loorguv and tho north wcaiern j or i ion of florida and when the seaanu upnnt tho frelglii depart monta of the railroada in una section move their headquarter a to thomasvillu and tie loir graph company sonda down uvo extra operator lo haiidlo the uiarvaaed inoiunaa ot can lunud hj ihn purahaio and shipment of iho crop the canon lasts about two months begining in july and ending willi august and last car between y 000 and 10000 oarlcada were shipped outside thn htato carrying an avrrago nf 1011 melona in a car which maks a loal of about it 100 000 mnlnua lahitnluted tn the northern and western appetite a boat s j mat pounds nf nril hsvn hwn hsrweafejl at uonticelln one grocer than si r unpopuln with frio ni- fo a lioulbujmt tidmml iu tha irtab brijadu waa diapatnhn1 by thti duke of berwick to hon la i with an account of anme ir regularities among hia troops at fort kiel it is majnnly riiiialilrrably annoy ad ax claimed these rixhmrn give tpe morn iroublu than all tlm rout of my soldiers our ma jonty rnrmiea make tlm ramr iximplaini rejoinnd tho oltioor 11 k notes he an there itma of qnnaral nkrauto frqo probsi flondnra of nllalti ioiln inwtf in uko a mmnn of iiimhlararaajiarilla at thia soasmi in pre yrnt hist run ilown snd debilitaiml tiith imf whnh invites dianaif tlm hlnj luvrsled ill half n doii jihll i llmila karaaparllla will rtimo hnnk with urgx ml urns in tho imallh and vitmr of ihi iud hlroiiili of urrrea iiihid4 illla are etay in buy lake assy to urntn hirn all liv 21 cant i worst uf all klia mlmin their form are tin- whu hnuosiy lw wlum i i iii nji rl win floull jou un hmpiuu arxihd when iliihain a jalul hi m lxtrartnr will rrmovo your corns in a ft w daya ll will give atrmwl liialaut rollitf ml a tntr antced curn n- itin end lln anre yon grl thn gauiimn ilituamar iorn txtractor maiiu by toiboii t u kluiiil itor many uballlules are being oflnrecr and it ia always belter lo nt tho beal hafe the owner ought lo tm mnru lionnrablo than tho jtaiortnoihon mrs colealo jodti hyraouse u writes fur years j could nut aal iuauj ktndaof food withont pruduciug a burning mcruclatlng pain in my aloinarh 1 look iarmelee a pilla according to directions under tho head of dyspepsia or indigos lion one box entirely cured me i can now oat anything cliooan without die irobsing inn in urn irani l tlieao pilla do nnl cauwi liain or gripping ivnd should bo usod whou a cathartic ih rrtiiird htmn hkn a rookc am lell ikn 1allir iho 1 ioii lit li ll 1 mil cm mg evtlila i a st iiiet v fore pai pbnll to to n heail- trr eatr inll lo dir auiplmh iln lira i ihl hi 1 lurifels 1 m rr a dm ill m f l lie tic ole iii ub nug woman waa just tha holpmeet or sooti a man and with hia four ohildren ha was aa much a child an any of them iu waa a liberal enlerlainer of those whu were so fortunats aa to be hia gueats but always refrained oa moo it aa possible from xrlpa and or oka in the presence of his gunata lie waa rnuoh davoled lo a ooruoob pipe and slretohod himself on an eaay old laihinel lounge and pulled lo hia heart a oooteot after hia umals work and play ml onuurt hn was wiml lo aay cums nth ills wlitrein he r imctt ufl his humorous sketches ihrtw ynara ho i old a rcoenl laesl lhat lid all hi or ll i tfvn a hdarly air of 111 oil hn it ie interesting and encouraging to note that upon eoouomfc grounds tho employ era of labor in increasing numbers are finding it desirable lo require abstitiei from intoxicants on the part of those whom they employ al loaat while on duty a civil euglueer who is much interested lu the temperauoa reform calls our atleuliou to tbe following ei tract from specification a fur an improved tiswerago hyelem lu i idoooe it i 07 tho contractor shall uol furoisb nor allow others to furuiah spirituous lijuora to tbe workmon in hia employ or to any person or persona on or about tbe hue of tho work this pro is understood as prohibiting entirely the uae of ardent spirits as above wo hail every such pi act leal proleet attains tho ueoof intoxicant foreshadowing tho better time oouilug when iujurioua social drinking usages will be abolished alto gethnr tvjmjmrimre 4 inxur the phfcachbhs uahua al ollfol itigregatiooal t hircli k onto on ialm huuday anuounoiug his toil luv wllberfuroe lee the pa lor raferrm to lhaaraeu fur novelty which is ol aracleriaalc of the prosriil day of which hie tievt woman idea btanood as a oainple ho aid uf his ouutfregatiou a young u aakixl him why did not nl well worn line of prra ihiik d gi aoilletbluk aeuanllinial at i lie as ixcruriatiug nicony aft early dinner the food jiarukrti of la tke a ball of load on the tomach and uatead of being a hcallhly nutriment ii become a a miison to iho system or 1 arm dec a euolabte 1illa ore woodsrfol oorroqtlvoa of auob troubles i hoy correct acidlly upon tlm secretions and oonverl iho food partaken of tuto hrolliilj nuiriiiieut ihey are just the nimiloino to lake ll trotlblod with llnii or iyarptla when a girl s hair la atraight lhoae ilta it iimana she didu i havo lime tu comb k i he ouuhmg and wlilexing of persona troubled with bron hills or the aalhma is nioeaaively haraasing to themarlves aud aunuyinic toothera lr i homa hclcolric oil ohviatos all this cnlirol safely aud speedily and in a beniiin ronirdy for lame lamoueai ajjes injuries pilot- kidney and spinal troubleu van km pice of gives ll all lis flavor tlir lll irtllnoli ol huudtods uf druguiataaflurds nuuu lug proof of the groal merit of nmvilioo iu all painful aflhilloiib t h molvillu drugglat lrcaoolt writes my oua loin era who have used nerviliue n lljflily of it 1 am rallalled it will take a inadiug place lu tho markol ihla expresaea iho rdicl and if j on aro aulforiiig ix y painful alfooliii internal ur external glte ncrvjlne a trial ami hn mediate relief will bo aa ceilaln as tha nun binaa nervillnn n a powerfully k nit pain remedy hold by dnsinrs every tiuto incase for t vo tir gr irrtthisninptifur titjt ra ovcry cmm i lit i i i- dro for thoio npt frtr nnr riitri i previntinn 1 r those who are throatciud 5iotls 6muistctu of codlivor oil is for you a in if you are onl v i lit- tletliu bcotts phtllsiom irall un scotts bcdulaloa wllh uad iuih at mual be lace1 getierntloo afltr k but ton iria meet thrill willi lho your ator by thn help of h0u a it li- a j- i think ihu tie i mr human kind wixlwnrth on h cinc f hay mr n m northrort of tha p o dprtrnnnv pttawn ftwcomr mrfnda dr agnnwn cntnrrhnl pownor for hny flavor mr norihrnp whu i one of tho ahhf rlorkti nl tlm dominion post onion at ohumi fottud ijtit rntli f fur liny iovar tilth wliiuh jin ukn alltalel in lr afnews fiuarrhal itwl r ih lhr ih no nllmr in it hn m smiuifit fury in ill trnaluieul f ii y ivv r ll i munlly siiriia fill 111 liiiini catarrh lu ahnou any nf us phatu aot ft culil iii tljn host whi his n fore runrlr of r itlrrlt jl nets like a rhnrm and ipttok na magic kalhplit ixillln ro llluwer nht by k u delnhon ii church iron i toroiilo on rou iptof two i nut atamp- hold by j kanirtwu b th 11 i haa lit uwi thn malnrinl hai ita lawn hitmiflnr int 111 g ii t lve ihxir lawn and man hia uwh muuleaipiiou good atvlto about dybpopaln ihn lat mlvin bimiiii uynpupsia is run 11 with mirlmk lllkid millrra and aa nun lj nn if 11 fnllotv ihn ad v ire and take thu imdinne ihn riira will follnuj io every caai- mr win day of f william onl saya in uprnkinfi of it 11 ii two yrata ago my a lie it as very ill wtth dyspepsia no remedy that nlin could find gavn any rrlut ihially aim tried ilurdock lilood llittrra and aflt r lahiug nix bottles waa eiilirely cured tliat l now more than two oars ago ami uhn has itail no return of tho malad i alo had ocrasiou lo use 11 ii h mid i cannot speak too highly iu lis favor i always roromiicmi it to my friends and in cvrry 1 asn with good rnults ilopitig i in d may lu of 11 ho to jou i am ours vory truly winiuiun i dn ngral deal of praj nig befure you iiult mukr lo i ii what a grrat unnrr ou imili iu th gnat tkiiaml for n plonsant safe ami relinbln antnlotn for all affrctioiis of tlm throat and lung- in fully met wilh in hioklu n auti coiimiimpllvo h nip it is a purely velmtahlo compound and acts rh wo ha ho prlvhleo nf iiioliittiiiif iho following lollor limn one nl almonte woalllitoat ctlixeu mr j h ut 1 waa completely halpleis for six iiitmtha from rhfluinatim 1 trie 1 ahnovl otory known remedy without any iwnelu and when hoiith american itliautiiatiu curo waa rruoiiiiimiidi d i secure i it thouch i musl con ran i had no failh whaloter in 11 tbe llril bitlle agreeably surprlaed me and four boll lea drove i lie diatnso oiruplr tcly out of uiy sjslrm it in the very beat iiinlluiuo i hato over taken i have rototii mendoil it lo my friend and 1 know it has done tlioili great good hld b 1 j i have for the lirgiiimtig ami 1 lio i ahll 10 lho rml urauo to ilm utmo1 of my jndkeniriil and abilities ono steady lino if uouiiual for tho gkxl of the groat whole washington promptl ami magically in nudum all ttitlfjlis otu broiirhitln lullammallon uf ihu luuga win it aojt palatable thnt a child u ill not refiir 11 and in put al a prl n llinl will not 1 laludo the ppnr from i n brntflln do you darn ni to lauut 1110 vvlih my born deformil hymn norway ilim hyrup cure ouithn old- ami all ihroat sod i dug 1 uublo iruo ji and ill llopr writes dm poetry of mm bo but sirwa inm hyiiipi urj migh i olda lloaremti roup allnna sore lurual aud nil lnng truubln test of phhrecr hbalth i housunds of lives h btilrm awoy bo c 11 no of improdur ituart action llm heart- the hut ol lle hum 1 111 if it ia takor deranged diaical paiua and mental dcfrepiludi in 0110 shape or another mum follow and thuuaaml aro suffering virion ilu of the leli today bihau mb tho heart i nol doing its full duty whenever lho heart tlultera ur tlrrx out naily nehen or pal pi ate it it dlneaie1 and the warning should be heeded the remrd uf all illiufb for heart disease ib ir nrw nru for tlm hrorr touole aarun nichols of 1elaiboro whose wife wan corn of ttvanly years tuart dlauaso by llu modicum tho reitimly acta like uiauic on a diseaned heart with heart dnuaoci so prevalent lu auada a lottle ahunld always bo keh ill the hou- hold by j kaon win for twknty six yarij dunns baking powder thec00ks best friend larqcst sale in canada fir cast0ria for infanta nnd children jiothers do you know u t t nsiemaaa drops godfreys oorfllal many ancalled qootlilng hyrups aud moat mrmhlies tur children are eompoeed ofoiluui or morpblne f p tos itsrwr that opium ami mnrplilne are hluh4ylng narcotic potaonaj pe ttnn ksnw iruil in moat countries drueniata arc not pcruuuod lo seil narcotics without labeling uiem poiwiu t p ynnksirw ual you sbonlil not permit any modldoo lo be given your child unloaayou or f our phyai tun know of wlut 11 in oiuipnand 1 do two know lhat ttutorla in 1 purely rngotahln fwepnrattoo and that a list of ita incredlnnu la pultllahod wlu rmry uxtln t po y kw hiat lurla la um prenrrlptkm nf the rnmnns tr flatniirl ritehar jrly iblrty years ami that more oatorla la now sold than 11 nmlilned f that it has been in dm at all other ramedins for tjilklrr pe tow kjbow mi uta paloot oftlon itrtmnnt of ihn united flutes and of other coon tries bavo isnunl oxclunlvtl riifbt lo ir ittcher and hia aaaunh to uae lbs worov osutorta and lu formula nnd mat lo imitate iftom is a state prison artsnea i i da tow kiiw tluii uu nf thjt 1 bncauao caaloru hail been iruvrn to bo ahaolatalj ksvrinlaaat do tnn rnw thai 35 stbras doacs of caatoria are funuahed for 3a oamtix or una centa dose i do tew kssw that when pnaaeaand of this perfect preparation 7 children ma fan kept well and that yni may havo unbroken rest 1 wafll tlaeasi twlwata ere worth knowing they ate facta that fwcalbttoe la sn srwy 4 chlddren ory for pitohers caetorla rvvvvvvrvvvvrrvyrvrrvvrwyvvvvvvvvvvvv grants modelled f ablsbh modelled car to fit all the late shot shapes kxtra thick ball and heel honestly made of pure rubber thlnttrkt elastic stylish durable rubbers sold everywhere they wear like iron aabsaaasswaba a00d engraving photo encravinc 1 ss half tones liljonls- 7vtillinbry t opening at the lion ihn steps of mill fall 011 dm twiii vuniand hud lliu rock beneath miu isi ull daek 1 iliwi which imparted the ooctoha mliplv dr clilmar ila eminent divine was fnoil of itilltiiii ihn following lory lady itfhiy unnln haonjl had audio ililttranne of opinion with the pariah imuilcr 111 lead or mitllnt her usual con iribniioti in lb collection plate merely ll a sltwl ihiw this having occurred several h hn 10 anooaanton the elder in chra of the plats al laat lost patience aud blurted onl we cud das wi irai u er m anu era and inlr o yar siller nra leddy diiuntc on una uooaaoa at the house of a uohh man he hapfiauod to reptel the him dole whertiiin thn boat hi a not ovsr woll plessetl lone aalrf aro ynu aware dr chalmar- thai baty hetty reutlv- nf mine v 1 wa 1 ol aware ir lord raplletl the dintor but with yuer periuissinn 1 shalf msntuiu the fact llmjiexl time i tell tht story ure would rnaull in 1 1 w ol lieiug tlli i ha ilelrs l atlra i ohorolio waa iho paxlor itiiu able una now aaid he i lu make a baruain with lhat ami wllh the wholo miugregalli barifaio irtlua if you will ju that me old fashioned way y doing all along i will put preaching 111 that obi fahlono1 iy 00 i lot i atme old hue until you parlor your pat of the ollitrot however 1 cannol cllatitfe no yon go ahead amlj will follow the pablor then preauhed a very appro priate and inojrualie acrinon from joahua 7 1 upon achaua stu 111 partaking of the accursed spot i bli lh pniy he brooil upon liiniaalf and bout o hold olftloutj inatructlooa tu follow 1 he traud jury of lho county uf 1ippor ary 111100 passed the followim roaoluliuua i that a new ourl shall be built that the material of the old court bullae lib uied lu bulldjii tbe now uuurt houaa a 1hal lite old rourlhouo shall notiba taken dnwi houro ia tluliheil was ii1ud on v sdhy mhrch is 1 our new showroom ii tk ii tu the puhhc and will be pleased c ill our i in i j toim 11 uui all thost u ho have not s f i nuiured us in tlu past we piomibc jnu the lcht displa u luvc ever sh ih n wjidl j d williamson 6c co ii aod macdonnell streets lithi hh prospective housekeepera i m ii ii m fur iiuiwiiiii aary for thn purlhati of anpropriate 1 uiilu d il crviui to all ulii ilieyni bo aurprlsod to istrri raimeiitlhnyau liu wilh if tlmir suloctlun is made from r houae keepers an ttid ipan arliclo they need this spring at i i gt how i f ndertakincr f lot aloia laiiioplelo a ll el colic i mints and dm h 1rioes lower t williin flv mil aol auion h irai oiaai j a speight oo b at rcasouabl and show kooms i r w illow sad axofi sireefj q t r rt 7 s vt rs r r- r rc rs t v 7vr wtt v 7 cvi i the ai7vy 1 the artlilu whlili ihny olfnr lo i be pubha ooiiins into llm iimikvl purred of all tho dfhtn whu i kilful obrti u ii of tint a li it to it ul i n t njl i u see now up lo date culurt ties ami colored shirts e i r e nelson q liidini laiij mil 1uinishtr illlii h new fhce in hn old plhce ii low i thoaloek an ml will 1 xi r 11 hlii 1 okild i ully in o n all tualtinn aillulu piibllo ueonialli dial t bat oiiouuiil tualiiaa at ul old alaul ou alalu lrel liiri iii iw md a riiiilet uxk nl railway time table grand trunk flown arrar tmiwrrntfrt ksrirosl- i ila m rra 7 fti a all i n in i pfarrtgi r 11 81 a hipiiaa i j1 i mho hi ml a mail ll l i io m fjm u ouor 1 f7 inn r in r p timv i i m i ui trrmrfraveiit uiii m ami n in y m noiiiuhaat llltaiii anil f ill ii tlila tlmif lalilo went lulo 11 i u umi noviuobir ihi ll iwm oul i on i n lai htrtf sterling silver belts kaiiuw slci llllfr siti rtnd silcr gilt belts arc the st ic for this spring ha vm thsm savage co jlw t i i lksj cuelph tost likai this t ale lou itnuf ii mulr woor iii ooiililnralliiii nf ihn ljnl linns w bavu decliled to rwlum our luck of liulldliik uislerlal to tlm lowoat alldu tnarjjlu ol iiroflt i loorllil hlmailltiu door ii i window praiima uuull inu caittirb ac tor one uioilth vo oii nmclal irloe tor dmira an1 haah atleraurtut tuiviimw wtlglv 2 1 dooll y ft id in i it y i inrh tlilok raised sttfil on ikui idn ho ujoiltl for the low price of 1 ad and othr lin o iiropartion aw aalr twrr wn isiiu oall du tour ilreaaliii iheaini tlin lawipm 1loaas rail til liii- our ttoi k aiit prlsna iwtor lurrliaini elaewlurn puwps ol all kit i 1 tin 11 an ir uruuiuui atittudwl u thos cbbace hlich tl fuul tkmhlt htlth- r alton acton steam -laundry- a cook 1iinirictor rirst clab wurh nimrmitrcd in 1l rnuilly i auattry work shirts i cuff fif work ualled for ov v mond and iery thursday ihursday and del and haturda a cook a molaren dentist 243 tons st toronto vlrbtrcuas ho sot at teeth for 3 the perfect tea monsoon i cii rwom tmt tca plant to tm tt coi- im it nativc uhity mthiaooo trau ruuard injrr iltc urwr itm nf ih teakttwero and it ajirliard ami tiy ibrin a amptcif the heat qualltleauf indian and c um ira for ihl rraihn ihr ho llul mme but ihu m frrh lcata go mlo munmua piichagem tliuh moi- ih perfolt tea can u hilj 1 the uiia rihoimltht lu ll i pu up in aealr1 idea of h ih lb j j it and old in thra haouii at fu ul and 6m stftl iiottjcr itd jkriusi ft tortwnu most successful remedy foptibian or abt oartata in its sflsets aod netir bluaaval itaadproofa balawi kendalls spavin cure urar tin 1 ira iai0 ma una f t ntw fiut at alu 1 r- 5 j knflall n lurt nlb audnimm ii i milrrfut innllrlda 1 inlid a ntare kliol tntll i and n hntisa oujsd tae avspabotuaiintuuhtaluhaubmir uuratnuv oui rtnrau kendalls spbvin cure fr arra r tiavti ooiki nvrral lttw n a allj aftli3 d nu ll ajjl- u iwmui ii ui q 7cr trujiils i muu i ll villi lf and krep n 1umw ifuli a it it i i ti liu in m vtr halo i all ilni a i u ijr ii j kji ttlxfim ll f noaoubm nttta vt u lkaaa obion patint9 00vmoht am war infurmalloa and tn tuillk r n uunm o atl 1uiwt br laa omut inirraii ttr an tirlint ll nl lifitnirfi uie uumiu ur a uuilu ulvvu inx tllarwu u u mentiiic jvntcnciiu iareeal elrenlanen if m t irniin imir i tl w1d t1 ullilt inmi n lie nlllli oplulim ha xltiled o nil i tho icw lourt ierfect prrparaliolia of llm poal loll ll by j hauuawin frump t itnht l y alutji wuutd k k collins catarrrt a

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