Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1896, p. 2

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r jri s aiauuwv iuiiijiiinh lii iftatlllr mi vvmliirariat may l in fie i w f alvirt ii ury main lo miss ill gnllill nil il uak villi mm htmntin at lnhli on thuniilny mm till anna lehnrlio oho uf tin latejuliu knliihhly trnnnaa sited hfl yuan jlgllllbllpal ltmkwopd tliiitwulf lay jill ltatltoa anil tihlul urtlin lu li 11 vlrt tier kraiunaa aunt kl ysara judgment at last tho dominion aorn tnn prohlhlt ho importation of liquor into tho provlncoo eijc 2uttin jfm rcss iliuitbday wav 11 ihtm notts and comments tho rfliah bt persia rrphnili in the ootl h tulat to septbyft euihronemeul say thai ins aim will be to follow in iho tmtslefm uf in luriotpj rather espot tally ss regards the maintriiqucf if friendlrclalious with ureal it n lam nrotiations tire in progress betweeb jinu and liutil looking to jul a l liioii lit tic ruurn of hie knitf lt the pilars from tho itussi embassy japan u bate the limpotl uf uio trtxipe about the palace and lhi placing uf iho corcan telegraph sstem in tho hand uf iho japanese tim cqmmuilonora appointed to divide llio oounlinsof llio provtnco of ontario in accord a 11 co will the aol passed i ml ooa ion fur llio nlecltau of county councillor hn id their drat mcptiiiff in toronto insl 1 niuy jtiilo jones of brantford wai olci toil chmrmn11 it ia expected tho work will bo all complotod before l lie midsum an rxhiuo point out thai there i sometliimi remarkable lu kho tact that of the aovun or eight sensational murdar tnali that have 01 cur rod in canada recently in connection with insurance money the natnea of the auoused in all caioa oomm one ed with the lot it fl 1 00 k a lhe follow lial hoojier hsrlltiy hyami hcnder holl ii ay ward ttammoui ttolntea a despatch from khaiifhal states that tbe ituaaian consul threaten to forcibly selxe a alrutob of the foro shore at che f00 to which oroal britain haa along standing claim lhe dntisliju mister haa protested the threslauud mtuurr and il ia understood thai in 11 aiau object lour ituaaian warships are off tho the too landing nppnrctilly to support thu ouniul 1 he liremjiton oiriunr publishes a deliberate falsehood when it itatea that the liberals of hilton had something to da with bmiiik those milarthyil speak to llalton last week what earthly food would il do mr waldio lo have two mm to fltfhl liiatnad ihn tt nulla stioul1 ha if 11 dues coat rd for tho i effort truth ilrformr i lieru ia not muuh rncouraxomoul ft i hit arid prohibitionists who hoped ill provincial otivernment would be shown lo have the powur lo enact prohibitory lamie latioii mi iho jndtfniout of the irvy coon cil jut handod down the judtfmom in ffcol iikinn 1 1 thai lhe provmoel cannot prohibit retail aellillk j thai they can authorlo local municipalities in prohibit 1 t tho cjm ntoblbll ihn manufacturuih of lnjuor for aalo in the province 4 that ihoy cannut prohibi tho importation of lnjuor from other prov locoa or from abroad iraihiatly aa the nacal foar draw u 1 the ruvenue and oxmniiiture alate nt ahow nth of april there la a gratifying inoraaao of half a million while lhe expenditure it loai lhau tbat uf the aatne month laal ye on the hoili uf april lliora wa nearly a rurilua uf ii vo million in llio treaaury iviiub moana that when tho book are ilnally cloaed for the year here will be a aubatantlal lura over and above expend i luro lhe expenditure on capital aooouul ia balf a million leaa than lu the aamo jmnod laat year the net debt wai lrcraaae1 laat mouth by tthllh lhe returning ullicer haa poatcd up tho iroclamatioua for the dominion election lliroughout the county ihero haa been a change made iu tho method of uumlteriiik ikjuiuk ubdivliioiia hitherto each mu tiilipality from one lo the number of poll luj aub diviaiuna ii couulned now the municipalities are arranged alphabetically on the proclamations and numbered from 1 to 3j the total tiutubor uf jioiuau aab divtaiona tn the county anion number ed 1 i burlliimton f i hiuenh r 10 uoortjetowu ii 1j milton u is naaaaifa weya hi irt nelauu iu ij uakvllla u jl irafaluar j7 jj all moluaive with three or four eiceptluna llio jwhiiik plaoea remain tho same aa at tho laat donnniun byu dec tlunlhe diflerciiu now turnip in the uum bariu of lho pullliim aub dlviaioua miblonahy convention fia womona mlialonary yuulaui or ouolph dlutrlct at hock wood lla al tjuolph district uf lho wonmu a mission ary boom i y uf the mothodtat cburuh wai held at ltookwood 011 thursday and was woll a i tended by deloalas and vlbltorn uiss uarker uf ouolph district oran laar presided after deyotloual exoroisei led by mrs h harris 1 took wood mr uev j 1 a moir of uoorrelown wai appolulcd lwxjrdlua booretary the re kji la from suilhariea mlaalon ciioloa and baudi aud tlvm lhe district urkauiaer iki writ steady and satisfactory proroas at the afleruoou soaalun miss husband a aridrcabnf wetromo waa repllod lu by 1 it hulwl uuolph aud addresses ijlven by mrs w u hmllh uulpli wu wurk 1 and ura ihmj llralty rer un love is the kny mr w 0 hm ub replied to lhe juoallou drawer and the aranun was closed will ooiiaeoraliuu arrvtcs led by mr hyan llnolpti lhe d l was attended by a large audieuoe after an address front tiehlrinan llev j ones koatlo the pastor uf the church hrlalle aoton spoke ou iray missions iu a very eflcotivo mam recitation waa tflveu by mr i jolllffe llockwood mlaa uoinin a relaroad mis slunary from japau then dallvrvd an intereatiutl aul lliatiuolive address ou the work lu that held during hioavaiijj iho obotr reuderod several himuuhk the delegates were nioat boeplubly entarlaiued by the lad lea of float wood home sovpntawt iiiambara of the acton auxiliary were in alttndaooe an euvator at oleuboru baluniilufcl tu the northern ulovalor company allpped fni its fuundatloi and splllud si i him a r buahula of wheat only power fon local opt ion ou hat 11 rd ay thn privy council or i11r 1ft nd hatidtmltluwii jiidnmuii upon mm appeal- of the irovino f omrn iaiital tho nomlnlmi orcanfcds rniaiuu tli iiih lion of thn power of provincial liclliitiin h lo make prnhihitory hiiior lawa 1 lio ppeal wai argued au 7 ihll i 1 nrtl quclph disthict i am mi ill moot ina nf thn timtlph pintrlot of tho milthndlttt pituroh the unmial dnlrlit 11 unnlpli ihntrlct nssemhld if tho lulrrint norfolk watson lord nf apical rad tho judu tho otlfere present worn lord llnreolipll lord ilalshur lurd vnli rummlaaiounr urd dvey lord of hiol uud hir it colloli tho judnmrnt mjilher disinihod nor up held hit appeal but uinsialnd of nnawore lo a bones of iirstlinis put ihn over nor genrral uf cattail a t ho aiftwlr to lh saveulu ajwaskuo waa a m rtoevtn h was lliirihe on tario ljialatiire haijnndnillti lu uiibqi section 1h which however was ltmxra live tu any district adoptint the socotul part of lhe canad tomporuiioo ftil uf 1811 as rinnrds iiiutinn thrae hic anawer was thai in the absence of conflict ib hjjislalion by tho parliament of cm ada ihelr imirdsliipa wrro of lho opinion thai provincial logislalnris hud jiirndic lion if it wero shown lliat the mautilaoluro id liijoors waa oarnoddn nnder auchcondi lions aa to mako ha prohibition inerel local matter their lordships did nol allow cotts beotlon 1h is lho ontario local option aeotlou and tho third tiaalion rolatot to proviuoial power to prohibit manufacture ur j j maolaren who was lho couunol for the- province offers this cxplanallou of lho judgment the cable doapalch b tin means given a full report of tho answer to the various judshoiis but tho nisi of lhe whole is that lho judgment of tho hupnimo court negativing the ijuontiuu of thu power of a provincial legislature lo prohibit ihn sale of intoxicants is confirmed whiln lho power lo pass local oplinn laws by una judgment contrary to by lho bupremo court tho montreal star loudon oalilo aayn tiia lbxcu puiuutnuuuuntt out chur 111 tho prohibition jiitjn rit nf tho privy council dolivermi today are i hat lh uomiuiun lovdrniiioiit alum lias jurmdic liou regarding the importation of itiloili nt lug injuor mto a province that the l01 al option law nt moertin wluro llnlashtii in its municipal opgraliuu with thu annda temperance act adoplud by counties as a whole and that tho local oovernminlu have the right lo pass a prohibitum law wlliuiul aupproauug liu maiiulacium ul iniuor for outside consumption aud bong at lhe aamo time powerlena lo stop the nil portal ion of hior nil the prowmc whilh is alone controllablo by lhe domtilon oovernment assessment roll hectlvhu upheld lat git tin tho storoo in at v oclock p m on tvionany tuesday thuraday and friday evenlnns municipal council met 111 rogulai aiou on monday evening itedve llsvill in tho oh air membeia all ireaonl the minutes of last meeting wmo lead and own armed moved by a 1 nioklin rcdiiidnd by win brown thai tltc assessment itoll u receivod from the assessor arricd moved by j il matthews aoooudod by a l nioklin that the clerk bo liiatruuled li siltrrluh m ihn 1im 1iihi mikm- fur tonders for thu use of tho park for i in first of july carried moved by i frsncl aet ondnl b v m urowii thai tho c oumll lurclam uue burnt rod spruce trees to he planted in the new survey in tho cm meter c arrlod a number of ratcpayora who own unu lauds withlu tbo corporation waited upon aud preaouted a petition u the ounuil re j dealing a reduoliou of the amount uf tt o assessment of thuir projwrtlo and that lhe farm laud sltuatol within tho corpora lion bo as sossed at tho aamo rate as that ouuida of the towu limits after lengthy diaouaaion the matter waa laid ovor and will be con aide red atfalu at ucxt meeliug a petition aigued by a number of town merchants was presented to the couuiil rcnueatiug the privilege of ringing the towu boll at 7 o clock and that the muinui pal olucor bo instructed to aco that the by law res pooling the oarly closing uf businssa plaoea la observed on aud after mouday lath of may 1 hi bell will he rung al 7 o clock oeoh evouing ooiumciicitig uu mun day ovening uoxl upon motion thu ouucll aljuinrl to meet un 1 uesday evening jtilb may al h o clock thb oanaoian ukbbd w mav mr ll ul introduced a bill iu congress appr priatlug lauxm u onable u10 ircnlaiii i the use uf the army uj otluirwiao in drp 1 the canadian roe indiana 111 mmlsua ui deliver thoiu lo the anadian aiiiiihuh al the i uter national bound i mi a nun explained that the tauadi4o aiuhu tlos had agroed tu ree and bououio 1 miisiblo for i ham if delivurud al niirn 1 til byrdsr 1 ha bill was mated nhwa of the day lborl j al ottawa i i allandale has been auiieael lo its le b proclamatlou uf the iloulcuanl loveriiur mr christopher clomonco of purl perry annld man was killed by a u 1 it tram al palorboru a son oj apt milberaoo i lo lloal fell uf lhe deck al ilirowby waa druwuod au tiuuday james woollier if oojluool stahbetl by james malberaou a lalhirer uu huuday aud may diu aled as the ooueer vative uatilidatn 111 enlre wclllnglou he aoueplol tht iuni inatloo j ioallkltapwood iwenl alt years of age waa found dead monday iu the ar mouriea toroulo wuli a mln bullet through hla heart he had lieeu iiiimiiik from hla home aim o halurday al a ttiaalgg of the toronto i xoluuvo cohjroillee uf the llnrati aaruuiatiuu fur the advauucmeul of hmouuo hold yesley day ii waa definitely arranged thai thtt moahuy of the assoctallun will be hold in turuuto un august irtib 1mu7 out of- tooth powdlh thao gel the best i be boat is i vol llio lleaf bocmoae ll wtiltnus the teeth aud does not dsatroy lbs caiauiel uood aa tho beat in fnijrraoos aud laaiisliig aud polish lug properitsa uelwr than moat aa it ooulaiua no acids to destruy hotter than all because pleasant fntgraul oleuustng aud whltouing all iii good iualltles cum blued jvurtue fur tits loeth aonu 111 claim lo be tho beat mmh hrriri i inn h lllitilili 1u iuv w t iiiilr d l the linlriiin t 1 h ilutnl r at i 1 1 1n rutin 1 rt il i f lh iitriit piui ul with thu 1 iui puou of- lut- lr i in news of the day 1 an i nltomo of tho worldn oolnuii durlhk thn wo oh lion f 1 i liii ihlhnuw imiikr of liiibi c mr jiiti loiirfrir im ulio is litdliig luiliewt ii iipilr nam mini tiiel tin- in ting wmh ujdily and lahaully noinphtmi in thn aflirnooii th tilling nun nil ptahn wauur tin iniintr 1 1 rtitimiml 111 rtgarl lo thitr mithlhnt 1 for hi milk utn ihiisti priucul itn muisri- lvrry st5tlliri tvitjofltlttt nfitirit ptitnr whom pitaxid p vi r 1 nilitnllo tixaifilun lion hi reapoiihi to thn pi him who have diet llio iiniiiinf tht latn itiurnhk hv h i ear wnn reurlnd nlld htv 1 huivotl son rrad a wr oxccllcnt obituary whlrh wan drlnred to bo forvnrdiil to oufcrruce an c ruing incrting wm hrlrl at vrhtrh itv i w uikon o i tuh and ii p munrr 1 if alton ttrllvrrnd nxcnllenl adiliiuim on thr- iibbi 11 tiling and lib advantage lo mrlliodlni mr jarkiton dwelt on thn nel of hilownhip in a rhorch and o0ntd toimj lulplul critictsnia on tho clasi among other tliiugh mr motiru pointed out that thu uiaaa is a pro vtntalivu of ranli dtstinillna in the church that it fiirnltins a linh nf ronlin oil in mir uiiirrh hln rtndril tho niore ncnnr ilinoriuit pliii unl tht it 1 a mwi tuard aguunl tpiriliml bankruptcy alfotdiug an appirlnini y for vi kly slock inking ii of oik 1 ni 11 1 al iii up 11r of ih or to i di u rpn tirttrii t i mi u i it nod htiritar rtllh jtiil i i n i a i trvi ii l mnr ir it i j ku ai htom lh 11 i ul nhiiwtd n k 1 1 run i f ihi diitm liirreast inlo lhu t relitnf th taiied during thu jn th tltltrt ihinnnlfft apph tho in hi imnthlea i vcll nntrt 1 hr prtntnl lmin i ih i j- a n mi hit ur ih inuil mirpis f 67ti ii lh ft tt 1 al ilntthiwj ti 1 ii l aalwtanh i mi ii 1 m u beou well mi c rltnilg lit f nborlii ulph iat of il dur da ajjgr uf lou amollhl j 177 nt w for n n rnn of tol m i or miuiatrnal upptl ttn um of 911 till win apptoprlated 1 11 onlj twti 1 iibc here there defhnihia iu mtctlug 1i11 whole nouut api r pristud on ol 10 and tho oltur of jo tho lul mount rairl for ii pnrp wttyn nl i 7 i hem arc i ih biibnlrilmrrt i tht 1 1 u i 11 011 ihodlaukt amtmg thr urtoil of the dntrii1 a ton takch tur high siamting- bung third oft the hat with till iiiemlxna nnl 5j l77 nnanicm ajid mip m amount ibiuuil lux him lay htliml hiri itnd sin nun raiwd ly the hmdav bhool foi nilnlmh arious lnprnomoiitb to lurch j ulmrh romrl ucrn n portt 1 1 ha reprramilatitrn to oilflpi dr t a loliw o hti ith w h t kunnin or jnno m ii i it ll it i and h ltiii ouelph j ln roij martini i lu tlfitj 1 itra i ha tlrovo lrg tn ii 111 aiim ii 1 ahtmbri lg aui1 john sta orton i bu lm 1 11ihi jiiil adamaou niaatau ya humunl llirri khkti 11 p m ki i a snwlr and a hall a ton lmea ii nixnn ahyrove win mcxgor ln w iiiiib lheneor meswick jlulluafat luv n selkry nl d waa olet led to ruprnaeut the district 011 the blaliouiug committee u i lloir it d aud dfr ii p mku ou lhe hunilur h tool commltttl hev a j irwin ii i and mr w hnntlr on in ipwoilh i oagu ommuu ami mi w biill 110 thr mlalouary oiiiiuttre htv i w jk hill appolntu lrrrrr ol the h iciilalloii 1 mid i ho luallllii mnli i m ilruiu mil bo held in 1 eigu and tho noil au meet lug iu auton mu rlltl i 1 i a ii i llgr maltno with i j 1 ivm od iihplplii ttal i n is ii llo noiiriahiiig pkpnrliox if whtias t a i rapillj t win i it illfccsllvr aiiabl of ppl neuu of milriljui htitlln ia of trnauir re txillka ot anj tmniloi kthl vouh wa 1lh kl ban uell j i 1 ilia iii with lll rnotn o loo way ll 1 allowing lhe f nd to lho milt f i iii dlll i- l t 1 you nhol p okl no waltll jhkct in n i lull vult h allould b kl m ijoavy cliau 0 a lo ko kkt hrl ltdl piiilt il jowel ler ufliurlph thai i lolj or utl- i mioaino if you aol mi any of hit above 1h1it be will loo otiuaufrralilo womt aiai ijolkea work uowtivur ahoult you uuuil any re pairing in the jowett ry line prmglu is a ntost usrotul and tatpnriuucil wurkinau unl oxaminea gainfully all urn woik done by hla ualataiils who wurk rikhl bu lo hrrim mird liiladylfhiil bl lhu of dm hi 1 i clarkn mid l m oder uiunlti iridny iijil cmr tiulilal n fur wml 1 lu the jtorlds grreat leader d henderson t ttlll alli inn1ctraal used by the high and wealjihy and those in akinb- school house humbler circumstances nd mmjl siuuir ol ilp411th 11 huah in i 1 ls pr niiinl l i nao bll hnn i ihitt in lite ir lit of ii imu llitt ikn ago itpkilutil rilmtin 1 diilarin in bin c n i 1 horn p rrj i4- i di 1 rudljil i ml moriiiig hun n laiku u lut amiakiug al wtault fiisl prulay nglit tit fliff flts co nthi nui i 11 li in nt n nn lidate po 11 hi afliug and 1 until held drci hd lo 41 iii ai of jitjiig mail 11 nui i it 1 emplojeil at lho itluii ml furd out van utopia 111 lhu lnslaullkilkd inda al ft niuclliiu of lhu tiling iii watertlown laat wttk it ui hllbiniln btiiua n tvi for l the lutiirnatltxial hndlil lliilhn prohibition an i f 11111 r tali vo iwi uoua were held in kinj ri i rnnl n 11 fin pruhlbltloulhte iinmltintiii ludgn i 111 inmore l morton ami later iho rnuui tn dllattt was adopted jy tho mrvntiv paralysis conquered tho btronp tntlmony ol n mnn who waa rmak uuiiii itntlruldnn invnltmko now riijnlinh in hi nowud hoitlth 11ml blrun uoclors adtrtlt that inrilyuls in no lonuir tin uriiblo ihrro is nothing in life nl i r hi to to sue a ntmug mini htm ki n with ornljrtm alir l diad lo lh dulin an1 i wu thai holuiig in lif lh jmrnuti unlii n timjrsruttvf ly metit vrioil iw dtoinrd lu paa the rmnauulur ul hi uiiiualiuiu- hms ndlllou hut an nil iiuimi of that vmnl rful uirliiu k thn vtorl i til lh pi imitt nhd have pills tho trick 1 mih ih regaining hi alto ti l n hlllldrodn iii various prtit ol tin who ware helplcr budrxl it n btuiiriislurudlohcallh h tin int mpar aid utttdiuniw a nitntg tltua liu tt lieeu ihui fortiualrl rr r attil is mr alltn j m ii mild a tv ii known rceidtnoiiu milo i rook 1 i i mr mt duiiald tayfl lu llio lall of 11 1 liijiirrtl my buik and duriu tin yuar i culnig aulloretl groat pain 111 i lean than four phaniaua attend 11 aldilluionl times but withoiit any h n ill ilelnt lhe onl of the ear i was fort i ii k up all cull i it inn f ul lor ltljl fiihi on tvtt occasions tho doltor nilnal i mu iu lualm of pailn hut it alwajn did 10 m m llinta kojl gelliiih miikitnd hn with iwtwilulitui 111 hi n un i 1 dihi- i y foot when i trio to walk rttn1t i hwt all lwi upiot 111 iliiu an i nbn itirlj all power of fcclllig jruiu lho ttaial dnt iunids aul 1 was anhiljlra aa a putt ol 1 111 ulls half load and half nllvn tnilitlil i laid iu bed 01 ilettii nioolhi nut atl lo lwlp rny lf 111 lm inn- l n f j- it id 1 ol nil or mt h lol 11 1 tall lho g o of those long wean iuuiiim i 1 d cribol 1 it as i ul kll by lhe do that there vt as no hopo foi mi no i thl i wbb duoulcd to i itnn tho rtiaiojoi f 1 v days a holpis hall lima 1 r ol llun pr he 1 road of a taw tho into of lh ui u tmr i b 11 a ii 1 lk p1u ll i loiln 1 th ill 1 0 lluud u irougtr lhu pilla giadually k irongor until now ftti lhe use uf thirl two boxes t am a bio to unlk about inarll and an do light work an i 1 foul that i am gaining new strength every 1 ur la cannot ui press the ihiikluh 1 i hrl al again bulilif able lu go about aulivuh ft lei pibsltig lliruugh that ttinblr i l mid i alinruly hope that inv oiptrlonto ma bo tho m una o hrullh t sum ik willi 1 i mil of ih 1 p ihn nil 1 malum or 10 ul a 11 ubh etc llifse are nnptri r to nil ih r tra mont ihoy are ntm a spt ih i 1 lh trouble win h ii id i 11 paines celery cofrifiound the chosen medicine in all well regulated homes j kkkp a watch on thk substitctkr and imitations i ht uorll h gnitt hahr palm a tderj lidlnsliun rhrumallaii neuralgia kiduoy paer advertising and that always deciive iiiiiiiihl hin uu ual for f 1 ling a al llvnr troubles and all dlneaaea srislnij nnwary and too confiding people paine n haunttd iirrvte anj building up lhu vvnsk from impure and jkiiauuril blood i hoot celery compound is a iroly acienliuo pre and uhnlturiil lkiti n nda of men and women jired out rnn soription recommended by the beet medical i ho lrnl ht of moilnrn modilal men l lnplna norvoua morula and des men ohomnu and professional men in the prof i dwartt 1j phelps m i l i p l regained per foe i health world to give aa idea of the poplar isy nfir in of hart prarlnt and close and hiinyaiiey uf spirits by lhe and great eminence that paine a celery iioutithi rlhimrih g n wo dtirtril unu of nature a own medicine compound has reached it isonlj mcessary 1 ompuimd to mtlhoiin who won biiflrfing ll h given a now ami brighter existence lo 1 tale that mllllona of wall rvjtulatesl lho ttouit r working cnmtniund has as l v mu01 briisif who homes have made u their ohosvon medicine loiilioil rich and ptior intrml and un- wbro ito tl as papular gooda are always imitated by ira mini y its irarttllous cun s v ho wm wtalher and the juldsrupuloua men buyer of painea celery variatmns of early epruib ou are left with compound should mr that they jtet the proai n c vi no dobilily hradaohos insomnia only genuine celery in the worlal look iry umpoiiudsure y j p all out of order do for the trade mark the name painea i von cnoa u oduf or thuiihdav ihn i til nf mav til i q h r hlltltl l os friday tvlfnino hjth ol mav ti 1 uh 1 m simtr ttertlxily romp i uululi intltnl qottsnvn thn quiwa i he glad new has 1 lands thai paine a ol aud pormauciillyoiiren jtalo a day longer use painoa and the aialk of celery on atery boltla inpiyhnu ns 1 roo s o stiu 1 erj impound nhich la ajiccially joa tiro offered by dealer avoid all mer ilapled for jour case aud oiiwill avoid chants who would substitute something ituro micry unl mulloniigt- that the call just aa rood there la 110 1 tho lrili nonialjfnrm arc rcroivod etkfrom happy autl grat fill men mn saved from the dark grave j lr iiouiid iiim hilly jruv lj iwir aa a bunix ir of dyspipaia compoiind doeau belong other modicine that can tko the place of inea and paines celery km pound it ia what you panllaa that ru msda public by news most urgently require to make you well dress goods 1 ill 1 1 i it l ti iuiiiol a ifoid li i t a 1 t cut imtm ala 4 ihls an til jmi lust sec what wl ha l t ftcr jnu in aware ilu jilss oodjs dcpartiiient is not a side inii witli us hut oiu of mil principal features of our business il is not a part of uui polil to do things by halves and thus we have hcvti ht hiiy time made a practirc- of plnytnp nt tm- poitin ln ss matt 11 ils hut tins ear our assortment seems liullt hs sut ii a ariety of new htlish well chosen 1 tin h 1 a w il lit ipt to hjok for 111 vain outside oui oh ii nltl t 1 i pi 1 jut 1 uki st titjoljs on iic1 1 hrrrt rvfrtrvrr w recr y m be wtr aat 1 1 dt 111 uui from tin 01 dinar to the most luxurious wo ini liad 1 stoi k that jasd ourstlvts so thoroughly hueh ji 1 ami ijualituii an thtii own best advertisement 111l tllllt tin saint julil clcgalut uui hotl taslc pt i 1 iit r- ry pit oc of mrirls in thr strrrr oar prices ate no moil ihati au tskid y ihe inajont tlf houses for ordmir u giuli 1 1 r is gon it is this knowing where to buj and what u bti that has built oijk dkiss oods 1 k 1 1 up t ilj prtst nt pi 1 portions lh m k 11 1 1 liulul h k 1 at it i lis nm jljls n id ut in lie t lit m pt 1 in t in t v t i l h ou iwn tlnssis uu iu ed tin iu i b ryan co quelph 1 niwin s ktokk l mi lar co ii f liluiy busy ij ruiuiui riiuiuitu uu uu ulu llultw nl iu liy f110 high class tdlluil the greatest pleasure of the p is cclinj one object 1 1 it feature in ui that is 1 ling against a i av headwind b itlltsfllug lho d v ll pt ltr taly n hottato of il lllules allgrl lo bo j i broken in health i hat tired feeling contipatiti find pain in the back appetlto and health rostorott by hoods snroaparlllu i 11 to ai n mil h a ickt i ithh lid a lu al alh h ol m i nii i iuutllo lttwuiis hit j 1 1 in 1 1 pr buttoi antl t v i i- 1 ikluu mmn all in oil llri from ever oa i iloo1 at ti imii must rn a iiiiintwro paiillun tlh n rrucrdl urml leellng slmrt mu in u10 back nn1 rouailpntlil oily ijtlle rest at lilgtil on at coin j a cornfield churlos old stand mill stroot acton tas uoi ml did nol gel any pennoncul relief fiom a hoodscures j extract vtantllu extract lemon i 5 cuntb u bottle oiirre until upon reetinnncuoallou of a i i t j uttk ntf powdor 20l tt bottle mrsrffijdb me erl licttcr at on o nti i llrtl lu usu hutulg lakcu th ittlrt 1 i feel like now man shaws druitstore avea b u reel at siriuik a etrr i 0 tm ayjt enjoy hrfoct rest ul ui in tn j roclcwood itllnu ii h mill nil iu llkt uiittuunataiilly oi sli its iiiu alwy- on i s i u in rim lhtnlo 1 ai1 lunmrat unit jsjal 1 p to date jowtllrr and llreo t he prmglo h p m m dt e an u bl i til iii llttlmll syl ly uj iirtlih i k1dk thk cleveland swell simm i 1 llit tbjtctloil bti lust uilliautlil il i u 11 kiatn ilnp and hnish ia it a supu in i that is uoihl uldi is i tilt t slt t 1 tinning f ill tuu litiu s 1 i itll m k i ut i 11 lt lv i it tm 1 01 onto is t nt in ly equippt 1 wi n the se pt i ft i t vht t is iiuthci ill ustiit it mi tilbf grrn p pul mi i i ht kvcluui iifln adbrrltrmrntf skhaivr wanted m tel iij1 1 11 litis k l iiya 4 lfiild p hihuami v h liradnale of ilioqnlailo twlitarr t nllnav llonorary itipiolwr of tli vioriiiart memo ocletr irrurv uitln hl mill html eajlsttar nr ulglil nititl altiill lo fok skuvick im biic notick xtotk i- l iitii iit be rji jirt lv of lot ii n lte7tl cnuri lnbilll t no trkspatssing r imlille is hoiabv iiotlllcl dial no uslint 1 litmitlii or sm in iu mu on the crunk runn ttm liiruuab uia inufwrtivs ul mera hatiart vtallate jtiaoli ul aiil vmutaiu llrowu in gull v of trnaaataaliit nlll ih ruieciiletl aa the atatuu prvvliln h h i a llh tkndkks fj iark 1i01sk am lots for sale rtr ori 1 r aalr ilinuh aud fullland collins snjliiuill ismiua u atubl iu ul hard ami auf water allcuo tu ui lleiiitrnct or ii k upuu notick i il itn round trespaulni elilie l ttluh houkiimiik ttjitosto iduk tx rtll i iau stott wit 1 1am slivtos 1 amlthv wott ti a loik oo yonut street j i mclbow aenit fi bsnuj qourgstuwn ont k ahjo l stclkss thll w h adams 11 ull i m i rti itihl i oallai mt ol ii lllu- no rtullll i- i it ll i a low iii i uu auull lull 1 v alt lot l t illuaa buotlfi huitinqb at looo arrtj upwakub canadian buitinob at all uo and upwahdb lilub bbh ie sditlnos at hi 15 and uiwaiuj vicnktian ovbhooatino at ill ott and opwaiii- iantfnfl ax tj oo and uhwakd cxrii ic znl h nd i ve the cook a chance i mi will alwas have prompt i sttvttl well t ookt ctmealii if ou bu a duchess of oxford usrfaruao the uvrus bake evenly and the e can bo chruhed ut bnulltrned al a oinonl a iiiiticu it arill lul a lifrtimr alwaye ituviti i iu the use ut fuel for sale by symon b rob acton the cmnoy foundry co ltd toronto vntki ititatom tor lue otil nuraert baiu tiwtiiiu urcbartl in t anada tour surma la ttinl it uarv not earn lug m i w i linirilli aul niwiih nris us b iwli rt miib uieii lriii loull look uu lliu 1 at lticr it rkina on tlia htom i uhiaisuron al tion suk ol vevluable qrooery ruslneas ojid real estate llirhk til ih nrt li ap lulll 1 urn u ht in ijur i ihieuolucauutliu 19u day op may next tiom it luitlim slt ttrajtll s im hlk no 3 11 lll i tl ntium stors tirtrk iip nl ixllin limn- till taluailo buttkva ird i n uaui h k ih ue a hoiii m1 liu nlti iw taturlle uliioaa ul there will ala im rl 1 ll amo lime tim wuttflt alll ua uiiuhi iui lu bulk ii ii ilini uoi ii41i llm in1111 i il 11 will l oftrrwt cist nit j llaabt dltlrr tlltii in totl lth tcuiu trui and t iitlillo 1 tvtlr fin- k aud iii oiu litiuillt ileal nlal roi f itotl i hiu tt- m i ii ntiti k arjl ilkquefilal joslpiy with the publ1 health act tilrtl oa iilaiiti lt iutill ttaajtb aid u lata ll mil oilelnl al latt l iu it u on uliuli ua aitd llio 11 ol sotatidhi t 1 al icaat tu ftt1 llooi ail 1rlluk i and m 1ll u it ol ii til lultlll lit tlto matter p l mmltluck of tlia vllsw of auton in trta t uuiity nfothh i rt t n tlo atp v i iaut 1 i ualtlkk i i an hl itisu ul in uuui tlo rtnu oil likitu i ll hho inhi f all ins ita au i rla 11 tiul toi ilia uauelh all lu i du licrvtit nnvurl aul ill ih lioht al tliu l ehtt ftlutkern an 1 llati i ou nkithta ihe affa toy al ma i a iks al ll sllk in i la 11 ill- loi ihlectlitub oill iimu u th iiial 1 ll id rtalr all elil l llblwn wuuii iurw llttiro hi uoh mtlu altiir lil jn ins i hll uillv to mllt rlaluia hal liat i awt i ball nol ih i t 1 i ilia aald mlali ot ant imt llm i i i i soil lliuu liiii hll i liok lllilttst ul i 11 iis u r

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