Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1896, p. 4

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tt mhc tlaivzn rt5s tiliilhliy1la jl fflir loung olhs mjhl i t t i vrr i n mix in i i kl ti t w m i m atafw there are two r0ads 0nk lkads to jliherv am i1katii til 10 othkit tonkw ihra i i til wjimii han ii itioit lltll- it lift h int 1 x 1 it mfclll it i ko i hi it lit iy vktii ft mall n ii 111 tiali u l t iu ntu7 ut il 1 1 lai hi in ie n to 4 iii rlolhln cu i nvlth im air n uialty itnt kill kt to my ttbe 1 1 recti hoi oibttlld in tile rkagr hii jld 111 1 irrl will irmtm will iii wll y uimr iii11 wabjhahel r t forinl mlo ndlhe daniel quonms notions a- bout prhachino u waa lit cobblrd iwiy rnio monday morning that a talk of lbe pravioiia day a hermou with young cap ti jim gave an opportunity at eiprcaemg hia opinion on i ma itrmttbf- v well cap ii jo my advice to every body la this dont you priach it you nan help it tian t enough for a mtnjo want lo preach nor yet for a man to fnoy that tie could preach if thai wu all go63 preacher would bo aa common an jlolborrtfn an han t enough for other folk to think ihalarrfkna bo i a call to preach either lhoukh thorn ia lamolhitig jn hiat no aton ever a man tirvs rot any buaincaa in lite pulpit ho mmtfoal like it waa long with jeremiah the prophnl oil know he thought he d give up preach in an uhe hi name oil the plan i will not make mo lion of him nor apeak any more in jlia name that ia what he aid an if a man can hold hi tongue an bo comfortable about it lia llio beat ihing he can do lhere a gabble an cackle enough in ihn wurhl already what wilh gifactand trier fulka itul lkh cr jere miabcotlhi uo mure titiltl hia tongue than incould fly jin word waa in minohrart gaa burning fire ihtil up in my bonea and i waa wrary with forbearing and i onuld not atay there when a man do feel like that ho it preach aomehow ho mnat an if a man have nover fdt like thai well the heavenly father may hare meet bim for a decent ahocmakor cap n joe or a carpenter or omcthin o that sort bat da waa never mcaut fur a preacher l all an nobody could t vcr tnako a proaahel of him either why yon can tell em in almoet before they do open iheii for there a nothing lu thia world thala rartlier olt from each other than them two thu preacher thai men do make and iho preacher that la want by ood 1 ve nntioed that the ol i propheta alwayi had a burden afore they apoke like aa if the raoeaago o tho iord laid heavy upon them an praaaed them day an nmht thata tho dtfferenoe cap n joe betweeu men that can preach au men that can t the pro phet thai ii oome from the lftrd do foal the truth all ov him it do lake up all hia ihomhia an do preaa pon hia hearts givln him a thrill o joy in hia own aolf or olao makin bm tremble at il with very fear ii ii be nntitiv in hia ara day an nighl a followin him wherever he koea au what ever he a a doin of why when ihe word of the lord comra upon me ilka that i can t help banimeriu my ahoea to tho text that i k runnui in my mind an alitcbin em with it like aa if it waa the apphca lion 1 he jery olock will keep tickiu it in my eara- and aim oat everyihink that i aee do oome to be niiiod up with il 1 bare tia aeemin to mo tho word muet be a bo rum ore abut up in tho man a bone an thon he ii preach ami old lan el tap pod away at the ante aa if that bottled tho matter cap n joe waa turniuk the notion ijuiolly over in hia mind without aaylnk a word iraeently danel looked up attain ihe utile eye twinkling merrily an talkiu o bone do put mo lu mind of auother tiling ive heard toll about hkeletou bormona now aeemin to mo cap u joe that there a only one way for a norm on- not to be a akeleton ittnuetoome out of a mau a own heart wrapt up io hia own fjeah an blood an breath n wilh the man a own life if it dou t then therell be bonoa dead bonce uotbink but bonea 1ut together all in order 1 dare aay but bonea only cap n joa fur all that no naturaloeaa about em 1 do mean no life an uo realneaa bul a aorl of a ithoetly tbluk that you can aee through all vr ulahod an ahliilu may be but dead bonea till why i ahould every bit ao aoon ex peel for to aea a paaalo o akeletona a walk ioh abjrat aa to moot tliem there kind o ood people that you hear about aotnellmea from tho pulpit or ihein there dreadful alunera i ahould ao aoun eapect for to aoo a akeleton ataiidin up to young 1olauo a amlthy a palllu the bolluwe or to are a couple of am alttlu dowu hero aluoaida o ttfit laiiirs ctlcn conipoui the siitvorers hope nml liivjrim it alwayn maltoa pooplo woll use evehv prtlaul ion to avoid thb faubstltuter for tho sitka of monoy profit ho would porsundd vou to uao worthlooa modlcino opinion of distinguished pcu- sonb ojsjf atlcoholic r liquons hltih lira ninl honot uirintarli j hit fioliriim ll nimhrr if ami rfllj thooll in m hit irii r 1 i in 1 i hn will il i i ma i id i h1 nliiii ar fur grape and llt there are two roada open lo tho old and young rich and poor who aro aufforiuj from any of tho dtaoaaea now ao prevalent one leada to miecry anil death the other to now life and perfect health the sick and auflennrt are fervenlly praying to be led in the way that guaran teoa a now life tho joyuua road that leada onward and upward to a wealth of health and bappinoaa lot it be diatinolly understood that there ia but one well marked con ran open to all a inctid in need la tout rally the friend who aeek tba new life it caila fur uidhbit 1piua atrtkea uu fur a iuarter ihoiiyiiitmitk of iiikfm hon ljhii l i in ii ifan iitli jr vr vhiatlti llkjimtii i ruiikhn hi0 irltnit haa ilisiigin i in drinking juilgr turn y tiram jujeo hawkilld morn allot ii hpnrioi i l wlll au lh dlluk drunkard uitrttu vv uaiu drtuk ia the iiiolher of ma niirao of ormic lord llnu prink la ihn frrntoit uimibcik to tin diltilaiou o i duration john ilrnht drink tho only lurnlti- onrmy whnm itiglaud ban to fear irinco leopold nino icnlha of the caari id bo tried are oauaed by drink cluei j italic llovtll ninety ufnocaaeeoi olevrrv hundred am rauatd by driiikmvrudhe idrakuie choone rather piiniih yotir apctitrh than to be pulitxhid by tliom kpictetua to drink well ii a properly nierl for ft npongo imoalhanca r lvery inordiiiato clip 1 unhleamhl and thu ingredient i k devil btiakwam ilouty ctucfx a mil it undo of aina ailvertiaeuieiitt never jit work on hull day patttoa celery compound a greal phyaimau a diacovery proacribed by the beat living phyactana and alwaya auoceaa ful when honeatly uaed ii la not a patent medicine ii la not a taraaparilla it la not abuibrir n narrlne ji i s far mjojki thern all aa health anrpaaaen atifterini to the thouaandaon tlie broad rod of uftarlug from troubles auch aa rheiium llim ilcuthkir djapepua indigeation conmipalion liver and kldnoy affecllon- ncrvouagoaa hrarl atd tilootl diaeasea we aliould aay uao a few bottle of lainn tolerv compound failhfiilly according to dlrccuuuallnlll i ii tly euro juu ami roatore you to your fonuur ki health homember the dolaa are daugeroua hit aymptomaof to day may to morrow reaiill in mieery or death to be well and able to battlo auoceaafully with life a dut lee oarea and iroubka you mtint uae lainc a calory om pound the medicine tb4 haadowoawrel marvallttwa ihlwga lu hina are hamle4 ilnwii from father lo on but debt go tl o ulh r way many a man who ii a gkhl alu1 lu till ti rldhopca lu tnjm llro in lllo uexl llio niilluiiir woul i aooii bn nwamped if hobihn i know hour in i rim tlr aatea thouaanda in tbo paal vhon buying iaino a celery com4und be careful to avoid the dealer who for the aake of profit would have jou lake a wprthlm medicine keep dar of auch erchanta and dealer who would det you and imperil your life mr a pudd of hhanty hay out who waa inckly and wonderfully cured ey iaine a elory ompuiiud wrltoo aa followa for the benefit of nufterrra 1 kladly lvo my ipeneiico with iaiue a elory cum pound after buffering from dyipopaia for thirty five yeara and m notion wl many failuraa with ulher medlcluea i decided to uae taioo a celery compound havinn hoard of no many cure effected by it the compound after 1 uaed ii for a lime produced oilraculoua r cult a and tiainaiied my trouble prom a nonditlon of holleaiudaa being uuablo to bleep ur eat 1 now fori well ami trouk 1 am aatouiahed at llio reaulta aa my troublo waa an uld and chronic one i bave reoommeoded iaiiie b felery c m pound to aome of my neighbor and lu every oaaa it haa given aaliafaoliun 1 will alwaya strongly recommend ita uao whoa 1 have opportunity miuh places or the fcamih leudln tbo kind l there the puliill i boy in bkeleloua ap a jim an all thay ra good fur la lu be kepi lockad up in a boa and brought out every two or throe yoara ao dra aa dual an ao prnpor as uulliiu ihorva no life in am no klud o tirulherlinoaa fur u ahako handi with a an fur to wiah anvbuaiy brave aced i vo vary often thouuhl when i ve been lialeniu to them that theae bore kiud o akeleton aermoiib would dn vnry woll ierhbps fur a lot u akolotona lu lialen lo if yiu cuuld only tint om together very good fur them llal aren t troubled with amy floah an blood au ao haven t kol to work fur their bread an ihcfiae au nevor uood a new ault u clothea much loaa a bul tot put on or a pair u alockin a for to ba uioudod you aee fapu joe if you happen for lo atop upon their ourm why they can i feel 11 an that make a deal u dlfloroooo au tla no woudor that limy do aland alt the day lull- aoiilln with iuch a lovely nulla lko aa ir nothing ouuldu t put em out j hough ihore it wuti t do fur me lo eel myaolf up fur kuowlug how tu du il boiler than olhor folka but i have loarul ihu liera laaaua a uim may think about hia teat ao hiucta aa aver lie mind to au gat aver ao much light pou it but when ha va made hia cake ho mm i lake an bake it dowu by the fire of hia own heart aad that do mean thai he ve got aome ara down there bkelelona havaul they m all head and rlba there lie cap a joa depend pou it a piau mual lake tho vat down to hia own heart au hud out what lla lo bia owu mlf then bo can talk about il lla luuatgal ihe bloaeod lord lo ba lo bia own aoul what ba la telliu about to otliar paopltt lhu ii will uoiii for lo have eumo real floah a blood an ufa abodi il nevor miud what a man du think or wbal be do aa my belief ia thai ho cant breach any inure o the go pel thau he have got in hia own heart ihe liffel lower ia rk fool hib voonviua the tamuub italian volcano 101 j feet hlh tho famoua mount hood of dr ia 11 570 foot hum the waahinglou monument la feet from baao lo lip 11 no knot ib tbo inghoat piano lu km lucky 1 42h fool una of the hlghcal pvaka in llio an lu ia sorlaa ji38ti feet the lower uf tho cathedral ul olnno are 611 feat blub tbeetatue of liberty it ik i bour i luu feci high mount bhaila llio celeb ated lua u 1 california la u iw foot hlrouiboli tho laiaud lutu oil i italian ooaal la 1 hlat foul luilh there aro 27 mouulaiiib m nova-i- ui than 10 000 fool high the dome of the oapilul in wa llll faot above tho pataoioiil yum lug baa 1 1 mountain pokn i uf more thau 10 0u0 feel mount waahuikluo l inn li ii i tbo hlgheat poak ii now haumibio thoro ia li o mountain 10 ikk foot bi lllo american ouullnani oanl of tho itouhtun ropuoatajnitl 17 7l- feel above th mi la ingardod aa the lnhl flrvlli in me too monnt olyiiipi- un ui lllde the homo uf lb k i i 11 feol high 1 do cruaa on tho dima ur hi 1 olei a n itomo li if fool atmiv llio avriutml of llm purlieu ibe pyramid uf t heopi la ill toot but about thirty foci of tho former tup waa aea agu remuvml 1 he dou e lliat can bu athe jnar in i iw tho unly icry dav lu mnelj per i nit f fintnrr trjhiftltitrlliii- 1 im i niiih of ftifuniatliiin am rrinnvoil of nit llio irrila li a lu lajvo a conni hood arhnraapmliu at thianimiti i i n l tin di v drvn fruiil llm hyitum by viiltllatrlimloiiaithlclliflnnidunlltnir it n nftur lioll llliu lhtt wlrieh llhllei dmrjaaai ibtlilim- ir in half a duztn hnilva f 1 ha v anlla will cirhn ba k in laiiii n t hallf mid igir of lliannl mr mth i ftp mr hood 4 ill are i -y- tu li take naay in up rate 1 ir a jlo oballuary and rotrii itiitlou palter kite tin j an only p piillrtgaiialjium f lit itmiida of tin m vi thl nittu m v 1 loik iiitlniumulory r i luiry ihl amliltirlurtil for il iml but found 1 waa gulling worati titivrriiiwmirrrarry iiiiiii mm ilia l and mild f ijj ntpihir it7p i nal ueatiiig from ncithtiir thnt hhii gui oiir ilifrdock likn a tl unit rn fur br dmnthlnr ivlu had m 1gmlmitni ilu u and ii itrlh r i pur i liail a thlil mi lafinr lahiuu will llt half uf ii i f amfohatvl mi j ilrui i mynirawiviing ami oruualatra i wi uinllnnl i ul h u fui ai uim i r vnr with ltlhnnaii f il lung i lu r hi itleuup by he li i a miglibor i r f ttrriimg again h i adviod motoliy lr i hum- hlolh nim m m taking ii ii ii ach i oil alllug ihl hia wfo lal uatl it fr a l l wl thiuai iruublawiih ihn boat rwulla act j i li r ilml laiiiontirrly i tig on hia alvilc i prik urttl ilia mmli and loaa than half a lnlt 1 1 cm i u certainly beliokeit haviil my lilt it wilh roiuctautu that 1 cnauit l u i w sv reduced lo audi a talo ii doubted tho hiwrr or any nnled toth any goo i i it who uiikih r i catarrh ieopln got wiadom hy oaperiencn a man neter wakca np hia accond baby to aee it laogh ur iwa ileaxanl worm hrup ra movea worm uf all kind from children or adulte tito it the laal habit ihot wewtmi to loae becaueo il in ihn drat nun thai we hirm much dltreai all i al knra in ilillrrn ia cauhed by worm mutlrr dravr worm lxlcriiiiualur mu rclicl lty id movitik ihfrauar m h a tnl an j he i mi rla ailnm thai it i no parliiiilir creel i ho iiovlt ciiuwl lobiceo 1 lioro waa no mau for him to hag a chaw of ouibri cold a antlima huarbuunaa itrouchitla ole yluld al oncj to dr wood norwai luio byrup thu uiicccuiiful lhrual and lung huciflc ek laler hxxl po drth a north why do r hr i barbel a cut for cai mrurl hithhlslil rtially dekcrlbia the hhltl or aofl corn when pntnam a latractor ia applied ii du iii kly and wit bunt 0u that ti a hard ea rtrn work bo magical in bold hy all drugl itecollect tht hjt tractor 1 d hoo leather in guint tu the i 11- 1 kii dobilillu iho iclilea jo bul digelion and la efibcta are alretigllimiia tbu atointli immediald and prouuunoed lhii in ihe ht ii worth twu neck iii i ba king imrlaloit dlatrraa ciutb can be mii kly cured by ualug wood a nururay ilue byrup ii cure throat and lung trouble ito market thai it in a imeliuea dihvult loll which to buy but if wo bad a ou old i fllic of tho lung we would try tinkle a anil on aumplivo syrup i hoae who have uartl it think h la fr ahul uf 11 utticr propauk tluua rccuuiuiiudoil fur mill co upl lula i ho llllli folka like ll it la aa pic til aa ayrup i hi the ii fi the law uf mueoa la aald 1 tuto lweu delivered 1 m 000 jcwt high ilke 1oak where golil llfal llauit rot uu una aide of tba it iky mount m li 11 iljo feat high high poaka are uumoruua in iluradu ihere are lu thai alalo of iiouiilalua i h leaka each uf which luwara above lhe e lo a beigbt greater than 11 uim lm1 a boom u im muua you mual have a guud deal lu worry you jua limw aald tho president oandldale a frlaud i aupioao you ara bothered a good deal by lulervlowcra fur uplnluui 7 oh uu my proa agonl allonda lu that hut iho omio of a aampaigii la aouae thiug pretty haaxy my fluaucial backer alleuda lo the oi peoooa llul you have lula of utile detail lu itliuk about liko gottiug the braa baud la play flail to the chief at jual the proper point iu lb proceeding and having tho amartoan flag hang wbora you oan polu i tq it at an efleollve junolan no the atao manager and ptuicrlj mau attaud to iboae lhn wall ioqm mi- but would you miud tailing mm when yon come iu 1 oh i juati do iba runuibg fur olllco vubiuguui lit ir lower a du uut bao lhey are aup kmc1 tu h no way mo byrup cur nu rway hie hjupcu n way ino byrup he a l ll cannot m 1 a waya on urjk o for he llu dunk illl ainall aa alo tito ii vcr nl euro selfhelp 1 il 1 im lit 1 1 1 im 1 till lli til mm i dm it is i 11 nmi 1 ill ii nil ill i l 1 il 1 mi lilt in mm ll- 1 5tttf hmulion t t 1 iimi uilli in ll 1 is ll u 1 lhrtl iii ill- i 11 lll xhu sill lllll i ii lj 1 1 xx ill t ii vmirh 1 11 khu 1 ll 1 ull ll v m ii ii i xx is ll i- i ii i 11 k i xl hxi t r il ill tl i k ll u i 1 i tlio alvnrthom i mp1a bitx i tioltiir many proplo lujji that makrji i wood a norway itiin ht nip run h h lulda aatuuia lluaracucaa and lliuilhitli without fail itlo j all drugilr nevor diacuvi w opluiuna are like uaih hfllim the harder o i 111 llum the deeper thay go lu hit ogetahle till ir luroielr hfih liven to the worl 1 tlln fruiti of long m in i ar in thewhole realm of mot doner combined with in w and valunbh diacoveriea-novea- before known t man for dotlcale and ilibilitlr1 otialitulioim parmeleoh 1illa act like a charm lahri in mail 1t ittw effort la lmlll a i tl ul liw body itiuug luiio aiul viur 1 t us brvor la kliuwii by peiloiui wliboil wiluoan w bat una uiilil tc pa of dotuk before all iho world ihl hacking o i- jut 1 mrr1 t y ilayar i a iv al 111 trice vwt a their romance 1 elo autlng apeclu- alunulallng to of the ayilem in fact ao tro llxi to l till j im lly uh lh action 1 d iinaiit n thrlo wug i 1 n the hwr of tl i and pur if tbl di ami and nature am ur 11 rhwji i 1 q tint loo illl a i it nl them au i e that will anil lollrlt i 1 hi in what 1 call capital al i the lo y who waa ahul up with llio preeervn lahn fr infants and children mothers do you know ilatouuua impa fnj a cordial nuutyam allml ffcoliiiik t mll a f lilkln u nru cm iml f i j miwi imiil do ton know hint iiti i know hint in in 1 t-ll- pitm unlrlort druli wluioul lalnlltl tbo p yoo know unit yiu nhniilil iii rmll any inwlltlmt unlnaayimirymirihrhnn irinmof wum it i iiiuipiaail f paregoric hyniai aad mil or u or fi bul r i nnnoti tiiihini i i hiriuutud lu aoll narouca bo glvnn ymtr child r t railway time tabllw- crund trunk railway tttr tin ni- i i i n vullr h k do yoo ktinw il iiirli nily tot tnblo inrpnrntlon nnd t t lial of luilngrihlldiiui lnfmtllaliil with ry lttti yon kairwllintlil lorln in uo pmarfiiillon f vf rnmnua rr botnuel pltrhrr tliatllfuu imui linlaolor nirly llurly year and hint ion jwuvi la ow bold uuur of all otlur renumlln for hllun t t uilil t do von know nl tin i ntint omen itrimrtmoiil nf tln crjhut and t oliwr roiiutriim biv iw e rn rl c ilr illrlmr an1 hi aaalan to uan ota wwl oaxatorla ant lt f nmila id rtnl t i inline then i n amir iin iftonae i do tomknow m j jr nuuvuin r graining tin- rnroenl iotuciion waa bocaiiwi onloclu luul ti n v ahiuilii tsly bovrmloaa do yon know hint 35 avorafjo n f u oiu arn firrtuabo1 for 35 oamta r unit ontit a dmm 1 d ten know thai tinn ponwniwi uf tbln mrfri pr norallrn yimr ctiklroa may bo kept well nud llm i y i iim linv milinkiti r at f v wall thaee thing tiro rortb knowing they am facta the famalmlla algnatti flaiflk children cry for pitchers castorla vt vt v rs v v r r nice goods when you p do you j approcluta 1 h 1 j l vjuulu see them s if so youll bo dollghlod with our range of now t olored hhtrla s hiln rihut nr lii hhiru nnw nc f nllli now llala and ai newncckwal n w i h itm u n ew ollr and h d new sprinc suitincs and trouserincs r e nelson l in 1 ttli aiul 1 uiniiliii ii i i nothing but ulaal up to date alylra no place you can bu auitcd au well fur i hot atealher gooda t 00d encrayino ffephoto eiigravlnc sfe halftones jljonesfe funk wacnalls standard dictionary i i i im mil i rilt lifcbl rohall iuhiogfia it in the latent nod mou cvmplelo t i i ill- nin uirlh n ti s ilmiiatkl nun miv llli huim 1lllt mnr 11 uu 1111 i in it- rtu 1 1 i j17 hf rlllu n uor rtnil ii it n noimhi ita dollnitionti are ctnur und eaaot ui r rrnir llio jrntur urn mi all liniit iut it is adopted in tho public hchooln ul canada iil 1 i ii 1 hlt if now flu alive tnlir- tr in y luahle iii lloiu j ii illa trrt il wunli mn hiubnn lu in liluiiiatiuiia are ii la iho moat highly commended nri m i ntnif nmnrr nirrrnmimir i it lai hi it uii in ur of the right house cor king and hughaon stj hamlllon d rosl unodi ll 11 inb nil ho l ul tla lk all w ihh f uol 1 olj 1i 1 i ir mhr ll h il u mi 1 tl htyll h ip11 a b k un y jalavl hi id htl p 1 1 hull ur irilil light rolling collar jjd dark iaro full floii nil htl i hh cbo h- ed coll will tw tnl cuu eiceptiunal valur l u lfluiuu print jvruppora 1 ant olr i mil ur mitalni full altxivo ull kirl well made i ml muntlua at btutll houuctlono lihzor hllo full alrete ripplo back gular mih roducti to h 50 black or k h aid 1 in ull am t 1 in an vlll it it an itof hliw hailon i llhlralia m weat prae- a y fjooui 111 hal i i anm 1 1 1 1 i s fa ili y d urili w rr1 111 v k t bmr ii lttolu ultuo wldo i in lim 1 uit 91 j hrihou n jb ii lal a i 1 la 1 wilu oiltilo uo 1 lli p ila olurod guilt huiploi ott c al ajktcii pnunn u applicaliun b t elgl thomas c watkins king and hughsjti stieau hamil iun beauty tall i ii w ii r 11 al tea twtllg aut1 ll acnalod li l m j ifkrr 11 d fooled in ho ay tcui of he pal lo ll w ii w id olov one 11 in turn w llll alo iho o lrr hatr iiuwomi iii iwaulio nir wliru oblino1 in a aouu 1 iiiiadulloratixl alalo a tonoly fur tuaiiyaud greviooa liiy4y ilgradual judinou u tbo irulltbf ttn aro le1 uitu lunvbioaoii nd awnlgth b tbu in fluouur wl nh tuiniuo oaarla im naluro a own aloralivta ll relieve tho drooping aplrila uf thoao with whum a thrunit atale of nun bid doajkiidoiioy and latk ol l tile real in lifi ia a diaoaao aid by lraihtilllatng lhe norvoa diapuaoa lo auuud and rrfreahing aleep impart vigor lu tbo anion uf iho blood which bring alimuialod courana throughout tho vein irongtteiiiiig the healthy animal fuuotiuuo uf lbe lyalera thoroh making aollvlly a nrooarjoaoit alrouglhriilug ihejramr and glv4ug llfo w lha jigeativo orgaue whicli ualurallj demand lucroaaeil u balance rrull im pruved apiwttle norllmip and ionian uf lurunlu have gtvpu lu lha public their j tjuinhio winu at the mual rate and gualuil by tho upinlou uf aulelitlat till wirio appruanhea nearol prrfoollun of at iuiho market all druggtal aall il i i lli i 1 ji r 1 tilltj isl t hlltlitl i i il i 1 illi i s i i idle sllllmll l v stll n s m tz o v w if i iz mi i s1k i irstclrtssthiloring w h adams tl hualll nalloiit r l ll- r11 1r him ettlyml bcotcii buitinoh at luo and ul wards qanadjan sultinaa at all uu and ulwahdb ulue bbhob auirinqq at elj b and upwaltd venetian ovciicoatino at all uo and ulwaild pa nti no at 2 00 and upward i i j mu siki i i i 3 71 iu luiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuutluiuuiuihlurl ftjnk at waonalls co 11 richmond sl w toronto ont d i llla mil in miu mi a luallim acton flour mill cheyne cheyne bropriotora flour bran shorts at rtciht prices r i ii m i i att ill l lli i it rl i lb 1ti ll l t rlii t iiii it v tho uil lor or trlti itn kin aa 1 tin iiiallt of theguodb cheyne fc cheyne for twenty rix years dunns baking powder thecooks best friend larqcst satc in canada a molaren dentist 243 tonga bl toronto tlralhlaaolluset of tooth fpc 3 th perfect tea monsoon i em from imc tia iunt to the tt cu ve puhitv we ftdve tho latctt coin wo have elegant designs wu have borders and ceiling j mdtch perfect harmony we have ihe lowest prices i i ii us llu slc uf mom jou w tin t t will st iitl ou sliittlili sunpli s it in wtll rici httlr wg s7itfi t 11 11 an j a iinmitbt oawatw tradk harks oewlom patcmtak cofvriqhts ana jnctttifii mcjicatt prospectiye housekeepers ml ui imtxiidii fur iruihuiive imiraokc pera i l ncunaary fir lbe purihaan of appropriate rliruiture auc u uf rmu to all ulii i hey ll be aurpnao1 lo lean invebiuiriit tboy can bcln wilh if choir leleutluu la olior hotiao haeorb uan und many artlcloa thny nco1 ill 1 iiaiabiuga we ran uhiii liu imtll au lado fium our atuck pnug at very low undertaking o xt too and uulah 1riti nplole v an eaoellcul aain oi ii 11 lha city elyloa lu dltlii or oaakata dohveratl r aeuuable obargaa t kiuia afjj acsf int h rdrm3 httof and ihotv koowi j a speight zi co mosr successful remedy fob man or biapt oarwlo lu l jffrrt nm mlwam llnul 1ruufa ww kendalls spavin cure ir ruu ifaiva- nirti l j nvnd air til jlia hub aruty cha lowau an tw kendalls spavjn cure j-aasiv- v t r r t rfil r r j r i- -j- j uza vr li 7 ihujujtch- al anciliaawiwlla mi kj ll l ornuirjliir ki r aldna l ur h j tlmtltl lifjlm juua-

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