Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1896, p. 2

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iwpfvw f imirhfki lhmiiaiulumttat llm rnnlliiumi of lj hrhfitafallinr on wrl usila itllli jiiiy luv l hlnolikii ilnrkwottd lr j lllatihard or nitlm l martha k nly hmihtnr nl mr win llamas f tflj ftbe artfliljem ihuuhdu 11 m 1h ihuil t notcb and commlnta durum tha recant troiiulos m inhrfnnoi burn south afrloa ono of llm ural ioh nf the ofneinl wm lo cloar vorj aoon com panaata thn umium for tliir look and than ntiatroy llm liiuor by puurliik it on itm iirouad a ilfbuaioh from llm umornniont oflloo london 1 tin ns tho tin pari from canada incroahod iwelvo por oonl during ihay wlllti onintnl imrts dofllmed tour per crnt tunn llio nvn months imports from canada inorrsbint 43 imr nml arrangements havo bocn msiln uilh lie canadian iauifla hallway oomnany for the running of rsfriunralur earn for uutlnr to montreal on term aimilar lo thnao which wtro atfrood upon taal season in ontario commonoiiik neit wook a oar will lovo twilvfatsr fwi owen bound ouoe a fofctoiulil piakinff dp buttsr at ataliuna batwoan llinio point mid toronto where tho shipments will ba oonaolldatod into a through oar for montreal au import nit oh an no lias been made in regard to ilia obarife for bo in storan al railway statluna which mtoroau llio entire ira veiling public a nnw aohodulo of torae obaffjaa on bakaoo haa also bean decided opopj to o mlo c fleet on the lhth ioet ai follows ifral h houra freoh aoood 21 houra icentt each au bat intuit 24 houra 10 cent no oharft for bundaya or dominion holidays lleretofore tho oharya on bamakrj n 10 cent a week but the railway auuioriliea olaim thai awirlin nt llm irnmllnitf pumin havn taken advantatfs of tbia to leave their bagktf au unreasonable lime in thehanda of ibe railways aud that the new tariff will have the rlloot of makini people remove their bagtiatfo at once elections on in earnest tha candidates havo boon nomln a tod throughout the dominion nominations took placo on tuoaday throughout the dominion aud when tha report a came tn from tbo different oonalit nenolea it waa found that bo four aaata had none tiy acclamation iu froutenac lo the patron mr i j d ii hora daunt to vi r dopant couaoroative bertbier to mr deauaoletl who it a liberal on tho iraheljtieallon liut may now bo eanmihl m codsorvativo cm the aatiool quouiiou aud hi hyaciulho lo bornior liberal in all the mat of the constituencies there will be a bard flhl on ihe ilrd for supremacy lu throe ontari ooiiatijuodqloi wait elftn huulh oxford and weal bruoo the conaervkiivca did not put up oandnwaoa w4iharikhfaerjto-wamun- m atx- lean ndlok vie laat bruce ardwell kaat uurnam glonarry laat oroy north uaatiiikia north lanark boulb lan atalannox kouth norfolk kal nor ihmborlaiid north ontario houlh han fraw bouili hltuoor 1 at i or on to aud waal york ig our county of ilalton llanderaou and waldie areiu the hold for a alraitfhl fluht hume tho mocaxlhyite after a mouth oiwpaltfoliik druped out of the conical malton farmers institute i l warrsn acton president for thi curroni year fb ual moatluk of hal tun trnmoo luattltilo w held at ilia town hall milton the boo treaaurer read hi report whinh bowed the funda of the institute to bo in a very aatlalaator oonditlou 1 the following ofucara were elooled fur tha euauluk term 1reaidanl jamea l warren acton nice iroaidnnl i hart ler nelaon sec treaaurer w h itob bios nelaon dire tori hilton dr hobortaon aolooalo waldie qeorttetown l uraul oakvillet uowarth naaaamweya jamci li lrf tmo kllioll and johu ilurna nelaon qeortte k rmher joti hani trafalgar john dick in oharj hall aud w ftayuor kaiueeuhi l 1 1raauiu john ftiown rtalka aud f huddell a oommlltbe oouautlu of dr luibort bud wm uleraeula aud john dlqktn waa appotalett lojirraua for au eiouraluu to iba model rami at ouelph aume time lu tbannftiiar county or halton elbltm n thu polllnu diatrlute in tlie varluui munlolpallt lea and the pluuuo for polling thowi apoolally liiteroatotl in llm nleotiu uext tuesday will appreaiale tho followit list of tha tolltiim plaoim in tin ounvai leul form no 1 l the lowu llkll no j at ha hxl i t no a at tho town hall no 4 al lb ibadtutf ltoom cnul knltii no al hiyoal bchool houar t lllook v no althemetihanio liialllulo norv no 7 at llio ouuoil ilimubor hlcwn own no ft al dublin hohoot llooao no u at mra mlllor a lluuaa 1 tom uua comers no 10 at the low n hall oleiiwilliani no ii tke luwu ii m no i j at jauoboojas llouaa 1h at tho lowu llall no h at h yo no n a at tin ho 111 al orange hall uii t il no 17 at tho lowuahip luii itroukvillr no im t athanna tittup kuatahbull no 11 at 1 roemaii llfoa hure hi man no io hall nelson ila no ilht aloorauor llall kilbrulu no n at uerta 8tihtiu4 tlouao no i1 al hubliq llall appleby n t k no j at tho 1wn hall no jfi al the makoulo hall no ill at the ramfxtance llall no j7 al the uoyiio hclool llouo wo 7 itrjhai lirownasnorr nnm lain no il at tuwu hall ioatvlllo no ho al the joyce farm dundaa kirei 11 al tomparanaa hall ialerino if you waul oral class uuojpbsaah aud 4oora at qualph prioas 1 kbpo can oil your order al hia planinii mill v is aonoreo with vlnlls rom sir ohnrlio tim- nor promlor nnd hon o w iiobb mlnlator of fducntlon enthusiastic meetings hllp t71 i in tuiiiuiwlint iiniijiio for a sifiult hn lo hnvn ho honor of vju wilhln n mill by hnnh disiiuunihid narsutmria im irrmiir of tjift duiniiiioii and tho m uinlor ot mnipntjin nf itin prrrrtnnr artnn appi oialml ih h ml lu r it lln hi- dittintiniihiit viniium nnd both worn kivttt moat cordial and oiilliiisfastio rtoipllonn laat wimliioaday rvohlnn itoil 1 w uiaa mra it a and mr and mra john waldio arrived lu town by the itvoiiinit train a mertiiiirf w ar waldio s internal waa aiiuouikod lo hu liuld in tho town hall at oiuhl oolock lmir before thai hour a htnldluk was imdil to its utmost icicity and anorou wnr tiuabln lo niu admituuc the torutt itind p1l a nrtea of lively aira in ronl of ihe hall uulil n mccllnit opunwl shortly aflor lijlhl u oloth i k wanlnti johu warroukvas movid lo tho ihair lu a brtaf but characteristic epeeoh he referred to the iniorliiio of iho loaduik pioatiotm of the day and the ability of mr walriia lo advancu ihe bust interest of llm eloctoratoan a memoir of tho llodin of common mr waldio wu thuu luttoduuod and in ft ball lour addrojib cloarly aisled hla position aaa candidate forutasu nf tho oleolora of tho sounty of ilalton lid did not personally desire to ain enter the political arena hul nwinif to bin well known anxiety for an honest and eounom ical ovornuiunt his fnetidh in ilalton had purjiuadod htm lo in lor the held aa the candidate or the liberal party ha fell that ins wide business experience well uahtied him to serve tba paoploaucoosb hilryat ottawa ho elalkjratei upon the trade juration oxpluiued his poailion uoii tho ijuoatlan of provincial nithla while a member of parliament and still maintains thai uo province of the dominion rliunld ullar from coerclun on iho part of ihe federal potvera htig0w a qutatlo wai uulliairolhqod ho wsa lendored au ovall in by the uilmiio after rotarniik to mr waldio n vory creditable course while a member of tho hoaae of commuus ho said he w dellitlit ed lo vi 1 1 this old pnnhaiuootifily will hi prosperous agricultural and ludunlria interests lie reurottud howuver that thu good county waa aendiuif tu iho leuislaturi a itentleman who votes saiuat the ovarii nionl and to tbo houso of commons oui hood fellow ci 1 1 on who alao errs by volink for man thiiik of which you do not approve hut aftor to ihkht hocontluurd you will vote nithl roaltuitf that this country of ours la bikkr than any parly l anxccll ol uuarb two houra lion mr hoi trentod in a most lucid and iulcreatin manner first the ureal trade issues and then tho all sbiorb liik ijueslion of remedial leislatin he nhowuil that ilia trade jhiliuy of the liberal party wa heinu continually misrepresented by their uppoi nts and the u what his parly nlouded wlic they hot into power at the coining oteoti waa mil ti throw down the protective i al oikt loll swoop but by ihe adoptior au coonomical couch lion of affairs lu fully and aulioualy marratici ihe ian having uno couaiduralloo lliat iho bum of tho country be not unduly disturbed hist nil iho jkhiplo will eventually bo l iliad and tin burdunsollli laxu ri li and ao ciultably arranged lhal uo ono cun ehil lisvu utidiio advutki nor auditor tbo n p unit in stability 1 lie liberal tariff would bo adjusted upon a tiais i tint would eiikure itabiiily aol onll lout n utilor iho manltobs b luc tio i i i serious uestlon ua ptonutlt posili n in owwik tu the lack of htslosmsiiahip al thu head of affaire al ottawa ihe mi u in power ihoro du nol repppsuiil the itesl meu in ihe uiisurvatlvo party ajid aa a roaull conservatives rlbt and loft are cuuiin over to the auporl uf tho liberals ihe liberal party lis but one policy on this uaesliou one of conciliation there is a grievance in matiltoba he said will you aettle it by coercion or by conciliation i ho history of the ilemedial itill waa re hearaod and it waa atiowu lo bo uf such a crude charaoter that of tho flfleeu clauses ounaiderod 4 alterations had boon mads bir jobn macdonald always was concilia tory lu bla atatoaniaullko troalmolil of iiuoatluns uf liiflt nature tint hlr liurlon tupper the proacnl head uf iho kovorn mout is a mau of ooerclon at iho close uf mr hoas pool ruusiii clieero were jtlven for mr wuldio ml tlio jueen and tbo meelitik ulosed miiii tho national anthem arrangements wt rtt nmly foi i iuf visit of tho premier at aotou n hu fy lo qualph on monday al twolvo o look about s thousand pooplo hud kalliorod lo wolcomo tho 1roinlcr iho alalioti jilnl form sud approsuboa ouro trotvdod and ihe roofs of the adjoluiii hod and ai aocjiiimodatod many additional apeclalo i he premier on alititilmu ruin in i waa recoivrxt with boern sod llm mr1 nmiiuol tlm lud wlhir nd lllur vnlon oriiet hand ms haiiderton ha i k i hi i u uieol iho prcuuot and a inpain him to acton al about ov later than ai alighted from by w ii hloroy 1 and conluoled i- so hliproviaed platfonn dourtr 1 will union ja k hum a vrtml udiwc ok half an lour d aa uir horlus olui mr ii hyndb 1 robideul ol vaaociatlun und wliiuli wurds uniplliiioiitud hlr i hailu hn first appearauoe al alon and nralu ulod hill 11 tlls asmmiiptllll ol lh- ihjltki of flral mlnlator pf ranarta on itn platform ala wn mr llonderon lh onervalivo canlidt w h huxey and olbnrs al the milu i of mr llyml addria two lllllo illaldn misop 1 dilh niukhn sud jounio llvnd pre aonlod hlr hsrlo vthii two uauliful boujiiata whluh worn auknowlo lod by lilui nib resound bir charles mada a i to speech in which bemuall with iho tradn oetioii iv nd the aubiecl uf proforoiillal tfudu he ulosod with a tow wurds uf luuinieudatluij robimmkluh the candidature of mr hauder buui ahuuled a juoatlou iaardlu tho remedial lull whiuh ipietjon tho iromnjttjjad oulirsly notflocukt tn rcfur to ill a i iuetlod said he has boon ralaed by a parly wblu deipmirf of uottrnn mtapownr by any mhrr means than thai of trying tu uruutu rs aud rallkiuus aulaoinaiu itoad iho uf mr datld mllla ono ol iho ureslo1 a iaatyca i t ci uiftr and will find that lliere wsa only one oouras for ilia government to purun and lhal was id adopt the olluy ihoy did iulcriualod as to what ba had duuo for canada duriuy lil url aihrttlrnmiaromrli lnnilan i neighborhood wlws js mpl ukwlwttj until utindowii to iiv tin niojiiihi idiui uftnfvn itomu ustnttu1l bsmcorruu- wlial ho had icciiiiplih d iturlnu hh term pondujata ex in tlioollkoimnuil hnidimid ills rmiiarltit nltli rtfnreiioe to ii ton rf iriiiiriiy bh a notd iiiuuiifacluiiiii i ntri a atirnttapah wm made ly mr i s otlmrr ln h h thul uiluxhuliuij ruu t ih i irtti li ni s in i i ol i of hi i horn- in lh l untie were r und ilulin wllh uuuli i ikdm hii 1 in faquir i llm mtniilbi 1- n iiuluhtrial hipu h liural propoi tariff diwti in iho i ntntojtinild lh ii h 1 itm by uiabluulatuiiltvu 4 uiia- oilur jny he al uhnd to toko iff llm jour for thn b it of lower iroyim mr ltiuir dutirhuu pik the flehermin f 1 ho prominr h auml hl jirny at inn onlork amid lh hinity hirh uflio v and thn blunil ifnlliiui l ih td 1 political pointihs ilalton a m arlhyih ltlididate dioppi 1 out i f the men auxit a x k sjj mr hoiidorson h t niiiiitod i w hoyd hiu liuancial akunt ami mr waldiu hat sppoifilod w 11 lindtay in at in tin buhalf mr 1 1 it miiiuim 1 of i oruu to nptiku at hurliiitou imtt oviuilntf in mr walloh behalf mr huudlruoii will hold hm aotou maul uifl to morrow ovluiiii it ih alated thai amayur uarke uf luroulu will be one of iho speaker a lively mectintfwiti hrll in liallu a hliiooi house lottt 1 ridny cmihiiu in mr kloepfir n nileront mnhsnt klimipfer llltolt uf miluinaud audurhoiiof lulih were the apuskcrs and ihuy wro obliged lu aiihwor man intirrouatioiih mr hoinlorhoii hold a very suaoossful inoolinu al luorhulown on mundav eviuinij ilalton hatt hul iwo cnndilstis in iho hold msr waldio and iletnlnron are uld liuiu opiuneiit and thu lihl will bo lively no female barristbrs luw socloty donehars decide wo- nnnl fit ontario co rtu aat wcok the bouohum of llm law jilmjiuty uf ontario dot i i oil nol lo admit men lo prartue at ilia bni 1 ivo oars anti minn urn limit marlin a niinn lady uf struiik timid sot oul lu upon up the lecsl profession for lieralf and her sisters hi io articled in an olllre and took up the law school lonrho willi the result that alio pa nod liar final examination a couplo uf works suu in anlicipali u of ihus on lu tinii hnr indus uhc uvii brtihiiuib inn k1 hur friends in iho duuno i r to an act ullonuih wouiuu to bo i llu 1 h ihe bar on ionlitiii itiul thu 1 tw h ciely bsnchoro a tlinr ui it boucliuia cuter day luuk auauluife of volu ml- marlins h bv adivmion of i lo miamifliiiinii i u plead in llio courts of ootail i ill lit unit pr telle ll annual ptc hiy aflri iho fnllt ndlrunxml ihe luuinl by aph thu utimiiik ituililu ws lulilu i in till lulu hour and u i uplny if llrtwotkit wa llllfllf ltov 1 alitor iui v ualunarai i huj vm a r tln luri in the hull nl lltllinttad iho in tmu ou ihuntday niht mr ai irnw crno wi niiptintfld halnnsi mr iiiuevspuku for norly un hgnr u blr chnrlotluppramulie rmorl of t lowirnmont of which hn it i the lietd and llioituaplsiusl and ntluyii puuitiou on thn manitoba m hool ijuialion mr itarlletl tihnl up his htlf h ur with a simes of ehanos aitnnitt llio i iberal party auhn df oof tin i try r itionl mr i druhir nplid to bun lu a upioch ful nf fcls n arum n s and carried the anditnet wiilt htm aflor a few wor is from dr mirtm a cordial volt of thanks aspashtil lo tho chairman nnd lhre chnri wore ivtn fur tho queen a inuiuu one for mr innus aud a mailer one for mr hluopfnr ashghovi- a new ooi ubh iibh i i hi pun i1bbui1 hi anlirovr and llm ikij s listn alrraitv atiluinaud whnl foil is in htorti for utxl all by the unrrifotic kit k saturday nif mr hallltilyio ol arthur t tun runida in this viunily thi vttih mr ii wilson droie to walorduvii laturilav where ho itton i paj uitf a l i br unit ftnti itryatipfl i llm tluaau o ur 11 muniiuu ibis itjavg ill iff iif ii li di par inl store t htiini that nhirtisini li thn irttln reahnn why i liny prnsjmtr hohnya u ithmil thnlr advr tituim the bt oris ootild tint exist could nut ra h 1 1n ir usuiiiu r- a iitwpainr ml in h thiutnn lloifiud ah aiiiaii anfl lh i ih i th v da lutry loio in till ril r- it run i in hull ii jrinuriilh atiti pi ran ml n in buyllijlin town slorea thn jiwiprttonrnf rhnoilinr i trirftsutptitit iinn lluir hijl l iiikiiii lo niulirnol a lory told lo i ho tin audit uf itoplt by thu hmiiui1 loimfd halixmitn who is tjomu uwiii u it any wondvr llnt oe trade na boon inulnrliii around tin bluadverlls era not to ihe thinking nun 1 ho husi nejs in an who is thoroughly attrrj am inftiprihinit thouulilfnl p roialonl self rejlniit un i oonll i lit lit inevir ftar com prlillin in a rlly win re lrdii nay lie tinriki t un nt urovi h d alna s thai the owiir intniim nnlbnionl eiiolmm to make knowi hit uieril tho name arriiment homa k o i in iniivllfir lnvvi i hu man nlio tnks the public into ms roullilenca by p rih nll nlvttrtliiik his hwr and uvea the little qires at home as n rulo mtnmta ari in hlaino if h children are puny weak tier vo j a irritablr llm little ones may bn wnld n clothed ami amply fed and yet inlly ftoptcctml it lxuld hn remembered lhal the child n inherit manv of thti tronblos that itihnnv hill th itiuti r a li can be sell 1 as tvnll ni luld now if yoar alhr aerel 1 ptl mil d hi his mi ua r and kill ii hi no ild l aa uih a in and ilrfing vr hi mi- 111 1 s what mother told him null 1 hnuy in iituousy and he ll i hlo a mnn having botifrrt n thonasnd ii nan cigars waa anked wht ho waa carrying iiokets to a course pi lectures tu be k vim by my wilu o replied bond your invitations lo a thaikstvinp dinner out itrl j if there in anything that provokls a man it la to bo compelled tu rufutie a turkey thankful vine because he has prlviouily aicrplul a ohickii invila would kiep from slips urva with care speak i u whom uu ua when and wltri if you jour lp 1 v lhiiin ii hfim ivuiitiou in hornby moiuuy jo mc it wh mai uijurod at mr hood ituuh on lh oi lino on luosday lie lull from the lop of th huillinu and had one ir broken iho oilier i ally tiirained an ai in hrok n and bi ritihl lhcck auriourly rushed v chrwbonb lurnlhs i o wsildiiiha nov hit ordr jlr john kit i iwo of nllhbbtvi e1 yoiinit poopl laat widni ailay an i llioo onm of llo dj u mi l 1 u ib a most highly mtrrm ro iiiiilod in inirriuo iheir many frirn la her lilt luiiors rault uuod in cl ith i vlidnah hooe i by tho vnll ku n ol ml mjtha 1c i lu ici1 iii ir tiook h pi llio juo 1ul1i la oll mo jo and uiatorialn hul in addition a lial aticlo on wed llnrf atlno and tuiu ni luywootls lllusualluue and doacriitious uf 1 uolrtaiaittical liutiroibory an i i amy stud l hnptttr uu beaton able ihlkery aud llio latnal idem ill k ill 1 1 lut lace mukiiil an 1 t rouliollut are amoiik tin other fdaluros of tlul liutiilmr of iho r i address aommun icalion to llio iuuorihi publishinu u of 1 orouto limilod j i hi bmotid bt wosl lur local anon i fur subx n pi lull prio out or the ihe ho oa rick patterns i ol tho imi tn per 11 kin ip art will i will l o nhkil woikn and hlblo i lllllo hart luted by huuday st h sluluula ltiiirlly has lkii oomiilod tiy llov w l wilhrotv ii d i u s oditoi of the mlhli ji it tfivea a blatory of the lirnt trutury of rto hrll ian era and llio primip1 events in the itto uf jonui i hfll i ho mipllll m ih htsod hyton iho lnit k 0iuiim a new anj p mils propnl map of plesuiio tlo a puu of ihe i it v 1 j no ion 1 lit whide l osdctilrd in horiuut ui nit mlur tlvldly ii mlhtrl i hul a li iminii in rttadll lopuln1 al u lanur llm wrk lly llliinrprl in i 1 ally ttd r i til ml an i brio ll riuddjin ll tn 1 ly hoi palpl lurbu lly pliihlos ami lent aa if dtlt mil break msltiu will i os iu has hn reoouuiend aa iho uioit pliaai etbolonl rem j fur all lbno fm drraiiouonie ihnt hod manlfola laastludo lio lonuoa luhiiidoli ilibb of blhll and dikoslivo piw larva toilli a hid y bull lur a uutrlt dltteallve bloiil of liotlnablu vnlu drulslb mill i why will yo n allow a uoutih to 1 bllinit a t main liittft and tt th ipllvu urave olini titnoiy iic uf hi kit a aiu i uiu hyrun th pal ho hay ml a ai andir uided 1mb sy rup bi the taste and unsiiipaabod fur relioviii hcsliiik aud uuruik all flcllu of tho tbroat aud luus toughs uilds fftomhilii i i jiy prosperous weiiileil 111 hluuv ho look jtosoiion of the ntnrn here now wllh iho noiv niik k it prrmnla a v ry i iiiiuu aibr lh mr i mill 1 1 hell 1- 1 l tlid hn h ll toll 1 mday n it ok wool mt ih hlnl liuril pod 1 su llt ll ri will i vul no let ns take rotton nan rx ample ex i laiuit i an uptown tariff dcbaler or fui lhat uiatur let uhaku lubacco or bettor l ill jut uu lake wbiakny i and tho uhai uiuiudiatelv dtlarnla rt ss at tlo u ulbctilohbd iher pripara are sedly r rd white am trairaiit itnl ouiil i til i i i elu m lt nil txy slrtul furiiiprl dr dipl list bees hat nhly polibhcd ivorllie rtfrerhin preservative i are they frail restless end nervous ia inks ckikity comiihm will make tiifji mtmhi as t iii very abort lime it will k natural sp petite sweet blimp and will make the little lea as happy as farks a inixhy chorus of kraliladomtaatfoiio up all over llm dbjuuuoh ii rlxl falhera and mothere who havn had their dear aries poifurtly reatored lo health by iafnos fr tlo of little rnl componad uuos huftor from wnakonrd norvea a lenaty i frdm father or mnlher i hi nerwua m l ow nt f hlrm s- ditioii brueta irrltableueaa bad temptr headachr hidntoalitm alomaoh trouble l color compound wuh rooat krstifylnjj results at different limns when 1 found myself ran down to a nervous condition 1 have alaq found ilia compound lo bean excellent preparation for my children and impure blood if your dear onea are sllliotod will any of the inrahlc mentioned above bow n you axpeci ibam to bs bright liapjy and hoallliy they need your heal and moat inlelllreril oare ov they will k up in ln p ot lh p ommer diaeaae and utter wreuhednm m children aoemeol to be frail nervooa give ihe children papie a ccory com ni had no appetite foa their pound it la the medicine that is particular mtmi py oonvinced from personal ex jy adapted for forlifyiiik the nurviua permnco of tha real vadna of iainaa lyatem for butldintc flnah bone and mnacle f compound i roaalnd to fcavo my id for p purr clean blood l luu ou umm tu ths ra ao pleas- dominion- elections tt llslia i jl vi rtf jiuav electors of hahon your vote and influence altk ilktllt rlmiiv hot iriri ti mhi john waldie the liberal candidate for tlm iioiiku of commoiih iaina a celery compouud is pleaaanl lo take it entirely veuttair aid cannot harm tho mart delicate orfiauiam it will banish every trace of alnkiiean and diaeate ink and satisfactory lhat i am prompted lo ad viae you for tha benefit of psranta who a re auxioua rorardiok the oondlllon of their dear onos whp are frail or nervbaa 7vtk7ut7woth house walker mcbean fe co georgetown goods h iv iilifully wbito of ituhatd st rt to ip ll mr iniihi h la i i 111- i at pped i dr wl norway i l r synp pile aft st still lmst rure fur uiuitha wilds and luiih tioubh prnej at all lrn llkhly plaaod villi ihe pahtn in i 1 i j jj pi ii n mi i tunr i ui k it l f ira tor llm heform party rei had vl x j ipbell of 1 ta k will hihlauxliti mr m t cialllblf mm 3a kanihaw i k ll h days in 1 owvillu llil wt h mr 11 t rowson of ltnkwool huuday al ins imnle a mr m tin mis latiine miltuhlm of n weya s huuday al mr 11 alio wailhbb cuulu iaik a i i all club cu plain i l ot b fur kiokliiu at llm uujual way tlu ro just ihink uf it biuiotimob tb u uiadn tu run fur several yoars day and infill without any oil and in load uf tho watili oumplsliilok the owuar n rilud bnauso it does uut koep time to thoiiiumlo homo liiuos thoy are hmik up winiotiiuci laid another and yol ulny liavn ftil to keep hood tlnio or llm walchmnki r ha ot lo thought la tlb llkukblleaiiosn un thu rl a fall is nil rfupi 11 jiftmiit ht r it in i k after the qrip lo strength no ambttloi llood s sarsnparllla cavu perfect thru hi and i ts the very ihtnu llm u whlcli i win du k llm fall how fall do and solid i buy dl kninikrd past atruok with tho plow ll in the ba k when yoi are i auiuos i hey aro wound up lino o look and anolhor nlk i heir bands aio not tiauk ai are sitlinn up with your i forward half an hour i wipihir time hut tho wat i wroutl itself llln i prluulo loan ll oul y a i bancr i buo lout my bnal lo tllnkn y nr wall h a time koept r yctljiclp uu li krrp it no 1 it ims not ku rltthl aftrr i rtiuir it lot me try ll aau hul wm do your part wind ilium regular n kro yi pookela oltan aud every wudi wluoli 1 ul on tillfhl at litalmiduitht hour 1 yon rt and hutod hurry up thu ihi i rdm tm kr if u vc u a praotmal watchu i- and fund of my ly jnii you may onlr innlhln alleulluu r of luiit rk i wll um with geo d phingle wtatchmakor qualph jl vll1 hoods cures n nnd poor mood ipjriiu tu my ho uhhi 1 till u un i an 1 imluk lliu ol ulrtn j tv nkfmxv si tjenrrr ev itruniwjcic new 1m1mkmkat uihkoomn muln strool acton john mcqueen 11 f i 1 1 name i d alia mhllu i aa fill din i ain kllkia in la i ton v yh1 sinilli kails mwi milllianl v roll osnna tllilt i s a nit t ul rtvatohit v itiii 3 imoui r l i h tdd fit jil john mtuhihn a big cash discount kenney bros dominion boot and shoe storo main streot acton tdu l i l ill alloi llin and slioei itiiuuprxaikt fciliwir iimiiiun and alists kl illf tr knot taal klknlv uhoh acton v low prices iorm the lo ldstont that draws custom to our store and jd iluts given for the same make our patrons our friends with ewry article in stock juu will find uniform system of price that is alwajs in favor of the buyer we do not gie goods iwa but we buy cloiie and sell close and share profits according which is why we secure what ever energetic merchant u after the bulk of business in iixt rings for the present sesaon we are particularly enabled to show decidedly interesting price items which will satisf oui old customers and will surprise all others mltliaary out s hi him mlllltmry lu ln ki utilarlan i hla will i a iiroat aaaail ft r tioa iiillliimn ii may lt dial inn i tiro for mil llnatr i hi imicl looar lliati toronto prlco drttaa utwda roam a faat culor inula loc oloro1 olum rtimna a l n aud uc lo tuijurltlg ditprttoaat u tailoring artinait la foreluu alad 11 lianl busy twolva ardan roeslvad from toronu laat wook aud otliora will follow lu a da ir ttioy ottt qndliib ut thojr can aava a ilia duuaa uu a ault uf duo rlutliluir at u alkor urluau a co a twood mils for lluiv r hk111 11 w wurui h oil pill 11 nl m hvh iwutfo uv bkcoatv u1 lat u can i au lulnr ulan 8 i i mono l utttlil rriini ua wlit not tu il iiiiiiiiihi willi ilo boal uf tiiuiuiliika froul alt bicyclk suits a ulrtro t blandard patterns for may to hsi iaihlk6r 7vy co the great one price cash store th6 f r di ii k dbwler giyelph co tl it iiil itol s lilt liul hcic make tin uluu lu a oucll sellllig ha i i ii ii jiulph tnd all the tune i nice wt nttietl the present campaign full i nh ill i t in ih buunduess uf the prim iples of n bus mi s csh and out 1tu t i in tt suit t da 1k w rtt vvtic jubulia n t hi 1ion surik ma talk ve are doing gt i tu tlu nl wt an bunging tiadethat noyer tame btftiit i lu thawing power if such prices as ihtse ts t i gi ral 1 i hi all wu1 rto luv tin jm pittuh am wool dutmim- tor id 10 puccrt lutitni stureu 4joujn uo 4 uud 2i iiuuh ritiklo moth fw unl 10 tlouii jtv ttihclrj 10c 20 iiittd jl in bniuit towelling tor 7j 1 huo titblo iiinuti wurlli ioo tor 20t 1 piuuti t red uml wluti ioyl liumiuik aa u an 10 do run ho 10u tor be 20 iloun lucu mitu 20c uml j n uu 10 10 ilokun 7v corbotn 4ht rhotiftiimtrt ot fi ti prtuifb cry intuit liihh than thotr naiiat long the frank dowler co urottt quli hoiimj leiaiuiiutai i ilrto aillirrtisrmrntr i wool wantkil fiirrloan nibrehantstila wont flail vamd at j ink nmwtos h umshonaa kaihieks attknt10n 1l i- ahp rail anil it your order for hod an or llluo lllblxiu lilulnr twlno with mo at lown1 prlrra j iiilu notkk notk y la liorlr uivmittrllia un1orbl to all conrtrno1 ilial iin will not iw roanonalliu tor dalita eoutracuat lu til name by say srtt or tartlm iimin any iirrtonaa whstaver in actan donald ulss ua 1lnl ihua randsliy hocsk am lots for balk pith midirhinlonr aalo 111 iiouao and 1 wo iota on ttio coruor of ulll and u olllns lou atrwals afuii tho liiao la a coin fortab la- wall tiuilt iranio of flfcht rooms ii tiard sod aofi walor at llio door atablo woodatied wall fnnrtul a very dun lionia or auy bualnoaa moo ur rotlrod fanutr tnrun niado known ukmi aiillcallou to ui llniiibtrnnt or 11 ii woiiuks wantkd for iarticulara i i lara i cauinilaslona lis ll pan time nisii krninra nous aliould look in ui till it ittya ostlor uisu wortuiu on iho farni and odora a ohanea for iiromauon apply now slid got clioire of tnrrllnry htom v wk11imtos toronto canada acton steam -laundry- a cook proprietor f irsvclass work jtuaraiitccilin j rtnlly laundry work shtrts cottmjt j cuttx rrc work called fur ovary monday and i no rails y and dellvored ovory tho rod bj md bsturda a cook brampton pressed brick and tile works jas packham utii it rkiiau or hest pre88ed brick vmimuf tljf u mil tma la stock hii 1 itikh al it i uuoni now aidouco i ft south wolllrtftim btrost easit urampton okokuktowns 11vkst store 6ibs0n millar co tkkat june sale ant uoihi out auxk iwlun ii a lal of juj- lwclal niin in ulwsa iktmla ttnuallnau lloya and youtn a kaauy to wear olottuaft kto yigh idbb 1 ctiloring iltson mil 1 alt a i v itoc lllouk main hlroet tloormiujwu cornfields groceiy ttjla buaiuosa la tioa flrnily ostahlubrtl lu acton and la daily itruwiual in favor bolt with unisons sud farmers in ddllion la a kursl stuck tf tfrtcertm 1 havo made arranamonta in hsudlo lawsons flou whuli tvlll bo iiruiuntly drlivorrd in any uanllly at lovraat briooa butter and eggb and banners truiluoo itourrslly srn takfii in richancb arcarrsui markot pfc a a osll la soljcited from every rsadrr j a corn fields itarth reot acton gnifos otvt 8 mill 8root iuluiuiitiusuiuauiuiuiuiuiu v v

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