Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1896, p. 2

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bsr j- i 11 41 j wju ii flfuhk cammi 1 i it the roriilnufn if mm wide b mother willow uh1i ash on wd nosday uuh juno by lliv j i mcfjiiarrlu mary kllnii llnllln iniitfitcihl ilmiglitor of tlm rr- donixtm at ilrmitn nn thursday juno mill mrs lntar dnrland ouml dl yuar iliihaiitai mount anr mi muii n wlli juno lira wlfn of joeoph itiekatiy of tin blount forest conpnrlnttl agod rj yoarn kh al ins hlny mtndit wusl toronto n wmuilmuvjtfly ut j trn ii in ihitnvoddeughto ofw jktnir forinotly of acton aued j ydan ocijc retort jfrw rcas thuubday 4iily ii ujon the free prttss prompt pav ing subscribers ebqueainq township council a flold day for aooounto now road botwoon csquaalna and nanahgawoya council mat pursuant lo adjournment last wpou mom born al pronoul unavo n llin aliftlr muvcil by mr wriggluwotlh acoandod by mr hlnlknr llint tlin following arrouuti li tiw uyilm nwmim nyihtelid wllmtml blestine mild tsk i ti nut atduo mint gradluu mad hit jl itli 1 1 no e llyilu mill mnlrail nil urn nninii lot repairing culvert william llohuo taklngum luitinnml grading lot inillliin lliikli ucdougall i iu nlllm gravel win mullin i day tilling grevd thos klllott flly llllhiif raol lion hi im ni nl mdajbllllinu gravel david carly for nravtd anil filling 1otor fllulns stork on rlioek lino uudorbriiahliiu lot jl for llio vnry general renewal of bibacrip liotia ililu on july ul tho viom puchh deairob to extend ita oordlat til uiksr hun drods of subscription expire al thu date and tlia prompt renown is always a mutter of satisfaction and encouragement to u nd especially since ng adopted lliu cash in advance ayalam a fow aqbaoriplioiih have not iy yol baan renewed but d oonfldehsly ex peat to hoar from all of those within a fow day for wo are auro thero are uono who have bean regularly reading tho kiike 1iikhh every weak during the yor who desire that ita welcome weakly visit be diaooiitiiiuad prompt runowal of the subscription will ensure iu regular and con tinned appear anoo lo your addreaa every week ii i moore editor and publisher notes and comments arohblahop laingevlu will visit homo in oouneolion wlthth mttuitoba lohool ipiea tiou fcnd tho oom plaint of tinduo iilcrical luflaotico in the laat eleotion the manitoba frrr vr aaya that atato mouta rejardiri the prohnblo acltlamrtit of tho manitoba aahool ij million without rejerenoa to ottawa afo mere apeculallon there will ha no militia caraui hi yec it will d4mpoiiijiblo to ol ihu noceaaary amount put through parliamant in lime for the oampa bein hold unleai the llouae waa to proceed with huainuaa unit werk the indicationa are that the aiooa of the united butai oovenuneut exendilura for the aaoal year ended laat tuesday will bo abnql siaoooooo aa comptrud with a deuoit of about h 1000 qoo fur llio laat flacal jear the imperial ilouao of common aat all nlitht and until eight o clock next morning dfecuiaiok the afijrioultural itatinit bill ooo day laat week closure wa fnxuonlly applied amid muolt disorder and the bill waa at lauftb rad a aaoonthima mr laurier haa intimated that owin to the abort aummer aeaaion of parliament tbe ueation of rovumg the tariff will cou arinentty remain aa at proton i until nest year it u hinted that several portfolio in connection with alio oabinet may be abolished and thereby curtail oi milan iti the way oi salaries tbe oawapaper pruaa will be well reprea anted in tbe oaw parliament by the follow in mom bora frank oliver of alberta hewitt doatook of victoria ii c j itoaa ilobertson torouto w t maoluan toronto 11 1 uichardsaq wiuiiipoi j v elli 8t john n i and ii iarm alee waterloo quo the toronto hsdial railway omptny will aak inooperaliou at tho next aeaaiou the scheme la a larga one it contem plate tba aotguiaitioo of the present belt una railway and ita conversion into an lootric ayatem general power h aaked to build an electric or other railway in tbe oily of toronto or within fifty miloa thereof a number of the fcvaoollcal free oharohea of england have decided to for ward tbe following resolution to the irince of walaa that this oanfejaucb viowa the institution of horae racing as a fruitful aouroa of moral disaaae in this oonutry and on this aooouot respectfully implores the prinoo of walea to withdraw his powerful patronage from thia monater idstftutlon of ramhlink in the worst order in tbe election reonunta loa new ballot u likely to oauae oonalderable litlftatlon thar ia no aolformity in the oonaideratlan of the ballots the judge to ooe county allows only thone ballots whioh are marked in tba white dlao in auother all ballots whar tbe ictentton of tho etactor i rnant fast are allqwad in iaat york a majority sf about m in favor of mr i ranklaod haa boo a tamed into a minority of 3 in favor of air maclean the late member the aoale being turned oft a recount by county judge uodoukall who allowed ballots wlurn the oroas waa not plaoed lo the wnlto circle and which bad bean rejected by tbs deputy return ion utlioar u the other hand judge ljsaoon in tlm north hen cow re oouut bald thvttio ballot can be oounted qulaaa marked wiuiu the wblto ring barely tbore should be more deltuite legis latloo it u avldeut that a huporior gswrt judge must now decide that about whioh there ought to be no two opinions in maoy other constituencies we hear tho same complaint funny thinc1s comt ru iasa isrhaps tho idea of wearing wutlon ooos might bum ridiculuua but ita just what some popple in oar many ro dolug and very nice sooka they arc loo iliq wood ia reduced to a long ailky lltirn and made into- a yaru out of whfnli itiu aooks are knit making a warmer mofo durable anrl juat aa soft proloctiuu an wnblleu hjmea 111 a similar way the pure spruce fibre i raatla inw the iiiterliniiix called 1 ibre chamois whiol provldos fur clothing an absolute protection agaiuat raw air and cold winds boos use it la a complete noa conductor of heat and cold keeping in tbe natural heat ad keeping out every breath if cold thia fabrio haa also been made waurrpoof that th rain never penetrate ii and ia bo light in weight apd luexpeualve that a layer of ii provides the acme of comfort for all outdoor clothing heller lu tili hour jjfatreasliig kidney and bladder diseases relieved in hours by the buuth amoi i oau kidnay curu ibis new remedy is a groat agrpriaa and dollghl an account of its aioawding promptness ia relieving pain in bladder kidnetjra faavasranbi asy pm of tba urinary passa iu male or female l raliavm ralmilioa of water and iu in pkhlog ii ftlmust immadimpy if you want nulolt fslial and ours this is your ranwdy su d j v luuaawin itmmtiitor 1st llfio aui ok rn i li oltl hi iloliall lou im ft work l id j ollti m dunalil xi lib ei work i moo arned moved by mr wriugleeworth seconded by bfowart that leavo bo granted lo intro rjuco n dy lw to iiahcia the townahip of knjbosing for the year 1w carried lly law wan piaaed and the blankn tilled up with the rate of two and ouo piarter mills for thd county aud township purposes and a ratnfbf twdvo one hundreds of a oent on tho dollar for tho general school rat camel moved by mr htalknr bcconded by mr stowart that tlio iroaruror bo authorized to pay hamuol mokenzie ftl 00 for two thirds value of one aheap killed hydoga tho owners t hereof boinf unknown carried moved by mr stowart seconded by mr hlalkor that the treasurer bo aullmnzod to pay to wm iraaor 810 00 lu be applied to the relief of mrs alioia hampton to charles kirkpfttriqk 910 ou lo bt applied to the relief of mrs henry proctor to the luevo 00 lo be applied to the rein of hatty ifrahav and to peter oihtxn fl 00 to bo applied to the relief of alo mc ulnliooo arned moved by mr lawaon wcoodml by m utowart that tho treasurer bo authoruo lo iay thu following nrctmala joint 1 1iiu i ftiluniutiiii ihiuiu urtml ij ily e j m hoard a ml coll 1bibuiaak r nllliut travel 11 iisa martin rti miring brlilun l i and 11 aide roatl kllitcoh uuliu oanlnl hold 10 trd jwr oqrd ii h hiwlm fur nwn liatlitiiaauira blmri uroa i nmii j oft itnaroliv lit i a m ialrd uraval win ltushill daltiio jy filling arav causin htull oeoui and xi crosaroad jamea no ton ropir mb hue hainuul met lor r ho i tort h vll oil claalildtf oul i carried moved by mr hlowart seconded i v m wriggles worth that moaara 1wnoi stalker and stewart bo a committee i meet a oommltlce of naaaagawoya couuc opposite lota lb aud 17 cm towu lino b tween said lowiislnpi on balurday jul ihth lrluo at j unlock with iho view i having said rosd ojiened airiml ouunell axljouriicil u uimit on monti august 1th lhthi our municipal parliament farmlnii lands within thu corpor atlon exomptotl from taxes for fire protection council met ou monday uveuiug al tho main bur a wore present i he must tin porta ii l business of llio ausaiou was tti passing of a by law cxompuug tho farming landa withiu tho municipality from ti for are protection the committee ou tliialioe proaeutod their ninth ruporj reoommoudiug ayu of tho fullowiug accouula l ullu toio for i it ukiuiioil uk 111 u i sidney haiimltira 11 tliua inul t1oiiimh jo met luro uu hiului it uill uiaio ii i mouru laliu r uai 11 a by law waa iaaiod uuiurli h tl itocv ij and preaniirer lu borrow t ik fu ourr ol expense a jt a kv uttto exempt o or tain ian tron taxa ion for flro protectio pursues tiainei uio f olluwing iruierlini jt i1isii r hunl 1 1 jl iu 1111 iwlrt ui u ili 1u1 ul 1v l 1 i 11 in hruwn iai khu u 1 1 1 hugh mm iltu u u wl kt sihiil w it l i fm aeaiitahl 1 elm willtpperhoii9on9 oovornrnauldoiny in hofilmnlnw uolil to bo tit p twldflrniinl hfn itanoy to aoqulnso in cpr- tnln jppalntmontn artfcrmith of the elections on tut july h sir chitrus i upper nini liuliln i lu- riiuui of piwur notltalaiid lug thai ll w a rrporlnl n mek ago ihnl ho twahwiitfjls liiiilgllttl js cur runtly riiinnrcd ou ihn nlftol hat llio delay is duo to hltanny m tho p it of lh lov or limnil toaigix jrtnlit uppoltitmrnla tilh lui oiunol slrntcd reutiuui between lird aberdeen and jim ministers it is said that tlm ivernor jonoral hasjmil back a lario dilcli of orders hi council un igml ho far an the political elllatioli is conernd maltora nro in 111 l hour 1 he atiini t nu ntrnli morn ing for a loiiplo of hour un i rihiimol itt unto u uiih k but i in alt moon rtiiuu was vwry lruf ll una thought thoro miglit ho a untiling of minihlrm llxt night but nui was lit iii as tho ireinmr spent onm lima nith tlu ioinior onural nt jtidrau hull 1 he opinion is general in public r en or i i tin i a hitch has ocnurroil in oounectioi with tho winding up of iho nflaira of tho ouscrvatiwi miiiinlr i inn may be straightened out tu day or it may lint a wcll informed poll lima n aaid to day no fai as ho muld gather il wan now an poi iiltpiiuii about tho imignatidk of llio cjov erumrut tho minnlr might renlgn forthwith or mihl even meet the house i lie iiioiihi la current nn lo hturier s majority ifl iho nt w luiui it would imi hflknlt to givu an iritnlht nl answer in that ipierj a jet owing to the utimeroun rccoiiulh now btiug hold and llio protests mooted iho indicaliouh are however xlial the iiural majorit ovtr alt will lo from to j and the lotal majority agaiuat tho goiirumont will ruarh 10 to 11 many election reeouuta have imi n hold aud others are in prngriis in ilnllon ounl lh rcouii ia in pro grunuan no go to press 1 he result will probably ho known to day ii la nut likely lo mallrmlly t hango tin majority mr w i maclean ban hem declared by jud mi dougall lo bo tbn lawfully elerted mom lxr of parliament lor last ork by a majority of throo voten in llio rerount a onnrrvnlivo j iho recount of ballots in tho north middletercasc wan decided before judge maason 1 1 deilarud mr itak duly oloct od bj a majority of fti a i literal gstn llio ro count iu london iciforc jude llliott reduced major ltlattle a majority from 1 id lo 11 iho judge did nol count ballola marked outside the disc north ontario returning officer givrn bis fucjal declaration the vote batng j dm a mtjillivruy con itih d cratiam iud 2121 majority for miuillivray 1 a ru count in iho norlli llruco o lee lion was held monday infore ludgo lurrctl aud renulled iu lucrcaeiui mr mcneils majurtty to 11 1 ho re count in ron ill alrrloo resulted h tho latfst figures in muskoka and parry sound give met ormiuk ih pratt j 1 0 linen 101 mc oniilck s majority uur iratl 171 ol if llrleu uill loao tils deposit 1 bore in cotmidurabla itieculatiii as to nothing authentic has yet been given ollt ntwb or- the day anhplluinu pf tho world a uuim durlnh tho wuok samuel rathall waa instantly killed af perth out by an accidental discharge of a shut gun riiumas m 1 iniill li i h tiiliieei was kilkd at llollevillo oi huiidsy b a 1 wouly juo iiitiii i nu hi i bowaa out u tho lu iwrs fiiaeialn ou lueaday night i ho horse atablea at llo 1 o jilo lilnbl tiou grounds wero damaged on monday lu the uxtunt of aboul ftblhmi mr lloaknis city engineer of hamilton out died sunday ho had been in llio oily a emplu for over forty jearb horonlo hlreel hallway car uaruina laat mouth wore 11 im 10 gatunl hc uli ml fur iho aame month last tear hubert stewart employed as a holjirr tin the caual al tit calhariuen out was drowned in the lock on sunday morning 1 ifleeu moo were nioro or leas hurt by 1 be falling of a ncaffuld al a barn raining boost irouaidos iioarllllawa uu saturday last join lilviy is llu iibiiki i lbs latest hoseuk bridge suicide at i otoiitn ho waa au iron inoulder and diapulunl over lack of w irh admiral i lalioi m lit ii nl n renown an his it aj ahlj 14 sitokun of aa tlin nucoopf eor tu hir j ir rnkine admiral ol the norlli mericao squadron i w hyatt who i u d 10 lark at slratfird otl in i 1 no lay ujoruitg witli a bullet wuutdlii i u had died at tho htniiui llio 1 maldnul id ll ui of a nill ol hi liilia liaa made an otlllal uslimate ol ttio outiro ion by tho rcoe1 tornado and ho jdaoea il al s10 jl mhh1 harriot hoe hoi hlowe rluti a tho author of i nolo 1 urn 1 abiu atrioaou with cuuualuju uf tbe brain and paralysis last i ndaf shu dlnd al ii o clock luuraday though setnllug wa cuiindvi ij y xv ujl 111 msmlola by ibt v i wutliti tb growth of riaio liua ikui rpil thai i bo total is 9hm70 btlthncth hoh thh aulu aa age advances tbu reuuhratlve poivor of the tkmty decreasua h allguo cljngs llko a burr to the already depleted atoro of energy stilt further wasting and- dlislpal lug it and iu couaejoeiee the olderly hud it very bard lu koeii their spirit up to the doing point an anchor of liopu autl aafety i found in the onerglitiii aolluo of malllne with cooa wine which lmarto almoat magically strength aud vigor to tho falling powers aud through its nulnuvb and tonio p0wrlies renews those funlional actlvlllen uou whioh jo pond health uf body ajjd piud malllne with fooa wluo rapidly restores anpetlte tuiptotoa iitoa tiou iraperlfbatifamt vigor to life narvoua system 7 u a wurd ia a strength giver ot iamallet oiceflenc maltine with cam yawasa4 aseeiii av pbyalciana all druggists aell it if you want first clanauolrthsaaliaiid doors at qualph priooa t kiuutlvroua ml your order t hi plaumg mill bwowtimoodmewb 1hfleumajtisms victims nown itoms sippod l corrno- ii pondonto and exchunrrori alttt spasmodic nfforts for a curl usually oivc up qi rh onnlrttdlnri tlint hfl llio ontrmma eiamlimnin i nil niili cuiwil thpilhiindd aftor othor ami tlm now nmornlnl un ulionn llii bllffiror u atrnrtfl fcn wcth iiladu riiiiin 1 nr m tlij high h b nl iojr memborn ol the high h b ol hul huvo ijrwiii n 1 uttiigod m tlm jdlnvm nnl atinn mr rfniiwi filrrj ilsimul mlirilmuay s700 miss ii uu fill id nn mr smiuhuu 9h00 mih wright ban rnmgncil hir ion on ib iliilf hitv a mil hall i tho new pto tnrof ihn millfodisl bur h prom bed inn insugiirnl sormoim 011 huiuv it v mr milclill arraleil n vi ty ftornbhi impin n 011 ii u in a go l tht n iln p llnnhi r and ixinnoxn a ntiul i irl mr nu 1 llrn mi1h un fun k r hrlil voh i i ashoiiovt 0 sill ui slv f ibl luv j maulll ha taken sell jl gal i ii h wilcox of 1 lutiu out aud ale kan of nau out i r muoihi duoiagoa for laauluk a dodk ol av alleged libellous uharader altuul him hamiit1 wralball ageil 11 uf 1 m u ool wlille oul allotting 011 wedueaday alwo1 twu small rillo logulhrr oou i ihom loll cauniug tbootbt lo bo llol ar iho ball colored tho young mull brain killing bun initaolly the thhbb oh at bt and lo it ay chock uuglung o pearly wliilunoa lldglil a hi lor willi a background tf icelb mil roplcudoul of whiteness and purity impossible heauly may bo fuund ill a bottlu ol foumliig ivorlai tho iirwnl ihui and mont fraj raut prvparaliuii fur llio tcolli ivuru o la so n loo lu u i r giant ufraliioi 1 1 purihco ibc breath which it ruuden sweet aud to ilia teeth it iuiprlbtjlh whiteness ami bnlliauuy lbuluix1 pin is lieaduarlcrs for miis murdoch 1- viiting b r utich mr win 00 ii of st tttluni mr and mrn mix a imrt and dailgblrr ave npt udliig a few dnn nl hi home a mr u mumnhiug foil i diiaitco ol eighteen feet from a liny rut k unl mih but wo nru k to note he 14 r ovntiug mr 1 wpkv1 worth mil mr i i nixon spent sunday nub rrinudn in trafalgar mcnsm u mil l niton nrioiiipauiod an ciciirion to lldorndo on tho tin i mm henry wilson ha r lurm i from walkcvton where mio wi vinllln much impravtd in ul huvoral now memtarn wurit imitated into tho ordir uf tho sons of 1 euip rnnco during the quarter junt 1 11 hd i he olucorh for tho nuiji inrur icr an follow i w i alnm i i mm u i i 1 si 11 v a iu wtlm i hi til it h jnlin hbnnku alts altretaniintii ll t h itnil i ii i s swloi kullll i inii l mil bit i hoi s holrrt 1utu orbsuut mliuili nl 1 lrbwbunb lohnthb 1 i10 farm m in ibln vn inlly lixc 1 1 their road wink or llio jesr aid tc now lurv with tho harvial rabhhripiurn nnd tlil ilriiughl r ili uig havoc with hit npring ordju- mr w lamh t trsiniiig bis pier aggo mj and alio jjl no doubt give a good n rcoii m of herself htlori the k ivion cuds rrmntf kcuiifdy ha iwr in linrk mr li nppi who linn bun la i up for the pint iveok i nr unit niiiti mr and mr- a skll of wuurd viellri at mr wm lienli ii 1 n i vv u last welk mlsrs 1 otllu in no i n in i u visited frumda iu urlun i a at nlck f the dreadful scilnit wlncli hspnrd inst weell byrwhinh tltisrln oamojon ipi his life deceased wan a firm r 1 rn hcikmi lro slid coiiii aim n uf ur corn 1 poudcul ho h as of 11 ver iij rllll iud msuly iharaclrr hiuhl nuimd and l by all utxi know linn mis un end caused giuat hadntos and glu 11 lo bo over all who knw im ihn h ii l is called aud harl ivbacul and i ho roll i calle1 up v inter ii and l iholrtof inly panned ii vv inly here a fen attend il llir nurty at kdeu mill ijuiih a immlxir fio ht ro wcil lo a ton on sun lay ni lo hrvr iho mmao- 1uii evaiigutnli- a numbtr 1 1 ii l 11 ti i il f u ueorgctovvn kl vy h wiiln the lh ram on saiurdv lid k h i 1 llio rjinug gram unj ro i cr pa haying 1 about uui hi h was a very lnhi crop gailo a nuuibor of larnifli iiv i- to cul llloir fall wlicut will il ii a fair iui mise m iiuil sbrrlotk aud mcru ii mariiu an ik 1 nu 1 bit rloi k of psrkdale hoc lit the 1 irnl with frl id mr win iniimiii t loi sunday at mr ian inuih mis agkiaiidorun snl alice i ol man open i a day or m luol wi k nlli tjtnndkln isasnsswoya mrs h allen is upon in h h kn with frirtldi lu lluiilnville mll m olenibii of toll 1 p ulli n mouth with her aunt mix i ii npi i at tho maples mv it an n 1 1 1 i- 1 h uu a buainusb tnt mlaaes lottie n 1 nh10 1 111 tc spout last week with ii u nd 111 or loll iho gicat lung hcaloi la found jjua oxoelleul uudii inn sold a huks anil hhiiuimpllve syrup ll soithes and dun lliliho tlin olinlblllly of iii uioiu lraim f broi pa it i uppuscd lo bu foi ailva i b vuu sin- ibewghuajpiiue hi or irado for good clemu wool au ia trada 1 aclury lllaukota iurua wi caali or gwt la trada 1 aclury awvotts- ml oencrai iry goodn mj lxoi o outgo tow 1 as well as ever after taking hooda saiaipanlld t cured of a soilouu dljuaut iiiiiint till m it nt vi 1 i 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 op l ai li ihhi lor t ii hiring lint mux i in i i u i ij tl 1 111 i i in d 1 i hi hi ill r- tl hh mirn irlll t ll rll- 1 iii tliojit cni i ilad lid u ti y a lollk i inuod hoods saroapnlla cures relief lieliirt 1 hint flnlhwl livi hlf n n t ii lid ironi likbut ihn brit bottle iliu i 1 i i h try utmilur nud tlnrn v i n well i ll y i ft i h in i i hy atiollii luklim 11 rai 1 i nl eilna hriuirttturoiilo oht hbonipun i iroriipl niul cfucleul ol enty i a u dl urubuiiu t e natuo haa rlimiinntihiii ni rt how t rrible a reality to lb- tliu andn who null r llb it iiirie that r luminal im rmnlts rum pomun of mi 1 d foaim in tho blood hut nn to juul how tlu ran bn reached and im liiinlo k ivimlil irrm llint ihiir know ledgifll ii uiusl ironlmrul la a long binisiifni ihimh vvhuh may give lrmp p lu 1 1 uu iji t no up ihlnliliu tl nt hi r in i 1n tint will i i i hm i n miilik itlkiuuiiilihin in not a i irtsar ul nu l1inaum one is growing old ll in in it imjirrativn that mio should l e ilxro j a nmd for rhouinalism ilefmli the m i nil iwlief that it cannot be cui 1 a riiuh i but lit iiured tllutlnandi of tho in l pvw re enni a uuted inslauc ol lb- liulh uf thin n nrl ion which haa jut inn to iho kuowlidgo uf tho editor of the jt in lbi osnu of hoherl irauu iij formerly of ircuton now roiind from huniiloss in hal portngu oul it till mill n siding there he ban been a viiiim of rhiiimulmm for over throe years i t1 wind r he vmitnd bis ffiouds in i ren ton und nns thin contemplating a visit south in iumii uf relief from his constant foe llu hail lu usu a staff in walking and wi ul ut u slow jict linn clirmtmaa he uai biro ugnui on a vmit to bin frlondn umnrl and ero i and without ihn sink or mirrowful link of a jltr ago hm fricndn and nc iiaintancu4 all accost ill in al a now man and imt nl to him on his healthy fruli nnl in live npprarauco in contrast wilhiiyvnr nj ho linn heerfully und h fully gi hi following nlulenu nt of his illurth aftn a iitu my homo is al lut i orlni out win re lor jiarn i was n i in bimimai and hero i n rnnl i ir ibri voarn i have licen a iiil still i r from rlu umntinm i tried nn ml higlih rooommontlod renxedtcu to till it wan dim ut forme to nlh 1 vwu for tblrlen vveekn lonlliud lo my bed at homo nu 1 l wi pei h tspitnl i was then lu dned loir the mount hmnl springs l took nix i hiriiri of baths of tvvculy unu bnthn each withi ul any nomingly bcnillcial rcniill 1 read ul bevel nl cures lu the from ir williams pink imia for palo people bud friends who used lb m with btuetlt lo llirmsnlves urged tr lo try ilisiii 1 did no and afler a abort time i fell 1 impruvrmaiit in my cundi ii in 1 hsio taken twelve b ixon ml all aud mili tory o thtl 1 neoi llu cane no longi r mid i have iinrnntd my weight frhii uu pounds in ij i il ne of pink 1 iu i em nt euliiul fr im rhoum tmm but 1 am n trim un ihuuiand per rent bullcr than was year iroiind i at in hole my health oullrely lo ir williams pnk 1 iii lr william pink 1 ill strike al tho root of the lisast driving it from the nynlim and iihtonuj tho iatlenl to health and slriugth in casra of paralynu spinal troubh h locouiolor alalia sciatic rhou iiibhui f vnlpelan blarf ulcus troubles ut thino ilia are miperlor to all other inniiiiiil i lu v m luu n npocillo- for iho troubles whit h 111110 ihn llfo of so malty womuii u burdun and speedily roatoro iho nob glow ul buallll tu pnlu and sallow cheeks mr orokru down by overwork or worrs will hud lu pink pills a certain lire sold b all dealers or out by juall il i il a hi x or bit b xos for ll b adiresnni i he dr willjams mcdl nu mpaiit hchkvlik out or s hicclaiy n hewaro ol uiillallulifl and ntibliliilrn alluded lo bo ul as good frank ijbwler co vgueiiph big r wakkants big buying iltln abbrrtfstmintr fa uai kks attijnthw 1ji1 ahl rail a or llhn rvki ml4h1ankr io itrll i iii iu llllllltn or aw lor the uoarl intra of organic or m t dlncaao in mlnulen and inidily ethcln a on re ll m a peer urns rimed for paljiitation ahortueas ol breath sniothrritii spells pun in lefl side and nil yiuploiun ol a dlsosscd heart one duno coiivioitn hold by j kan vi antw uiba ill lb ln hn wan ulto aurirod ap1 armtlv such ft thing had novar oulomd blh head before now it i quite poealblo that ll ha iirr uu ll your ibat tho tiill in vn liavitk will jolt head aud in rio in aimed h llx nwj u sjiec tin ie ll in ulo h alaii ibat you tan nrv j il well so the veraa hrsui ami yol rid fc as it may b only by 1 i r 1 nl m lash relw 1 lll ll all k 1 tbe 11 1 1 1 1 b km i illlllh tl tf well ngtoo h able u in iho runty udlod and patazd a txainiimli hi the now york fpllual i olle eithl year ago 1 charge uolblbg for testtf the atgul add wl rrrnm mi 1 il if t hud you need thu oeo d pk1nqle 1 wulchmiikcr quelph williams boot dc shoe store uuk hoi 1cv llai uu nt hail 1j l llu i ul iu p ratloir in iheryu and ii i it hil in irtthh ft jhu to tra11 our ktoik is lomtvjolo in every line ol tbe i n loa l and most tiilhionatilo stylos in men b ludtob oirlu boya and chtldronu boots shoes iltairs acton cuktout wurh and riininr pwowptlj mttouileit to mfel tl ainornn an i faiml oaiross iholrjiinsl nlurero thank lelhe many kind rleiil in aeton an 1 ir tlio teinlsi and nra llcsl bytnitatliy e them las week durliifl tin sorest hours uddeii aiid dlstresahib aflllelfnii j woluagton uutaal firo insurance company kstxnfinn mo inhihiancp on fa h and uutnal plan any nntii niu ideations forwardeirto my ad t- iloi bjh or lolniibono 1h will ifp itnn al- tande4 to john tayloil acrii housk and lots for bale our ucrs being on their way to the buropcin market with facilities for buying commanded b very few houses it is our aim to have all the room possible for our fall goods when they arrive and as with our large and wcllasborted stock it cannot he done in a da we take time by the forelocjc and now commence to clear out the remainder of our summer stock at prices that will have a melting elfcct on the piles of stylish and uptodate goods on our c uu liters never before was such chance offered lo make the hard earned dollar go so far newr before were we insuch shape to supply the most fastidious tastes getting first selection from manufacturers and jobbers the ready cash being the gifit lhdcstone of attraction to them in each cupartment ou wfll find lines of serviceable goods at unprecedented pricts the frank dowler co great rash house departmental rpiib uiiclondguodortetb forsale hlalmii- 1 two lots on iho corner ol uill and w i ion streets acton tho house is a ootiihiri well built iraiiie ol eight rooms wllui hsr soft water at the door stablerfjoodsheil fenced a vsrjr flue borne lor asrf buslnra i or retired fanner terms made known i annlloallon lo wm llemslreot or j vtohlh ir and sahesmkn wantki i e h sr eh it iuiiiiiiaiuiaiuiaiuuiiuuiiiuiiiuiiuiiii the enormous sale of wall paper 1 in- t a son pi ivt that w hae the btock t uaht and lruc choice jeslgns in paklok hall and iravmnj room papers w- i hiid t- ouh l l xv g s7ith uruu and booia vv i i it wi s t hi i i jitu 3 the xrays llu v iy wi lii i v 1 up diicibc gernit but coiiijiicd nim imcl5 lo ahnvfl up they arc mere hiak 1 lui ii the wa wc tlu it under our price sluivel ia i c and 3 tl hlnuseb for c blouses fui 1 oo filuust s lui i hlouscs foi i 50 lilouses foi oo iholjscs for j 5 ihouses for blouse lot 5- 7lj hoc 8 jp l oo if i nj i aaseyharris bicycl ll i isl too kuode lor you i hen buy some oilier wheal tba masse i tally the olumbia tba beat amor loan wheal tn lbs market to day built aft and controlling ihoir patents fur j an ad a they claim to make tba boat w i jinn try wn have secured the ageuoy fur ibis wheal if yv waul to be iu i ho u lo do il i to buy from us wo have ave second baud whoeu which will be sold cheap j d williamson a- co wynjani and macdonnell streets guhl fli r n tvr7 rz f7 c rsftt2ia do you approolalo nice goods whon yo bflfl thmu h h so youll bo delighted with our rango of u now 1 hlin now white hturl naw droa blnru new ntwliiti r q rluru n lli n nlr nw u uo- n collr 9 ull j new sprinc 8uitincs and trou8erinc8 ti solliiug but latoal up lo dale sty lea v no place you oau be suited so well for tho money sa at r e nelson rt i tading 1 ailor nnd lurnisher guelpii k firstclhsstailorinc w h adams lass iikhi sinks ural olaas lit aud woi lialjuu ity tvk i- all lliat is nv auadli r priaoa ivluoe tuu iii a i we uajuft uie rlatit tliu bcotch 8uitiho at 16 oo and upwards natjaniam suitinos at til oo and upwards blob skrok buitinob at s13 id and upward venbtian ovjcrooatino at 11 80 and ufwabd pantino at 12 od and uftward ioua bnukluu ttmir uarit v uau t tb ifiryuxiihi flofc mill strmel ac tax and liluiinad at ou0 it aull x lui h kdk7wts i pushing trustworthy man u ho salo of our choice nursery block hueci sta ooatrollsd by us 11 idlest salary or coti rulsalon pwlil weekly hloady urn ploy mem ih year round outfit fcee oxeluslve ismint bikirinnco not neoeaaary big ir asaul workers apodal luiluoenionis to benhiutt write at ouce for part loo lars to alikn ntllhkky co ifoc heater n wanted a mas lo soil canadian and u b grosi troea terry plants roses shrubs ltsd ortiauiouial trees aud see1 poutoea for tb only uuraary baviiiit testing orchards in canada ua utvo you tbe lienent of our experience so jour success is kiiaraiitee if you are not earn inn iter month and iiantta write ua al once for irtleular liberal ooromlsaloa paid hwt liuin mnti tsrninr pons should ibak into tid it pays ltier then worklnf on tho lean and ottrrs a oiisiioeforvrolilouon apply now and gel choice uf territory htost a vvklllnqton toronto canada guelph business college shorthand institute quklfu ont hi ikimoit fa illtikfl to kmcucal courses or htudy orthand and tyivowrtllni iraduatea afutelui tositl fall kkkhiosh com vrrllo lor elrculsrs j sharp lliiroush aad ilifokkaaplna is i miwn a ipocfally hllens patent fireproof hoofinir adjust me to mil pitch at moat omt the cream of roefloc material bctlnit used it is unlit strotih and itexible all not rrack asotbar cenieiiu do jturorerlcw the llamrilmore co acton tbe itrelthaupt leaurr co ilerllu flare itros co preetaa and ouiars tho roof la airing the beat pf alliaellui and is bound to laso the rasoe of ahlnnlea on farmtmntniji cost itxsrt the unu aa ahlnnlea treui j so lo t oo per square alien roofing oo calt on mortgaoe bale of kl01 r am grist mill ht rcton n and andrew 11 0t1ck is hereby alven thai under the loaror of hale contained lu a uiortaatje which will be produce at lime ol sale there will be oherr1 lor aale by public action at ut- trout door of tbe u erkot house lu the city of guelpo uu tuesday the uth day of july imal at ul oelocltnou all that mill pnvpatty in lbs vulaca of acton lu the count j of haltoo eon slaung of tho followldb about kt acres of laud being iart of tba west half m lot tfl in ilia tod ccueeaston and parts of tbe east and wast halves of iota number h aod to tu tbe aud concession uf eeuesln towether wlth tbe uill ioiid uhi privilege dam floor anddrul uill ami the furnaces healers and slachtnery lu the milt uetna tbe mill property now ocoupiod by james li cbeyue tho nil and upkdf iiart reeently rollor proceas itoui uiercnant wora aud btlsuna apacily tu to 7 barrels par 91 hours huu partly by welsr euiiltery steam ll is the only flour mill hi aeloa good business may be done there tieiiuh of halk per caul of uie pur chase mouoy to ite paid down at uie lime uf sale to the vendor vr bis solicitor aud the balance of purchase money withiu tweuty says thereafter without interest the vendor will further terms aud iter ucu lars aud coudluona oo amllcuou to ultilltlk watt a outhuik endura hullettors guelpb dud al luelph soth june tfitav shaws drug store rockwood 1ot lure spices tested baking ioder resin corks pchb phr1s grbbn 15c ielt pound only pure drugs used in our dispensing 4eprttnt shaws druvf storo rook wood bhaws cholera itemed y le the beat halo nd plei brampton pressed brick and tile works jas packham mini turiuu or finest pressed brick samiiltv 1 lirllh al h sluoe a uom iso south walllniiton blroet taet hhamptun new i m pufim ent w a rekooms main street acton john mcqueen avluaj leased tlie warereoirrs of ura nloklln uaa a f aaauluioot ol aaiioultural itaida- oeuu iroui the celebrated murks of krust wgoil smiths falls alho toulthartl hiotl oslmwa 1wlls amd cultivators fleury llows riaurr ijorsjiam tu at u hind oj j john moqubbn jlltaritedllnltjeaasrass r

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