Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1896, p. 2

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j j 1 7f man tllan in 1 rln on linwu ailihwcl ii mill- vi tttodh nil katurilev hth hllv lnetli moore ttlinr of un will inn u ii lianik acton srod 71 years m mill sai bis linm 1111 con 1 monrs lilt u umliimlav 1 ill jul larlilsn jlcalll uu 4ixltl tears 10 tnontbs flirt i vi tlirktloiiera float ll flnlnl oil v irnadar hlfwliilv imki k ii hiiluiu jerk ii tjmmiis 7 tlio list yaarnf life are rial lnre riia itelreet k gieen avenue llcrlln i i- w mover alml m juar d ui ulbs anil b isip imikihday jim y 11 ihoft notes and commlnts i lia in ijf thn writs tor election mads ntrraairy by itm a leplaiir nf office by the miiiisirra tioljuit portfolio auil i be solicit r rnrral ha tieen i r wed nnm hinll in vrtll tak place july 10 and pal tint uluml i rtm with lrmwal of ihe amen imiiils to ihe lnlt unit bill nljerrd b mr ere t balfour bier heerrlsr for irlinl ia b in snr ly orilictxnl b flntids of o iumrninoiit an i baa cause uu li re ic init among the oppoailt n ii seems that other oftlaial ior t their 1 jalty ou dumiuion day a wall llu mo or our wn town the i10rliniloii v tl aaji it la not creditable in burl ln ton the beautiful that no le nltlfliellv float od on dominion da a few private flan were to bo neon but trio town lift i ahoold 01 loaat afford ibis aim pie and appropriate official emblem ot loyalty lo tlie qnoen aud c ouutry of tba maplo i eel lion wilfrlt launer speech at the recaption lo dmiral 1 rakloa wm liritiab without cession lo ba at tba um time canadian the unpretentious effirt of tba i iberal leader wa a genuine specimen of eloajaenoe hit specoh wu al once a recognition at iba reatnos of bla british allegiance and tho dignity of bla canadian citixeualilp the i rouble with aome patri olio speeches in tba pest waa that they were all 1 mpiro and no anada i with other that they wore all oanada r no 1 mi ire if all the olementa of true cana ilaian patiiotiam are blended aa perfoolly lu wilfrid lander a policy aa lliey ware in hia speech in montreal hi enemies will bo lissppomted and hia friend ploaaed 7wrjrir itepectluf the new ministry the world ay a 1- van conservative admit thai mil 1 aurior baa got together a stronk eg k regal ion indeed the political do not heat late to bay that it la tba tronget miuiatry ainco the first confederation mimatry whether they will be able to justify line opinion remain to bo aeeu i ho okiltr express lie confidence aud plbmurjj lu the new ooteroment aa follown there la but out opinlou heard uipriaad ou tha atreet and alaowhrre to llio alteot that tbia la a atronk qovorument cunaervativea freely admit thai it la a ciovcrnment of tfroat atrenttth while i iberala claim that thia county baa nver aueu the like ol it for the eruinenoe of mia man their tfoal ability and high personal charactor a atrjkinit illuatration of tba oniira abaeuca of abam and a determination lo carry out our ayatam of ftovarnmant oo proper britiah pnnoiplea waj furj4abed to day by the tact that no attempt waj mada to make mr pateraon or utr ueori joly membcra of the cabinet the laurielr ministry ivombors ofjlha now cftblnot toko thiroath of ouitnron mondyr i i admittedtrv stronq cabin6t ottvhajjiilyos blbcliarlea tapper am till cabinot formally ateppod down ami unt ual woduraday afternoon thrt uavorapr general accepted llm prufcrrol rnalcnation of the pioiiilw mnlnniihand hon mr meirier to tmawa lo tako up t rwfa of pveromflnt and form a nttw asniiiitrtiii mr i rturlir arrived on 1 riday and waa rteeuod by hia i icellrno at ii o olo k mr i ahirlcr a t ablnel waa awirn in and took i filio on mon u afunnhiu aa followa irrmlrr an i 1 rtaiilmt of ihr liny council iimi wilfrid iurirr minuler f ira u ant i mini r kir hioharll tfarlwrijil mim li mluialer of 1 maun htr oliver m wal lhi w h lull of ullwa bii i t auu ii ii a o lttair mimatcr nraon trt cneral it n urn mul r of 1 ublic ik it ii s a pledge of loyalty mr laurlar daolarei hia adhailon to cloaor union of tho empire mustbkai july 11 mr lanriar apoke yralerday at the civic raoeption to vice admiral hrakioe and the ofqoera of h m h intrepid and tarur at the city mall v ico admiral krakine congratulated mr i aurier upon hia victory and tha mayor proposed the new premier a health lu bia reply mr launer aaid at tbia moment just after beinx aatlod upon by her gracioua majeaty a rcpreaen t a tire lo aeaama the adminlatralion of tbia croat colony and a landing bare in ft commercial metro poll a and in tha preeenoe of admiral krakina and hia offlcara aa rep resenting the armed forces of great britain i atnoerely promise to uae mjr bast endeavor to do my duty by canada and the groat lmplre of which aba forma a part hefernog to tba attsfchmenl of the cauadian people to the liritiab crown he aid we are free in canada and we are i yal becauae we are free killed at a raising ftdtal a co id en t at the rebuilding of tho presbyterian church palmersto j pkimimfcton july 13 on saturday even ins sboat h oalook as the workmen on tbe 1 reabyterian church were about to iinit work one of the guy ropes slipped from ita faateuinb and in an inatant the whole of tha heavy roof timbers crashed lo the crouud killiok a workman named john wlntely about 35 years of aa beverej olbera wbo were on tha roof al tba time had very narrow escapes aome clinging to tha walla and others going dowu in the wreck thia oliurob was bo rued down last winter being erected only a short lime bofoie thia and was being rebuilt when the nad accident occurred much aympetby la toll for tba poor tallow wbo lost hia tifr he leave a widow and ddsj obild one woman who voted mn honor meololn t chester vllks votwd at ths last do minion elsotlon in heatsrvtlle a woman voted at the lata election tha compiler of the lil of voters probably aupposed bar name honor mculoin to be a man a and left it on the hat and iba official a at the poll aooepted her vole mra mogloiu la over ho yekra of atfe and is perbapa the only womau in anada who voted at a dominion al act ton ma ltine withcocawtnl f the nerves are you all run dowu t are you tired iu boily t wrary in mind does lastade burdou and uuqt you fur mental or phytic 41 labor t doee alsepleeauass rob you of mental ufffm 7 make your daya a weariness aid nighla atorraaot t in bruf ia tile rapidly beooraing a burden k ynu t thou panda are living iu thia miserable condition while relief from tbia wont of mental and phjaiae oonditlona may bo apeedlly ubtaiuod by the uae of maltina with cofa wloe ll i a real toulc for ii build up tho body give atraogtb and vigor to tha narvea auppllaa pore rich blood re torse appetite and edda wonderfully to the digestive owsr of ths atomaoh mat tine wllli r oca wine renowe every fttira of the body givw mental aouvuy wjuuujljtlth cooa wins ia builder ouudii nnrvs build mutolo bailia bone ll giinjam aud nerve 11 btvee not as a atlmujaaiim ajptnt t braces beoaoee ll ouras thai ia what you need all droggbl ash ll mini tarlo minialer ot militia an dflciur lion 1 w itmui milliner or atfriouluro ihu hdurya 1 laher minister tf inlani iturnuc hir lltun joty hecrstary of blalo hon 11 scott solicitor general hon chan t- it patriok mlmatera without porltolio lion a geoltnon monlroal and hon 11 it dobell or guobec mr j i ld will bo nominated for the speakership of the hodaa of commoue and senator peljeticr will bo appointed speaker or the senate while mr ii p mr odour will be appointed deputy speaker of the houac of commune there will forthwith be bye election in the conalituenciea vacated by the accept ance of office and aeata will be obtained for mr pajerson in ontario mr hlair tn new llrunawicb mr fiolding in nova scotia aod mr tarte in quebec of the itoeu member of the new ad in in lira t ion fourteen will have aeat in tha huna of common and two in tho senile lve of tha launer cabinet are ex premier of proviooea the representation by pro dees i a follow ohtawo bit oliver mowat sir iu chard cart wrist i w pateraon w mulock it w sootl qcenkc wilfrid launer j israel tarte sir henri july c a gooff non it r dobell sydney h labor aud c ilu patriok nou be itu w 8 tielding aud dt horde n new brvnawlok a u ijiatr puixc loiai lautsi l ii da vie the salaried part ot the new edmiuatra thin command a ireat deal of legal talent aud tha average ago of those who compose it ia a litll mors than arty five year aa tba following wilt show- w lauricr lawyer o5 year jf age bir oliver mowat lawyer 7li bir hi chard cartwright financier rl i h davie lawyer 51 wmpalarsod biecoit menu lecturer 57 bir henri joly lawyer 67 w s fielding journalist 19 wm mo lock lawyer 53 dr borden physician u j i tarts notary and journaliat 47 sydney j laber gentleman farmer 16 it w boott lawyer 71 a g blair lawyer 5j cbas tilapstnak lawyer 43 then are live calholioi m the admini uat ion messrs launer tarte uooffrion scott aud tilxpalriok tba allotment of portfolio by proviuoe la a follow a 0tbi poatomx juatloe 1 rede aud commaroe stale and cuatom jobbiu public work 1 nvy counoil inland itsvonua aud agriculture noi biotu finance and militi new baunmilh hallway and canal psisk biau 1um mariua aud t- laheriea the porlfplico miuuler of the interior has not beau allotted but will it aspect ed be ailed by a western man probably attorney goners biftonor premier gresa way of manitoba tbe new government ha already given aome attentions to tbe subject of supplies it ha decided to ask hi lxcellaooy to give his iwsrrani to meet tho rorrsut ex pen tea of the public service the rumor i oorreofthat lord aberdeen has practi oel ly assented tn three month aupphea being placed at the diaposat of tbe govern men bir charlra topper will irave or bug land to day lo accompany i ady t upper who 1 aerioualy ill back lo canada he will leave england on july 30 lb and expects lo reach ottawa in time fur tbe assalon ontario s new p hem i eh hon ma tumoito july it following tho iran lation of sir oliver muwat to ottawa after twenty four year coulluuon service a 1 remier the ominuaiouer of grown landa of yesterday i tb premier and altorne general to day practically if not technically aod the citizen of ontario are uader tb governmental guidance of their fourth premier the hon arthur slnrgu hardy it is now twenty three years aloe tbe elector ot south urant nisi honored mr hardy as their rsprooeplativo iu ihe local legislature ho baa thorefore mure thau attained hia majority aa a parliameo the new premier i a thorough tana diau by blrlh and anoealry ilia ancestors llvod arftbln lb borders of what after wards beiam and waa set irl aa i tie couuly of urant for half a can lory before tha oounly was formed mr hardy a honored prsdocrasora bidiji confederation were joha tiauuold mactlouald f dward hiakavuu oliver mowat tbe new cabinet will be composed aa follow premier and attorney g moral ii ou a b hardy commlaaionar of crown land hwa j m olbeon provincial hecretaryhon w d bat four provincial fresaursr hon liar court minister o agriculture hi drydeu minisur of kducaliou hon g w hoe minister of public work hon wll ham ilarty minister without portfidio hon mr ie nc- thentcount in halton mr handnraon conflrmnd in hln beat with m majo of ft v fhe recount in it alt mi wai ronnliblod before hi llurior ju luntlllnn at mil inn last wednoidey eniiug dm rrsutt wa a decrease in mr llm loraon mtrjor ity rum tlfl tu hi iu mi inn pollinc sub dtvlbinua the drpuly returning llloer ha i raiutrird ballots mil wassjwsti 4n dk no i in olbpra lltny rnunlfd only llmm thst were msrkrd iu thn diana in thn m oottn jndgi hainilufii rum ibat all billol inarkthl with all a whether hi tho disc in the nam upaue nhnuld be loiinlfil one imllinn sub divli in the deputy return ng i m er ha i oiuillnt iniialiiiit all lint one hall t it iwevrr in ball iu were all i 11111111 a l thylirrr rili if 1 ironloand 1 ihk f millou aoillirimill on le bahirmr uallle inmir i w hnjil i mill i t r mr lien ler n lll nr nfitiw llm til ll aroilrn al tin xr huut un liuuith r of ballots in rah h llliii htiaon utarkrd iu i lie u uti i an n r an li ulr instead of tl ulftox ii two hall 11 voungn offlo 11 court home ninkllita iu aui iwllviyo 17 llrnukvlll in kiialchl ull iu kreauiau al kllbrldo a iui s3 a 4bw oaauii hi town hall it uaaonlc hail an totuj aooe hall tilirauiin tl lloyne 3d iruuituln i 1 uatvlllo aa luiaas hlnt xl llruuls wl it3 total w si ola 113 majority or hendeison i it will bo observed that mr ueude joii total of ballet marked out of the disc waa 57 while mr waldie s totalled 1 13 borne of course claim thia aa evidence ot the superior intelligence of mr henderson supporter the real osoae however is clearly to be seen by those who have ecru ii nixed iba ballots mr waldie nam being three letter ahortrr than mr hen dereon mach more white space is left to mystify careless or inexperienced voters the successful pupils tbe official hit of the nceeful ca dates who wrote at the h n trance and public school leaving examinatiooaat georgetown high school ia given below much credit ia due principal moore of acton public school for ttie act that every one of tbe pupil wbo went ram acton was ruoceesful hiohard io john kirs destroyed two hundred hou aod rendered two thousand people hotnslee in iba itoasiao town of kowcius actttl i 1 m h an 1 csuber will arnold 4hh h j rdmisluu ita hdwin rrancis in ada ryfe 6j1 maggie fyfo i m jessie harvey ml john moore m cbas mclam ill daisy vicklin jw mabel lue s10 artbor smyth kio gkosoktosn t r ha 1 rusher t thai atdou 1117 warner dsyfoot 115 will glaas 67 jo io hulchineoi via george langford 1jj will luttr 16j niuamillaj- 4m2 turville morrow i john held 147 will held mil mabel hy- 131 1thel bomcrville ixi nunuu r n bmar a 1 ache hannah harbor 5 jo alice day 161 henry ii u titer wm howard oram mm luchel huaael jh3 joouie boott 5j1 marion tbompauu ny liauimirai g tit n t 1 obo milton dingbam 10j nettle campbell 137 george hilt 1h3 robert hhortilt 1jj no 13 ewiukbimo mi midoxaia maggie uaruas 131 mima gambia a1j 1 bwackbammer 4i7 b thel townaend 4iu glsihllulamh 1 n hi i i cachar joseph horaler 117 hattle watkiua jum no h likii wimi c wh en 1 eschar andrew arthur all i 1 sol hin mjnr rusbtba laaoher agla t coles 10m s 3 chin ukiii mib lilly teacher tare trails hj icwla ruuedgo 17a 4o 1 chi iu ui a ii ficwidi jainea o nelll 4 jo nw it n bhortill loscber gertie day 711 mary holmes hit no 4 ban w w hilts lesolier red mokee 7si actum 1 t moore teacher maggie wallace 117 t ma are p aluiwagsi tkey failed to reach the atandard in eom one subject ilwlll be observed that howard oram won rod the highest mark in tha exam i as lion u04 howard la ao aolou boy but baa beau rsaidlng wilhmapdtkorval and under lb tultiou of mr r n bbortlll lbsrs vim are glad io ass a larger parosoiag of the caodtdatas than uiaal pass this jeer it allow wa think that mora diaoratiou ie being abown to deciding wbo shall write j 8 uiwoa inspector a ii giaiu h bt pridoipal the glori twelfth annlvornnry of tho otattlo of tho boyrttt oolabra0tl fnawton wlttv- enthualabtrt by county ornngoman and vlghora a most 6ucc88ful dav hie calibration of i ho gluiituia iwulflli in actpn on jlundnj emindu 1 nlj setllni 0 thv motfitier ilrmonslraaimia in id hero hetwrnti thirt aud forty jrar io when acton waa head tarter for oraiiitciiin for n urge ilialrlot willi i ha death anr r uioval of a 11 imber ol tho prominent iiimtibrr if ihe order in llme earlier days i ical inlerest 111 ll o orange an i purplo was allowol to lpe a id or im u than thirty yrara acton has seen 110 celfhralion o tear in ihe loj t orangeit heart bo on mho annual walk or the local lodge tn thrt ilnxilu r if n onm jutil le point when the aotn 1 lira i rru at the last aniutl meotini 11 f the diatiiat orange iodgo invited ilia loilas ol ilia dlatrict lo hold their annual demonstration here they dec 1 ml to make llm cvet t a nirmorahle one in tbia thov auooeode i iu ecry res toe i and ilia celehrali n mat ilia moat aaflguiuo expectation if kinu williu admirer a shower iu tho motuing juickly paed over and gava place to a irritant day for tha outing a hot leu o cl ck tho visiting lodges bojn to smcmblo from east lo west a special tram from georgetown at 10 15 brought a lare contingent from milton trorgetown and other point accompanied b milton hraaa hand aud a life and drum band thoan ivors met at the depot by the aoton brethren with aolon cornet hand an i coo m pan rod to their tjoarlers for accosnmodal ion in the mean li mo a number of lodge and jand had driven in from various plce by noon tho town was thronged with orange men decked in their gorgeous uniform regalia and bsdtes of nfflcn guarding ibelr richly embreidefcd banners bannerette chart ore etc aoton waa very creditably decorated for the ocoaeionw tour large atones tailed mill and main btreels and a fifth ihe park avenuu entrance lo ihe lark r ulcrpria ing merchants hotelmen and ciliaeiia di played flag and bunting 111 profuaion aud acton preseuted an attraclivo holiday ap pear a nee atone o clock the iretbrrn formed on main street marched up main to west bower ave down willow street lo bower ave thence to guelph blrcet dowuguolph to millalong mill to i ark avenue theuce to tho park in tho follow lug order bro i f cimpbell d m of oeorgc town ou a white charger brookvillo rife snd drum hand ioi no gh stewart town i o i no ih nerval lot no ict mihou milton bras baud 1 o l no air jlenwilliil hillaborg bra hand l o l no 1h7 acton acton cornet band 1 o i no i1hi ampbollvllle impbeluille iifo and drum dai j carriatte with speakers riiviug lu the park spectators oont h upon and in front of ilia grand atand where a patilion bad bceu erected for the speaker col hens m i p of bur llnitlon ooouplcd the chair the irsl speaker waa geo hyuds r s wbo on behalf of the citixeii ot acton extended a o rdial walooma lo the viaiuog brethren tha following speaker were then called upon lo deliver addresses ooo llunie ka- of millou hev mr mr era of acton david hondo eon m 1 of aolon hev j w rao formorly of aolon now of weal toronto junction and rev mr jetferlca of oakville the speaking aa a whole waa eloquent and ha 1 that ring of palrigtlsm which should oh a ratter tin the expressions or every true orangeman ol kern did not tbluk orangolsm had outlived its usflfuluoss it had still lis work to prf r m 111 the niovaiiirni of rellklou omanciatiou 1 11 rolorrnco to the reaut and still bur ill oj jucsll ia u tbe manitoba sliio is ho balloted ihe matter lo bo one of trovincial prerogative ho was decidedly uppoapd lo dominlou interference he concludod by paying a glowing tribute lo ihe hon n i wallace in hn dbmmeiidablo atlilute towards tho separate school question hev wm uryers in an olmjueut speech said ho wa not an orangeman bul wa wholly iu sympathy with orange rluci plot- he had aeeu ihe boy ne river and had walked ovor the gruuud whore william 111 bad so successfully championed 1 rot on taut nghts and liberties he waa a friend of roman catholics but a hater ol roman catholicism because roman catholicism destroyed liberty and suppressed thp protestant bible mr david henderson m i wa rrurlv od with loud and continued applause he took occasion to thaok tke orangemen for their hearty support tn tho recent election 1 heir vote must have been solid for bun us bad placed himself ou record as oppos od to separate solioola in manitoba aud considered himself jualiued lu sol lolling the support of orangemen lie wished to apologias for a atalemoul made ave yaare ito iu georgetown that when sir john maodouald refused lo dlaallow the maui tuba school aot scjiarale acboola would never be re established iu manitoba he wa not now ao anre about it an attempt had boon made lo re establish them ho believed another attempt would be maile ha would now tuahfy hi blalemonl by and eloqiifinrm i rlsllo i with practical ihirtita anil vrnpliaalrnd the faql thst drango tiftiviiptrs if live i up q would sconmptuh linileitnntotlrht mr uoi iikntie i lloti n c wallace tn naliomialt ii onnaliler olhr wallace thn embodiment inoarnate at the l r host aif i twit form of patriotism otinr prominent membcra of the order appearing on tho platform worn david luidhrt p m llnrnlj allen aavon an i tf hency litjf lritta ll n coucltialnn nf the ad i rouses i ho program mo of sporl formei an ijiteresting f cat lira to llm kflcrnoou antertainment they were cnntesleil with the following fesult 4 two milo lilnjolo rnrp 1 red ktoroy j hilix hair miln blot1o raco 1 re- 1 ktnrny j iiiiu j00 yarl root raoa p 1 lliotl w rrumbill 100 yard roil nice i i ill ll v mc master half mile root race w mo master ii i crgusou the iligbuud dancing of miss myrtle kilgour yf gait greally plrasnd hcoltishtfrart the irltton pert htso 1ui1 nistcli was porliap tlto grualclt attraction of tin aflcr noon it nflj ded u rxctl1ent exhlbillon ot hji puving a little reckless ply the first two lulling wa followed by more careful an i earnrtt work ihrcngh s o up o of error by ihe acton in i lie eectmd innings milton piled up a score which go them thnload till tho close ol the match which resulted in tho creditable bcoro of h to f in ths visitor a tauor mr alex duff or milton acted aa umpire ills decision were generally fair and impartial and laiiifaolion alike to both team tbe score wa a follow 1 0 1i1ltosr ticatue 0 r a jarvla 1 b lawsou jb loaoock cf klliolt c w lark 1 j johliaon f it y lor a 0 ullehnll a hyiler 1 harllny 3 1 mihi r f lirllui al 1 1 0 i 1 lint or 1 i 1 j huso alllu 1 p re ale duff addiug that asperate schools would never re cstabllabcd iu manitoba will bis oonsenl rev j w rae made ths aieecb ot the occasion it glowed with patnotiu orvor i m shtiii s v ri 1 it wai taluoc rcmirkable that ibnuo catholic 01 1 10 ns were as active in tho oreo liou of the arches for the demonstration aa the most puthiisiaaliu orangomen thy wurkr1 as harmoniously aide by side in erecting orange decoration as it their nveryday work a shopmates the oldest oraiigtnnfnvuu town on mon day wa my robert mill onr oldetroi dent he is in his hlth year and waa initialed an uraugemau iu 1 roland ho years ago jaa howut 1 j ot ballinafad was also one or the oldest orangeman upon the groun is mr hewitt is iu his eighty sixty year and has been a mom be r of the order sixly seven yearn orangemen generally were so delighted with aoton s reception and welcome that they declare their intention soon to return for another twelfth 1 he people will remombor t o t moa 1 least heard on monday ll lyio watei aud protestant boj lo tbelj credit be it said the niembos tho orange order who cougrogated in lows on monday were a sober and orderly a gathering a was oven aeeu in town on any public holiday it ia generally tlionght thai aolou 1 ark aaw lia largest crowd since 11 waa opened on monday nbwb ot- the dav ai b pi to mo of tha world a t- during tha waek hon llogh juhu macdonald will reumt i is law business al winniiwg it is ru mured that nrnelius vaiiderbilt jun is dangerously ill from i nig trouble at hballow i mr samuel urrlc was killed by falling out ol his waggon upon ihe horses mr john hubiuiou ol tall llouded ihe orange demouatration at midland aud waa struck by a train both legs had to bo an j utaled a lino hospital 00 tho i eland lewi scoiuud ha been uippod aud furnished by mr j ross robertson m p of toronto 111 memory ol hi mother whose homo it waa al a dinner given lo 10 000 poor of moscow in different quarters of tho towu tbe mayor read a communication from the hrnprets offoring ten thoesand roubles ai the uucloua of a fund to eatabllsb homes for tho ohildrau loft orphan by tho oatas trophe on the 30tb ull the caar baa added auotber ten thousand roubles in addition to tho gift ot 0110 thousand rouble lo family which lont a working mouber the modern kniqht theso srs certainty not tho daya uf chivalry and romance of long haired pools abd olinging females the tandaooy 1 toward ihe practical aud even the lovoii uoub uuwadayb are inoelly objeula of utility somethlug whioh saves time aud gives oottifort and ease we are iuick to appreciate and use auylblug whloh lu creases our comfort especially if it be 111 the way of clothing let auybody ooce realise tho tiiatiiiuoent healthful warmth which fibre chamois will add lo hi cloth l u aud he will certainly be provided with this inexpensive e luipmeul agalust ii freaks of the woalbor this interituing i made from pure spruce fibre and is a complete non ouuduclor of both heal aud cold j that tho layor or ll through ololh lug kceout the ueroesl winds ami pre anrves tho natural heal ol the body fpuk- it is skid 1 in 1 1 1 id jl qaura wlliau w wmlrbtow om q alrawb ron is go note our 1 rinca to clear w la ou amerliau hiraw hals q tl 7 american straw hals q tl ai amrieau straw hal l iu americau htsrw hau 0 it 91 american straw lists tl c 7 youths straw hau fl 1 very lu ui to date ll 1 seaaoii s styles i ry our bpocie uo aud 7j mwhlit- uni at n 1111 id sht 1 hey are iho he i in the trade 1 q the price i r e nelson ii lttdinj 1 ailor and nniibhtr guiiuih t m neiaz face in hn olp plbce having 1 urchaanl llm toe ami sool will ot ui it lloluisa 1 would reepeetfully auuounoe to all foruiar ouatoiuars and lbs ubllo geaarally tkasrl bavsoouiuisasmlbusinnsa as bit old ataud on tlain hlreasxsjisss will ita found a ooiuplste stock o nnlclasrvhlck mutton i aslft itlllk vresh bimi ball halid hatlbaukn aud 1oultiiy iu f losalbly oouslalsul wtlb ilrat ralsquallljr prompt dettvmry fit atocjr wmatmd i tltmuz7iitgm h0usb 15talker mbbean fo co main street tionrctown fa aa great july sale instructions have come from i orontoto unload the stock of 10000 00 andtrxdo so wc have ptft the pruning knife to the very core our buyers are busy looking after kall goods and picking up tle most reliable goods to be had in thefdiitcrent markets of the world the following lines will givcou an idea of what this store will do durmgthib grla 1 sali wonderful how inch people can save by trading yith it walker mcbean co s tailor i an i jou know that y n oan buy a tailor mada hull cheaper and better from u alker uolleaii a co uisd siiywhereelse in the oouuty ollpat lledlictionh iu our tsllorlob loiaruieiie ai303 twoeu hutu tor til id lhfatwoo4 rtnlu lor 81171 iwbotssod hulls for 7 0u don a and hhaen uat s tloston call hals 1 30 sale or toe uho 1u sbi rlcn 9144 v pairs odd hal and annrosa slainmc homo of these were 91 do u onion tan hll imrs 1 00 sale rioo 41m v ueii s tail oifunlr vi sale rloo he womon s lilacs osfonls at 23 sain price too ulssoa kl i oifont 1 00 salo prloe u 1 npjlloy tlufl hals salo rloe 79c xk omen s srtt hll jwrs sale rloe x7c boo womn i i ruuella huipara sain prlco tuc lio womipi m cloth hllpper sale prion itc mm woiiious istl or hllj ers bale j rloo 1 ma usn carnsl hiipperb sals hoc 33o alllsfllii kings yntitilated lloou lo lllack and tan the piry bi tr hot woathor 1 so won en a oxfonla sale wo i 71 men s dona hl oifords latxi u 13 w mniis while snvss oxfonla for m l vi w miens white canvas oxforlt lor el xi dremm goods m an i 73o i lain and fancy dress looiu sals 1 rice si uu dross looda salaprioetc btlkm colored hlls bltae 4100 and i sals irloe luoanta joo all wool delaines sals prloe 111 canu ooo kroncl klauoels fsney strlnss sala pries luaenta lie htibher plaunsls sals prlee he ttrerrfk ski rltronu twestls lor llojs a 1 usn iianla sale pries too tsmii 1 lots 71c 1 00 and 1 ill your tilok for oo itmtm me irles inn las i kofi an 1 htltl hbu 70c sutl l me aimla of twestla at esactlv i trios seslutf tl oas w isle dont cm r pel htretohorm tic i a al rloo jue half prtcos during tlie sals ou clothm l t oil tl u forttsie during lbs ursa hala lmttlom ntoumem lmdlcm vemlm 3 for un stic wbluiesnve net cores 11c no come and trade at the great cash store of halton and save monc whlk6r mcb6an st co -th6- frank dowler co gu6lph big seljllino wahkan lb big buying qui t ij k being un ihcu wa lu the hurupo uklt with facilities foi bujing commanded bj r fnv houses it is our aim to nave all the room p ssilile for our fill joods when they arrive and is with our lar- and wdl assorted stock it cannot be doni in i day wl take timtby the forelock and nuw lummonco to clear out the remainder of our summer stock it prices that will have a melting effect on the piles of stvlish and up to date goods on our counters never before was sucli chance oflcred to make the hard earned dollar go so far never before were we in such shape to supply the most fistldloui tastes getting first selection from manuflclurers uid jobbers the ready cash being the great lodestone of attraction to them in each department ou will find lines of serviceable goods it unprecedented prices ie frank dqwler cc j i eat cash house dcpaitmeutal ye summer man v use hobb hgljt breezy garments heres what you i ci ting and it hglitt aiidjireezy pneea loo imes one half ill to da s rial tluc ie m many cases one fourth an 1 lvlll ilss 1 u7 raira hfeu a halbritwan drawer- regular fioo 74o uoo 11 and l ij foe ib lirowu urey aud w jills coiton t nderabiru 1 uoseii mao lace tlnderahirt soil drawer at men s wlnte drossad bbirts soiled regular ooda at 76o and tl lor iio hoy hau 7 60 hats tor 1 00 hat tor 11 60 hats or strhitf fflts 7vv1 1 00 ns 6o0 llau for ooo uu for tl u hu for 1175 hiu for suits 4teila6btrtlmttr kaum klts attention 1lv ahf rail aul jesvn itir nrdr for ted an or liltm iui n minder twin wlltime at insnl i rices l j r mrx minn job piunttnm i sci uihno itonka latnli1ole i otl till ilnads flroulars e ao nineiilril h tl beat sly in nf the art at moderate irlres auiloi liorl police 4 ily or adilrsfs n v dootlf vus pr rm omm aoton wslllnslon uutual flro insurance company ratshtisnan i0 inhuitakcf on casli and uutual lan any communications forwarded to tny adlresa ilo am or 11 unbone m will bs prompt i r at undss to john tayioit atfant qul i house and lots fo bal tiik undarslitneil altsrssorbale bla bouse si i two lot on ilia corner of mill and weill ton street aoton tba bouse is a ooinfortable wall built trajna of lain rooms wilt bard aul soil water at tlie door atalile woods bod srll feoeed a very fine boin tor sdt business msn or retired farmes terms made known ukmi saliesmen wanted iusblni lmalwottby men lo represent us m bevafsolonrcholoe nnraery rtoek spec s sueontrollad by as illcbest balary or com mission paid weekly steady aiuploynisnt u yssr round ootfll rrs exelnslvw tarrtuiry esperlenee not nseesssry bl par assored worker apeelal indgoernanl to nssinnsis write al one lor partleulars to allkn nuilbklly co lloebeeler n wanted a man to aell canadian and l b ttroai tree lierry nlanu roes shrubs liedcn ornamental trees aud seed potato for tl a only nursery bsvlns tsattns orsbards in canada wa give you tho itenajm ol our sspsrleoe so your lueosss is usisnlsed if you ar not earn in 0 par tiioutlt and eipsnae write ua at one for wrueulara uberal eommlaalom iwid part llitis msn kbrmers eona alioultl l it into hi la it pays better than working en tl a farm and otters a onaiice for promotion apply now ajsd oat oboico of territory btonf a wfllisoton toronto canau kllbns patent f roofluir- j pilot of boot only tbe cream of roonnft material bsloa uaed ltlallabt stron end 01 bis will co- irsaton and otbsrs tbs roof 1 fffvlni 1 best of aatlfaetlon and i bound to take tb plaes ofsblnalsson farm llu 111 o cost about the seme a shlno from mi so to 100 per square allen roofing co coltont shaws drug store rockwood hor pure spices tested baking powder resin corks fwrb prris crbbn 15o- pfcu pount only pore droirs used in oar dispensing depart mens jshawv draft store rookwood shaw cholera remedy 1 tbt best bafo and pleasant brampton pressed brick and tile works jas packham uailrktkbsa or finest pressed brick zlrwjniaj- tijm ol ku suras ia stoeb bm samples ol dries at ii f aloorss nc i 66 south walllrtbton strt east brampton new implement warekooxls main stroot acton john mcqueen uevtn isaaa tbs ssnroomi of mrs ntekllu bas a full assortment of aarleultaral impla mants from tba oslsbralad works of frot wood smiths falls aiso coulthard scott oshawn- dhums and culttvators kleuiy plows rimury fiovrsaarws to at alt jusda 01 wow li i aud ilia j ml jjhn moqoeen gr eyes tested 3 men tweed boil all wool fancy striped suit regular 3 60 all wool blue serin bait li mu all wool iwikb bait 1- likhl and dark fanoy check hutu 0 tor u bsfcar coeu al s li pair maos bid bar pant jft 57 uoy plao tweed quite worb i 4 00 to bs ol tared ai ramembrth ordered pvnt salo of ktna pranoh n knrlub woratad fllriues and oliacka aod u 00 t 00 1 50 fi 00 a 00 1 00 7ft i ou bootoh tweeds al 03a i 7 t6 bast line by fib par osnl wa bavsajar abown in a paol bale e b collins j d williamson co wyndtarn and maodonnell 8treob quelph wl liavo i ridu ate optician a pupil i dr owen u detroit who lb thor oughly competent to lit tht most dilhcult case savage co jtwtulits cuelph qssjll v

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