Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1896, p. 3

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j y ia jk j e bank of hamilton ukad orricte iiauilttoh ririliii ur iibssavk kumi totab ameti 30ard op directors oilnhtuailt a j iiauhay ljres lant loerstdent inx 1 ncroh ixo itasi ii at wood a ii ikk toronto vi ujbsosuj tuunlluflcmlut ii h hthlhkn asst cuhlir ii u wathos inajwelor agencies hamilton itlsrtou hm ksst hnd attulon llerlln eussley oaorgalownorlinaliy listown i ueknow illliun iloant forest orangwvilli british contaapondoatb iondo national wovinclel itetik of kng d ltd atooiican corrospondanu new yoea fourth national liens end hanover netiwial ilenk lloarroir inlerneuoa l trust oo ii u rw avotu ertne llnk cnirsao lnaufroml hank of illinois end union nstlonsl itsah uimolt detroit national ilenk u utsss ciri national ilenk ol commerce aflenu in montreal tbe llsnk ef toronto ohoroetown auemoy notsa drsenuntsd kodwliwiiict mads on anil uila baouriuea collacuoua ruada and dratl bought end aold savings deportment deposits pf at end nliwmrda received and totaraat allowed front date of deposit to date ol withdrawal 1 hfkciajj dklofuta alao received al currant rata ol intereec n u liwnqbtonk agent wedding presents ttirthria presents uogers knives spoons forls haadquartar for specteclee we carry the finest a took at gold frame poca spectacles i te paired any time joo went impairing done in oar lino send or bring it to a oar work it lb be i oar prices reseotiebln wa always gin aatiafaoticm geo hynd8 acton ont jrwkujuit stosi slje attm r flress tuuhsday july la ibm xr little local brieflets which cauaht that eyoi oreari or fran praia reporters this wttk tbe knxx pint i headquarters for qui ouelph baa proclaimed monday august ird c 110 holiday hate joq paid your lnc iuaea aob acnptioo for soother year tba dw road bed on church 8 treat la uow being coated with gravel llio rata of us at too in mount boreal tbia tear ia tl milla on tbe dollar a base bail match dracopton fa acton will u ed bare tin tbe i5lh mat acton plays mi exhibition gerr of bail m milton on h ellarnoua the fall wbaat harvest la well advanced here tba sample ia a very good on a tbe frequent aboweni during the week have been productive of much good doolie a- co are removing lb bala of tba v c haddock slock to sl cetber ina- air raoabeckcr fjotmerly ol olan williama baa opened a tin and atova boai mm here llav w a j martin ol toronto ua boen oailed k tba paatorate af knox church oualph heard mora a co have i be frama work ol their new mwamtarj rolling boaae and drying kiln pretly well advanced the artcalan well at tbe eole leatbar unnery baa been drilled to a depth of j i a feci no flow baa jet been ecored mr tbomaa blllotta ana oew barn on the oecofcd liue kti ratacd on wedueeday afuroooo laat u la a aplendld auaotnre the pal men too rrporttr baa changed handa ur samual fleaty tbe founder of of the joarnal baa diapoaa of tbe plant and good will to croll liroa tbe army worm baa appeared at tbe o a c oaelph they are alao in wei land county and doing oooatderabla dam ago we have not heard of tbeir ppr auce bereaboata tbe berlin rc ilev dr hen dereon preaobad hia opening aermooa at trinity anarch sunday to large congrega liooa tba doctor ia abort and conciee and bandied hia eeverml aubjeou with an edmir able olaveraeaa already ha hj oompleta- ly won the haarta of the llatbodiata of berlin tha renfrew lerrar ooe of tbe 1ioneer papora ol ontario completed iu twenty fifth year laat week etill under the management of ila founder ur a bmell nald aqd hta aon ur w e gmallltald the mmmrg ia one of tbe moat enterpriaing and auooeeafol da wa pa para in canada and an honorable repreoeotative of high olaaa looal joornalum one murder unavbnqcd thai smith fla jury 3a ye thoa arnwa weekimwd by pereona unknown buitui vuam unt joly h tipj k joorued inqoeal to the beroea murder caee waa rwaooned tbie morn log and ae no furlbu light baa been revealed u wa de- oided on oooaolalion with the ooaoty attorney to oloee tba matter tba jury before diaroteaaj rap dared tba to lowing rrdiot thatlbe deoeaaed tbomaa ltarnca oame lo hia death by a pialol abot at ihe handa of eome pereon or pareone unknown thla ooooludca tha caae lor tha preeent uuuua aomatbing oooora ta juaufy tbe authorities in lakiog it up again do you want white teetr uaa ivorine areaignaof deoay prearal t ivortna re tarda decay aod randan it impne elble if naed tag u lady jm tba breath heavy t ivorine purtoaa and awaataoa ivortoa praeervee aod wbilane tba taatb and glve ihtu a daaallng hrlutaooy ivorine u abaoluuly rae from enamel wealing abeunoee uee ivocioa for tbe teeth it brwalightfal end fragrant a iuui ina l alower only ia m 0i bacrelary with table only s00 uaudaome uatuo hocking chair only s3 00 a u of family and oiber uiblee webaur a ulouooary a ftna piano lamp braaa kettle and a lol of otber artiolea mm b a baxoan wall paper itemoenu at ball pries window abedoa complete cartainpola all ooloracomlcte m at tba drag alora another big drop for caeb in china dinner and uajrooes bwiu at w f- bmltba the news at home moatfy dt lofsal chsraotar and avtrv itstti intarwbtlnk i j trio mr umptmlamrm cnefaw avhal it likely lo bt ons of the boatgamci erer playxl in acton will ufca plana t iht park tipk sflantooo bomo pao pte think it nramoietiaaa in tba aoton imin to bovriu wjatcb with cswadaa chamnion httl the itapla ijaafa know wa have 4 an parlor team tbie rar and aoarpt i4 th invitation with tha hprolatioa of well corneal rd game the poblio generally will boanaion toaea this matoh oame wilt aammanoa at 3 o dock l dratb of jrjljt jlrjfjiil hmq aflrr en illneaa f a little over a week duration tcblen llaufllan of lot 3j oon s faqoca ng naaard away mr mo ml lien waa ona of tba moat highly esteem ad far mora in thi eratlon he waa an elilr in kuoa church andcloeely idon tided with he progteea ur momlllan wee born in scotland and came to canada when bat a youth he lived near glen williama for a number of jcara nd eeltlad on the farm wliere he died abiat thirty yesre ago he leaw a wife and four children two of whom are married tbe funeral will be held to morrow at 3 so p m lavffen to adorn kev uogb a uepbafmn pooobed two highly acoeptablaatrmont in ktoi charob on bauday he haa recti red a letter from tha moderator of knot church acton laling that an informal mertiug of the ooncrrcatioo bad been bel j aud u wae decided bt- that meeting lo invite him lo the paatorate of the church mr mopbar eon baa decijed to aooept tbe invitation which will be pleasing news to bis many ti tends tha charge at acton is an m portent on hot v mophcraon will fill u wall great acceptance lo tbo ooogregation as wall as with honor to himself ouelpli h trrf b y r- v juww 8tt a very enioable occasion ia in store for thoae who attend tbe lawn boo is 1 st the home of mr jamas u wsrren cedar creek r arm lib lino to robrrow evening ltev mr langford and mr a c c warren prmident of the baptist young 1raples union with a corps of workers sra using every endeavor tfl maaa the affair a marked aooesa tbe programme toe odea aaostcal eelecliona by uiss hem irtet uias nlcklin williams qoartatte cl mr w stark mr harry jeans elocalionaty numbers by miss walker and addresses by pastors of iba various churches acton cornet band will also be present to accommodate oar citixena conveyances will ron ram the post office from g 00 p m a srloas fracas afoadar night last monday nigbl alex bharp of crmeboaae got himself into a eorjp which he will remember for some time he bad been drioking daring tbe day aod at night btoomidfl quarrelsome managed to stir op rows with several people at mullen b hotel his ire seemed to be al lis height sboat von o dock and in order the more effect uuly to combat those be attacked be accar ed a formidable looking dub he was in the act of striking an old man an ugly blow with tbia dab wben an enn farmer lolled him with a chair tbo chair came down with more forbe than wsa intended rendered sbarp loeenslbls aod gave lum a very eore head he has been confined to his bad sinoe it is hoped this event will causa him to turn over a new and quieter leaf jwigat jave mad tmtml comseaew0ca last wadneaday evening a family gathering and cnriatcmog wee being held al sunderland villa the bee a ufa i borne of w u btorey beq when bo socldcnl ocaarred which wss very nearly etlendod with senoas oooerqoeooee the company waa seated al tea in tbe front dining room wben without any warning whatever a section of about ten feel of tbe heavy plaatcr comic fall alighting drat upon one or two of those who aurroundsd tbe table and then upon lbs table itself a piece of sboat forty poands struck ur btorey upon hie shoulder t aod had it not been that tbe force of the fall waa broken upon so open door the result would undoubtedly hav been serious the china and viands pre pared lor tea at one snd of lbs table were cruabed iatoa conglomerate mass it wsa fortunate indeed that no person waa ear lonely injured a good mia called to ilia howard ur 1 h w moyer tbe editor of tba berlin itaty araa died at his re ids ooe tbe kstreet berlin last thursday altera long and trying illness ha waa go years of age and leaves a wife and nine children moat of whom are grown up mr moyer was a versatile writer and bis paper the arwa waa wail known he travelled el leueivaly having visited all parts of this continent he graduated from victoria university and bad i he it a and b a dagreea deceased wss an alderman in west ward for many years and uu lo nil illoees was a moving spirit in the council hta aoooeaaial advocacy of electric cars waterworks system tewarv etc hss placed berlin tba town of which he was ao proud at the head ol canadian towns lu que municipal eijuipmeat becked op by menu fsciaring ladaatriee and mercantile en lerpriees ol permanent and profitable char sola mr moyer was a loyal and energetic mam bar of two important bodies tbe methodist church an1 tbo canadian frees association to tbe internet of both he gave tbs strictest j logistics he gloried in their advanosroant and never gh i o p at their bends- tba injunction in honor prefer ring one another waa hie delight and to tbia trait of character ths editor of tbe fame paras pays grateful personal tribute in tbe press aoo tattoo mr moyer wae alwajs interested in lha onngsr mem hers and delighted to aid in their advancement al iba annuel meeting tan years ago with oat any previous consultation be nominated tbe writer as a candidate for the executive committee in aooceedlng years bs watch ed with a fatherly interest the advance step by step until the presidsotal obslr of ibis important association was tendered by the mem bare then bis congratulations vara moat cordial no doabt similar teeti tuoay aen he presented by otber members of tba orajt the funeral of tbia good man waa held on buudsy sod wsa attended by many prominent ci tissue and others from a die teooe the last aad rites ware performed by three oollega olaaa castes lie 4 lir henderson pastor ol tha church ltev br borne ol hamilton and 14 v j k howell m a of aoton assisted by itevs ur jscfcsvo call j a maclaaghlan isva waterloo spd j w uerman berlin wtiiahoonhood news nawe itaml suppllad by corroa- pondonta and eahgnnoa nockwood m mr co iluok ooorgaton and mr jas nisck c ha i ha m anant last week si mr uurh lllach- amonu the vijrirotsin his villsge are aflud htoll mokitowiri mr w tlm lllon tirontrjmrs wr clsrkson flomrr villa mr i- a hioul iterlin mr v la ouelph mr btowart kentucky an ilrsanlford mm bheardown tiron to j mrs ilnnlor montreal miss kvins toronto aod frank dosotlo are visit ngl cumming th6 aqairsot for an iron bridge oyer the- river hsssen tit ttftho mantreav hi lge co at toso it i to be completed by heptembermst v b mr w ilso cornell dsruo if of the tie annual pidlio school 4 of t ramose took place si the 0 a colbfgnon tuesday snd was welj pat mr w d moore of ooor hun tay friends in town on montis ashufrcwe oaing lu the buay lima smong the fsrinars fsw celebrated the- uih a number however apeul the day in acbwr and cave quite a glowing aoooant arthe enterprising town mie allts uicsicr is visiting in town this week mr rerroll end family removed from oar mldat on wednesday a very abeotod good bye was made iho highly esteemed family they moved to the vicinity of acton where lltey lived formerly miss a nixon left pn friday for arthur where she will pay a lengthy visit mr sv alexander a orbed a few uys laat week on mr joioo e new barn which waaraiaod on the uolli ult kntrsnoo pupila from bore were a scarcity this year there being none who wrote mr o thornton htill keepa very ill ur snd mr hilt and ion a pen i a for dsyt in thj vicinity laat week mr trad cantlon of ruront i vi ited his mater mrs 0 bailey this week master on tin snd miaa griffin apanl a few da j a with ihoir aunt mrs wm th lest week uev 0 a myt obeli b a aciit several days laat week visiting hin new ohirge crswsons cornerb the bramoia sabbath school axki tion hold their annual picnic at the o a collrge oueph ou tuesday a unle from here rnjayod tbe outing quite a number from here etleudod the orange domoiiaueliou lu acton on moti day and were well pleased with their day s pleasure the fall wheat hanret will be about finished tbia week mr wru andoraon rtiuvod lulu i la i ow home last week mr w lamb i ro building hia bxrn mc bhepperson of hillaburg has the contract mrs joi allou r of the ituoil line erin who waa so sonoualy j ired by a fall which she received a week ur o au passed away on monday mori iu ur jua moore of braoebri go h eiio ing a few days at hta old huiuo here urs watson of loronto la viaitm friends here uessm jeorge csnn and liarloa oim bis want on a buaiueaa trip to hamillon leal week ur j gaoiblo aud ml i us nhlo vialted ineuda at hlllaburg laal week canada s great exposition lite torouto industrial lxh billon now kuown as canada a drcat rar la an occurrence to which almost every canadian looks forward with pleaaurable autlcipa tion aa it ia made the occasion for their annual holiday oulln it ia lu be held this ear from tbe sul auuyr to the lith boplember aod sa the live luck eihibitura aod vanuub aasociatlona have agreed tu have their stock on the grounds torn thursday the 3rd september nil the dose of tbe fair tbe first week will uow be as good as the second we have received a oopy of the prise list which is unusually well gotten op anyone desiring a oopy osu obtain oue by dropping a post card lu mr u j hill tbe manager torooto a greet programme of interesting attractions is promised applications for space ahould be made early kind words preiied by contompor epoctlng lr wcm upo i attain i ntf its majority many kind words hvd twen expressed by our journalistic brelhrm upon he com pletton of the arsi twenty bne yosra uf the fui 1iuii history wo a pi racists these kindly references very much and will be pardoned by oar read era lor tbo publics tion of s few of them below ihe newmarket ayu aaya 1 he a u extends ita cjngratulalloiia to tha aatt n b mkk fca ou attaining its majority ths fmxk pskma ia a oboloe deao sheet an 1 au honor to ths worthy little town that so generously supports it the toronto vrft a ft j v ror seventeen out uf its twenty ol e ycai has ur ii i moore guided the destinies of tbo aoton r use 1 mm and lu lis handa iba journal has done good work fur its community and hae withal prospered uneuoially the fuss puxa is one ol ihi typographical show paper of canada the ueorgolowu lit all aavs tha aoton fass uui we twenty one years old ou july lal the fuse i hai baeu undor tba sdllorial and bumioaa con trol of mr 11 1 uuors for aevculceu uf these years aud its exoellent auooesa creditable to his gcoj management oui beat wiahes for ooutlttued growth are here by extended date or otneral elections b kejtevrd la 3l hlauun urart ufari dr agnew s cure foe tbe aaxt gives perfect relasl in all cases ol organio or syaspatbattfl heart diasaaa in 00 mlnalaa and peedlly sfleobt a oura ll is a peer laaa ramedv for palpitation shortness of weelb srootbrrlag spalls psiu in left side and ail symptoms ol a diasased hearc one dose oon mora uom by j vj kan when la it lo be t thla lueatiou i ditlurblng ills souls of politicians li slsw of hs material alteration in the oon sneroial policy uf lha country wl ich would be involved lu webauga ol government it is a matleewbioh concerns the general ublio comlnjg and going vlaltofa to ancffrbm aotrn varlousotharparsonal notas tha ynum i nras invite all iu readers q en- irlhifte to this column if you or your frlsuds aragolng awsy on a itollitsy trlpnr if you lavs irluti la vlallinp yon ro a card lo ths kb as i niua mr llollls smith of oslt was homo this week miaa lanuy dryers is vialtiiif ifcit sister st niagara falls misi metis nsisjm w itexl fri n la in milton oo tu ca lay ltnv t albert moore ol pal mors ton wss in town yrsterday mr charlie luwfy of oualph visited ynlativoa hare this week mrs john lisnny jr aud family are uisitiug mauds in ouelph tiled we sumrrier cldthing mrs w mcdonald and miss conboy of kriu spent monday in aoton ulaa pollard rjf toronto haa been a guest si it ore collage this weak dr iegler snd son of toronto was tbe guset over sunday of ltev wm dryers master knusel priest ia spending his holidays with hu grandfather at kingston the misses mouinnia left on tuesday morn in j for their home iu youngstnwn ohio tho orangi celetiratl in on moodsy brodght miny visitors to the homes of oar citizens mrs 1 i priest returned last 1riday from napanec where she liad been spending a month mr bin kwell aud sans of toronto isited st the home of mr w c king mrs i hoinss r as ton who haa beau very ill for the past month or so is slowly recovertli uev mr jrffsri of oakville was in town on mbi day and msde the fsbk paras a pleasant oill mias rn ma m moore was home from 1 ton to a low days i hi week enjoj ing a we arnrd rest mtt w i ulu and i ucie ilciwell went to grlmft park on monday to spend ihelr aunimer iloti lays mr i j moore wheelo1 lu toronto laal week and is apeu i tiit a low dsya with fririida in tho city una nu br yrri rolurusd last week from a very pleasant two weeks viail with friends at klugston mr h wilkinson of brampton was tbe guest of hta brother dr j r wilkinson a couplo of days this week mr and mrs w uccutcheou or toronto junction arpspeuding a week or two with friends lu acton snd crin tho fkkk pttass conrstulslesur w a mcleau q upen his new tills juat con f erred by the doraiu on government mr aud mrs james drown loft on tuea day lo spend two or time weeks wiih friendb at bt marys and mot lome ur and mrs william williams w r called to the doath bod of mrs wil urns joeepli moore of tyrour on saturday mrs win rorbes and ussier freddie returned home last friday after r- pending a month with friends in brsoobridgs and uuntsville uoikoka uev j l howell u a sad ur h i moore went to berlin ou hslardsy to attend ihe funeral uf tho lato p f w moyrr clitur uf iho derliii wm mr anl urs warren aud eon of now york city aud ur aud mrs kinganduias king of ulovoravillr n y have been guests a the home of mr i frauds ihe past week uaator harry monro hta uio oreilit ut securing iho prise offered by the palmer ton bobool board tor geoersl prufloiancy tha prise sit handsome oopy or boon s i ooma rhtrirr a womans ntessage conveying words of hope to the afflicted had suffered from heart trouble and liver complaint whloh wrooked hor nervous s pa torn in now aa wall and 8t ron aa from i d laujuiu itacr huajo i ruth it ia aald ib auoiolin ea alraoger than motion and iu do way baa this phrase been better rxemplineu than in the plain unvarnished statement of mrs w 11 bd wards of carlelou 1 lace to a reporter of tbe irral t a lew weeks ago urs r d wards i well known in thla towu ha lug lived hero fur nearly twouly five years lha story she related we will give in bar own words she said in july of 1hu i wss taken ill with fever ceased by blood poisoning and laid hovering between life aud death fur eight weeks alter tbs doc lor succeeded in breaking up the fever my heart begau to trouble me jaundice and liver com plaint alao set iu i ooald uot sleep and ray nerves were terribly unalrang during my illness after lbs fever left me i was attended by no leas than three doc lora but their medicine see mod of oo avail as 1 lay fur tuuulha iu a terrible emaciated oouditiou and never expected to be around i his statu of affairs pasted until about christmas when a friend aaggastad me to try dr williams 1 ink 1 ills my msanwbus ihe aching corns of the populace ory lor a remedy and thepneromol give no heed- to the demand look here 1 dun t aaffer this neglect lo delay tha use of means open to all and which removes the meet painful and obelluaje coma in two dsys painless aura acting corn cure putuam a paiu leas corn bxtrsctor marriage licenses 1 mala umoe uu witnesses required 11 p moore issuer r ass pbkib oflroe acton if you want first olass uuelph sash aud doors al qnslp prioea t kaasua can oil your order at bis planing mill vooi vamtki the hjghsat prios iu cash or trade for good dean wool can get in trade raolory blankets varus 1 weeds and ueuoral dry good a wa utleoi george towu husband procured a few boiaa aod i than began their use although with but little ouuudcuce lu them by tha tims i lied used three boxes 1 began to feel e little batter aud iwgau tu get ao appetite 1 hia eiluuraged mo lu persevere lu the use uf iho kla aud i aim ouulloued to improve 1 betau to sleep well my heart oeased to bother mo and my nervous system bsd re ceivcd such a cere shuck was again fully restored idy liver troubla alao disappear ed iu fsol i became almost s new creature 1 uow feel as well as i aver did iu my life 1 have iiwki la all sight boxes snd still con uuue lu use an occasional pill if i feel any way depressed yes shs ssid j sm thsnk fui lo thiuk thai i uied dr williams pink pills because i bahot e no other nwdiatue oould have eoected suoh a cure iu me and have so tffootually built sit op i am per footly willing that this simpls statement of miue should be published snd hope soms poor buffer lug creature may ace it and be restored to health aa i was dr williams pink pills make pure rich blood thus reaching the root of disease and driving it out of iba system curing when other medlciccefail uoel ofabu ills afllioliug uiankiud ere due to au impovsr i a hod uouditlon of ths blood or weak or absjoaretrlibrvss and for all thaas pink 1 ills are a pool do whloh speedily restore the sufferer lo health thee pills are never sold iu soy form sxcapt in tbe coat neoy s boxes tbe wrapper ma ad wbtcb has re the full name dr williams piok 1 ills lor palo people all others are counterfeits and should always be refused oct the genuine and bs uaedevwell for men and boys w mnnufarliirn up rly all t clothing we sell wli i wn d it mske ve impirt dwrri from i nh i and hate it made in our own n i 1 order i here the grau cjyre o t ua in ihe msklng of the cloihiig wo setl is a liii guarantee of y ur ij mc satisfied in a porham through nr mau order department lust n w yours looking fir something c anl comfortable f r bummer weir and well save ynu rrfrrney snif gun you a better scle lion lhan on out i loo places ynu mlfhl go in buy s mens suits young men s and nulha suits it ya long an sh rt pants sailor suit children s special airwlcan wii c iii m lull it strip catalan nil i trkt w h 1 9d lci4l ll it month ftp mitni lliricla s twrru and i nliu ib 00 isoo i qui n b n t4 60 i 7 0 cashmere srjd durk enl mane and n swealem bicycle 11 c neglige shirm ami he shirts and a complete mei a 1 umiahlng and oul ing stock write us about them all questions cheerfully answered i ctlera or orders received be fore 4 a clock answered came day j sutcliffesons ioronto a i ires or icr clerk q when calling sk for mr i 1 sutrliltc assiese a new idea when qolialh waa elruok on ihe head with the alone he wsa joite surprised arenlly such e thing had never entered hia head before now ll ia quite poesibls thst il has never struck yoo thai ihe trouble you are having with your head and yoar eyes is caused by the deed of spec lades it ia quite poasuila hi so thai you see juat a well as tho average person snd yet need jjasaea as it may be only by nuoonsciooa rffurt that yoo sre able lo sew or read uany and many a person has been relieved by wearing glasses when they thought the trouble wss elsewhere illogether 1 am very careful in testing the sight and hate more experience and belter training than anyone in ihe coaoty if wellington hat ing studied and pas sad an examination in the new york optical college eight years ago 1 charge nothing for teat i i g ll e aiglit and will only recom id tuaes if i oiid you ueed them oeo prlnqle watchmaker qaelph july sal oo in met in ju a at ii j ly month ut which tlioru it a 1 t hiiijz for u blackening in the ruttli of humntbo h hero in it lu hu u month of quiet buai tioaa not it te cun help it not il un lxtrborditiar push and prodaure ol joods uud cutting ol pncfjb wrti keep it hvil au ovoi iho h uaj miu lintjo unit cf foi olouriiin out and noju 4 t4ni wilt bo curriud over thut a a dead curtumty ita uot it question ot cout with na uu much us w hat will inuku ttiu goods roll out our june sato relieved sonio depart mntu of turjitim utock uud now wo ure uhle to make bids tor jtilv pur chuaea that will miiko the store more ititorohting tlmu ever thin m the mouth for a pre ad ouplo udvurtiaemontu uud it prod iiul wuttto of printer a ink wo do not propone to udvcrtiae thut way vv hut ot henj muy hocimi in iidvertlniiig we propotie to nvu our i u at tuners m price nductiotih on goods hundreds uud hun dreds will be spent in prftttur h ink uy ua these hundreds will besaenfued in gmng our cus tomera goods cheap we 11 depend on tluit fur our udvertts dig ome t pt tint extroor dinury ghjd vuluu m iry jools hemulnoor this store sells ory goods only but ta or thing in dry uoods faint lu eiisli iiimi no credit half priee f g b ryrn cxcos we will continue this week to sell all trimmed millinery colored straw shapes at exactly half phrje special bargains all through the store g b ryan co quelph buttenck patterns in stock paris green absolutely pure insect powder itn i oz tins or in lulw sticky fly paper and fly pads rape seed 13 lbs for one dollai at the drug btori j v kahnawim dltttoatbt acton receipt of price ihe uind of the in usclsi on 1 2 chtut l all boos nolloa up to date boatomatjmr can be ousipa aupplieit cleg kslly crockett titus by kingsiey 10c alao utepheu tlia ilouor ijiq- uadonna uccarthy io 500 50o- 50c tho itiddu king j ustin all iba way ma doyle sea stories crockett of co velli clark ducheas huseel gk0hget0wn8 iivet storu gibsoh millar co creat summer sttle a ul lu lo itkrgalas lur imi arl our siirlag snd heuiuior uuotu niuat bs otbersd al oost aud laaa thee oust aa 111 s la advanoad aad w want to make room fo kail a ud llargslna in 3aanaaef ortmm oeesta capa ogali beady fowear ctotkimg ireat itargaiaa in if ate farajsajags kle lil uargalus ta vi me high claaa tmtlartmg wi i tra moif llmul biuk lu itua auut iur suitlugs nu li ll uuta u aacun a anil al vaur dvu prtoe iua 1 tdrgwl wa want to ascura your traita 11 luw jirldaa guod wotluuith swrlsomou lu st aud uuallly at goods aud trimmings will lo li wa will bsvs it luinsuibsi ua ilaca oibhon uillalt a co y llue ulook main hires georgetown tluilar and kaas laasi lu umda e r bollert dc co ttb and a wjiulbam slrwel oublpu ont jlow fellows capture france glasgow house summer goods a good assortment of gloves parasols hosiery laces etc albu a loige iaiige of scctch f zephers 1 he correct goods fui summer ivt ir in all colors perfect washers store closes monda luesdiy lhuisdiy and every other i nday evenings at 7 o clock shirp henderson co acton y i to clear out the balance of our stock to make room for other goods we will make the following cut in prices llrgular i rloe iteduerd i hammocks l 7l 1 no do 00 7s do 1 us do do 1 2 a do 1 71 1 36 do i 00 i is do a m 1 jo do 3 00 a 2ft lawn tennis racquets 1 tegular price iteduced 1 racquets yis j 00 do 1 00 j jo do u 1 20 do 7 j0 61 3 3 3 w g s7utith ss chemist and bookseller 20 wvmdham stkhrt 3 3 luiuiuiuulmliuiuiuiuiur cji ll 1 ll the right house our king and hnghaou au htunuion another week of unexampled kelueu more than grateful at tbe interact taken by the ladiea li iho k 1 1 we are holding every week watch oar annoui cemeiilo clo ly aud ou ta here la a list of extraodiner values uflered for nsi1 wees staplcs a niaguibosat assorunsut ol iwllarua in fewdlog btriaa at stt aa s4m s3a kugllah oxtunl dblklaaaat ii is aod sue and aa loflnits vartay ol sslaeuooa pvetlf aiurni in laos tlhlrtinca at 10 and ian in coltonadaa wa csu daliabt yue el wteas rsutu tnu 11 lo sic ir vard vat bora isuiuni waar wa ban auta nandsonaa oelaswa sod lluch hult logs al so aad tflo faotori ooltou iruu sc ui oe lllaachsd tituu ia aud urttml i- rull ut the ioni and dwtgtil anchor still sailing al luv worth lire prints slav m ira rla so- m ill 1 isrc urlkns- luaaa 1 uk at at i aia ooral aalgr bj ttel wa do no allow aufuilug imh hum h aouabu with ua our slyla la lu olaar u 1 una- a a the orat loaa la iba aaalaat u ba uar aaeis osn imnu ladeerd tao to iu nui isso to he h ladies linosfue i a large aaaurtti sul ut adeerd tao to iu tnui w to as jd trom lt to to bal rlv ball prioa and a lv kranch lauibrlcs at 13 and ate ooarlng vnt hereslea rtduo lu ll dm fau ui ulaltm hill i n i 11 i fuiu walala lugdia sd michel lsnadjwua al saifb al r rapcii uui uric wu eettoa at la and uo sad drill f tfo sltaedllla dnxaa ooods fcmiuire rwdeeed irooi s3o to tbo troui me to ta kwbromersd unas frooj ik u wt hwlvala hi ik ila now ik natural oolcw hu4 alusunaao now uo drees glngtiaiua 10c uow be ib now uo u wow loo muslins boo now iu and uu bpleadid range el navv batjas suit able for beach asai ranging la piios ttxttu aa to tljo a anther tins at fsacy orass nluflan irso now boo rtaiiuil orsy is width all wool berth aio now solbsb scsted lu grev sad it thing lor luereie bklrta 111 1um8 rurmishihaa tbls u a departtuaat in which we take areak urtits aad ia wblab we oaaaot be saoelud tor rrsnsb uslnrlgaaa underwear outing 1 ta aatswa ehlto deok aej tars tllkstrldea eg la isrtee frwui ooo to ita lllsok and parasols irtuiaui rnlutc i j r kaeb of tbe above aleavwon t unbr rode 13q meters about lal isrds in i sesiada nataaotber worlds reoord for tbs hi kkdv btbahha htrahnh wbesls woe lots of races all aver os ieda last week pesbaps you aeueed it ths eay lodaltlstndeltesia stmaltma w stark anant can iiuota ainets ekaw sold thsy glvs no trouble uhlrts i isngiag la isrteerrwui one in sui niaoa as tan eottoe half unas rrosn us snd all ui fta gradae kins blaek aaminer astbuan half 11 n frouiue kins blaek aamtner slima sieaes betblug aeiu 1 ti la la a grwat ilslaftui liava tlieut al greatly roiluic i 1 rl uliotnllb olacauulug natural ww lunusrly slti uuw txm i rwa au i wl ll inrwhlfk wlut trtninriug ni orlj tli io iti lrtuu md wklu talm 1 wilu hvllu ai uo snd si vi kaiiay hh t m1u 111 l35aud eiftl lllaek keraaula au i i i r i frotu tba to tha vary beat t blodbe waists avery quo varlaty oj uluuso w ali 11 latest utaterials and stylna llraaa 1 luaa atusl able collar yokm tntuis wltl aaua wtilai c uar atuarloan uusllua iu 1 uralau at torus faal eulora wltli two adjustable oullara i laid uu un very daiur lu grvou li it an 1 i lu will aeuarau ehlla ot llar ki ojr uuslii hi s tritnuiad with valatiolnuaa leer lu luk uiauvn blue aud grawii wblu kliirl waiau will laui dried aollara irunla aud oul worth si j sue h in uu stuui s ll iptm i ll uu itatiaiu dock iilaln ao i strltxnl all 1 ade willi full aklrla and large ales vaa hav a l rliiiu t i llluivls fiklr at n thomas c uwatkios corner king and hughson l streets rhamilton l

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