Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1896, p. 4

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ktf 1 j4i 3 v7svt t- sltyt jrton 3frcc is5 tlinilhay u11 1 ihofl tij jpmig jdiiid hkijn tiiiv1h ttotwathsrcomfofit and health ita4ncs celfchv compound makes lifl hftppy and f-njovaoli- tliilurr wont limlloincl f ho n inn l rn lit in buamorn in leu aocinlv m prodiming untold i mhlh wit t llii ri nulla ii iircmlri 11 jaiuul 11 u ntkh 1 ti k tin i i ihliw al knro1 l bv an within i ik u in for tii i t not u j ilk fr then europes sovereigns lint or reigning moriarchb when queen victoria attained her vtth yonr 1 ha pldcel king in hurope n chrlatian i of denmark who laat month no to red upon the tilth year of hit ok ho haa worn ibe crown or thirty three yea re tim rug of hwodeu and norway 0car 11 in in tho 07th oar of tin ago and haa wielded llio acoptot auice tho year ltj7j t he imperor of aubtria francta joph i will bo 00 ycara old lu auguat noil and ha haa at on hia thrown or forty eight tho kmi of the bclgiaua leopold ii ia in the fijnd year of hie a no and in tho thirty aral year of hiareigu the king of saxouy la in hie llth jear the king of italy humbert 4 ia in the is ill year of hll life and it ibe aeven ireiitb year of hie relit the king of the helloiioe ooorg i ie 1 jert old and haa ruled ureeoe lor thirty three year the kullan of turkey abdul liamid ii ii 11 and haa bean lb ruler o the turkuli empire for twenty yeara the king of rou mania charles 1 la in the 58lh ear of hla age theaoare the mora elderly of tho impor ij or royal aovereigub of europe among ibe younnr european torero inn a am lb emperor of ocrmapy 37 the king of portugal ii the czar of huaaia 2h llmking or soma 20 the quean of the netharlanda 17 and the king of hpold 10 in tho netherlands there in a queen ilegeut and alao in spain iope leo mil who la not a temporal ruler ia in the h7th yoa o hie age born ma rob j 1h10 11 lent core unstipatlun and lhrr ilia y in nn i iikditi iii iih nte i drprcminnii and ilaitiiala thao irimhun am tin- 1 ojmjii in an alarming rlrpt during the fjltblorable hint of mttniiier it ia thru thai thnmamu ari thrown on ixih of itk iiump and huttitlng im ihn wnrllt of oiioh n nro now euftur ilifl we oonlldniilly reooniniotid 1iinvef plory unimiuiiil rut mi mirulllnc anil mirti lirnlth hum ll lriijlhiii lln nrrviiili rtiin iinkl iiiiiiiih thci hlikxl anil uivca tin i mill and niular nlnli hint inn ilucrri lo hirmanmit hrnlth whru djwp ia iifllio bane of life iainna och-r- otn pouinptrriijjtlitue the almnach and acle aa n ton to and atltnulaiil lo all the orjjallh of dieation 1hu ureal mediriitfl ti cloarumi of brain rvnd uilelleol t ivea that vim iinii ami i nrry nf iliap laition thai ih reiinriil in tho wnrkahop ollici- counting hduea and m the homo circlu it makea tho w ak nlroiin 1 lrat in up unairunit iicrvrtt huilihiit up llrah bono and mude when 1aine celery om lomid la ueed in aummer nvrry trace nf diaeaae ih baniahrd and eycry irovailinj peal urn cc a ad plague la aoide1 certai n painkiller painkiller the ghlat family medicine of the agre taken internally it cures diarrhoea cramp and pain in the stomach sore throat sudden gold cough etc etc used externally it cures cut bruimcm burnt scaida sprains toothache pain in tbe face ffeuraiijia rheumatism frooted ftct riklril mii ih iwd rilu very large botttea 50 centa humility ill pi n inn imiiiiui iinliirn in iin1 m mi ii il ioihrltrliim humility la th n fniiniiiilijm of linrifunr i tut driiiro for ditiiitni ni m ilmplir ifii i eryiil lllat if illicit ixmhii vuilll- llih taint roiild imi he grit jilt d l lln ri fnrr ia a tilxn whii u linln f i r iwiorllhirw hh lhlr h i ill- 1 ami lln ir in tf liniii nun i enllhln imtl rrfiilrtn fullimlli hf alt t nl him i in ihn nr iiltl llui nf rial wdrlli jlinimlit hntvovi r rimrnilihirohik nml lln kli a of in uat ixmmi11 htnti for ill urmvth nl charailnr 1m miian mi nun mill llinipt to nl i uli hi mill i l mil im ulinili- rt iill id tho hr lf i ml hoi i l ih of ir hlor auppliil amu h tatlml imdr liff una hi r mr ih niitfin14 id ihn nanitv rmh and dlhlfl t ir ii rclmvoh iiihihuii and m rumtii iitly cura oatnrih ha fvr colu luailaohr euro llrront lounllilii rd ilrafmae hold by j katiiiauni ir hhall i il yunr iliaiimml atuda in my ihirl ilir hllnml what on onrlh an j ml illinium nf 1 lit j no want lo ruin mi 1 hw a initiiif wilh my irod i tore tlnui in jrmtit lirunlt d rankpinrnlh of thr hlouiacli limr nml lllnuil ant nptlily ri moved by tho aclivo principal of ihe murcdicnla en tormn into the oimpoiliiu of iarmrlen a ikntalile iilla thao illla act uporlfw 1 ly on lite deranged urumni itiiiiiilivlui lo aihion the dnrmani moiifira of the nitlciii lllnrub rruiowjih iia and rtnt wlni life and mlalll to lh hint i in ihtri lira th int cnl f it piiilaiil of lr lllrle b vnrtblu illle i he in of om old inn ih hnmelimea far inofl aluahlu than ih uyn of forly xetit cottlilia oldh wro throat aillima hrmclit n and all 1 unij 1 rouble uio imckl und li hadrila 1 vet oral italian ii midi u popularity la lo ctaomlly kite l h olhr el low a rlmnc to ti ii what a lln him 1 hcbu two deeirahle ualihcaliona pleaa ant in the tkito and at the tamo tuna ofteatual am to bo fuuud in mother cirri tea worm litcrminator childrrti the httmaii hoart ia like hea more aiiiru he ok rn roo ilr ihi til irr m i to cure j rheuwattsw i bristots sirsaparilla it il reliable and never fails vr will make yotj well ask your drurjrriat or dealer for il bristols sarsaparlox very lnrgo botthm u lnnln in rommou fruit llml fumilr wlili ha vlfttuls oh thb 4gptb llw 1 it rfmjii n imikjiil i lln iiii n inlkih i proi ifi m v i 1 i iat u jnl 1 i or rllmhi m 4hihl lir iih mi in i l i i il mi itf iii ililll lr j wouldn t promise- mi dr lurd ni win ktp fr ill d il there ia a lime in ever when he arnvea a the coi la iitnorance lmcrann hu retook pilla do not they cure onatipation for while v ou flua hiui lu day ho tcn r fri r jill wh auffer rgm oojh t old huarao neaa aathnia or hronchltia when crect euro li ao eaay with lr wuod a norwa iino rjyrup i rice iba all druiuila fcvery oue moat aee daily people who complain from a of complaining uravea inalanoca uf mere habit norway ilne vruji ouree uoaraonuta boru throat an clillia etc ml old- hma itron ercmooloa am dilfuren country hut ttoa ptiliteocan la the tame oldaniith i ovey wrj llri liulel dr anew a liver pllla ore the moat perfect mode and cure ilka mkria aiak headaobe conillpation blliouauesa indi tteatioi and all liver ilia 10 oenla a vial 10 doaea hold by j ruooawin bluffed out of a bio roll mr moflal ia a denver banker who waa rubbed of lil 000 in hia private ofllca one day at boon the robber hold a revolver in one band and a bottle of nitroglycerin in the olber lie reqamlod mr moflat lu write a check for i 1000 under the penalty of beinu abol and of bavian lli bank build ihtf wreaked by the exploeite in the bottle mr moffat ia reputed to be worth aa many million aa the number of thouaanda de mandod by the robber he wrote the a hook the robber aaid be would have to trouble mr moffat lo tfo with him into the patyiug teller a oae and produoo the cm ah he woold take j0 000 in large bilte and s i 000 m old if you aay one word or ludioal by look or motiou that anything i wrantf i will eboot yau and then blow up the bank saying which the rybbcr threw a liht oiorocal over hia arm uonoealuiu tho rovolver he held in hia band aoooaipanlnd i into the tejjer a coe reoeivod the money and returned with m moffat to the private oil loo ha then re pea tod hia threat to kill tbo baukec and blow up the build o if an alarm ahould be iflveu before he tho rubber waa aafely outalde the bank ho made hia eacape aaid haa not been captured the robber a ovorooat revolver aud bottle were found in a doorway uear the bank building the revolver waa load mi but a chemical anulyla of llio oonteuta of the buttle re voaled tho fast thai the duiu uot itilroklyoerio but iwwl oil pitlabur iimira illra i lllrd lu 3 ui li slelita i it kunem a olaliunt will cure all oaaua of ilohiuk pilea lu from 1 to n olhta one appltoalion bringa oomlort fur blind and blood in iff ll lenrloa alao ourea teller aall rheum craama barber a itch aud all eruptlona of the akin u3 cenu hold by j v kannawiu lloroiani the deviua relatiou which in all time uuilea a kraal man lo ulnar meu carlyln 1irfiti wladuu would give ua perfect health lieaaua men lid women are uol perfectly wiae they mual take mediolnoe lo keep thorn mlvea rleotly heallby pure rioh blood u the baali of tfood health ilooda b aa pari la t onm ltam wood piinller it lrlveajiood baallh beoauaa il build upon he hue foundation pure blood them aru ao uiauy thlia ilai mppoar uuneceaaary and which fur tho life of ua wo can aeo nhlhur purpoao nor ond ii may be oorna are juat one of thore thorn a tn the fleab tho way and tho whoreforo of which we cannot ace ncterthcleaa iboy are of tho kind that are oaaity removed lutnam a iamloaa curn hitraclor mokoa abort work of them try it and aee how nicely it ooaica thorn out uac uonu other than lutuam a corn humclur hold by drudfjiala no evil proimoily to the human hsart la ao jtowerfnl that it may not be aubdued b diacipllne ueuria bore oit mr j noll j now armagh 1 j wrilo 1 u nearly an month a i waa troubled with burning aahea aud pallin in my frvl lo auch au eatrllt that i could not alocp and aa my feet were badly awollen 1 could not wrar injr ihhiu for weeku at lait i u a bo iii l of ir thomaa kulectrlc ml and reaulved lu try ll aud to toy aatoiiulimeiit 1 ot aim uat lualanl rouof and thu one bottle ooom pllebed a perfect etiru letters come by dt ulliij thai thlsrhisouhia b- m ul kla- pcpsii ui ii person of liul bimhi mui unilhci il ik ul mill ollu ss 11 id il clllcls ol plunlmrhn- stoiuuh i hij allihitihlh c i itiiiiloik iiukki humit k hla isiim1 ll the ml huhki 1 ho bent udm o aboul dynprpiun la rn it with dnrdoah biom1 itillora and aa rcl ai ou follow the advice und take o medium llio i uro will follow in overy mr win 1 of 1 ot willi u out aaja in arakiii of ll i it two jeata au my wifti waa mr ill with dyapepaia so remedy thai ahc oiilit llml k y rehof finally aho irid burdock blood billrra and aflir taking l hot ilea waa entirely currd i hat i now more than twd voani ngt aurt hn h had no return of the malady 1 alao hate had occasion to uae it it m anl 1 caiiool pck loo lilkhly in il lavor 1 alwaya recommend il t my fr inula and hi oitiry with ood reultn lloji ink tlua may tx of to you i iin youri trill wii i i 6mufeton has httn tiulorsld by he mctlk il proilsion loi lmnlv veirs i ak yaiir do tot 1 his is httiusc it is ilwiys ujt ilw lys ttm- yurmilways cdixtatns the purest norwegian ohilner oil aud hpopbopbtts insist on scotts emulsion with tr uicin irk ol mtii and ish i ill iii 11 so iii old slcs 111 eiliiikh in nr lielp yuui luh t tie irreateal loi n to iranamll t lilidrcn llavtd of a in at f u doatn ii cblldrcl norma dllltu llioujih ho may do fui lou liahburtou u mnpl f their il pan aa iarmeloe e i ilia ooali matilrako od handlion 11 oy ulo i lrr nd kiduy onilititr willi iincriink li taliily 1 hoy alao cmilalu htola and lierba which lave acillu ir i una i rial y wotiwrfui i iheir anlloti on tbu atomac h and bowel mr i a airuoroan khakaa illla an oicwllnul rnatodj for iviliouno anil llerantioulu1 ol thci 1 i orhvlri uaed them uijaelf for aomr liitir sin 1 n 1 t ii 1 fill lku ummiu sh i k 1 1 d m ic lhal iln c ylik tllcv ill i lln 1 ill nolle atjillid n or 1 ah oiiklnol u u a ft r lu 1 1 liiui mil knuk uduiii iint in jl n nl or tr h t ully j 1 lhu lfoodn piha aro purely vruotabli- mrfsolly barmloaa alwaya reliable and beneuoial ul li mk ulu of llllldkk lllhkl llllts lllll i slork a so of hi iioii 0 win it i puid s oo nd vti tbi ihi limolmcinl i mult in tn hi mi- ludlow ihtk four out ol it m thiru wusuujilii of ttut oihtr ttwi for iliiio lour bolllrn in do lii i ironi healthy wuuim unit rimoutl every ail ment from vthuh alio bad auiftrcd and ho cniyd llio most viiroruua health that fite dollars aaved mo hit a efcmoiioy w uictlicinc unci niitntlinco iticrfiltcr and bctllr thin that il utdu home a uinfoly to nip solltnltl ll iful u ibr a lady nnn day iiw man at work on ihn i irarden aud nti 1 you douij lo llioii in livh th m madam wit not tun waa ihu rrpl canker wurnii ho ooaf luitmrel alio lm i tunu iiu cent npicco will i midi juu uuuld come and girdle our what ih name hill the lab rur re pirn 1 but lo litrritcatcd ritiiat lint hn uoiihl undtrtaher own tree lu rturnid an evaauu aiftwcr tim i jilhl ahu tnid the tory lo her hufband mid hu burnt into a roar of laiiflhttr w hal m the malt r ho cried wh ud he that labor r teaa hev ijr hill ule prrldi it of harvard nix of ihn liadini mat homnlio talis ll villi anil the ni oily it p an did paator of tho 1 irat 1nrinli i imn h fvlir itrlli t in sit ii aui- ilutrcbblnjt ktdnny and bladdur dmoancu rolioved in bix liouru by the houlh mu can kidnaj0btiru ilnnmw rrttiud it a roat aurpriae and duhihl an account nf hn oxcoeding promptnusn in rellcvint pain in the bladder kidnoya buck mid every part of tho unitary paauach in mulo or frnialr i rclievea retetttiun of wall r ant pain m paiainif it almont- imnicdialcl if sou wanttiiok relief and euro thu i oiir rcmed hold by i hainawin now i am ready in treat jtm naid the doctor uuierin from be private ofher tliithi wluky with hlltr on tho aidi ploane rot unit i i ho patient abaeul muitloii norway 1iue bvrup curea coulm ti li all luii trouble i iioukii plungnd in ills ami eiit n 1 in cart- yet never lid the noble mind diopoir ihllltp thr great iiiiik boiler l f und in 1ii cxnetlenl iiiimih me oiimimplive hyrup ll no llilihea iho aeliaiblllly uf hip ninmhraiii f the throat and afr pimajfrti aud tl a aosrrrgn irniul fur all i olla lloarriiraa pmu oi aurriit rn lu tllu httbl bronclnli et 1 1 baa cured mm whcxi upponrl lo be far altaucul in t nrr 1 1 bn up ih 1 1 ntilt in h arr nl ii 1 vi 1 imn n ii i i 1 1 1ml tc h ii i 11 m idmimi 1 ll link d ii nll ll 1 1 ih k mil 1 i 1 1 11 h 4 111 hn t brain in x ul ii uily llcl iip but nthn fru i it tui iii h irll in 1 r iiinlrn i 1 iu 1 fn ih 1 in 1 m nth lilm tin rll i all 11m t bi th k tn r in an 1 r w nl- tt li it hmiali- 11 ll lu ml 1 to on o i kn i piwltiv a ihokh if tho ibroil 1 rtlim j t 1 ih fit lll- r t i h hiirh kimvllyttt 1 i wwm rifttrj ii ii in i urn in a ihi koull auik rati 1 un- llllal r re fur rliiuml nm at il ueuralt a tn holly ciirra in 1 lo 1 la lift a lli u po llio jateiii nt rimad able nil in to nm il mnovea at dili n ll can h nui ibe dilu mmrdi hill iv m 1 b te iii ho urratly 1 nlit- 7 nt so 1 by j km cast0ria infants myd children r y evia cmeteru with t j of tnlflttma n paaaa par at te a qf h with a it gu it ie eaiqttaat tile teat ramaaly far iwjwjif mmd ckll arm tho w baa ewer laaoww it la fcerbpileae chthram like it it itltee vhem hamlth it will ava their tleo it kothera kara aometblne whli la aeaulitely aatfe aud pnmtieajlyianrfaet aa a ohllda ancdloinak ceatnrfe deaty werawa caaterla allnjra fewerloluieaa caqteaja p temltlntl beer omrj a ihrklc anil l inn iij a ataird lurkry lllornuuhly kikiiiiii bo mil two prearn jrtir i the turki that inlr jnrr 1 and mfallibl i hcott h i llllllhi ntralioii anil anuiilal i lhat will eo promptly o vior and hlrtiith aa i hut ratlieim do not u hut tviry lirtim acaru i u w lino foilhrrn wr 1 lion i ih hi ol huo oigb iho lllglhh uti for mhhi and br hjrup chiin woodrtnory 1 omc lill th in t it ioixat 1 i i urla iiu h l liuuirla ll i atoru loh two l f lio a like lb mo i crul of llm itoi ir n nml i for n aud i ai hoaluu i- i hero liooa tho utattirr h irara- off kor twenty six years dunns baking powder the cooks best friend largest salc in qanada the enormous sale of wall paper i hlr tv lion pim- ln w lllc lilt muck i lualil uul ill i clmuc lie mum- in iakloli hall am dkawlnii room laikijs t hnd tl utm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 e wc s7vith 3 3 3 3 3 iuiuiniuiuiuiaiitiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuluiuiiliiauif specials i hd1es il ll hlh kit ni h ll lnis n t u han 1 1 i luiii n miiihn suinnit i c mi k ii lid u i 1 slllll oil lis tills and i lilt lull lut ii uimvoraal panaea lu mw rmiml t 11 ill lo whlib tlch la hall lo vri nature uf many urlnaa l uk aurh lhal wore iho kin ma uf utlrr all j illtlorontl f nqld tllauanoe roo led in tllnsvatlp of ibopalleul wiial woidd relieve oltovl in tun wuuid attkiitmilc tbo ullirl watillli buwvi in giuiio wllir liil blalnej in aouud and griovuua ilia uf he fail jildl loll uae tbafratluat nyaluiuaaxa led ulu luii valoacence and alretiklh by iho in mucin which luimne oicrla on nature own rreatorativoa it relievca the drooping pinta of tboao with whom a uhapnic atale of morbid dpapondeucy and laok uf internal in life ia a dlaoaao and by tl4piulliaing the uervea diloaoa to aouud and refreah lug aleop luirta vjgtr lojho a lion of tho blanl which being bllmlllalcl cooraua throughout ibe vein alreiiitlhruiug tho healthy animal function uf the alom lliereby making atilivily a luuraaary reault atrligthuiiik ibu frauiu and lltn life lo tie dlgeallve urgatia which ualurally de uand luoreaaed bubatauee result improv cd appetite hohhrup sri man uf tor uulu bave given lo lb publlcjjiolr quinine wtuo nl the uatial rate and guagixt byuie opinion of cioulila thlit winu approacbea luurcat petfeotiun of ay in ihv uiarku1 all driiuniata lit 11 it i i i groceries ones to lead ii k li si mi i sh i ii lit 1 i 1 i i n 1 usli iii komd all 11111 i iih illsi-ull- i ililk h e curneycs co mill street actcil v t inst u ii i niiil u pin uupi vniaisilis md saturdi s ceuerie niea pi err hoa gad wtwj cella qiaatotha fxemm teething trtmhlee caterda ewree ctmatlwetlon mma jtlaitnleiic oaoterie wen the affoeta of eor amid w er pelaeaaewe mxr o doe w o t oontadn wto epleuw er ether mreetle yrpmrtf ceaton aaaiw the food ye th ib avid hewelg wlvfaig heelthy t natur a v d la pnt np in oweatoe hettlea cmly i l wet oelil tm mmxf pam amew am owe te oah y nyth elae on the yum vr r ue that it ujeat mm arood anidsrin mww anrery pa fjiaee bee that yew get cagtottia the ftoe ajgaoatere ef children cry for pitchers caatorla it rhys a writer in iho tiunio jku i dl uaaing deparlmenlal aloroa claima that nil orliiug ia tho mam ruaaon why they pruppeir uo baya ithoul their advor l tiing tlil big n orea could not eilat could not reach tiitir cuitoiuera a newspaper ad la a thouaaud longued alraman and theao ada go forth every day lo every homo in ihooil carrying luvilaliona arjjnmenla aud pcraiiaaiuu to buy in down town aforea i be pronriatora of the other u i orea dtpend upon their stogie tongue lo counteract a story told to thouaanda of people by the h i uttiid tongued aa i cam an who n going lu win it any wonder thai the trade haa bcou euterlug around tho big advertil era noi to tho thinking man i he huai noja man who la thoroughly alivo and cnlciprining tliouijlitf ul peralaloul aelf roliaul and oon fltltnl necdnever fear com pcliii ii in a city where trade may be caiunl it merit provided alwaya that the owner iioiaaaaoa autttcienl egoliam to make kuowu hia merit i ho name argument mho takoa the puhjc into hll coumleooa by peralaleully advorliaiug hi good a aud uvea up lu lua pro miaou ia certain lu win try mi att it ran tutt j tive htu3ikeepgra m mm ueatiin fur proaoollve hoi mucrnir for iho purcliaao uf appropriate 1 uruitun a id 1 uinlanugk j bo of acrvico lo all audi i bey 11 be aurpriaod to jeurn ujtou how all an investment tiioy an liegiu with if ibair aclootion ib made from u a took older hnuae kcowr uan find many artclib limy need thia apring al vny luw pricoa in our wiroruum undertaking our a look ib coinjilolo au eiuolln liiiiiuiinga and hml inea lowor ibau evi within llv mlloa uf clou i iral oloaa hear r i ifu u ca aea i at reaaucable ohargea j a speight sc c tviimv huo agnps st mm i imul iii 1 ik st cli likl lilllml f1rstclhss thilorinc h adams 1 i jiihuil i u u nil ttu k i ii iiii l luulii aiitluk 0utiulm 1 r il iiu nat a aouio ul uuf tlca scotch buitino at sis oo and upwards canadian 8uitinos at 111 oo and upwards biua sirqi suitinaa at la 45 and upwand pant1no at 2 00 ad upwaud iiuira brlllglllk llulr h ra h rrrrfmtituimjt mill divr avton i ml lac h hdhws the cleveland only canadian factory j that liuisirults all yirtb of a bit l1i it s plant t is tlu lutsl in u hint r the most cxpcnbivc x st let turn uf initi nils the litht inspection th i most iiid uul woihmunship must bkilled ilhe tinii cltiks titiluau- at loronto jutehtn jiuin lite sxiabun icitileib four iiiukiitii ami niuehfiui names t on vtiy kull i lusit i f management olhceb j and salt s 1 tjai tint nts which coiibibls tf j5 more m living a total tf flu hlimllxtl and ttiiit kmplotts of hie cleveland x nt w luilapl c ifm lands l h a hozikk go iiioiruom i ou vonyest toronto toronto junot j h jackbon a uent for kaquminu end erin qeorgotown ont railway timjs fraplb crnnd trunk roilway i lr ii jl tl i i 1 ji i jvln ln k mi ifs li jaji hmi iaaaiiui j u mmli m i tj i iii urm h ii 3 iii ll inu i ai i ai f ill in till- hun n1 i nt int ill ri imaiiu williams boot shoe store our policy of lair inarnirllim hackrl hymiaourcra an i ability tlilaiiicmib ualsii ll e itio cuatnimra lh iiiltt of iho inwrat rla iibln ntrt rlflro anv toll lino to lolator lip auollior i ul enahlhl in mill on narrow uariliii ol ntli uo bavn noii rupuiailini for roaaunabla jirlcri tliat wo interna aball tay lih u and th priti eiplo i in omiratlu in ei ory tlfpaitimrut anl m nvry artlelo lu our athk it iaja to trail- tmro ttocnuio you itet eliat you llko and what rtiu inwvt tt mvon you to leal hern liecautk tliero la a nxed hooeal ayatuui of value our stock ia complete in every line of the latest and moat fashionable atylea in mens ladles girlv boys and children a boots shoes i ui1mvm wilidams i mill st acton main 8treot planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of saab doora h raiiioa uiiulliiii 111 all alyloa dreaaimo matlh1no again lo hit front wilt screen doors we inaltr lai 8a8h doors frames mouldings pumps hlia t foot of hlvor struct acton thos ebbace manager -acton- livery rus line tbo utlri4iml roaeetrully atdlclu hie itatruo 4jo of tbo uhllc and iuformatboui that well equipped and sty 11a h riga con ell waya be secured athiiktabldb a oouifortablo bu luoeta al train iwlwoon t a m ami hih p ui oareful altantlod glvsu in nvery ordor tbo wanta f oumiorcll travel lor fully wcl john wliaiamh acton steam -laundry- a cook proprietor 1 iral claaa work guarautecd lu rmunly laundry ivutj tl f shlrta v uia i cuffs ktt 4vork ailed for everv monday k iburaday and delivorod uvory i huraday and baturda a cook t oavkats tmaos mamks uaiaiipaaims oopklmt to oi ii ih i ihirrdi rr anirliim nu nu in lamrin uu talluly uuil ulm sfmfflt mticm lum rtmilall r iiit k imnnr p h um tri- f ti the perfect tea monsoon tea i in woid lan fhom the tta plant to the trq gui in it native puh itt monaonn tea la p kit njr ih- iwr iua rflho to oasvtuhj rf inrlltm a a aaniiilcol i he lrl ualllwbul intlwn aaiciht tmb k hi tr- lhrr tlu nun ui cu v iah lutu into mutiainia4ka timiuk mmwtwt lliaprrfocttaa caabe au al iho aiiiu n aa inkihw hu n rtrr i ir of m i lb and auu in lluva ilivuura al m ju n f ifynufinmfi nitl li ll irlllum lo wnta i stfll iiavttlt co hi 7rst 241 tea t 10h0ni0 yintrcumllotkit lattoeth toe fa a and mouldinu johncameron proprietor

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