Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1896, p. 4

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b j c r jl 1 v rlje jlctoit yrcc ms tutlllhday 11 ly jm iwh1 fltjr young polite cfti s re i l hither lay horn r u willi lliealjullii tinlkan iho hum 1 auoitiluilja4i dos j jiluaan nitaliwmflurmkamll3u0f take 1 i tlr lii hindi mrl really lout mid rale ill welkin li lrlik an al ill hllusflll aahnaa it ran tliticll 1 klllllllt iikwok iiioiih mas a if 11 out hero day tor ila hi dili kliuhr on rsrulpm a 111 tan lint out lur n la hellirr a ilar up llar in ll rli filial hol al tlio flow kwiiii turn- li- a allot t llm grim ai dm fiull a unlidai ltetria way dnw i ii doiil nnlaitli hlitim pjlt1 rao iii uw or rullicr in lliorll 1 lit alr auct tlln a i lea tl thiwera 11m lln a an lli l hit imma i a llvln mi 1 inn ainoiir tin irrm w inro rati lakt your caa id li aa uakea 11 t nllar 11 tin ell si w all ilia talk li 1 tuouill l mi it ii ut lhia kinder 111 p a mil tin ulll ai i in sure its ilni if cooll oil llltll ai twenyn it taint in ila mutt ai llvln 1 tllo clt 111 jllikh ul lit nun ii the honest boy a gentleman from iho country placed in boy with a dry goods merchant 10 it reel for a time all went oil well at length a lady catno to tho ilore lo pur chase a silk divaa the young map welted upon her the price demanded was agreed to and lio proceeded to unfold the rood a he di coved before he finished i law in the a ik and pointing it out to the lady aid madam i aeem it my iuly you there is fracture iu the tilt of course ihe did notjuke h the mcrolau t overheard the remark and immediately wrote to the father of the young man lo corns anil lake him homo for said he he will never make tito father who had ever reposed coufl donee in hia son was much grieved and hastened to the city lo be luformad of bia deutience why will ho not make a merchant decs use hu lis no tact was the aoawer only a day or two ago he told a lady voluuunly who waa buying silk of himthal iho goods were damaged snd i loat the baagaiu purchasers must look out for themselves if they cannot dis cover flaws it would be foolishness of ifle to tell them of their riitsnce and ih that all the fault asked the paaent us auawcrid um mr chant ho la very well in other reecls then i love my son better than ever and i thank you for telling mo of the mat ter i would not have him another day in your store for the world an expensivecleaning up it la estimated that it cotata about twelvo thousand dollars to deck clean patul and dry a alnel oruiaor as thia proeesi muat be gone through with every four or five moot ha it la ool neoeaaary to go very deep ly into figures to discover that war am pa an rather expensive luiuriea so great i thia item thai expenmeula of all aoru have been tried in the hope of finding some thing to keep away the barnacles that causa moat of the damage the latest idea is that or electroplating llio entire bull of tho iron plated or ateel ship thia is done by means of curved buea fitting the various parts of the hull theee boxna are secured lo the hull and made watertigtu by meana of rubber packing the elect ropla ling lluid and the necessary batteries are applied lo the carefully cleaned surface of the hull aud iu a period of three days time there is a firm and coutluuoua platiug of oopper over tho metal thia ooela a trifle leas than eight thousand dollar ahd ta aaid to laal three yeara at least and if tho work is well done and with too very choicest materials much longer tina process is certainly a great deal cheaper than the trl yearly cleaumg and scraping and will in all probability bo adopted by the govern a girls composition on hoys the boy is uol bji animal yet ihoy can be heard toa conaiderahle diatanoe when a boy hollars he opena hia hid mouth like frogs but girla hola their tongue till ihey are a pake lo aid then they anawor reapeo table aud tell just bow it waa a boy thinks himself olover bocauao he can wade where it la deep but uod mado the dry land for every living creature aud rested on the seventh day wboji tho boy grows up lie la aalled a huaband and then he stops wadiufj and stays out utghta but the grow up girl is a widow aud keep bouse snatched from death im huuc mihlirrly flit urn strain down the ntaloof a littli uliurrh llnlnnlt nannlnnil ijmlencd in tho sermon apparently with rspl ntltntlon utory iiccncdiiijl huihlny ho asl in the aamn pwn with i when ihn minlhlrr wtilcomocl it m lio wplied t dunv rnirio n oiiircl to hair yaq prarfi but i tluok it would plesim my wife in list me hitliinj lliurc a dorpt r nutip liowetrr oon movid lw r he jltcrwird ikiciiiiu a roiih4lenl member of llio church a year or two later lie had ijuarrel with one of the congregation ilouaton had a fnrc uiikincrnablo temper npd gave full vent lo it in unhridlrit abuse to tlm man who was clearly in the wrong on the mil hatiirday the nttr sought his turbulent pariahionrr and lo minded him lhat tho lacramunt would ho adiuiniaiercd on the unit day i know it air aaid tho 1 1 xan jravi ly is h right said tho panlor lhat m should kneel at the altar iiufnrgiven iwaljo a man whom oti have ao groasly luaultcd i tho tntttna faco tlamcd with fury while hodtclarod lhat bam uotiaujii never wcut back on hia words or naked ptirdun of any man ihe nut nioruiiin hia gigautio llnuro was aeen at an rarly hour in ihe vealibulo of the church aa aoon aa his aulngouist approaohod ho atepped forward andnaid in a loud voice 1 waa a fool air i aakcil yoti lu for give me i aak your pardon sir ilia opponent grasped hia hand cordially and they walked into the church together the old soldier ueir won a nobler victory blasts from the rams horn gbn sam houston 3 conquering heroes one f llio moat pifttireaytin ilijurca in americmi hiatury waa jon ham iloniton lhnhunilnynjer lieeume in waatilugti kltlnoy dluonnti llhiiumntltim nr fatomnoh trouhlo conciuonlw lit himlli christ always presched to tho amnera that were in tho honae no mailer whetli ihey were rulera in the aynagnguo or not clio minister who would awakun i teople for their oturnal good muat open i bible wide onough to show ihein ulmt la it i here is alill a hxn dial or rdiuu tho world thai con lata in pulling llio big aound apple on tho lop of the baaknt tho proaohltig that ih not with tiutli ity may tickle the ear hul it mil not strike drop enough to reach tho heart borne preachers iru afraid to open thu bible very wido for fear thoy will have to die iu the jtoorhouae tho jew probably loirued to dnvu aharp bargaiua with men by ii mt irjniu to do ihe umo thing with ool lcry churoh haa jual aa many coiurr ion in it as the spiritual condition of in membership will warrant tho preacher nliuuld pr that ou time ho opena the old hook lu tlm pulpit so me bod will hud it now anybody can talk about religion in an en tcrtattiluu way but onl llioae that lisvo il can mako utbera waul it how many people there are who would be splendid chnntlatia if god wuiildalwaja keep them in a tight place whenever the devil in ailed by lilt right name in church some man on the front aeat alwaya gets hia feeling hurt it is the olllce of the holy hpint to wn vlnc of ain but it i tho preachura bumuoaa to keep his church awake it is aafo fur the detll lu sleep when ha goea lo ct urch and sees that tho praatjiiiii la not keeping anybody awake tmt saloons havfc co i mv boy when itov ceorge h hmi i waa ohlo preaching in ken tuck v there cnnin down ihe aialeeyie night a poor woman with an ulelllgout face orylug out hi hor ijwii peculiar way allowing the iln p anguiah of a mother a heart mr htuart mr htnarl ihe aaloous have gut my boy 1 tie preacher a heart ached and tho largo toii gregation waa greatly mo veil when bo aaid uow many women iu thin grosl audience can hold up their hamla wilh thia poor woman 7 iu should havo seen tho hand that wont up allowing how many mother were having the umo aad uapr leucc homo uf them were liahda lu kid glove aome wore while tender banda while some woro hare aud iuiortug hands tho preacher laid men of kentucky 1 don i know what kind of alult you are madu uf but f am ofathal kind of stuff to aland by the aide uf theati aad and alrlckoil women with their uplifted bauds and help thorn to save tl eir boys out of tho dutches of ibo dreadful no loon ud number a of mnu gol up and many uh cored lhi iutii uoi i piiompt pi lil or lvi ry uf- piri n htity to ihe milltir funrr hrhif y av ntirim in diioiu llm pot on if- in tin loin ltllu uml pohii iv ivltltu liny gio npinrtiit nlif mid thn do he tm l ipill do lint t radii ill l hi dial lino 1 lit hard nniid liko pnrlijtti ilmt gnthor in ihn blood miut l dihuhiml 1 tlm mjaleni lajo b ilcnrcd id tlm poianii him il in only n rmnidy hki- honlh m i it an knliu y inn lhat will do thm mr midi i mumullon a wull kliowti rinllnl f ihndj out wih vkllm ul hlhiy dlh m nrven llml tu tnjikd ho li i hut lio liown or rt nifiin in niiy oiiin lir a kngtli uf mm in ri oil r imli mkii nrnphali d nolhllim itcul ntiuidlti hrf from houlfi ann ii n kiduo urn 1 hi 3wrfikpli0 jm id aft i i ho ii lill him mid to day tlu ro la not a algirof tho troiiblu in hia uyatem i here la no yuratmn of the nf1ilotloliat actor uf riuiilh aimrim itheumalic lire i hia rcuii ly lil ilmu ill moral forms of rhtmnatim in in llm h mr kolxrt i uibuii of ivinhr k out aufjxriil on toldiniacry dm tnra b uurod him and applinleiiirykiimil rruudy hul did no kpoilv i lie ural do mi of south auiuricnn hheumatll un any mr ihaon gavu mo iustmil nliof and half a t olll cinod i ho uorvouh proalration thai coiiicm to many womciictil bo tinkly otcrcumo by thu uao of bulh amuti ntruno llim modioino atuoka tin ncrvn lonlrov whnli are thu imnuina of 11 hmlli and ihe dlaenao bnuljnd from ilinnu tho aalem can noon b built up mm m wjlhnma of lunuich out uifuot the oll known maiilifnctlirur of that town nil if l red hi teiiruly from luruuia proulraiioii for jinh and nlrmid h yoiid rlnf or tho bal medical xklll 1 va uiidir modi al tr at m m i rii thin lady for uo of i ionlll ink luif riikl by hotiiu and trud a buule null lent ruluf to en ho rontilt liinl 11 um pi tth ured m painkiller familymedicine of the age taken internally it cures diarrhuii cramp mul cain in the stomach sort i hroul sudd on cuidn coutjha ate ate used externally it curat cuts flmsis burns ici sprain toothache pitm in llm fit a nuurulipn hhtiumutfnm froaftrf fct hl lotluni f iial to motlmrdi knrdolh i illo do c what thbv nqallv mean for tak i i ahiihuiuti until h1 in wtsxaasmtm mm jb isiiamiiiiiiii iw a1 wiwbhiu h sarsaparlha if a ii1i i ii i- the firuiksl 11 i i sloninli iiul iiiikij mi jr in s a kgipta foi1 rljcumntl im oout and ag lim thn nga iln rt1 chronic complaints fill oiu mill hkli oihra llnk un an i hint n hi h wi ni wo h nr thy u insc nul iunly ihe almti iiluiii 1 hi mitir rnp virtu hiojj to f x vhi in un whl ho w mi 1 ilntu i lint what im ii nihil 1 11 l am drulsts anil general penlors wllru1ii a plafe whir ainiily gi in in tin willi i hpi tally thn anti 1 iilniiimiuii lh ul lhat vory lnriri liolthia 5u cmiti ion t1 l ou i jour diplhatid lnw llf hi h- 1 t lr 1 a may kumk ihn bull il m im en co and it li t mahl a hmim run lillull alhlr miotu ji5l lulu 1 ho benl a i nhoiit ljp pint n ire it mill ilurdi k 11 i itiilnt and irely aa you follow hi mh nut and ukn e iiiedmiue iho tun will follow on mi a uuakeii t ourtship 1 trthn ditj vtio tnvjf a ni lii ittr i h si ili un an nhl in un oim auiilhcr ill- hul dnl ihon rl whit tin t 1 ii til 1 hn nil km ill hut i lu mr win uj or 1 xt uillim tint aays inaptaking of ii it 11- wo tuu ago my wifn waa vory ill with dhpupna no remedy that ah nitild find k any relief finally alio tilod liurdoclt lllood miltera and afttr taking am hotllon waa entirely cured lhat i now more than two year ago and ilia linn i ad no nturn of tho malady i ulao have had tin anion lo uao ii 11 el and i annul apt nk loo highly in it favor i always recommend il m fnitidn and lu otory t aio with g iod rnmiilth hop ing thia may im of u t i m i am mir vs ii i di what a uuaorallu world ih u f wo hut know eaili other a thu gh norway 1 inu b rup nircn lo igh nanim r croup nalbina n ihi 11 lung trouhln- wo ar n m the u all probably hoiuowiib other follow n slatidpo llonal is iho old sioti h i am ough i ho kicllbh nam- f r i iho o i al tpi i on iil c iting nor t i irtii tli nhari v hi v n a t- ni ntory laguing th round at tho ll if imiu of thu hunt k iowii men uf una l w uhall not mc iitnii his name bill i know him of r alhrr ikttriiiliic1 mi m haiof la i broil aliomiiig ign of mi lu miction 1- arn n full lcnrd hut a dnk much hia i if mil h in hor i in in found inmaliarjm i mi a laior sho iho it1 i hn in iiul waa ui hilled anil wt nt hill h 1- 1 m inn followil and ll in f un 1 ilntt mi had for him still mill ll mi ii- int mint o nan iho raaor on al llllomlh id who had uiied itit il n i a um 1 lira to wilh aim an ad putu inipp vwil ditlu tatlqi 1 i iitunni on 1 itracttr for twenty bix years dunns baking powder the cooks best friend largest sale ih canada gistorla others do yourknow i llatemana props ovairrahnllal raanf sofsuad boot hind hymiia aud w moat relmnlkib for clilklrcn are ccanpoaoil of onlutu or morpblno t be tem hjawwr that orrtunrml morphliao am aluimfylait wanrothr p pa tea tcwww lliat ii muat countries drucilita are pot ncroultd to ball earoolkra without labeling ibeirl jlm f i p trtw knew tliat rni ahnnbl not pi rmll anr medklno to bo clwtn your cblw unless yuu or your iiliputlan i ixmut vtuil it h riipuarl r da tbs knew iliat casirt ii n lairnly vncetaldn prrtawailan uml that a hat of its inirmllents la iiultlaboil rrlui rnr ivrftle f iktna know itiat n torta u tlm pmnrlptlm f tho famntii ir rnmuel pltrher that it baa bora in uao fur nearty thirty yeara ami thai watam casusia la now sold utan nf atl tjlber remedies fur chlllcn n munnl t da van kjmtw jjii tho iafrat offlon urjairtmeftl of llie ttitwl rtatea ami of other countries ho tatairo f ru im rlrlit to ir pitcher and hl asalcns in uao ui word m osutohjt and its form u and ucl u imltau them la a state nrtmn offrnan i do ttl know llu1 rue ct thn maanns iw- rrantlng ihu ktiariuneiit frutecuonwaa bncauae auirta bad n jwv n to tai lsiolltly lljirwlfiaa po yaa kww llal 36 awaraga dac caaloria are rurnlabed for s5 oamta or uno oont a loan i i tee kaow tlial vhrn pnanrsi be kejj wrll and utat y i nuiy iisib unu gsjl thaao thlog ra worth ki of this pbrfoct preps raltoi jour children maj on rest i la sw wwswt children ory for pitchers castorla tlie riglit house cor king and hughson st hamilton railway time txmb ft- crnnd trunk raltway mull ui j hit mr i- i alail x i i-jul- lutwtiyj 7nlifimwi m jiljt williams boot sp shoe store our polrcv atiltll i lii in ana that wn uhirllio rtiatulii n tli in im il ui tin liwml prlrta umailli ntrr hum ut h not linln i nor tl not r r inarrliia ol i t lv uu uilaumuier itullrtiii they will bo auro lo contain suuirlhiui tereat tud profit lo you x ho umo y when coala and value not laketi litll consldr j l ueaaoii a good the main idea being to dear out balance uf lluji tvretm ixntu ui rrtula i iilll ii in llreadeu ir ltl uk lufiillr i nrcalklh 9v inattii now 2k- 1 i 1 k jtialll nai 1 jirublllt ii han f icltrm a hi rj l tla at 111 1 joc 11 tahlr i jar r unit tit t in i lip kb a illltloar 111 buplo lecutjnlmi and appio llial la why hoods bai un aonbws curt rur r tl t htaht saves the life or- a lady resident or the northwhbt wundarlul cntsrilil puv cureist a nova bcotlu hobilioii of catarrhal doafnoas wueu homrl failure uvertakea a imaun n li idas llio acuou of tho heart can be un mediately aoooleatbd the vcr aorat re anlts may follow this is where w hoar of ao many cases of sudden dosth from htart disease 1 ha olsiuetile that ooosll lute or ausw a ure for ihe heart are aucb as to give relief la lhia ar titular immediately without prod u clog auy hurl ful efleota i hen oontliiuod with a iullo patience tho dlscasq beooiuea btmndiod from iho system mr j 1 flillier of white wood n w i aaya very plainly lhal lhia remedy nvl her life hhe had bosu luueh a ft oo led with brarl fallurr audlngjt almost tinposaiblo to a leap or lis down for fear of sutlooatiou the baal duotor a skill fli thoao north weal i orrilur irs was of no avail kho says- a local druggist recommended a hot lio uf lr ag nawp jura for- be heart i tried with tiie result lhat i immediately eaja7 aud after taking fuxther doses of the madioioe the trouble left ma the fad ii knowing how serious we roy oouijiuou tbls remodjr savod my life it would be a mistake to auppoae that xh agnsw s catarrhal tuwder will only cure the milder forms of catarrh it will certainly do lhia and with wuuderful oi pedltiuo llol as in tho oat of mr juhn uaolupia of walhabuck bridge n h it wtlhrore the worst oasea of oat art h this gentlemsn buffered from catairbal dee furs but afer using oue bottle ut tins remedy he was tjhle to hear as good as ever pa i idea and delightful lo use it relievos in ten mlnulee ajtid iu a little time permanently currs catarrh uf all kind las tho laruesl nui hood s haraaparilla mauenlly curca ll llahod fact aud nieil lloud a 1 ilia are c u the m 11 v per ur hllnnl 11 to ll la only iho trull fol powor lo lead u atrtihlil to i an hr com mo ud it mr brr luoarora wnloa 1 am ploaaei to sat thai dr i hoinaa i t ktlno tll it all that jiiu claim it to b an wi iiimi been uaing it for yearn both internally un i oi tertiall ml iuh iliwj revived ieieth fn and 1 tnk tnciidllif ll it fa tiia ideal thinness ure uidigobtiun ioa at l oonfc j ur jouig man n papa anfully v fr llllod with ol liu look upward and that we allould win tallh that tan iho iiuum la on tho u la all tu the head ibo ih nut do it on a crook ad palh whenuvsy faith goea lo uiuroh lo pij for rain it takoa an uiiibcella hi rla i urea t ouatipauuu and llir iiu ir aguow a iivcr fill are ho iiiol ported made aud cure like iiiaju riitk lleadauhm jiibtiiatloii hlhuiibiioaa indl 10 cent a vial 0 doeeaj hold by j hannawin wbeu praise starts tho aluginfi it slwaya strikes the right keynote r 1 fiiosthmj all ll heller than tfud k liver ills lik binbiumss dysiiensla beadarbe coniii pauoo aour stonubch lollgoallilu are promplly cured by iloodi nils tbry do their anrk hoods ully and thoroughly h j i i heat afur dinner pills w iii hcenla all dnigilatl af rrepared by c i hum co iwsiimaaa iil tho only 1lli lo take alth hood a barsaparlua hcotl a kiiul ii ii l liuni l lllll i ill 1 ii i ih v llnw i ll i- im i thomas c watkins and h ughson streets u1 1 in i illlii i i it hmulsion il m i v i ii ll in ik tin in slotts i i ii iii 1 1 1 i l i- 1 1 i l i i ii 1 i tl wh j k imlhh drvfctal ia b pi aatmm tutored min villi in p fa the mantle and oafhtlug liept laandriad blilrt waials rrfiular el ji no ijimidrfed rlilrt wslbtr naretieh rotlara aotl cutis full blahop bicwvm regular 1 ii now tic ldloa caioa in faai uaiy lirowii and canl iua1 at at duo imltoa jackets fawn and black only oi raducod to 3 jo s0a rrdurod to ajm cravsoatta vlmtbtroot form or abaaon a atylo vary tullablo for dut itartuonta id ltack navy n fan plil rwluemi to ea 30 i7 m rnlocetl u 1 jo t hildikii a dreaaeb in wlilta sod colordtr i 1 in lie 1 li to fill juo to t 13 spreiml ottering of hwir ilanlltt laderwear lollies sight itobea landaouibljr irluiiiml 1 or 19c uc 73c ljlaa coraot covora lfrc lie k ladiea drawer tk w ik wc ilc ulbsoa aud children a i ndarwear all hi tho aauis troihjriiou varying in price accord in it ttivao rooda ara at vory irwclal prtcea aud will tn found um thai actual coat of uialchau srxdm1 omcrlmg of while qulltm aad lace cartalna hull alia rsstular i 31 uully 1 k hull aiie eitra nuallty mii raduretl lo in s tl radnoed tc t 73 llig ranca of lac curtain i lr oulr a pattern at a atratght discount of 13 nr nut on floo iriab lotni urtalna ituxi rolutnl to 117v lioo raducod to looo m nnliced lu stkl ittkclhil irlrrm la tmpcmtry mutt tlrtim acts cmrpelm lunula 53c tiaatry clear tof at llaojular fv taisatry claarinii al 3c itocular boo tajmbauy clariru at t3f ou iatlprna uf baat llruaaala uunllli a i mtienib of whieh we have una iirica ool alaar cial pries catrpeta uiada ou uls ireuilaa aud laid ly rrbtclaaa aorkluan parted aatlafactluti euar tra jllc an i toc antavd ouch tinnu haniplm of auythlnu nnaardod mi aflltatloii ring at 30c and and noods aojd on ilia underatundlna ttiat you itavc uur in oue y back if not siaclly or lornl wy rurl luori iht rovaa nitmiunral our stock ib complato in every line al the latest and moat funhionablo ntjlea in men ladioa girla boys and childrono boots sjtioes willi m williams mill st acton acton flour mill cheyne cheyne propriotorb plour bran shorts at riqht prices lor u ill roln nnit ul i i will iwlh ml lill don t firitnl to i atritila ile u a fair trial and wo manufacture ordora takni al tloillll dnn sir iahir tllirljthil cheyne a cheyne new implkukm w vukkoumh main street acton john mcqueen llavliu lraar1 iliq tarrio iiib of ura mckllii ha a full a rlunil i agricultural luiple knit a wood smiths kails i id coiil hanl a scot i oshauo duhla xjvi1 cultivators kleun 1lows nry nuwiauw lu fit nu klpila i john muqoken hamilton of gortub ur olhrr i dlacaaea roolett in t what would rolicin oiu ill in turn bhuravatc llio other wo hate ik iii guliiino win whmi obtained 111 a utiadulloralod stale a luiiiody fur and griovuua ills iy ib gradunl jn use tho frailual nystoma are led into ci valeacciice aud atrongth by thu inlluti wliiah uuiiiiiui oiirli ou nature n o roaturatlvos ii rnllovia llio jm pints uf ihuao with wh n b liiiiuli nti of llio bid deapondlimiy iui1 hi k of intir in llfu la a disease and by iron pilll the tier vea diapoara lo i and r nig aloop imparls ijoi to ihn lion tho blood whlih being nuiiiilaul 1 thiougliout tlm volna alrenglhr k i hoalthy annual fonolloii of iho hjioi iheroby makiiig aollvily a iiticajai reau alrtngthoiiing iho fratim aud ll e digestive urtjalib whli h llautl liioreaaod auhatauto n i aputuio nurihrtip v 1 j onto have givin to lhuiibht lluij v loo ai the naual ralr anil uki i b all druggist td it to clear out iln imliiul uf our stock to make room for other muds r will mik the following cut in ppie i uvular inoe ileduced 1rioe t 73 1 oo 11 llo hell perfect ding 1 mr iluto t ha wrilu i or yoars 1 lamu not cat many kliila id fooi althmt irorttlrng a burnu g tmruulalitig pain iu my i 1 1ma4 iarmelloa iiiib rtxurdiug in direuioua under the hta i uf ly rdge tlun one bo outlroly oared me 1 c now oai an tiling 1 uhoupe without dla treaslug uie in thu inaal 1 hose pill do not tauo pain or gilpiig aud umuld bo used whou a uathartiu la n mired uugia 1 old hh 1 liua 1 ivronchlll all t all d utg 1 pjltkly nurod b ifiatd itauani alhma ltd a ure irtoral v mcu aru not i u cause tlruy iul hit u liiitni tin ttiku t middle thai iuli rmr tor ntrvjhiu irualrulioii an there ta no mdiliin lhat will an alumna plly glasgow house summer goodb a ilovivs parasols an scotqh lu iiosuim lacks irc i he c urn i i i imlur li i ft l wilu is stoll- llllbcs moillll i m m i i dthcr i rull minnas it y i inn nl i- zephers u ui stiiniiii i w ii in all do 1 w 75 do 1 20 ik 1 u5 do do do 17 is j 00 1 i a hi i ki 1 ou l j i tavvr 1 lc rac4uot itcuular price iteduoed f aucqu do li 7 ihj l oil i i iz o smith luorvi and bookaollar n wnnllwi slkil i cj i i i liiuiuiuluiimuiiuiuuuiiiuiuiuiiiuiiulu 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 acton l1vkry rls link tlm uiilrtlti1 nomfull hula thoialruii ate of llm ul lie aud luftiruii lliom that well equipped and stylish ftlgs oan all ways be secured alliltulilr k omlortablo 1 ua train ihiwivii 11 a in an h t arnful aiuoiliui u pi inrnt tlo ih uf milium rial tr lor lull uit i0t1n williams j oh ikixtinu imuiunu 11 nka i auipilota li lluad irrulara at 1 nioruud xr uuik wellington mnuuu flro insurance- company pruutvil a a molaflei deitist 23 yeags si toitonto niatilaasllutict ol tecjui t or i prospectiyg housekeepers i jmlion for prubnotlvb hok4d ii 4 iiui a llio purchaae of appropriate urultun aad r uruishtugs ivo cau lo all auuh 1 hoy ll bo surprised lo learn upou how aiuaji an m i an imkiii with if uieir ae i eel loo is made from our stock n per can tin j many arliuloa they nod this spring st very low an room i undertaking alotk lammiiplelo an eacellsul mu l all ih u styleat in k and nulii lrits lower than aver cookua m caakels dehvcieu w miles of anion r irst class luaraw at rcaaouable cbargea j a speight co sttof and miow hooms cur- wiltuw and agnis atrvwf n nearv f7xce 1 liui muj aiul l l ll slin i hkndimison co acton inn old plboe llailii purhox1 tllealoeh sul good wltrortlr 11 mnluir i mid raht fully anuuuuoe tull louiu r tuihihiiiii ami lha ihilille ymuwlly uisl i ui iiiiienl lualiiaaasl hia oldalauth main hirivl wlnm will ik fournl a wauplwl stork of iiiaivla- hkrb allltton jtull ltth kresli iiilwll iiau- hauiaotih an i lullth lu jaiui a low aaaiv uaalbly coubloteut with first u- iwuttlir mi k fn 11 ta i k klhk the perfect tea monsoon jvomjjf u llry aafsfiiik waofwd k il collins iw llir i i imtna aiul th dnifttdtjijhuld ij aaa hunpu ll hl su l cryuny r lw nawajhrr llu but tbj trry mb lum m inlu mwhk timaajaw 1 mw llprrfltecaaha ijd al tha aaino ptku aa ndiikv u il un1 up n lb tb b i lbb la ihrvw low hm ut nj u ifvwf rf dtfca ikk kr iturfl ham in urstkll uwiuxt l jaljlx s

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