Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1896, p. 3

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iv tpn banfjof jhamilton iiidad orn hamilton i iirr luiit id- lawtwov llmkkiitkklwh illuii tiuuwlt u vhwfjim board oj diuclotolid jiinmtiahtr a iiasihal 1real lent lcpjriwl h lit ill i llmtton tln koaufc a t wiiuii a ii ikk itoroiiui i ta inmun 11 i tuitmh ashhr ii h ht1pi1is at call r u u wathgn lttr aqenoieb hamilton lufrlnh hi i r t ml alllatiiu lixrlln t lienliiy litorij limn tirlnil y i luml i uekuow mil i in xfouut rurtmt oraili 1 iii wan hon nit i utt i- ljlii hiiiicui i oniiiiu tvijihaiu british oorroapondonta iotn xbliiiiisi i rurlticlal hank t i l i ui american gorrenpondonto kastw yon fourth national hank ami handvernall mal llauk litnito interna i ion tl trust co iliirracousrinollenk iilnnu ntuonal hank of illinois aud colon national flank ilsrnoit detroit national hank a tiui cirv selloual batik or commerce agenda in montreal ctbb llauk o toronto georgetown agency notes discounted ami advance made on cull ible aacurluea colloctlojia made ami draft itouetit nn still ttt the juewsat home mbnvfy of a local charitotar and vvarv item intorominn meal ravorebleii savings department bteciai pkipblth wived at durrani rates interest n u 1jmsohtok agent wall papers 1 v all tho yoar round yon will find our lock tho larwrat tho cheapest the moat wall paper coilldft piper window shade curtain iule new line ctmmtanlly arriving you will waul aumo papera fur iho fell hoe nur upward geo hynds acton ont intititilh antray i anticra who bavo any stray mtock iiudriiik a boil i their premise or who liao i jut any axilla or ahoep abaci id prom pi ly ahdyliao them iif ilia foe piper it it tlm proper thitijf to do and hi the cam of the ptin 1ihh hawtloto and attain bated hit cf trouble mil txnenar- jrnth mr tint taylor a few week ago the homo of mr i harks lav lor main hirer i was a house if n jolcilih ami niurry makiitk tha otxa ittoti ihiiiiu hid inarriad ot i lie oldoal datikhtor lo day 11 14 a plaro of mourn liik uto niollirr having clijmrtod thia ufa oit aliiiula mufniiii wiortly flor u10 wcddintt mr taylor wa ulicu aenuualy ill and haa imvor rallim but gradually row wpnb until di nth oudod her aufter inu he faunly nl very keenly thia heavy bereavement i ho remain ward laid at toil 111 i airvlew cemetery jratrday afternoon otru6cr tutrue hale at frorjlriown did uoorietown horao and halo aaaoci aliiiu announce anortior liorao ili for i ndat alube4 jlrd tlio aaaooiatian are at thia early into working vitforoualy 10 make tho aalo a mucccm and are expect in huora from toronto lonjgn hamil ton montreal winnipeg and other plaeoa who willboreparoil to buj all rlaaaen of horse it will hu in ihn inlireai uf all jib r l lea who have horaea iu cll to jet them in kd condition for una kale for fur iher parliculara entry forma ac apply to 1 i itchl proiijcnt the entry book ia now open at held iltoa maui bt george to 11 1 ulrica mul be m by i jib ootober the laacellett hutnithl trmln i here la imitli dimatitfactiuu aloni tlio line ol the o i it with tho withdraws uf the tnidniht tram couucila anl lloardaof i rjjjumffln ihirllr- gtu7ip1i are taking aliou aeekln from iho ilway autliuritioa tho roilurallon uf the in at the nuolltit of ouelpli city thein qoldcn weddinq rav r d cook nnd lndv oom- momoratd tholr flftluti w01i- ins annlvoronry ffiljc rton jtrte jjrcss tiiuitfaljay ahtlmulki 1hu0 little local bhiefleto which cauomt tho eyon or ears ot froa proaa roportaro thia wactk council niceliuj next monday osmiiuu oflicor graham now geta about town on a wheel it arv atutl friday f a vtait ut aoton exhibition lkjociidk iair at oeornclowu lo tiay and lo morrow guclph central i iluhni n w a grmlifyluk uecosa nature la palnlln tlio it llk brautl ful autumnal liuta a ii rem an a concert la lctuk arranged lor thaifumon nibt q lit ly rovlow uervlcco iu tlio bun daytichoola uext bund ay hbow tught concert will bavu a varied and intereallug prouraiume lleuderaon a co a fall niillinery upcii loj lakca placa 011 saturday the occupation of the banball apeciahat ia ttouo for thia ear aoton liolon hzhibition opon u tho world neat thuraday and rrida tho maple leafa of uueipb are largely behind in their aeaaon a ttuaucea it ia a wiae man who qnda hi ma oit ou tho luaido of a warm overcoat tbeae ceu mr h lumahaw4ia auld liia dwell on main btrret to mr u h ttro j naaaa ihot e k ltuo autfflolf auluiuu weaibrr fi aaaaawej a towiiahlp fl held ibla ear at umpbcllville da jolli oatuber jf- ioo 01 w lor iu da card circular ail printed in muai atlrbblivo aljlo i a laro prufxirtiou of tho llril inatal ujcul bt taaea waa paid to tho cullcolur at tnaj town hall ou haturd mr john houtor hat taken up in roaideuce in the comfurtable new dwelling he recently erected ou a j no strrcl iho member of tho jthli itualiuu atlould loel ullo nalnhod thai thoy are uul oamplu at n tbrae chilly 11 1 lite iho new fevou atury drylu kiln and atorehouae at the acton laliuiiik 0111 pan a wurki la up aud i tiuw iioiuk cu s i hauruwlta the dane h nutjot returned tu liquidate hi liabihtiea and coll liuue the buaiueaa of the maple leaf glove work k i rcaaurer harvey uluurljli ooui 111 1 hod on the charge uf einbeaalioit city funda laat wedncaday and haa beeu in jail evo aiuce tboo r h auuoopoea a cheap ten day escuraiou to the weal on lburaday and friday lal and hud october iurt ljuron and detroit 4 00 chicago i1u u haiiiaw aud bay cuv 7 00 uraud ttauida vi jo the member of tlio lpworth iiafjuc and tlio gougrvtiatiou of the methudiat cburch ceuarally will oomtucuce tho rtad lull of tho llouk ol acta next hunday com poliog in tau daya in coiidooiiou wiah iho lurwud roanuicnl mlm pralloy of ilramplon who re turned th other day rom a vlalt tu hin land waa unfortunam in regard to her luggage lly 01110 mlacbauca bar baloug luga ware put 011 an auatraliau ataamer aud are now uu ibe thro month vuyago it tufty ba uaat apnuit balura aba recover tior ptuperty 1artlculare of i he roal german kirma tu be hold in lloriin from tbo ut to the tih october were givaii iu laat laauo of tbo faaa ittua i ha avaut la a bi auuual ouo and the a i traction a promlaed for the coming kirtnoa wfll far excol iho apleudld affair of two jtara ago uieai railway fare bavo beau arrauged 1 ha alomaxb and ditatlva orgaua of tba law w u huiith of uoaiph have boma rataracd from toronto wham thoy wera feaint for aoalyaia the report atatea that ihara in abaolulely uo uaoe of poiaoo of any kmd tbia ought tu fufover aet at real tha rumora whcb wore ao utf- faalliigl circulated about iho late ex mayor attention i direolod tu the advertiao mant of nelh ihabhoauan uuelpb wbora it will no not load that profit bavo boon abavoa down ufky jwr cent cheap foot wear la in a lock for all buyer wall taper lumuanta at lialf price vluduw abado ooiiiplolti jja t urlaiu pula all coloraxuinictl tux dru alorc tookhltinrat llm niliiiri uf tlm lrlli niiiiln r uu v ilut ik fii ti lulu r j 11 1 ll by tho ii v jrpli t luilnii if dun inr ii l tis of llronbhn t ainxln wl in harnli hliialieili ilauulitor of sir william in li of hamlhr1 uiilaortl nunly 1 ho husband and uifu who are apart 1ii0 oach other for half a ontiiry ivn ruamm fordutont iraliuit1 to a joil 1 natul lalher llml th imvt f r lont hin niriulllod in mioiaur 11 uuli nlhuf mid to parlicjpata inthjia and aorroii meld ill to ho loni h l ii noli mil in iauiii pari nt r in lid imvu bopthtiri favbrcit n 1 on 1 imlny tlnir liomii ou i airviow avenue wan thr htin id 11 jol ocl libra ion itobnrt irriblulh 110k and turah 1 lli lwlhke- weru marrld ou krpl nihar jjtid iht at the rcilihyiti uf the hrldo a mother mr win kolno 111 the inwnalup of i hwiiborn about four ioi mirth uf hamilton luv ph liilton of ihn daa irarformed the retinin their firat hmi wan in llruokhu win thy r coming and going i- j visitors to and from aoton hnd varlotisothar praortatnotoa aflei 1 e ouncil on monday ciruinu following riaiilutiou waa paaned kcoolvod that the chairman uf iho itailway omm litre communicate with tho general manager uf tho li 1 l montreal uriiifl tle ueccaily of 1 11c reused railway accommodation be twee 11 toronto aud juolph aud reijuealirfk thai a tram loavo loronlo not earlier lhan 10 10 p m each ovuiiiug enejil sunday lufit trunt hcuiurrhatir 1or aoveral tura mr frank wordun haa been aullrruij from mak louj he taught acliool for a abort time but found that tho confinement aggravated bia trouble and bo waa obliged to diacontinue that profeaaion lhcrl ho unl been wufaiug with hia brother at farming and antil lately hia goncral health waa fair but the inpldloua dirao conaumplloii had arcure 1 faatcned ilaolf upon hia ayalem and ibe reaull waa inovitablu frank waa hindy esteemed b those who know him fbr hia lellci piahllc ho c knowledge cere cbnalian and proud to the faut ho will be aadly ulid in ihe circle in winch be moved 1 he funeral will take plat a th aflcruoou at two o clock tu i airviow emotery taumjjei tcmpuhom uaajaiah there waa lonaldefaolc dlaappointuieiil at the abrupt lerminatiuu uf the aerie of tofpel tcmjwraiicn lerviooa announced to bej held in the towu hall thu week by mra llllcl cox aaaialed by her daughter mla irene mooting were held 011 huuday afternoon aud oveuiiig of a moat mtcreatiug charaoter mra hilchcox a addreaeci were eloijuciit kjlutcd and firceful and a ere calculated to lulluciioo ber bearura to adopt total abauneuco with relation to the uae uf all lutoaioaiita miaa ilitcbooi a olocallon ary number and muaical aelectiona wore of a limb order and added much to tho interrat uf ibe meeting on huuday even lug after the arrvico mra hiukiooi wa taken luddcul very ill aud uu monday 11 wa fuiui 1 uecrkurv tbruuih meiin advice lo terminate all prevent engage 111011i aud take a much needed real nrvi uf out thurchea itev c baa a lxxk uf itloorunold n j 1 luvadably prtaed into actrvice when ho conic to acfn lo visit the ace lie of hi boyuood i sat huuday bo preached lu carncrt and liuprcnaito dicourea in the afternoon ho uciuiued the jjulpil of ibe ilaptlat cborch and tu the evening ho preached in uu methodist hurcb ilia former schoolmate erecially are pleased tu bate the ofiiorluuily uf hearing biro on huuday morning itev jamoa keatlr ol rock woo i preached a stirring aaruiun 111 iho metbihlial bwtcb itcv mr howell to ik part in the anuivcraary aervioea at rewaoua corner in tbo inaralng lie father lchmatiu who la aupplying at hi joacpha huich in luv father haley a abaviicr conducted iho oeml mouthty or vico 011 hund hia miniatralloua are very acceptable tu iho congregation lie mr cjiljin preached a ertnou 111 iho itnck church ou buudaj alter noon appropriate tu the liar veal fealival the harvoat homo aupjier aud outer la luineut laat wentilk waa quite a auoooa the halum ivcj c hatupittumhty iho base ball aeaou 1 uver it h alf urdtd llluch mtoitt lor ilia apoi ttng fialoimly many well ouleated gainca have been played lu the hal ton ieet league and acton team haa pot up very creditable bail thruugbuut the aeaaou at tbo outaol they mot with great aucoeae aud until half ih rough the aeaaou won nearly over game i hen mil ton brauod up aud at iho eud f the ten matchoa iho team ware tied ibe final game fur ibu champlunahip waa played at georgetown on tueaday when milton defeated vctuu hy the following core innmriu it it v mill u ul i i 00 i j ii 13 n will to aeon acluu had ihe lead and the beat of the game up lu tho eighth miiuigj when mlltuu tied them and lu the ninth won the game one coolly error tavo the caainpiouahip lo milton it waa an lutrrialliig match and waa wilueawed by a largo crowd uf spectator hick uf loronto umplrod with uumplcla aatufac hon 1 he soaaoii gaitiea were played aa follow hilton a notable bullkbl it i ihe rnmity hrrutu al hrriy attr 0 montreal ia away bigb up am nog i lias great nowapaper aucoaaaaa uf ilia present ouolury for farmer aud farpiefa fatoi ilea the t amity urruui umj h ceie tlar aecin aiaiply indlapapaabla and judftlug lroii the oiiprunma number of far man wliu lako il wa ahuuld tbiuk id oat wide awaka farniora are alive to tha aatraonlioary value of ihe paper uul the famtug lleruuf tagea will bear cloae acruliny and will bo found to bo cbdokwull of aroaaing lute re fpr everybody amuugil ihinga canadian that are reiuarhod by abrewd furelguera the firmly mi j iihi urrtly omna in for a large aha re ol notice mr 00k waa ordaimd into ihn hiplltl minlatr it ia an mti realm f t dial tho ordination acrvico took plicu in iho nld preahyterian liurcli in acton lt mr cook remained tiirit abtiiil four oara n paatnr uf ihe liaptit chur li 1 1 aili r wanlaurved the churcbo iu arthur bnl llvan aud ajw hnli in ihuae heidi much pioneer work waa dunn in wiiat waa at thai lime a iiealy anttlnil country about twenty uiuo yuara ago the family returned tu ac in 11 where i ho parents hnvo ainco reatded there have been eleven cliildren in ihe family eight aoua nud threo danghlera five xmx and one daughter are atill living all am uiarnrd and there ar i grandchildren livlui four olhrra imuiih dletl three nf tho aon nro rcfi in ttlb t7 ill red klalea itvtita i 00k in kloonflld n j jinlnu and john it oook in spokane nlinllnn f be golden we 1 llin brn uiil ty llirr a happt uulirrinkun tura la an i 1 d tho following wire iiimui mr lunry u ouk and wife if hica iii mr hubert iroal and wife roruluuii id 1 0 g 1 aiikford i a an 1 wifr rjit town mr j k ok unl fauiik uf ialermu iu v iiaa a oik lliix m fir 11 n i mr john it ih k h- kfir waah mr win tmipju an i iimly ctou mr w i k an i l ii ami i lou jroetins wrrc sunt fr nil many frieiida and relative the acton lujitit hurcb aeiidliih a ajiecial meaaaeof coiiraiulaliou theoccihon wa made 11 111 nbl by a apccial addresa of aflrctiuii and eslei 111 presented by tho chlldrou arc m pan led by a purao uf gold an 1 by u renew by itcv mr ouk of hin mrrlrd life itrv mr 1 aiikford and other p ik kindly ai r i of warm ineudship and coiilratulatiiu itev mr cook fellow inliectin add their tnbuto uf cuuhuluutf in the family haa proved themnelvea worthy cili111 an 1 have alwaj deserve j aud rrcei vod the leem of tfie cuminm ily la they nil b jiared for many ycara to omr news of the day senator f li gusni dtcl 111 m u ly alier lonj illuoa farhaiuciil la iikri i 1 urday inl ootiavrr iho depart men i f m 1 1 t il ma have granted purmlsamu to ooutiiiuu iidii ig hailing through thu mouth t i n j vein ber a lad uaincl oilier 1 nbi at 1 li year lell belwueu the uia freight irani at huiuiuun moo u inxiit an i luritaiilly killed uillimn uild in 111 i wa umlly t rii 1 l lie itlliik n a farm uear 1et rlne mai died ou uunda adeputalion from aluiilieal itj on the govorumeiil at ottawa l urk lu ak a lusnulte of s lot 000 b hi in in aid a hit luternallmial f ahibitiou iho itollovlllo ihuuijth r has pfad lulu iho aole jmasesnion if sir mackuuxiu bowell he pay loperctiil of it indobl odueaa aud ihe other aharuli 1 1 r retire ihe body ul mi adam llrowu of iu111 lllon who died al aea on bmil hit nea ncr hardinian arrlvetl at mnnliial lai mm day evniillii and left for llainlll ly tile late train dr ilergm m 1 lell down alaii a al hm reaidcnce 111 cornwall uu filday lie patsed h hours lu a comaluse atatu bill wa bolter next da though ln c miliu in i still critical ihe itkth aiiina f unwllly of the flrl i arllameiil ol i ihn aiiada waa celebrated ly the nib lliaiorlcal society with many appropriate epeochca laal wednesday mlhi kalberlue itydi 1 magia fall 1 aasaullcd by an uukiiowti mai and her bat piu wa driven an mcli and a half into her head him mil ruuevci under medical ucaliuuu1 ho ovominr tiruei1 la been lfmi mended to commute tbo capital onleiiu on tho boy kearney soulencod lo bo bang od 011 ootober 1 at 1 ludaaj he still bo out lo the kiugaloii penitentiary lor life mr joliu liuyle a mover luwualilp lar mer unit hia death while driving homo from morpeth on 1 ueada iii driver a buy amed trauk iituca atataa that he fell oil the waggon but aa tho two are aaid lu bavo uar rolled while 10 morpeth them are auaplcloiia uf foul jilay an inijiioal will be bold lbs skull uf the akeloluti auphaud o be that uf 1 bomaa hcotl murdered during the ural h10i rebelhun waa found al win uipeat balurday and old union are now ooufldenl that u10 ideutily ul the akelutun ablahed reculiaritiee in tho leolh pruvo woll nigh conclusively thai ibe akalatton la thai of hoot i ice chtiammadti in a minuib i have au lco cream frtexcr ihal ill fceeae oroam lirfoolly lu one minute aa it ia auoli a wouder a crowd will alwaya be around ao aliyod can make from flvo lo ia dollar a day selling cream and frun leu to lavonly dollar a day scllliik 1 roraera as moplo wil alwaya buy an article whou it demoualrated that they can make moony by ao dolug 1 ho cream ia frown malantly arw la arooolh aud free rum lludpa 1 have dono so well myself and havetriouda uccadiiig au will that 1 ml ii my duly to let olbera know of tin opportunity aa i fool coulldetil thai any perron in any luoaliiy oan make money- aa any person can mill oream ami iho freeaer alia ileal j 1 casey i 1 1 1 li hi j cbarleeril hi loui mo will mail uu tm km 1 pinta invite all u readera to 1 tj lip m in inl colli n 1 11 if von ar yunr friend ariiiinh ahb tin a bollilay frlpor u you bavq friiiila vlslumi ymi ilrnji a card to tbo kuan air i g maljlicw loft jorterdaty on a trip in j i rant ford air riliur living loft mi tuoaday for uiiiulprg uiia buiiirfhi trip mis heatle of itockwood made aoton frirnda a brief vitrtthia week miai wilaro nf owen hound wa the guckt of aclon frirnda uat week mr morn kennedy of georgetown vlailod relatives here laat friday mia minnie ilanck of whitby made awon friend a btiof vim l thia week itcv it j mclutyrr uf bt mary a waa 111 town una work renewing acquaintances mr henry link of ay ton viaited friend at the homo ot mr jamoa boo it llile tvrck mr torcy a c beoord of uuftdo m ia upending a weak or bo with hia mother bore mr murley dry era of now haven co no 11 makiug a abort viait at hia father a here itev geo it turk of winnipeg haa en invited lo the paalorato of carlelon ht molhodmt church toronto councilor mallhowa ha been suffering the pas i week from a severe attack of in llammatiou ii ia now convalescing mr t jatnca moore ia one of iho applicants for the vacant treaaurerahip at uuolph he would make aauperior officer mr john huff president acton union 1 xhibitmn went lo walkerton on tuesday to act a judge at the northern klhlbltloo mr i 1 1 1 rm street of hbelhiirue has ben epemliu a fw data lliht woak at lit lht f in ftl ivierit kfudoaiqd merit main ta inn thoconflhonr of the pooplo in hooda bflrbapthiu i r med lolna aarm yon whan ilck pit rmkkcat wonderful cum otarywtiorellian beyond llrjuostlon that mtnlldnopoaaiaumm merit made that le juat the truth about hood a fler- aaravilla we know it poaaeaaea merit hecauan it rnret not oneo or twice or a hundred times but in thouaanda and thousand of caara we know it cure absolutely iermanontly when ell others fall to do any good whatever wo repeat hoods sarsaparilla lathe beat in fact the one true ltloo1 inrlflrr 1 hoods phis ullloulness aocnu aud other friends mr w 1 hifillllehl uf the iteufri w mrie 111 1 ajwiidiiik a few daya al the h uu h uf ii e il 1 kit an 1 itev j k od leu m a mr jamei llr u has been in i irou o for nlmnl m mill undergoing btcimi treat mnu i for hia rhnumalic trouble mra it row 11 a companies him mr w i llrleti uli h ihn nt id 1 rnt iiuxliy w id lr wilkiiati the i ft ik in e nllnuo denial ullekp roiunto a iiiaii up north who bad been hoard nig money for uiuehien joara went lo gueljih 10 drjmialt il laal week when be fouudho had tutt in worth lea federal aud central bank hilla 0f eonrae he waa ribrr t v llv ipaper orif tuindd dollars lartcd on mon lay morning nn its errand or hijcidalion will pay a ibouaand dollar before hatur dav night iry 11 il will help your irdiiur and ijve htm the means lo help i111 ueuhbora and bring cheer comfort aud employment in hun i roil nf i he people i i the w mrrio act rnpnrcs thai both bride and n om make affldavit when jirocurlng a inairiago hcenae in order to avoid in ronvrineiice and uunecesaary publicity the under alfi ed will wait upon the lartlea desiring licenses al the home uf any of their friend in lown lo laane document a ii l mixn r issuer of marriage lioenara fara i i iu olhce acton i he btd of an unknown man waa found in the canal al wellnd on sun ly a nfcw idea on paper patterns only 10c each i all u of i ljulica and childroi 014 i alll i waist 1 m y 3a lions 1 hccrfully a 1 11 i lot k miiw j sutcliffesons toronto all 11 1 11 b ui j 1 some mils 11 mill i s when we apeak of dlalauoo but between your pocket aud our prices the apaoe ia nil wrll phper uvit itdoifli 8hrdbs 4imbinauun hrlaou wuuderful value beud fur aampler with m cha9 l nclles city bookstore cuolph drees goods and dress- jvcaking lo tiny uul liinrtiiiiikln tuonih opii nr tli u tul t htimoii our iiimmjcr hah ituou uwuy vihitnilendliig t elitreri ot litnhioti ami an qhtial will lu uhitj to tttip ply iut 1111111 tiihfonicrh with the iiuuent itinl pruitioeit our utock of tnntcnnta han haft largo ntlill- hoiih luriiig tho pitht week to hu t hut it ih omplotu would not hu muling 1111 txittt tin t lor out dretiri joikih xtm k it tievur com f 1 lute wonieull the tiiuu ndtl inn not a week but hnngh u frcth ttlenri hut to nay tlmt it is enormous nut wo think auuy heontl uiitlnii 30u will fintl 111 tho eit is what we believe to he 11 fuct it taken pluck to buy muiitu ol he itnen in point ot ijiiuntil an 1 noelt that hi hti only 11 hret ciiuh trude like thlh roultl tlt it our htinlj hart iilwajb heen to offur our timtotu ent tlil neveat dtcmh nfaterialt that ure hiiowii our iiitnniite coiiuectioiiti 111 the old country with t lie betl miikem uml tlenlerri otleiri ub n wide held lor our huleilionn we ue thin wlne don t tear tlmt you niiitil iiecen hunly u to an extravagant priee our low priced goods hiiow the huiuu iood table aiul correct ut le a do our lilih priced and moht reluct matcriulti we uk every lad to nee out drcbtt cjoodit tttot k which will he how n glatll and without untitle p ens i re to huv it h a to hee 11 blot k itiiu nihur we deal only in ui fond we lulv the lr cjoodn tnulu mild lej e oilier brant lien ulone ttaell lr uoodrt to perfection v e r bollert ol co uuilflj uml wait and see ou 1 i 1 nkw link nkw hty1 i new shal 1 public school incv lijli school hooki a new lot ill school sup plies now 011 iifc at the dtul stoic j v kannawin dltlucllhl acton plelo loblincllon and mill employ uu ou aalary if uu can h wlml un6 u ntwi likm1tlm raitlfrt uicn oil winou t it raualble oalali 1 11 nt li in ontario halarv ttw iavalilo a1 ii kly vwiisa 1 ualllun wruia4ivit lulrne 1 uiiumi self lilnaanl atainlel en l1 i tbu nauoual beu- llmmlujj hicaju hlluni iows w d hutson sons mondat morning eight chses monday morning we parsed through ibe customs eiglit cases of mantles direct from german this makes in all twenty cases of mantles im ported this kail and completes our stock of these goods for the present season i we ask ou to come and pay a visit to our mantle room even if jou do not purposcnbuytng a wrap this kail the sight of so complete and elegant an assortmcntvof mantles as we are now showing cannot but be an inter esting one g b rt an co guelph the bell piano a 11 11 j r j quality of tone unexcelled for iuty of de superiority of finish pringle watchmaker guelph ont ikokokiowns livkst stork 6ibs0n millar go ws eouiilnla baaortuieul i lbs uasiaat sty los in dllfchs ooolmi ultkhh tltlktu nis ktc tb rauoa wa bava bean irul u luu w el is row lb newcac t nosl slyllsb uuhlte uods al t cauuut l uoateii in uiu or ally sallsnarl i araul ii all 1 rouixi vaiuevautyuu iii jlud ui aaurt isnla iil ualillds jual a little better than ymi 111 alsewliara ml sr off oil n vou strong iluctiinaiit 11 tratlfl hers anil wa knoa l nee secure your attention yuu will bwouiiia a urcbaser au i ilioii ilka manjr uuier a regular hipt 1i shaker numb his pssusl tlusa atnr iraiwl tu town aa wa base jiurrh ml tlioui fur loss bau ilia uianufaelursra prleaa bars till vou our valnea in omr klamteia yarns add all kinds it htalild orv ooud tituallwarwa oloves lcr iienlae t ndsisrsr etr vlux hioh class tailor1no t is aa sihihumi lael ar load iu tills other lullhb iu a 19c catcli trails but wa du ftua ts i lor i uk our slock is uw niioiku fur tba fall lu tlio latest importations iu heolcb bug i tall inst anl canadlau multliics trowaerink osaieuatluus olr uualllv n and nulali las lllvaly lusnathd 1knth ft unihhintlli 1 bs btuwl uuvaltis in neckwwar coll cufjs lautlmiiaii t utlarwear ate 0 kt oath 0 kuath 0 kucoath ill i ui hoy ami uvua itoya ltoetara u jarkaiv uuu a i mu ole till will ilacs to ijrtl imiii fsll and winter outfit no riul lu to show kofmla cell aud inaiwel mi lock and wa will oouvlueo vu ulal tills is his laee in gnl tlio treat kikhis al the closest inews llutui viid eur taken in tilo oliihon mil i h a co flue ftlock lleorgelowu 1 n diuki mb llean vsrr day iu jilvmi stuek lor fall itattpuu dsj v milk a minltk a rwcortl as tuada on a 8tearn8 htn 1 at u10 1 a iiauuual smsi al 1mu w h tabic atfunt aoton work irouiiuj alleudud u 1 ha uads supjalad with l lolluwiua nulld ianl r wnug hwr aid pltcli icalvauiseil iron troughs down i aud rldgiugs and any work got out tuilstail otbcc si jurew si r toronto kesljeaer jutcrilwi ur mutoi a hu will du jalj sn1 mtlvautk1 iftiu ifk it m aloudi rml coal wood made and firely miara hecou1 hand inatrume ut plan when reulred lied b lhnlar s taken 111 eachai c nanns of moinct ho aiv nsinr jiuli jlnstriiuieiit it r it tljo pnncehu louise mt aiiihoii ladieh college ii e the mnnjuih ii luiibijow te kev j k htiuter of vouhiim a kt hon tho marqui ofdulfenn iluntui and avit kev i struehtui henpihi ii m the king ol holland toronto college ol muhu ii m the ueon ol italy st joseph con ent bt hli madame adehnn iath nicolina ariueh sir john htumer mub doe freabj tenan t ollcnc mtmtreiil aud thouaudb ol otliern frloee a low aa auy first olasa piano osu be sold for i or price or aalalotfue write or oall at ware room oueipb c irt kelly bole aifeol for hells i i anos lmorter and dealor in atical uouda y upper wiidhdin street l i 1 ill henderson co hcton jmillinery open my we coidiim nn he tlu 1all importations of millinery- 1 t in etoti lo ul peel dress goods mantlota jtuic saturday september 26th i ml ueleuinc iiknhkicsois at lov ladies perfect fitting underwear i 1- k at yx 1 i al wiol t 5- s ulu til i fall hosiery i icllis ami t hildienb li doubh knee hi all sizes nibbed tsl john mcqmeen llavlnr pofmlaaad i ha coal buslaah herau or curled ou by jamoa llrowu i alii lewparwl u sui i al orders lor furnace coal stove coal chestnut coal of- bbst ouklity ot 11 lal h jiioaipuv nilod john moquskn wantedhn idea jsssm tk e gurnby co mill street ai iii the cold snap aaya wa hta eaallusuf two suudraot islvassuuib wuustedt will eoon be here ao yet ready fur it by but iu your kuc0ats and indkkwkvh ul juoiiim i a job line of uau a and lloye otcrcoata al less ilau cost la clear 1 1 it a aluh lu mkn b undbltwkah bought at a dlatunk and sellini off at a diaouuui did you over see our hue of hi ih- rhi iia i h far rf cenla each uooui tlellvrd c f coodeve ncm ist txim acton l p

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