Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1896, p. 4

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i iprejsf rnmihimy hi in km 11111 41 iwm flic lloinig 3lqlltr fl ui tit iii 1 1ittii kittlss lltuuiaill mnltmrny ml mil wltli ll dm moll rial on 1 11 onl hiiik kid n ii only mlsli ai iiiittmilti u 1 rnl wlint inn iu 1 th mil hilli 1 iifti 1 1 11 mi li a 1 1 in jiilnl hlllu km 11 hiiimii 1 1 at ml 111 all ui- iii mill ll ira tin n ilia thai hint i011i aniiietlilmt jiluipel mil l luo a throe tiirtitxl mut run n lax as limy r anil rtutir micoilot hi till th ramo 1 wchki ntlil lliel 1 n iuoi tl rant1n ami clri eaten 1 ol i tlrtnt tiil rv it la gold stocks fev ah un irtnlr ushtw six ultra i vs qunntlly but tho croat south amurioon curon am wrought out of tho solid fock of advanced mod left 1 scion cro tor specific purponob and thoy nevor fell thoy ftallovu in a fow houn kidneys itlcti 111 hrsliug owdifa th lslimoiiy o veryday fur llm great houlli american kidney um it kidney pec ilk it dissolves aud eradicates rum tlm system all foreign matter allays in dam mat ion and psiu 111 the bladder it relieve the moat distressing kidney dis- orilora inside of mix hours and effects a puck and permanent cure film i cog lull springfield n h ststes i woi very much ilmtrcssid with sevtre kdry trouble waa unablo to attend my household iluuca i saw fckmlh american kidney cure advertised and procured a bottle i had permanent rclii hours 11ml after using an bo till permanently cured ilhoumactsm ihe moat acute and dirotuo forma of una dread ailment ebeo lutely cured in from one to throe day by the south american uheiimatic cure ila action upon the sslem is marvellous mr john lra icedoaler wiughem out beys iivo yearn sgo i happened with a aonoaa accident winch hrotffthl on thru realism waa completely laid up kod tried all kind of liniments and other rem edies without relief itoading of the ureal cum made by south american ilbeumelio care i procured a bottle and rot relief in a few lioura 1 used au buttle in all and my euro jsa complete tl is ih boat remedy for rheumatism in the world iho nerves tho ureal booth ameri can nervine has no stronger testimony for 11 than that contained in the ittory of this niraculuui recovery hobert ii english lkelicld out waa taken ill about five math illi la knpi winch slmost un reded hi sending bun to j11 untimely k 1 rum hie flccls uf lliia he con lrted a nevrru nrrvoui lwitchliik culmin aiinu in ala added to i hia rheum at 10 tinipliialioia act 111 physician proclaim nl irl rate a hupoleaa one flo ureal waa lua vullering that lie longed for death a hand in relnvo inm heading of the won dcrlul curea being wrought by south american nerviur a tioltle waa procured and ita effect waa marvellous in a very abort time the flta disappeared tbe nervous twitching leetctied aflif altik thiltlea be waa completely cured whflo ihcroa life and theae hood remedlea there a hiie hold by j v kannawin ll haa been noliocd that the people who have the moat in aay about tho bicycling crx aro people who dun i have bicycle ibemarlvca satura a lrr lo the diaoerninic ear naturo haa many voire hbo haa a moaaaite til0 woet lonoa of tbe brook aa ll ruahca down tho billaldo in ooeaua moody voioea now rip illog with ken ileal cadence upon the ol jen aandi anon in deep boialeroua voice ai abe laatiea tbe beocli with foam than tho vutco of tree which i ho laughing wiuda boar lo our eara of auuahino and a hade of bill and valley of bird aud flower but aba ooruw tn pal 11 too the vol 00 of the aebiuk tuikui corn apcaka improwaively iutnam rain loan corn b tractor moves the vrurat corn 111 twenty four hours painlessly and without leaving aoio anoti raeriehetindr man trtivol mqna for hnnlth nnd wonlth nif aro dlnnppolnlod dr aanowa groat curan orlnu hantth nnd unylt nt vour font sum certain and turmanifnt and honlth in wontth llio lu heart ian ir a 1 1 crlr um fur th emrily in ihiunm ni i sudl dtal la wutidmful rirll of caln whrru m aoiitmil imminciil power 11 hao w dmiirtliiil uid 111 oioat aoiilu form rrlf f b riinm in -ttllrp- lilllilltfti holll of i lie lifot irinolllird m plomaof hi art ihaordir ar rliurtn h of bralb am iihrrinil apt ii v d pitaiion and pain in tho 1 ft aide mr- i i hituer of wiuowkmi n if i nritia i teol that dr aftuew a cure for the heart haa aavd i llfo i win aireolod with heart roublo in a tory aculu form i could not aloep and could not lie- down for fear o suffocation i tried many uf tho boat phyalorkna without relief unlil one of tbem rccnmmanhrd dr agnow h cure for tho hoar i i proctirtnl a bottle ouikiuid h reliof an 1 a fow bcittlna com pint el y cured mo catarrh 1 hia drenl ilnciw faalrna with inveterate hold upon thn llnnia of tho noblrll a aimpln cold in llio head neglected will mdurn it it is rhiiuiatafl that ho er cent of llm population of the continent aro in a greater or lean r degree object lo its ravage one oaae haa yet to be cited whore th faithful tio of ir akpow catarrhal powder haa not effected a perfect core tho hev sluno ivahcr i i ot kuoi rhurob hamilton out who tia a coutinonlal reputation aa a divine and acliolar waa a martyr to an acute catarrhal affection this j real remedy boinif brought to hi notice housed it and he writes ovor his own ignaltue the alrongrat word of commondaticn of it curative powers and recommend it to all like aufferera iile cured in 1 lo c ni dr a oewa ointmeut will euro all case of itch tntpthsrr frohv hr- tmrht oner applioation brmga comfort for blind and bleed ug piles it is poerlcw alo cure tetter aalt rheum eceem barliera itch and all eruptions of the skin v cents bold by j v kannawin nothing asaurrn better the reponn of the heart than tho work of tbd mind in hia e lllla dr 1armtlee haa kiven to the world tbe fruit of long bcioii tiflc research in tho who- rtalm or med leal rcience oombim 1 wjth new and val oable discoveries ueter liefora known to man jor delicate and debilitated con alitutiou tarmelee a illlit act like a charm taken in amail dosea the efleel is both a touic and a stimulant nuldl hcilinr the secretions orlhe body giving tone and vigor constipation cause fully half um slckneu in tbe world- ii retains lb dlcoatad food loo lone in um bo we at and produce bulooaucsa tarat uver indt hoods anuuon bad taste ctauod m tonpaa sick pradacbe to- f i i at aoamla etc hood s p1iu iii s cure coniupauoii and all ila reauna easily and tboroughly 36c au druntsta rrrnaml by v 1 iiihmi a o liwrll man tbe only itlli to lake wltb hood stair4u tho meeting of the coal iruat rtsmind one that no matter how hot it now if ho want any warmth ueal winter he will have to pay well tor it hurdock 1 ill small salt aud ure rufjulato the liver and cute ouatipaliou hbe ourhl lo ku ilaviukuaed uurdock illood hiltcra fort years i cannot kep from rrcouimciiduif it u other 1 bavo sold hundred of dot ilea from my store and aa i keep other modi otoe i ought u know which aeha bent it it a wondorful medicine your vory aiucerelt mum dosaii kt bui 110 aicdoni- ilii i lino to tbo friend of friondalup and the enemy of lovo a chancfc tu make money ned xtuuweat end ll is int upm catlh or nialorlil n ihiurtctt nut iijhhi hn lit h iillh ftr free tuifii or ittiout it ii irli i- iipiu any liurnfw r or i i in iiiiii oljiyt of iltnid that n ill it i lit iiir in lit ds a bailiff tin iitnif linn nl iiii vwluftblo mhi mi u ii m but intruiihiila and llio imiid hint h wii hi iliiin it char ii lb i mi ml in i the ii tua tot li i lb in lu the uitl ihi greatly iimiu m lull pns i untribiitii in tin irlt illirla ii in n r lb 1- i r u tulrl uf wbrr f r spain mas an artlon day hpattila waking up to tbo necessity of n firltini her mountains 1 bn hltlo kinu ncriill wuiit to village a fow in i lea fiaul of madrid anil pluiilcl a aaphni after which xh children a ice led from llm madrid choot tacl planted a tree moditln iro distributed uniung them with hie inariplioiwuirt rbor day uili tulrd m tbe rlrptol atluiiso mm ihh htmilar futhrtu an to- bo buhl yearly in illlf rent iaita mil in hildrrii urn lo be croi ink ii oul tu bi how llirir tree cr hit hope lht lb will loafer taeo p in their dlelrluta fvery family ki should know that a vary ramaikabl remedy fculti t i tkhmax and kxtinwal uaa and won darful in ita quick aouou to r llava dlalraaa painkiller wrrrk mllla lmirtiwa altrrj nwia 3 kalrrw l painkiller vgrxjfffsxt painkiller rcavs painkiller 1j5 btar srrrtr dumirm uid bae noticed that the ottice boy whofklit rchlptntier thw errand while be ii going across the street can tell you the icorn of a itaun hae that waa iued at leaal three wet k ajm a chance to make money i ham i r grau ami xochec a ytar old freab n when pickl i oae the ah for um old irtotn do not heat or seal the fruit jun pot il up colli kef pa perfect iilh an coats almt at nolhliik can put up a binhel in it u iiiinutr i a at tk i 1 1 any out n ii mi u do lor fur direction when the y e i ii ttrnut iful namplra of fruit aa llitrr a muj lar le wr like myelt 1 onlder 11 u dun in kite my in h a jd leel co linden i any one can n ake one or two hundred dollar round lion e in a fa w do i will mall ample of fiml am c niplclu dlrccllona lo any of you r readers f or eiuhlecu two cent at am ii w neb is u ly tilt actual coat of the ampler nmte cl a to me khim la am 1 ht 1 ouia mo ts f fnr -lnmtoi- i bri stol bristocs sarsaparilla o pills the hre hi st f ill liver stoiihult nid hiivil mjkincs a apatcirio ron rhcumatlnni imjt and chrotik cuntpfalnti they ifuisc ittit itinly thfa mioiki f m druggjsls iiihi general don fred hin ntrtr lljion ptlrn rloh blood atjd jroif nerd not fnar irrvoiiprolration nnrvos nrp weil whrn tliey are improperly and iiimifltrjlii i iiiiurifhi i pure blofvl it tlroir pr oil and iiiro blind coiiiim by luklnjt hoodh harfaparllln which ii thn lh greatest an i bent licrvo tonln it aln t hilda tip tho whulo syi it llmd rnhiarlli 1mm ay to liulo system nr iti fnvinin family n lake eay to operiite liiirol part ot him who f llnyurkly children ahnild uao mother w grave- worm i lermmalor wuruis b- arn one of tho principal iiixm i ufforliik in elilldrou and ahotild ha i i lulled from the ll in more iiendn to liv in am s ifrmf it lu dleorit dandy windmill make it yourbelfi praugeiiii ill t ihu lie ien i- follow by a such as hystei dun nftvnua dia lelaooholla neu raljila alcputamna palpitation and pains nous parlsof the body ild such cases trnuglhon the heart and build up the ncrvoun tcm by tho uno of mil burn heart and nerve tills the hifiheat virtue m map ia constancy bratcry is second only it is a great public ileueflt these sign t leant words were used in relation to dr thomas f electric oil by a gonilerrioti who thoroughly tested it merit inhiiown case having been cured by it of lameness of the jmw ottliree or roiir years slandtng it never fail to remove soreness as well aa lameuess and 1 an incomparable pulmonic and corrective i bavo noighlkir that made one of i he people a windmiluruid 1 have been watch i tig it closely ll la tho best mill 1 have evor seen and niiyone can make one for lea than 810 i mil golng to make two immediately and don 1 n why eviry far uier cannot hate a windmill when ho can make it himielf fur solitllo money the mill is diirabh kiwerrul and runs osjlly any person can gel diagrams and complete directions by sending 1h two cent h lam pa lo l d wilson co allegheny pa and any olive man can undoubtedly moluj money anywhere pulling these milla up for others aud i see no use of paying ch and too for a mill wiilii you ran make one just as jutl foi 110 a ubotiikr ruiwtii applause i the nda and alma of uf noble mind the ho rapidly does lung irritation spread and deepen that often in a fow weeks a siinpo cough culminates lu tubercular con admpliou ive heed lo a cdago there is always danffcr in delay got a bottle of bieklo s anti xjnaumplivo hyrup and cure yourself it i a medicine uusurpass ed for all throat and lung troubled it is compounded from several heron each one of which aland at the head of the list as exerting a wonderful influence in curing oonatirttptwhi end all it an indiacrcel mau is an uuaealod irlter that everyone can read found at it a llur pill lhat is smsll ami sure that ot eully itnckly and thoroughly that doea not gili laxa liver pills imsseaa there ijoaliliea being compote 1 of mtrlctly vegetable laialive aud livor tnedlcinos aud are a aure cure for liver complaint conati lotion alck headache etc that wonderful churn conditions la mime condition thii pritnfrnm the nc nt scotts e of col iitti vh it i ijil i oi tin- itimiii 0t jhlt up l ot mt 111 l is t in nifli ti i m i 1 1 ii ti y tonsil ui t old 11 tis i is tl lll lol litlih 1111 t illulk 11 in ot lit i t on hi i inn- l tin mihl i slow i ni i i mi s tillllom i i 1 1 k 1 l i pt llllt ll 1 i 1 i ci nt 1 inn it up in i li i oi this st ott s i niiikitin must ht tiktn as niiui ish nu nt food rutin i t h m mtdit inc food prcparctl lot lucu utid vmalv difuiiuiii iot i a iwwa i hmlti y- j t troubles timidity cunaiala lo iho desire to plnaae and the fear of not succeed nig how du you feel to da are you in food t0uid health r are you oocasionally trowblod u you re k at ooco lo j katfnawin chemist and druggist acton sjtprocure a bin uf wrights liver and ftoiuach pills i bin it not a medicine that you have lu coiuluue iho dee of but a treatment that effectually cures prloe ilk a boi cuinplote directions enclosed in the mbi three months i bn dfio 7i selling dish washers t did moat of ihu work my brother helped some 1 osuoct lo do better uesl mouth aa every dlab washer advertises itnelf aud sella several more i don i have to leavo the house people bear about tbe dish aalt era aud aend for them thoy aro so cheap any of our readers who have uergy euougb to apply for au agency can easily make from rt to 1u per day you can gel foh particulars by addnaalug ihe mound city dish washer hi louia mo try it aud publish your suet ess for the bjenefll of others a d lh who lu ittm tilia after i bad doctored for two y ears for scrofula all over my body and received no unefh 1 tried a bollle uf uilr iiih k lllood itillerr whlili gave me relief ery mlckly and after using aia bolllea 1 waa implrloly curel i can recommend i 11 it very luithlv mlu a hoi1 rootuj 1 hee ia no doubt whatever thai the world owes s ureal dial lo poets but it rfnrapt reem to be m y lnj lutry lo pay uj 1 armulee s imia poaieaa hie iower of aol nil aproincally uthn tho diseased organ atimulalnig in action the dormant energies nf ihr aalrtn ihrreby leiikviog d lactase in at1 i ial la the or f una mtxi ilioo in t laatei aud purify thai diaeaacf almual every name and nature are dliveu mm ihe umi mr 1 araweli ara well i onl wntca 1 have tried paruielee a pills and did then au eicel hint uixiiuine and one lhat will ell woll la foini hrnot ao4 all 11 to dinene1hilrrico b14mhv rottil loha oi irrtntt pebilln ihr brarlcr ikla 0 artlrl airr in i mmbiiikl so iltzvzii 1 t ii iabltiit ui taudllprralllf fuvls a uatrekct co ho mdmibul i want lu add my teatliuouy to ibelial of tiiwo lhat have umi the lihhliiiug churn it docs all thai la claimed fur it ou cau churn oaaily in one minute and gel a large porcetilsgo more butter thsu with like oommoii churns 1 never took the agency or an thing iwforo bui so many of my ueighlmra wauled churns thai i orderod 30 and thoy aro all gone i think in a year every armor will have a lightning hum in fact thoy rtu t afford tu be with oul ono aa they inalto so much more butter and a good little bit ot motley can be made in every township selling tbeso churn by writing to j b casey 1 co bt ijouis mo you can get circulars and full parttou lars about the churn a hilaikii the value of an idea is not usually aaeer tamable until it baa been ground on the grindstone of oipcriencu huihlrntj allni t it children are often atlscknd kuddeuly by painful aud daugoroun rulio cramps diarrhoea d aontery cholera morbus cholera infantum etc dr howler lk tract of wild strawberry la a prompt aud ore cure which should alwv be kept in hie house murr i die loo late than to a ilii hlli n she bocaim 11 iw lle giealesl j in wu ve is to obey lhat hsoklug lu urcd by llagyard s i i for infants and children wmtvyr 1wotyt rf ctot with t gimf mi miuio t p mctiu wj r it wi w i i jnrtlmwr l rt rmmmittrlmtmtm mmi ctlur tlio w lt rf lowlf ili clilmr llt it u thmm imjtli i wlu ulf u i u ttmoun mmrrn ht kl i lutjr tth mml prtlmjlr frfu m omu mlullm i ftrl ammirwm ww oartrl muuutmwmrimkmmmm c pm w unrnt qyj cwtortm ami plmrrlmi mma wim c1u cmmtmtim tmrmm cmrtlmtto wtwut cntorl ttll tfc at f fal mm km r iu- 1 ctflwji net cmtl mumunm mlm mr mtmmt yfrf cori rill tl ti tlt rth w- kiytk lluy mm mmtmwml mump otori i pt wy l ri wtu it- it ru vh d 1- mr mlnm mm 1 tfc pi atlljt mljwnlm iu twt ran n eatoftjl t tmmm ri mt children cry for pitcher castorla glimpses of the beautiful it pays you to come out to get a glimpse of the beautiful new stooks now in fullness of bloom all over tha store kutcnt allowing ot full und wintor jackkth and caies w iiiivcii t hkipped u jiretliuuhd or a goodnees in guthonn the ntumm h hjjiply tor tvonidi und firing und tho pnocti are un fair aa thotkidn uro hijiihii mid right jtidpo thcho gnrmtnlh by any hfiitiiiiirtl ou plcuae- feiidinedh weurabtlity dtirubilty atylo it in ciinpltii it m tho gurmento nro more refreshingly prott than over tltirt in hvliiiiition w tok und we invito ull vitdtorti to uiiuljili to uill uimi ncuur dihjilny nt the lion we aatttire yen of lieurtj wetcomo and our very host attention we nak no one to tttiy but ho me ulwiim reud tu noil j d williamson co wyndhcini and maodonnell streets guhlph l t 1 hale lo a pretty girl willing io move prepare now for the cold j ty seeing that all ottr onlrn r dothing is interlined with fib rhmnu it ii 11 extract of cures diarrhoea dysentery coucowips cmoura infawtun xlad all m334 j dummbk comfbalkt juetlildrx aadulfs b by dithu lie who blow tbo tire irs hi bn 1 timed by ihe spark mr 1w a piejtsnt h of a hi item nliglt j st tllbrr llruirili no other remedy mien iuiiuih i mil plaint dlarrht daanlery uu au promptly aud ijulula pain su jui kly a dr fttwiar s kxtraot of wild htrawberry ll is a pooka doctor for tourlsla itavuller nory i wv i i inn p rr lo i on vluat l lvv ui bo it hie lungs it e rrriih ol ui i au 1 dillurcn dlauancs routed in um aatntu uf 1 agtraval iho lb i n have un itdiiltti ir u would p roti brc chamois it will not add i and onl iubis u k extra icnti imt it jivca a grateful tunifumin j uarinll tlj men a womens ami t luldteub litliiii uliu h will dcly the coldest idihlb ol inler j lor our tin n sake don t tf t j do unhuul this iwkloiie m i winter oiiiforl dont imy am rcjh t 5 s uhuli luwn i the j f the jkaltlilul vnuih llc tlie riglit house bidding waloome o th tibre chnmolj ubcl 1 hnl x ililltfcnte in price docl i ount j reduced to 25 cents a yard i c h prnnhbecker tinsmith to v ot ranges furnucoa anl all ulaaae f r tin cippor and lion uoodp matlriilill 1 in i i tlllillillpt will lucaivu aretltl viaual altoull c a pan ma becker mrs secords block mill stroot king and hugbaon bu uamllton attiluult lo qud uew forms of aapreaalon lu wblui i jia i in ml in attractive garb our belief however t that exagj rated iui ii i itu ara oul of place thai plain clearly pot anuoauoemauts exactly slating what i meant and capable of no double meanfltyv ia the boat and only true way to reach tbo public ucuoe oar cards are dhb plainly and truth fully eprced and conaejoeiilly euily un jar blood the mdoqm baa invariably been generous and this fact has added encouragemenr to persevere in plain statement- utterly ignoring any attempt to mislead or confuse 1 his woek however our task is somewhat easy the hue aay tug good bye to all summer goods and contents of itio mauy cases arriving daily 1ur moro than nlty year we have been in business in uamllton always adoring the besl mot hods of trad lug improving and advancing with tbe rogroa of tho day whatever is beneficial to our patron we quickly inooporat into our business 1 ho result our sale are ever on tbe increase uevotid all tuetiun this old established business was never in a better ptaitutii to osier lo tho public than it i al tbe present titna dorian tbe pest few days over two hundred cases of dry goods have oroesed tbe atlantic and are now being distributed to tbe diftoreul deparlmniu at tbe right house 1 ht- marking room is taxed to it full capacity and our lar staff l more than buy galling th several department fully equipped for ibis eraaou s trade tbe newest tfoc aud the vory latest product of skilled workman from tha great manufacturing centre of tho world are represented here and every piece of merchandise iuiorted by us ha been made expressly for tbe fail business 1 lie kds are all buuglil with um ulmoat discretion alio good are i t willi arliatic oara iba ita betweeu pobho and store was never eo close 1 be eer viloableness uf hie store waa never so apparent iho silk department ihe dress uoods departmeul the mau lie depart i i itio kid iiove department these different departments are allowing beautiful goods worthy our atlentluu 7 railway timb tauib crand trunk nallway sar- kbs kfall j 41 pi 7 i j rnss riu uall 1 mafl inn h an1 ih doing j 1 in 1 a i an 1 ll thl ho june iciiii jll nl i ftt wdlliaeiis boot 6l shoe store our policy wft iperale our torn nil leteriiilucl noliey fair liimrrnhloslliir i aehnllty reaourcra ami alilllty riil iimaiia llisl we tlve llio customer the twornt til the hwrat irlc hiwible evcry lliriii t e ilt not ilaukblpi our goods nor sae rinearauv aiwelsl line lu ihiibut m an oilier tmi pureliamrarefully tiuv cloanly ami a if thus enalilnf t attll on narrow iiiaikhia ol profit we have won a re utailou lor rrasonatila irlrna that we intend ahall stay allb uakua uila jinu clple la in ohirallun in every departmeul am on every arttolirln ur ttock u tas to traile hnrn tmcouve you gnt what tiu ki ami what you need it saves you to ileal here becsuaa there is a dsed honest ajitem of value our stock la complete in every ol the latest and moat fashionable stylo in mods ladies olrla boys and childrens boots shoes mill 91 acton j h hamilton nrairtt is marble and granite hamiltons pi cuelph lro new connlu elvl a laiun cuualni n norway gramtei s of best quality call and inspect j 11 iuuiliun acton- li very hus link well kquipped end stylish rigs can all ways be secured at tils tables a oolufortable bus niseis a tratna between fl a- at and h1b a tu caraful atleouun given loevery order tbe wauta of cotnroatelal travel lars fully met john wjuliams raoraiktaa acton steam -lahndry- a cook proprietor r iral clasa work guaraiilced in srmwujr uunrfjy work shtrtx cutlr cuffs etc work ailed for everv monday aui 1 nursday aud delivered otery thursday aud saturday i a cook thk mkthodistcuuirch acton pastor rdj0ani and s j0 i tu huuday hjbls claaaeouduetasl by tba r t tuvlfad live u ep ifius ot cbriaiiau lmuim jauuis ii mattukwb lrpalti mhlirtry tuesday evening ah you a taenia invited a nolreh 0esti1t nfrta tlo m ot twui tor w thomas c watkins ii i i tli ihjtk lilt rich 1 11 i rpspectisre i lousekeepers lieu walon ciutyjrs 1 lea utll of iho lutluw 1 bal tlatlklng luugh osn i srft urnl by halyard s 1ihtimal iliwa l k sleep inipirl- i bio j w hit ii in nij throughout the i healthy aniinil jiix ihereliy makinu at ti in and lutreaarl the in plllkmg i relrcah i n ol ttn whub naitn me rruhj i ra y reauli h life lo iluill huegbd by i t u be i tat 1 j rfchloii ikl all inikt- hii l ask your itrocpr for tvamfcll ht kiiai raltllmi mrs 111 hlar 7xi i t new hats ll j ul i hi 1 1iikiiii ii up ill i 111 ll 1 newest ties ic new fsqotch tweeds beautiful tit sihs i nw i i ui irt surt ul i t ui tv ry tinu tin iist up lodik mkk liuyi r e nelson ituiin i ailor and 1uiuishci tjy wjndliain st ciulli m rseaz race lu on tar lu km lw all aulma ai1itli i sauon1 mi iiuiuin t l i i or rablotliwl lairwiurct and uest it inhn old plhc6 utlus 1utubaahl ui ilwil and vlll i uf i iiiuo i woil1 rnalwetull 4uhmirn i it lor iihw euaitiitiara autt ilia pulilla ueosially tllal i s have uoiiiuianowt tiuatiiosa at hia olil atauil oil ilaln xj htrtl wheie will tm fuouil a ciitilntt aua nl iralclaaa 1ikkk utittun i amu i llth kmh pt uttivmry r imtuftk wmatma li h collins imollwe bouaakeeimrs is the great original outlay ie of appropriate furniture and furnishings wo can a ruelw lur i for tha pun hi of art vice lu all audi i bey ll be surprised lo learn upon selection is mads fro they need this spriug liivealmenl i hoy tan bajlii with if then older house keepers call llnd liagiiv artlqb undertaking fob twihttbix tbara duimns baking powder the cooks best friend lafuamt balx m canada our alimkia oomplele an oicelleul aawurtuieut in all th uily iyl m iriinmiiiga and oulah prtocs lower than ever coldut or oaskata daliveanl wiihln tlm miles of auiuu first ciaaa hearse al reaeouabte abargaa j a speight 8c co iljf a tip iilliiw jtoohts so wholesome so delicious purb ceylon tea war leprnwiatlnai 111 si a ix ule4 borrwa 0atjlti oopviiiqht s awl fvre llaadbih writ ta l au uuwt saw raf arntr1a pateau la atoartew mtnitiic mtitnu eae bijou inmlu aildij tltnva i rcuriia black or mixed in half and ons pound packets only at all qhocers 26 30 40 50 amd 00 m dvid8dw a hy ltd wh a toronto i a i h stj the perfect tea monsoon fiarit t i kabapja le ihi w4tl bfati f tmc tca futwt to thk tca cu i in t nattwk push tv uf the tea aiuawa anj u tnl firal aiil ly llww a a aumjii llaawal walilkauj la ita oil cmtl m taa kow thai r iwy ar tbal ax bw ik try fiwak laaiaa s talu uohhm r ktf tlmluhy lom i prrtitaa au b aajmtlmswipika ll j alm i l aa stkui u rru list ttmoulu 1 r

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