Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1896, p. 2

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i r r i r s j vpaf 11 law ii yoi ml ii years monriav slal llal jean ji i i laittt oil aeroiid laugh tr f william i lllolt i aae line riuoaiiifi hkoci ai oarw j mouths slid ih daja thuhbday octobi h 1 1wm1 tho prlco of iho free irrm la ono dottnr a venr in aejvnrloa look at tho dalu on your labal thlt wook unci sou that vour name is mnrkod wall in adwanoa tlio date when tlm auhaflrlplirm ripireb on tlm addroaa label or each paper ho change of which lo a subsequent date bo comci a receipt for remittance hub to rib rri will please eiaminn their lalela before tut after making a remittance notes and comments the immigration returns of the dominion up to llm end of the tnontti of august show that hi arc will be a falllnn off to tlio eilenl of about 10 per out from the immigration nhaatjcax ll la staled in uomo thai ueuolistloria aru pending betwoenil ngland autl italy with a sib to llio hitter holding m rcajinosa a tare body of troops to tail at a mom on i a notice to tho levant hie alro correspondent to tho london i uur behoves llieto la soma truth in a tialtin report that i ho khodive la now makings lour of y uroho incokiillo and that ho has taken with njm a scheme tor 1 iuati independaurn tho attention of teacher a holding third jlaaa certificates la called to tho faol that if ihoy expect to oblalu second class oar tifirates uioy ahoald do bo tin year other wiae they will coma under iho now rguia- tion and will be compelled to aludy two or throe languages tho reduction mode m toronto osscbs tuetit thta year imounli to considerably over 5y 000 000 an otcliango eaya our neitfhbora act oat a lew year ago with too much fall oti the reefing process rocs oti tuadil and bv and by they may ret their tup hear proportioned to their ballast a ilea patch thia week says that the now touudland government ooufoaa that thoy were forced by ihp ilritish coajemment to forbid local fishermen from competing with the trench ou the treaty coast heck use the natives am not permitted to hah there they are now deatltule it most kail them in thua aufler from tho atnet enforcement of a treaty one hundred yoaia old and which made a p old u evtr ha pro ii any iocs in order lo du away wil incoiiaistoucio and irreuulaullos of our present calendar to mako ihe yar 3a4 day in length with two days added in cini leap year in ordur to mako the luuar and solsr systems agroc inaluad of hav itik nioutha in the year rkntfliih from 19 to ii daya tn each iji iho propoaed oalendar there would be 11 month lo lua year eaoh nunitwrliik h daya and every jaonth would tx iii no huuday and end on battirday lie would du away with tho old uamaa u the mouth and number them inatead 1 hrao chaiiea aro hold to be very noaea aary and luipo taut to itieel the praduqal doiuatiila of lha lunea 1 ho incouveuiencoa that uuilht ariae from auoh a change would be of amall moment aj ooniiarnd with ita alton union exhibition ptommcls favorable for u bunurlur bliow toduy and tomorrow with tine warm woathei r ih rday and 1 rt lay acton will ate o no o 1 the ubi i iliiliitioiifl ever held here aid hoorelary lln u eatenlay morning fc utnea are coiuinit iu in vnry laro nui libera and dire lorn nullly mo from rv iral poll la that thu attendance from tlloil looalltiea will be urnor than over bc iiro acton i uiuii t- ihlbiliuii will tin mornliif iroviaioii la mi ado for outriea from all point un tho coulu nenl or beyond uf livo alock a ai id liurlioultural produrta dairying and man uraolurintt inlertala ladle wora dim arta to ihe dirr tnrato makea no limit a lo lollity whence cjihlbitura may oum 1 u addition i j iho comprohonaivo jr lu 1 at uf the ihioly a remarkably lro ht of aioaial irlcea are olforod i iii llbl nrnbi au many ulaaaea 1 ho prokrartinie luc tlio inuwdluni of tlio two daya will be a folluwa 1 huraday furaiioou luccihi k euiiiea ul ilaoinu qshibila attei 1 judlur uf oahlblta lu iho hall fc veuintt hil illumlnaled and open tn the public good programme of inualc irraluitiny aelectiona by ac liu otruet hand friday iho whole fair un to the pub uo all day judknu of the live atook viau uf aiioed bloyclo race oouteata for hoiahmba proraniiie ol uiualu in hall aiyiu round in iltn availing tho irai 111 ou noerl ami oiilei rtkluiitoiit referred t u in at other colui nu will lake pfaoe a visit tu ajlon 1 lilluli trow will be an ovmil in 1 0 day and lu m uf 1 liter i lu any iuilt uf upurior merit in tl m variuua depa rlnieiilb tiamod above amkhican fcylis ll la not atrauk than aun 10 uf iho load uim auioiioaii uowapaitoraare wuudoruik ltuw it l iwaalbln lo publiah ao laro and ao ekoejietil lpor aa iho filihti tlnau ami hrrlty si ir of muntrraj for uue dollar a jea it mual be lha omrmflu- llfoulalluu ibo tuuulu tli at i nt urttlg s lial enable lie publishers lo laaux it at llio price lac siauo of iho mlj uruli j wtrllvhir iolllalu uuo hundred and iwotily cijrlil fkll culuim and by aotnauflunt what eatdl auborib r to ll k lu uo year la rjift tu iho ouk un i- vf ly 1u volume- each vulunio uavnijlwo hundred and llfty pafcor- u h valuable malu lt lvory line thl k into iho milg h4 iy j mual coal iii mi y mr jta publlahor- eo u aol lalft would havo ilbno bul the bra i we would b aitald to ealnnate what ibepubhhoa i imi epoi y l ll j repntalvi of tlicir nr h kr urn alio all- tho bl6ry f last we at ottawa prortitttl6n llkftly to tfikn plnoa noxt baturdqy in tho houno of commons the dovernfaents majohity otmitt kfipt ii i rum prmrmt appnar aliorh priirattatlon will liikn urn on hatur ilny mr laurlrr iiilimnied ah munli m bin reply lu htr harlen i uphir on mnn day afternoon only a few horn in the main mtimiut a urn mint lo u pained tlnrn la vory little thai li ohjrotlmikhlu hi llio blip inmniitary daliinaton i itrlln r nuppleinuiiturirh however nmy pmbiibly alfoct dtiralioii uf the iho iluiiau was 4ividi bl tnnu at tho conclusion of tho debate last wediiuaday and dm government a mnjorily waa 117 tho opposition wm nut aallafted with the vote on tlio j ivernor general warrants tho other week ho mr i oaler bent in aklll to the framing of a teaulu tion on llio tariff nnwo whiuh wa oipeat el to almw juiit whero tho divimou line of tlitllouto are i he rraull m tint the major ity uf u un tho pravpiundivnnou wna on thia voto incraaaoil to 17 ah thu iudmiiiil onla itioludino jlr itoaa itoburtbuu of f not loruuto voted willi iho lovoninierff i hero han aeldom hrun mi h a xcoliu o elcluinrlil and ituberanco in hie chmnber at llio ooiioiuhiuii of a vote i he mini tenalibta cheered and aaut and cluered aain the oppoallnm uitiiaed to ji heir jkiiiuloii oiulj hardly lw exoted lo appreciate a donjoiihlration of thin char aoier to rikm idowiooo the aupplamuntary oaliniatea conlaln much food for dteoiiaaion the total vote aakud ia now about forty million or a million and a half tonrn than tho con horvattve allied and did not el a uuuoit- atarea tie ovrrnmeiit mtiio taco uiit llie mliilalora evince uo perturbation it immi to bo impoaiillilu for ua to raltto morn than llnrt aevut million dollar by the iiaual mean it ko we may uipaat a dcqail ifaeveral million n unlna wn havo lare aaviuk ihe mmiari m ut of the tarniua depart ntrnu wn mnlock poalmaalor riaral of himaeir with the liiltrnal maiibuemunt of iho department when llio notion lot m liiater or an won afturwarda an ma be mr mu lock will leave for new vork und waabiuitton whbre ho i k lo nam much informalion aa to ihe latoal mot hod and improvement in poalal deliver am thlnga are now tho pott m alter oonanl shya tntrre t no lack of room for- improve a party of parliamentarians and uewa paper correapundeiita look a holiday un saturday thoy wore tho h of mil uonairo john u booth ou a trip up the parry bound hallway ihe company had brought a new t ork central dining car over fur the occasion the 1ullman ooaohoa haa been prepared for the dialniruisbed reutlemen whom they wuro to carry and tho icetiery wu trud ho say the eiour alonlata tho alromjulu park n travcraed by the uue which now run for one hundred aud seventy qve mile out of ottawa on the return journey there were pee oho john harlton bad rodo into the matter uf iho commercial valut of the road aud announced thai it would i o until tho dlitaiioe between the north west aud the seaboard by over elht hundred mllef antjther suhvey addtu municipal oounoil mol in tho ounuil chain bar in regular aeaiiuii on m uda eveuinit al rirht chk hoevo hav ii n thu ual m l- 11 lha inlitutea uf ul uliuh i 1 and con tinned their aftofiuth oporl ipjiomine lik 1 a a follows movd by j 11 mallhowa atcouded by wm drown that the rcirl ol the 1 niaiil umnilllcs an juat road imi a i ptml arnod muvcd by a 1 nlcklin wmiuj 1 by i fcraucla tlial lite plan prosontotl by mr john it kennedy ojhjtilnk up in properly in tuwn tola ahuwitil a trrtl uuiiiiil from main 41 down lo tho ptrk kaldatrret tabc known aa knox st be recovol and permission granted lu bate plan rrrialurcd carried ouaetrljuurnc i at i id u htptmblh lxaminati ita hull ol honor lui 1 ii ou ll psrtmont at tho hublit school 1 ls iiwulhly mmlimliili iw i third and fourth department iihh i ui i riday will lh ollln eilta honiora mabel hopor j 1 i i i i a in i nor mo jram j ip lulermedlaleb luronuo n n herlwrl 1 yfe h willie hardim jl itraul hwaikhammer jill junior malr m il a i ji i iu i amble hi i e ro 1 u u 1 in marks possible lu all libbh jill m im ioa ann rkitnor claaa alice itoauoby 17 ampboll 174 myrtle matlhewa 1h7 part ii haas jeutils grant ll ha old nickiiu 10j 1ia iearsoo i marks kwnihl ik i i ls u i hot lass 1 i ii 21100 u lv myrtle look 17 amile har voy 1- hen laaa il 1 willie 1 laul 1 tlisilo llulmc 1hi 1 m r ills t nlsler 1 ir lut laaa il 1 aiiin ot y ih myrtle dills rl iislfn mut aim lit hnby t lark 17m jr laaa ll 1 ulivb irarrl ii mamie mason i r jlorlha kiauibl i mark possible jim ml nus loahur hall ekhibltionb alton i nius al tun uli i most wlliuuluii llrrnuu nu i mi u i jorilt i uol hlill rd ool i j eiitro wqlllutluiu kuruus ot t 11 t iimn llmhwmml ita h j nuuvti alii ihiiivuiu xi al i nn y no lnw oul l an i i hay fovor and cilarrh hollavutl i i j to jo mlnutue um- shurt pull if tho brtitlh thruu hi llluwtfs aupjiliod willi each bottle if lr atliiew atarrhal powder ihlftisos i flu hiwdos tvrr the surf aun uf tlm nasal jiaas tiea pal ll leas and dollirhllnl lo use 1 1 relie os instantly aud pcrmanenlly nnt alarrh hay 1 ov olja headsi lir kt re i hrnat 1 nnallllla ami llunln aa hold by j ivan i awlu thfe new county council haltoh formotj into tour dlvlalons with elkht county counalllorn thu cotnmiaslonor appninlud in form tho comity connill dlvitiuns under thn now act mot at thn cjurt 11 mo u milton lmt i huniiln i tin r ui r random otil is nliylhliiu hut irillafsulor nnd i iilltnhh dill ul tlm priint niitluik h onm tu lm siienall uiifsir tsf rlun and miltou i ho i initiiihi itn ri inilti llm dlvian ntiilur ihe uiiw arraiiln otit nu fillowo jr i i mill hi tl ll ihe claihn riklliiu lo tlm f ihnilimsloii iin1 as follow in liirminj iiiintv oiincil dmsun thu cummisaiuiiera hair havo regard esgiccially lo aasnsaed valur ami population of territory and shall not in makmtl ocli divismu ilivido local miinlilnalllleh uulon whore in tho opinion of llio imuiisii il u plainly iieouiaary so to do in nrdir tu arrivu at a fair and raa nmhlii ilivliuti i hen are a irixl uiuu in llila hihiujci uf tho county who tail in her llm stxivo divi amu lu bu fair and rutsoiiihlu oi ihn pjiut f f asupuhuil vnliiu h ciriaiiily i nut for linmoii no 1 a th i la i nhalind asaiaumriil ao ii ifm thi while tllvnlnn nil 1 w only li ihm ihe ruprustnlalion b kipulaliun n almuat at lor at variance i i lo ik i up here very muili hk i mi old taahiouod h tinillderiu slhenie 1 o wrortl acton bi d mjltou from tlieir jeapec ttve towuuhipti uaili uu couoiaii ma away from iho tuunslup lu which they are counu in i ih surul m niniiiur wy of having rnur 1 n it fair itn 1 rjouable diwsiun iho iivilun sik at thu reconl lqlfiiia dtlllu county ucnncjtaa w gail morn timilablu ami aatuf aciury and placed tilt iii lu their iiutu uf ihu cumil 1 siimmualeil as follow itimi to the town ai in wuro then i of llir i mtimadiiif iralaljiar s lit kmu ihfn i llh f ihiltlll i numt ul 1 iu o i i an i lmi1 ii s i lili it i ajuealiik i iiih wuuld ivq tun councillors ami each muiilllpalit would have fair chances of rtpresnlalion in the ommiaaioncra division a clou is pretty securely hived no doubt the unit scaaiou ot the county c otincllwill jive tho matter eerioua ouu- aiderallon and if any provision in moilc itl the act for an appifl aratual llio com mlssloinru dlvmion ll will bo male ii y the mw ounty ounells act ho warden is repnrod on or before nov 1 to appoint a nominating oflloer in each of tlm divimdiib tu rtoetvo uomlnatlona for oounty councillors after this year tho oounly ojuncil will havo the jkjwer of naming the olhcfti i he nomination day wtll this ftiar be nn mouda oecurnber 2lu two neuko htfuru thu oral monday in januar win h is always pollitik day i ho township tuwn ami village iiomina llono lll be hell as former j on tho mini iltt immediate prccccdiutf killiuit day hlle ihu be held ou jjjsbluoudav preceodlug tltal o poll i ok day tlwohth league con ventlon hoproatiiilatl von of cuoluh district havo a aplondld meatlnw at foruub 1 lm first annual convention ul tho 1 pwutih 1 tauo u tho uuelph ilauiqt vas held lu 1 eirus ou monday ihe dla trill was wol i rtprescutid hov j i- ilunell m v bim mr h j 1 dmistou were pr enl from ai ton 1 he i c 1 in lod uy lr wm hilllurd uf mtriislui ht ill president al ii 111 iho mil was tailed an i reports from the various laucs of t lit district were presented i ho afternoon soialuu opuned ai two 0 cli ck with dovuliunul cierio an addrotsou j miiur 1 imi uurk was deliver ohyluv w ilgaruham 11 a of lno 1 ln was lollowi 1 b a brief dlaiuoiuu 1 rol niiuli vvli leimsented the oub llli htreet mothnl b iuiilii gueljih uvi atinlditsa on i lie lorward m ivcmcnt us auuiorn 1 lj ll mfuronr 1 pwurth i ca omimtler ihe snbjil s hat in our lcbkiiudm f r missions was tuhuuiipbv mr i w jaikoii presidunl uf the lis loll i olif rence itrai h uf ul women mi so u ly ihi was alsu b ken upiui bv auveral oilier uf tho d llli i uiailfelr i iliiv j h lvke uf nurv k an uumieuf the i pwi rlh icb lleadin t trse 1 i i u 17 and how umluu i al i fellowal nceln waa fid ly ll- w h aiub m a f 1iiii lh ipuilnf tie iu i it td al ll c i f ill loolph 11 i l ji madlhh i i l ir l n i krlihl will as i imi uojimlds k lent j j aaalij ellenl ms h 1 alduiit it t rf si h lie mall ui i i hti mt lertie t ado t ml pi 1 mr mi i nrui tuelil vl a f well oe wbb ilcllvmrl uy it 4 j m mnlun how au the i iwurth i o lw uah a suttbll tute for the mjncml rvbtikellwi aa un slibjr t lhalt with i kov i t ikmell m a if vui o hi v j i hult gnelph adleoj th a mbly i n 1 be i llelaturo i i v i tl 1 wa urac tori i ly lji i ii i itn mi interest all monly maut in a ti mute i havo nut mule leaa than aiitruii dollar ay lay wluli aellliii enlrifutal loo i ruam i rcesera any uue should make from we lu eluhl dollar- sulhuit cream aud fronj aevoii to loif dollar sslllii frosaia as it is auili b wonder there n always a crowd wanting lrtaiu y iu uau freeze lrcam olokantlv in tin uiiiule aud that baloniahoa people aouiyg wsil lo taste it and iiibii maliy uf lhcni buy rector a as the area m ia suiiith and mirfotly ri en i vrry kw k lu f tr e i ruain pi rfr lly in in u miuuli auyuno cm smll in cream an i the froeadr arils itself slslt1 uiaks fnm itn lu hfteeu doitura a duv j i ly klf 1 1 1 i hi i libtlos tit hi 1 mis mo will all you full piif lieu far free o tan un in wurk uu 1 uiuke lota uf iniui y any whure ai willi of cream a da or if ui vuh lhy will i no on n u mlur mu v news of j1ie day an cnltonib of tlm world da intra durlnjr tho wook ilamillnu licenaa commisaioiicra have inationrstnil a tanipnnu acainat various clubs whrni inpiur ixsnll huven hiindrril telnnrsph opiralora went on slrikl uu the p it monday ovrininu then lacos sro btlnptrsptdl ill led lion llward ii la ho was the riinst of il alierdireu and occupied ahieat on llo llnor of ihe homo uf lommonaim monday i ha lain i inn w i balfour left an estate valued at only kiim til ihk sliowuit thai puhllu life had him anything hut pr illlablu lohiii mrs i philliph uf kingston returuad to her burniiir linuao u baturday to look for a lady imrjnr and was ovojooma by smoke and found dead by the firemen all the other noouianta of the huuae pej hooki the editor s taulfc rolole aid n i lentil always etij lyed by anadlan jv0ti people but more oimmiilly if they are canoifilti in authnrahip and location hnch a volume has put lnn published by tho methoilist book and publishing llnnie toronto entitled a lover n lloinesjpau mr fc clifford hmilh of muniraal it the author and llio atorio aro m aubjool matter all dlaliuclly cauadian and told in a thoroughly interest inn and onftsfpna style tho authors eiporienoo has been wide ami vamod and tho foundattoua of his excellent atorio aro laid in nearly all the provinces of the dominion from tho kant to the far weal a lover m uumeapurt- will no doubt hivo a wide circulation it ia that clasa of aibook jvliioh will be read nil rr rwail wii kuu- ttfeu itiy- attraotively bound in cloth si 00 iho editor uf ihe hi october progress of the world die cumc the bearliik uf ibo early slate eleo huns ou tho result in november reviews tho inlerebllnr careers of generals iarrer aud hock tier tho ianlidates of the na tional dtniooralb common la on the methods of tho managers in die present campaign and presents ihe usual full and lucid summary of current oveots in foroljjn lands dovoiiiir siecial altention thia mouth tu tho fcaitoru quoalion ihe death of priuco ljubanuff and the turkish mans acres a deltxhtful writer on literary subjects la prof w m uaakarville of auderbilt university who in a paper on joel ghandler harris lu lha caaiuutiau tar ootober pleasa titty rcoalla the familiar characters and the gonial personality of america a famous writer of tho negro the ai the otjawa c e conventiom onii beptcinbor il one week from l day tlm blit canadian christian kn doaior niivanlion for which tho c v of ottawa have fur months past uoen making active preparation a will open ua loiblons lu ottawa j ulim from ihu report pist rec ivev from ihe principal c llcjiitnn an alien dance uf 71 didnitstra it crfain tlm prohthlo representation by provinrii will be ontario iv jikimh- ijh otjier provinces a ho result of ihn amui amotik thn different ronftrniialintin having i bici ilea cnniirrtr1 with thetn how that iiiiioih are alrnnil aero ml 1 wo humlreil rkorn hillela are rxeofoil from oilier run krelums makiufi a total uf io ll hunochano atvokoihama yonoimn kept ih the fc mprnn nf tjilua reached here at 1 30 p m ytmtenlay havinit made her fastest west bound paaa kfe ia hun f hanit waa iranaforrth m hlneae msn nf war which was pent oul to meet him the i icrrny ei rtm1 treal itlafarlion with i he vnyai- and ihn ar ranement tlotf halt twir trtde for his oum fort a trppetts story a call1no thxt entajl1 much hardship and expobuhfc ono case in which tho eneonuro hrouuht on ta orlnpfl and sor- lous aftor troubla how thn victim bocurod runowud health kroi1 ihe llrockvllla iteeur lr hock kir t la hut a small hamlet but it has achieved a wnlj reputsllon win lo the fact that it is situated in the very hntrt of the far a mod thousand islands and fur reason attracts ilu tlm am womens coats and capes wulinpt tbm in your hunrion to buy u wuitor coutif you dont buj nui tvt lull nut bucntihn wo bitvo moiu to hell ultiiouph tlutt would not bo it bud rniikoii ironl our htitndpotut bul bqcitiifto oii iiiimmi t bittont inn nti it p i illiictioii to ubooftu from und buciturio ftic htlcs ii ro ho diflcruut und ho onlrununfj tbatitwill rcfpurt irront oitnic and dit rtninulion on your part to ruttint thu temptation to haw oni tin bent i ihiiiik n ml tinlorh olkunpo proijucod tho pjnrrhontr w toiovv j tuilorh tbnt pohkcmm tho knowhow that cotiioh thriiib5 urn id pnn tmu and tlm fin icou nod upon aro tit their bctt lo day all jooki dtor lotrl bouifr burn iltiv abufrtisfmrnlf ihtui ill ii ithikwxhl llcr irasronimiiaou tu 1 day tu1r nth hun every lay yv 11 hiuoo t rimmed cmillinery an tu for tho beautiful iruaiuntiun to duutgn art to form and deh finium tu eountruct tbeitu iiro all ininortiint tuotorr in our millmor the niaturiul and tttylo uro thu ixibtthitt urtiatu can rhonho but tbiy arts htcondarj some millinery dopondn on tlio tnijjmimia ourn depoudt on thtyirulmmlno hqo tho dilloroucu j d williamson co wyndham and macdonnell streets queuh isran w hi1 four feel long lkhhk and loth for bale rill- new rrnmt bull- on aulln ht lu i k 1 aurvny u ruoina uuuti well kor i mi and iartlnularwa ly tn t1ioh uooiir aym wanted vfbs lo oiinatio with l ever all supi lies lurnlsl only rsnajian nunnry aipansni frctn the slart i literal ntuninlsalnri to part tlnm man i a mo llil of tj pedal hi all havlnfl lin tesliul al our trial orolarila ll yen want k good tlilnu for llio winter write ua rlyosr a wiulitmjton nunarymoii and krull orewora toronto can over tuuaero undsf oultlvatloti oi oulobcr ooutoiua two imortaht papers beannr on the krovt poliiical ijaealion of the day prof w g bumper of t ale i uiversity presents oon vinciu arguments uu the biogle ctold blaudard and oen james ii weaver populist candidate fur kovernor in mi treats in a telling manner the kroe tjto ae of hilver rolluf in six houn diatieashik kidnoy aud bladder diaoaww relievetl in aa hours by tho booth anion can hidmy lure tina uew remedy is a ureal surprise and dclnjht uu acoount uf ha oioeeduio prompllieaa in relleviii pain lo the bladder kidneys back aud overy part of lha urinary passages in male or female it relievos retention of water aud pain in passing it aim oil lin mod lately if you waiil ijuick relief and cure this is your remedy bold by j kaunawiu jaflr nubtuiasi at licli fur iho pabl twenty leiri died al h roaidvuce un monday after uooi al o olock awed about oa ueoeased was oul sick fur a few daya wuh an attaik uf it ilainmstlitli tf the ixwola not a qlainhk but just lo oenta and 40 doboo tn a vial of dr agnewu liver piub mioubuo 111 ovary di bntpwfully ot purely vegetable drukiist- y tin good dsrhe conslipstl sllownoss i hey in oii demand anil ii try them i montlli hundreds of pleasure- snekerv amonij ths realdenls of ihe village none la bitter known than wilson a hoot our inu tho summer months he follows the oocupattnn of an oarsman and none knows batter than he thu haunts of the namey bass anil pickerel in the winter and sprum mouths mr it ot follows thn occu pat ion of trapping aud thia pursuit rtuirea one lo be out in all aorta of weather arid in tho water frequently at a time of the year when the water ib none too warm a a result of a wellluit mr i loot look a severe cold which developed into la grippe which took such a qrm hold upon his sysleqi that for a tune he was unable to leave the house his kidneys became- affected and ha sot fered from aevare pains across lha back there was a feeling of can tin nous tired doas which no amount of real or sleep aaomod lo relieve tho appetite wma ockle and there waa an indisposition to exertion or work a number of rcmodim wera tried one after the other but witboat any beneficial reaalla at this juncwre a friend strongly advised that dr william pink pills bo rjien a triat they hod cured thooaauda of others aud why not he a oti or on his friend saigeauon mr iloot procured a sinile box of that pink pills and before all were usol felt an im pro re men i thia encouraged bun to per severe wtth lite treat maul aud afler the so of a few more boxes of the pills m hoot found hia health fully restored a the paint and ache had disappeared and with thoir disappearance came renewed strength and activity mr moot says i firmly believe dr williams pink pillx to be unsurpassed aa a medicine and i advise any who are atlltik lo rive it a fair and honcat trial dr williams pink pills strike at the root of the disease driving it from tbe system and realuruik tho pa tic u i lo health aud strength luoaaeaof paralysis spinal troubles locomotor ataxia sciatica rheo mallam erysipelas scrofulous troubles etc iheae pills are superior lu all other treatment 1 hay are also a peoiho fur the trouble which make tbo iivks uf so many women a burden aud speedily restore the rich ulow uf health lo bale aad sallow cheeks men broken down by ov work or worry will find m pink pilli certain cure hold by all dealers or soul by mall postpaid at jk a box or six boios fur i m by addressing the dr wll hams medicine ttnpiny brockvlllc onl or schenectady n ll beware of imlta uuu and aubatilulos alleed to bo v love ul hers but it nevei fuissfcca hvervbody a friend la uoliody a friend h k ii thu inncuhh loumu k thu manium ot lanndowut itt lion the nfitniiiin of dutfurin and avit ii m the king ot holland ii ilthe uhii of italy madame adehna patti nicohuu sir jotin btainer mutt doc antr l sh t i llulidluk clilcaku r6hd this rr will ln i ikkm what youi ociiljtitlijn tuny l ol i tk i ui i sl i di hatunut nt- aai u lii isif il in ll u lu i- il ul mutiny uulw i cit f uueltl v ai ill a poail lls lltal si 11 1 is mum lu lay ti nil lhi aul tlie la uu drill lu h lanm aiulw irfuln llrbiitfunt wnilibrk lu iu tl aruum ibarufurn wo u ilia only drui llnl cau aall al urn ii soil lluuu aud kliuaa uily al iwloaai dial ilia imu will ohu i in ibis luattor ami iallaio 1 liava yuur oauadaaoo impure ui du ii i lliuuulil you lid uul balieve fcn wliat i aaj irloe ihii look fur jruexts with ball the iwunia i luuk fu ild iii fcmila al tialf lhoe ii aauafy yuu ii u ills oi jrjrueliu wltb b qo bosluoaa neill the shoe marf cuelpl newest ties ulmi jv ilt new scotch tweeds iilutlful tit ik 1 ivt l jv 1 uu iri suil ol ii ttui v r unit llu 1 alt t uj to ilalt itwwls from r e nelson lcadni 1 ailor and 1 uiniblilr y wyndham st uil a late dinner fiay be a swell affair but a dinner that i hxt is mora pfteu a vexalluu liny a duchess of oxford range and o will flud peace and order will icitu in tbo kitcbeu in i be in draufchfs are so cleverly arranifed that iho ore uau be brllriviied or checked at a iiiuuieu a notice thus aavintt ooal ami makuu il easy lu manafce emcrtrnoiwa the curney foundry co limited toronto o a pannaltljckkh sulk mjknt acion tlie bell piano quality of tone tlmcietfor 1 beauty of design superiority of finish x u uado and freely uuaranteed by ths ureai man a facto ran in canada and sold on ita merits hocoud hand instrument taken in exchange for new ones and sold on the loslsl roenl phn when reuirol names of some who arc tisiuir bell lustrumentrt mt allmon ladiuh college hev j e hunter of croanloy 6 hunter uv i btruchun huapeler toronto- colltjgo of muhic 8t joseph a convent st cmii arm oh prchbytcnan college montreal and lhou of otherh priooa ai low as any first class piano cau be sold for tor price or catalogue write or coll at ware room a ouelph c w kelly ulo ioul lur hell a pianos importer and dealer in uuiwj juwui 9j ijhplr vndham street guhl h t j u the jejplc to feci at home emphatically tor the people proud of it i it bei b a u- t il ot i f 111 i if the peoph whcii their fnendi lo t- ici ililiii hiin them ht re as one ot the mlhtb ot 1 1 ll ana we ait alwas pleased to show them lhioufh v e lik tin lit u 1 til- is a stoit l llu hplc tilet ami lniiui ka iimi cei betwie when wti ctnbider ihat wl go dnect trt the inanutnturerb in lennanj 1 ranee and other countries you must know thai our ability to herve you is second to none in any t it 1 he k volume of our business wtnants us in buying such juantities as command the lowest quotations the strong j ouh about our business is th it we do oui be lmy and buying kok cash and el and yive to our customers all the aihani iyes that accrue hum such methods i his is why out harness ha yrown so the people are not slow to appreciate a yood thing the season is now here when families will want dress goods mantles millineix iioots and shoes heavier i mien lot him suita and ovci coats and other c nifoiis uu tan hndly lvalue how much you tan save llli oi have seen oui pilcei wisdom du tales viit i 1 11 kl ai cash housh no tfrank dowltk c depaiumkntal rospectiyg l ousekeepercj a m nous ijuoatiun fur rosoatlvb huu s ilia mlv ui ituai u rorwtr fur ihe iurohasi uf aiproiriate furniture aud i urulshlum tve cl m of scrvioa tu all auou they ll be aururtaod ko learn upon how small uveal me tit thoy cau bcsltu with if their selection is made from our stool hder huuae keener oan find many sjllolos they need this prtu at vary lot 4rioa lu our warexoomv i f ndertaking our slock is ooiuplele an aaoallaul oasortmeut in all lbs city al j las u irimmiuira anrrqulsh 1rluee luwar than aver cuffltil or oaskats daliveied within ho miles uf aoion first olaaa 11 ears at reason a bis oharico mend that cough nitii shawa peotoral cough mixture we carry a full line or ontario chemists preparaliona audi at syrup of uypophoa phitea cod liver oil with ilypopboiphite tonic iron pitla etc etc far toning the system an at thia time of year and pre venting the diseases ao prevalent daring ihe winter and ipritik shaws drug flt rock wood acton saw mills and wood yards jrmes brown makuritrunrn itd dkalaa im lumber ttth ihtnilcm tfood ttc dellvernluial ix lr t of tlislown at ui ii r lwuixl and alal hand alovn i on til alvaya tolelnmo com imi u5b is thy grscer gonsider thou we claim a share of your natrouau because we are selling so cheap we alnajs jrne reliable komh ur nionej refumled we sell for cash kvortun ml acton klour and kimj1 lawaal rlcm irklll thau iii bclluibo t llltloal t c moore son cor mill af via street aetna mor aud uow hooms ciirv wttla and t j a speight c f m new fce inkn olq pilnce f having utcnaaaml the iloch aud uod will ol mr h llultuos i wuuld resitotririlr onnounoe to all luiuet eualumers soil ilia hibllo fsoswlly that 1 itave doumubuoimi luialuess at bis old aland su mala hlnwl srhors will lw found a ouulnlets stoak of nrsleloaa hkkf utltton iauii poilk vreah i halt llamt hauhatlkt aud aouitllv in leal with oist tntaipt dejifsurjr ft iitock wasted j- k b collins we ha l on hand several valuable parma wcllnihioii llakon brulc durham haldnimiij lcrth sliuloc koi terms an 1 full paruutilars ap y tu liuki ill asu ontahiu is thtmtnt and hawnoh hooll- t coal stood john mcqueen lo iuly all ml era fur fut naoo cotil stove cottl choatnut coal bbst qoalli lrlv u ii ittubulially r lalt al 1 in rl 1111 11 htultl- wlllue rumviuy u john moqoben the engagexaeiit we ha e juil pui t haslcl opal dianumo pearl and othei en jold nnys suitable un engagement rings a lovely assortment savage co jlh i i l i its cuelph a wantedllnldeas aud lua til two taiuhirad uivuuua waaidt i

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