Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1896, p. 3

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f jt i it fiank of hamilton head omott hamilton i aw noo m oou tmuhuhiu directors hririjalii ui 1hmhiivkfumi total amkts board op hn htt aiit htt aiit a j iiaiihai rrtwldont mdirrnltnl t tintrun an itoatu a t nt 11 i ri frgruubi i u thnant it li tlhtmii 11 eblr ii mhtuiikn aaal athur ii ii wathos luaiwlor agencies lumfton ilurtnuht rsat i no alhatui ohikv ixrupltwn tirtmhy i lt i hlllluu mouut tonal iraui uu british oorrospondortta london national provincial hank l i l i ltd mb amorlcun corrobpondonuj naw vous runrlli nunal hank ami hanover natl uial hank hustoh inlenibtlim truatoo hurramtukrlribllbiih tin ni national llatik of ullnols and t iilmi national llsuk iniht detroit national hank h inbsb ci rr national hank of comuiorro agonto in montreal tile hank of torutui oeoroetown auetmcy notoa dlscutlntod anil advaiicoatiiado on nil ula bocurtue collocllona niado and draft hought anil inut on all accsssllilb points lu canada united htatui ureal llrltajn and tho cejujuontof kurorts upon aioet fstorshje tor a barlogodopartment depoall of and upwards nxmltxl and interest allowml from data of daiioau to data of ithlrswsl hikcial dbp08ith watches o others want hold hllu dthsrs want both all their pockets can imlil uur watches are matin of bolli metals sud wo will take either metal for pay don i you see qko hynds acton obt fflji ctanjvtt rcss thuhhltay octohfclt i ihiw k little local brieflets vhloh cauuht tho eye or ears of fraa praaa raportnrn thla wonk o no id no tnoulh of all uio year c arnitalka laud guard in flnlda nra anr t ik puruuklna yellow in ihe ad u o rcuarda are red wltti fruitful yield f by brook aide riurplo aatera grow v ttab uia4 la bmhs h atow had lesroasnd yellow now aijor october there la an upward tendency m tho pneo of wheat kuox 8 1 reel la the lair i addition lo our towu nomenclature the fcrin adovrnit ia a u listing lor a hartcroal bank to lhal village tho tilbury new died laat week irom lack of ui ii oial nounalimtuil k james drown baa erected a lino circular alto at hl barn on lakeside farm next issue of the r- akt ilitwi will oon tain a full roport with prirr hat of the ox bibition uramptoi fair on tllcaday aud ued uoaday bail to contend with moat uunro ptmoua weutber a tiram1 fall of rai atorma on sunday niu aficruooii aud nijjbt tho ooucrt lo morrow laea lu be the very beat yol a tfr la ul t u r alhooe ty tluo woatber today and lu niunuw will bo appreciated by all lulbroalod lu aclou uniuu hllllbitioo wodueauav enormia br l a wu ibt coldoat september mortiluk in oi y cara aaya the molcrulojjical authorllira i ho new railuik un tho aidewalk uvei the creek at utopbeuauii a abuji la an un provemeut wliloh coiiimeuiia itaelf lho ecciiliu 6l llallou uouuly hun day hcboyj amooiatlun will meet al mtltuu lit it wmlubaday lu rraiie programme etc fur uesl auuual couveuliuu mr j m hbaw tho ungual founder of tho fcjora hxir haa buuitbt that uowa paor and prtiilliig oullu from mr baa harney auil takea poateaaiuu lu jay mr alex ttocord baa dlapoacd of ina dwallluu ud bower afcnun null tu hia own rohldonoe o oira i iiouiia llciideraoii for h00 william h e in tt reel effoctod tho aafe jmr alei kamahaw who recoully ui ahaadd tlio lut uu the corner of uuoliib and anuof btpaoh haa ul tho ooutraot for a ueoriji i aooompauled lho iliit and 1 uoaday tle news at home mttntly of n loop i ctiaraotor and r ovorv i torn intoroatlnil- uruthanllnn of a faithful teachcf mia miihiid nolaun who lia hail a poal liuu xn tin luachliit ataftor anton public ntliihil for bo pni i all yuan a inaclicr of tbu niiutli ilnparlmonl liaa aonl lu her rc ji nlluti ihhttllt lako cnuct at lho en i of i ho j car m laa nauon haa been in illiliuul and hiicauaaftu toaober and tho i ruilou liounl and ninny parrnta in town will r ifjui i her d oo ib ion t ni intratirr tn hie iorlt at lit tiiiuliiinof tho council un moii day t mr john it kouiudy prcaout cil tin plan of a new an r toy uf ha block of tinl in lho rrar or ipu ft 7 h and tl on main ktreet the block contain itrnlvo lino bulidiuit iota with a now alrcct runtime tbroutih the cnntio thu tree will con ueil with that nmtiiiin lonyido kuox burrb from main btrlal lo lire public park aud haa buavj uainnd knox htrrct it will mahu a now and con tciuent entrance to ihu aik froiiiymam htrrel aud tlower a vliitif an arrant tneut lonj daairod hy neiohdonhood news nown homo suppllutl by corron- pondunta and cxchonnao a north wojlynportitiiv of odwluuk l mr dr meroer of uraufe 1 baa taken poaaeaaion of yt wilkinson a dental lo acl all 3 dec lie meuded liiid will no doubt meet with ucoeaa mr ooawe llarrlbon who haa lxeu auafoxl aa blaukbinllb in jrltijoll a machine abop lor a ojoplo uf year haa old bia household eltoota and will rouiovo from actop oaptaiua ouaway aud oullett liafo beeu in town the paat weak bolloltlnu aid fur the 1 oorjklan a tiholtor of the tilvatlou army at london they poke l the pray er lueollntt aofvloe lu ibe uethodlal burth jaal thuraday evening the 1 lit iatm laiu tocclpt uf a copy of ibe excolleut throe color poaler au uotiboiuk tiriu buow fur oct jolb aud itat h waa imusd by tba j2rin adwcatt aud rolloota muob caadit upon the aklll aud laate of the forainau mr j houaton lho ilraiuplun cuiifrwitor oxoallod llaclt lu lho rnakuluooiil exhlbllluu uuoiber la ued lual week lu half luue krtralt of olncura aud dlrcolora were trlto to life and will be pnxed hy ihuae m lore led lu 1rel uouuty a promiiiout atjrioulluiula lu reiultlluk for proraiuuicb etc for llic ooruiutt ounveullun of the wotuau a miaalouary hocloly of hamilton ibe iroaburor aaya vlluw rue to oonratulato you upju the uaal and allraativo pro w you have printed fo our cull yen lion lha millinery upauium al lho ulaajjuw uouae oo baturday mual have beeu a mat tar of raak atlafacltuu lo maasra lieu deraoo a go 1 he abow roomi ware prowd od with viallora auiiou lo cxamiua the daiuty head hear intended fur fall and win lor woar nuiuoruua urdrm were given hoart dlaaaaai rallavoil in jo mln ulaa lr akiiow cur for the heart hivea parfoal relief in all caace at or aula or hyuipathetlo heart dlaeam lu 34 m ina tea and amedlly rftrtja a mrr it la a peprloa remedy for palpitation ahortutiii uf brtath i aiiiolboriuit anill pain hi left aldo aud all ayuinloiiia of a dlai aid bear m ilitiiiuea hold by j kan real dun i tlm loi huirir srrwen in jaoux sabbath frchoal hunday wa flower day al knox clinrch at j p m the clnldrou aud a lare utiriber of frieuda ab lu ilia church 1 lower aulllcietit lo uccoralo lho platform woru aavod from the wreck of lho previous 1 uoaday ninht a fruit 1 he jojniiano aorvico arratiiid by the ciuuural aawnibly wa i renjerod by lha children led by ihe superintendent mr w mcphail at the oloi of hie aorvioo an appropriate aud muob appreciated add rem wai ion lo the nhiljren hy the paator tho ufleriux mado by the achool amounted lu about tlo tho lower were aenl lo the bick children a hoapilal loronto on monday senm ul tho churchcm ltv ii u melllck bapertmeodant or ilapliat miaaioiia in the north weal will apeak on hn work in the liaplial church on t nday ovonink bpecial acrvioaa will com in en co lu tbe molhodiat church next hunday tu be conducted hy the paalur nouiinatioua for an addition to the oiler hip of kuox churab havo boon made printed balluu will bj ivuu the mem bora and from tlm number noni mated m will bo choalii ituv mr maophoraon will preach lho preparatory acrmou for lie mr hlraohaii at i lock wood uu baturday aftortiooii he mr hteph6ua reviewed the ljiaciplca huudiy bchuol on lho ijuart er a uaauna ou bunday morning uavicw unity liny the vacation daya are ovor september marks the re oeuidk or the public achool and lho conacijuonl return or the childreu and their mreuta frara their nammer rack tioua it ia uttui then that thoro abould be a rally day in tbe bunday bchoola a welcoming back to the chira vacant fur a month or two in aummer bucb a aorvico waa bold lu ibo uethodlal school laat bun day afternoon lu cunneeliuu wilh the juarterly roview i bo achool room waa beautifully decorated with tluwera frulta tumn leaves and there was an abundance uf bribl and ohocrful inualc 1 he review waa conducted lu a lively and liuurcaaivc uiauucr aud tho nebular a cuter lily into it and auawored ibo qucn tioua promunded uku the juartcr a losaun with crrdil to themselves aud tbtlr teachers 1 hero were j7tt pieaenl at ihe the t vairrl to inurrua j- traibt never bafore bat tbe couoart coin mil loo lit oonuecllun with tho r xhlbillou been al in tu present so attractive and complete a pfujtratnrno aa they have arranged fur the bbow night coniort to morrow ovouiuk ihebhaw hotorlaiumcul cihiipsny k a lull aud varied programme tbomaolvcs but in ordor tu ivo their patron ao un uaually ixh1 bill of faro the committee baa secured tho aervioos of miaa mur timer ufluruuto ibe reuuwjied boutuah auprauo wiium aelcolloua are always re ceivod with rapluruus applaoae also the misses aili arm of uodariob violinists and hcoloh dancan and ooorge murray pijier from lho bsud of the hikhlaudora ufmniimt loronto tbe bhaw lutortaiu lueiit u ilaelf inuludea ii n bbaw h a principal of the aijiuol uf elocullou lu the 1 oruulo conservatory of music mlna 11a wiukuehi u arliat uf rare dramatic uwer mr i tela itoaa eluculiouisl uu aurpasaed lu humor aud mr c leltoy kniinej a nost vdraslile uuierbonalor i lis will enact aooupi in oosluruo from laaaioal irskedlca dramas and outuojl a huinorou character sketches and musical uiuuologuea jusiuit in ireek costume with calcium llkbl effect lho laria prahfrpt as of thcui tho per m an co kivcii by ihe bhaw hulerlain ul u of loroulo lu tho 1 uwu hall i ovonlnt under tbe auapioos of the 1 ii 1 full jualiflod all previous ex peel al ion a oaih number uu the prog ram mo twins aucooaafully carried out i here waa a 0od audlorrce who showed their siirocl alum by hearty applause throughout lho evening u boae alio enjoy an eutertalu melil u thil character will om brace lho opportunity tobdproaeiil 1 he prorammo will provide twn and a half houra of allrac 11 v number troumr m llufii ttmttr the milton kaih iu glvea tba ioll reort of iroublu which odaueil after a horse trade iii allkll a couple uf clllsetis uf this community are interna led iauh wodnssdsy john 1 waller a tanner who lives near aolou appeared before mayor met ouom ubarifed by m u harris baker uf auuili with laklii a horse from bia asble tho prosecutor wore that ou july 14th he traded a now for a lusro with lha prlaauer givmu a bresjl acouuut to boot thai on bopt loth ho found that bia liable had bean opened and thai lho mare waa k and that last 1riday lho mare waa found by a ounatablo in walter a pueseasiuu laaiali oon leaimtsr awore that on the 16th hept be aw the prlaouer icadliiff harris s mare out uf harris a laus 1 hos hlloy uuuer ourruborajoi thla wallers qsore for tbe dofenco thai when ho arranged the trade with llama be vaa tu have rooelvod sij to boot that iiolhing tuure waa duue uiitll july j till when he waa away from home ud harris not lho mare aud dehvorod lho ouw lu mra wallers wltneia aw that sumeiliiiir waa wruug with tho cow aud weul tu harris a fur the ji but gut only au oflor of a nolo od ibe day before bs took tbe mare witness saw harris who told him lie could have bar if all waa not rihl tuera waa no bread bill meutioued in ihe deal bad ilarri in ul vision ourt for tbe mare but vrllbdraw auil when be waa uoi bauk mrs walters cor ruber atod tier buahaud evidence aa lu tba forma o the trade and anora dial wbap harris look away tba msro aba let iba animal go oo uudarslaudlug from liarrla that all waa rinhl walutra waa o6mmitlad for trial lirki j his case catna qp for bearing bslore ibe otiuty jsdge ou tuesday wltb thu rosull that wlllecs hut bis horse taack and oblu arly paid hia uwu costs the judo taledln giving bis judgment that lho iduiee fully w noraled mr wlteu i in lho uialtir ciuiwaews- cobmcrs jilte ahpavy tiuniifrtormipissnd mii thoso partii rarty buu4a morn ni mr a kliigahiiry a mi aloiiu moil day paaird i if rut r fuhy mr lm ouy hai iuud a i imlriil acrs farm ailualnl mi llin iln k rml in lustiuch from mr i unrrii horn lands moving lo it abnu lho mid ii if nrxt mouth mr iro sin or uial loitiunlir la conhnil lu bia im il vuih iniluuimatloii of tho lunga ills many fneun hope fur in it cdy recovery a number from hero atlrtijad llin li njnl tmpwanco itueltiija bum iba weik irl ihe ituckwuoil tuu ii ball by lho luxiilal 1 no 1 hoy hm ak hljilv of the i nlrrlikii men i tiveii by llm llio wockwuod ihe imperial lrw are h a ml ul rnleilaiuuieulk junaiiitiug of mnt llmi ll jcwittc in llw town hall the new iron bridi ia now lomplrln and all that it nceilrd to 111 lab llm whou road ia ibo nllluu in uf iln approauica lo the bridge w ii itratga ndrr mill ri open for buainess nrxt 1 uendsy mr a murray was burl in tho mill of harris a cm on monday he full from a ladder while lixiij a btll auatuimiig a broken ankle and boiiio very bad bruts on his hip and head about midnight holiday a throuuh freight ha1 a uerrow escape from being dfqfailed belwcun here and jurlph sumo mallcioun orsou bad pill a plank acniaa ihe track ibo oninr do red itntoblruc tlou but liiu hoiice cro slkiut even as to tlo derailing of the engine 1 liu jrand trunk suthoritiea aro ferreting out ilia the i iikk ilif mb invite all llsroailnra to en lliuiu lo tlrwiuiiiu if you or your friends re kiiluit awny on a holiday trip or if you have jli u la lulljnu jnii drop a eapl to lho piikr fjingand going vlaltor to nnil from aoton and varlouaothor poraonal notoa from milton illliiiory iipiiinxa aru i the ladles allelill 1iuparali ma sr fair to be held in i a hie dlaaallifxtl i shy ihe uiiiiiiiiiriuiitrb uat i ii jllil litir ii oil luillly a 1 iln lit w h4ilj it lit lo mu divialo da 1 ho edne wlv wan argued lat mth in ibo i oil i appeal before bltf jutiin ila i judges llarlon j lor au 1 mliuni judgment waa rcacrttd tbo follwingoiieora hate be n i for tho eubiiiug trim in tho i pn leagup irenldtol mini j little wc irea mr h it itn ul m holliurake 3rd mm lllliurakn i miaa m hewa srrrelsr mr it in dsln or iht iieanurcr at miaa llano biluam it wudixln i the ilillj h ukr i pritlirr mil the p i uf bt mrjn iii ii i f i riu mi mm v ikn i li lura m r itnck hurtli i a hcidci cctt tin attract i v el 1 decora ted and grain and unver i attendance waa largn excellent it urr farm and lho harvt at hxcctlenl sdduac ilov it j mlnlyre late paatur itev a and itev mr tllpiu miaa woathoraluti si gave reading- which vit muoh luteical 1 he m guartollo lul the imprint if i mr harry jnaiia aw pimi 1 a er enjoyable series of nonui 1- l r howell m a f to pr ri 1 i i very happy mauiier the harvest suppe a 1u i u proaeodinub bicb ictleli umoii uioilii uiun the ladins of the onial 1 i lho new ahed waaprejeved an a linn g i inn and the burdened tables lilrralh g uiel with the gul iluuks pro v hud but meal n servoil an i llin juiuut of turkos ciiioknibf pumpkin p- etc con sumod by lho crow 1 from aitiiii au i tilae where proved two thlnt nr luiiliiifiiiu i ihe viand were of a uioal ajipcluiut brand aud i i lie gueats irlcrmlticd ujm1u sight lu lo full jnuo lo lvcrjtlllllk befure ihclu ul i with pirl of tb ilthuubt m j mn 1slr al c4rict will be more i i ii ul r idy a ui eihlhll mlsaes modio m til or acloti were b at the thomas marstiall flout mouday mr jul rl i t iwo in tbe ld home ii- mr lunlnii hayvinrd lurnuloiimr bunday mr luacph 1 yfn iwt sat 1 hurxluv for a trip lo itoialauit ii mi hot rl hinclair rtlurntd laal week rvitii locthvillp n i un a alu rt via i m i m irnlry ami children rrliru d in llmir ho in f at llrautfnrd on hslurday mr i rnlil uf detroit- waa the guosl of mr john watson and other friends last i i mr john i i rat brook of toronto waa ihn guml of his brotbar jir james ural i rook lant i rl lay mrs lobu ii matibowa anddaukhtrrrc itirunl from hrr vnil to morula in the north woal laal week mr i joil llslh y of acton i viaiting oil nriibinlames aliout town clmira or f wnlerlo hrhrf mia lara maxwell uf j rand alley ib tlio guuat of mr it i jraham and farrdly kb will remain fur aevera weeks mr wilkinson of ilrampton has bean in town lha pint week nursing her daughter miaa jerinlr who waa seriously ill fur a few d mr daniel h uf port banna re liirnd homo on friday after attending al lho death bud of hli aiater mrs haa laylor lho juartfrl board of flranl avenue methodist hurch ilrantford hai extend a call to uov g w kirby of bt athaniiof ir ittlin nnwion of harms was in town a few umra ou saturday eveing while on inn way to i imuliuuae lie aaya ihoy are ihiiiuj favirly woll lu a juiel way in their now buhl hut the buaiuoaa depression rem drri li difllcull to make rnuch progress itev w ilrers bad uile an enjoyable family galhoriug at his homo here the past ti k ihn in li re family waa present mr and mr4- 1red ilrors loroulo mrs j lurll niausra rails mr morley llrjer- nw haven aiiiii an i miaes i aunt and s itie al home gbohoetown it h i4 a 1 lliural- hot- uh ixhituta ellrnl pnlf hi- lfi i iii hi la r mlji and 1iidsy sa d of pronout on is at in bold be toy isnlaiaii her e aiock nuuiur of ibe uibsb 111 though lha plan lha ijialil vft good 10 deiiai uneiits the 1 ptal to thai ofitn il 1 ihibilim lakn a i lllrl uof le sud the alteudanca 1 mia- fcmls of i on wail la a uot al in i am ul hex undo mr fc riulsy mr fcralik illlallm leave till week lo tlrul ihr mndisl i dirge 111 toronto mi v i iii frl uu al alio will improwd ffvllle pla mr rrlii aijhu iiiiic in inter mediate uliainpiuui of lho t uillan l icroaso au i ihn park thu afternoon luury snr mother of mr ibn fo to fall oil halurduy ui1i1i u ok oil i ho ibiuk 1 old kile alel hl lhi lum load lit a horse trade al ltiatiirt oil f actum lilr h uller mra daue la ad a need in inl doubt tiie lailure will lo ixitb ptitiful mid troublesome 1 he jcaih of mr wui ii maud sou 00 torcd al the homo of his falhor lu law i r i i lleuiietl about noon ou balupawv sflei a llngrril g lllursi ho with hia wife pent ihe kfcaler part uf tho past ycr iratellius ml the ho that bia health ii igl i 1m itiiprovod bul havlng rocjivod no iron ill lilt y retuuod hero ar fow weeks g i lie btrl iiiodical hhlwas uf avail lie waa a brilliant student ami ansa fin tut ly a number uf ibo high bohoul if line hia death la muoh rogrollod by a lr oircle at frieuds and relatives 1 he ouug widow haa lho aympalhy uf all iii her dirp sorrow 1 ho funeral which waa largely attended took place uu mou da illsuudikil kev c a mitchell 1 a oflhlaud vankhbb play tit fur iai u tit kept uh postmastor ucu 11 porkuib baa issued an order that here aflur not auadiau sliver will ho accepted at the llooboalcr poslorlloe ibe new rule guva into r ii eel al once lui isja ou aiot uti of ihe 10 ilr aland taktii bj lho hochoiler hank a few days ago hot rsl llnies belore tho lots i deiart ot liu diacrimluated aaiual c aiiadlbii 1 but nuver fur any gnal length of ic 1 1 in now littiuidod to oufuroe ills le lha 1 ilauiiburg frrrif uu ol v oulario- wal local pwr- ba juat nl lie iulh volumo lbs ublihor mctuire la a wide a wake uowa iw man and l tujiialaully aildli g lm 11 which have mm for b ifwtif oar lnrut tciuperanro hnrtdy aotnn te nine rati ou union tin field rrgulsrnml iiilfrumllib iiiralings thrfiugh gut tlm iiiiiiiirr and ia now in una working order for ilia fall and winter carp palgu an ciocllrut ataft of ofjlocrs fur ttjn coming term ajorv elrolcd lait krids availing bh fullown imalilniiiwllllsiu fflllsiua uli lllaa llaiuln i klalliliwa mtr lary mlis c lara i moor aaal kiw ilia kva lllaoi truurpr ulaa annie hlepln iixm t liailalli ulaa t- ins iulh r i flier howard kaaalav hentinel hlehanltook oirsliil iliaannllln mauliiwo 4 thfi ktrtnm uf llgrlitt tho hermann rniea ia lo u hill i1v1i0 llnrlp akatinu rliiwfrim the lit to tho 7ih of octcbcr lho formal oiiiiug will be held ibfa evening lx major hiuer of ilerlin and mayors urcithaupt and biljlder uf ilerlin ami waterloo will conduct lho opening rernnonio tho orrman suoi jlies will also lake pari in the aervioea after which it will remain one 11 until brxl wednrsday many new and pleasing tea lures are lo bo inlrodncrd a neat psmph lot pnnud in lugliah and german liaa 3iaauod containing full information programme the gathering la a moat ble one as from all parts of ilia country the german population will go lo see and listen to the representations of ihe customs uf ihe fatherland a cornwall drpilch says thero ia not much ohange in ur uergius condition to day ho ia slightly belter if anything jj jtdiet jckejts f mmmm illltll specialists move the world jacksat all trades cton t count for much that a the ace re i of lho sue teas of sutclifle a apeciallst u at the bead of airy branch of the busincbi we ve increased our facil itics for the making of cloihing rculy lo wear had lo do it the busincaa has grown so and no wonder we buy the woolleoa direct from the mills for cash too so the makers profit and ours aro all you bate to pay same way with ladles jacket and suits rnost all are made up under our own supervision every f little dclail receives our most careful at ten lion eorylhmg has to bajusl dght before we can say moncjr buck xif you want it there s economy in buying fall clothes from as our fieri 1 tweed sulu at is oo are an extra good line we hai ieen nothing shown by make a thai excelled it and our pnto wax often below their a same way with wo men s jai kels at fj 00 our ltoy school suits at ti 50 are a specially fine lire- well made strong and ser w viewable try a mailordar catalogue yfee for the asking alt nucitmni hrnfull iiuivnird i cltcri fir brdcrs rrrcunl be ore 1 n i in k iniwcrcd iainc d i jsutcuffesons zz- toronto ijcs tjccl b hen ilhng itk lm mr j 1 thai far head ibe piiiuru j in 1 biusllllol edil ry lieirbojbla raday by mr w of hi itunlrew the following a tb iiat of pujula h no ii who obtained over lij per loi beptecubnr oxaiiiliiallona 1 lass msiio n kell my tuund fc rank mutirc 111 bcuior livo m liil i hcoll john newlon lol haii 111 junior jainta ni h ii i lant hubert marshall ii las of 0011 hwaiklaiil lli hauier willie mcdowell it ii btiain i loon art lii ml 1 hi meredith i it nellie kjjkiwakliiii m 1 1 hhaip w1ii10 dobbio maryonoll i a ja- hooll willie m auiah uarahall larl mwrshall iua a i i rsu natlam turotl bouth american ithoimaln ure lui uhsumallra aud neurnl rainally ouras lo 1 to 3 days lis aiitlon umui tb yapaiai is romaxlaablo aud inyslurlous it ramovm at onooibe lxubu ami i ho diarasi ini mediately diappcmra lho liralds- greatly bauelits 176 omnia hold byl kmgjwiow if you waul aral class guojiihaash tun doors al iuslpb priosm i kbuaos cai till your urdor al bis planum null si luiil amuilg 1 s cti illy ly 1 t- lb n j to o nl li ill lr agurw a oiulmeiil a v imliing i n from 8 lo 0 ulglils i inn apphoalioit brings comfort fc or blind slid bleeding piles it la peorlesa also turn teller sail rheum ecaeuia 1 stbrr a ltol and all eruptions ef tho akin l els hold by j ksnuawui wanthi ml t itu rtlfllr i i ml ol w an i irsvl lo l lu ual llalirtt imuau iu limhi halsry vl aabl aljwnklr uwinw 1- it iiti aell a i in aa l jhttlu nalmal mjr imill that tired feeling mnkca you hem all i roken up tltb out life ajliblllou enery or apiwllle it is of toil the furor uuncr uf aerloua 111 tiras r the accomjialilineiit of nervous ituublrs l is a poallivc proof of thin unit impurw blood fur it tbe blood is rlt h ted vitalised and igoruus it lm krra luw- ajid energy to every nerve organ and tissue of the body tba uecisally ur taking hoods rjarmlantlla for ibat tired fee hug 1 ihertforeapmrent lo mry one and tbe gtud ii tt iii ao 1 h ouatly bejroad tuct 1 1 itomembrr hoods sarsaparilla laltir lieal lu luct the one true lllood i urlbef 3 day blanket sale thursday friday and i urday oct 1st 2nd ft u wc hall make a greal ulferli 01 white wool blankets li- i 11 1 g ohlraoidl uw priofia 11 m wool itlauktl to worth s ou for t 1 7 o wolh d bo for 4 tsoo wo ii oo loi 2 1 at g b fyhnfcos tliti grout bulk of our mnitlo vmporfotouas nov tu terfil it ym imvo viriiluil our jmniitlo room tutoly you will ngroo with uh thatirt 111113 iruvtl fur viiiksxi lintllnri ii ntcxtk cotititiinnrr unj thing like oithor thu vnriou nttiortnniit tjiiiihl ur value hut linlingumhea our own jackutri 111 ovory nhndo tittle nntl hire utul nt nlinoht oviry prico ou ourj mime if ovoryifody iciujw prociholy what wo urn ohvrng in iinmt garmoiita we ijuerition it our mimtlo itoom would ho half big mtotigti tn liohl hi cniwdn thu acnhlhlo oil tho h to niiiko jour holuction now wlillu thu iimhoruiiunl u ut iu bout and fullest you will not huriitutc it you onto hou the vbiiich wo nre ottenfij kor iiihiiuku l idles gay 1 weed jacket a muttons miring colltr huitoncdtvsc tti the neck 1 ery prttfty feament ladies navy coat pilot cloth ripple collar buttons box vronl v stylish 1 st 5j ladies i awn coat in iieavcr cloth in all shades jaunt litclt button mf close up to the neck with 4 butrofls and 2 beow splendid value ladies browif coat rich shades buttons kevtjrs rkth collar lengtfi 25 inches an elegant coat 7 00 gr b ryan co guelph dnidi- is b t belwcen your pticket and artihll prp6r ntj lnirpoini ghhdes cotdbnjatu u iltecla wonderful valun fjenrl for aamplca with chas l nelleb city dookstoro cuelph georgktowns livjbht stre 6ibs0n millar co r lal aim with a cuaiplotebbmirtuiaiit of tba tiawoat and lateat tylea lu dkhhh uoodh dkbtts lltluu sou ttc tin lauou have ln ao auoccasful la uocauae ha toil ua dhm latoal and uiiiat alyllali up uhiiiii jkhi at inrlcn that cannot lw 1aleii lu twv or city lltrt fb ar ul mllaflod wavanl lo do mora we waul ynur trsdo wr want it all wtnnt bo lorn had lara a took luiar had as gaaa sll bond values all i you 111 hit i ul assort on la and qualities juat s ditto iwltor lbau you vl are o tor lug vou biruutf o kua if ws ul laewli urctisa 1 i i 1 ilka will i hid urvstcal lhu l ti elaaohe itieae soo orey flannel yarn aud all kind of htsplu lrv tloods hluallwaioa liovoa lloalort i a lloa l ud or wear otr rinje hjqh olass tailoring ll ailiilllnd last wt load la uila oll 1 ll tail coutuielfl for the in hcotch r uu fall latmit unix r hall irlah iga trowaoriua itlv uautmd ikst8 r tlllmhllfmls uuveltles lu seckweal- ujllara loliueinsu a uudarvdar ate 0 fcllcoath ovkhcoatb 0 ritcoath lu hoy aud meua lloya lteolora uau a tea jackets klouajauta oto ttirs will tx tbe llaee u el oui tail aut wluter outfit no iruuhle lu shu uuuda call aud luaiwet our block aud we will oouviueo vou that tliiaa 111 i1see to at uie ileal good al the elowiat pricea ilutuk mid yig isksn iu trade oiiibon millxk co lloe block jcorgotowu 1 huir hue oluvoa r vt ry day t lock ior tall uaraiu la it afill ruir ii r ilia rasy lo lake h hollol llllmml until jom s wuith a o r j ootfu worth oo tor j at d4xu4 wurrn oo for 3 30 ooxtlo worth f5 oo ur 3 uo 70xuo worths so for db c oine iul 01 whlk ll rnng t tiiiipiisoi it r jiuiittii of pairs thf u jft to l lul vmttl 1 lusil nd it will le niipussiiu it 1 ptit an of luein 1 lit art pai t ol a 111 1 ufai liner s stotk who had to 1 lose tlu in out untlei pit smiii 1 ht same goodb c innoi be bought ut fium oiu tlmiil to one half more rememd zr thursday friday saturday e r boiler dt co 35 uiwl j7 wyndhfun slraet f queiplf ont a milk a minltk on a stearns your visito the fair will njt be eomplcftvlthout 1 jtk at tin bargains we are oftering in dry goods groceries and crockery as ci i lap and of chiaplr as bought in t it her guelph or i orontu qui motto cash uid tjnc price to ui 11 dive ui a trial im bt tominccd 1 1 a j tikra floods drlivcrttit i c f coodeve nemost cjiiicc acton henderson co rcton- millinery openiny we cotdiall uuiu tin rtjic uf i ton to inspt it 01 1 1 all importation of millinery y drfact jioodt maiitit lu o tidoy september 20ajm kom hknokltmim v to acto 7vvh7wt7uvoth house vstalker mcbean fc co georgetown 600ds i w ulakk atfunt aoluu acton flou mill cheyne cheyftfe proprietors w have uur roller mill now lu eouiii batiatacuirt rmiuliill order and are lu a uaitluu u tuilly die waiiu ol ua ubllo lth floub al hiqbt prioka ik i foill u ll us 1 louie lul otvst ua all ull a i will thk uiattai for yuti iwidaaa i lho iialltr ol lao sooda e 1 laimla tu odnr takl i itwuui al j v kauualn lluiruf cheyne a ohkyne phioma leot w d hutson sons 4 lewd6rs iis tiocus and ta 1 i ited a riml 1 ill op iiog ki t 1 e tilt this oppoituntt of thanki 1 x 1 u j i for turning out in ti li nuinbt r 1 it 1 l ir t re to- fort whit h got s to sliow thit get ing f fore popular evt t st ason ami peoplt out whete the tan alwa g t it habit goods low ejcjr ices ac 1 ilh 111 the illvttud 11 1 i p -ny- if ijledeparluie a alor h lu 14 ji uoora aniauoeb4rvt tftllokino lc1 akthtn i v are ki viiiat thu deisrtuieul bmuii aenlloti this araaol lo gualily mvlg a fiolah all itaritinnl are turflril ontsi nrlclaaaly4e we uive the ull iu i ilr ndlnary how llm jib lu itile ia ihe re a urn we set ihe i lomn uf the vhiiil uirraae eery luuajtli adr our prloos are 11 lier crul irea alwaya kl i ho unwaalsly lea it k lorn i alwfllvtoea i mantlfjtia whyii lortmlo fa buj a itlai naps h i ufa br gel our v t ired thai wotell rsl i hie kuotia a i trad than in loroulo for sains ijuallly do you- weak iantb we ail make you a imhi pair f that yu would n t ucl any where 1 i fclt and oiiavtl qalvanutjj ikonj kail il u luvitullwfarilssliud couuiry ll atlasjjao oj tba ira t upillsd wusttlll folltmiuk hulld i nil aud routtus piei sail 1u h jakauund iron truutfh dowii i ik aud rlduluio aud ally work ktil nut ts dsflul u ib co j jjureu fit k toro aiuaara tliilaou 1 huf tu d the alaltuti u i ualaill iron k mil i vi r inline v than auylstor in i tin ouuuty mantlirfanickh yon y a mautla ootno 4 us we cau ktve fou t 00 coal lot- j 7 6 oq coal for ml 10 db xisl for 17 40 ibfc ou coal for lloq knaps in uturamkcoath i va 4 rtteui jrruyj b deal ll 1 l olhar day iesa uisoflaallot ouuld uial aud trim them si i m 1aji aawrooawur uu j 51oi tall otltuuej lur kkou wlkur uulleau uj aro alwaya the outlook tor bargains loi dhbbs o9ods 1 ha prettiest drcs jootls in ibe niuuly 1 hat a a bold assertion bul ll rihl and tho iiuaullly that are aelhuk corf oho rate ibe slslsrosal ffloo french itouols dress leutctbs lur iu 7 ml french itoucle dress leu tor ft 00 tweed urwss oood yi orsss lniclb lur i j ha lttn bvruost aud bral aasorliu uultons aud llrcsa 1 riuiiniub ct lu oeortown mllldnehy our millinery boala all pruvious 1ff tomdr luhablo kouda both lu atyle and low prices lor lluh t laas mir tb uu motto lo every bno millinery siioii you as alradkecsa bul all know hoalxhy and olovia a sr now ayljbajlijj u a plewstuu lu 1 ibis deptlnirbt u complete wil rll buaiueaa wllbl as atraokoc iaatstf t wklk6r 7vvpbemtn st qo 4 v aw

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