Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1896, p. 4

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r jr 1 v 1- i i futsssmasssmt imiiibuay octoniil i imii a frjy lounn iholliii till 1 of tinn tlw rmtituml iniirolu 1 ml 1 nloui in 1lurel lxan h io don i hi iinor ihciiui aud ml n tljpiirmiriui il n inn anl 1 had ily torlluil hi llif fir mi llimaruul ft ml itrpill dual off lrl t1 of n arm- al 1 verona ftouj tjiv l aid urn t nm mtercar la alnili ill r r nil it wa llittroti giianl ami 1 might have doubled in ijiililnn i utroutiled of waloh r warl a ia releasolil lnn el tlloilh llr iimi 1lk1i1i ii i y dinar nut to iii we t my lor v uluuhl har n l and ycnntttn laf o ta lilry ta s tl thai ixlil ulllic ililul liml 1- r t dapi uilmoiir iwdiiwi if i ui miiiirr if- pftotett oettino a p you aro ajarmor i lo il f queried iho elmrp nosed man an 10 aat down bo aide the man wltli hla trouaora lurked into hi hoot waal m i farm waathornply timmi i want to talk to ou ive got a pa lent hay fork which i am cumu ti with una aummur and i ahould liko to net a few pointer from jou to atari on p loleri eh 7 waal what rort how hall i approach tho average fai m vaal oull jtmcrally find him in the fluid 1 em juat ull him what vou vcal yea hell aak job to ilia ham to talk i aec but dont you o instead of thai make a bee lino far jour buny climb in and acoot aa faat aa ou can ffo for tin next an mile hut why oh iiqtliin much i only killed aii myself laat week but you know it rained pnrty steady for two data and travel wit llkhl lfnrit mtjnjnr matrimonial quotations ina aaid the old man addroasiiiit young tiaitor 1 am proud of my uirla and would lika to see- thorn comfortably mar hod and as i have made a little monoy ihoy will not ro to i heir husbands penni tell thbthll mafy 31 yuara old ant a real hood girl iahall ivo hor i000 whon aha mar no than cqaiea bet wont two 3r again and t thai i jve hor 110 000 and the man who lakea kiixa who ip io will have tit 000 with her tbayounk man refloated a monuol or ao and then inquired you haven t one about a0 have you a place to stav in kind air aaid tho well dressed atrai kr tajasarasldaiil of lha oil la their a iuimoff the frieudleaa 111 lliia place o there ia but yoo don t look aa tlioufjh nu wore forced to aeck auch a nn muat not jude by appcarancca ir 1 am a i aaeball aatpire did vou qveji makb money easy mi hi null i base road ho mr 1 l ii made ao much mpnoy in the dlab waahor buaiueaa aud 1 think 1 have beat hirrij 1 fcin vory youtitf yet aud have had little experience lu aollink foods but have made over eiifht hundred dollars in ten wcokit selhntt blah waubera it la aimply wonderful how cany it la to aoll them all you have to do la to ihow the tadiea how thoy work aud they caunot hotp but buy on tor the beneflt of otbera 1 will atato that 1 ircl my aurt from the mound city dlab h her f hi louia mo write to thorn and thoy will actid you full particu lara i think i can clear over i 100 the 00m iuk year and 1 am uul koiutt to lot the opportunity paae tr it aud publish your auooeaa or the beuefil of other j l it doea nol matter bow faithfol a buiuoaa man employe may be it paya him to re main at tho helm nurwa 1itio syrup treuitllioui the unfta and cure all i hroat trouble couxba utidt ale ilia a waits of breath lr a iceaclier to prrach hiichr tbti h v nixt jul wa tut tin who have lcxii fatfifbl ii kijm ft a dpracl tiiitrl fv il all atraogth la git if jni ta taan hold ut ih ifirr 7w t ittgh lhara fa c huhnin onfc in onr mlnull 1 liav trid ih- i itili mrf tun f soars far above all com petitors marvellous results have brought it fame and renown raimas cetery compound the choice of tho ablest physicianb an inish oentltman wen rafvii il in wpll that ovuryono almtilil knuar that indio i rltry ortipoimd la nut 111 ordlil ary patenl modicnio auch an thr nrnnitsa aaraaparillaa bittora ami other lilni ooiicuctintia now an itrnaivrly adverliaed innvry dirirtlin lmi n color urn i oti id u hh fur tjvinl th no lommiti prrp nmll ari lh diaiimnj ih hupnor lu cheap ttlaa- luio olery compound poimaa eitrnnrdinnry virlucn and power a fur health jjtvlnr and life leiiglhunint it ia ad liarmloaa aa tt iliood and it i llm opl medicine tliat tho beat mrdioal men rrtmn mond with cu 1 1 lid curt- irof ldward tbclpa m l ita diacovurer gawi tbia marvellouu uudiciiin to inn pruicaaiou aa a poilivo cure for alee plena iiuna ncrwiuniiua wailing otrenntli dytprpaia biliouanraa ijvet complain i neuralgia rhaumatiani and kiduhy trouble and aluce ha inlro duotiou to thu public bundrnda of thou and on thl coiiiinuiit hate been ralacd from aicknewa to the eiijimenl of pur act health nu other ineiicino in tho world wan over o hluhly hqnari d and recom mondod hicaune none ivtr accomplished ao much 10 day when tho abluat doolura are called upon to priacribe for weak run down over worked and debilitated inun and womoti ihry llivariabl atlviao uie uho oriainum olery comprnkid 1 huuaauda of trstlinoniala k proof of almol miraculoua curea come 111 over year from working pooplr artntan- iiiiti hanla pro feaainnal mrn and opl of wealth all aiprlltitf atruugly that taiik a elrr oiiipounil make people well have jol made a trial of iin lry oomihjuud ailk fn- 1 if not do not dolay another hour procure botlk and teal the virluoa of tho only mrdiciuo ibat can aacooaafully meal jour caau ho auro that you got tame r the kind that curea 11 doea not matter much what a mau a name la hut it matter arcat deal both in thia world and tho next what hn charac lor 1 hagyard teetotal lialaam curea coufcha old aalbma hronchili and all throat anl lung troublra biliousness u caused liy torpid liver which prnventa dlgrs- mon nml pcrmlta ioimi tofciuieulaiid uulrlty lit uj tomacti tbeu follow duilnraa headacho hoods luvmiliuv nerouncaa and tl not relieved iimouj fewr fcz i i nr tlkml hlvilii hood 11 i is nil ntltnulnto tlie altuunch b mm ron ho hi liver iw hrailarhr ttilincn cou- llimtl to n f 11l1 hu ll lt all ilruksul tuo ouly iula to tako wltli mood rtaraaparllu no man ci may till aei example tho now i i read in mia m hrll mo wuilhl llvi toon to aoyoiii lik pu he hni tiu atall 11 lard tta hi i oui plate hoo 1 ejryi nding hn atamp 1 nrut fur one and founl ha ao uaoful that i bowed it lu u friendi aud inadeliki 111 two boura taklni order for tho oot ibu hook aoii 1 a bouu bold nooeaaity ll cannot allp into a dlah cooking veaol being imjij lu tho placej y a he miitallimg anyoi id j c the back i ho apootl la- hat huuaekiipirn have uiedud bjouiib were llr i inveuled 1 jut a ampin kjkhui by noudliig mp mia trlla tin a apleudul way to much tet l nervowr by undue uae tl 1 llrt palpilatimi utiti iiimnk unl inility lack of xiidiliird ivmpuma mtlboni hr ljl bring raady ruliel l rrva and rogplaluit lli l a tru baarl add irvo fl thn art in wi re all full and 0110 una ocou pint iiv a rniigb looking iriirnlmn at mm of tllo ntathlna a fniipln nf well bred and inlolligint looking wnitm lailiia caino in to prociiri at ntn but mdng no vnrnnt ouch nlhul to inl nimllllr car when im htil and it rul tin m ina hni mil 1 ti toil l mir hut nn will havi 111 htat fr nrilf riunl nulm lattii wiih n wmilf hiul miih trmal hi1ii nrim hihitiliug to iil ipl ti s vur o moind dint mid tjtn hibiirulaii jer m inn in in tl id rid iijmii unl nou hlchir au t from hnm ull vjv ork for a mintln from ml glnlliin mil udmo and nlruiuil into ilia lull oar amid tho applaiihn of thuun who wilncavod thn inci ilent pirhap thn foromng bint lo many tbft a trifln of politntiaiu ladlea whi ahow tbft a trifln of ban often happy effect 1rllb tool i he ui twill the aiimimo and rid ictiloo ih klj mado j huril lileratnro prcnrjiln no more rorhii 1 liallaalion ban xrtlb n foot aiulalt itneroun wor ahipiira that hnrfiguralhcly rprakiug 1m tit kiictn and liufril tin big loo it tho reacu will fool aa if tho prudih hon or tbo genua annprt krcnnial my tho way did uu notice whin nadiug 1 rilliy buw nudeil lotiiaii h t oru i x otor winch rend r impoaibln tbo di umlaut ixcreacinre rum llll ft ml would uot be worth of houiagn if marred by corn iiuthir would uira ito put nam oru 1 xlracior wliui ol cimn into our heart he luknn ti fcul akin tu ever hod gray hair made dark i aaw in our paper tint zulu ulior wouldeatura au head of hair lo natural color fn ihrro weoka al i waa very gray 1 bint for a aainpi pni kr and in loa than ihrru weuku my hir waa parfcctly rratorul to natural color my wife hair waa a light red and b ualug zulu uller her hair ia now a iwulihil auburn any one can irt a aamplu package of zulu uller liy aeudtng jl two cent tarn pa lo w1u011 i o now ourord ohio and if it doea not rentoru iho hair to natural color 111 tlireu week ihr will return uur atampi it not only ret lore tho hair to natural color but will atop tho hair falling out 1 muted la tol y aud in one of i ho boat hair torncb madt and iu take no rlk and if it doe nol intiof ou p rfr tly ihry will return mir lamp a it u m till 1 ii oirr itau pin over heard of a mcdfalnb willi nrh nl rr ord of aim u hh ho d a harnap arllla don 1 you irnuw that iior har haparllla tint 0110 run mood purlmic u prnvnd nvrr and over again that it hn power tri enn i vi u afli r nil ollinr rnin dloa nil h 11 ha v imjiuro hi m you may tako hood knraiartllii with he illinnnl rotilihliit uial it will dn ugol lloodnmu annul digiilloii ji renin fhiarpnkb 1 tho abilll nil fn hrgin re thai prohu hlgilh of woiin aro vanablo apwtiui itemng at llioljiima mr lr lows worm hrup i tbo beat p ijic not menu ilhr irly to n xharn qf the i x the akn hla ihlr ti ikii oli lii iner im1 tnkru totoh dluht duriui ldah u ill rure oiialipiliuu ofi n turning llndahn afrtllrrlar artlun of thn bowd hun liivfr idu iravo no iiiiphnaaul after tfei i i hav i hn rujili in hul a 1 1 butililn i y in tho hdliau la a 1 doe u i pray enough a 4routtuaul lanjur ti aign health n s ott 1 eight children ecry one in good l ouu of whom but haa taken dularou in which my wife haa confidence keep praie all lajk of joy 111 the hollow a 01 iho removal of corn never beard of it fi the wont kind what a nubile rur tlowpaper portrait ml 1 hkl in ovrr four jean iho conn tipal ion nol wi much cab 1 got llirm aud look it legularl the 1 ure ia a ajierilic for hire i ar- oihmt mr i homo habiu aaja my eleven year old boy had hla foot badl injurod by buiiig run ovur by a car on lltu klrrct uaihuy wo al onco oommoocnl balbiu r fool with lr ihomaa 1 electric oil when ihu diicolora lion and welling wm removed aud in nine daya ha could uio hla foot wo alwaja koep a ihiiiiu in the huimp ready tor any emergence jur dangera aud dehghta are near allies from the amo lem hit roo aud pricklo kreu ami on exp turalion iinuiediatclv rohevea and frcea the throat and lunga from mac id phlegm and a modicnio that promote tbia ib tho beat mod 10 1 no to ue for cough c ldh inflaiiimaliou of the luoga and all afftcliuiih of ttiu thruat and cheat 1 bin ia prcciely what itiokle a anil conaumpliva tyrup in a aiwoifli for and whorever uaod it hai uivau unbouudud aatiafaction children like it becauao it ia pleaaaul adult like it liccaiiao it rthovoa and cure the diaeaae nl hh to y ou lio 01 lur aid il waa ling in aptiid too ttlea of ii 11 it can cirtify that 1 am now lu iho erv bent ot b very grateful to ii it it aiiiro ii 1 v muultcal g nd feel nuirili old the truth lr row lor ado dirp enough u i wild hltabery olery rampn t olio i morbus t holer infant eneaa of the bontua novel nl ably r ilia agai y f r the churt ef bultar makr i i atul old llrr drtxau and thy kt aatiuoli ri i know i towiiahl a llry churn j r ia itil bultar than irn i tk ihir i have lb l i t il ilai ili ixkly iiakc ni iirtii rr hundrwl itv addrraa i 1 bp horn- 1 low ltii make lo or ll 1 hi j v liaayata hi iouia yon c el tlmulara aud full information p yi uail make big money right at home have roatlio ibo in the paal two week al 1 navor aold aoytblug before in my lif a h break up a cold in timp bv uiinq pyny- pectoral tin 11s i not r mihn h j 4 ciirriinaiknt it ii- 1 llulu-l- f i ul- lr lift ho iltml a i wi i n i i i l w i corrcct- llflf acidity of tho stomach curing bill ouinaaa dvipepila i hmdkchtt uluinu ihaartbunwcomitlpa- itlon drynaa of the iskn dropay aolm- naaiof vulon jaun- idlc salt rhaurh leryilpolaj scrofula fluttering of iho i htart narvousnati landgnarml debility iljliri jnn il fa i of burdock blood ibittehs t hiluuhn aco uie limadi and boi i fn 11 all b uialllr but tiny vrii tho citlrtory voaoida raulug tliuui lo xur iiopiui rilu ion from the blood into ib uiwol after which the corrupted maa ia thrown out by tho natural aao 1 f thn body i bay mb ucd a a koorrl familv inrdillnc wilb iho it ho 10 iinl l lluli k i ilia vn1 hl i u minim i n s 1111 ili 1 i ii omjii nihy it m it lio ll ii i ll 111 u ill i i sal i mm hull iii i 11 i the d l emulsion is lnvaluablo if you are run down as it is 11 food as well as a medicine the d l emulsion w ill lul i r i ui k nuil iwallh 1 tho d l emulsion llllm i jliyl lr iirrno i ulluii 1 m i ibu 1mb tl 1 u tho d l emulsion rtkrtlci l il lnjliia rfifucii of tho d l emulsion in ilvcllib flail 1 ulut1 i hilt ti ctllo boo si per dottle iu rr j upl luvia a uwmmh co lib ano i lit m hot 1 unii fcid 01 duj iji jar r ao va the iiioio it ian i woman 1 i i my t u v 1111 i traced bi llr i dt leaimg m any dy id 1 i now have i in husband doea rkmg al all but i i ad when t ell bllll liiull i nil work ili i c ertai n painkiller painkiller the gieat family pledlclne of the age token internally itcurep diarrhcoo cramp and pain in the stomach sore ihnat sudden corfa oofrjht eta eta used externally it curea cut bniltet burns scalds spralnu toothache pain in the face neumlnia rheumittimm frosted ft of oiuiihioo ll i ir iiuuw uai ui llir imita u ui bull ih whou two ditcourno if the one a angoi ae the man who hln tho louloat fall 11 a lmanlb to makh muntv flit hj murray i lanrfians florida water tin swirrisr mom ihadltvnr mnsr ltllhishini am i mil kim of at i pnuroihis ron thu handkenchief loiler oil datji ll druggists perfumers hd general dealers k k ii 1 k k 7 tlbenea of llrltiah oluulbla art ruhotft ui tho world whon ou llud jou cannot aleep aud gel up 111 iho momiit wll furrowed tongi bad laalo in your moiilh aa lirrd aa whey you went to lied lie turrd our livir ii out of orl r wright liter and htomach lltla will prove a blcaaing ihry mil poa llivcly tfluot a cure j kaiiiinain irugiat ban them in atork iru n r box aak for circular them aro nnnea which wound like daggcra wlien hatiy wn r wo en n her 1 torta wlnnn- bm llll 1 mi lir aatorla when ihit tcam sli il rlnt i lrl ltd aim luwl lill 11 1 1 hake bcr men grap aud fraclis k ri old freh aa when picked 1 uae too i aliforuia old irocean do not heat ur acal the fruit piat put il up cold krepa perfectly freli anil ooata i iiihb i iiollin ao put up a buxhol 111 leu minuto laat week 1 aold direction to over i jo familloa auyouu will pay a dollar for dlreolioua when ihey see the beautiful sample of fruit aa there are mail peoplo wur llko myaelf i cunaider it my duly lo give my oxwrloiilc lu auoh and fewl confldeut auy one can make one ur two hundred dollar round home 111 a few da a 1 will mail ample of fruit and couiploto direction to an uf our reader for oiijitccn two cent lamp whiili ia only the actual cul of tlio aaiiiplrr wuge oti lo ma ijumu a hi iouib mo i lu lilrrliio ihe hiirrl lo te rl la to be dead thi ro pevcr wai and never will be tiuivurual pbliua in one remedy for ilia to whirl ileal i bur the very natu of many cuialiwn boing buqii that wet the rurrn ot other f nd3morenlly eaed diaoanch rooted in itkbynloin of the patieul what would relieve bne iii 111 turn would aggravate tho olhr we have lmm in omnino wine when obtained in a aoaud unadultoralcd alale a remedy for many and gnovoua jlln liy it gradual pidioiou mo tho irailoat n jet line are led into can valcaconco and alrejigth by tho inouence which qmuino exorta on nature a t roatoralivta it rcliovca tho drooping pinta of tboao with whom a chrouic atate of morbid denpoudeiio and lack uf lutereat iu life la a diaeaac and by traixiuiltziog iho nerve dupoueti lo win 11 d and refresh ing aleep imparls vior lo the aotloo of the blood which being at 1 initialed coaraea throughout ihe lelua blrrnglheniii ihe healthy anion il fuiu linn of iho tem ihereb making nctuit a necrnnary reault afcrrngthemng the frunr and pnrp life to iho digoativo organ which natural demand lncreim aubatauce re ull im proved apputito nurthlop a 1 man of toronto hat 11011 to llio public lb jul 11 1 no wtno al ihe ullal rale a juagotl b lie o pi nl of aclentiat t wine appruuehea ntaiel pirfection uf 1 in the market all drukgml- 11 m scrofula any doctor u ill tell un hat i 1 elisor 1 1 in- l iciuimii iw1ilii llk lhlluklpliil li urn nl 1 in lnkit nithoi hn 111 ilu unilil on tlc kllllll nl ill ii lu in- lit i 1 k simiiiih i ll i it ilu nl ol si 10i11i 1 hi- i he iiku is l luu ilu in lophiisiiiu s slioiild be oinliincil u hh the ml scotts emulsion ol liki in ii ott u 11i1 li ioiihm pin it 1- prcliscly u1i1 a pii paratum g 7x phnnhb6cker tinsmith oiuvoti ranges futnocos 1 11 11 1 i ui uuppor and itun ua adecker mill blooi acfon the jriglit house cor king and bfughnonbti raihucon 1 aiiluiun jumls feu autumn nqciih l 1 wanluiktbteai bualneaa will itqjnrtiilv roirtealhn it wanlttaktbraal 1 lally if r n actlvlly thla bualiinaa ia ever on thn artvanrn imflrna l llm only laltifu liroup 1tmirn r rfirnaalvn uroitli altooul tlirnuithout llm imn ja more oftr and uiuro vauwl than nnr krnu ha illrtnreni paila l uia nor ll 11 itmaftcvlllarltoii ituay lliiiia tlieae hilemlir ilaya nr waa tlie atori ao uiurmithlf in eiont villi iu uilaliii mjjtfterr irae thla department c111 in nr tb 1- ft caaniluilnroinnlus and atiaeloua alinwvimui cave iy to ae the rood ithout vnrprlm munli iibr irniu mii rerenujrjot our arinl lit iarliiieiil twronu rlliua ui pre enilnnnrn hate hm u mad for ll lu thiwn adv rtlaomenlh t- trry aorl of the claim la now re arllminl will rllo and cnnrmxuc wa aiibmll our atoek to your luatioellon and couiiariaon ilnrw ant lljlata1 ihe rln oat goods from die imwi hi ah era in the world our poller baa boan and alwaya will be lo ill you ilia beat value that can fw altalnnd anvwliarn th very nawaal raeta and ilia lain iirtaluet will alall time tie found i m re ixiufllit fnr ajwl easb from the fountain luiail at llie lowoat price over knowu any oandm anil eouiieleiil erlllo will ailmll dial tiia arwlhth9k liell liy u lual now la mhunil ui f stupid wtparlmrof i- lailnnlottn any nrlre any jiallern ihi iaaliioierhami urun nf dark mural jinil iauley iltnrna for wrapihira lmliiein atock of klanuela oopitlim ol i nlnii hlilrlluirn in alviixwand eheeka llio vary iwat makea in all wool all width mud ahalea ileaae laar lu 111 toil we koi lr jfltar hobiui flannel rll prima n daaltfin cashmere print aullahle for edinforter anaillan hlilrtiir new pattern arty price you wlab tobive kuauali ialatna hlrtjip tu tlful good i- nullah iminuarea aululln for ho ijw and klrtlnini heotell apron liiilhsjlia now jwtlnrua for fall inch auir iri flhlrtliua fancy trllki w i nrh oeftuan ilalcl kklrtlmc new k nullah uolakln and urduroy lu lirowii ami drab adudll value unon department if ao rllnrf in ottr ynu slock of uoo unairoacbalile for variety laateful tyto and low price tbl department would not bfc in kevtiinii witb the vast atock all uirouutfum ll linena at tb very low id of careful buyers wlioaa faith ll la never abakeu thotr fidelity ireatd uie nulille opportunity we wlali to call tour fmuu ttantion to tbo handsome point flmialaaaiicd be art center places amliluylloa tlinw aro onemwlirujly pretty now table liu otia iietlar value than eter uri opilo ty 1pl abundantly ratiraaantad and in tlia exhibit oun uitih dime cully varla raiin e nf ihe hrlyht ullllnery opanlnit wi uailwav tlmalltabl b grand trunlc hallway 1 lion that avar iraed aduilradby all drebm coofa tli a stock pawrtm pari umloit and llerlln ham oontrtbutail aaeb mora lavishly than over what do you gain by il all 7 tbia the satisfying ktiowladf ibat yop bava tlm i teat nf the world to obooa from to daserilt tiir ifaauty oftt would lie a nopal laak yaar a lieal was ihi years alartlng jwlnu we extanl lo you a cordial invitation to wi lliia moat oitenalva and elagant eollerlion of lire ualariala faalina aaurad tbl the mot fas udloua lasta can be plaaaad hare jlmlfra we have aalhorad bm for yon all uit la ilia ihmi mid newest from utt fashion oootra ot llm world tha liish reputation of our uantls datwrluiant will nol auffar by eafnpariaoo wltli tti nnnal production of pru itarllu lonrioif and vienna tha naaterpiaoaa ot tha first artists are bera sliown with wlila and coiifl dene wa submit our block for your inspection t mlamlewy vvesoliclt a caraftil aemtlny of oui atock wblcli w ara aauiaad will con lulellieanl their tnta bsrmuna now being orarad kur apeolal attantlon to our iromallaa stock of ool 1 ndarwaar yar ago wa made tlie standard the mpat ootnplata undoirwaar stock in canada no vaftatiot no dounion in oubutlty or variety baa ilnoa baaa tatevated the oohactlon la alwaya nnlqua and perfect tba beat nd the chaapasl hava qual eara uemm farmlmblmgm tbia stdhk la now at iu bast oar bast effort re pjojbiad to tha grand collection and aeonoio leal diatributioa of sueh good only as you ara ha it rod by buying nothing will be found wanting bera lo make a ganl a oalflt cornjdata i llu k 1- llll f w tli 1 ii ii n 1 hlk ii 1 mil in 1 uaj f ull a 1 w b11 l 1 il il 11 i all d im m j wn 11 aualil m x itxi asm lo nip ier ir 1 owle 1 a i t lf wildhtrwuir cure uiaril nu ii u lull jr hohtt fl dura ii in lilrra mor bua and all uf iho bo we 11 r 1 iiiplalula ad uhha- or adult llur wftsb you pan always feel gay no tijattcr how cold or storm the day is be you man worn in or child if on hae our fill and winter clotlnnp niuilincl with fibre chamois 1 h 1 ii nlar uyle and wuiuth lih sells now for 25c a yard so that ciry one can iflnd 11 enjoy ibe comfuriint lichllil 1 warmth it furnishes no cxiii 1 weight or bulk onl a jdnll fitiftiibps and a ct sy vainilh ol which the coldcm wind or frobt l 111 ruinai rob joti sec that it is put in all ordered cltitlimp nl i im the lahrl ttluclt bhows that a icady to wiar pariiicnt i li i- u i 11 11it ilund t ith it aoti nally can t aitord to do tear garment v 10 without it osvssksj tr lureat and uett for table atul dairy nb ailuhcrallon ttvr ckca l omtiby modelled rat h pagswaaw iurjiuc rubbers modelled rat h year to lit ull the la tot shoe hlufies kxtn thick ball uul heel 1 lunciily made a juic huliber ilu injiu 1 utu stylish lttrjllc old everywhere they wear llko iron iaaa a aaaaaaaaakaivaakjkaaaaajauu ailvantaiie we offer will be unsurpassed kfiedlou mrvlea prompt eourteona and lreatiieit to all our mtrcna alwaya mindful of your inlareat- karnnlea aant on hini all union promptly exocutod woliay cbarg on purchaa of flva dollar thomas c watkins ember 24th 196 the right house ladies perfect fitting underwear 1 adits natural woo ycsr with crochet frcmt nck at tit h and 55 i 00 all sues fall hosiery i aiul i hiltlien i i kibbetl cashn ll iluuhk knee in tll sizes t e curney st co mill street at lun pringle watchmaker cuelph ont i main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor ilaoufacturcr of bash door i- raues until hug in 11 llc 1 hustle make a show j four buaiucas make ki t 11 dowu and wairfur irad- taint the way taint iho way ui te anything to sll tell it out i ile neighbors ee you n i up bargalu dot t di iu ve atiythnig lo aell loll it out loll it out la won i knu 1 advertise ihintf movii ui da ik about it thai a the way ikn won i know you if you d advcrtlae uatchino and uouldinq lo orde mi abort iicillce wn irl lock mi haul at if r i ul tbe lime john cameron proprietor ataui tu the iiuut with screen doors doors frames mouldings pvj7vvps t fuol of hlvor streat acton thos ebbaoe manager brampton pressed brigx add tile works jas packham finest pressed brick urluin nie uf 11 iu j ia sttuk ll- i illil a ii 1 ui 166 houili wolllntor blodt t urampton a mclaren destist 243 t si toronto nrsttlaalluuct ut tewlh f or a foh twenty mix yeah3 dunns baking powder the cooks best friend unont sali in canada rdm hant tailor ac1 r i in tin mini olil place doiii i i i clt- ii i ui trim nt guaranteed perrymak b k lock the f est purh i of teas pureako rich 1 a black- ceylon i ski mhixed in lead mackets onlv 1 2 and 1 pound fz 5 30 0 50 ado 60 cchts g g f a pound at all cnocehs 6 mi davidson i hav lto wholesale agents toronto 1 djio mat k tliiuli ly lvlllutjilj gtitntifk american rr r- iuiuiii i i the perfect tea monsoon tea i- hi wean aaatapaw rwom thc na flant to tmk twa cur in it nativk puflltv m-u- tr- l- 1 1 1 rftkt 4 tc rw tli 1- ilul ohw buvika imhb m kk s tllil i tilvlt aoj1 timb i a ll l i 1 i m iu lb and i itw and a u i r lj i jn awl cue 11- 1 v l i l ulllumluamla isrm mum o 4i y

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