Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1896, p. 2

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vv i ie tint mi h al itadloy hid october u llr and ui daughter r ii airitafaii t u ihamler u t ma ruff n 1 s lurtiei i hasknititat i in- real inure bride father in ytliiiby towualiip li ii llrlaraii oluniiui llnv lnu of hallluafa i to ulm i trti wairrflnlrnank al ll residence nl tliti brlilaalbaf mi wmiieadav 7tli octolmt by her tlr ton-am- tbellfiv hanlnl hlewart of honeannuat iowa tlio ytiuufinat sou a l u dim aitrnri i al 7 1 tn niacin an on halurday out 3rd juhn lerapball aged to years lkvifo ulltoa on hnnday llm iu oct itobort ikiyil aned 31 fears 1 monlln kcott on huntley oct 4 william hcott hmi ulllon aged hi imn i inoufh 10 day domiik- at lumehouan on twwday kill oec tin wile ol jamaa lkibbla afiwt m years i aimiai norval on hstunlav dei la elb brlrti ull lor rallcl j ihe lata i iter i aird brwl tt years anil 3 moo iii foastka at ilia lata raalriaoce oak villa tbnradey evanlng oct h john t- irster i native ef 1 1 rsmptoii cupalerland riifjund hla totli year i 1 krkmtttai ht mary a on thurshay nth october mar llrown wife at joshua fro man ami twin aialar ul james drown kan acton asod ho yaers d in klje xton jvtt rcss thmtbday octobhh 15 1uu6 notes and comments wheat has recently been bought in san franciaco for shipment to c a lent la india being threatened wilh a car i am inn hoar prion aea steadily ruing and there am people who talk serine i y abant dollar wheel the rise in whoslhaa been sharp and fairly well bnataied indications are for lusher prices the proxmts of canadian steamship navigation i ebown by thai fact lhat the celebrated voyage of the isiibrailor in ittlm beaten by the c ihnilit lha oilier day by rnhlen hour the nxatla left liver poo4 al 0 p m on thursday an quebec al j so on rricliy oioruiog and wu in monlroal al 5 so p aulajuwa the comi and ur labelay ch of engineer ra a pi mo on both ocoa lirfurmrr in i ho nominated jobu laal week the uilton gencrousnoea of ila naaurr weldir ex m i of hallofi for ado of the vacant aeiiatorahip the rrfui mrr ti to consult mr waldia in the matter and now mr wafldie though a dafsaled candidate for the commoui wnm over ilia own aiktiatore that he doaa not waul a unalorehip in that respect u wldi differ ndtdatea front moil defeated a cablegram from ioodun aaya the canadian uovernmcnt haa given full aaanranot to their tnenda hero of their inlenuoo to make strenuqna effort lo people the vacant lande of ttie great north weal they have al tho ime time called detailed onjtoi from oovemment amenle and iramahip compamea ooootrped in emigration witb a view to formulating a workable acherua to attract carefully elected emidranta from great britain germany auatria and scandinavia insurance reduction tho no port of tho undarwrltorn innpoctor favorablo to actons balnu flatod in clasn e a fire limit ovlaw passed lver pincn tho paaun nf tlm firb im loot ion lly law laat fall tho cotuicil liaa k aii by llm acrnrink if fuaalflcatlnn in 1 been engaged in cnmplntltiu arratitftnioii for aileaiiale prulecliou atint dihiilrnua area nd at tho iimi lime nuable ihdfa to niont tto xectatiuna of tlio ralepayera by wourind a roduatfon in tlieraea of in aurancr whon inapeotor ilowo waa heru on iho 4th september ho mado a oritipl oximina of the fire apphanoea and the ability- of the fire urisade to handle thorn during liia vialt lie eaprnaacd the opinion that all re malnitik neceaaary to aeciire rating in alaaa l waa the paaaauo of a aullable kio limit uv law ihiaie borne out in iho follow i nft report aubiniltml lo the hoard of underwriters tlio nurt uiada to tlio canadian rlro under wrltori aaaoclauou liy luanatr muara vvm pantlnit ilia luafaeflon vat tiro aipllano at a o ton on heputn1ar ui iwa la aa tnllnwa tbia 11 ado now ejaaaod k mpulauan ul imriirl value i7i oil ka altualod on tho 1 t h ol iuiids weal troui toronto and la wlllioiil itwi or ira lluilu or itoratoof coal oil imiw lor etc tlio bualnoaa bnuui ara on mill hi between ualn and j olio rtu a dlauiiro ol wo tent on ualn for 300 oat north woal ot ulll lit amt a tithara caltortnl about one ball traiiio oris- fourth rollltbcaat tlio rent brick two atorloa an i in moat caaea a littlo dotacbod dwelllnqa are lu about equal proportione of f rai a roughoaal and brick one lo two aod a half alalia aod generally wall dataehod hlnwla axe ml to m foot wide llshlad by so coal oil uuipa ulll au 1 ualn hu macadainlit tho reel uatnral no laa on lnnuranco eornpanlea th- imi are waa lu a frame lulldh about 3iu0 feel from tlio ara ball al i a iu two vmli mgr ula work ot thii firemen u rood and tho loaa hi ii klra kucliio water huiply l trom iwocroeka two tiilll onda autl our undnnrround tanka the lamnr locwtoil al uia rornam ot i to wo and willow and frederick an 1 ulll tita on uajn ht lual niirlb wdbi of tlio railway an 1 on oiio oiiwalia arthur kl- lapactty ot ibo drat ant ncflml ix hu callnna racb uio thr 1 and fourth hood irallonaeach uia two fi hu and aupillnl throuxti llicti plpea iroui a i 11 pod ally i by tramcr all i i loctl i tile d k ii laat car by ciclty soi lut ol a eady to llfibt that the i blio and tliib lu ord bchoola may have no ml ivloga aa to tba orxaniaalion of ibe claraei for the year we ara authorised to elate hkl tbe renal a tioua of the bducation department which la now under oonaideratiop and which will be leaned within a oouple of month will of atndy minatiooa 1bj7 in made that calla iber by oapaoiora the laa beau to oon amend prev ion a involve uo change- in the either of public or high the anbjecta for any of required by tba departmt ot for fact no obaugo haa been for irarjddiala oon aider lion qrualrea teacher or object of the depart men i aolidata rather than to regulation a the a a ion pass paxim la que with the hrfurmrr in condemnim aa unfaii recent diviatoo of tbe co nty into county council dlaulela and i lie tbe uefa thtnka that if poaaible i lera ahould he an appeal eirainat the work i f tbe abnimlaaion era iiov on earth can la county oonncil be legally conatitutod wil tatlve from each muntci the exiatlug arrangemei genoy la more thi probable and ahould v what municipality lo tolerate a county couj repreeeo tall fee from o but iu own what govemmant lo frame al would deprive a la i ion at ibo oouuty con not uue manicipajity aa reprtwented there aa au ifber thing ia inoonoelvabla a la alcd ulat a municipal it oounly oouno1 purpoeea aa to the manner may be eipended againil ihe mauuer li tout a repreaeu- lityt and auder ach b oamin it le very thing oocur oounty ia roing icil compoaed of pality ight have the enact a law ita lily of repraaen li board t he liuoti right lo bo why the be toler tan be taxed tor apd havw no voloe q the aald fuuda iain we proteat tbla oouuty found full al tin appruaclioa which an aullal ly arr tho vratnr iui ly a urautly abui both dii ualn hi uud aliout 1 uu tual ul ulll hl tba other 3i u of gucoii hi tba tank ai aupply ara about 1000 feet atart and to ma that if auouior larue tank couatruol- d al corner of lliurcb al jo u bta uoar the llchoreli the vlllacn woul i l fairly well ooveml one btoani fire i- tilno bulli itouald now lu coud oondluuu kallona par tut aula on boalor practice on uio 311 ult tire laid with umetatftfual and lit on itmvin- uio tat luii crtr5nt of good aucllou lioae and rcaionda lo all alarma toal cart drawn by band fuglnthir and aaaltajil llva aixut i feel from nrn hall tile furuiar iaid ah uio latter er year uuu jteobv cl tag han h ib caiiaclty 000 foot omii total 1 j tout of two aod a half inch rubber lioae bought laat oar all in soul condition nona bural ynt two alanines oue uch three lirum playplhia lu 8id condition five uoaalea lo of inch aod sod naab of 1 it aud u inch hook aud adder truck oil drawn by baud uada two veara aa by htnltli i in tpmnlii ultably oulptwd wltb one 3i it- eateualon lad dar two wail laddora 13 aud ii feet one 11tl root ladder two axea two ucka w tiro buahet one tt ola and chain book la plko polo two crowbara and loo lanterna tire elation la cou von i an lly altualod at ooru of willow aud llower hla walla brick root h inula in mortar two blorloe and lataclinl liowar part nra uall cooncil room antarvuui lawyaraofuce library aud police colli h wr door la town hail so on alenlia in tbe build 1u klra ball lu tumt u aiwava accoaaablo but uot autoruatlc all appllcauoe kept bare o i cant tba book and ladder truck which in lu a uw and wall dalacbad fraulo bulldtiu uoai eroctad fur uikt lhinaa only alanu lallvtin frutu ula rra iwll oulv tale p lion aar vice lu ilia vlllaite froiu ham u n m so lleo or ulhl patrol nullil watch man eaid to u on duty at huway a tanuo uia glove factory jloardmur tanuory au 1 tba actou tanning o alao a ulaht uarator au 1 awllchuian at tba 1 t ii but tbay am not uu uio atraala llrlitade total bj uo jay emcopl u atoamnr angluaer and aula twit who rocalvn aw and 9tt per year respectively all an active an i null aula men none available tor immediate duly ddm alaeplug in ore ball chief waa npotntad laat januarj baa full ooulrul al ore all uoeuoua rflecldoal accordlug lloraaa i1k1 wi flla pall fur tuain fruui livery atable about 1000 loot from ore hall tleueral all aplillaucua turn out at avary alarm ol are winter ruuuera fi book and ladder truck teat without i revloua notice fruui firs ball at 11 11 atu coal caj- bulb roeii uul 11 lij atouuer out 11 11 book and iaddar truuk uul aui arrlvod 11 lot puui iuk at t lwinp to tlio prodominancn of framo afidtonulicaat at ore lituldiiiuh in addition lo lliia the nxtra appiratim and at ion uncn neceaiary would reniicrclami d too tt pen ivo an undertaking fur aolon to aim lo recti re at preaeut it ia tatimittrtl liowovi r that the rrduo irtu 1 v i ton ara knrrutri w bbvjuk l pojtr7lioidef in aclon rfinlvalent lo tho rullrn coat of all our flru proleclion appliance oud educational interests is nolaon roalifna her poaitlon aa toochor of tho prlmory dapartmont public n man u lt follow 1 i jai in rpn liaa i ivlded loi 1 mjaoa aa being unfair i dot mi j ml beliik divided accord lilt o ifopulalluu or the aaaoaaed value of la muulcipallioe lhe tun pbkbh aud tlr 0 tntr apparently are the only two papera 0 the oouuty that own aea aoj injustice in iho arrangement jut iojuatioa ihejre la a4 mlaring at that ltfurmr womans misblonrv societ ol dpi lha annual oonveatloit pf the hamilton ittanoh of the wofolln a mlaalonary buciety held in the ilitenary church hamilton laal weak waa largely attended ifta programme waa f bb1y lotcreeting in a and mujhrformaijjo of value from lb returned cou i ore u ilaoover tba following war e fioard which uioata in joth ueadaroaw oayfajr flholpe william lianly and aliloball lira jloaebrugb aud u a itrelbooi uc aguawa liyer lu are iba niuel parfmt made aufl omailtka majrl lok blliauanaaa iudi bmdaobe ooumipaliou geajtioo nd all llr till 40 domm bold by j iled to lhe ueoeral llramptou uo oat tba alternate are luoaota vial- kanuawiu tba laddora w itlat ur ate an r ui lio1a uik k tl urn f iliiwltig liuull l il pain i until lajriiglit al all ii i uiau lo tlaai lu uia nra ball o brlrfada iuimuiic lualanl i mtard ctiaiulcal ora aitlngi thn hoar i df trualeea of aolo school mot in the public library day cvntiing at 7 jo o clock there wrre prrarnt 111 chairman w ii hi ore y and jama mcifcm ooore ilynd tj lltfardliigbiid itybert wallace an account of 5 7 from j kanna win for auppllee waa recumineiidrt by the nuance committee to he paidj mini nelaou aent in hnr relltfiialion aa teacher ut ho primer drjiortmcnt which ho haa buceeaafully coiuluattfd for llm pa ia yoara hur rra gnatioi will take nftoct at cbriatmaa vaeallon t mtit appllaauln for llm varant position worn reooivod il waa however dtr itfd upon motion of tfoear ilynd and ilarlinu to adverliae for further application fir the position moved by george ii da asconded by t ii hardim that tlvoipaa t moor teaclifr of ural department caavte mophaii for avcond and ida palleraon for third bo re onkaboi for ihi7 at aame alarfea a they are at prevent reooivmg garriod the boird then adj mrnod mild monday evening jolh october at 10 u clock halton county show tho new exhibition hull la inaug urated with n splondld fair lhe forty fourth annual exhibition of llalion agricultural bocicty uwnod tub day annrnii k moat auplcloualy and wod lieailay waa alio a fair and pleaaant day tlio en trim in the claatoa el hi lilted in uio hall wcro never ao uunibroti- the aggre 1alr number of eiitrira tar eaonxliug tboae of any former year the cxhihua in all clac were particularly fine in fruit the diaplay n aomothiug remrkable for aix ipiality and quantity and coold noi be ei celled in any part of canada the paintinge drawiuka etc thovn in the line art department wore particularly credit able lo then uinty homo of them won p nitre at iho toronto lnduatrial an i the walcm i- air at loiidon in domcatin proilucliona and fancy work llm ladica ol tho county have fairly excelled themaohea thouuh lha ciilriee were no uumuroua lhe ealilbila appeared to much better advaulage than thoaoof former ac owing to tba lu aroesod accomodation aflordod by the apacioua new agricultural bull liug recently orocted by the aocioly the live lock exhibit waa fully up lo that of former earn whllo tho dupuf of boracn in harueaa waa unuaually kpod aud included aomo very uurrammala the attoiidancu waa very jood coiiaidcr lug lhe atalu of the roada and waa aim oaf cjual to that of laat tar georottown m itndr warner ormoily ployeee of the grand trunk halfway hero have purchaecd the gle iiianufacluring bualnoaa of wland a co tho funeral uf mr thoa itrown former ly of dlenwilliamb who disd al tho rrai dcuoe rf hl aou mr t n drown llallma fad mouday took place 1 uesday allernoon to llcu willlam oemelery u haturda laal mra i aird wife of uio late peter iaird and mother uf mr p h 1 aird contractor of i hla place pasaod away after a prolongod ill it aea iorminaung in paralyaia which cauactl her death f ho intormout took place yealerday afteruooo from ber late roaidenco lo norval cnmelcry hi geurgo a church waa crowded at both aervtcea on honda v laal the occaalun lieluk iho animal thankagtving aervicr itev mr hiuilli of i lorn dehvorod very able dicouraen on hjth occaaiona winch wore iiiui1i ciiood by 111 hearer church waa beautifully decorated aa a very aucoraalul ailertalniuc lhe lth the of ll o diaoiplea hutcl waa held day evening 1 1 uloll oh uroh ik ik lror kinmu waa l vo folio wing laleu t in lb oir uxual alyln mra 11 w par kcr a t ol 1 irtmlu mi i itobti mill of 11 mia mable cm ul mi 1 ana lra k j lutl i a 1 m lace in uou a vary by iho at jlrrian hurt h will um tbau x ira llbllt 1 it la feuraly a matter lor congralulaliou ibal ao favorable a report haa followod the ural inapcotiun bur audi a roaoll credit la due both lo lha c0ort of the ouucil and lo the pruniplneaa aud ability of lha members of vbe fire itrlgade witb a view to the paaaign uf a alialai tory ilnt limit ly law tho couucll a tew wooka ago apioiiilod a repreaautativa com m 1 1 loo uf rategiayara lo conault willi tboni lu framtiiu aucb a hj law 1 ho oommltlaw met muuday eveulug and there were preaent tho heave uou ctllora nickhu fraucia matthews and ilrowu and measr w ii utorwy j li peara ii p moore j j uwtuii and usury uriudeji after careful oanalderatiou it waa rooutii mended that the gouuell paaa a by lai prolnblliug tho ercutlou or removal iherol ot any building other tbau atone brisk o frame ooverwd with iron jwlthiu tbe follow lug limit avenus paejt thai oa mill btre froi uuelph hireel of church to join on hower avanu from willow in the g 1 it aud on main street from weak dower htrssl to church street tbe aluraga of ooal ull bsnaius gssollua aod gun iowder la also regulated the alaluoauon of aoluu aa an b town for iuaurano uurpoass will eflcot mfuotiott iu lbs rata frur 11 a0 91 u i 00 aothaauitt our ptwwul olaa f to 1 ju imonrrs armtaaooordtng lo ooua i ruction of building tvmrahl be difficult lo rata lha olaaaiucaliut above tho pulpit in riuii an i ohjiiiiii tin m r i ii f iho tliurh aftn hrb hlia ban will deliver hla iplu ir u un italy an i hotla i holkwuull 1 i lie m ol mr john horn- b a b of liia left hand about a week when playnik at achikii he foil aud oi duwn on inn han i with auch f ireo thai broke auiiio of the amail ixino hid shaw lnteuauiuitiiil co ave ouioert ou tile evening uf lire abow m hoae waa aerloualy til and her juc wa oiled by mlaa mortimer n al home in al i of tba hurili i o will bo hold in htmou hall molidav net mr ant mra malbraoti ol ltnll were 10 lhe village for tlio fall fall mr ii kiiiikiv t i tinlo apouk 1 week iii hx kwoixl mcaara llmf slid hi waror lorrnei ul the 1 1 u have purihaae i iho gl j bualnoaa f ian i b i o georgetown nockwod show crnmosn aavrc uitumf sooloty hon b splondld exhibition flno wanthor and a ldrao crowd 1 i f j w x j i j- a lifijob martyrdom endurbd dy those who buf fer from constant headache itmkwood abow lit fitmpltmlly hl lo en lure wet ami klnoniy wraher but lat tliuraday snl i n uy l vaa lniulnry favorml and a a nutilt viallor an i nxhibl tors ujood tlio dajui and turned out in largo n umbers the ahow throughout waa without doubt one of the beat hock wood liaa ever held the display of frnll eapccially of apples was tho inset aeon in hockwool fur many year hock wood haa a mow than local ra nutation fur ffn aria tho oim petition lipartioularly keen here oo account of a number of rxnoru frimi a dlatanoe always r uht in tli vir tho rivalry waa a n as ever in hie aal the root vrhfltabtoa elr wore iulta up to the alnndard the butter and the bread wem choice but the chroae wa not ag tod aa has been shown in llickwood before there aai a rreat showing of stock in almost all the daises the durliama jersey and grade battle were a fine lot the entries for sheep wore largo in cots wold a leicester ami i incolna tho rjhrops and uxfordu were alao good in piga poland chinas were not numerous but what wero ihnre were good tho harks and yorkabi u were a quo lol lhe centra of attraction on rriday after noon was the horse ring competent judges oomijer the horo ahow to bo away above the average the roadster aud light horses wero all alook and well groom ad animals but perhaps the finest mot from a horse fancier a standpoint wa tba great showing of hevy draught and kenor j purpose horarat a a general rulo those latter classes have not been very well filled this season but hock wood waa an exception tho most intftreailing and exciting eveut of tho afternoon was the hurdle jumping for prixoi donated by the uuelph hunt club ll wai rather lato when iho jump ing stariod but ll proved a keon oon lest aud many waited to boo tbo finish there were live homes entered but after the bar had been raised a notch or two argo a horao dropped oul til k in a plucky litue beast was tlio next one lo toar tho hurdle down then there u aomo great jumping belworii m maud horse ridden by t tbi wm huckle a green one and mr laidlaw a big black giant joe which has been dubbed white lagle on account of the way ho flic when bo hfla bis feel at i feet j mobes mr buckle a horse which had hivon au exceedingly creditable per or ma hoc fnr a green animal was nnable to go any higher white eagle failed to clear tho bar with hit hind feet at that height but crag brought bia lioran up again and cleared the bar at s fool 1 inohe amidat treat apple tier an officer waa present and ho was kept bosy clearing lhe ground ao that exhibl tor might bavo every opportunity to die play their auimala to the beat advantage aud ho certainly deaervod credit for the manner in which ho regulated mattere the ufheore and directors aro to be cou gralulalcd upon the success of thla year a show hayta one abort puff of the breath through the lllowor supplied with each bottle of ir agnow a atarrbal powder diffuse tin powder over the burfaoo of tho nasal paaa age paiulcsa and dilightlul to use it relievoe iiistauuy and permaucutly cure alarrh hay iovor colds headadne bore throat i onallltia and ieaf neaa sold by j haiiiibwiu fall exhibitions kasi i utliar tlruil ll cm if l krln frill vlllago kil a an 1 31 naaaaaaaya cainpballvlllo oct i falhuxk tluelpii ixk k u 10 lid i ivcr complaint are cured by durdrak pili i ono who sufforod thus for over twenty vonrn rolntoa hor ex- porlonoo which will provo val- uahla tb otltara rrtim ibotrlbmio matt a onl amouu iho rnsidenta in tlio vicinity of juattawa thoro is none better known or more highly otteemed than mr ami mra it hanson who havu been reiident of this notion for llin past lift eon year t mr hansqu lias been a groat sufferer for cara her a miction taking the form or dixzinea and vinluiil hoidaches anil tho altacki would cumo 0nn her so audiionly that she could soarcely raaah her bod uuadod and would be forced to remain for lliroeor tom aya unable to take any uniinslntiniit aud snqnrinu mure than tongue can exprear iho waa but aovciilecii years of age whon three allacka first came upon her and the doctor who ihon attended tier add that in hia opinion her hfn would not exteud over a few year al mod hounoro than a score or years liavo allien paaacd during hie grnalrr pari of whloli it it true a hanson was a great nuflcror ilul thai happily pow past and alio la enjoying better health than ever she did tope reporter of the prtdunf mrs hanson lold hor story adding earnestly that alio hoped her experience might prove of benefit lo same sufferer she said the spoils of dixxineaa and intense headadhe would attack me every three or fogr weeks and would laat from two to four day al each attack arid with each si tacit my suiterliig aeemed to grow mo o intense i had fod medio advice and tried many re mod bul with uo beneficial results in the apring of lhj m appmlo began to fail ray handa and feet would swell and my heart palpitate violently i waa utterly diacooragod and felt lhl i would uol iwo much lunger ono day my daughter urged me to urve dr willlam piuk pills a h but i had taken ao much modicum with boueat lhat i refused however she wont to town aud got four boxes and ti pi her mure than for any hofxi uf benefit i agreed lo lako thorp 1 did uol uud the ural box do run anv h od but by the tn i hail 1 in tiled tlio socond my appetite began to improve and i could slotp better i theu began to have faith in tlirm and aa i continued their use found myaolf cou alao liy getting batter when i had finish ai the fourth box both myself and my frionda were surprised to find lhat 1 had not had a headache for more than tix woeka thoadion of my heart had beoomi regular and i coul i sleep soundly all night i was aviill weak however aud decided to continue the uao of the pills which i did until three innre boxes wore qse 8 luce theu 4 have bocn stronger than al any other time for yoara before aud have not bad an ache or pain 1 do my work have a new interest in arid feel ten yeara younger i faajl that dr williams pink pills will cttjfetmhers what they have dono for me uaqhfebvlni thia i am glad to make my lory pabllo li the hope thai it will bo of value to soroi mrs ltauaon a busbaud aud mother wore both preaent and say that they look upoi her recovery aa miraculous they nrtho aaid that many and many a night they bad aat up keeping hot cloths on her head lhat being the only treatment lhat bad helped her before she began iho use of lr wll lim piuk pili this groat remedy curlolios aud pup ties the blood streugthoua the nerves aud tins way goes to tho root of lhe disoai driving it rum the system and curl when other remedies fall lvory box of tho geuuloe ur willian pink pills has lhe trade mark on the wrapper around iho box and the put chaser can protect himself from impoel lion by refusing all others hold by all dealers at r cent a box or six botes j 60 our prices talk 1 a carpet slipper li to iu ca arpet siippura 1 1 lo i tau a arpet slippers 1 to 7 ten rell slippers 3 lo 7 ten a reit slippers j to 7 ion a pelt hno congress j to 7 belt km i hal worn ii pelt but urn hoots 1 lo 7 ilova heavy ioe hoots 11 lo n hoy heavy lace hoots 1 o 1 hoys huff ibco ilools 1 u v hiu a genuine dox calf uj to data laoa h hild a gil pebb butt tip ohild sgil pebb itutl tip mlax oil pebb hull lip om n c grain hals mens ihiug cong men a donu ong men s buft hing mens hllft i ace mellb huff i arc mens huff i ace mrnili nra gaitora wumi na dongila itilt ii dongpla hull liaa y f ht i b i 71tc former l 17 former price l is 7o former price 11 04 1 hm former prllo 11 hi i ii former price j i5 l ml former price h 7 h former price 11 51 ml former price ll is 1 il former price tl l imj former price 1 10 i7t former prl a ii hea i leader for ii 3 i neill the shoe man cuel a a ittlzk omiktitin an mtiumi iulilisliiii om pan lleuts the ketunl actxjitdimi tu iho uunuwal dial mti tba ii not ll i ubllablnu cu ut ottawa publiabara it ll lrf nosli uagaalua tlio urigbbht an i mail luloiealing iriolicl aver i tlulkl iu auad am making an uui rocatluiil od uflor to ll a roading public 1 hu oflur lofot wl lu la lbs following tl u high claaa ui lua will ba uul tu any aildroaa fur ofja sar fur hfty cou la ayahla lu ulvaun and furtlic u publlaliars will pay uia following caali prlaoa tu ilia aral uaiua uuo dollar tu uia aflawutb two il illara lo tba bundtwdtli five dollar tu tba 0v huudroxh nflaau dollara ui lhouau j th twauty avb dollars in uia ibouaanl ally d illaia ui ilia ivutli tbuua sudui uuo hirhdrvd dollars au i avary buu r iui u4ji ibanallor aa dollar itualduula atllty ul ottawa art uol allowa1 w nra fifty oanu duoa uul av lur uia paiwr imiw ll rau be produoail lur the uiuimi this kiwaaoffar raliialus uatn ull oatobvr sodi ouly and ibuaa uf our rradara who wlituto lake advantago of ll ahould sou i today tbmf ualuoa audlttty ueula aaih lu i hu ljtiwaa a ulludl lug cuuiiaul u hi and jn ofcuruv htit at ultawa out higua of worm afo variable appptlir itoblng al the ouae etc dr low a worm syrup i the boat worm eipeiler utttc newest fall styles hvtc5 f sioo up 1 iiw u i ndkrwkak clicapest and rcsl iune in tliclnul set our special hlue anil lllaik iteater hernial new liliiex kuriilsliinjrs au litic up lo date it r e nelson i tvtini i aitor and lurnibher gg wyndham t k i i why oh why loit t you bu r duchess of oxforu range aud oiijuy perfect kitchen uomfurl lhe fire in thorn can be regulated uickly and easily to meal all sudden domauds they ar extra economical fuel burner and the ovens aro ventllatod aud kept eveuly boated throughout by moans of a patent 11 uo the curney foundry co limited toronto g a pannabkokek s01k a0knt acton 7inh7t7wtoxh house ihtalker mcbeaii co ceorgetown c 7 attn abbrrlibrmrnlr m lehdgrs in dry goods and tailoring ve anticipated a grand fall opening last week and wb got it md wc take tins opportunity of thanking our fnends and customerb for turning out in such numbers it eclipsed anything herctofore which goes to show that this store is getting more popular every season and people are finding out where they can- always get reliable goods at the very lowebt prices tajlorino dbpartuknt wo are giving thia department apeclal attention tfii season lo quality style and finish ah garments are turned onl in aral claaa style we give the latest ent henoe ia the reason ws get fbe oraam of tfa trade our prices ara tfo per oenl leaa lha ii in toronto for aame quality goods oo you wbajl pants p we can make you a good pair for 1 us that ou wouldn t get anywhere olae under ft m call and see them dress ooods the pretlloat ureas good in the county that a a bold assertion but il a right and the quantity that we are selling corrobo rates the statement to 00 french ilooclo preaa lenrtha for ltu- 17 r prouch hooolo dross lengths for fl p0 tweed hresa goods 7 yards in dress i ength for f i jo the largest and best ssorlmint of uultona aud dress trimmings ever seen in georgetown miclinxry our millinery beats all previous years both in alyle and low price for high glass millinery hosiery and ol0ves this department is complete with pall gloves and doajsry at lowsr priom than any of thedapartmantal tores in toronto dooto anthjhoeb bxtraordlnar how lba bm in thia department inoreaaa vary month ycm can wiwaya gal the new alylas at rock bo tom prion si walker me dean a gos mantleo why to to toronto lo bay a ooal or a cap see oars or gat our prioe add be convinced that ws asll ralisbu goods at i aea money than any tore in th ooonty mantlks mantleb if yon want a mantle come to a wa can give yen a 6 00 coal for 8n 16 00 ooal for 15 so 110 00 coat for 17 so 115 00 coat for 1 10 00 snaps in uertb overcoats we got than through a big deal thi other day laws than a tailor coold make and trim them is so fall overcoat for 0 00 fs 00 pall overooat for 5 00 walker mebean a co are always oo the outlook for bargain for their cos tomft reliable goods and arjrjare deal ing ia oor motto to ever one wa came among yoo a stranger bat all know who we ar now and w find it a plaataor to do bqsine with yon whlk6r mcbshnsco thejtrank dowler co departmental stylish millinery wh mdr7vs merchant tailor acton lb lu be fuuud iii tlic buinu uiii place dijin a lnli cl 1 ailoriiin tii1l ivct garment guaranteed pehrvmans block ll i ikca 1 iuli icatl to lull a ciio 1 h n mbination ail infinite and our aa c2li i sdiprtit- meius has a touch of greatness never beole lid e we had so many stylish hats and bonnets and at no tune has the assortment pleased ourselves as thorougnl 1ioplc now a das aie vuy fastidious i hoy know wh a pins ia thoroughly of the new millinery is required to he thoioughly uji to date we import direct for ourselves and an now showing the er latest styles in lahi hvim ami uonnkts in hkmiihltl and kioweb8 in illltus and rt inlia in vk1iinis am kill minus in jeth and moukmnc ikiumil in llult iiwm idiikh 0 hak1s llali in ml wfn and ua1k1no ham li ll 1 itwek llnillllill llullts ful lu i 1 lie it fan pneis only i his eonles o m i hi mil ut ol s lion we trim hats and 1 nnets to iii in any disirid slle and guarantee satlslacno l in e ry the frank dow leu co great cash house uuelph t0mst wk5 imip llockwnwtclnvr li ilay octuli rwehins on tui ituu every daf w 11 llltautt 7 house and loth for bale a hoose on agnsarttl on agnwrhl in conk a jood7wlt kot mtmi notice ii 1 have disposed of my urua anil hisu a uonery llnalnaas in acton all tboae bav ln sbe6unla with ma are run ass ted to call at the drug h litre ot rar radsooe en i to war avenue and aelua aame en or befora oct mli nait- all aeooenu unsaltlahal wat date will paaa into other hands for efltiaetlen j kasnawik acton oelmh i hob valuable ke6iyeiicc a- laud for sale or to rent tiik nndersltansil braby oflmra fnr aale or to rent the corumodloua bxliili henaa on ualn klrnat acton sbove th u t it tbe houaa haa din rooms witb alteban attach m hard ami soft water good stable llva sere ol land with a sprint creak running tbruoxb uia aaartrat tbara are also a ti umbel- of frail treatf on the nramfsaa immediate peaaaaeion sen a clvan for tarma and particulars apply lo ulta d wuj4al80n navaloek 8t ouelph public norice n bervbj prohlbllad haj are alao warned that inatrnetlons tiave bean given to promptly arreat ihoae ulllr of aenorlng driver by shoutlnaj at ihoir borea or other dlaordarly toorluct ou tlie streata ioanng on any of tba atresia or street corner is alao prohibited for oil oca on anr ot these points proaecu uoo will aural y folio d oltallau cooalabla notice to creditors in the mattar of tho state of robt holmes nd joaeph holmes of tha vlllauo of acton in the county of helton cattla dealera notice is hereby given that tha above nam ad itobart ilolmss and jeeepb itolrnaa have mada an aaaigomsai to me lor lb banafll of their creditors a meeting of creditors will ba bald at my ofboe in ibe village of acton on monday 20th day of october i8qo at two o clock v o far tha appointment of insnetors add ivisi directions for the disposal of the aetata creditor ariairaj lo nla tbelr claims willi us duly provsd on or before aaid date 11 j mcnallii a j uactrnos aaanroea bollcitur daled ihu tib day of october idoo shaws drug store rockwood for one week only we bast imported caatl i oc a lb nil aall a soap at uata at half we save a nice sheep a wool ooor price belling at 60o formerly 11 85 aellin at t3 formerly 11 30 selling at 1 00 former 1 1300 selling al 1 00 formerly 12 50 w cleaned out tbe manofsotarera stock and cannot duplicate order wholesale al these prices shmw acton saw mills and wood yards jrwes broiain auaoraotoaaa and dulsb id lumber lmth hhlagttsm wood ivlc all kinds of wood in stoefc and rui tlj dallvend lo any ptwl of tbe town ai raaeooable iwlcee hardwood and alaba ent atovw length elwa tobibo4ia oouimualcauoe wc have on hand several valuable farms wellington bruce haldiinand simcac halton durham perth the bell piano unexcelled for quality of tone beauty of design superiority of finish i a uf tbam ara lilni iuiiwovatl i ara good varioualai will be bul i baigaiuu aulu bafure uio oral uf juuary vat taruia au t full htruiulaxs apply tu j e moeldfcrry seoralary iltrkt i it asp otahio tnkhtut st ka imoa hotilkty qutlkm on i made and frroly guarautrad by tha large manufolurara lu canada and aili oo hooond baud inbtrtutieut tahu lu eiobaugs for osw once and sold on lbs iualal luonl plau wbcu rwiulrol naiius ol mhiio who mn iimiuit boll iiihtrumcnta 11 h ii thu imiceiia loumu 11 k riio murtiuin ol litiihtlou uu ht llyn tho lurqiutt ol buiruriu and avu 11 m tiuiiii or llolluml 11 m the qmooh tl italy muduino a del inn iutti niculinu 8n john blunter mua doc ml allinou ladies college hov j e hunter of crowley hunger hov d htiachuu heapolor toronto college ot muhiu st joaophti jouvont tit cath- uritiea proubytonan college modtreul and- tliuuruiida ol ouiors mm as low aa auy aral olaaa uiauo oan be sold for irrioo or oatalugue write ur call al warerooms uualub c sz kelly hola aioul lur hull luriui importtr ftod dlw in llaj ootids u5 upper wvndlum street guelph tlamilton twice a week spectator tkuy r i wednesday saturday 1 per year sample oopy the 1ottoimurwill forward wwiluin dl the spectator hamilton t

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