Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1896, p. 3

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v j t wear m t i a jt m ank of hamilton hamilton toujour hfiavm9 head 0 stick cirttai paid up hmknvb vattiy tow abskts board 6p directors olwstualt a 1 ittuhay inialilaiir lool rest lont 31m iboottin ku itnarll a t wuuh a ii j km taroiilo v m jinaomu i tuimiuliotaahlnr ii h htkiiikn at oaahler u ii u wathon lnareclor aqenciep hamilton illsrlon ht a kut pnl a i ii ton herhn llieslay lsorootown urlmabr llatoenl i uoknow ulfton mount korasl oranavills osren hon nil 1 art klgln hlmooe tbroalo vlifhsm britlnb corrcopondontn ijondon national ivovinelsl hank f pn tid 1u1 amarlaavn 3brrenpondenlo nw von knsrtli hlslionsl llenk and llanovor netiinel ileuk ilorru lolatualioo l tmiloo huscaia uerlualieas ciulaoo national llauk of illinois snd unlaa national hank daraorr- uelrou kalloeei ueuk k utsas oi rt national luak o coufbaoroe agents in montreal the dank of toronto qeohoetown agency jfc notes discounted snd advances mad tble aeouriue j- col lections nibdafsnd drafla bought and odel aceassiblofvainta incanedaui brest llritain aild uiocontinaotof uaropa npon natl isyorablo tortus 8ajjnajpepariiiioiit deposits of jj upwards reeerted and in tarsal allowed from data of danoait to data a rluidrawal bpfcial dkpobith wall papers window shades curtain poles and a most complete line of linvelopcs note papers school supplies 1 oys dolts etc headquartcri for wedding and birtndaj presents qmhynd8 aoton ont st rton xtt rtss tiiuub1my octoutlt 14 13c little local brieflets si which caught the eyea or en oi fraa press roportera this wook show next tuesday sod wed njiulni ranted the in juiotly bal i ln dmdsjr nasssgaweja atiow ptxl tuesday the rarly frosia ha u sliower down wheat and floor an wdvanaiug hi prion tba aaiidpi are now well oiled with water the land n thoroughly soaked the atara luautcer is a blockhead who blooka the way of many i ouitonwr coma dtam q rr move on boys i move od will id tars be beard by loafers wheo the oon tables aro aroood apples sra so vary plentiful in many orchards in ibu awctlon thai only the very boat fruit is being picked wheelmen i yoa violate lbs orders of iba ltreve when yoa rids upon the alio walks keep off or arrest will follow because the summer is over it is do reason why the early closing at stores should be over keep up your agreement geollemeu lost on tuesday glh october a kaber fouotain pen a suitable reward is offered to ander leavlug same at kkke iukhi otuco a couple of carpenters bsd a savers ahaklnft up ou 1 uraday inorinn by fallinit from one of ihe lannery root upon which ihfcy were working burglar broke into tba onoo of tuajra clerk and treasurer allen iturlinjilod last wednesday night they secured 1 10 for their trouble the executors of tbe eatata of the late john 8peibl are dually wind lug np the satata which has been iu li nidation the past two years this week ou tuesday while walking to acton miss annie may dsuuhler of james j uen ho flmt line fell into the cattle guard near her father s farm her rijjlit shoulder was badly bruised ilallota wore distributed m kuui cburoh on uunday bearing tbe usincs of ij candidates for tbe eldership the will be marked and rein rued daring the week there am an lo be alooud 1 real on will vole urit monday on a loan of 910 000 for lbo manufacture of specialties to employ m bands the oompany also ia to gci free water aud exemption from taxrs tbl town evident y appreciated tbe value of manufactories wllbtu her bordara strange froakaof uatura are numcroua thia year li councillor williams showed the b hhk inxiut the olher day a perfect head of red elover which aawe into bloom alter the reoenl heavy iroal he bss also a plum tree in hia pardon showing uer si feet of growth this aeason ur ii u jiafk will offer for talr by aaotion ou thursday oct iutb at lot 13 4tb line weal chlngooasy about jo bead of purs bred aud grade jersey durham and ayrshire ostue inoluding uo f re all calved about 15 yearling belters iu calf also a number of registered uerkahire pigs 81b hot see sud colts will also be offered ah will be sold without reserve blavcu months credit undying fame 2 ho orphan a 1iayer ia creating geu ulne eeuaetton among arttals it i that beautiful masterpiece by a celebrated kngtlib artiat who was oaarej any eutouol np to tan thousand poanta if would paint auother piotura a good as tba orphan s irayar tlie gifted artist tried sod tried vgain labored sod worried and yeawod but gave np tbe attempt freely acknowledging that tbe orphan a 1rayer was an inspiration and do thought or atndy or any sort of msdlts tiou oould net from his brush a picture fit io be called a oompaulou piece tbe great 1 artist met his dralb through accident iu climbing lbs alps and the orphan a prayer remains as hia inonumrfjt it w a great stroke worthy of thsir srat paper by which tba publishers of lbs umiv lltrahi amd itwy ulir ol uon trssl secured at enormous ooal tbs orphan a prayer fur this season a prsro ium lor tbs awie imj amj itfttf liutr la oonsoience the family ilcruu was good valqa bsfurs wa might say tup orestast value to ba had in nswapspsrs whsl this gam of a premium will do for lb great pspsr it is impossible to form stn an estimaut it u a wujidarful oout blnatioo dnllsm ktd the ne a1t mont l v or b local charaotor and ovorv i tarn intarastlhn ilamtimrdjf 1on lay flmeil if yoa dont tlift ts itio mot ho i adopted by milton thia jnsr in the collection of taxes l taxes are- pa shin in llireo equal inilaloionta the aral lniti due on ibe ind novrmber llio arennd on ilia ltith ieoombtr and ilia jrd an the tth january 1hu7 those who pay on lime will bo allowed a discount of ft per cent while those who neglect to take advantage bf the by law in thwreanrct will have 5 per oejit added to their natal menta tjie towmahlpe tajr cottectorm at tba last moetirg of the township council ihe tax ool lectors far the rr were appointed as fallows polling division no i archibald mcdoagld no 3 hubert harper no 1 devid i itlle no 4 peter uibbna no 5 james nickel no 0 john k vans the collectors will be paid each ihe anm of twenty doll for thur rrviccs snd ihe clerk the iteevs bste corliaed as lo their beqbrhrca disorderly caadnct la be quailed ror soma weeks pst a number of yontfm have been in lbs baliit of parading tfto street in a body shoaling whoa i in oon crt at passing horses to the ureal annoy anco of driver tina coqdnol waa partio ularly dirgraoefal laat saturday and bun day evening the local oon a tab tea have received instruction io j mmpily arrest and lacar do rate in tbe eel la all disturbers of ihe peace of ihia character in i ho future the congregating or crowds od iha street corners is also in be prohibited nsfers at i he jfcos grmdqmy atfsln the heavy rains of the psit few weeka in the lake region have had a marked effect on the lake levels c anally tbe highest waler of tba year in ike ilnron is iu jane from which slags it falls till after new year aud tbeo gradually rises till june of the following year this year oon irary lo ihe usual experience it has kept ruing steadily all aeason tbe water level of the hi clair is now four iqebes higher than it was e4bj time lost eer and the waters of the lakes generally are gradually naiug itemth of afrak fomu freooiaa mr and mrs james urown mrs thomas bomeiville and mr w p urown toronto attended the deathbed and funeral of mrs joshua freeman 8t mary laat week mrs freeman wsa a daughter of the late alexander brown ar one of the moat prornineut pioueers of ihia locality a twid sister of mr jsmea drown and was born ou the homestead hero in lh3i when tbe present site of acton was covered with oroat trees in hor girlhood days mrs freeman was favorite here and ber oocasiooal viaita ainoe marriage have always been occaaiooa of pleaaure to her numerous friends hhe was a lifelong christian and baa ever exerted an influence for good in ber home and surrounding her husband tbe late joshua reeroan died about two years ago the work of worihltmrn curm there appears at all times of ihe jear when sheep are id pasture to bo numbers of worthless dogs roaming at will ready to attack iheir defeoceloss victims thia ii particularly tbe case in the townships of 1 squeaiug and jnataagaweya at tbe last meeting of kaquesing council tbe following farmers in ibis neighborhood were recoup ed for losses to tbe extent of twothirds value of the abecpiaiid lambs destroyed i olsr llbum i abseii lamb 6 00 cbarlea davldaou 3 atie x iluitia 13 s3 jauiaa jusnuo 1 sboep 1 latuba 0 w llutfti ucdoaamjl i slieap u juno mculllau 1 absap 1 lamb t l c neiqhqonriood news now itorvis supplied by corroa- pondontn and exohnngon a v t- ashorovt a k huldor i tl li t 3 farmers all reside within the vicinity of acton and it looks as though the depredating curs might belong here the total loss incurred ia this lot is usl 7 75 the r- tmbfaitmtlr iter r lev the tnl crest and attendauoa at ilm aproial services in ibe methodist church are krowius nightly baodey waa a day uf much interest being a peel ally set apart as t worth league day a well attended prayer meeting waa bold at 7 a m oon ducted by uiss lottie k 8pai bpcoial sermons ware preached by ibe pastor at 10 30 a m and c so p m these were particularly pointed and impressive the text ol tbe morning discourse was itun ieak io that young man and in the evening hejolce o young msu in thy youth an interesting service was held at i o clock in the afternoon when appro posts addrcsiea were ifi by the follow nit members ol the league the president ur 00000 inccnt miss miua walker mrs oram and mr it j ouroey itev ictor oilpln baa addressed tbe coogrega ii un at several of the week evening services demth of 7 oil at former sag osarrmje mr john rurater for nearly throe uartera of a century a resident of oak villa sod viciuity died last thursday iug at his borne iu his 70 ih year mr iblo health fur sov paralytia stroke a which almost dopnvod iii in of hia epocch but it was only leu daya ag that i a condition neoame aerioua aud ouded in hia death mr kurster waa born iu uramploo uuiberlaod kngfand and came lo anada with hia parents when but uiuc years old mr korster waa twice marilod hia flrat wife being miss muugcr aud the second miss ulixa suvrarl of rargua tba fallowing children are jiving mr uouj korsur mrs joseph william and mrs ii williams of gloowilliama mr jobu fursur of hocbestcr n y mr chaa r forster proton towuship messrs f a aud n l r orator trafalgar tuwuabip or rorster assistant 8upcrlu tendeut of the kingston luaane asylum ulas agues and mr a h forster editor of ihe oak villa ttfar mr burster has always born a prominent 1 iberaj ud an active and consist en i member of lbs mrtliodi church he was widely known throughout hal ion aud pool 1 he funeral uo ttuuday si tor noon waa largely attended hrn allll hssjlnnn in fea iral joarayrooemng a hov j a mitchell ii a svd a very fnloraating diicouru on sunday from second ttmnlliy lal and 7lli vcraa mill a alexaudor i vialting friends in htreelavillo thfi wook avuumber from here alteiwlwl uiespeoiar orvicca hold in georgetown mpilioillit church on hoailay mr it nixon has returned to the medical college toronto we are pleased lo nolo thsf miss i morrison who hapjwiird with an accident a short time an in jwndily recoveiiiw mr and mr carroll f ltckwooi pan i a ahurl time in till vinniiy this dudln tlnf f llowinu is a ht of thtao who stood at ihe hsaewltrnnr clases in school no u on the jt of october lvciisa w millln c wallace m kaley it moic 0 i lliott w stalker a uulholland a htoiey 1 mnllm m oarvin i mcarthur iii class m homorvtlle a g hcott john kaley ii arthur ii claw j 1 keith a curty j carty g bouoher c oibben j biriith joe kalpy m arthurs iv hr lt ii pearl bjomorvilt- l mullin j mulhollsnd 4 jr lt ii a hnth i mothlraou m storey l h prowl j xrthura j 1 miter m gardiuur j btcwarl a part i csrly 1 smith b mc arthur a a wahulx teacher milton ihec 1 11 in jolting wdtcr hflro now from the town for vlqo per siiuuui several cattle wirn sol i the other day to meet the pound fee 1 hi i wn f it m i a the police ximmilteo uf tire town oun ctl pretty tflrolually njiiulchml i lip fsktr who sought victims on tair i ly their illegal game aud fuelled the cxeuntivg of the c ouuiy hiiiidy school aeaocialion met here tail wed nee day and arranged a very flue prograinmo for the annual couvonlioti si georgetown next fobraary next bun isy male chur h of 40 v nces ill ad of ice chum madu uv ntw i hate au oa cream f rooter thai will freese cream instantly tile cream la put tulo the frecser and comes out luslaiitly amoolh and perfectly f rosea this asluolalies peoile and a crowd will gather to see lha frecser in operation and they will all waul to try the cream you can sell cream as aat as ii can be made aud sell free so rs to many uf them who would not buy au old style freaaer it is really a curloaiiy and you oan sell from t to ti worth uf cream and six or twelve fresaers every day this makes a good profit those hsm limes and la a pleasant employ msu t j f casay a lo 1115 til charles ut louts mo will sand full particulars and information iu reitard to ibis new iuvau lion on application aud will employ good salesmen ou salary meihoditl hurch adam lark who bioko jil litre and waa recaptured a si irt i niu ng aiieared before judge lltn illon last week charged wth breaking into a houno up north while out he wsa ourjjikullty and sotitcnccd to hires yeara in the ptiiitmitir limehuusfc mr james nowtoi it ahlppllig apple a fir load leaves this week fur the eal mr aud mr 1 horns irwin of guclph vlsitad friends jiuru during the week mrs patterson of muskegon m oh ia spending a week on io with frieud here she came over to hir mother a luuoral 1 tkoall other lismlel death is occasion ally a maitor last week irttucsday the wife of mr jamci dobbio onlorod into rest after a week s lllnoa i ho f incral on thursday afternoon was largely attended alex sharp u developing into quite a horse tader at ornnellio fair last week he traded his uag aud homo male cart for a good looking horse sud bnjgy a return base hall match between iho rimehouso end aclou juniors was played on saturday afurnuon at acton our boya piled up a big acore uf hi but anion did ten better messrs a 11 and tiank moore spent saturday aud sunday with acton friends i imehouse people scoured a fair share of at the neighboring fairs ttm acaioti at the lail meeting of the townahlp ouucil ilally irahay was voted the uiual fl 00 graut toward bia maiiiluuaiice mr n it lindsay who waa badly shakeu up by beiuu thrown rum i la wag jlin at ihe 0 1 it crossing hero a week ur so ago la all rluht again crtwsons cobnfcrs potato digging is the malu atlrscliuu of ihia vicinity at present a number from here stlatidnd iho itock sow fair laat b rlday mr geo guy moved ou to the f s m lie has routed in puahuch on mou lay last the many friend ol mr goo am pustmaalrr will he pleaatd lu limro that lm has rcoovered from the attack of lutlumiii lion of iho luuje mr geo guy loal a valuable iimd on tuesday it got town in ia alall luting the night aud in aonvo way liuil ilacif from whloh cilrcta il died another horse uf his also gut duwu at tho hbiiio tiiuo and it i also in a nlioal onditi u mr k gibbon iilauuu wh uittaed tbe forbes ilnmeslead hs pelitlera reuu vating tho huuve mi gibboi hitenda inoviuit here shortly mr it brown who h i m actou for th paal tl rm y 1 inn ed back lo hia farm hero mr a klugbuiy i i lei m a llamssy a farm uoar i ion m lis and intend moving on ii uni rjiiig some aiieak thief ir theito bikc lui tbe milk cellar of mr hobl allan uu bat or lay uight aud alulu llicrefrum about twenty pounds uf butter mlaa lilo olouisil who hia bui in aclou for soiiio lima ha returned home miss llulo i am belt uf uespeler la spending a week at her homo lore miss mma rljpn uf llamillou hss been sisnding a few weeks at hnr home here miss luttio ami who ha boon u loi onto for the aal two oi ihioe muiilla ha returned bo in o miss ii luiilahaw iflthihwmxl vialled over sunday at her homo hers mr 1 i sun ml sun and m 1 1 willie of uaat i uther aot a lew daya laat week at mr g ami mrs fjunimerville apd mis llortha of mich are mudlnk lew wouka with friend hero miss llhol ami uf 1 in who has boon visiting at her father a liuin here returned uu muuday miss crewsuu ol r al luther visited si lier uncle s mr m i row uon on sunds mr kmsley of etruntu junctl in eut sunday at mr g aim i hn younit jmoplo of this vicinity mmii a very onjoysble lima st a parly monday oveulnit al iho himo uf mr 1 nomas llamaliaw itaimtl iiuuse iu ullurlo balarv ttsj avatiti 11 wssklr sihi oxmusaa tualuuu muia4tsil lutsrsoos kcuclum sf a idraaaad uuui1 u u1uh tho nstloual tilar tlulklluti chlib0 c0mingand going vlnltora to and from atitqn tind vurlouaothar parson i notes have you tasted the fiikkinmalnvlu all its read are lo an irlbimto this culuiun if you or our friends srnriiliihbway on a hollilay trip or if you have friuii is visiting yci dro a card lo the kaaii luiuia i mr lwis cann uf lather was in own an thursday hov ii a nlaophsmn spent a couple of days last work in ga1l congratulations are attended lo itev d i cmpbell and bride of ballinafad mr sud mibwnr j earn and ohildran of ooorgetown lisfted aoton friendly this week mrs john lsverty and babe of monck i mo been viiling at her father s homelhia wei k mr o h kby of the uespeler era if tn ado iho tuxk pus is a brief call on sal urday mus lura wilkinson of brampton ia spending a couple of week with her sister mis maggie mrs m a cbrtslle attended the conven lion of the woman missionary society at ha mil i od laat week mrs a blephenson and mist bella vi itej friends at hamilton laat week mma hlephrnaon will remain for a week irsii mr i j killri formerly of acton and well known iu this city has opened oat dry goods store in tbe gordon block stratford brar n dr mokeacas wsa onnflood to hia house with a severe attach of pneumonia tlio past week the community is pleated tn know thai be is now convalescing tciins stir lha arm slock lm plements etc of george storey lot til on tiio town linn between etueing and nasbaweya will be an d by public aootion ou monday october juth at one o clock irrui twflve months w iikhhtssst au cxchinga ssy inatesd o mail li g personal applications to kn lasoev of marriage lloenaea for ihe morssary iermil it i now becoming tbe fashion lo invite ium ruuui lo a iutol oup of tea and aellls i lie bualiiesa without ny unnccniiry tbllclly ii yon waul aral olasa ooelphaaah and i mr at guelpll prlcen t ramus can tul your order al his planinu mill heart dlaoaao rulleved in 30 mln- utlq fc h i dr iiiw a cure for the heart gives perfect rehi f in all cases of organic or sympathetic- heart disease in 30 minutes and apeelily i tecta a cure ii ia a peerless remedy fur palpitation ahurtnesa of breath mothering spelhj pain in left side and all symptoms ol a diseased heart one dose convinces sold by j ksnnawin ou talk urn ulk in favor of hood a bars par i iu 3 for no other rcodl- cine its great cd roe recorded in truthful ooii inctng isiifrusd of grstfol men and women constitute its an oat effective ad vert i lug many of these cures are mar velotit tbey bao won the confidence of the people have given floods b ha pe ril la the largest sale4 lu the world and tisvo made ueo fur its manufacture tho greatest laboratory on earth hoods hamspsrllla la knowu by tbo cures it bs tn a do cures of scrofula salt rheum and kicini cures u rheumatism neursjala snd weak nerves cures of dyspepsia liver troubles catarrh cares which prove hoods sarsaparilla li tlio best in tact the que true itlood purifier cure liver 111 raiy tn rlooa s ill ls ks easy looperute as- e 8 collins butcher ii to uieril a ooouui umiitmmit o drsuelaas uoef uuttoa lamb pot k freeh and bait hams sausages poultry lard ao lo season trlcvaalwaja u low ba ooualstslit willi iba ll luaiilv i touij t uellor j kal itucb aautod h collins fall campaign prepare for winds salada ceylon tea it la the molt delicious of all teas hoi vuiilj in load l scksls u j corn fteld l u nelson a uo and a el uurnfkco vvu would call your ataiiliou to the fact tiial wo are prepared lo supply you with lumbar of suitable length fur your daru doors vis 10 iu 13 or u feel also sash doors frames mouldings olj f i building storm doora put np at ma low a rato as possible pu7ufs lteair your pump or put iu new ours iwfure it is too cold wtcis uoj1 shop at foot of river strwat acton tho a eobacc mnaber from producer to consumer what makes sutciiava so distinctively sutcliocu is the spirit that actuates therner chandtsing all the time stnv ins to serve our customers better and better shortening the road from producer to con sumer and saving to- patrons every penny of cost two buyers have been in the english and continental markets dur ing the summer months secur ing the nglit things for fall and they were supplied with the cash to enable them to take i advantage of every concession to gert the choice of stocks and in some cases dictate prices whatever we offer you at any time at any pnee you may be sure upright else we couldn t offer you money hack if you f want it if you buy your goods by mail ordr drop vis a card and we will mail you samples of anything fcamplc able and also send you free our new catalogue for fall and winter 16 all questions cheerfully answered i cttera or orders received be fore i o clock answered tame day jsutcliffesons toronto ailltuoi ler clerk q when calling more dress goods novelties just received dress goods rnd jacket sale this week notice v change of business hiving purchased the 1 i ujj and stationery lus nilsh from mr j v kinnawm i bc tu sul int from his patrons a continuance of their p ist fivors 1 he s wile linei will be carried and it will be our aim to enve the beat oods it the best prices moping our relations may be mutually picas nit and profitable yours truly a t brown r io ajd 37 wvndhai i bu l quelpu omt f wc have i miap 1 j crockinoll o k if 1 2 size 51 i n o with irehch rcju ur i 1 50 for 1 00 l tra 1 lih iinish ntw ootfc e ghas 1 nelles bookseller ouelph iaj hn0ther shipment of dress gidods at g b ryrnfi cbs wc received this week another shipment of fall dress goods which have comt direct fromtitloorns of france germany and england tim completes our assortment of thesfej goods and such an assortment as you will not easily find lor variety tjuahty and good value you wont hesitate to spendtnoncy when you see these values a large range of sty ish twcecf dress goods at 25 35 10 50 and 60c a jard fn green navy brown granite and fawn effects imc scotch tweed dress goods o 50 60 and 7qc in all the new fcffects ask especially to sc the new frenph wool pjincess serges in nav myrtle ironc and 3 at o 50 and 60c f 1ancy i rench goods boucle hftects in the newest combinations of col ors also parisian effects a large range at jc 1 jard new glisten effects in stylish tinu at 6or new fancy basket tweeds 52 inch at 90c 52 inch fine broadcloths lovcjy shades latest novelty 1 00 a yard rhese arc but a suggestion of the variety and values of our dress goods stock g b ryan co quelph pringle watchmaker cuelph ont georgetown s livest store gibson millar go ollb 1 loi l olovas lost aucreaaful tiualuaea lu uur la year auil uuw start on our aacu 7j willi a oouilsta aaauruuaut of lbs newest aud lauat atyloa in dukhh ooouh ukluut tltlmu mjh ktc tbo nutm es h baen ao auoooaalul la bscauaa wa ava jon ttia aawah lataal aud in oat atyllah uludta ooda al iiriooa that oaniiol ih baalau in town or felly lul wa aro not aatlanatl wa waul to do man wa want uur irada w want it all wium ttofuro lad mt larva a atuch imar bad aa food all rouud slura au i you will rod ilia assort mania au i ualill juat a litlla batter tbea yea will blsawhsra va ar olfarinf you auong iiiduoauisula to trade bar and wo know if ws onoa sacura your attautlon you will bacooia a iurnbaaor aud llioii lika mauy otliora a regular hlkcl aihbaairr tlanmiu iba greatest valuaaator uflarvl lu lown aa w liavs purcbaa od uiaui for laaa ttiau lbs manufacturers arleaa don t go vlaawbora uu you aw our values in uiaae sooda grey klauusila yaroa aud humtt or stanla dry uooda huiallwares ou lloslory eadloa uudarwvar ole rihe high olass tailokltlo ll ia an nlmllutd fact ws lead in ibis otbera fulluw iu a 9c calcb trado but wm do flew tailoring our a luck ia uow countlam tor iba fall in uia latoat tuinortauoua in hootch hat liati irish and aiisiliaii huillnca trowsafiaaw uarc lauusa ate quality hi and dnub pua luily auarauuwd ibktti fl itnihiilntiu 1 ba lataal uovoltloa lu nockwoar lullara una imitlainiirra uudorwoar alo 0 kucoath 0 icitcoatk 0 khcoath in lloya aud una iloya haafara uua ra jackou umii i aula btc tlila will bo tba i lui lu got 70ui fall aud wintor out i- no truoblo lo abow rood call aud loaned oar block snd wa will oonvtuoo you thai uila ia uw i laco u ol tbo bosl knoda at tbv cluaaal prtoaa lluttir ud euba takou li trado ulllhon mili ah a o hoe block ucorfpnlowu lrry day ilargain day i n hi n i j 11 1 lui auka tor tail advertising alone j woiitbojlgoodb if it wrjuld there 11 r storea on earth todu that do oirtfugh ndvcrtihtiig tohcll fitly timea tho amount of goodh ihe do there h got to lu hoihc thing hack of the advlrtthcmient re h got to bo homctliiiifr rn the udvertmomonl btmdeh wind and igwortla thcro haa got to ho tkiiril in it there lint got to bv ilelikf in it itjt u inihtnku to ihiuk people don t notice what s going tiiky do the look n t thing pretty nhurpl wo never made the mistake of ndvertiung a thing at a price iind claimingit to bu tbe lonttit price unlehs wo know it v hon wk dfjint know itaubcn wo only uuhss ait wu don nay it how rlojoti aerthug4if4vertihcd aid the price guaranteed tho lowest 011 earth luidrhcincomo here and huo the tamo thing ot ill hwjjr v it huppeiih huudrbdh of timen a week it happqna on alt bortb of goouh did jmi eter boo such value in mantle cloth as our g5c boaver did u ever seo hucii it gorid lndien undervest aw wo give for 45c did yon ever bee anything to compare with our 20c shirta and draword did ou ever hco hucii a jair ol kid gloves aa we gwo you at 81 lean than ut 91 25 v did you over boo hucii a suit od wsgive you for 5 97 or 88 or uch an overcoat at l4 75 did yyu over nee hucii a range ot values au our overcoata right through thin line cuu 30u match for value and ht e the ordered clothing we aru turning out from 912 to 820 do ou know ofuiiothet ntore that evor bod apoakn it good word lor wo detiire ourgood words anltolir etlort m to de8oro them j d williamson 6l co wyndham and macdonnell streets gutlph 1 henderson co hcton millinery opening we cordially invite i- all importations of millinery we cordially invite the ladies of acton to inspect ou i all importations of milk a minutk on a stearns ll wsa a foal whirl loalad not uuly 1i14 4lamluk uf uia uiau but iba alaucboaaa of bu ilunl a wuuol uiawt al loula r w stark alfudl autou u5h is thy greyer consider thpu me claim a abara of your iauuuc because we aro slliii so chean wu always txie reliablu hjoods or uiotic roftiiitlfil wo hell ur cash kttm uhl abtuu kluul auil vmml kl luwwt lrtw tliviu lakmi lu aothmtga l blgtmm lukl 1 tta t c moore son cor mill ad mala mroers acfaa w nted wantbdcftn idea z tnr all aui upb lurulshed lm wa an ouly canadian narsory najltm salary imiiaos from tbe alert ijbajal euiniulaal dress gtoo4s 1 i mantles jetc 1 1 l i clc ule 1ikmkkmn cv co a ton lddlee perfect fitting underwear 1 idit- natural wool t with m i jc k at 50c 75c hji and i uu all but s fall hosiery 1 iitb and chlldieu b i i klbtud t tsbi 1 1 ill double loiee in ill mcs w e curneyco mill street acton the transient traders license waul a food lutes fur ibewlular writs us htonk a wkl iim1tus mursaryuivu aud rruil uruwrra tunwiliv csu rurr til nritn undor rultivelu ll ooea not blndsr q from eelllnx goods as cheap aa ouolpli ur roruulo wo sol for cash only slid yoa usl tbe benoql by saviutt ilia dlsoouiits ate got bysaiym tor oaab wa will again eoophaaias has extra value ol our uojorwoar which wa bouxbl at a diaootrot ol aoo and are offsriuit at tbo anm disouuula off regular rates bpeoial all woo hootch knit tludsrshiru fur 00c loilsr urioe 7aa kauoy hulpe all wool ijiilsrshlru regular nnoo ia 1 jj wvsau the tam for 11 uo try our f 1 00 suits of uudtrwear 1 hoy will surprise you boa oar new line of drees ugotla just reoeivod chrisliss bod a lllaoule in 11 uia bo i duller aud ring taaon good a dolivored c f coodeve illy caih htort next post oflicetacton n ii we cluan t u cluak oh halltruy lil

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