Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1896, p. 2

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t7wtshkwwv t i wk jf t 3 florjv lutr in trlii on 1 hursdsy mr slid ra uisiim irn 1ikt in lines wontl mi km htli to mr tml lln thoa jthe manitdba schools thc hohundmc tha vaxotl quootlon flnnlly dlr- noaaa juauuim i vnurn r till al urn rosl lrnrn of flio 1riiln ci urol hi aclon n 1 uruy nwiifnfr jhh orl lmr liy uk william itrirm a smlarpawceu ofkluibtrlti tu mrs c roll no liimjton aclon llttl ihiiaxk at ii hita v- nurtli hi i til i h urc 1 1 ooderlcb n ilurfkuytjuli oftn lr by he jtiih kdlfr lup-jiv- h v h jamlestw tars rlbe u a hamilton win i jamn lltillhi nkoftil mlltoii to mill u ik rinugtiter u john aliimoii pat jorierloli p fltljc cton 3fr 3rcss thuhhuay octoumt u ll tof sfltlofaatorlly half hour for rblioious teachino tha price of tho rc prcupo orv dollar a year in advance look at tho date on your ubol thlwok and baa that your noma la marked wou in advance rim data when tha subscription expires ia on the aridroas ubal of aaalt pcr i tie change of which toa eubsotpuettl data be com em a receipt for remittance htiborib era will please diamine ihnr labels before ai i after making a remittance notes and commtnts ucj hm ail biimiyi aier nasi ill 1 ynffm hon liftord blfloo baa been offered the liberal nomination for the com mom for ilrandon lie aaid ha would n i accnpl ll unlets tho aohcol settlcmmt pr ived satis factory to the people of mauitoba aud at hia suggestion a cnmmhlm waa appointed wilh power to receive his nomination after tlio tef ear of the sclllrmr- it are submitted to it ivlict for 1ki5 just kstird in an interesting tolumo rum the department of jostles ihowi that for rach ton thousand inhabitants there were 3 67 convictions in irmce ldward island ii 70 in new urunswiok ft 0 in nova hcolte 714in manitoba 10 40 in j u oboe 13 do in ontario lft81 in tho territories and u m in british oolumbid 1 hoirerdejis who will b oiccted under the county couueila act lwlfi will hold office for two yeara without re elect ion heretofore it haa been the practice in italton to give ti poaitton to each mantel palily ii turn aa faraa poariblo whether this will be d m future remaiua to bo aaen but a lively contest forqlbe warden abip may be expected uexol january champtof who iaya hare la uo money in literature nosradayst du maurier made 9100 000 from hie trilby and received a cheque for tao 000 for bu laat work ian alac laren is receiving or bia agent major iopd ia 500 a nihl tor bia lecturea in america the drumtocbty miniater oed to el f00 a jear and waa aa tjood a mauj all minietera can not aooceaaiully turn novel iata however tlto impartial aaye that bpam will de mand from the united hia tea an explana lion of the daapatch from washington publiabed by the new york papers to the etfeot that unless spain ends the war with cuba before january 1 president cleve land will recognize the independepbo of the tnanricenta the jmpnrttai adds that the ueulrsllty observed at the ports of the united btates is an odloas fiction after next naw year a day m qlaiflow bcolland it is annonncad that all taxoa will be done away with the entire running expanses of the city being paid by public works now in its possession the oorpot poration of glasgow is run on baa loess principles and it ooulik all the principal trancbiaaa wlhtp iu liutita at root cars gas works waterworks aa giving the people the best accomodation at ibe lowest coal and at the same timo making a band some profit the recent advance in lbo price of wheat is accounted for to some axtent by tho entire failure of the crop iu india one of tha ifreat wheat krowtnii countries of the world and whose competition in recent years has done ss much as any other uatiee to brinft down prices in the world a market owtnif to the failure of its wheal crop india ia now in a alato bovderink on famine and is importing wheat from otber countries 10 000 tone baviuit rooeutly beau sent from california the height of impudence waa reached by the aaloon man recently in new orleans wbeu tboy applied id j udtfe tbeard of the civil court for an injunction reatrainluk ibe iollce from lulerferinu with them while engsited in the salo of liquor on hsu orn oct jl tho t ahinel waa 4n rraatnii several tlsys tlin past week ilh the msuilsbs itrlrieloa slid tho hool question ban been ttnall selllid i hia rmiult hss been ounati initiated lo hi oral aatufaoliin of all nine rued am millolaiia oicinlly aro pharol our thn oil i romp it was full that hifortt makinu the arrantenipiita publio the mainltiba government ahoald havn thn opportunity of scrulinixtnr it that in a matter of anch importance there can be no possibility of a misunderatandinit between the parties to the cumpacl it la ulatril e omolally however that thu baala of set menl nl the acbool iueslton i on hm ll motilioneil in hie dipatehrs sen nut a few tisya so there was considerable dtacuaaion mi the clauafl relatmit to rollgiiiiis eierclson tn the achools lly allowing half an hour each day tor this pnapoan the adioola will oluee al 10 p m miltd of t all children who do not desim iu remain can leave after s flu 1 hose who remain wui receive reliniun inalriictkin fipui their teacher aa thn itaman atholica hate taken the itround that no teacher who is not a unman catholic u competent to iiii part tha religiuis inairuotlon of tha church it is provided hist in all achoola where iu or more itomsn catholic children attend a horn an cvthnlic luschor shell bo employed whoso duly it hall be lo imparl rellipoua instruction all teachnrs however mual be properly certified i ho schools will be under jovornmeiil luemotion 1 bo inapec i will be uniform ami in this way uiti iteneral eftlciency of the schools will be i itnu 1 xhihllliu lellnr appfntl in ivdur 10 rellvolloiis on the roll iirptiou wsh inhni lj thu fllili laud danoiuj it i to be rnrnle that the writer did not hunk cunuiji of hia pro duotluii lo attach lm tn in lo ll ai llluli ln miklit brfttrnailcii npin iu il tho dlrcc tors advice in tlin fiiinn hn adinilu tlip con wirt m u hiiklh hiilcu i hato linen proi h nt vt ry oaii orf un lio hal hai wiilii 1 bad llo honor of lining elects i wu had a dollt a tlio ao kit y of jih tina has been cloarod off mainly by tha money niadu at tlioao ooucnrla wn havt alparod al tbeao ooucnr hl at day the injunction waa rn tho tor inj kcllorou police arrested lawbreakers iu spite of ill aud now the mayor and chief of police eal to be fined and imprisoned lor execulln the law this almost makes us say harsh thiugs about tho courts nashville ait the following publio service regulations have been passed by tbo ontario govorn menl aud explain themselves 1 bat fsllure personally lo attend lo aud supervise the duties of his office by a puhlio officer or servant shall be a eomoienl causa tor removal from office tbsl incnrring dsbts hereafter by officers or clerks of ihe civil servlos which they shall be unable lo pay by reason of living beyond ihalr means shall ba a sufficient cause for removal from offlos end iha giving of orders upon ibe treasury by such officers or olerks unless previously authorized so to do by iho aeasuror in writing ia pro bibited that the habit of tippling or being under the influence of loftiicatiug liquor by a publio officer or sjr during ilia busiuess or ofiloa nursfila sufflo lent cauae for removal from uftvosw wuulo result in waa hosabsry agrssi wiu sallauury in hia turkish policy and be i lev oe warwould follpw laolatad action lonih oct lord itoaebery speak lug al a uoo partisan banquet at tlobealer yesterday said that bo fulli greed with lird hallsbnry lo tba lrsmier s turkish policy lord itosebery said that bo bsd a strong oonviolion which no amount of rhetoric would destroy tbst isolated inter fsraood in tnrkay on the pari ol great urllaia would result to a great fcui peso war a laroe ohofch kunk wsgoalla company new york have iusi reoslvad a single order from ons firm fdr 100 000 oopioe of tbeir oalebraled btandsrd ulolipoary of tbo knglish lsn goajre amouoliog al rstall u nearly ooa and a quarter millions ol dollars this is tba largest alpgls aale ol so large a work ver mmdm in auisie 1rvlous to ibis on urn- trawaotioo ov 100 000 copls bid bsm imwl b compauv f recelviug roan large ordr irom iu sab provide for tho education of children thorn is a bi lingual provision that ohildren who ennnut scmk 1 ullsl may bo taught lo do ao by the use of the trench language ii la utideratood thai no dominion lekialaliou will bo necessary to give effect to the agreement it wilpbe sdupted by prder in council by both governmuuta and then ihe 1 eislalure of manitoba will pasa an act at- ha first sea aiou giving it the force of law the worlds wheat supply a dtjcreaao as compared with loot your of 1 3d 485542 buoholo linnet ij1 1 i i jualin alul lor twice itanmay ami 1 ar several til nulla i y nniltra from lorouti ilsmllt itrsnlford nnl even acton huh ll tiliisioally tilnusliil qile i uatlhfivd lite hull hth bn over concert 1 soryouu who kuiwn inn knows 1 am hcolch i like lo see the little girls dune lug anil 1 always enjoy ihe bagpipea hhakeaparo speaks of thoso who are nol muiul by the uoncoril of wott nundu a boliiif fit for ireasnim ti mureovur 1 hsvt nolr immii nl bull nor engaged in a pub i to dance ltil 1 always trj lo rumombei that there are lluiau alti iidliig tlio oi urnrti who want something dilftruiil from jom a victim of sciatica rf unale tqj work thouoh 8tronq and w tho aufforlnoa of a woll known qualph cltlzancoultl npt movo about without tho aid ofn stlok aflnln no atrontf nnd honlthy no it r 1 hrrn ta porlrsp lion unit any mi nioru irying to tho iviuler that man iraves i or ocouij j huali could tho ttoallh parliuularly in that of imiuhlliig a work hop with hu nlolliiug y thy grocer gonider qu hi ilaim alisrn nf tlir imlnii because wc are sclliiij so cheap eliahle ahas gne ii i wn wiiinot u c oct jo i nited suies consul general ksrel at bt peters burg has supplied tho btate department oh exhaustive statisucs of the world s wheat harvest ol ibmlk his figurea show thai in general the harvest of this year decreased 1h5 ji mi bushels as compare with ihe harvest of 1k1 ibe harvest in the jiviucti his tea canada argentine lrfjuay chile australia ami mie lail indies shows a decrease of lf- 1uu jj bushels of the fcuropcsii producing countries kussie only shows a largo de crease vis fib r 407 bushels the ooanlrieo of cousomplion harvested j7 205 iu bushels more than last year ihe rye harvest shows a still greater decrease proportionately it being estimated at 164 7oeu bushels a decrease lit oats and barley is also noticeable but nol to so great an extent the exports of cereals from hossia during the first eight months of itfjg abow a big decrease compared with tho preceding year being l uq ci bush els ss against jtl 2v 17 bushels dives up hitj indemnity to4t oct iu the ladles who form the committee of the bick hildren a una pita had a gratifying surprise yeaterday morning at their weakly meetlug when a letter was received from the boo member for hast toronto j hots hobcrtaou enclosing 1000 f1000 of this was mr ilobertson s sessional indemnity ihe ithrr money was an additional gift from lhal gentleman ihe whole to be devoted to found a cot to bo called the u toronui col this makes mr robertson a total gifts to ihe hospital j0 uoo new books tlio headers hhskespoare ills oram alio works ondoused onnocled aud hmpbasixcd fur bcliool ollrge iarlor and platform uy david harles vol ii 471 pp buckram 51 m york and toronto runk i w i comjiauy the muoral satlafsclluo with winch hie first volume of this uew edition of shke itraru waa received by liell klialla nidation by tho press pruvi necessary timely lb at tlio md waloc work e illi li 1 lrofosor of 1 ug lisb iitsratura lu cornell i oiverally declared at once that tho work la just what 1 hsve been wanting lor tbo last twt years professor geo m marshall ph 11 oflhe university of 1 tab is sura that almost elf teachers of literature have fell the need of such a work 1 ho announce meet thai the second volume is published is a most welcome ouo a third volume to be issued in the near future will oum plot tho eel the present vuluiue contain all lbs tragedies with tbo addilion of one roman tic play ibe tcmpeal tbo third and last volume will oootatu all the comedies professor ball the editor of tho work u the author of various successful books for students of elocution la a man of long experience aui work lit london 1 itglaml aud has no doubt crowned bia ellurls in ibe protest instance 1 ho book la printed lu large and beautiful type on exoellutil paper and is artistically bound in book rain with xivera stamped in pleasing design chuhninq done in one minutt i hsve tried the lightning churn you recently described in your paper and u ia certainly a wonder 1 can churn in loss iheti uns minute and ttu butter is elegant aud you get considerably more butler than when yuu use a common churn i took the agsnoy for the churti bore aud every butter maker that saea it buys one i have old ihreailoaen and they give tbo best of alia fact loo i know i can sell una bun dred tn ibis township as they churn eo quickly make so much mors butler then usual aud are au cheap borne one iu every township oau make two or tbrea hundred dollars aslling ihsse churns liy addressing j v casey a co bt louis you can gel circulars and full tnfuruistlun so you oan maka big money right at home i have made i ho lu the paal two weeks and 1 never sold anything before in my ufa a fai ibe little daughter of mr john uousr tin ol ledoo set lis m so i orar kdmontoo was fatally bornsd while her parents were absent fighting prairie fires laat haturday a gormen woman named uioeahueee waa sjsg fs tally burned provide a mnei mary would not oiiclrt in sufy all iltend thpih concerts wore there no hiolili dsuaing ottr corrca pendent who lo tnotiiimil of all 1 not hoolcli 1it i ol a e good taato in the world and lm aim ill givo olhurs jlho ruht of judgment as wall agkilpun woiil 1 lm for him lo slay away from a c uicorl whrc h hss fraturrs to whioh hu objecln ihe acton lihllllini atiroly ought lo benefit iho aolon people more liitm it dnr wringing wol wllh perspiration and a cold wind tliills him lu tha msrjw making him a ready mark ftjl turrihbgf scmtlca ami kindred iroiihlea a moulder rrtpiirds tofho a man of more linn ordinary strength arid lo rout in no at hu work must always in g md linalth f r tlio mnnldtrrif shop is no place for an nivali 1 hoialios is by no mo mi an uncommon ulllmlimi for men of this lrsfffatid onco thu dread disease has lanced a vlollri hn at i loin shako lllniiulf free from it again in faol some pioplu diolnrtf it is incurable but that it is not wo aro able to testify by s personal interview wilh ono onco aflliotod with ihe trouble hut wio is now in perfect husllh thanks lo tho timely use of tha fnmout reinady i hero are few workman bolter known in guajpli than has waldren jhrrhaps belter known ss barley waldren for lm hss lived in gualph almoal continually alino lie waa threo years of ae aud lm has now passed thu mmtlopotl mr waldren ia a moulder and has worked al thai trade for jj jruri aud besides being no led as a steady workman ho is a man whose ver aoitv is on juoalionud it is a woll known fact hero that mr waldren bad 10 pill work in livtiuury lkufi on account of- a ufimids or motm irfumud t- we sell for rash mammoth house georgetown v walker mcbean co i 1 1 lowrs baiigd at h vertotl si 1 art hi i rirna drain lakoi t c moore 80n cor jm nntl viwm htrrctn act okokoktowns l1vk8t stokk gibson millar 107 wo bave iloim a i niir 1st ynar an t yoar wltb ooifll lot and latest slyloa ii thiuu ih rt iioal successful busiuaas in i tinw start on our sefoml assanriuient of tho nawest i ihtlhh looitri dltfht tlfa roaami we bavn been iln wo lo you llm bswmi itylisb u unlalo gooda at yjerf special ioh t1i nixt tvso weeks to 1il soi 11 regardless of cost or value attn abtrtisrmtnlc w hbt u a rn in ihlli rimik hnrkwiuxl llrr lmas ltnnsi nil tni 1 ilay otl imro hull ntsry day ii illakt thc entibu stock oi sr we jo waul ruur trail o w want ll an v n to bail s lsrlloeh n vor bad ii rniiii i valms anil you fll find tlm yet thersnr iir ilhltif but llnd fa of i ii iwrdliii h iii aulu with tin ely k ol tlu 1 lo d had to gnl two bns ii ihe lour rl the t luili ami mijity nop cortopondi and lin nt slltlllll taka 111 would c fulu utd be obliged i ouri luthor ioysl canadian obshrvationb the to the lditor of 1 lirr vur dear hir 1 obsurvod lu jo of hlh cl a coinmendaliofi example set by an aclcn morcliiinl in closing his store i0 p m saturdays i would llko to observe that 1 bollovo that thia iood example might bo improved upou aud followed oven at two or three hnura earlier thia will bo called loo radical but if buyer were willing sejesmuu would surely bo also mile willitifj and when nearly all the large industries aro cloned earlier than on other nights why liavo late trading iho results would only be good lateness all the way through dealing delivering ujieninj toods retiring rising breakfaating is a iraiu that cannot properly prepare for tho obscrt small part tune one neventh celled for by our gracious creator hir matlli halo said many years ag a babbath well siwnt brings a week of content i ol ua guard the boly day oven in us begmn ing ill not thu iiicrihatilm cousider hi the larj0 majority are meniborsof ohuroh ea many of them iu official oonncotion ihe drlhll loblnaclla i of iblbltlc op forces in likely ha end we i uhje greet l sixain tbronhed bnut iho revrui will he eagerly and eameatly discussed by mort thsii mie sub hut my observation would be that auroly tho rovontm woiil 1 be more than made up in the general puaoe and order rtiitultiiif otcii it ihe figures were balanced ty dirtk1 taxation of coura thia will 1h iiiinuocasary direct uxalion dot sit i hurt much ii aolou when wt ll ink of iho jhuco am fueling ul aafel ll bruit rnfiro proletlion ihe rchoraal i the t ndcrwriluts iiispoc tor of our rmmici liiy arc in isnt wttik ud applla pakir make no mistake youi case demands tl use of paines celery compound i t i jn3 and tjuci i i i t i ahli uantihujub 1j yuuh ahlt- anuulhhks 1 ll al i ma t e making ttforu at ibis parlitular vlgllauoo will insii yuir auoresi our eeas demand iho ua moduli no tlat lamu has n acknowledged iruiiiipli uf nil la 1 it e a alrry ciuijhiiiii 1 aud kriiiaiiriit cure fur all i tia norvoua proalralioi daiepala rundown ayaloni uuuralgls liver an i kidney blood dleuaaor again hi safety large m ro knd a of tba nllatlt i subatll ay troubles and serious results ihouaanda in ull lean i 1 uura havi thrown ud thn shackles f disease am aulloriug by the uao of 1 aliio s t olory com pound 1 walla to do tha iimi good work for yuu ibars is uo experimental work with paiuoe celery couiikjuud do nol fear defeat or dlssppolutmonl bo great mediclua cures sud builds up svary man aud womau evcu after the doctors havt given tbeni up bee lhal you get the genuine palno s celury compound from your dealer look for the name pains s aud iho slalk uf celery s llicliard uayos a hayes who lived o from bt mary were run lot atautly killed by a u 1 it freigh bhoebotluui s uiwasiug three it town on uatujdsy ulghl ilsler mary aim llsliatl bouse li ontario halary hu navablu 13 wseklt ami eiaiistsf iuslti u iiurtiisusiit islsnum riimloaa asll atlilrthtawl slsiiilsd on aurolet ibenalimal hlar lluildlug uitcai0 that hu of icisttci lable lo do nd fm al to kuril tha exact facl waldren whan poken replied mile fronl all in credit it g dr wilh idel knowing i atrmiiy i of the case lr to in trbsuhjacl 1 had no hesitation na pink pills with larkahle tho i 1111 who seek been uustchod ii the day when peopl log iiuwipmr not waldnn iicllhar lm from death s door bul 1 jnit work until march 10th when i slarlnd njaiu t was confined to the house with acitlitn ll locile1 in rry hip and aould shoot down my leg to my fool and was very painful i could not move about the house witltuut tho aid ol a cane autl then only with rcat pain 1 was totally aaeleu aa far an doing my worg was con cernetl wss never free from pain and it ma do mo fuel vory much depressed for beyond that i foil strong and anxioua to be about i am a member of hires be so eli cs from whioh i drew pa viz the ihreoliuks tha irn mmildera aasooia tion and tho itsymond llenofit society ptiipio came to tee tne and of course everybody recommended a sura euro 1 dtdu t try half of thorn it wss not possible bul 1 iriedv great many partiou larly remedies that i had been in iho hshll uf using for lumbago hut i found no ruhef i ined dr williams pink pills after using two boxes i nolmed au im prove mot i aud i kept on ualtig them when i had used sn boxes 1 waa back al work agala 1 kopl on until i had finished the lib lux aud t novur fell bet lor in my life will alsowbol i ltoj a j ist s llitln baunr liifn ju wo ars orforlna 10a strang tnulu lioro slid wt know jl w your alls ill on you will booooio a mens youths andiboys ready made clothing customer hitcialhltakwr id valiioa uvur niturnd in town ml them lor iusi than tlm in don t go clsowjnjto iiii i many utliors a refills nttl iho i in llovn plu 1 hosiery lilit lnrteri pine hioh clasb tailoiuno ll la an ailuilttftl tart we laatl 111 this other tollnw iu a lie rslcb irailo bul do htm talliring oursliwk is now eoimilou- for ute fall iii tbo laltist imi t rlati ill ttcoleh i- ng 111 irish an 1 aiiatllaii hultlitks trowaorliiks una u bl oath 0 t illoath ov i- iicxiath in floys all i xldia hoy llthrra hon pea jackets tit 11 s 1 aula ole tills iii ik tbo ilco to uol your fall and winter oulrlt no 1 c mli liibtwpl hut uoo rnu ibat ulis is tbe lock and wo i i m ui gnl ll cliihon hi tr not t 1 h k fir i t llic n in lralt mil i all 4t co loo illock crorgelown i ess lrr t t luritalll la mi mci i i r uoo tj5 cheap j 5 s cheap a 87 15 cheap for a fc exirj lirjc nics were 75 3 itcrcoats in sim j 10 3h er from 1 5 lo t9 00 all joing al one price t ij out hi overcnatn 11 halt price a lot of mill ilifr i 1 lie clrircd m ft o eicll oar boya salts are k iiok very rapt ii nnd the tiaunce will ik- vl i nt a far groatcr reduction htiys 2 piccp navy berjc bulla nt i on hoj w niece rfned s11111 al it 5 1 t- lllitk ortetl suit- al i ml n s odd i sis in all aires worth from i is l 00 to ik rlenred at one mrni 1 ints i worth ii 00 men p111i1 ytjr worlh i yi in overtik wc hoi i 1 he fort see them al tuy worth j ilikana in all it n ood tlocl the engagement ulioed any roaui trouble a iilo t uieird tho rejkirle hatu not bo replied auflered a twiugu al ice mr waldren has w lu all the moulding shops in tho city waa ncvo r in his lllo laid oil sick aa lu ha v 1 tn iho hack of lhji of he i waa to bo aick an i 1 hardly knew wha of lhal tough wiry nature that bo can atand much greater physical strain than moat people would imagine almost any person 111 the city can verify hia stury mr waldren said aa iho reporter got up to leave i only hope aome poor follow w hall as buffered aa 1 ini may nol lots my oaae and gat relief as 1 did dr williams pink lvua create new blooi build up the nerves and thus drive disease from iho system in hundred uf usees they have cured after all other iliodloines had failed llms establishing tbo claim that they aro a marvel smoug the triumphs of modem medical hoieiicu ihe gunuino pink i ills ato sold only in ikixcb bearing the full trade mark dr william i ink pills for 1 ale 1 eoplt 1 roieel your aolf from iiimibiiiou by refusing any pill thai doen not boar tho registered iratlo nark 1 1 th box iran 1 valley lit tlie oun v of dolforin 1 under ijbi lioi on 1 bursday last inspector ilodila aud 01 illy onstatle hughoa vim led the ha hut t ibeir visit waa rowar led by tho disrov ery of it uor lu three of llu hotels ibe keepers were finmi tw au 1 losib bub txuoully dick anthony of morvillo was fijiod 0 aud ousts and mrs mauley so 1 a milk a minltk on a stearns ii vu ml hill ll lotl llll illy ll 1 w i w stark atfeut aatod ring wc have just pur- eluiscd opal di inioiid pcdil dnd othci gem fold iinfs suitable or lngajlihliit rings a lucl jssorlnicnt ouvage co jfcwi 1 1 1 us cuecph keeping close watch wc do not buj our bliocs lup hazard stunt pcrbons do but wt ire dilfcrciu so arc our shoes wc kxcp a clobc watch on the leather market and know what the m uiufaetured pro duct 0114 lit to iht us our lony expt rit net tt lis h it the qualit should in 1 hcrefore theie is no r tson h ni should not i l tblt tn b rihl md il th it is so we can eeriainl m ught our sttek l fall and winter boots shoes i t videnct of that fact lull and see fflftu 41 mk tbepti william williams mill st acton vnticd m r all sui y uadli tmsos truu t time jut lll allraolita i hub lunill l fi llhhfr iban w a tin lry o i ll tral ouumilaslou 11 t f hiwrlalitlm all 11 iirctiaiil it rnu miiis jtos ovor tuj aciea uudsr culu v h rdmms merchant tailor acton n o lit fnuiid in the sum old jikkc dcnn i lnli lu 1 alluring 1 radc 1vlt garment guaranteed perrymans biock why oh why don t you buy duchess of oxford range and enjoy perfect kltcbau 00 tn tor i tbo firs in them can ba regulated quickly aud easily to meet all sudden demands ihey ar extra soononilcal fuel burners and tba ovens ara ventilated and ktpl evenly baa teal throughout by means of a patent hue tha curnky foundry co limited toronto j a pannabkckelt bole agent acton lu mci 1 fr i lerwear we rle a few lead ihng iory fatl kcpcal stolch limits wool heavy rltdi yjc rikiilir d hind llll 1111 sk al uts por sale m fit in ck a steer astray uuk nnon tbo itrriiilsea lot w eon j hs y nneatng nvw a luontb ago a dark red yearling stor omn will wovo propsrrly lj ponaes and rem 9 a 4 lie animal tltouah altttlultfi an exccll l 10n halbabrslmotlgacofortirjoilo on s 1 ftrstclsss bnslnaas standtwo sterns and dwelling always rented inurastslx par eeol any asrson dsalring in invest tills amount san not do batter poriiarilenlars spply to ii p uoorre tailoring department our tailoring depanmonl is iwomino ml hands are buiy and we have still tee nnge of scotch heal her mixture from 1500 to io 50 our spechm al ti3 5 ho talk ol the count noihingtosurpas3lhernanwherc call and ace them before you ore too late tweed twaeda if you wsni tweeds by the yard wa have them and will sell the al hall price or still belter we will ftlve you your choice of ihlrly different pieoes nl 50c per yard thai were frbm 75 lo 1 50- par yard stonuea hontlau in ijidtes sbortrnms we have lovely range in mlack nn itrowaj ami tawn in thn following cloth i leaver mellon hlnchllla and brieve at pxitfs lhal will ult any sired purse from 3 30 n ft 5 00 furs farm now s the time for i ur capes if you want t aiain a reenland bead cape nullted and satin lined 37 inchet long for the imall sum of of fig 95 only a few left a the other departments are up to dale in uanlllitt iiuatmiea and prices especially so in our staple ivpimih having hourhi staples since the fall in imces we waich i the market and look alter the interests of i our customers who can always rely on get ling the best at the lovtest prices t saturday bargain day produce taken agents for standard patterns valuable residence lrstd for sale oft to nfent ulreet acton abose iho o t it tbe boose bss nine roams with kitchen attach d hard sndsoltwster good stable hve asras oi iad with a sprint creek running ibroogb tha oentre tbsre era also a number of fcntt trees on ills premise immediate possession can be given vor terms snd particulars apply to ultfl d wiuaaubon havelock bt hualph imblic notice bare by itroblblted -ixsr-t- annoying drivers by slioullng st their otber dlsordsrly conduct on tbo street loafing on any of hi strawts or t treat corner isalao prolilbltotl porobenes on any ol those points proseen uot will surely follow notice to creditors in tho matter of tho eatate of robt holmoi and joaoph holmes of thsy vlllaso or acton in th county or halton catllo dalra wrlker m st co the frank dowler co success folloiiis wt vvii um uy dcsciviii it by having the cact h odbjtu want at the evact price jou want to pa our highest ambition in thib business is to sell goods we know to be reliable our next highest to sell them lower than any other store in novelties we are the early bird youll always find here the good new things as they come out that applies particularly to dress goods mantles and millinery we have enough confidence in the value of these goods to lay them before you and invite comparisons manila 111 k hi 1 llwc- 1 ml lumliu suiting rtf ji inches ctr- lit itrllc tic iii ill 1 soj w t svllltl i lie business 6 i moar ntlea with a 1 each ii any ties each t ompare with any fi 4 doicn 1 urban walking hits sailors lor t tilf jcnieys for eonimic with arv lu x 50 is illock every day and theres no il auhl of the ptce throu want of power dollars never bought so much merchandise a now never hew so nimbly we re having a magnificent fall trade and persistent selling of new floods at extremely low prices is bound to maintain the mltrest it will pay ou to keep well posted as to what goes on here lor a fact ou cant afford to without seeing first what we have to offer pend tuk krank dowler departmental itlcat cash house guelpil the bell piano a a unexcelled for quality of tone beauty of design superiority of finish made aud freely guaranteed by lbs largest manufacturers in canada and susd uo beooud bsnd loatrunteuta taken lu ciobeug or naw one and sold on the inslal menl plan when required names of some who arc iiuiuc hell imitraiueuts 11 jt u the prittcoat louiao ii k thu nlurtuib of luimdowno ht ilou thftmitrqiiiitofdutrortu tttiilavu ii u thu king at holland ii u thu quean of italy maiunto adoltna pattt niculitta sir john 8 tat 11 ur mua doc mt alhaon ladies collegu kuv j e huulur of croaaluy av hunter hov u btrschait hospeler toronto college of muito st josephs convent ht cath erines presbyterian cojlogo montreal and tnoutauds ol others rriose as low aa any nratoieas plaoo oan bsj aoid for vor prios or cleloatoai wrtu or oall at wararopaia omlpfa c ln kelly j hoi tytml in uut pisao inpoitw mn dmiug in mwiou ooad yf upper wyndham street guelph notich is berebygtn tlist tbitbovs nam sd robert holmes sud joseptvaalniaatiava made an teabjotuent 10 mo for tba bstjeot of their creditors a rneeuns ef creditors will a el3 otboe in lbs village of acton 1 monday 26th day of october isoo at two o clock p m for die spnolnuuent inspectors and gtvlng directions for lbs disposal of lbs eatata crsdltors are required lo me uislv outlms llb as doty proved on or before salt data it j alcnatltl a j uacttlnson asstgnee solicitor dated this ttfa day of october loo main stroot planing mills acton ont john cameron- architect and contractor- aleaufectorer of saab doors frames slouldlui la all alyles matgbwq to ordsr on abort notloa john cameron proprietor 1881 t gultiv4tob 1897 amj country gentleman thi bkst or the agricultural weeklies qkv0thd tu farm gropa and prooaaaw bortioultural a fruit orowlng u stock and dairying while it also includes all minor dspartmenu uf rurswl t ute net such u tlm iouluy yard kntomaloev llm heeling uraawlioasa and oraiery auhrlaary lu kuiu dasauona and answsra 1ireauts iteadlug domestic koooomv and a hu miliary oi tbo news of ilia vess its larksl llekrta are unnaually otw pletav bjd mneb alien tltm is najd to tba pros pacts of ibe orota aa lb row ing itgtit apoa ens of the most iaiportejnt uf all anssuooe wbeu to buy and wbeu lo 11 it is liberally lllu- tralail and ooatalaa utorw reading matter then amr befora the lubecrlutlou prloa is iis par year but we offer a aittcul urductiov club rates for 1807 tsjao submcrlpttomm in una remittance 4 six ssiojibhoe do no 10 tea set bc r jpfio as j ia wto all new suliecrltiera lur 1m7t paying in adianae now we will send ibe paper woealr trasu oar receipt of uf lbs remittance to jaiu an lat labt wftboul charge rlpkiimsm corias kaaa aodrwas luther tucker son pubuamiaa albany new york hamiiro twice il week fculll wednesday saturday 1 per year bampla copy raw j tba ioslmaaur will forward your anbsjoripuoiior remit dr rant lo the spectator hamiltom v ix

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