Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1896, p. 3

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tc i if bank of hamilton head optioew hamilton tupltal lultt iii itrxanvk kunil totai aukti iimdoq wtflowt emuunu board op directors a fj iiamh1 lo i dun htuailt inmjttinit tdj 1 iiomm io t i a ii lkk torunjo i w u lnuiv i tuilnllullalsjxhler ri h htkillrjn aaat csahhtr v ii m wathon liuior agencies hamilton illartnu ht hut kml aiiibkiii uerlin eiieslny toorwiliiwu llrlmahy llatuwi i lucknuw xliitnti atoiint furasl oraiuru villa owii bound iurl klein hlmoqo toronto british oorronpondonta london national i rovinolal hank i i nil ml iltd amoriaan oorrespondonta nw tdii fourth natlmisl hank tit henovor natl ma hank it mum inlnrtiatluii tl trustee hi crlurlnnlutik mi uo national llauk of mllimqja and union national tank uamolt uotrtjll nations lunlt h tmaxs cir national hank of cumtnarce agon to in montreal thallaukof toroulo the news at home aidoroetown aobnqy neiqhdonhood news natos discounted and advances wads on suit ible securities collections tusdo ami drafts liouuhi and bold 00 all aooesslblo points lu canada united n tales treat tlrlteln anil the loutluuutof kuroiie uimn tncet favorable terms savings department pones s of at and upward twelve i ui interest allowed from data of dainmlt tu datu of tfllbdrewal btecial dkrokith alao received at curront rates at interval v l livingstons ainmt wall papers window shadosj curtain poles and a most complete jine of envelopes note papers school supplies toys dolls etc hcadtju irters for wedding and birtnda presents 1 qkq hydb aotn ont tl ctan jtrtc ms thuhsday 0 toi1lu u bjq jfc uttle local brieflets which caunht tho eyes or ears of froa prone ro porter ct thin weak la yoar absariptioa pid t council raorlinic licit monday ovemn wheat oonliutiaa to xdvauoo in lint potatoes are selling hero at 4 i bar the trees are prcll wall denuded of read oborvor obslrmlloua lu knottier column a third inker haa commenced buniurea in town tin a week the or iiors of it t j holtnoa will meet uoxl muudsj d kpuau la now running a branch lor l georyolowu freight train bnltsmen rrpurl a great deal of trouble with tramp wheat han boen told on tu biaakel tbla weak for boo to bio mr aibx hahawa new hooo on ooulph btreal n up and enoloaed mr robert oibboni la roovtnn this wnak to hi farm afdrowtoua corn era su molal eold a floo dqminiun pltlso to cop no i lor malthavra ian weak 8t alban tjaoday school coramecccd practice for ibclr chrtatmaa annlvcraary lut sunday ir j fc wilkinaou bit purabaaod a una dental practice at iolrolea and will rouaove thereto at on with ibo prloool wbcl booniiuu up toward a dollar lb patteul farming man may atjte a olianoa to laob tb aclou tanuiuft oompwny haa oloaed down for a week or ten daya to per mil of new furnacea boln put lu next hunday will be old irupu a pay in ihe metbudiatcburcb bjwcial arrniqub will be preaohod by tho paator tbo oral mow atorm of ttibaoaaoii waa eiperiencod on saturday about an inch of anow fell but it pccdily dia appeared it la no duubi a difllcull ihmit fur merchant a to do a caib trlo btl wbnt n tbla world that worth doiiu l h ib pot difficult tbe board of education will wreatta niiii abool 100 application for tho vacanoy in tho primary department noil monday eveninu ifasaagaweya and erin rbowa wera not favored with woalber booh aa would tempi ihe average vliitor away from tha ooinforlablo 11 real de the special aer views in the afblhodiat church atlll continue wili a larkc attend qm mr 1 udd of pel roll miob ib aaaiallnu the pastor tbla week itev mr monalr of waterloo waa annouuoed lo preach in knox cburcb nit sunday but owln to lllnaaa waa una bis to be premnl the pautor b i maetfti readied mrs uoorice iruokle of juslpb was klled on monday on james hreel by a paaslug trolley aa aha waa in the act of reaouinjf her riandson charles bwindle borst the finest apple w have seen this year waa brought lo the 1mkk iman ynalar day by mr alex 1awoou of kirourlay ia of the alexander variety and weighs ulon ouueoa would ii not be a good idea for the council to arrange for a visit to acton o iroviuoia i toad commissioner campbell t the authorities and those who may be doo ttoow all there ia to know about road niaklug harsa bouts tbe iras teas of a school seotiuu near w ingham have hired a macbar with a normal bobool osrtiocale and a doaeu veare of luooeaalul uaohiujj for j10 lu addition to leach log be offra o teach a loglur olaai and light flreo mr alex booorj ia baviug his flue rcsldaooa on bower avenue qltsd with radiators and pipes live alexin will be oaavajrtd from the caoada clove works ii is a modal method of baatlug both from lb point of ooovenianoe and of satisfaction tba parry hound alar haa juit cumptel ad ita twenty first year the past ytar baa markad gtaal prograaa aod improve man in tun iur and it outers upon ita aaoood qoarur century with sxcwluul pro pg uro iralaud is tha power behind tboturuiifl auction balx mr j v kanoawli will p or b i bouaebold fxrnlltira and lurnisbiugs ou balurda aftaroeou slsl qclobor at 3 oolutk at hi reitdnucr lluwar ae yt u llkustuax auoliowcer montly of n local charaotor and nvorv horn intoroatlnc llftnriteri frmn taromf hov i atlier haley rnturnea from bis trip in hi ull country on balurdx the trip did uhti tnnoh hooa ami lie ia noh unjo mg a fair degree of hoallh he con duoiud tlio ntrvico in dm ii c imrcli at uorkotmvu mi hunday itev father lliihinmii an id farewell to iho oongftgatton or hi joblpb a on hundsy ha left for llorlln on monday lltimciitltnreil their devonian trmchttr lor the peat yoar qr o misa marglo wilkliisakiliab bwji a teacher in the moth odial tlttffa bnliool the removal of her brother or wilkinson necessitated her rollrcmotit from tho achool which ia much rrreltid by libollowickolioraand omccra and espf tally by hi llnm of nnng udire on miils utvtilnif the clans aallrd upon mill nilkinson and pronontnl her with a kroiip photutfraph or the tnoinbcta neatly framed an injnyutilv hrritjntf annivrrmary itev ami mm itaiifcrd pis tot- of tho 1taiat church here wero at home lo a larun number of honda ou saturday after uoon and evonjnff laat at the psnwmafin at ucorgctnwn on tho occasion of tlio oele brniion of tho utteentli anuiveraaryy of tlioir marriae tliey wore tho rcoiplenta of a dumber of beautiful crystal aerom pained by manittnd oxpresiors frstnni in wliloh ihoy are hnld ihe event was a thoroughly enjoyable one a number of aclou fnrnila participated jlctorlul juimibbbti jccturh a joint leciuro ofqmah inlorast wax de livorod in ho uioiils church on moo day evoiiiiiu by mvssrs o fujimori and n linamura japauena mlaiionariea al uablo iitirmalion wax imparted respecting the coutitrv itself and luaid desoriplinna wprogivnnof the god of war goddess of plbot flhiuto inealhood duddha japans 1 mprcis mi 1 thu itnj croa hocioly f uji ama haorrtuvwl ufidgo tho jlnrikislia ulc mr iiiiainura appeared in full cere inouial j n panose dress a number of on in japaiicko were biing tho ohurch was fairly well flllc1 with an appreciative the lliuhlnnd moraaf pjjw 4jm prnidept pul j well known huneaty o i boui and singleness of purpose reali a f lyal canadian a red hot loot are in hub issue because ha ssw fit tosugb that for a year or two the highland dancers and pipcr ha left out of tto nnuual yoneort of tbo agricultural hocioly ihadonghty p res i don i has ew dontly mliuiidurstooj our correspondent who ii one of mr duffs heal friends and ha lwa admired liinf and guon creiiil for hie ncrgetio ertorts in aid of acton union lxqibiliou his only point of orili iibm waa tho daucarn ani pipers no doubt he will speak for himself iu next ihsqo ilrml itunutncntu ta the vcw surrey it la but a few tnonlha binoe the new survey at lairvjew cametery was opened but already a oenaiderable number of plots have been iojd and interments taken place ibrue una xnouumenta have lately been plttood by j ii hamilton of the monu mont works cuolpb some weeks ago mr wilaoti of bcotch block put up a noe monumout over the remains of the late mrs itoberl wxuon last rv4ay two fine tnouumeiila were erected by mr ham illon or itev t albert moore palmeralqn over the remains of bis wife and utuo too and tho ulhor for hugh mann lw to hia family plot 1 ho former ia a beautiful dark red swede jjranjta with amiable basue and inarkorn and thu latter a flna gray gramta of the oenotoph patlaro llolh are of chaste design and bave a rtobueaa about them which attraota tho visit to trie guicl city of departad loved aa aetna hay- frcfcrtticnl liuclph city cuuucil made a wise choice at tbolr moeliiig ou monday eveuiug when mr 1 jumca moon was aalectod lo auc ceod harvoy iho embexiler aa city i rcasurar iho position wax not gained without competition for there weraaixtaon applicants amoug them two of the city aldermau mr moore waa oloeled on the aeveulh ballot with a clear majority over all other applicants ur moore is well fllted or ibo responsible poailion to whiou he baa been called in addition to a thorough drilling lu the theory of book keeping he bad iho advantage of a year or so in tha audit oillre of ibo canaolan lxpiosa com pan j at montreal he la noted for his acouraoy paiuslaklug and thorouihuuia as it is wrll known mr moore ia tho eldest aou of iriucipal tboe i monro or acton iubiio school and has himself been in the tcachlug profess loo for seven or mysrs ho baa been ibeprmci palulsl georges school in uuolph ilia aotoii friemda oobgralafkte bim upou aecur lug the oily troauborshlp nown itomn sunnllnd by corros- pondonta and exohangon na93aqaweva rlitrpan wmt half of lot 17 c gawoa the iiliiuing cotninr alm shari misscurrir tl opnng haa lici ti in gsgcxl lo sneered her iatrr as ttsclier in no i and mr midgrl acton lakes air monalrx place in no 4 llolh changes arolo com men co with iho new year milton r itmcorwhiii plowing inntch iuliiirpai on lh tub nov on tho farm of itfmeajs l blar lp o if von ita v v f llrflvll coming and qoing vlaltora to arid frorh aoton and vrlpuaot p notoa tint t baa 1ntab lavlle all iu raailaraj to ew- irllum t ihis eounnn if you nr your meade uljinujoi i card to the fa ha if you waul first olaas ouoiphsashaihl doors at uuolph prioea 1 hnuui can till your order af bio plauiug mill as the ol auwn by the f armor brtug elb forth its fruit lu sea sou ao tha seeds of kuowladgo which the young man eowoth will in due season truolify to bis gain ami hut the larm atook im plements otc u uoorga blorey lot jl aa tho town una tielweon hsucaing and naxaagaweya will be sold by public auolion on monday ooiobor aotb at one unlock lenus twelve mouths wu luuarakki auctioneer mr ho clark will offer fur tale by auction en i huraday ool tjiti at lot 13 4lh hue wont c hlugoooay about ao bead of pure bred aud grade jeraey liuiham and ayrshire cattle inoludlug 20 fresh oaivod about jj yearling beifera lu calf also a number of regtalorcd iterkabire pigs bix borsea aud cola will alao bo offered all will bo sold wtlboul reserve hlevtn months oredit ilia new unut i iicxhu the new marriage act rcijulroa thai both bride and groom make affidavit when procuring a marriago hoe use in order to avoid in convenience aud uuueoosaary publicity the uudoralguod will wall upon ibo partlesj desiring i loo uses at the home of any of ihoir fneulv in lowo tu issue documents ii i m uiix laatior of marriage licenses faaa itiknri ufllco acton you lau he well wbeu your blood ia puce rloli and pourlshlug fur uarvea and rou soles 1 be blood in tha vital quid and wbeu ll is poor ttflto and impure yoo most eitberanf lor from sooio distressing diseaae or you will easily fall a victim to sudden change exposure ur overwork keep your blood pure with hood haraa peril la and be welr- uoods till are tha best aftardlnuer pill assist digoatluu cu hradaofae 3 j ii macuill of triuit ollege itev 1 t mignol a xsaislant last jrar baa applim for a ooiumiasiou as arennd llmiltil ant or v 7 n illlh lome it ik itev ir j i fm mull lain ir ii man china lui now in ilr aph luiintnl as chaplain r the llritiil forotn mllo india pnachnl in itoslon hurrh latt habhatb niornlni andjtfdrwg w llrent alio lisbbeon agent of lite hank of hamilton lure f soma years ia to be removed to the head flloo al 1 1 ainil ton aud will leave milton rlcxt week mr and mrs llrent have a great many fmuda hexaatnl their approaching removal is tho oanaf or general rrgrol j i hrpor a nephew nf the late jndu miller has been appointed to fill the vacancy chewsonb corners we had an amateur wi tiler ou hui lay laat a forerunner of vlit we will uhh ket mr morgan crajraeu ia drilling a at hja barat to water his stock this wi tbofiacrameit of the lord a supjr well ler will be administered in the methodist h l roh here a wrek from next huinu george tho eldest son of mr h hit on who hai beea confined la his bed for the peal three months willi malaria fevo la slowly reoovenni mls harali htevoiinou kjhmi hunla at her homo hero mr m campbell who mas been via bra daughter mrs jas tamblr for the paat week wont to flora cm i riday mim l ripps rulurovdto lumiltoi on saturday miae l limbcrl rotirn 1 it ikbj lor on saturday rockwouu tho at uoiue in all of llo i h church waa well allrndo1 mian itradloy of georgetown missea hcli ll 1 i and mitcholl uuolph j itoiiliii mra j hamiltoo miss hln and mr john sirs rhxn gave ilia program no a lunch waa pnivdc 1 and tho ladies whit niaiingrd the affair deserve groat ertlit for lite dainty arrangenient of tabliu dihnrallons and xerving of ho lunch mr mirliu mccann of iti iorooto ii ur called ou hia h ckwool fripiulu thlt week chief itaodall u u iph arreatel a couple of tramp near hero on monday they were charged with altoinplod arson mieaea almelia aud till hslle vlilled frieuds in actou this week ilr dryden has pjsteca out sunuuiiclug x clearing sale ol bis hooietiolit rffcctn ac on tusaday next october ijiti a ouo clock fcrin ll takcx a njiilt l y big uitu u il riu slow crowds were hi ro otorliy from miles awsy thopnbhc geuerallt i m johu w iturt the resieclol nocrvtar truaurur of the lnn agricultural huciei xoooatomed very ill ilav ur iowite lo i u lr 1 l ilk in son rot nr nod from hlrngit on alopday mr ccorgo iloomor of gall visited friend hero una week miss haltie thurston raves ibis weak to take a situation in toronto mr waller hews ofjuiton called oo friends here last wednesday mr george blair of toronto haa bean visiting rolauestiere this week mist nellie ii modjnald haa returned from a mouth a timi at llramptou miss i hid andrew of milton made acton rdemls a brief visit laat week mr w i moorr of mlllon xpenl han ley nl tho homo of jotjn warren kstj mr ii 1 lelage of toronto tnade a brief visit at the maples thie week aid it fc nelson of goalph wax down last thursday on a bunting expedition mr noble of fcafjueaing haa retired from farming and ix removing lo acton apt hinclair of toronto i spending a few ilaj uitujk trtojtoesl of col allan tjtft joa noma of the o t u day da it ikciijoj lug a couple of weeks vaoatlon mr john mcgill jr left but saturday to lako a position a night operator on the g i it at malton misaex lterta harrison aud ilorta ueaaay of georgotowu visited with the mleana neuou over buuday jmr m l mccann of the toronto i o staff speei a ooople of day this week al bis home here mr john cameron representative of l iht pmhtuker totonlf made the lntt 1uuihx p1eaaul call laat week ihe rcinovaj uf mra i i huraton from aclou owing lo her marrulge with a hi alexander f sweet i a proeperooa sjiulii renoctod farmer uf himbarley will be fell among her many frieoda she baa botii a aiicceiarul and very worthy citixen during her thirteen jeers here d baa en j ljod tho liihobl osteeni iff bar new lioiikj sbo will be vorrouudrd by many friend amoug whom bhe resided twenty vrarn ago iho kiudeai wtshee follow bar from her anion friends and nolghbota agricultui plaof ye u improving our grain mxrkut ia buoiuiii a mra lr mcksul nfitsiii iltoom preeeiil vialllilg hor pareutn mr and mrs tos arliery tho harklos brothers ihchcd i mi hall ou the fourth lino akdoii i u hlur day laat j wagon loads of p as in tj boora the lidice homo and lali miaaion society of tha naplisl churili flillsburg held a very aucceveful thauksgluiug srrvico in iho ohurch laat ueek a very joji jn gramme waa given ou miiaioti work georgetown barnes ool too battiiit factor mluloa jual oulsido uio town liiiula was t ilally destroyed by lire about 1 31 o clock helur day afternoou i tio factor v was lutsed by bmall 1 co uf toronto who lone aboul 700 on tho coo urn i mr lunnw loss on the factory i aboul 1 duo lib no insurance miss lid i of jkl l visiting hor auul mrs li i hoo mrs john termer of 1 iuichlj i attending el tho bodaide tj mr mixta kennedy mr houuody alllt litra ihuugh be ia gradually amklug or win iriumuli lull- win master hrock ilarbur left lust wmi fur hock hpiiugs wyo tu lieu i he narrisga of hi sou ir r tee man which took place 1 uaaday i he happy couple will reslflo in it ick hpiluga whore ur iroeiubii jr haa ralabliahcd a good practice a iuiel wedun g l h ploo i l day evening uf last week at the rom lana of the bride a parents the niulracliiig jmrllos being mr lareuoo klddxll of uuelph and mlxa hoee ilenhim second daughter uf mr alfred lleubam ihe bridal aily left on the eveuiug train fur lormui hov i icrrin li a mrfuruied the cereinony the auuiversary sor vices in tho 1reaby ler i an church ou hunday laat worn iarguly attended itev u hiiahen ii ll f ii re pel or gave two vory uarneal aud alio dlacouraca tho church was tabtnfully deooraled aud the music by tha choir was very ana on both occasions 1 ha aolu in lha eveuiug by mrs frrd 1 homjuoii was thoroughly appreciated while i ho ft will offering was lergs ll did uol pule inoel ihe demand yvtm bkvhiui rairilrll ukv ou i r l u restwmsluo estate iuhv1 limia hi uularle balarv tm0 pwble lklvaui 1uitlou lasrwaaeiil lloluiaiici hlihhi self auutr- tuluiw itauauoual htar r liulldlub ohtcagu rup 1 irr mfbl ouo hm liver pill taken rech ntaht during jo days will cure icostf tiro lion oft roturuiug headactica aud irregular aauon of ijs luurola lixe liver filla leave no uiiplraaaul after effect sales w ith hoodahxraapa- aetjh rills sales talk and b j i if siiuw that thu medl- w i at clue haa enjoyed pobtte eonfldenoa aad jmlrunsp tua greater extant taen eocord- v any other proprietary medicine tbla ti simply beceuse it puaar gteater turrit and produce greater cures than siiy other it la not what we say bat nttal hoods haraeperllu doee that tcfja thonlorj alladverttiemuiu of hood hnnniierllla tike hoods berespartlla tt- sl are bourat we have never deceived tho public and tku with ita superlative medicinal merit la why the people have abiding confidence in 11 and bay hoods sarsaparilla alnmitln llir firluilon of all nthrra try ib i trrpl unly by i llondftto iawpii klaxa notice change of business havilk purchase the i i u and stationery bub mess from mr j v ktnnawm 1 lit to bol- ii a from his patrons a i oiuinuance of their past fivors 1 he lame lines will lc i tuied and it will be our inn to kivc the bet oods u tlu best prices hoping our relation- iniv be mutually picas nit am profitable yuuts i ruly a t brow we hae on hand several valuable farms 1 here were six inches uf itii w al fill on balurdsy night norwa ilue syiup streiiglheua ibo ungs end cures all throat i ruubw coughs colds etc i ur l w yeomana ouo of melltvilloa moot prominent and esteemed cilixcna waa burned tu death lu hia drug store on mon day morning ho went lo business early with a lantern and is suposcd to bao stumbled causing explosion uf bis lantern and that hp waa asphyxiated uavb you taj3tkd salada ceylon tea it la tho moat dnllcloua or all tax bold only lu lead iiackela by wellington itruct 1 laldiiiiind sunt oe nt tlwiui sis huibly liu llalton durham perth vii i a u ill be aold al i nraln if auttt tivlute the ar4 ol january oak i r uf lariua anil tat iarxlculeib ai4y lo j h maklorry baorwtary hi kl i h am ontario in1khtukmt t 1 wunuft hoglbtv qullhm ont n dont r be j bashful about coming or sending here some ikhinlc nlanys daflfy rclect- ing ihcir fall wearables ualil the large ossortmcnls which we pre pare lias itclti dcptclcd of its ehoiccl artirlcs dont bit do lliat send for our catalogue if jou cannot rome its brimful of cuts hi forma lion descriptions and si lex you can order ant- thing li mail and it tells you how to do it you can sate money ordering mantles milliner clothnuj or ir goods lr ub on any of i these lines j lt fa or suipr i unnrktle jr yard worth ic s u altwool grrt runnel iuc woll rje ajin uaiun ci 1 unnal ic wurili tjc is to nine snip reajfcm tlcklne ijc jxm lobhiacbhdtabhi unen ij rr is all questions cheerfully answered 1 ettcrs or orders received be fore i oclork answered 1 same da j sutcliffesons toronto j ma ask i iii i ll i f gc b rjran cfe gos oyercdht- ia raa toa a quick i ul oi in c 1 ui more dress goods novelties just received j f i dress goodb rnd jacket sale this vtjtoii e k ooii os i a jj 16 xd s7 wyndjuu i su l odblpu ont jeorjictown klectric works t j stkhut fraprutor i nufaoturwra of dynamos electric motors water motors am hydraulic rams llin aiiilhleaui rittloi and ueaarel ueiiajs ins llaluii thiulwlwluiak4abrauuuawiaeblae i am iuirvd lu do btaxlug on lueveles kraaaea iiierv ubuvls omivsrte1 fruui imrrtl in tsnssel tiikes hbihiio llera beat to euv ueeuraat aaate lullllnauf bakes k4 in aluek hellafbeoaa j ootntlald l 11 naleon ft oo and i b ltleiglae ugmelled u au eolor a k qutdoe a co t j spjejcjut qwnjalowd c r o k i n o l e wi have a snap iu crockinole 75 willi irchts ck lar i 5 for i ou i ln llih 1iihbli new goods chis uellbs bookaaiiwr oulph not one coat left over from last season all manufactured witlnlvtlii last few month manufactured by people who know how to make a good article no other kind would suit our trade we expect a big rush all this week our overcoats consist of black beucrs and ivil ulsters in bbck brown and i awns in the ireies wc are selling more colors than blacks they are better value than last year its too bad that the people should pay us 6 68 for an overcoat when they can get just as good in imagination for 4 95 down street hhppy why ahiuliln i i be i e just r irared idiom liiiinuni fc ret im 1 tic ire just thai they adicrtlsc ihcm kiln no ii u m n i nll1h- liiinrl it 1 icll on if tho vain and district t heir store i they nro giving you in niylbih comfurhblfflierrmth pi aukln t be nhle lo hold ihe enilomcra hrje ti u li i city 1 iin udvibing my friends to mike aclnctions xt nnco lnfni 1 bey sell liojh luols too and just as chop aa mens g b ryan co guelph the right house cor ktnir hughson 8ta hamilton wo wind the business clock dally wor cancless tl r cr lilhcr than now em ploasurililc work gitliennj ilrxiiiil ililr 1 tllnri never bought xi nun h inert h imhw itremm inntn w vp bnwu the way lo ao hulnniim urosa hood trada tho crowja that lully uiiouh uila slain la a proof ot ths above assertion ijateat novelties lu bxouslve dreaa patlerna lu both plain aud tendee at vary moderate prions a very larxe range lu plain cloths in clievtou amaaonsand ldy clouia tbo oorveei thlun lor street wrer in ell tbo load lux ahadna wo hsva aontn speotel bentalna lu ttente twowl and kaney ooodi lft irotn lha llurray atocb uiat wo are allluit for lie ier yard worth from sun to 1 in tha regular way tula season we have made a special offort in plalua and wo can allow yoo a apeolel aaaortniaut in tho dlflereul clans vas aro aliowinn a largo aaorluiint of ureaa tsmii ii lachaai wldo al aoc v inoh bcotcll twoeda at tsc i hcotstl and suadlan light ua rod u cod to aoc anotliar i u idc all reduced to 3ic kdriisii trouaorluipi in dark and fauoy ustterus xi iu reduont lo 1 iix1 rednoa1 to tsc vnaliib conluroya ml 63 t3 anil uo 1 ifl xi o jid uart l ks 74 co m bq 10c all roduced tu ua h trouaori vnnlli- uuloakiu 63 and 7te mall iiiilen ikv 1 he uikiii house kraud llllo of llrussels worth 1j1 now si 10 i slaa4it paturlib ihik aa tliouitli t thrown vhain ovor a ikhi of low en aim ooai toui tlirouiili for lie worth ftv icitra uallllea in m i and 10 i illoaehed tablo i in on a iwantlful petuiru nrlooa wars nnvor ao low riilnlitll i asaortinant of doutllo uainsek tallin clnllis all altos hl hiamlw lulx loh lu all guajiuo nrlcli with lurencaofxll kitra nualui in ta na tsaelotb liomalltotiod usmaak cloth drawl damask estra juall tray cloths is to uoo drawn only el i krlntta jualltv 1 7j ilainatllohsd 0 uoo a lot of now turklah towela in turkish jattsms 11 scd 10c turk ish liath uau full also hoaullful laslitua tsc ilalubtluihnl ituck towols lin only sac oaoli ifstlar ijualluea for su si aud ua kiilnudl i vbiub in ituck tcwala at ijjo lania alio an i rood iiuallty olaaa llnaua aiwilaj iiualllloa 7 hindino bcitoli hamalay cranli k iu 13e flfiluah taulo iadlluu a trail d lliluu dim t tail lo bm prtoo si 13 wr yard uaiila loth hi mandillooli only si ctiiita full lluna tu ill lw odttoot hhouui lualiitluu kuoluh al i leuaillaua all wl itha ail i iiialltoa jutuo oa iawn tacknut in ovart cobiiiih aud r ihh 1 acka valval collar and aufla larna imsrl button atorll collar em so 17 10 tsal and frloio jackets doubts law illy collar vatvet trtmtnod hoi iloublo jfieealail loevo st3 xflts rx ia fht end up ta 0d uilllner lu uila desrtiuant wr re buay aa beea ilauty if ua reader to liolji you la you may aab h- lunty of ua to maka such cliannea as alisll luako itia hat or bounai uwui to be rt nf you ilauty of ua to laka your hints and luaka soino uilukjusl to vnur notion bvjiiib vary bteclal atlraolioiia now 1 toff an o wlnga now rarmdlss iluiubb now humii oniamaou in all untodels atylos vow fall hats lu laloat r reuctl atyloa linmanso aaaortuiont of tarn lend caa ault ahlo fur blrla uol tiff to aaliool fjaaacja we call your special attention to our llxaial abls all wool flannel ouoa u aa brtithl froui a wottluo as a duck froui a diva not a pariinkla of alirlukaa uatertal aalally iireisjrad u hat this rnaull now tdardowus now sttariis uo culars ilaln lllina an i iibih wool kldarduwu wrahr oooda ubw iiallarua add ah ados 11 is in and vic i urihim nl and oer tlnrjca iaul i i mi part ontann thomks g whtkins yojj yojj canl depenu on youii vvatch unless i is right ltli icjiaitlng is one of r stiong points do ou need a pair of spec tacles we can suit you weve made a personal study of fitting g d pnngle l ch maker it opticlua gu8lph hoirats music store hcton oit dominion pianos henderson co acton big slash in dress goods ior the next two weeks we are offering large induce incntb to those requiring urebb goods of all kinds both black and colored i his will ho a record breaker as regards values and ever thing in the place subject to the same cut kancy our h inch lilack henrietta at i oo for k5c 75c henritta for 60c and the same all along the line 1 ok spoh cash only neial 7vmjntle3 continually coming to hand are the newest and most up to date goods to be had and we challenge a comparison of values with the ciiils urmj place else bast fresh roll butter only 14e poi lb henderson a co ac ion belfast store organs uoulti oream aul ml musk a hiiwa toharus uidullus i tkhua for i luu imuuoa aud oibaua lo sut i uorratb imuaio btorx next door to by mon broa shaws drug store rock wood 1or oue woek ouly we will sell bast imported caetlla uosp et 1 oo alb wo aave a nloo lius of uhs ps wool door mata at tielf helliufl ai fioc formerly tl 4 sol unit al 7 iv formarly tl m eelliuk at fl 00 rormer ly 1100 aelllu al tl aoalorroarly u qti we oleauad ou the mxpufaolurera stock and cannot 4u plicate order wboleaalo al ibaee prices wantedan idea ssr s w issuox e b cotlins butcher umsruux qtuumuera fur itaslrse lo lhi thnli hush liberal lietniuaau as imi je uf lliell gubluut a ooiuplele aaeuruueul ol nreleleae bear uuuod lamb poik rraah and ball bams biungei poultry lard 9 in aaaaon itloea always as lew as eousuteut with tha aal quality i rouill dellvar r at sloeb eauuftl i ii colli vx vvc ntvci uigu i t utimici while l sliivc tt sh uit giittest lcmrtcs and attention and leave no iioia uti tumctlin uui mints to suit i purchaser t wibh oo one lu fttl that he is under an obligation to bu vt know our prue ire ihe lowest and depend on ihis lu t tid on the judgment of ihe public for nn ever increasing olume of tiade not6 7x iein sp6cihl limes a line of ladies kid gloves to cleai at 75c regular price 1 oo mens underweai at lowest prices christies cream yodas pet tin box u sample our 20c tea new raisins and currants new pbdl no in stok 7 b curneyco mill streat acton the dlrferenc9 do you know the difference between cash prices and credit prices it not call and see our lines ol new goods just bought for cash and compare them with credit stores you will soon see tho difference v i a new nieces new tweed dress coods double width cash price joe a yd lamjtgiasses cash puce and 7c each not bankrupt slock but new yoods c f coodeve the cash store next post oflice acton f

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