Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1896, p. 2

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j jh- jriv i in hocawnod mi vlieadr 1st tultr and mrs james keoailh lilx vi ihn linmn rf him i un thursday ilr1 oonl tfrijf arttut 3frrc j its till hhfjqj3si4i notfb arxfufcommiintb r the isle hoi w i he psrinei balfour j a tuesday by a msjunly of iivor tito internment ha bwn advird liial the canadian route i he uiiimhi by ho imperial authorities fur tno do parcel km between inland and japan thli imlte a profitable compliment lo ansdisn tim proposed tariff inuiry will lin about nov n and will 1m conducted by r hichard cartwritfhl lion mr pialdintf il linn mr palo rami arrangement hato been made lo vlait montreal i uronlo lillnn ijoiihoii cjuebcr hi john and halifax in referring editorially to auada im parlance as a minink oeiitro the world on saturday vent area i hi prediction can ail a ia destined to bo one of the weal i bleat countries lu tlto world and tlm balk of oar wealth ia yal undiscovered just now oar enterprising man are kellinff in i ho thii ndeo of the wedm tims aud ootipdeno will do tbe rbat wa have the oroa both in ilrilish colombia and in ontario al wo oeed oonfldenoe on tho part of oni eaiilaliau and we in thla country are on the high road to wealth and prosperity our ahip ia already in sight iiord aberdeen hn many commendable point a aboat him aa governor oeueral of thla itonftnion and one of the leadin 01 la ini desire and rtthiikiiess lo meet w the people to hoar their opinions wishes aud aea for himself tha varii provinces i tilth toneil officialism will newer accomplish anything m thia or any other democratic con nt r iord aud iady aberdoeti are at present vialtlntt in m tobs and the northwest where thoj li an eatate 1raotical information tfloa by peraooal observation la worth a treat deal more than doubtful untried and laaea impossible tlieorloa the toronto junction ratle r aaya the dancer that some of the smaller municipalities in york founty may pot be represented at all in the new coo council was pointed out in the i enilrr some lime afto but very hle interest bj peered lo be taken in ii tbe aanr danuer threaten the tniuor municipality of flallon county aa will be aaen by the vigorous protest from last weeks acton f 1 be iximloi in finance department baa doted tile books fur iho lavat fiscal year tbe revenue totals t m 617 415 and i he expenditure fjf w0 ilfib a net deficit twl3 hi lu previous years the net deficit h i7j jji the total expenditure cpul il 1 1 war 7 oom mo aa aaiubl tl uu kt3 the net debt on june 30 t5hfih30 the ualerly atmtemont up to supl 30 show ibe revenue lo be h ho joh and iho expenditure t gg1 3o0 tha revenue la lima incrrased by about tjuarlrr uf a million while tho expenditure la decreased 50 004 i bo atalcmeut of iho business uf the iuai office havings bauk la a record of steady growth in be branch of the pablio service tbe d amber of poet uffics savings banks on july i at was 755 an increase of 21 lu ibe year on july 1st ihh6 the number waa 3uj tho total amount dopoa itod leal yoar waa j13h 047 while the withdrawals amounted lo 740c ofifi tho total number of acoouuta remaiutik open nn july 1 waa iic45j tho totml amount alaudliik lo the credit of depositors waa li8j3j 0311 tbe averaico of each account being tmh the coat of managm thla brauch ol the service waa t 310 the average cost ol each transaction that u withdrawals or draltb helut jlc the gton iu ouilimcbl on tbo new xiumy alona in laat leaue it hoold be uo dimcnlty fur ni care oua of these councillors mituin ur acton will send the other sad whichever town in unsuccessful ado tta first ooacll dlvi ys there saweys to d to b rilhu allv jo ily council for two years this is at lujuttioo to any inunioipallty of the sirs aud importance of milloti or acton hut it i the fault wt s underatsud that at lbs slttlnit of tho aim inissiouers in uiluiu lbare was no re pre belli live present to present s plea 4ih acton li is truo dial aolon aa not ofnniklly represeiileil at the meeting at ibe two sedate judjs should be partita ui a mstolfrsl injustice auuh aa has been lolllct oj t have our public aflairs oihuo to uot neighbo news ndvvbi itomn suppllod by corran- pontlonta and exaltanirati qconqetown midi i we whoop it tow u lta s how in plsy ut i inra pamt bui hurra lur mir lyi loin whlrh itiiinfl iii llil- i how an i i wsln a minoval m llora who la no favorably known as m li vrsl arut fiir pianos and nrian and wli left ihn village of i iira lo npeii ihn lov fsotnrj in iiirplnn ha ihikhrirfif iii factor sflt r i slslillsliinu a pmil busiuisi bill who prrferrliij liia old rtiiploy men aul ihn h its ii of 1 lorn ib rcliimlti hlhe abhohovh tho fine weather or thia week farmer a kooil chancn to lake up hi roots kervioe ia withdrawn hers on hunday owing lo quarterly meelinn in iho meui odial church leorttelowli humlaj hchnol at 1 o l aahkruvs ha a live huuday hghoul mr i nixnti allcnda the provincial conven lion held in london thia week miai m li hood lisa returned from visiting in quelph bhowa beitih ovor the farmer bos think k good day a ahooting will end the fall port hslurdny nicht being hallows en you need not bo surprised lo and your gale on another mans lot ballinafad the anniversary services of the pros by terinn chnrch were held isit bnblmlh the ilov mr illair u a uf naaaagaweya preached two powerful sermons in hi morning and evening kvcryonn present was highly pleased with both diaoonraes the remains of the late mrs marshall of toronto a daughter of mr coke ol csledun and a sister of mrs george yemes s of ibis place were laid in hi laat resting place in irid cemetery monday at uncloak there wan a large number of frioud prcaeql while going home from tho funeral mrr h hhorutl became suddenly ill hho was tskqn to mr oibtwns and medical aid brought wo are glad lo loam that she la improving mr henry shurlill has concluded lo bocomo a jtermanrnt citizen of tha fad and we welcome him in j viiul for he we are gild to know that miss janet alkena in contftleiccul the molhodntkaro looking forward lo a series of revival sev vices aoon j1ilton itufllod groaan are pleuliful in thia vicinity h ports men are having bucocss in huntlog them the young people of race church have orgauissd a young 1eoplo a aasoclfttlon with miss dice aa presiding officer cootmoncement day at tbe public school en 1 ucaday evening was uile au interest i ng event an excellent pro was preneotcd ilev f 1 mlgnot and mr k w ituyd stteudeil the by nod of nisgars at llamil ton last week the first anniversary of iho opening of oraoe burch will be held on tuesday nov 17 din lord ilishop of niagara will then pay his first visit to uiltou and will preach at tbo morning service and adminiater the rito of confirmation in iho evening a high com pi i men t has juat been paid judge mculbbou isle of hub town judge mcduual uf toronto has asked the judge now o dramplou to ait with him in hearing the appeal of the toronto hi reel hallway co sgslost the aaasssmoul of over half a million dollars on tho general equipment of the company hock wood rie will lai i i p i llm g h miul jfme u ihete will be li justice 1 aoluii it reeutllvr ib n i i i- sum im iuleil that a lit r t hy men mi i ground aud aoop t 1 by lb uniy ml aa a whole al a u ectlng w here tins wa ibe pnucipsl pieatl u unler dl oussion would be adopt el by llis com ilbslunera wl o were bnllrely igoors ut ort county and la lulererts ttfcttliritl petitii hlseil for hoarli i djai rv hoboflion a rstlodnbrlftb uofu ib- i 11 i been dxsd luf ii by two judges o north ilruos t ii li lark ws toroutu vo oagoote wall wsst toroito itfder an i lr i jan 4 oagoodo hall bast north umber laud i coboarg north lerlh i h no ford houu uranl g h u loc 3 ilraul ford north onlaxio xh- 1c 3 ftaimtng ion htrat north orsy u ii ioodon cb u d kaat himcoe c 1 j kasl urlnn h i kast york o ii 11 lto 47 owen 7 loudou use jl uarrle ucc id ubourg su 4 lurontu w iruu bridge t tbe place it looks well and most uf ub are gray considerable objection l mde tu the action of iho school trustees at the brick school id reducing i a kingsbury a salary for next year ho has res i fined and there will be difficulty lu securing so competoot a teacher fur the vacancy ur dry don hold a sale of his household furniture horse rugs ac on tuesday he in tends retiring from practice in una part of the country ilia mauy friends are worry lo see him leaving aud wish him bug coaa in tils new uold of labor ulss amy wrifclit uf ilurham cslled on her rock wood friends last week arch murray la able to be oul again altdnngti he uses crutches to walk oaburno passed away n hun day eveulug after an illness of some lib death was ra uard by riropav funeral was hel i joetnrday concert wan jivon by the mudii hurcl lu the hall au attractive piuiami i i w eudeled by local latent end a initiit i if ulereatltig and inatruotive addiesimn were lollvered by the rovvred enlleiurii u iho icuilly nabaacaweya auhmdc lliji inriitil ul t ii wright ami mobmxi- j llliit milton for david urchin ueev of ibe tiiwualxp of naasagawaya muvnl pth lion for order declaring kupbeniia wrihl aud hriatina ann mackenxle mother aud daughter lunatic and apiximtod iho toronto tieneral 1 rusts umpany com uilltre of their sstatra order uido aa aaked llaforrtioo m master al milton ui report schmtie for maliilenauce ascramelltsl aervico will bo hrl 1 i o lbrmaer mbiiiihiibi huroli fur llt naaabweia circuit itev mr n t psator will prrach iho beriiiou ami ii mtr htauito frrska uf nature mrs m taylor of nagwea tol garden a stalk uf yellow raapbrrrica ual woek with dvo urie ripe berries on li 1 be leaves at the slal rllhi 1 krron i btsi t death opon ubhoin m p cornwbdl ool ocl 11 dr dwhv urrglq membsr of lbs ilouss uf commons fur cornwall sod htormvul 4id ihla morning uli death wsi tbe rsjaull of a fall some week ago suvere frosts i hia li si ihla tiins of iho j ear 1armrrs sre busy wild their lurnlps at prrsoul borne fanners bavo su rxoollont crop whilo o ill era are not au guod the hunday boh ool ui kden mills melli udlal 0b u roh will hold a bunday he h ool review uext hunday cvrniug at which mrairs marshall and muofo from nasa sfuxwaya will laku rt also lha male cjuaslolla of lbu htwuejnr choir will take part bcsxlsi other la ul altogether s guod and profitable lima la anticipated the i ri lees of tj h no h nsrwcya have muml the jrvioe of l joim mc urognr furmrrlv leaolr of ko i ml nssasitaweya snd also at tims leschef of a school al 4j luroek oaelpb towusbip aa their loathjir fr i wb1i oeorqetown is vicvronidub boourod tho intormodlnto chnmp lortnhlp of ontnrlo nt lnoronno th artnns uf ceorgr oa ii mrdisln chnrnplnuship of th htrtfordpn hinrda d fiil by fl loiii h lo i rin tnmu limit i 1 1 tli my l vrrsl c i a a mg wrsrlo dri 1 4 ii ir ihn unit m p old i krertti i of hi v w r f 11 a huml up as ftiml pll n ll iii iii t their mill- from iho llnirn p inn and sb u rrnull the in u frnui iho rani i lumi uith i uml ii l i ijli lr l lent of tlwl i ltolrl- of itrnu pt u lnieruoll uiupirix 11 and ilarber nf iujrjfti hhortly after j 10 ihn li follows al thn athletic park georgetown f watson nil it win ioiut joe m mooro oover xiinl bcoll ii it hcnhraon j wstaorr fenco i cjulurie ceutro i a mieo w l mackcikle a m urwdley button t lmiii home wlarton a jl illi hards ol c i wing pnnt 1lltrptt nunr jmiii w hamburg j hcjtl j myers defnn 1 bhoujie centre j 1 or- lur ii wall joy s tlcrniaiin m llnish i llryan die amo waa fast and drrnkilly inter ostlng from iho start and by a vary hie coin insiiuii the llrst gial was scored fur wiartou in 1 minutes f ijrjan put tbo ball through and ha was carried nil lha field by his duiiiiisibbho admirer then ueurgelown wont lo work and cored in j miuiilcs in tho third gai bryan was struck on tho head aud aoverrly hurt but sftor a few minutes rest resumed play wlarton scored in 1ja minute lu the next huingof wiarlonjvaa struck in the ribi by the hall and disabled for a time lu 5 minuloa oeorgelown sooro1 the other games were won as follows georgetown h miuutna goorictowii ij oeorgelown i wlarton u oeorgo town c notwithstanding liio exceedingly cold weather the match vak witnesnod by about llvo tiuudrnl peopla ibik whom were ladkb georgetown excelled her soil como accord mi the ucrosae team when they arrived homo on saturday night i dreds of iho nilisnna met lhsoj st atalion with torches hoaded by tha joth ilatlallnii hand and escorted them to their uarlrrs hpoeolimakiiig and oongralula tlona were kept up until midnight ibe town is proud of her stbletio jouths woman s missionary societv tho sosolon bf tho gonnrnl board ti iho delorfatei ttlmg uf the i o iho fifteenth siinui rd of managers uf lb ry society uf the mellu ha church uf anada who were in sesio at lira nip ton at nee tuesday concluded their labors r riday ereuiug after a moat successful contention the on cftudidaln for missionary wnrl accepteil by the committro was miss ixjlll a 11 rook hu kill be sent to west him an s kin as she haa passed her theologies oxsminalious nnd has bhut tho necesaar tune in i lie dobcoiiosb home after some utile discussion it m do cided to iiiakn the following appropriation for the cimmiik cr japan fill 514 west hina h iko hiiicee homo 00 indian murk port hlmpon h a coiualeelxb iubiuuio h7h mr itaby home 1w mr luby a aslstant 00 irench work i 100 newfoundland ooo i itrraluro aimmitlcc o0 total ap proprialiiub 517 j1h 1 he fullowing woro tbo oflloers elected lor iho ensuing year president mrs jaraca outtderbaiu ice preaidrnt mrs arman ltecordmg ticcrotary mrs goo kerr r lulu gorresoudlng secretary mrs btrachau home orree ponding becretary mrs i mckay 1 rcasurer mrs 1 hoi thoutaon ansistant troaaur or man marcolla wilkes auditor mrs w w 0 ldilor of w m h depirl moot in outlook mrs cordon wrirfhl kocretar 1 rcasurer of literature aud publicaliot ommllles uibs ogdtu kdilor w m h column hi uardian misa cartwrll fdltor of w m h olumn in onward mis wilbrow synod of niacaha hirst b anion sir co the opp f ulbhop dumouhn 1i4uiii s oil 11 tho iirwl sea iho slga s hyuol s lice the mil or iiishop dum ml was held lt hrtat turib a hedrsl sch htl i he lilalx p predel with him were am bdeacoii ulxoi col lor mar lit iuv anon iarkc a m soi lu itlak ou hi iii i a i lt th sal 1 tho iol hd 1 rracallnl upi of lle c hamellor lit prakl 1 h rpl 111 healthy digestions boon anjd a nlebbinq t mankind tbo llfo of e to much nely iryini for the toilet of a oynpoptlo ona of oon- ntnnt mlaiaryono who ttnn suffqrod fromltn antfn polnid tho way to llnnnuod hnallh kn ui llii rnruiasll r r lu i t r i h life of tlm dtmpeptl is proverbially a uiui rahlo one eliciting universal com miernli hi ni io much lncinm nf tho acliinr ptlufillnrb of the allmcpt hut istkelv bresuu it projri ib ila wssimity- khndowb umin rill tbo oonceins of life and hj n thty sit likn a ill adly inciihub upon vi ry i nl rpriai an impaired dikestinn nice tiesidrs olliers we are all awareof tho value ul cheerfulness in life ii ia a flower of the rsiesl worth and strnngext attracliun it is a ionic to the sick an 1 a disinfectant to the health those thluga that destroy s mans hbtluat cheerfulness leitsen his usefnluras and ouuht iherefore lo be real sled by eomo drastic and efficient remedy tbo duties that dcvulvu upon iho average man and woman are invested in so much difficulty as lo put a premium un ioiofuliii tlia rolslinfi but wco n tlm prevailing miods of tho mind snd the hsslth ut tho digestive apparatus is close ai 1 vital ii once it is not surprising that many would im bene factors have caught the patronage ot suf ferers from indigestion judging by results or williams pink pills is a remedy unique in its suocrns therefore it ia nonfl dontly roco in mended as a aafe snd adrnaatq core for acute djrpspaia ihla olaltn t substantiated by expeneiioo aa the follow ing facta will show mrs d mccrimmon of williamatown glengarry co buffered untold misery from a so v ore attack of dyspepsia which mani foiled itsolf in those many unpleasant ways for which dyspepsia is notorious hvory attempt lo tako food waa a meuaoa to every feeling of comfort until tbe stomach was relieved of ila burden by vomiting when not suffering from the proseuco of food in tho stomach there were other ayniploms more or less diaxgreeablo l roiisciiucnl lo tho fuctioual disturbance of the atomacli audi as impaired taste and apmiiile uuwoutod languor increaaiog apathy and failing ambition buch an aggregation of tho symptoms produced a trying stale of affairs and relief waa eager ty aonght que of the host physicians of lha neighborhood was consulted he pre scribed his modiolus waa taken and his direct ion i followed but unfortunately three months of the treatment brought no substantial relief when mrs mctjsud- mon expressed her intention of trying dr williams pink pills the doctor laughed and held the thought in derision how over mrs mccrimmon decided alio could ojt afford to leave untried such a well recommended remedy as dr williams pink pills hence she took a course of this medicine which aftsr a fsir trial waa emliiotitly successful from being only able to lako slain bread and milk or soda biscuit a she became able to lake a beauty meal uf any vanely without tho painful effects thau unco aaserted ihemaelvoa after every meal it only remains to bo naid that mrs mi lirnmou improved in flesh aud kueral comfort from iho first taking of tho pill no i almost anything itoing she could est with nnpuuily dyspepsia be came s thing less dresdod and largely belonging to the past it ia little wonder therefore that alio urges the use of dr williams pink pills upon others similarly aol toted dr williams pink pdi create uew blood build up tho nerves and ihus drlte dlaeaaa from tbo system lu hundreds uf esses they have cured after all other mod ictus had failed thus establishing the claim that lliey are a marvel among the triumph modern medical seieuoe tho geuuine pluk pills sre sold only in boxes bearing ihe full trade mark dr wli hams pink pills for pais leope pro teel yoursulf- from impoaluou by refusing any pill that does not bear ibe registered trado mark around the boa mr john rraeer an expert driller has been engaged to put down from ton lo if lean oil woln lu ikilbwell 1 he bauk settlement or bopleiuber ihnwa thai anno improvement haa boon made iu tho business of the couutry for tbe to cure chapped hands soft in the skin aiu keep in oodcondilion use greani of witch hazel tr is rci ommt nded for redness sunburn irritation t tt gentlemen after shaving will find it a superior lo tion or the fk i to illi irritation and prevent sort ncss for sale at the drufj ston a t brown the engagement ring yl ayat wl bvu just pur rhased opal diamond pearl and other gem gold rings suitable lor engagi ment rings iovli assortment savage co jlwj 1 1 lkb guelphb at j moffats music store hcton ot4t you oan imrcbase tbo world reiiownml dominion pianos 5 rst iryltilnit jiiqu ii i organs vlollu htrtuks lolirj hows xi an loll us kliitlc stock ell be ordarod tkiuurl pskltiaa uorrtb music store naxt door lo flyman bros pal tw illllb ll hotsk and lots for sale r irsuie bum mi a ht lu l urt m r imxl wr y ttlojl utmltk a rlun m xmi inly l wantki i t iiiiu with ui as h u xutll just ofalllmr stvla ol luoro atlracltva an 1 y uliij i all suppllra lutiilliud ir w ai t auadlan nuir atlim salary iavi ad j h hamilton puma it marble and granite 11 1- i ud a larse uimr ol oh norway swedish rtatan grhnite i in mdrr to llo l ii to ul i 20 ikr knt ul lll dl 11 e i t i uul hwui io rks john h hamilton acton steam -laundry- a cook imprictor ifet ulasa work kuarantrril in ruiiijr lu airt wire i u mi i ih- f ii of hi john i bert miller r itrs- i iho l 2wkrt ha i ihi t- a cominb thtat wriiiiit ii i ur wei aishl 1 her pluturr and iii mur sill rirttm ha 1 l he prlvllao of seen nn plcluu lulviiilad fui ho tml4trl ub ilral illirorphans pi urn p ias1 is one i 1 sure tfsjpjlstr a viral misty 4 1- r thu day cook ss i hhtsl newest fall styles from si 00 up indkkwkait thaest aiyl best value in in- trail- see our smcial itluu anil black htatcr oiiiroals niw bines kuniisliiiifs s all lints up todau at r e nelson yv yours iht roynl rciimiiibn tmliir invilntl ou conrlulil ihrhluff was a l niy hippy uu told otlr irl i i ilk uf sntlng iufnn n t- li r us nrr in tpire i that wrr wihlr til ou como ynii saw oti iwucht nn ihn oiher shin yon aaveil nnpny i snd they followed your eiample out tint wcrp nn nsstirinre tiki i nimiimptlon nf nnch credulity nn hut n do clirfni tlmt wfmteier i 4 tuih ki iiuij i ny iiic n nf ihn ii riicrn in un niirli flhirroore nt j in ihn price n e tiiy much lca in n otercoat does tint serin rmrnt our clki7w we lodiim lu ih nhle in hitc tr i i rrr t j hi cm 11 ilonul iinnpirr prices nnd settle it line5d fiji dc loves ilrla abbcrtisenttnlr p to bkt i iiat vnr no in hi l ik i1 1 n 1 in artoii his rnmsr 1 h ini n a reniral u uk ollll st uk it astray 1 uwk i- ii j iyil a iwaiies an 1 11 l vfl ra j k mnnlh auii a ilsrl ril r will prove tiirly y tin tllllubl thomth alltlll hh a you from gji on hn chcipcr lo ti nj on i oii rlouht this you do ds an injustice if i hef mention wa court investlgarloi kf job lot of m nt st ik to it nnd hoys i i nod and unllned kid mith price is sue dolazn quilts ire showing nccial inlue in jiwn quilts ijieslrr amrrlnn nrt fabric rnvcrine puru white cotton filling i ight nnd fluffy i iirrr with ouhhc drtignn in the rmst nmel tut terns in rich mterlaln nnd i he purcnt of the pure while filling i n snlrcn oichng lined in plain colors soft nnd sleep inviting i inr i rrm h salern omforicak i hlrr down filling sod and light nniring the fcrcaiesl nmouwvof wnrmlh with the least imounl of wen hi j d williamson a co wyndham and maodonnell streets quelph 140 185 2 00 4 25 henderson 8c co acton in these days of trade depression and the lowering of wages it behooves cartful choppers to get the mobt ior the dul iak time wl arr doing uur utmost to meet the present condition of trade and rockbottom prices will be found rushing in cvcr department tiuy one of our uvhkcoal s ut probeiu priqeb henderson co acton the frank dowler co success follows success notkk t thksiashkns noth v 1 iiimiiv h ii ihat all iiartirs are lierehv prolilliltnu from trsasalrit nn lot hi eon i fsitunaliig liv shooting or nllierslw all ireapsssorb napnclally tliose aecouipanled ivdoffs will im prosocutndaccokllint tu lw w am a triiilte fur r mats valuable kesidoiicc 1 lmxl for sal or to rent ilir iiuneralunih l main rpilk nuivraluiuhl iteltr h i rent tlio riiiinollmib i rirfc li htreet actuli sliovn ihe t it 1 lis i has nine rooms villi kllchrn attached haul and oil water ood stable ave scma of laud with a blirinr rreek running tbroush lbs centra there are also a number ut trull trees nn tha premises itutubllals possession can be kivbii yw tnmii and lrtlculars apniv to jis p wlcmauhon flftielock ut oualiili jlblic norick not i op ia liarohr th blavek rl lliiy onjbo siilawalks of tills umnloijiallt here by prohibited llova sra also warn ad that instructions have iteati siven to promptly arrest those on illy ur annoylnadrivsrs by stioutiiih at tbair horses or olhar ilisurdarly conduct on the street irfmflau un any of tlia suesu or street oonmrt is bibu praliiblte for off a nee uu any of these points nrosaeu lion sill surely follow d orahau ihc nimll ky wa- ibtlmj ten niifcm tiled lo iicut by clntmii ihi ho lin charied with acipe un tilth i mcrly ih taking cold 1 cnple iihi are mihjcct lo en 1 in i lung i rouble th iuld keep shawn pftluarfl of spruce fn tap hi ihc hnuie it ib lha most utlifact ir remedy knoun for ill affection ol ihc ihroat and lungs al all druggists prepared by shaw the druggist rockwopp 1 88 1 th3b culttvatoh oq7 and country gentleman tuft best of thz ajfrfcultural weeklies ur0tkd to fnr crojs arjd prpcexaoa hwrquultural k pruh ctrwwtnb live stook and dairying uhlle ll also indulo all minor dianniuis of rural iulereit suoli aa tbe poultry wrd kntomolokv jloo hooping ureanhuuac and orapory eterinarr replies karui qucvilmu and anssers fireside roading domestic foouomyauil ahomtnary ot tbe news of lbs weak its uarkot lie porta are unusually row plots sad m beb altflnlloq itf sjd lq tlo froi peels of lbs i hops as ihrovirjfi ihjtit upon on of the meat jinnortant of all ijuaallor tobtivudshtii a tslt it is llbsrsilv readlns mailer ihas lion pries is ki jr vsar but are ofler a hpfccial itkdi otion r baf ore tuo club rates por 1897 tsro snbscrfplions in oos rem it la uc 4 hi sabmcrlpttoam do do to fco floliacrfpiioas da do 14 srv 1st 1 hfstiti ot of ul rstulttanoe i rooelpl xti without c bb ooruts rnsi addren luther tucker h son publishers albany nowy york 1 is- ij dcac vhi it uy having lh c will miu111ij htat illg 11 f iiavilig ulc ldll s v tin at the exact price jou waat to pay our highest ambition in thib bumesh ib to sell goods we know to be reliable our next highest to sell them lower than any other htorc in novelties we are the early bird youll always find here the good new things as they come out ihat applies particularly to dress goods manilas and milliner wl hac enough confidence in tho value of these goods to la them before ou and invite comparisons f umle jp r uh a welkin hti jll r iu lomvirc with c 41 i v j w t wlllti lilt li imj of tin r lioulil s iiiuili nu rihimjm ismow ncvor hew mi ninibk lll10 ilinji 1 lu k ccry da tuou waiu of pover and there mi lillar nccr lk iiinithcnt fall trade and persistent selling ol new k at i lrinielj low prices is bound to maintain till illtiust it pi j ho on lllh i 01 a fat t wiiihui mnn hist wli 11 to offer gk0hgkt0wns livest store to ke p well posted as to j tan t afford to bptnd a what cent 1 tidnil i ailor and 1 our pricetalk ii uhiiii iuld a aii hlipians n to ii aliases carpal hupuurs 1 1 lu j woman a ariel hiipprrb 1 lo 7 women a pell blipuera 3 lu v women s toll hllpuera i tu 7 women tell fine lotifcrrsa j to 7 womens tell pine its la 1 lo 7 women a kofi lluttoil lloola 3 lo 7 hoys heavy lsmw llools 1 1 to is hoy a heavy lsos llools 1 to j boya huff laos iuul 1 to while b tannins ilua calf u to dai that bulb hid i- i isyer aoj iho rualf llriahl ut o e uri bo i i j only lie dollar ill alio we en next maturday uiiih qui lur jour gatrs aud fur lha mlruh boys ixtuk w vl i hh i it r al rtlh i u ii lo linl iftr rrsioiibtlu lu oulail halsr inu i i nil t tiariimi foaltlon parti li kalivoal marllullduii i a oil ptbb itull tip liisaos oh p i1h till women c cii 11 man b lutik iconic kirn b dun coiii msu b huff lou men a huff iao man s huff laca meu s uuft laos muuldprs usitsr womens uoogola lluti wpmsna ionajola jluit bsi 07o 7tc 7o to dale iaca itoola for ueuls 3 71 former price ftd ou hvic former price 75c 7jc former price die he former price tl ia 7 k foruicr price 01 im i jm foruicr price fl uu tl ul former prioa j 15 ii h former prioa fl 71 ii 01 former prioa li ii uu former prloe tl 35 1 is fomtsr prlos tl w i ot formsr prioa ii 10 7c former prioa tl tf y ot- four stiioh s kroal- tsaslsr or tj 9u neill the shoe man cuelph ti1k mtank dow1kh depaltlwiental lttharcasli house ouelpli h the bell piano a unexcelled for i quality of tone beauty of design superiority of finish gibson millar co hie iuut uhero you ct nolihj hint dooiu the ilftrt where you mm he hjcm assortment ui prcn hrltlsh aiiienwii tnd domositc hjlci ukonnd lieip i n ton and si iplc k thi ihtiu 11 ire the nisa um ihem n tvholesalc prlies h ilcrv il n sinillwaioa in m ftisk n id fine high dona tailoring rlc nxhini li t ua oursiihh il l th uliinhi an i ovcrloaliiifcs is mperli uciuc ii iho iktji ftooiu al iho 1 1 vi rue hi ihe ulcsl in i ni lull in i urn men m ties line nnlrnui i iur itu 1 k i i he i i i t j h t ii1t i n n 1 j e i here ill i j iiihh 1 imwhere pi hiu i iiln n qidbon millar 4 co koo block qoorgolosn i w ht thr r i 1 tr w llll set i cn1 lu u uteed by ih lanrest maoufsctursrs lu canada and 11 u nls lakeu in exchauks fur oew oues and sold ou tbe lustal t plan when names ol smxw who rjo iusiiir boll instruments fl h it 11 tho iruicuih louiue ii k tho munfiiih ni lunadmvnu ut hon tho kluripihof dufluni uud a ii ii m tho kiu ot holland 11 m tti qtiooii o itul mttdaino alleluia pain nuohnu hn john htiiitki mut dm allison ludiea collogo t j k huhlor of crosaloy l hunler hov d htrucliun hotipolur toronto collegt of music si josepirn jonvont st clh- u riu on iroahytoriun collogo moutroul ahi ihouitiidti of othorm alaa plauo oau ba snsil for tie or call a wararooiaa uuclph c wc kelly hole aueui for dells 1isuos ltpbrtar and dealer in kluaioal ooods 95 wyndham street guelpii irioea a row as any n kur prion or aalaluaiua j hamilto twice a i week i wednesday ml saturday j 1 per year x uampla oopy ire j z tba prmlnissur will f w z ec or rcmi dl f the spectator i hamilton s m tl 1

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