Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1896, p. 2

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rrji r r jrcv 4 nit i tin s cm rmak-ifoniii- t moth y n w t tin thursday oov mini liy itiv jolm llcbnti ttui uri litrtuu culiunau lu i iu dsilrhli r if llsv julitr tluiiitli fltirtii imnrrix ntuail am a phi ruin lt rauukou ortotirr an al llnca hiirlnuuttyuuiliii l h the real lenre n ihiv lirliln iktltuir i kni man ftl t son tdvllt krmuiail m i llfliiwi jtil in klsrl lluallln daiu1 lf it y rfvmlll c ittiu jutm at lili lain rislilitnr lliirlliieton on tuimlav niii htiiiiht ll v jiilm llulmi klnrlxxltal litllllnlnr iii lln tllll jtar mil aff tihitflday mlm mill it f ihm notes and commbntb ha liiiaiuttba oulluuk throughout ho iiirafjlut lirajtreol uualncsa iluilfun the moat rn ariuruit report laiird for mouths tho canadian 1noiflo hallway jom pany have under couaidrralioti ilia coniioo lion of the various aerlinna of dm ma i by telephoue 1 he siloplimi of thu plan hown tu be advtaabto during ho recent alrtke and il haa ii aiuco found jwrfcotly fsaaiblr if the plan la approved con nee linn will first be matin between montreal and uolroit hhcrbrooko and chalk hiver tho government haa decided not to make any promotion in the civil bervioo until after the revision or itiu civil bo r vice aot whioh it oonlemputra halting 1arliamtnt to make next session ii also proposes not to make any superannuations beyond thoea which are urgnnlly required uutil the irglalalion on ihn auhject la remodelled alonji liuea which harmonixo wtlh ilia viewa of the administration tim price of cheese eiioouraftinic 1 dairymen in montreal il is at present aboal quo cent per pound higher than it wii last jeer at thla date thu represents about id per cetil incrre-u- al the eud of october 1hu guebeo ohoeae void from ita to life this tear at lljc to 10o ontario cbwm ual year aold at ujc tu jc for tho a neat iht joar ontario brings ojc to loc a pound ireairtenllal return from in led b tales show that mckinley hoa swept the country carry lu all the duublfal a tats breaking tha solid booth carriuk kentucky lenn esaee maryland the two irrinias and many others the eastern hiatus have gone aulidly ilepublicau ty increased major he the people of tho united state will have reason for unoaually dsvoal thanksgiving at thla result when the national thanksgiving day arrive on the iglh mat the trade and navigation atatialics for 1h91 1h1 allow that canada a atutrefcals foroiitn trade reacho 1 1 1j 02 kuj an increase of nearly 115 000 000 over hut year but a decline of j wo 000 and over below ihji and two proceeding year the eiporta suioujtuj are ttimarcoat in the hlatory of confederal lou of which lldo jl 3j7 wrre ibe produce uf aiiada the i import entered for consumption wer fl0 57uoo uf which c7 jthj 76u were dutiable the averahe percenlaka baidk 30 h the aygrcitate uf free tpxxla linportexl waa lower than in preoadtuii yeara the chief kamo warden of the province la sending out deer i ice n boa for aale townahlp olnrlta in the orkaniaed dutriota throuuhout the local l ilea where deer are hoi in i lie province the conimlvmoner of crown laud a mr llbaun under whom the same uwa are allll adminiatered recently appointed a number of men to eell thoae hoeuaea but the number haa proved tu be niadnjuatr and many letters of enquiry bav bn reooivad at ibe build iuia it haa literature beeu thought well for i ho aaka of ounveuleiice to make the lioenaen available lhrouh the towuahip clrrka kino words of fahfcwtill mr and mrs j v kannawln hoolp lonta or a compllmanllry address lu oouucouon with the prajrar inaatiait at kdoi church on tuesday veuin kind words of farewell were said to mr and mrs j v kaonawin who are about to remove to california the following address which waa uandeoonely ilium ioatod waa presented by i henderson fctq m p in behalf uf the cougreiptlioa ur j v kammawih dras hit it la sllli d rral ttaai u oouteatjou 1 duui cliurcli acluu baa lieanl uf uiuiulstwled deiiarturo o mr hauiiawui aud youranl from our uildat liofuc iimviuil kind y jieruiit ub aa uieiuuera ami adtieroula uf uik eliurti u at ibat atioulil lie cliarswl wlui ipgraulujo wo liut lu auiu wi u uieu uoo uib loaa a cuiimikuuu bts tua taluing uur labors ttoeratarr llusnl of uaji tho t publican win tlta untod stntoa by an ovorwholnyiyrir mojorlty jhe silvfcn pbtv dismissed ni nuuk nov i olio uf the moat ex trsordlimry elrclimi onnloats in the history of the cdiinrrylfruiinalnl last ultht in the illlrr ruiitfiik of iho frtjr aikrr advocalt the wrtckitift of the llrmocralur srty and the triumph of thu policy of pro re tlon and the main it nance of the aa atanifard s advucalrd by the itepubtican leaders it ia calfmatod thai j50 keptiblicn con kress men are aarcl elected and per hap an even krralrr niimlr and a an tic lent number of the new lttiwturea will jm jlrpuhllcan in k yal parly control of the fulled b la tea betialr i he lulal nnpiber of elec torsi votes ia 447 peers ry for a choice tu ho far sa definitely tieanl from mckinley has secured jth and ilryan 113 leavinr ui to be heard from mckinley i majority so far ms rermrled ia uh thp flires iti the popntsr vote will not be known for some days they embraoe about 14 000 000 votes of the lulal nam ber mckinley a share of the popular vote will be approximately u 000 000 uf bryan haa received the moat drftaiva defeat of any presidential candidate since horace greeley contested the ofneo with ioneral rraiil in ih7j ooueral irani who waa aeekini a second term received xirt votes in the hleolontl college sns- ho for hi opponent tho loaink candidate recomnk lea than i1 per cntil of the colloife representation mr ilryan has probably obtained about 31 per cent of the electoral college ilaartuiaul ut i lbs build holiool and of lb asauioal lu butlj ilaesa tu wn luoat ull tin tic aud alwajm al oousltlarslila aacrl him m jiirself rou dlacuantsd lbs dulls in tojthj lu tboaa daiwrtiuauu its aaaurvd of tills yu cajtt willlvuu uia sllaaiu uf all srliu itava in auy wt sssoeisubi will yuu in btitli ttukdaf ncliuul ainl lluanl uf aluaiiri hut nut only liava uu oliilisnl uiam i his uiauibsrs au i sdltnroula ilia cihiihi tl u yuur urluru lu uiaka trau siul lalt urn dotufuilalila wliau tboj attvudad ssvicaa are aiinclalsd by a lai uuuilf t m yoursvlf ilia kliulllnal rasarda ut all wlio hat mm ilia l luo sorvlo lu aixl awiu hrur lu udaiait au ohasdully lu ba touu lunuu w julu lu tliii iiraysr and lioa uia lu yuur una buiiia cum fort ltiiluaaa and liaalib siu tm yuui lot vvo cuutiuand you lullliu bu u lba mkaiilienl uf larsal wuu mr kinnawlu in in a foolnk reply lliiaiikimi ihn hiiirrkalliii ii r thtlr ex prra i a ul k d will and then kind olah o tu htinrlf and mra hinuawlii lie rn farred lu lite faat lliat ho had beau a nisro ber uf kijni t burcli ouurrbllua fur auins twelve yeara ajifl ilia bovaranca uf ilea hsrs were rli all ins nruro kceuly inasmuch aa it waa ihn uuly ominrtsalum h which hs had ever been ouiiiiectn i me had always ilmninil it a ploasura lu du auch work aa waa lutaiiled tu ailvahoe ilia hi i areata uf tha olmroh aud luiffd con tl nurd ruprrily would aluo il tba choir then ani a suitable antham aflir whiob kind wofda at apprweiatioa and farewell by uftt air maapberaou and sloaar uoilial ii y ntta llsuderson ante run and lr mckeaus bruobt tba iiieetiiim u l at tha bauds uf the woman a misaiunary muciety last week mrs haunawlu waa mads iho roc i pic n i of mementos which ahe will always prise mr and mr k t ussni are spri ding llim wpk at in it um llify loavi fur thslr now house at loa anelus tal neat week majjisfo 1 iueiiv i rivals udku no witnessaa mjuirrd ii i moire issuer llirk rimmflw- vi4 tho election of major mckinley by a decisive majority show that in spile of dimjuietitik aifc in oratory and untlius aim a sound political judgment poas esses the ureal majority of the people tho sound money cause has won a decided victory carryinjt all the doubtful states and tome that had been conceded to the free silver candidate the hepublicana will have not only the presidency bnt an easy majority in bolh brandies of ou kress it la generally couoeded that tho iraiilt of this election meaus more to anada than al auy previous presidential election 1 be ivnru sum ni arises the matter aa follows it means in tho ural place lako il a great and almost imn adiata revival in business in the lie public two great forces will ba started ioto activity 1 capital which supported mckinley will be let out freely capital a umid waa afraid of rapsdiatino feared that bryan a return would cut it in two or rather reduce il a half bo it was locked up capital bas confidence in mckmley and will at once seek profitable employ modl capital docs not desire to ba idle ib only id in wbcu it is fearful of the bor rower or uncertain aa to repayment 1 manufacturing industry will be energised m a way unknown in the united btates for many years and all aorta of manufacturing will be started up on a grand seals aud not unly will these two trust tiroes bo set lu motion but what la most biknifl cant these two forces have been united in support of mckinley in a way never dolor known in iho btates capital lu a large extent vraa on the aids of cleveland and against protection now both capital and protection are solid fur luo itepublicau candidate this mean a rroal deal capital will willingly rladly ifo into investment under prououncod protectionist ooodltious kveu tunghah b reo trade capital will seek for investment lu tho 1roleclloolst republic and bo glad uf the opportunity this sudden ouergiaink of capital aud manufacturing industry will cause a won derful revival lu business and all the chances are that a revival lu tho dulled btates will apread to canada and vivify things hero lluslnrsa will be better here because of tha bourn i hat will start lu iho si us hull of honor tho public school puplta wttu won hlartaat stndln last weak the monthly examinations fur october in aolon public bcfiool was held in all department last friday with results as follows esq u es irroqp un o tito members hnvo n riold day with aooounli al thofnetinit of ajuoduh tuwiulilp council last week llm time was wholly taken up with ac omits the following r in alias line and krln i rlu vl nbtjfs of the day i an lrtltomo or tltu world dolnbu durlnu tho weak 1ir ill i iooowrdrma at iliclirtrfid cjiiebea tuostla i- mr ileclor iin ron q dial at tohnurtpnn ronds mufglars tirtike intii i ur ntu 1 nlvrrsity vault un baliiruj uiklil and oiurid mhh1 tiiipafiii latilm iiintijjiir pil ulfiiims i llamil ik itnntrrsnii refslilua ottoall lot j 1 linn william ull ii in repalrliirulr ual t urkst b itna wi tract ihitallllrkar so 1 17 and ionld urkay lohysrls era vol cihws kr li i hill lnrfi fislaiirso asly ii ilnu1 in soldo rulcrrt lul tl nil oldp imitlliik laviiiiiu lirl lc h mb line il hue a ir irorv f urria i tot la rmaaroatl j and janirst lark lrl bf rnwarua i lot 21 mill si con i aa nt com rant in llvnurtl utklertiruatiluc nua lie lot in n i aw n linn ixilwtwn kauesln anil saaaaaawfy sasbacawera favlnft like luiu ullmirt uoarlhar stumptnk on roail wsy iioalla lot it ou lusrn llua intwartl kafiilgc aud sasaas ways sasawsjra taylu a like m ii tlrov cravalllne on ami llna- niipoailo lots ii ami ia iju yds at nsjloa fill ia rrllu ktsvbi du lul llun at ii wr g ii km juror shi flllllr iho following amounts were orderej o be paid by the tresaurtj m each esse being two thirds talue of xheep killed by dugs tho owners thereof bsuiit unknown william soola one lw 1 julm u lslla u lii 1 ou 7 he council will neat meet on monday vth ovem ber ontarios mining the mln interests clasjui moore iho 1 ma mc juesn si5 iv class ben lor hva mattfasw iho clara cobban and tialtio oram itm turn henderson t70 iv class junior tlerlha bpeiitbl ti hdith nicklin 170 hu perrjtrsi 111 class beuie wal bmyth slo cbaa moure im t t uooaa leacber porrjjyranbo allane 2j tfile baulms t ttie mclionald m intr oram xi3 bartha williama and urna mcintosh vis intermediates h lureum hugwi and ida ltrd 231 joeie btepbenaun jsl tied hast wood til juniors lbbaga ifi wuh hns 171 marks uatbl- lu sll elasae ixi c m i iiil i but hcului 1 lass myrtle matthew i u nlautj wild 171 maud chambers if i j nnlur tllass llaruld n loklii i7t liual mann 171 jeoina bmllh ibj marks iualble jul 1 1 iiramj leader beu ci part ii mabel t dlnlston frank holmes ltta myrtle coiko 1hj llaulel hilohie 177 auuie harvey 177 heiilcir laaa pail 1 id tulalrr irvt hmeal do may i mi i hum as hlowart 1 i i i pe ryit 171 intermedial laaa 1arl i mymir i iiiib iml huty urk 17 h raua havill u myrilo howr 170 jothw class part i hdna our i i barlls muiicr i m an lit wluou ho matka possible iut mr nil lrhcr tihb hulbontu hthstlr the jurors decided that annas pepper pled rrum a dose uf parla qrain the lis dralh uf a k lic it 1 dead 1 huradsv last un tho tlikir uf llm re i ioite uf judauu llkur hrr em4 ijcr ralururd a wrdlct ibal ih ui allies p ppr auie lu her lualtl frunxahe ltlccts uf a diisauf parla ktrcli adrnlutslcird by iarelf while ism onyy lussiio priu li houu1 lr1 it i v in llo ii iunt lu smiulm lluion lll is ll ir 1 lbs ln ontario la aasuminic an importsiil place among the mining couutrics uf ibe world kvery week now notes new developments and recent old and coal finds are so rich in tle magnitudo uf depostfraalp be attract ing llo attention of capitalists bolh in hogland aud the i tilled bute ltespocliug the jweition of iho ontario government in relation to mini nit intercuts the followiug interview with flan i j ibvi ib significant v lieu 1 aoko couccriiidg utariu a mining property at the meetltik in hi john a ward thu oilier evenlug i made no definite statement about uie poley of the ontario lotcruidcnl in rrapect to mines said mr latl il is not fur m to make tho announcement about the mines for the subject t not in oiy department i laid however that ina abort time au enormous t capital wuuld 11 into the 1 au b la tho case 1 also said that the govern mc ut would protect tho interest a of the pro v luce there are crave objections tu ihe province becoming the active proprietors if mining territory 1 wish to point out that iho u i terra in algoma has toc on juielly and very ouu aislently ttmre baa boon uu bourn and when the end conies jou will see that fow men hate lust much muney 1 ho people of ontario reatixs lhl and are i believe willing to wall atieully until parliament meela fur lluu mr gib eciti tu make an aniiouucrmeul uf a uttnuij pultc then luhhtnt lirthatuhb lb v fur nui publislies aeveral iuihirtanl and iiitereatliig article on the laleit phases uf the h astern juestiou esuectally from the llritisli point of view mr w t stead a survey of ihe subject entitled i he kasteru ogre ur bt george to the lioscuo i rxlremely cliaracterislia and suggestive the hrrtttr ajao oilers a retnarksble symnosium of current thoukhlon whl shoald ba dme wltb turkey as tho praiam prob em of the hour tlloluu lor november of iho rlniur oajled the 1 hauksgivtug number c intatua many beautiful platen which display u perfect loo the hsiidsumo style au i fabrics uf tho so sou ud largo aiuuunl uf ken eral resdiug uu lutoresuuk aubjccl tba i banksitiviiig dinner ia planuad aud dia aesaa the furuisliluk of bedroom i oim sidered from an arlistia ami hyisnic laudmiul and the newest book ar viewed in llm fancy work department the vrtety is larger than ever iitaluling uew design in einbruidery kullliii uett iuk tailing aiuucklui laca makliif slid rlltls particularly aulteil lor homo jnui istiou and gifts all deasrlmula are replelr addroah oimiuuiilcalluin tu lite jui publlahllil t of luruuto lld t1 lllliniuii 1 v vvat imuuluj lul u lb luual ssnl ft i ihr itutlenok patterns bubsoriptiuu prius uf the ihlim r1 fl wi jki yrai or too i ingle copy a g kk ro alrnl n1 llir it i he grimsl park dti olrs lsvo deoiil od to dimootitinuo special atlracliouh on build h the otlswra ultlirrttwi ar proaeoulilig pramis who drive tw wheel vehicles with less than four inch u it mr john iwnnior of notlawassga town ship died from injuries received by being crushed in a hayprcs on monday ara 1 ave began running on lha com plele lino of the ii o- a ii ileolrlo hail way between ileamavillo and hamilton mr john lackey of tho slllh concession nf 1 aal nisouri committed suicide by cutting hia throat with a rarnr on tuesday three children uf mr ilonry jfalewood were burned to death in a ire which dcrtrojed his rest l nrw at montrerl on hir hrlc ililke aud mr henry m uhtsiilry m p have sritltrii letters sup porting ihe llntlali claims in the euea uala dispute a ilraulfurd man took a flaik of whukoy with him while serving summonses in tho indian reserve and waa fined t for his breech of the law a sixteen rar old son of mr michael paradt ol last rra lust hia lifo in en dravorinr lo rescue linrss from a burning barn on saturday mr joseph o ouunell of wallurd town ship waa fouu i dead in his barnyard with a broken nock uu tuesday it l auppjoed he fell oat of his buggy a present of fruit la be sent to the jleeh by the growers in the hamilton district waa shipped ralerday ii will bo taken to litorpool on ihe slnamihip idimil r j roe mr iaurier inform ml a deputation that walled ou him that he waa lu favor of a 3 foot channel between montreal and quebec and of fourteen foot ctnals west of montreal 1 he mystery surruandlug the death of mr m manard of onlia waa solved by the finding of ins body in lake bimcoe he having been drowned while nahing of strawberry island ou tho last day of this year all the lull gales in ork county will bo abolished tree rod will be a now year a for the york county people who havo been eudur lug tollgalea twenty ave year longer than people in ordinary civilised communities a small jcg belouiiug to mr donald shepnard nf paris bit three persons mr ocoruo bbeppard mia grace hheppard and mr george newman last week the animal died of hydrophobia and the per sons bitten have gone to the pasteur in atltute at now york for treatment liy the new school rrgulationa it is pro loed in rrgard to the meeting uf teachers institutes that ihej may bo held auuually daring the last week uf the nuinmer vacs llob instead of during scholastic term aa at present 1 here shall be twu bitting per da of ihree hours each for three days also an ovrmug session they also provide that there shall be a week a hoi i dab al hsblcr whlui will in a measure compensate teachers fur ibe use of asrt uf their summer holidays lu atleudlug the teacher institute meetings i hfc phllh or vvmfca i nefiftibnr m w o hvitxriip gully i wsl ftwlinw jiovald let half a loxnn imins of ir wfthiairts pina plln and nsojj llich ocdrdliif tu lirectihn and yml u ill flud they will dn just what tlmv ere edvor liilseij lo do cijro yoo i know this from ttspcrinrira in my own family well i got the pills and used hem and tho rhcti malinm haa been iliiveu out of my system anil laal winter mid spring fur the flfat time in more than twenty jrsrs 1 was entire frmi jinn my oil ei cm hut there is mm thing morn lr willfahiv piilk pills did for mo aud winch aston sifts inn a littlr cr fnrty rars ago i had a severe rarahe and tiied a tluid preps ra lluu in the hne nf getting relief 1 1 itrar ly ruined my hearing and for all iho jrara since i have lire 1 1 partially draf after i look iho ptnk pills my hearint came back and myjrar is nnu all right my wife and aisler have alo found much benrflt from iiuk pills when run down by overwork and it is safe lo say that ihey will always be found in our hotisr ir willisuw piuk pills strike aulhe root of the disease driving it from iba syatom and restoring the patient lo health and strength in esses of paralysis spinal i ron bio locomotor stalls sciatic rhen maliim orysijielas sen fulous troubles ota these pills are suerior to all other trsalmetil thny are also a speciflo for the troubles which make tho livet of many women a burden and apcodily reacoro the rich glow lo pain still aallp cheeks men brokendjfarn by overwork or worry will find in pink pills a ccrtaii euro bald by all dealers or sent by mai postpaid at fioc a bos or sir boiea for ijw by addressing ihe or willia medicine com pan j brockvillr ont schenectady n y beware of irnfation and ubatitnles alleged to be just as gubd tho is u of ls so v s- a lor october i is enlarged to allll psges aud from roi er lo ou er miej w lib gooi thtuga fi ur itiuse ull oreste1 lu bu inday school w jrk lu addili on lu l je edli turtsl matter there 1 a iym ithlic ar licl de bcnulivc of hon n 11 ilia he and his seluida allfto ii 1 llbls 1 a wbinjs haa met hllh mil u her iiilasioua a iluy lilu lialnl artiuls teute lu ir ltu lnti pilmsry aixknia wlulo i ba urks i ichaug cuulalna many sjiuoul auga lluua fur aiijiet iitloii lout and laohi lha t is ihr oltl 11 medium td i bbbill hell ol abh lallt i uf oitai bample ciha ut bj ublaliisil pubiiahtra li klthmoiid hi ihe 1 ba will ll hkkual kairilrl 1 ukn ull j llatiail buuaarla oulsrlu bajary silsl lmyua wi5 ih isiims ivwitlihi iwriiiausul llslsisuo kliolus- aall ajilrsasfl ktalfinal ru i kiivluih tihinimusi mmiiuiuiui i bls he an iro ream hnir ins3 cream inalaiill i ha cream is pul iiln tba frssser ane cutilrs out itistaull mouth ud ierfrctly rruseu tbia aslon suv ihe mark 1 xne a th krh irado fully tba price uuw iuutcd for w warranted by lha situation lu mark i sue to day wheat waa uiet tho price of knglub wheal has not changed sine kridhy holders are inner however tureigo whoal haa advanced til but ooru la fl i c ho per the large new crop of thai cereal in america having bad a decided cflect upon lbs opiuloua of traders the mark lna axtv prediots that the mouth of nuveuiber will bo a period of dull whoal market and advises hngllal farmers lo use roaarve in soiling sa ihera ia sure lo be a rise lu december lu re gard lo other staple the avirr sa a there is a colossi i crap uf cum lu ths hnlted blato leaving iihmm 000 quarters available for rlpurl and thla i certain to keep oslt and feeding barleja at a moilcr suffered for years ufrirsj much from rheum 1 1 am tapealally durlnir sprlnit antl autumnfollowing a neliih- lor a ailvlos brcuglit about a cure mil uia hiuctiuu wlilh one wim baa beeu roloj fiuiu ysaia ut aaflarlng is always grateful to lbs parson ir lite mediolu thai has beeu the medium if release it la therefor ajoto say tbst iuj uf the must thankful men in tha ricujtly uf harruwamitli la mr o rant day slhrtor jesrs ast baa been aauflai usaftpaltsin but baa been released reporter mr jjy tuld hia sscrienca substantially aafollows i have beeu a sufferer from rheumatism fur upwards uf twenty ota years it usually at lacks me worse lu spring aud fall aud al times iie pain i audurod waa in truer maklug it dlfllnuli fur ma io obtain rial l night y rum uiy hip down lo my feclsvery nut aud ovary iuubjiio sppsared to be adrclod and the jtatua appsared tu thase utie snulhor until i waa al limes nearly wild and imod ou tins was my condition fur upwanls ol tweuty oto yrais during thai periu1 i tried man remedies and while 1 ubtalusd leatpurary reliaf from some i nould gel unthlug lu the y uf jnriiaauenl beueal hut last year lb talus did iiol ouois back and llisy have not laldftiad siooe and this la the way it cam about oua day while tailing my wanted mj- u d lies en willi u sa asltwiiieu sew saaiin ust upniilug new atln of lalo tmuk iimro ltrctive and yel llgliur tliai ever all supplies lurulabsil free vve are th only iiillii sursnry paying aalary slid axhiisna from ttio start i i lmrsl coiiimlasii krt tlma man lnta list of kiacilluni tins boon tlta to i at our trial urcharil il waul a fuod tiling lur the winter write ua btom- a whlintlton surserymuu bill fruit 1 rowers turuuto ovar tiu arras uuitsr culuvsllnii main stroot planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor unutclurer of hssli uoora frames klouldlni lu all at ids drjotino afjt tciiikq mad mouid1mo lu order uu otiorl notice john cameron proprietor per the toilet 1 o cure tindddl hand soften the skin aiul keep in food condition use greani of witch hael it is recommended for lediuss sunburn irritation etc gerihernen after shaving will find it a superior lo turn for lh fan to alia irritation and prevt nt son ncss i salt al llu i i uj iun a t brown savagrigg i m i j 1 i i i i l i illu ill on i cash pnly i wr a few ua j itllt outirf lcl iv 1 t 1 ulauitlllka uyhkntkttv sad all itutl comjilaiktth a bum bafo juu k turo fur tkaw i uuuulea la red intvwmmtly mmtl kxlnramlly jj twuslsrs dcaatlboc utkj on apdii ai i in ip yqu nd a range hi duchess of oxford i will bh ibi far 111 l iii uil a iucitio vill t whs hv m mlllllllnl nun bill vnl lhuihhl tilt- hie fakinil iuliil t luii li ml mill n lhiici infill cvtij ulkhl it dtmi fc1 llulujual k the u it 1 very niiic duaiaiilctil ths curncy foundry co limited toronto u a pannabkckkr s01k auknt vtton incamraotii house georgetown walker mcbean sa qp very speciali i or till nixt two weeks to uk soi i regardless of cost or value the bntikl bto k or mens youths and boys ready made clothing jc 1 i wj m il 1 i ijio1 mm i hi lloh a fc cvl 7s nil s irfial 4 s heap al rrr iiii 5 j cheap at hricr rrcinls j 2f cheap at i larjjc mm were i1j50 for 11 in sun j lei jh were irom o nil khir at one price 2 49 tcrciwl- it half price lin of lie cleared at tl i cich onr boya saltn rc thiii icry rapldlj anil the i tt lance lll ik- villi ul 3 far prater rnlurtiun llis 1 pine nai scrje suits al ii oil h s ninr i weed suits ml ft 50 l hln h uorilcd suila at st ml s i si s in all aics worih ir uu li j tu it o in im clrarcd al ryyc men i i itits i ts horlh li mi men laml orih tl s lu oieralu w hold lliclnrf see ihem il hot worth li is men t nivalis in all sirci a k lock 10 klrct rum in mm i ndrrwrar luir a few lead inj whitti wr arc muiiii er fim cjcal irtlcrs to hind scotch limln wk1 shlrti and drincr- 1111k 4 worth 75c lleav nhlicd ill wool shirts and llrawcn iyt c4ular kx tailoring departmonu our tniluririk department i lioomiiiu all hands are busy and we have at ill a nice rnnjro of scotch ileal her muturc 1 15 00 lo i19 50 our special at li scare the talk of ihe county nothing id aurpass them anywhere call ind see i hem tiefore you are kx late tweed tweeds if you wsnt tweedy hy the yard we have i hern and will nell them at lialf price 1 btill licltcr we will riic yon choice thirty different pieces a 1 50c per yanl lb were from 7j 10 i 50 per yard mantleo mantleu in ijulint short on is we have a loiely range in illack zy ilrown anl lawn the following cloths iteiier mcll hlnchilla anil i neie at prices ihaj will sun anv sired purse from ij 50 1 915 purs pnia now s the time for fur c apes if you want a harjaln a freenland seal ape quiltcil and taiin lined 27 inches long for small sum of ul t iq 95 only a few left a4i ihe other departments are up in djte in ijuanlilies mimlliies and pnrrs especially so in our staple department hatni ijouht staples since ihe i alt in prices we waich ihe market and look after ihe interests of our customers who can always rely on ling the best al the lowest prices saturday bargain day produce taken agents for standard patterns whlk6r 7urc st co the frank dowler co more new styles tn mljlinery jul taunllil mlllluci we know ji vlin ij niti cohiidcnue lends courage u trade wcve beei b ld in lpcclin inui li in the past lut the present stock generally distounls what has hct11 i hat mens bringing you here pasl all the olhci loics i iilci lose a li t uit u 111 oil flic iciliioii wc tliitik is that wc olfci none but stylish goods and have prices ow enough at the start i hat applies to millinery as well is iiefs goods and finds the fullest expression in connection with nkvv hath and bonnets nkw shapes and trimmings new ribbons and flowers new keathets and obnamentt wc don t blame an one for being in love with styliah i iiinciy at oui pi ice neither do we wonder at your cuming whcic thej re always trying to get prices down down instead of hunting a reason 10 charge more well admit chat wt jump the track tnat olhc people iuii on and that t not alw is jiaitu ulai httw low oui pi ices h i his ut 11 ktktd ui with cv cptioial intei est by women j 1 town ami that s exactly what we like tiik frank dowlkit 1epartmental guelpi1 jo t the bell piano ii 11 1 rt x quality of tone unexcelled m b of dgn superiority of rmiafi y uarantrsxl by tts larirsel mauufsolurers ia osnada and aud sold ou the koeoud hand tiialrumaiila takru in raahauka for nasr mint plan wlwn rsaulrod niuiics of suiiic who am usiiiir lull instruiiuiils it ii tho inticehu louihu k iliu miirttiin ol luiitulmvuu lion 4ho fiiriiii- of diiliunn and avn m the kmg ol holluuu m tlif juiicp w ituly dutiiu ativhiut putt 1 nitolinu jtliii htiiitur miltv doc ml allison ludien collugv hev j k hunter of crunotm jl hun lor hov d stmehun hotipulur toronto col lego ol mumu ti joiioplih coiivonl st cutli- uriiiuti cullego monthiul and llioiiumla ol othoru ouslph v c v kelly hula amvui lur tlvll 1ino importer ttud ulu ia uutioal quod 1 ppir wiidliim sliccl cullpm p aetn ltrttetmtnlt t0jlbt iiiat vnr ihti alanil in arlou ilia onrnsr now ihriiilx i y ii kuuiau aa a bit liar a i i ha kmoiif in artu til illli nnlulilir a oiiiih cnllln lik mark nnl arhf with a ynllim ml simivb nin tlip nmlni will flsaia loavn llm as mo with ilm utiilnraiuiisd whero aullahlo rawaril will ihi iislil for rn ovary a iv nllltii nkw milk cow for sale iiolse and lots for sale rpllk linw iraiiio liuutn nu amnna hi in cook a x aurvnr nxiuia oixni srll fur tartna aud itartlculsra spiil in tiioh c uooflk acton stlceii astray caklhtumu iho rttilles lot k con b kb uatlii ovar a inniitli aco a dark rsd jrnerlluu tr ownnr will prnva irnwrty pajr clniliara anil rrliiura tho animal thouah alttliulth 0tkk to tkkhia8sehs n salnp on lo r otlsrwiaa br duns will be iroaculeif secordlnff to law w allan truatva for estala valuable hcsidcnco land fon sale or to rent rpllt- iinnralnnixl lirshy offrrs tor uia or lo 1 rrni tha com mod in ua brick houaa on ualn hirrei acin almtn tha i t it ths houss i sa uiu ruuiiia wlili klichan stlachnd hard an i toft satxr bcxrfl labia flvs acrss of land sill a i runt rrrrk ri 11 11 1 11 liiroueh tin osnlra tlntfrtl a nun lrtr uf fruit tms on tha urriiiiar in nimllstn jwmaduion csli be given fi r i emu an i iartlrulsri aplr to ulth d williaubon havelock bu ouelph rhr mtiill i j was chanted uiih ileal nit icr iiicmpictl lu escape punikh mem l cliinnn idol lie hail merely licen taking cold i ciiple nh are iiihjccl to ill and lunj truuhlc slnui1 keep shawn baifuun ofsprace and tar in i lie house it m iho roit aatiitfaciury remedy known fur all sffecttoni of ihe ihroat and iuurs at all druk prepared by shaw th6 druggist rockwood acton livery bus line wall equipped and stylish riga omn all ways b seoorad at hia atsblns a coiulonabla bua meets al train bslweon 8 a tu and ma p m caraful stlaouee lven to every order tbs wants of cotnmsrcuutravsl larsfallr rati juhn williams fstoraiaras at j moflats music store hcton ont 1 ou can purchase ths world reuowusd dominion pianos ip tiultj uoutb ornni llaujus ttojin bthu aooordlai a v loltn hows ncarlliiaa autobari viulio klandollos ktieot uuslc lu set avarvthliuj kat in a rratclaas uiualo iuru auvtlilns uut lu itock will he oruarsd at tkumii fur aiuall lustruuienu ate oaab fur llauoa aud oratia ui ault rsapoualbla uartlss uorr at b muaio storb next door to sjmon bros keeping close watch we do not buy our shoes haphazard some persons do but we art- different so are our shoes we keep a close watch on the leather market and know what the manufactured pro duct ought to cost us our long experience tells what the quality should be therefore there is no reason why we should not be able to buy right and if that is so we can certainly ball fight our stock of fall and winter boots shoes is evidence of that fact call aeif see loan sad ask jke prices william williams mill st acton ikorhktowns li vest stork 6ibs0n millar co i lip plate uhcrr uu ol nobby uicu inula itu ilur uhcie oii see lha luteal hruiicnl in 1 iciich itriiuh amctuni ml 1 iincai k olyles nice slid iheaii ul ma and at iile ihhih ihiukiii them before ic riir selling i hem al v tioleule prices liet llives siiuluares in profusion in flno hltfh oloaa tailoring lead 11 uihiiik m lie at us out 1 luck f 1 hhf sul iuiisanlo icitmt ln la su lvc li u ihr iki k 1 the cuiseal lah and iritc lln the ul lent in hntj vitiertr 1 n hi 1 uu eit vr ir oils is ufu i 1 ii luidu 1 ui t iiiea t 4ii kullt 1 ic a hull t ojii 1 ull t 1 hilt 1 us ind ve wtl vii v 1 11 ill li t her l1l buy as uiih lfu clscv dicre 1 il im takn 1 tntwe qdson mill a b tt go roe blook qeorg own k b ua hate ihe ekclumucrikut la 1 iirrluwii if miiiiij sumrya ktua i vi ry dty tltrriht di s

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