Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1896, p. 2

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r f- v i j h- tliillilii llirkjtnri mi htitilm kir and intluilit a sun itn iilmithh at lliirlliiulixii i suv jmili rtll mrm lr ui huh it lss jifi rtart vn rrss tiiuhbday 11 i mill ii in imin yotes arf0 comments ilurilftriea afmitinlry poslomccs aro in freipienl nuil dannu thai major hherwooil cominfaaiouer if dominion police haa aiiflkealeii lei i ho idbtmaalcr general llio advisability of adopting the toward system lu vo in tho t niloit hlatoa a wntor in thu london faxr draw a attention tu lhfl drilling of boys and lru in the 1 tilted hiatus to aalulo i bo htara and fllppe ninl m llntik din children lu hllali public achonla should 1m drilled in whioh rccalli ft xi ul iii k tlia i mou li fk i tflotiaua pan i ha uatiway on ril ho lanuid a lllial of tlm ir mkr for 1 mil mont of 100 d00 tu lliu ha koad company in niinclioii of all ita nwlilb hamilton the county and the- t ii a 0 ufllway oiupany to pay rjual liropurlioiia of the hum v out f 1 201 amples of different foqd products analysed by the dominion analyst and ataft only 1iwi barely j pet cent were found l bo adulterated au improvement la noticed in most ariiclee maplo syrup aualyeod fur thu flrrtaime wn found in many caae adulterated wittl glucose 1 be constituency of boutlirant is open amii mr honry halmy been unseated and peoplo are asking will mr 1atoraon contest lie i e election and regain til own ai ul 1 tie answer iven out is no the mlniater of uslums could im elected in iho vacant ruin but the jkople of north orr raniti to liu aid when ho needed a oai and he kill nut ilctr i i hem it l presidimil elctl ikhluley desire it l allrifed that the new tanll law all bo uun that will aland tor 1 or jo years anil it will be praparrd ttith that end in mew li i lu be a conservative measure it is aaid one that will command the support of iho bllsiuuia interests aa well as the whole people tfrncrallv none of lie schedules is lu be a blub aa in the mo hui joy bill while mail of them may not be much higher than lu tho wilson dor man bill tho trouhlo in llo slatea moat buitus iucii luiiii is nut the kind of laritl but the uncertainly an 1 chancre neighborhood news nowi i torn suppllad by corraa- pan jarvl nnd ejtolmnaoa nockwoou s l ineetitiietthe ilaimikir rinrl i o oi i nlay m nijitt it wea u i to pill away iii fitnl risd idol w r in tho hrttik 1 hcv r jmth i in i milllli linl tu put up atrel lamp n wit 4 ltal111 if- t news ok tub day sir nai hoiuu lli now allui asiil-llovt- n lti i i ii ha npr ps i k 1t mi i iitlrn fn mr i i w u isliplhiivllr sino of tin- limit ktiilit u alii nll ihooiiinirth i ti thn t kir illr i m iwrll i- for a hift mail kk phirf ui will i hi mr and mi stlinrmo ari a will dity at hi man innpnrl- w n mr irtm and una m hnlliiian rldol ddiililc imr lohn illflmai mil ii tjw4fhliitplo left by iho ovciiii train fftr torntilh hi l her a morn trllw dublipj rolluaiuu tno l roll lor rhoil see l iuii no h for nflvriiibcr jlaa w korrrarvtlt a arthur i cim o wivljaco ii miaac m ki1mc wallaoe w bulkor v ilhott a mulbollaml w mulliu m arvin ii mulliu ii storny ilim m bomtrvllc j kklry mulholland ii arthurp molhorron a i boolt ii claaa jos kalny a arty j 1 keith j arty j smith c iibbena u douohor senior part ii class t bomerville jos mulholland l mullin junior part 11 u a knth h hprowl 1 mclherrot m blurry john btowrt john arthur m ardnrr a claaai carty 1- mcarthur i smith loth iviii a a wuii febin inole 0 at tho iiicliidk of the jiiebrc 1 oiijreuallonal hurthc laat t ilia ouobei assodialimf of 1 ministers am churches i be t i landing woeh i h onttrualioi hails wilh keat aalinfacti n iho annouuee nent uf tho lmlural authonliea that at an oarl data a plabla us will bo hold in ordei 44ilha oloo uf iho xopla of auada may be board upon the juosiion of the pro in in of iho li r trallil iho rcfoicos in ihff fact that funr if tho provin c of the dnntnfuii havo already voted by menu uf a plcbiaoito lu favor uf prohtbi lory lutfialallon and auticipalds with iho must tervont prayur and liop thai tho eleotora of tho remaininn proviuoca atld uf iho dominion at larue will moat amphat luslly prouuunce in a like mtiu 1 bo association tails u m all ho uunrtga uonal ohutches of this province aud of the unmliilon to iiiilribute tholr mint paralsl out and niiuukhim laltura and prayers lor tlia sin i esn of thr uanao of pr tllbltlon ou lliu ucnaiiiii hl sum to bo a horded by a plebiscite ntahincl thh tnl li a moiikipnl counull hcu lot ruuulitr yetilon but on i iioiiuil met monday osukon ud iualneah was under dispatch sharp at eight lid ihe follow julio bmall alioamakor hi has atmkneo o lxincan mckibnio 1 ho oroditora met yeailerilij tho remains of 1ho late mr john itobinaon wore laid to rest in tho cenqlery bare ou tuesday tho barn of mr audrew ilaon in tho viuftko of linn u burned to the ground monday niitbl ileforo rouin to bod mr wilson went out to the barn to look if evorythinu wu all riht there were two cattle aud two horses in the barn hila flilnjj tho oaltlo one of th jt the lantern broke it aud aet fire to tho build fh the horaca and cattle were reicuot but iho produce uf 10 acres uf land aud a tgnautit of implemonta were consumed i he insurance ih said to be sootl on tho bam fjm on kiiplemotits sjoo on stock and 500 on other contents the lunurauoo is in the xrollmijlou mutual iho in aiirauco will barely cover the los ut tho barn milton lba lon txill is to bo ruii liu lays liurtly 1 he ctirtew bv law will b u lolly ou forceil liereaiter i ulil nekl may all youth uuder uilmn must bo in by h p m the anuual moetluu of the hal tot hoforni association will be holil on bator day al j o clock lu tho afternoon in the luyal templars hall ihe ltov john 1otta 1 it tho cole braated 1 orunlo preaclior will kvs bis lixjlure on the pulpit and iaw in tho melbodtal burch noil monday vtuiiiu the male choir of the churui will furnish unit- j laat cek he has bought a una and will tn jauirs home c aliform last spin for bis wlfo aud at hay farm farm neai bftck in about a month iho milton rink baa been leased outer prising syndicate of yojnt men are paltiuk it m a first claaa oouilitu thecoinluii season curling la bouuiliim hero afiu 1 curler aro pullahlpk up their luum crtwbonb cuknbhb mutlier oarih is acaiu lulhod i white mantle uf wintor i enltoma of ho world qolnun durlnu tliowook orlijl in im dyliit llr7 rnl hoiim hot i atni r dmu i h l aihkii illiktotliif llriwilf n mrltil lojimii uriipul in 1111 i iiiwih r r i u i imii u if nllliliik block ilrnlliml urn na at llorlili i jithh imi lu of ii r ils skull by i an dld 11 nnd the mr harry fotri n i mtmalir of kill nw fr- rallint- low al in a few iwft- jrral llntfiiu haa idi ifcyrim nlhas airplrd tho mil of tiriktlnhi to ih n paid inlu dm i optiai irsnm i mt hi iipiiais of ihn hon ian jtmimui ii mi r h rll f m r n red at ibn break lin- oh f the riiiiiment hv hla aurllwbrt miss al nn inn inti d her home and miiol hrr in thn hmd iwnx and and i hen hot linns if il ad on honda john 1 oiim a i r ii i fsrmr la a vie tun of rniini n if mm brain in miir of li ha a cnnaiuniiipiit if 1 xika tro ii a h li llrm addressed to a man ua mnd liftord waa avued at i 10 ntoni a llnua ii at alkttrlon na nil al and f ward d to ottawa for nam ib kin a rrpirt from ottawa conllrmn be uloin u illirr and tho books were co iflaubt d bio boom in oil wells bothwull thu jntro of bxc llud bpoculoto m mid jorluno hunt purmu v h- the holllw hrru ih a bijj boom dihlrii a mer li aa and anadiau primoniid and ajmculalora are now aa thick as in us hurt ihe farms fur a stretch of an nnlra nr mor havo all boon loaard or otberwisn aecurnd tho farmer ul the iilriol have become donior alticod 1 boy aro abandoning their farina to tho oil men moat of tlrnm expert to spend tho roal ut tbuir day as iiidnpetidont kontlomeii living in fence on thn ail royalttios of their tarnik iho oacito maul rivals that of the uarl siitioa aa a number of jubors yinldinj- to 1 10 barrel ft day havu boon alrdck llfe at washincton ihe a young ladys escape rnibnoa thouoht that the span of hblt life would de short 4 at lnat with but a qrnln of fnlth tlor motlmr admlnlntnred dc- wllliamb pink pills iind hlin in now cnrod kr in lh lniril llvrsl i t this wtifl i i full of chanl i hero are chaic a i but t itcci the rnuat ilulitn of the lullmdilal chnnffoa llml will come wn rwwunt mrl iheir ruinlii bill we liny ptiry i hi uiihalutarf iihiraater of their inline wimaiiliiil lu ha luepliin is imci ptih i of ha nu limi innand the mit jiiiliua atlmliii and pru initllar- mro to i uaiirn p rfrnt tb i lopmeut and imppy maturity t inmu hannea aro i yital aitlpii stihtla in their ob a ran lor that iiilna llxltmol m llo ant dladrlmin aklon is r rrlil hi ihe i i mi and nppllta liini of npiitiil rent die- hi worst resulu inav inner noiislitiit may lt iimuv i mil ihe r rinn of diras f lend iijoriiu iii i at ih hauls of all ntijiiytlinul nnd mirna i im wt ak la in im mlarahh it la lllerutnre fitilatnoulav to ovary inliriat id hilmauily jial llfi rod roil htrnaiu bn kipl puru aiilinfttnt7v owmijlo ii uh ul of una pirlicular many itn alroimly nriioil the lite uf dr willlama iinfc fill mr- mtciiliotiin aa nut over erodihoim of ilo pnllllia of tlm pink illwchul thny ttrrnpiirnhnailiiud uml in tlm liejl advaniafie hoon niler in fpniilnf iho nan uf tlin iillrt says mra jllknplioraon i ihiuulit 1 law n reddldi i linrnjniii her chrok and lu ilili loucait of n w k ir a i my daughter fdtlnlhr i im lird flini bnan to vnnlli i d ihe nhiinrrrtkl alonpi loaa hiftan tu y t id lo tlin tnffli lit n uf r william- lrik imia cnnlliiuiini lln use of the pill the prorosa of her restoration prowl lkki vir llei aul j t of lavoralih flommenu for a nn tin i o d iy her health la nil unit cniih lie imliil aud both thai oi lady nnd her uinlhrr are ittm imlmv ra in iho mmlii hi tl virion uf pink pill and dinn rpcmiiiiud ihem dr william pink pilu nreaie new blooil bo i bl up tlm inftfjm and lliu drivo ilia a frmti th atnm in hundreiu uf oaiara th y have i uri d afler all ulher modi 7fteh liuve failed ibilh i hlallotiluu the alio hn i ft burdrl rami and wiftk vi r aptly drscrllma tin ir r million all r v nlurlui to perform miiiio ordinary hiiimrhold duty what nan bo done in aroompllah the rtjuvcnaliun of thoan unforttinatn once 1 here la n remedy widely known aud loudly applaud oj whose virtue are proclaimed on tho houae top and w lux pi red on ihe alrei la ten thousand m oilier a have rrco nun ended it and twice i en ihouaatid daiiiihlora praio it read what one of them haa to say in tho village uf lancaster there live mra a j macphorauu widuw if thu late a j marphorauu she i welt and faiorably known in thn comiiiuuiiy homu four or live joara ao mra macphrrsnu sent her rlrtat daughter in new ork hlnlo there aha rosideil withhir unaln aud attended school beiii thru only alio ill sitteen yrara of ao iho htkiul life of her imijxirnry her tu ither in upot ukuration of a president iho- aolocliou of his cabinet aud the sealing uf a now ouresb ualloijal ovonta of the oumimft year euuifeat the iirhtmin what aro iho powers and dutioh of those illlli olhoiala duruik 1hj7 it will bo aim we red thruutjh tho rxiiihiuh in a ro markablo senui of iirllclua by becrolary herbert pnalinaaler iieral w iuoii al torney onoral luriiiou houalor loln and hpeaaur unod tho illuuratul iiiiii or inlh imailod free oirapplicail n in llio lh i hhjhihi ih lloalonj hiihw that the aliuvo la only one of many brillinnl lealurea by wbnb the l will ai ua aeveuly ural yoar i hree uovollat wiio at pieaeut 1111 tho public eye ian marlarcn itudyard kip linu andblppheii raue will cuiilribiito mint of their mroieai work practical affaiis and popular in le rests will bo treated by andrew i amebic hun 1 beodure iloosovelt 1i iyman abbott madamo lillian nordics hun t arl bumr charlea dudley warnor mra llnrtoii harrison and a hiiudrod other famous mou and liuudreil short alorins nnd tot limus a many shell- bos and aneodolcs will be pilot od during 1 i an i nil the departments will bo mlntiuod at tho hlh alandard i fur impartial ear and wo know of i ill lio an kflo1 rutun oubsi nury i irlm lba al l by uov clraull mr p rlpp afteolion of tho he church hero next hunjay on hharpc of iho i ramosa u ii i rpp hj it 1 llratiui lol i j ii loars ta j ii ualinows aun loved by matthews moved by a 1 u adopt ntilntc for aiuaabed laal vnk iy a all k of iiuil tailing and nruablug it mlaa j klntfabury of l ueli i i hit lay al bar homo bete aa ii itaoiahaw of ita i apt din a few days lbl wwjk nhwi b bole k mr a4 mrs w 1i vtill i in ortou durum lh week mr rlmilhsou uf halnm m a i lli ltn mr jbi mr jo trip lo hiilaud aim od homo oil 1 ueeda hla many friends al a4p homo attain he enjoyed hla irlp liirmom dlllcir ao 1 lln pli lbs hiils tin pre so u led aud t ad ih rejuir of 11 sbooudod by i be hfaulod 9 by uw r bor of tuiina and i m j j i it tn dnpuly rerirniuii ollliers i places for pnllllnt btlh lied moved ly j ii malltiew i itaids that ihe 1u twenty d mara for charily tu moved by v 1 nlcklli rcuded by j if malthewa that john williams bo paid twenty ilva dollars fur services in oonnec hon with ihe v ire unmade oarrlod ihe couuull iheu adjourned a rubhinq businttlt doaptlcliea from muntreul y lha bualoit j ln lu iho cily la ihe hihi thmti wrrltg smr olll o whero au eftlra ataff ra workluil uver time to iet iiftipoa of now a lib ten bar on their tnurmuui ubacripilon hal wo understand any uf w rulrr dan lis a eamule lp f ty aondlllt ft ioubi i arl tn ihe publldiera lu kiouireftl ctorqttown lowing from the lui l t- will be cad with interest f ltov d a moir ii l buloclaliimout in tho melhihlisl li 1 haukuviuit kikhl turned ou r ihe droll jmii pi r pro iihlatnik a oihi many was literally packed i hi mental music and an adilrrai by the lutv mr moir ou ihe human hand iho silver oollocllon at lln door aitioiinted upwards of m a iuessk was reeoi vod by mr johu million a parther in 1 urimtii on i uurwlav laal iroin furl william ayiit tliai mr hblltoti aud hi- friend wore afe anf would arrive huma lu a low daya ihe thirty five pupils who attendod the hlfh school from tho west before the recobl time table chanson has been roducshj lo aiaieen doftlh wa a happy release lo mr wui hwiudlofaural wuu uiaj frutii rt ri the homo of iter father mr win rani on holiday her sudor in us fur miriy weeks but aho bre l all will ahrlbtiftilfurlltiidewhiil ivbi rrmarkabl llurnirfocl fallh in joaua hnal wa a bo nod lotion tu oome into ouulacl with bhe leftiraa her hualiaud and twu littlj ajlasv to mourti her removal 1 ho fulioral ou tuoaday was cuuducleil bv i loin ii a mitchell ii a and w ii ian he in li a of 1ru receive tho jisjier f roo jrun subscription is rtcuivoil u in 17 alii lor a full year lo new aubw r i bar a also ret elvii i he inutthi ih four pk catoudar lilhoraihdd in twrho projucliuu its publisher tiftvo over ullered ijio ull lhuih m i oliimuii vo llui mass the kind you need pa liiu a celery compound the only kind that cures ii wislbky ii viom merely h llfil h im1ta1 ionh ntbl hab a vswi atluhu ol- i ii t- 3avln umbered ainoiitial tho lie inodiuliie you need and be kir ambitious aha w anxious to make rapid prorea in tier studies lu each particular alio enjoyod a oovelablo measure of aucccca but at no small coot mnv remarked her paloneaa and loaa of color bile began lo fool tind and weak after a little exercise uuoh a ft short walk mum macphoraona stay in new iork lftnlod about two yeara all thia lima she ate and slept fairly well in tho apnufi of 1h13 alio cftmo homo and her mother cojd not but remark bow changed her daufthter waa pile aud languid in stead of being bnicht and ruddy think loo thai uouriahirf food and perfect juiet with judicioua exercise would restore the loat vitcor and ruddy low it waa hkrticl ifttod in to llio fulleat oatoiil for a month una was tried but allll mlaa mac pborbon wa aa pale an before liable to i urns of weakness and with au unbailable desire fur sloop at this juncture ihe family duolor waa consulted iron pills were prescribed and a trip tu tho 1 houaand islands taken ute stay lasliur about all weeks during which time everylbino waa done to help her iccovoiy tbe frieude wittl whom lie stayed camo tu regard hor romelv doubtful aud whon itta her mother saw no im prtfvciiiupt ono day while making pur cbftboa from a dealer in vetabln he iho dealer look tho liberty of makiuif eomo remark aunil the health of mia macphor son winch was obviously not promising try aa extro ituruod iftrtl dal 1 enuh pink pill- nr s id only i bear i nti iho full rn in mark ham pink pilla f r palo plonl if fr it clearing sale for cash irythin m ih 1mrness lin9 hlanktti wliips hells it cost for oil nct y t is ml in mints must he bel lied l ilu joih uf dec ember all wood ordered must be brought in it oiicl j h matthews acton 1 lll i u lvli usl shaws hazeline ior the complexion a pci iect slfin food removing fan ljiotches chaps and all affections of tin skin leaving it binooth as vchet once used alwas used picparcd b shaw the drjggit rockwood acton steam -laundry- a cook ilopnetor i iral class work uuaranleeil in i rtiuiljr lm aatiry wurti shirts tuiiara j cuffs ft work 1 imrsdftj and hftlui lied for ever and delivered ry ihuday a cook the right house king and hughoou 81 uaiulllun jui lt parluiflil closwk and uuiue ituom mm hb i usitlns al rles lt ilia ke1 loi iu i luferlur tfooda illi 1- in ili tint i iiur vlnulia i i ill jukel bilk i uoi loilw 1iii nil lor it crt lor vld 111 ln11 i lir 11 new ii i i lo all olfnriiii 1 u relutlon ih loimer ituu ldneii doperu 1 10 11 1 tabl damask liwll ticlros wil xclal 1 11 and wh an 1 up lo ui hlkhosi cislea ik ml mltll naiklli oial i half lllnaclin1 i- 111 ih slant lln s smknu aaoe llsiuiim all one irli i llrimn onlvtrtrt in iiai1 sew lilies ul lnu nllta iriola aarau ludi ml an i buickaol undo all a ailk au1 woil bael uur mcla1 iii 11 1 all uul l bib ulaukel aule hh ati i oitislioii hiumi miicttnn j au t mr vhi hi hod loiulurleii kellys muclic store pianos violins mandolins flutes drums hiaiwjt ah i ihs i ok organs guitars banjos accordeons etci etc 1 he onl store in lwcity where you can get the i best quality of strings for alj instruments im nos and organs tuned ayid repaired by a first class tuner c in kelly 15 i xr wndhirh street guklpii boots shoes for kmaq presents then s noting tnp re ser- viceable pair or allocs lippi rs kulihefs or r shoi s never were the t helper than at present we will not quote pnt es but onl si that wc can give j ou betkr vilue than anyone lse in the trade y mclaren co ttiei edinr shoo btoro cuelph v ilrto aubrrtisfrarnlr dlt v h mihchh trxri oradusla t toronto i olvrrlt t an 1 ii c ofllcn over dpik hlaie aelun krrxiil itn- mmr4i tunit uiuxr wanted bright men and women ian ashjis lor iijsju ftli a tl trail kctoin departmental store symon bros l ii i i iiiyer snnp i i kle- jy- per ixill hid herrwiki m n ii lb kdpuh i ui 1 kk f per iltiz nplci jc i i lurli hehrl imment i million plr we ire kuim klitk tient meiliilliin i hardware tin and qrar hot key skitf i 75 spdnk sualm f in 751- 1 ut nail jc per itk shot he per hi ramie ten kettle oh tr nnile wiwh liayija iy o 2 dlpperi lin kxxl oi c ltaworo lcniciubii ihcjc pifcc idrst ontyibr one week u aij wc are headquarters for xmas presents as we have a fine stock at present wc will be much pleased to have jou inspect symon bros corner mill and main sts acton butter and iggb taken in exchange two weeks of bargains i n dress goods ncvvti hlack and colored drobs goods at prices luwci iiii ever childrens white boasrcgular price 40c for 25c manneletlt lmbroidery regular 10 and 1 3 for tic buy yajjr christmas groceries here ivci j thing uesiiable for christinas baking new i 1 d kusins nlw seedless raisins new cleaned currents nmv iimon 1eel orange and citron peels spices of all kinds c liololales new shredded cocoanut extracts of l t mou nulla pineapple cloves peppermint and straw be 1 1 1 ks ii u s a trial ol our p i yoi a lb are troubled with headaches or ncixoua ekage tea will give relief sold at 5 7 e curneyco mill street acjion hall itlnscliml lli k 11 in 1 171 an 1 iso lljf llluod uaia iu l urol ana kalioy t- uinels i f- t ii 1 t lal al 1 1 j 1st i 11 1 i j lln so 1 t anwliali fin iiuji tl i an 1 u large keduotloiia in the mulluoty tm hlxki i olr m l iv 1 1 i tnimlar al t h i 1 1 71 illark 11 1 iui gnll u11 i si for liioaponalve kvonliia droaaoa f i1iu lslo nk a mini 1 1 no 1- 1 jh i h u sj a 1 iliiiinl 111 1 h ik 1 h 1 i aiirrreelli 4 1 lo al 1 1 k hriliailia i u 11 1 h linimrii hi l l- all lsuli 1 mi haxs aiitimiiutl u and uanla hatlsl ur kidney icuhlr a- a life put up rlil ileiu rlory pn k are di 1 i dally 11 i that ca iho hlt tlona froi ask toi 1 llose 1 ho rlfict 1 pepr 1 llalt u1 krlluit paii and ihi sivtifltlchl thai i ho name palue a is ou very wrapper and boltli that yuu buy wimi yeuswiv iaiiio a you havo iho only medio me ou earth that an lute oil tout lutd of misery aud sulk nit anl toll healthy fresh urea lu twenty four hour- i hla la the lavxluiony uf letia uf llio ilea 11 it a who hae aaaal it puliiftui a la ireillly without aln am rrmotra iiiria 111 imelui four thomas c watkins lci 1h1i1 i8 1 iii kkll 1 llwl our prices talk misses arpet hilpjkira ii lo 1 s woman arkl hlipjwr i lo 7 j woineu jell hllpr i ktjww- oo women a felt hllpwrs j lu 7 i womou holt rlno ooiires i to j l7o w omen halt r uuj it is iluj 7 wumen a foil lluttou hoots j lot 7 uya heavy laoo llouta 1 i to i j ii7u lluys heavy laoo lloola i to a to lloya ilutf iaco i too is i tu a bite a uenuine dos calf up trit toil see lloola for cents 1 j 711 former price i w f hlli s oil pebb hull tip im former price jiu child a oh pehh mutt tip 7ic former price fcii illso oil pbb hull lip 7c former prne i wnnirusli oram mala in former prne l 111 mori ihitifc hiii tl w former prne ii ntj men a iltiue i uiii fl i former prim 91 ii men a huff un 1 1 former priuo ii i ueu a huff lace ffl al former price ii 7 1 men a huff iaee tl 00 former price ii li ueu a uufi iaco l tl fotnier price l 0 moulders ualter t 00 former price tl iii womaue lonila llutt u7o formur prun ii j womens dunolft hull heavy aole four atllnll a krual leader fur ii j neill the shoe man cuelph- tio frank dowler co tlo heason stliy i i i j i t it i null i i ui iti i t d j blivl il ions tioie o it ss good the haig are lo 1 ti dtmlt i ia lit i like to be net because oull la ep in iiiiiui lbtoit that maket our dollars go farther oui uadt ib literally doubling itself and youre helping us to larger usefulness all along the line we are confident that we nutt steadily through nse year dry goods of v e ry bort at smaller advances over cob thun any other store hereabout dtl to that the combination of shoes and clothing grocer us and general stocks and it isnt to be wondered at when wt sill iuw iiki worthy gikkls at such puces jb these tl liry mlaod i weed h cluod mu toi llu 73 say her li in regular 170 fur a m llruwu mitnl soutch hon lospun 37 fo vua tl h aiioy 1 weed i j in rekull 3uo for lo 1 piece illue aud hlack 1 wesada vi lu re 9ul or 23c 1 pes miaok llruwn aud navy nap hultlu l j fu ikn i mb ti in fancy 1 weed mftutluijc tl 35 now f5o t vartla 64 in heavy mautllux 1176 our prioa all new and stylish goods net essit not value fixes the price at which some i i ilia nls often bu and of such special opportunities we gel our share such goods we pass on to you often with siant regard lor the lost of getting them to you while in utht r sttiils lhcrc used to meet dowler v headquarters fn llolida goods kemeniber christ mas has already begun fur ensds fti trnrfl liar ijfe ami luitao t lxnl duflerln a ll ussr uianellou tlio jimfn aactrl arch it nails like rum a lire i umo lots of money li tiik iiuadi e oaiutytwtaku i id accordiiiglo acreiils keporfs qlkkh vlcloru her jiie and iibiipi intro rtactloa by ii u will rearh liiel reulatsni one term reported isolhf nil tbrvefourlbs rail nlara tae u sttri iiant taka imlers imm raiu snane lo cativaaaers jtnm 1 rtu wan i a aliats in lids eiild ua buslla territory is rnlnu fast tilt- iihaih kwiauklthos o iii taraab jal wanted intelligent men with coo1 luriod biaaiil in lllrr their imeltlotis and would i couleiil or a tear villi fouu uo ami sinensee nte ua eiih daacrlptlou and occuauoe and will tnake s tilt uanaohjt u itlcbinoud kt toronto out valuable hesileiice land fob sale ob to rent riml r underalcnad bereby olters ar bsib urjo i rani lba ronimodidua brick bouse on usla htreet ac ton above tbo ti t it the bmisa bfta nine rooms with kltcben auaebed liard and aaft silsr pxxl s lab is nve acree of lsn1 itb a lrm creek runninn thrnuch the renlre there sra also a number ol frull trees ou the it rem lse iruuiedlale nbaaasion can be ivau for lenua and rticular aily to ulth d williauhon havelockbi uelli mlniuialltfut atton tax 18 1 luataluieul of the taiva ul ikb is tl iw lue and notice t hereby eiten ilial the iimvlstiins of uis tales lly law eul lie strict y enforced all rauaven fail in le tlnl r taxes iv fore ieeuiler lltb imm will m dia uuallneit triin rotlos at ule con line uiunlriwl elecllona lly order 1 lllulau culieeuir wanted book uiora alt ever all uppllea tumujit oui j canaduui sursery najdnit sslsrv aud ibsaal e nart tluia man large list of ttneclallues al itavlnc bern tested at our trial orchanla ii m want a ouod thins ur u wluler wtito u htont a whjjmitos midiud au1 krutt urowers turuul u over 1 acres uude cultlvbtloa we llnt se eril i haiul valuable farias v elhntun uruc- 1 1ildiniuut snncoe i liltun nurhini lertl the frank dowller nkpautmental giiklph co iuiib of them are lilslih tuiprtuml is ma all are cod various slaea an i ill be b4ld at barcala if sold batuce tbe oral if jauuar or i for tartus aud fuil wrulubu at li j e mceldthry secretary lit fc11 ii im ottltlo isvhmtukvt hu ht imls soctj t ouufm qnt gem raisin seeder a simple and theap m hlin that never fails to wt satisfat tion it t au be 1 iinp etl on the trftle when in usi and stones raisins pnhttl without chopping or ttarin tin m in piet es can ensib bt tiun aiart for t leaning dont miss this seasonable illicit it sells on sighi phicfc i oo laiuiloiitrli mcnauhtuu wontrl3kl qub gkokoktowns li vest store gibson millar go dress goods dross goods dress goods yearvalileertus sale everjtlilua uiusi l aoll ksnlleas d eual 1 a i now is v luuil lukun tbe newest and ule heaa l tb- eeeuu v o am fl l tu7tul t r bibe im of ju tbe laut lu hims tilunultum ladles t u lwear ale rj lat rluialliai fine bttrhclasa tmllortng kesa bill ule bawl ll style u ft fluub and urkiuaiulil vuu a jl iter luteal lu am sulunjt must styl truuser liifc aud uurcuatlua- we tarn oui iii beat suttilug but ttia beat uart your uriler here once and you all ouuw atfalu readyuwaar olothlng ljfi aut an uvereoal i hi w hull t iku you au-ap- v gents furniahtniis we ate alwai abead in ibis deinsrtiiidni the nseii aud tlte beat lu kin hsckwestt bbuta coiibib cuda unu unkn- c we aud we list a large surplus of stork and we are determined la oloex them out al ibjicea that olll aalhilbli th our aaairtulau ul llata r tyt aiirtti u iun cu in t rwuit k ws oordtally uiaok our many frlads aud uie nubile in naaml fu iblr itlraj euxou and mill hoi u retain their ouuftdauoabj sblu2to q1b80n miliar 4 co ro block qoorgctuwn hlorat hot aa lull asanl ed etuek uf all lliu 14 i ua every day italian day

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