Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 31, 1896, p. 3

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i v v 4 1 jl bank of hamilton uktld oitige iauilt6n arltll i atl iikbmmv ktlki tutai aaaara boa it d of diubotg a o mil leof in i otrroii iro itnaoii a a ii 1kr torualo uie tuiinuuid ceshlst ii h mtj cesliiev ii u watuun lncir agenc1eb hamilton iltartoiikt t kael end allutxi llerlln uheele imrnlitvn iriiiiahy t iai mr luekuow uilton uobnt forest orangerlhe iwen hound iort klin hluicoe luiuuio vina bam british correspondent london national provincial hank of fug ad ltd american qorreopondento kw tomb fourth nauonal lleuk and llmon nalijoml hank lloartoa interne uou 1 1 trust go llurraio alarlne hank uw iuo national i lank of iijiaolaand jnion national leak datwirr detroit nailooaj lunk h vaaa cirv national itaiik ol cownnim agents in montreal tb llank otoronto okorqetown agency notea dlaeounled and advanoes made on suit tbia aeeurttiae colleetlooa made and drafta bought and aol i mi aji eeeawalble points in canada united ktatse qreat itrt tain and i ha oontlnentof aot favor eld larma if tkuropa unoi savings department darnells of gi and upward received ami intrjat allowed irani data of deposit to d uf dtbdrawal special dhpohith alao rooalvad at eunwol rata of interest n m umnqhtosf affant ewll fp- theneat rtome montly or a loot i charaotar and ovary item intaraatlna orwryr of f iff ihih cixwlt al meeting of lljo home ciroln in monday nitjut the following ifucer wern aim ed fur ihj7 i m 14airr mr i rrauria ualrr mrs j aepew i tlrrllor mrttio r i holt kwirurrl 1 mat i turn t tra rin hecly wm u lulaui tiai lain ur4leo lark 1 usral all ills kara uarliii vlarlril mold johnson tlusnl arch lid hrmm holiday pkesents childrens sleighs cihdrens skates dtjils carnages toy carts and waggons cups saucers lojs dolls bibles books albums and the finest selection of watches jeweler and sil verware at santa claus headquarters qko hynds acton ont jxanjjtbi btuhk ffibe uton xtt jprrss u 31 una j lefletsl tuukspay dkuluufcu 31 itmfi j little local br which caunht th eyas or ear of fro pram raportora thu vujook yonr vote aoi mfloenoo liappy now er to all ltact daj of ieap yaar rirla wo mm write ll 1kj7 to moriuw uitt you retrnwail your aabacnption tor 1807 t tb wbaal maikaila baa an upward temdenay ajain tha waalbcr on bristroaa wa uf ibo old lalnoind order only two mombcra of iho paal year cooaotl will att al the council ltoard ocxl jtmr tho poat oflioo ofboiaia havo bad a baiy urn wilb extra boavy pwiii ibo paat wlu tba mtld alber tb paal tow daya baa caoaod tlto rapid dtaappearaooa of the now mu no bio baa opened droaamahipj room at lb family reaidonoa on hrederick buml making other bappy alwava in plcaor to tba ngbl thinking man or knot cburcb ha adage ueboul ba made prouiof for yoar entfrvainraeallo morrow evvaiog tba roidniijlil roau celebratad lu bt joaoph a cburcb on hrwlmaa eve waa welt attaodad tbara waa anow for chnilmu but it look a tboojjh i here would be a iroau new year tim new hi lor t m titc a i in tubt will allurd jcuax church to morrow ajlaltghtfu ftveniok a watoh mgbl aervtoa ii ht bald in lha uethodml cbarch ibia ovemuj com mencirjg at 10 30 o clock two wu of ballot will be uwj at the municipal electlooa ncil u on day tba dw county council oaodidatea rriuira an extra ballot tb carrier boya will call upon all ibeir patron tn town on new year a mora lx u prewent each with a copy uf ibo beau lifnl fur pcju calendar for 1w7 number of tba teacher in lb vartooa bonday school a were remembered at lb gbrlatrnaalida with much appreciated token of lova and eateeoi from f k aobolar the llamiltuu su k thai it mitfhl be well next drcenibar tu ad vol liae lor tender fiom peraoua wtlltnf to be mnoifl couocillon- andjii the job lo the low oat liddor watchniitbtaervlqa will be held lu bt alban a t burcb tlua eeuiii cummcncm at ii u clock i here will be a abort addreaa iu1 the oelebratiou uf ibe holy commaulon at mlduiatt alias caaal uolbatl eaohor of the third departmeo of acton 1ublio school waa kindly rwtnemberwd by haw pupil at lha olowj of tb achool ikat week with a ary potly chrulmaa token iu a atahafly of kltlloo oocopmd thai poptt of koox church last sunday and addraawad the sabbath sol oul tn the after- nnnu 11 u mlntatratlona were very aocapl able and the coo great tlou were daligblad with bia vtait an exchm ke tbia now dcanalion the editor ia a uiau who oarrlea a pair of aoteaor in bia at peck at a lead pencil iu bia brmt pocket a memorandum book lu bia ooal pocket and bia airallh to aomo body elea a pockaf mr john utuheitrjpf uertun dlad on the altt inat ed fia jfara laatfa waa due to heart dierwaa ueoeaaed wa father of mr u k mitchell of milton he waa for a namber of year a rentdeol of tbia wtotnity living on the farm on wblcti tbe dotty vaideu kiln are attoalad halton prohibitionists tba annual meeting of the llalton lro hi bit too aaibelallun waa held in mellon laat araak when lb following ofnoar were j elected for ibo deuiug eajlllraaldanl dr uobarleon laxvioa waaident d hartley yudjvtce ineatdaul luv a uaheffy ttoerilary w j armalroug treaaurar fcu woodlu executive coot ml tie maaaie jobiituu llarriaou eojci s liowe uilloo a newall kil bride j s alleu llurllugtuu audj a tl toatcr oak 111 to lkt by 11 hire oll i i 1 hat neat abop u lacr a bargafii tk no man i w ooouuied a koudfaoo enlcvlafimiig at tanner on monday mr daviiv raaer tluepeciel ootreepondent of the alwrdmai waghinrlon ittfordtr who la rn ttimlr ontoai frwl alfcl dean lo itoaton ua tukl ioojjmo detroit mih and montreal fiev he left aberdeen on july i till end expect to reach floaton hj the lolh january 11 him feat or wa kiutt jjlw nillea before the slat jaouary lie wiirvarn a puree of 3i0u lie ia tbe or- man ever granted a paai to walk rarer the o t ll and ia registered al jverj elation be pakara hi next leaue tbe par i uh will give a brief rrmew of hie trip with omo of the exciting experience he hat bad iaor santtaj- srhoof errtnmry th annual ifotiday entcrlainment of knox chdrch sqnday school will be held on sew year a night tbia year tba achool departed from tbe uaoal cnalom nf a programme by the rrlnjr it will b made np of q a arte tie duetla and eoloa by the well knoan campbell ule quartette club mere n and cbarlee ucphail an meaara jollioa and klliot in addition to the a number of aslections will be render ed by local talent tbe miaaionary itoal john knox will be freighted with the kifia which the sunday school scholar purpoae bending to lea favored part of the ian i the evening will be enjojablo fur all wbo compote tbe large- andie an a no enurrn i i s c t oarrra tbe officer for the ensuing term of ibia popular and growing aoctety were olocted at the laat annual meeting u follow lion irea lie ii a ltac era i roawlpt julio il kemwdjr loa lrv ml arumuoic itccortllim tlerntar julio xfoura t or kwrvtarr t xi iladdenuai tmasurar ula lnibcrt jomutii 1 1 ou miliars lllr llrl lil uu j udkttiakl uin il an leraon- jjia coooanj ulh latlorauo xllm u ucqocmd mb- a the meetinga are well a i tended and moat inlernvting tba lopta card for january o july kit lag name of leader a bv uit been printed in addition lo tbe regular laptc the paalot giveo a brief addreai upon a catechtamtloeatjon al each meeting tor flilrrn and teachrat 1 be ufliclary of the methodial bonday school for 1mj7 elected at the raoant annual meeting will take their place next sunday aa follow hu porta tendon t ii i uoot hu pi uf hiniia uept settle clark twcraluf treasurer il j oarttmj aralatant secretary t j k ulirarlan c w 11 llama a p loruj cbaa uclm and lulwln franeta organist annla urniui and llula xlclui ladn of orcteura cbaa t jaatm lsliera u j kdnikloo and u ucsahti ii ii artut t j bdoiuuw teacher iu j i lloweil u a ura ii uoore ura oram ura jama uclwn ura i praucla uln uacfte ktbacb ura john adw un c c rpelabt ura john btepban on ula uacst uauliawa ur j b lola uiau ula lottie k hlbt una v auer ur 1m vtneent ura harry jmm uib jai a latent llrvvra jatuia moon thurtall llioii clara lloon 1 ulu itosall annie and sellla hniwd tbe annual report preaentad by tha aec rotary ou chriatmaa night abowed a year of ucrea tho dumber of acholar on roll itfj average allendauce tos lteoeipu for the year including 97 for amounted to ssftj 1 i hi 7 a mother inruhj aaafveraarj the uetbodiat sunday school haa for many year held it aooaal eatertainment ou hriatraaa olgbl and haa enjoyed a lona aucoesaioo uf aucceaaful event both from the point of attendance and ibe merit or loo character of ibo programme cbrtetmaa of i hog will be remembered aa adding another marked aucceaa the church waa crowded and lha proa ram roc wa moat exoclleol it waa provided exclualvely by the achool and waa aa follow 1 eii mua cbilaunaa llyuin tbe bebuol a itarar 1 u itev j r hornall u a a hml addrw uy iim duiertnl 111ik uerrv llelu 1 kacllauuu h1 lloritauun a r uuttua butml ole toyiiiilou m t lteetatlou sa cbtlbtniaa uall tnlx llanalni up ue blocking tltna ultuulrl it llwdllauuu naumi ullhuiu lall lu 11 uutum huuf lint u u i riu iiila ii itecltatlou llatrihiimsuuclilwl klu liuuiiu li t btxiu j iwil tl heuuui lb itacllaucu arclils uiitaloiaa tilll ullll eimx 17 itecltaxlmi a u ulwiw oil- tlaitls in ukihw hx lluah a t- kdia wiiiimu 14 etiucua ila p haitiylirtauuaa bnry lien ttwhrliuul 1 iwcluttl mt louuir uiuu la kuli itaiuiena tl llacllatluw i tiilatulaa maeral kuhi colatuau a ubuuu bum rojr tmwi a auu au 1 hwter hue waddlua ha lulu flia tl iuuum lll 41 m tl u uuu tl in ithiitauuu twlllom tuaucti 1hiu italu tthi uike a uuulow audie uuud ulaiil uutiw tba heliuul cry u umber waa well rendered and the uu ah owed their appreciation by repeated applaua ll will not appear lo vldloua if pacta refereoo la made lo tbe number tbe cbrlatian inm the tan youug ladle lu their prwtty white coa tumoa war beauty and purity pareouiflcd add i heir rendition of tb oanlata waa aa par loci a poeelble an intacpcalauoq of lha ooinwr e intantiua the chnataaaa wig wam and ita evergreen ur round inge waa a feature which del ut hied the young people while the chrtvlmaa ohituoey cumpoaail of brick ailed with chuimx wte gave joy to the prluiary claae wheu the time fur it raaing arrived tut- ni mabbmu 1 in 1 be kew marriajtv act raaiuire that both bride and giconi make allldaviltwbew procuring a marriage lioenar in order lo avoid in ouqjujspce anal buotonury publtoily the under signed will wait upon lha partic orairtrlaf lloon at tba boat of aay of their hir ju in lowu la lean dec u mania 11 1 mooaf lmuor of marriage liqne 1mvk irkn olli jo ajatfen nciohbonhqod news rowa itoma biippllotj by corrdtf- ponjonts nnd bkchnhaon hockwqod the tin irw li i of j ilnt i ill i that gnniat i hat mdo trim ia known e ratnoaa an 1 i nil lowu inn naa no of a rry eiij j able aurpriatt i itrlalma erplnt mr duff in icled uin thoroughly al tfortir doii una an i oom the liht fautaitic area wcraaepl i my way which fa into wbirter im itm iulrra ant hi uik iheuawf llir i l no linr in r mrfrtt trt piii riio ov njng tlran i a lalo hour when tha party aeparaled everyone lealifjlng that they bad fpenl a delikhtful evening al the nomination for the mutncial o lection held un monday the following men were humiliated fi r lb ltveahip 1 1talbot ami ilal i llr or ocputy an i it hamilton r r m nlh j liurk dirk i ifeeve outi ci i lorn iomm and mcirejor theht john a kuti lay school entertain meat waa given tin m indiy imth inal and waa uite a led them wive to flhn c atraclora among tho hrialiiia followirli ur h ura macmultcn ltro anion ur h sullivan ur a bniilh and fa and uiaa connel almi ul koroat mr j fe the chiljr ulit of their st 1aul 1 mllv actoi rjuil limehou6e the fullowm l a report of tho hriat ma exam mat lona al h b no j 1- tijunaitif iv claaamamie nickel i alice 1 iotdeiin frank 41 wire hi claaa promoted lo jon 1 olive uarahall lmrai hcull i re 1 hurkl unci john newton arthur meredith ii laaa jun arrtc mrredilh inutile arvin jaa nickrll 11 la john haintr willi mc dowe i rrooa bebarter lt ii lais suie drxineit ltella wheeler il i ii kurtille merr ll r a mere dilh iuncau hharu il llae scoli 1 1 irhll win sowmili ll h tl leather meaara uc nool i wu nickllnl iloborl wheeler calnn lojto fr m sarin lo iend hriatmaa ur john moure aud family jnl t lirial nil with foetid in ocl h a number of our cilimia arc n ia ei tinl in wood cuttiui for the larmera ilev wm ilrjrtj preached here un bun day eventnj a hockey team hu beeti uriatiixd hero and aome rnjtijablc awrt la hcim had oj tbe pond mr nmilu 1 njv i dl an i einoe saturday bia caar baa tmtn ariuui t 4 hharp got aroan i tu lua 1 i h imo again for chriatmaa ur john 1 wilht uf indian head n w t wbu with her hubn 1 went out to the weal about ix car ai ia aprm inn a tow weeks at the home uf hrr father mr jamea bcoll 1 lie have niaprml in i bell- we1eru home and arc juits ui love whb tho north ural mr harvey a neighbor and brother uf ur juhn llartey ac un bad iu ihmj bulirla uf wheal tbia year nabbagawtya on cbrihtmaa dav meat 1 it 1i and t t audit 1 v il i wej a explored a flue f in llir inrr chnalma day wl ii ri ullly around k natch bull them a m iiuiiiefima merry fan ily ibtheiiuc ur nnii lluibiuj il ii lb rai tern lor la t lallli relalltra an 1 f it it la lo naaaagaweja mr joaiah heai 1 rr h nly uk at lcr latlr mi mcmillan iteeteebln geo h eaterbruoa a mlaa kalle klngaiui nuaaar win haa boeu vlalllitx irlui l hi l ill art 1 vicinity relumed homo ui 1 buratlay laat sum la a i too day monday the lulloaiiit were ibo nummali uia ur naaaaiaweya lownahip council ileetr john uarahall deputy itcdve ucanra brattle aud mc oibboo couuclllori meaara j 1 rwiu j ktlchtng jr b hell an i a there will be uu could fur lh ai mr marshall la id by acclamation but for tbe other i llicea there will be a very kern ojbt cjuile a u am her f ibe uiit hoid uf the darby til lo ncn lib rhih d out lo cfuctph on hriatmaa cio b hl aorii and lo have a loo3 lime icrnefally waa their object accord i tin lu rrput ta tliey had a cry loaaanl lime public achool inceln ga ociu 1k1j jaln day mr and m a hcrbfl 11 ll l were rjriidli ft then in i iituoii in ilaya vllle muakoka reluiueii h in un i hur day taal 1 ho public 1 ti i la 1 i u a day dec slttl at n i 4 iiiimi waa a decided auifeee aud icllri la t crtilll uu the teacher ml lieu i air air lullo a nuntbci rum su j allrli inl aud were highly plea aol with ll nflor i lie ttaeuil ualiou waa uver m laa aniiio ilcl hrdrn iad au addriatiaiulmalef lliaui hilch luh prraulat ll e it ail r hltl alihialy u at books aud au album ll waa a leaaaul aurprae to him aud be iiivde a very aupruprtale ie mia m t nelson ell on a vtait tu her and mr ura 1 j uu uf actou ii in ibe uulher aid nclaou p her later uelph rfw uw fur mr n jukfkeluwu n 1 take a alluali hi hi tho gtove aliup vbcie i ia unclr ml hairy mr and ura j w muu ol tiueldi mr and mrs john maiu aud lauiily uf t- rlu akul hriatmaialay al ibe home ul ibeir father mr ivicr maun near aclou mayor holmca ul ilia vr- aiu lltitoo well bnown to newrpitrr tneu has leoeul lv lal tu of his an a llhujh dvalb aud two dauhlerb are very ill ur mlulroe will have the yioailhy ul a laie clic a uf frienda in bia heavy berratruicul mr j lyfa returned lael wk from ituoalaud u where he wa proepwcllng lor eevcral uionlbs if e baa great faith in lb future of una rapidly growing city aa well tn llie ituheauf llu mince in and near itoaadand mr kyle oaum real lo dpuee of aharea in the uliel gtoop of mi dec ta which ho n lutertalod being lie iroa aud treaaurtr uf ibe i the jiuup gold mlotng co a tkaxukowinu iahadiujc alada ceylon je- i lafulf uf coming and going v i ait or to and from aoton and vartouaothor paraonal nolea tim fnrn i una invite all iu irltim lulhla column if you or your friend are i inc away on a holiday trip or if yon have friuti la flailing yii drop a card lo tlio fit i hm mr john kirk lira wa in llontrville ovir chriatmaa mr ucrt maaon uf meadow valo waa iaiird irienda at dm mr james wblmhi 1 iril tl lha week r mr 1crcy becord of fluffalo viutad tba old home thia week llav ii auacpheraon apent chrialmae al hi homo itptall mr iarjhvbage of toronto wa id town over chriatmaa mia 1jna miller left ou monday to visit ftlcii a at milton mr alter carrrol of toronto spent i hrialma at lua home mr john adama went to tee water bia former home laat week mr t red ooodeve ia home from trinity ollro for the varalion misi ulna walker waa borne from luruuto over chriatmaa mr j mo brown vial led relative in luntitu during i he week mr harry hink went lo hi home al a ton to apeud hriatmaa mr h j rdmialon baa been viaiung friend al rergqa the paat week urnj un geo incent v mi ted rale live at dram plan oo chrulmaa miai fanute bryera apenl a few daya laal week with friend in toronto mr h ret i seconl arrived home in lioie lo apell i hrlolinaa a lib ilia ll other mr 1 mikeague of toronto favored vclim lend with a hall tbia week mr itullin smith of jail apaul cbnal ma al ihu old borne falrvlew weoe mr aud mr ueorge soper apent their hriatmaa with frienda al iluntxville mr and mr noblo and family apent chriatmaa with fuenda in georgetown mia ill n n le orr of grand alio haa been ruj lug the holiday at her home poix0vvaicll na wo ifliy and gfo nurcmiomcrs llio full tcncfil of eicry iiargnin we secure by close buying our winter sale it uniiiinia of i ii reuewii i lu snualiiti skuta la ik m joan and children i lied f i lend hero laat mr d mr hubert carroll and 1 apenl chriatmaa with master cecil toronto j unci lull miat t luuia ciikhan apent a few j tin 1 uiaa iolllo iue o bio visiting actoi uf ulanwllliam week wllh aclou mis mamit r bbage left o ieud a few weeks a lib 1 saturday lo t urolber in into j u knuley aud chlldreu llled acton relatives thl it and uf ol uiautfotd past week mi johu talluua went to muutraal but cck lo ricud hu holiday lu hla for lucr liumo mi aud mir itobcrt tlydo left ou bat urday tu scnd a mouth ur so at hpriug nvid uu uie credit mr jamo 11 nikllu ul lwell u ich is in lowu renewing arpuaintancee lu too homo u hi youtb mt ill heouedy u ibo oiavubuial tliimhri haa been enjiyloa a week a vaoa tluu al his old homo miss ida harry ol nowmawkol and mr will barry uf llarrlr apcut cbrwlmaa uudcr ibo looftree here jt viu llurua r aud lbs ulaeca ituius ul itockwood spool ctirlalmaa al the buinc uf ur j lfe mr and ura allied supet auiuimpanled uj miat r j n a miller spent chriatmaa with irienda al uoorgetowu mfr john t wngbl and kluldrcu of indian head n w 1 are tisillug at brr fatbei s home mr jat soul i mibs mabel and 1 my craina aud master howard ol toiouto rfpeul ibe boll days wllh i heir actou frienda mr i uok aud daughter of south haven mich spent a few daya in town tbia week tbe guoata of ltrv k 14 cook mi 1- h hint uf the ci it audit office muuiteal apenl a couple of daya during the rk aittiiiia uncle mr w c klug mr and mr win nollia mr and ura jjlin riaibia and babe of uuelpb apenl t hilsliuaa at ibe home of mr jamea scull mia jean uealtw or0nclpb and dr 1 j scot l of suutbbanlpton visited at the home uf ur arch mcnabb during thl week mi a i ml 1- ii suiylh and ibck litlle mm uf luiutilu were k uvula uf it omj 1 rarvuu aud oilier ir lends durlok the hrlatttia holidays mr w j t aiupbell apaut cbiistiua tu 1 uiuulu with hla brother ucooard wbo ia undcroiug irealmeul at ibe jcneral lluspital he i improving slowly mis lliua t uooie went to toronlo on uuu lay lu alleud at the bedside cf her later mrs john auaman who haa been ulleiiuk i m in typhoid faver the paat twelve wreka itev j 1- ituwall and family left yssler dvy fur uumoavillo to atuod the marriage of their eon dr lurt howell of detroit lo one of huron ooanly fair daughter this afloroooa made and meru ualnuln tlxeooaimaaaa of thepaopla la hood aanaparula ita tnediclneeaueayo wksnialck if nxaka wonderful ouxaa sraryvkw titan bayoxad allquewtioa thai awavllcjaaipnaiiwie xoertl made thai 1 joat tba tmuk about uoodt tkjr- aaparula wa kaow u prjaaaxaa rjwxru secauae it carwawot osjo or twla or a hundred tliaaa bat in uoaaad aaaf tbuoaand of cawas wa kaow it eatraa beolutaij paw wkwa alt otlaw fall ta oo aay goad wkwaavaar wa iwfaat hoods sarsaparilla la ibo best la fact ua oa tnm bawaj raitwar hoods pills i lakes up the rush of biimneas wblili he jrvelint t iristms wlllnf in dry toxli uc rememtarr ever hating lucl given u the new ieakh trade la utxin us and aa wo me si ill loo heavily alockcd in many departments uc amxafi iho prices m t tear the 1 iocs ovorcoats alxiul 35 men a leaer ovcrcojt imkmi coala and well worth 5 goal fj 50 about 1 j air 1 leaver coals mc oalaat 7 for w 7 a bull i 60 men a iricze ulsters at varloua prices all at big reductions from regnlar altout jo itoys xnd youths olli all sues xt discounts of one third 10 otic half mntlos and jackets wc have still several hundred jackets apes i islcrn opera looks and raps a splendid ranic uf aires and materials ll is uacless lo ipmole prices the rane is so urje hut etcrv armcnl will during ihln wtek lw oflcretl ai a real cut in price o invite ou 1 see them fur capos t 4 rcenland seal 1 i icr lull size regular t 1 aics lor fl j 50 d mcan atierelle in 1 hlliet anil leclric seal alone thin leu lhan value h tre i crman ijtmb muffs worth v i j ml vslraclun aixl seal umlei al w ulu worth t j so dress goods amonj others 1 icce y inch wide black solicl very tine regular ll fur 1 jnecc tlo heav regular ll 51 for 1 piece 52 in mut k satin liaval cash t r bollert o 16 and 37 wyndham suwal uuelpu ont december 1 ii y lurn r hlsli 1 the kill ib96 u llie tent b ll scvct h our books llojs own annual tl 13 postpaid glri a own annual 1 13 heuday al hods tl is post ld leisure hour post paid books in betta cxirvedl a vulutuea h dumu j volumes on bllot 0 toldiuaa ta dickens ii volumrs a chas l nelle9 bookseller cuojph diaries for 1897 i jve otlicc an i i if aiiea of tl lire re lit rfllllb linros styleb well bound in cloth morocco or edl a t brown phm b mill 81 root acton clearing sale for chsh of evcrythlllk tu hrrness llise blankcib vv h t uells at cost for the next 30 days ll accounts must be set tled by the 20th of december all wood ordered must be brought id at once j hmatthews acton wantkh hkvkual raithrui mkjf ok t wuuh tu travel for taaiinaalk astaa uliad boualbvamatarta avajary bavyua taawklrawtx foall sbarsbaaaaal ittlerwaaaatkaruwa aall shraaaaal atausaaw aa i i k toe nauunal ular lau41ag uavwagu warrledan lilea hs off for europe to iii ol it- sphing qoods our tiaro buyers mr caniiam of guclph and mk mills of owen sound left for kuropc monday december 2ktii sailing from new york wednesday 30th by s s teutonic g b ryan co guelph does your watch stop if youi 1 i 0 l liliaoloilly liilllg it to us 11d w i will sy whether it cctn be repaired cr not ii we undertake to do it you can depend on a good job shvplge sc go fine watch repaid cuelph oui illll 1 ll 1 t r j still bava a rery i j 1 1 laa 4 stock oa 1 tidfty nd baturctavy wa iui 1iuou1 1 zohyr and andalualan wool at oanta- ph decarteret clehr1ng sale groceries and crockery wc tha un term iiicd base decided 10 cleat ul ur enure stuck ul t and i rock ciy ioii retire from ibe itusincsa wc tbcieliie oiler real llarkalim lu t erltii wc have in lock we will sell evcrylhlnn al cost foi t hu next m iam iiul niusl lie ileaiol ui alik jnd lean h lothfannaiy i tcrlblik uirkca in idaln hure and the aiiic jilc in cverytkxly 01 rash wc ate heartily in earnest and are bound lu tb we say uu are inv lied lo call early ml aimunu musi lie paid ualorc luth an t c moore son cor mill mmd mlm raver aetom georgetowns l1vest stork sibsotf mllar go dress coods dress coods dress coods a great eleartag aala evavyuilna uaoat be sold regard of oust indies now la yoar ur tuuily to sscur lha itawaat and the beat ul the season yoa want ulsasakda ttvav niuat be sold by tba lat uf jai urea thmmlna ld uodavwaar elo fine hlffhaiaaw talloriog vou aant the basl tial styls beat bt oulati and worfcnianahlil vow aw it lataat in bna hulunaa moat at y hah ti hur- and orareoaliuaa w turn out tba beat notlilnajbut tba beat iev roaa ordar bar onoa and you will ootue aala re-uly-to-weu- ololhlog k italoh waul aa uverooatr do yo aaat a tmll 1 uo row want a halt tor for boy u ci sianl a chwap pair of lasatat w bav a at bard time prtoea tbay moat be void and ii you want the good you arui al tliem qenta ainttuhiisav wa an aleay abaad in tbia aenartniaal tha newest and lbs beat la kin fuetskwaar hhlria uollar cuffs tenia uiiiwafcr o- w flad we have a laraa borulsja at ld and are oeterniltted to alaar tbdm oal at wtesa that will aatuulalt you our eaaoii mast at has cant fan of svuvy daaarlilloa la inlly eouiplet ad la all tbe utaal atylea aad can suit tbe bioat aettdlha wa oordially tbank oar suaay frienda aud the p hue la asaaaral fur their llbaval laslnwan aad aim hoev lo retain ibeir onlfiaiie by bowaal aqaara daallux alwava tb beat cooda at tb loweat lrteaa aibsom btlt3tfa a co roe blook oworgiown htorev ulovs a all assart i drtoek of all the sun u the right house cor king and hnghson bu hamilton an avalanclig in mantle every garment in the house reduced in price a cold wave predicted but it will not alter out determination repaid mantle btoek uu will in all probability need one the beacon is over and we are determined to place ou mantlcb at such pnct as ill ippe il to the most idga of clji ni he fou be fuu 1 ulu il ladlsa blbbk ok u t u- a bo l j q beaaon a ltriortutlorib tj lltlmttnl 1 4 jo redocod 1 jo reduced i 7 50 rciluccai 10 ti iki re1ikc1 lo l 1 v mliked 1 uadlai lulorsij jslkll u- oro v 7 iajjajed i 7 75 reatao1 h 00 reduaw lo 0 jo reduced to 10 yi reduced lo 1 1 00 reduced lo fro 7 1 d tsvawda tu j icdulod i ii 7 rcvlulcd t 500 eluce1 1 1600 mhilod 1 10 s reloce1 1 1 1 ou reduced 1 a i ri at drol in mrs wh1 sel i slunn colui uihcl aai i7 v 1 imhea 1 u tji w 4 trl uxbea uinj 1 rey 14 tut i aiea iiiuli 1 llllllu elu el 1 v uk- si iii 1 iu ulllllnl lll 1 llll 4v hiiih niur s iinbrvl ni1 ml il w llhhr- 1 hifl ll thomas c watkins dr eembcr lbth 1h90 ml kkrll 1 ilwl imo you dont know till you have seen what values we ut jimu id readymade clothing llfllr- km- stlll swil i l s it syalaaiec- j j tu 1 ai f j iki ire fjj ll 1 aula u ti i i duufw men laita on ul uiwajda 11 ki ft u 1 mill i rrt ya old kki l j lull uli al hall kmc tticac muij all he i loaiul in jo uv llnll kl4 annhls at leas lhan vhotxaale irkes i oal oil lui alr ci l c00deve nint pom oiiiu u ion n h cirloul a t cclu shingles for salt r w i 1 s

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