Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxii no acton otftabio thubsday januaby 7 1897 pbtce three cents ih qxton frce flms is rtnilibned every thursday mohning at the free preass team printing ofiui htlll street aoton ont terusovsubboniption ono dollar per yoar itrlbtlyln advonoe all buubarlntlonb dicou tlnuoa wheil tbo tlmo for which thoy havo boon paid has oxpjrod tho da to to which ovary bubiorintloa is paid la denoted oti tbo address labo- advehtibino iuxkb transient advortlap dlonu 10 oouta por nonpareil lino for aral in bortlon 8 contb nerlluu for each aubsoquont insertion oontluow watb tho following tablo ahob our rated for tho inporon 6f odvortisoinontb for bpootflodporlodb j spaob 1 til 6 wo d u 1 ho w iacbos 10 inches 6 luohos 1 inch w 60 00 35 00 90 00 600 133 00 20 00 19 00 j50 sm00 19 00 too 300 7 00 900 350 10 adycrtlflomonta without snoolflo dlrootlona wntbe inserted till forbid anil charged accord ingly transient ttdvorttsomontn muit bo pad n advance advertisements will bo changed once each month if flfjnlrod lor cbangoa of tonor than tonjsa month tho composition must ho paid for atiregnaixatfli flhancoifpr contract odvortlaomontb must bo n the oiqco by noon on tuesdays h p moore editor and proprietor ftusinm shmiortr jt tjruwjm dom 9 ofllco and res 8t roots acton as elliott m b acton ghaddate tjonomto university office main stroejettblrd door south of ireabytorlantdhurch acton jf halsted7 m d p l v o m c p and s ont opviob modlcal hall main strcot acton patronage solicited 1 ilhniiniatlwrtyand catarrh hpeelaulns a lfred p husband v s graduate of the ontario veterinary college honorary memhor of tbo veterinary medical booloty office urn husband a lot 2 con a naab calls day or night promptly attended to l bennett lbs dentist asouabtowifohxiiup m bell dd6 l d s jijjp i r demist honor graduate of toronto uvvansity work mado satisfactory prlgob moderate visiting days tuesday and friday of oach week d r f mercer dkntibi oraduato of toronto unfvorblty and it o d s offlco over drug store acton sfeciax dats monday tuebdaa wednesday and saturday g legal ml olean ajttclean barriatora borloftors notarlob convoyancors so pnwato funds to idan office town hall aoton j wu a molxah jho a mclean d ouglas a murray baiulisterfl fiolioitora notajiieb etc omen 1290 queetfbb- parkdalor- victoriachambera 61 victoria st telephone 397 tononxo john douglas a o aiuiuuy a j mackinnon baiuusteh jjolicitoil convkyamceit ovs ice cornor mill and main strco t above kopman a atoro aoton t g matbeson z b mcleod annibtbnb fiowcirans conveyance goorgotowu and milton money to loan at lowest ratos r mcnabb oiurkjlduttu j 1 vision court county of hal ton convoyancor agent firoandtifoaoburanco uoftl ebtato agent olouoy to loan oto oriob matthews block aoton ont mjs us henry gri8t ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invontlon otc prepare applications for tho canadian amor lean and european patent offices and for tbo uonlbtration of trodo marks bond for ram perot thirty two years experience xflranois nunan bookbinder wyndbamsu ovor william i quolph onta l store account books of all kinds mado to order iirioaicals of ovorydesoriptioncarofuly bound buliup noatlv apd promptly dono m abbiagd licenses h f uoori ihhueii of mihiuaai liapblij private offlco no witnobaoa roqulrotl lasuod rouiduueo in tho ovoniug iruorroab ollloo aoton aoton j machine and repair shops jbgnry qbindeei frimetor a br w oqulppoa with all too maotjiuory a eoooemry tooxouuto all ropalra to maolili y ndgrl5ultiirallmplonijdl udto do ill ait o ilwain ottlod liorio ahoolpg and honeral aokmtthlng woodwork npiln porformert i tatllmty manrjor wo oan npftlr any aqblna or iruplomont of any raako haw mmlnff nod fllus aonu wolllnglon mutual fire insurance company bbtabu8iizd 840 insurance oncafltand mutual plan any oomruuulcatlona forwarded to roy aldroaj boa 098or tolonliono ba wllllio pjotjjty oantaywbag christmas cards booklets bibles fine books purses writing and dressing cabes fancy goods dolls toys bis stock of christmas- goods prices very low ai days book tore day sells cheap if vou want moihey 1 to buy christmas traders bank of authorized capital 11300 000 paid up capita and surplus resets over s785000 e 300000 cuelph branch 3 same of 91 and upwards tooeived w on f3opobitojio8j inferfiet r paid r compounded half yearly l deposit rocolpts issued lor lare aums dopoeited j advaucob mado o reepon bible farmcrj qn tbetr own oameh no obarfio made for colleotmr sales notes if payable in guelpli a general banklnftbhalneaa traligaoled a f it jones manager v presents fancy goods in china glass leather or v00d7 picture prames etc go direct to z waters bros near eobt oflpioe guelph you want a large assortment to ghoose from if3kuare look mm pnmn ingfor sachet powder we m b auou have iihve anex- quisite range of ordors sachet p0wdeb to be satisfactory must haveyhast ai time adehcate odor this is the kind we sell here is a partial list of od frorri which to make your selection violet i reilly true violet phol nana has u no ha na heliotrope oeili et new i ilast3lano peau despagne caprice i white rose cashmerl bouquet wild plum blossom a alex stewart dlspenslner and family chemist i guelph hatrre xou got an organ or pjano moftat s music store and see if not b e his sto alt at ck of dominion instruments they ire nice toned well and carefully nrnll of good material and will be sold at prices to suit the times 1 ham5aao a select stock of ismall instruments at reasonable prices also strings of best quality forall stringed instruments musical sundries of all kinds visitors ire always welcome and will noi be urcd if not prepared to invest n b orders taken for piano tuning moffatts mmic 8tore next door to syifaon bros aoton coal fc wood john mcqueen having pntoliaott tbocoal liuifnobs hereto foru carried on by jamoa lirown i am rrenarod to supply all ardurs for furnace coal stove coal chestnut coal d f best 8uklity ordora alvou to mo porsooally or loft at kan kaw1n ttdilug btoilt willuo proropuy nllod john lioqubbn that 97 rrray be 7 the ijojtrg happiest year- we have ever known is the wish of ttttknw guelph boots ovsnoes for xmas presents iherels riothing more ser viceable thafi a pair of shoes slippers rubbers or over shoes never were they cheaper thanat present we will not quote prices but only say that we can give jou better value than anyone else in the trade w mclaren firm the loading shoe store cuelph t your blackcoat how is it there are limes when the fact ofjourhav mg a good black coat is a efy great sans faction the occasion demanding the wear ing of it often aris lie prepired for such an emergency by ordering tt once we make really good clothts none belter try us and prove us siiawtttrnei merchant tailors guelph a rew merchant tailor w m hemstrejjt inoattf xd ayotior kor h10 ooudtlo of wolllnbton and ballon ordoralotlallhofiib iiibb ouloo aoton or atinyroaldonooln aoton will bo promptly at eudodlo f001 roduood to b 00 fob farm bales alio 4nono to loan on tho moat faoraulo naud at tho lowoat ratoa ol intoroil in nol500and pwarda m w ballbmt bros paper makers gb3orget0wn ont utl a voiitty or machine finished book papers -and- 111111 olulir wkkkiy nkwn lli lnsiorjuiol l joiiml i from ihoitbuvn tlotit yiti 1aiiijioii iihob i fall campaign prepare for winds wo would oall jour attention to tlio fact tbafrwerare propasc toopplyvoa with hrmborofiiultablo length for yoar barn poors vu 10 13 is or 11 set alao sash doors frameb mouldings etc for building storm doors pat np at sh low u rata as possible pumps llepir yoar parops or pat in new ones before it ii too oold w oim no it shop dt foot of river street aoton thos bbbacb manager h w strasser has opened out a general merchant tailor ing business in mrs secords block next mrs adams and is prepared to meet the public wants in high class english irish and canadian suitings beaver milton freize over coatings in latest styles the publio are cordially invited to oall and inspect our tail slook wliioh we are sure will pleasd tbo most fastidioob taste we have secured tho serviaes of wm lee who formerly oonduotod a business here perfect fit grfaranu sd prices to salt the times h w strasser m r7le5otd8bloorcraotan rm ojp kitchen ci f itusol to tick away tho yoorb upon tho parlor eholf wlioti llmt wo wont a koonln lioieo ilojinjy an moduli au tunrfoedioro u tnouty yoar it etinod to bo oontoat rf to eorvo tho hours in rounr timo aud bo au oniamont auyou d or thought twao nmdo to reqrlato tlio buii bo ntiddy lotuid an round ouch day tbo wheels an n inters run hutwbon thottrlb rfowtkrupjo bjjq tlioy hoi l- pomo atraufjo jdos thoy dldn t consult ua wuob bout thlnna nor dropau ifjouiiloaio out wout a huutuu thltigu round mi obanrlu av ry room an nothln bud tho oauio old nlaco loss it wag tliu lltchon broom i dfda t much uilnd tho fioln on hut nhan t fore it tbobbock it in mo whofi thoy oustol out that good old faithful clock an tho 11 a llttlo broneo concern wan got to all i iiqco with dragon a crawl in fj up blibilo3 and just abovo tho faoo a gal thoy oall torpoichoro 1b sltta in a obalr an playin on n burp although i ndror board tho air an whonlt nlrijcqirthcrlialr liourb oat yoa d think a fairy blghod or that a llttlo uioubd had gin a faint bquoak just foro hodlod thmi u nrntnr fltlff y cpuachilicojwhonthii old olook btrlkoa tho tlmo with a kind of ringing music in its doar old honost chinio m for its booms to bo ana in in a solomn sort o way itd juiit tbo way of all tho world wo nourish tartnlny au on 1 1 wont right ont thar an says 1 old clock soo hero lou re wuth a dozon fancy oloaka with oomplt catod gear i though takon a an ornamout as things go nowadays mohbo that tothor ouo doborvos a paonin word of praiao 6ut nboii u gou abalny dotormined hot to 0- i think its bout llko folkfl i vo noon a sort o boiler bbow an fltrlkoa nio whou a olook or frlond b faithful nut an iout j trbobfrtucbantiirf orau thi n tbatyoudont tn6w ublblh treut- fikaalmljtiieamg -m- tfftofr- petkef re what a happy thinf life is on nurh dajnikciuimea- rcvou as i said hub a man appeared only man is vdo added munon up tho street oatno that strangest of all roanmob a drunkard i when he drew near ho took off hm hat made a low bow then fell a gain at ft tree box mommy ladibh we do not speak i alpua fllnte indihbtwben j see em he said with a tbiok utterapee the suna haviun a ball to day judiah j am to take the moon out to supper lno good bye ladiah hio au ua b lute ladish when i bee em very adrry m auro hio and heflttigltorftdon neither of ua bpoko or hoveral minutes wo atitohod in eileuoe until klanotng at marion x saw that she wag deadly pale arejouill my dear i aeked did jou not enow mrs wiseacre that my brother tom ih no better than that poor fellow no marion i did not la be at home he haa not been for eoveral years she answered papa turned him away that la the cause of mammaa heart trouble oh mrs wiseacre what a ourae the liquor trafflola cnrcrl i ezolaimed that 1b too mild an oipreaaion yet marion said u haa always been so men have always made it and rejoioed in it they will continue to do ao my dear this evil began in the garden of eden it ia closely related to tho juioe of the forbid den fruit neap ct in because you sutler that jou feel sq bitterly ugnust these people uiko you do not envy them their luxueiea for i also know tbo prle paid for them but i hao loarned to judge righteous judgment i know there aro many good women whose husbands and fathers do not tbinkof the effects of the traffic they look upon tho business aa lawful and therefore tight but can nothing be done mrs wise aero why does not every christian see lug theovil sot i sometimes think they are all asleep qr that they do not care j a groat mahy christiana manoo are sb yoa were hoy do not think it any harm to drink moderately while we who eschew it utterly receive moro than bur share of the worldv scorn there ia a glimmer qf hop tot tho yauntf people are putting on the armour they have hoard tho oall of ghriat and havo risen to answer it even women are wak ing from their aleep of ceutunes to ap that there is much to bo done if this world is to bo roaoaed from ihe power of eyil yea ray dear it will take all god a children metand women to dolfattwdrb ytracatt not escape maion you have something to do t you must save your bfotw how tell me how the work ia to bo done she bald clasping her handa i do not know i anbwared her you and i mijat ask god abqut it i am certain of one thing he has not dcoreed that your brother bhalrbtrlchtrrad lost helmttst nob be i kissed her and went to get tea wonder ing as i laid tbo plates on the table whop when in the history of this world men were going to rine and put this evil from tho earlbr ouo afternoon x put on mybjpiipt and went tomf fuller othoe ho had aluittt ber yard in the suburbs of tho town rhis office waa in one corner 9f tbo yard are you alone talked as be opened the office door yfloi l l p fhftir f r mo near the little window i wan trembling and my heart was beat ing fabt i had never gone on an oh an errand before mr fuller xh a va comotqtalkwjtb you about yuur uuii who jiaa toldyou aji thing about bim iilieakedqutckjy r lthuk everoue knoirntihiinio is away from heme and tho oanbe 1 welt lmaid crosaly lot overjoue midd their owij buainpba and 1 will minor mine do not bo angry with me mr fuller i a she feels intensely about her brother your wife alao is elowly d ing will you call the prodigal homo no ho answered it a all very well to talk sen hraeut that s woman s way tom 19 a dibgraoo to me i m not going to 8 liia madness before my oyes every day mr fuller i asked who taught your 6o to drink ho taught himself fhavo never bfleo drunk in my life uoverl have you not always kept wines in your house i asked yes and i intend to i havo drank moderately all roy life i am not going to turn fanatio because tom is a fool i haye heard mr fuller that he was a olevor boy and a good boy until he be came a slaye to jiis habit i admit that he said he was as fine a- boy aa any father would wish to own mr fuller we who aro strong ought to help tho wreak when yonr bod has learn ed to driok at your table when he has fallen y a blow from his fathers band it is your duty to help lum rl8c again god will hold you responsible for your sons downfall how daro you come here and talk bo to me he end angrily i would not take it from a man you do not know how bard it is for me j answered b i am t of year eons peril he has madethis bod lei him lie on it wont yoa think of your wife and ma i aske act flou m cheyne ft cheyne pro wo liavo our roller mill now in ooulnlolo and aatlsfaotorv running order and aro in a iioil to supply the wants of the puullo wltu quelph business college and shorthand institute quxlfb ont lluwluolt luailltjlstfor tlioraiijili fun prnotlanl mmriioa of htiidy ilookkeuiililm shorthand and ryjiowruliiu flbunos a poomty tlradiiatuh ixunuud to iotultas tai h hkhhionh flomuitiiiaoi 8pt lit willo tm initials j flour bran shorts f and all klndi of ioed at rioht prices icvory order will rocolvo prompt attoutiun ami 1 lyjjodollvorod u any part of tlio town our torum are umhi aid ono piluu fur all uont foruot to patroiilisu homo itidmtiy glvo ua a fair trial and wo will l avu tho matti r furyoutodooldoan to tliu quality of urn goods wo uiauufaoturo ordorukoiiattlioulllorftt j v kaniiawltiii prugbtoro oheyne a cheyne yruiiiaii to travul for rttmioiiblblo uwli vy ant hd h ybnarraitii iaih m um i ok irl iiivioht tliu niuloii hlur itiilldhiu tlhli at o iibiiiki linuto in oiitarui ir m lalai ia waukly ml uaiwiiswi v 7wi paynulo you are not joking asked marion 1 no my dear i answered even as satan planted tbo craving for forbidden things in human nature thin wh are pleaaajit to the taste and which make men and wbmon wise concerning evil even so shall not this taste bo eradicated unless- ho who is to brume the eerpeuta head oome in power and set man free many abristianb believe it too a good thiug i abould not btvve thought it wrong to drink moderately if tom hod not be oome saoh a slave to it now i aee tho evil i should like to know more about your brother isold that ibif you core to tell me h thero ia not much to tell she anawer ed father will not allow jiim to oome homo we dare not mention hia name to him and mother 1b worrying her life away ooce jn a while wo hear of mm but ho is always drinking and sinking lower and lower she threw away her work and began to walk up and down tbo verandah can nothing bo done for him mrs wibeaore 1 shook my head why did you not tell mo of him before i asked i was ashamed drooping ber bead badly we never latk of him to anyone where la be now marlon ho ia in albion in a lawyers office ho in olever if he woutd not drink but he is going to d and iam jowerleeb to save bim i wo sat in silence the sun still ehoue but there wag a lurking shadow in the oan iphlpe the birds still sang bat there was a minor note inhe mnjild thb children etill bhoutod and played but i shuddered whon i thought that some of those llttlo boya woro beginning tbelr raco to dettruo hon tom fuller going to ruiu and we power less to save him i father mother sister ftjqnrib looking helplessly on aa ho drifts away awa into tho darkness of eternal night l if i had tlu powor said marlon i would pour out on tho ground every drop of thn horrible stuff when i wee mm mk she th the dlstlllorn wifo driving paul with her while uoriw i feel like telling iwr what a fearful piloi has betn puid for them i 1 ah niyuliild i replied bo would answer if your brother drank to excess il wni not my fault hhe would nil you that lior luiilnuil a liihlneih was lawful and she ha 1 tm gnml right to tixo the prollu of it yon havo to clothe your it with dim pi oil 1 4 of your falhtiw imihi utrw bim i was too weak where driuk was concerned to ever bo strong no matter what bolp i got have you ever tried christ hcascd mo i said i never had then be told mo hia story how he used to ho in tho gutter all nigbi haw his wifo wont in rags aud hib children wcro always hungry at last he was taken by a woman to a meeting where bo sighed tho plodgo ho kept it for a week then fell one day an old niinistoi tpok him to his study anthold him if ho gavo his heart to god it woulilbo an easy matter to givo up drinking ho knelt viili the minister and thoy both prayed until strength came to hira that he never had before fronr that timo he dvfiokno more t i told him if there was uny stab jiower 1 should bo gfad of it for i was a disgrace to you all thon and there tho old mau god bless bun prayed we did- not riso from our knees till i felt the aamo power oome to mo folt ttjut i could conqder through christ this is all 1 havo to write marion i hhcold jlkittotloqou and mother father oould bear mo around tell hm i dont blame him for turning mo away i hope to bo a bottor boo m the future mation foldetthor letter i have some thing else to tell you mrs wiseacre of oourso i gavo father the letter ho said nothing when bo had finished reading jt buhdaji night i wakenedby atrange- mu filed noisea in tho collar i slipped on a wrapper and wont down to see what was tho mattor father was emptying hia ale and wine iqto a bucket i ran away for i knew be wduld not like mo to see him this morning be had alt tuo bottles and kegs carted away and our houso is free remains and slept beside the new made grave nor was this all twico he loat bm way and after being out ten dayb and sub aistmg wholly on jaok rabbits ho was attacked by apaok of wulvttj lnianiht a experionco ho will never forget tbo fer odious beabta were all around lrazor snapping and howling and gradually get ting closer to him ho stood as near iiib fire bb possible and disohargcd his re vol vera as rapidly as ho could at overy dm ahargq a wolf fell once ho reloaded 1 is revolvers while kickiuat tho wolvetj and after the second ahot a big ellow sprang in and knocked him ovor into tbo tire lie was badly burned and fcwt one of hia revolvorfrbut with tho tat her one ho w kept ibejn at bay till daybreak when trrtyvof course left after the qght ho secured the 23 dead wolves rcceiuxig for them 8128 in bounty from the governor 6f idaho mr fraaer has on hib hands tho squrs of hie encounter wttb tbo wolvis and i trvk ing pasteur a treatment which ia bent to htm along the lino after travelling for days in tho desert with temperature averaging 129 degreep ho was the viotim of miraes ing pools and shaded nooksxaorang up before him towns too seemed t tost peacefully in tliejliataiilo ouo day7uhe was nearintbo end of uio barren landa he heard the bound of muaw he stopped it oould not boobbiblo ho thought tlivt anyperaoncould boltvlng tu stioh a oountry but the souuds rxnutinuod and following them he found un old haok cpu taming a swede and his wifo who had just taken up land it was sunday he learned and th w keep it by pluj a womans we a ton trom tho borriblotbttrft i have written o tom to come homo mother is like an jotbor woman what iiro you orying fpr mrs wiseaoro i am so glad- isaldr ail for yon yftr n hr qidnaf t nil hn oauso tom is coming home and your father has put the evil tbiug from hia house walking 5200 miles david fraseron a touron foot from mwyieifieunhb atlffhhcr ref wu made in last isbuo to tho fiftll nf mr vr7rvtitrtani7yhait tluontal trotter upori the fuee fiiess whilo en route ou bis 200 mile walk aoroes tbaooauneat somuch local mtocfibthaa beon mamfehtod in the young utheloto and his wonderful feat which is neoving out joejaful conbu tha vse give tbe followiug intereattngparticuarstebpeoting hia great walk mr trasor is a scotchman was boru in btrathpeffer aberdeenshire aud was educated in ulcgill university montreal after graduating bo went weet grid served aa a cowboy for tour years herding cattle all the way from montana to mexico he then entered the journalistic ranksand was given a commission aa war correapon flout for aleadidgsan paper during tho japan china quarrel re tarn lug to tho pacific coast he continued tho newspaper profession and took a situation aa bpeoial correspondent for tho ab washington iircorder this transcontinental walk had ita origin in a 93 000 wager fraber b paper and the local athletic club are backing bim to accomplish this great pedeatriau feat of walking 6200 miles between july 11th 00 and 31 at january 1807 it fraber loses tho jiecortlet and tho olub give the abovo eum to the obaritios of tho town if ho wins bo receives s3 000 from the corpora tion which he haa so well earned having already many times oarriod as it were his lifo in his hands and alvortised tbts far webtern town at overy statiou across tbe couunont tho agreement is that ho is to receive no monoy or help of any kind on tho road and that ho is to walk tho whole distance when ho reached aoton ho was 12 days ahead of time ou entering calada he was 16 days to the good but tbe canadians aro uaing him bo royally that he has lost 4 dayvhib average gait fa flj miles an 4- yes l outs mo to eo my wifo trotting her ife away but 1 bclievo it would bo worjo for hor o soo tom every day will you not call him liomo i asked again h ho were to reform would you allow him to oome yes u bo gives up drinking ho may dome v i forget 1 bald how oan he reform at homo ho will bo tempted overy day it would ba folly for him to come hero home would be no better than a bar room in which to reform mr fuller pulled his whiskers scratched his head and jookod angry what would you havo me do if i had a eon i nnbwored who stood in suoh ponl as yours i would not send him wounded out in tbo world to dio i would take him td my heart i would shield inro as far aa i oould abovo all i would put far away tbe aoouraed stiltf that has wrought bo muoh evil 1 know your pride is wounded mr tuller and 1 am borry for you but your eons soul is wound ed and i am more sorry for him perhaps now when his falberhaa forgaken him tbo lord will take liiui up thursday was the day of my weekly baking i was taking some pies out uf the oven when marion tullor entered i osme right to tbo kitohen mrs wisc- aore i oould not wait well i oried you must wait my fingers are getting beautifully burnt she helped me then i wiped the flour from my rutnds ai73 her to the voranda 1 ndw i siid i shall rost and jou wllltell mo your news i could soarooly wmt to got my break fast i was to eager to let voknow i what is your g md uowi 7 1 asked i have a utter from lorn may i read itlojou yes roy dear it jou will sty took it finin her bag and road i oould aeo nliherid pin ib on tho paper where her uarb of j iy had dropped and dried my dear slstn i 1 vo boon very siok with over iho ponplu hero imvo boon kind aud i am betor iwuutto till you marion iliat 1 urn alianged a good old man usid to oome and sit with mo when 1 was down ho read to mo from the ulh o anil sang tho hmn that i havo olun rldloulod hu was llko a fmhor to mo when i got bottor he omiio to mo no day aud said hoe here my boy i ii i lot yon go out in the world again wl ii ho stronger linn limn ouv own to loan on i want ion to tnku ilirut for jimrsivlnr i i ihg bmna on an old molodtou during his thousands of miles over tho ties iro has seen lotions of tramp his walking cobtume however did not oxrite their cupidity and he was not molested mr frueer oarriea an extensive mail bag ndoolumna of newspaper tlippiua aho lottotbftroro frewscorkaud san ernucinco pre a cluba making engagement h for letters respecting hia trip he also oarriea letters ofcommendation from governors of btates and sheriffs of counties through which he haa passed upon arrival i o aoton ha presented letters of introduction to the trhk pkkh andaccoptfldouroapitaiitywbilaintown he paid a com to tbe alacrity of tbe grand trunk conutabloa upon arriving in toronto they arrested lwm three times on arrival near tbo yards for walking on tho track his papers were aoffioient guarunteo of hia bonaflues and thereafter i cdwittwii uol on the completion of hia long journey mr fraaer will return in a pullman to aberdeen he will visit the principal towns ou his waybaak and complete arrangements for the sale of hie book which will then bo published aud will contain a full account of bis adventures a jonah lidurthatrijrtubt days worjtjuijuialjriado bo far ia 80 mitos his usual day a jour ney ib bb miles ilia costume constats of knickers aud canvo ooat and sombero with twelve pookete all well filled he baa worn out 3 pair of heavy boats but cxpeotq tho fourth pair to last tbo bovou hundred miloa between horo and boston n traser 19 a brilliant conversational ist in his tak with the fiiee pufss he said that during hia trip ho bad met all kinds of peoplo from tbe highest to the low he is healthy aud cheerful and is ovideutly enjoying biboxteudod walk ho eujoys the distinction pf being the ii rat mau over granted passes to walk over all railwaya he has boon granted tio pasbea on tho various ay atoms of railroads tho union puciflo wabash to lokdo mtohi kan central to detriot grand tfuuk to montreal ii o reports himself to tho station mabtera as ho proceeds on bi way and ho produced the official way hills as thoy may be termed with 7he day and hour of arrival and departure at oaoh station the railway dibpatohors kedp traok of him in the samo manner aa if it wero a railway train he loft abordoou on july 11th labt hia starting point was on tho paoiflo coast he travelled tlio entire breadth of tho stato of idaho in this slate ho had eoveral narrow escapes and nearly loat his life more than ouce he oamo across an extinct volcauoo that was literally alivo with rattlo bmjtuiu there were so many ornrem that tho borfrfd of their rattleswas hoard over te prairie for fully two miles for two days ho had to dodge and kill snaked expecting every minute to bo bit by oaoof thavoiiomous reptiles ho bad to ovobb tbo shoshone desert 270 miles iu breadth as woll and ho undor took the task knowing that no man bad ovil crossed it alivo ho know that tbe greatest danger lay in tho faot that thero was hot water to bo fouud during tho entiro itl ao o armed himself with hi lbs of water b ibn of bacon for fat 2 rex ol vera 10 calibre and ammunition und an aluminum frying pan sont him by dr gyrus 1 ilsuii of now york and a little salt ouo night ho had lit iiih liro for tho night and just au bo wuh about to roll him self up iu bin blanket ho looked up and jiaw a short diatauuo ulf what upptared to bo an iinitnul drawing his rovotvor hu wout tip and to his horror found it to bo the ekuhiton of a nuui iij an upright posi tion lhe ooat and putt of the pata wero on tliu bluitohud bones that told the terrible story of death by thlrnt mr vrasor was i raid 17 luavo thu light of the lire oil amount of wolves mill so hurnil tho hunk 11 kwlll swinging his lega from tho end of one of the dilapidated wharves of a cape cod flahing town was a tall somewhat lanky individual whoao goneral appearuueo be tokened praottoal neglect it was the buoy soafon and fishing smacks could be seen anohorod at favorablo points along tbe ooabt or drugging their nets slowly bofore the wind inshore wero a few yawls and btnallor boats and on tire bueoh some old men wero digging assiduously for clams even the children beoraed to be tnoro or leas affected by tho bpirit of thrift and searching after crabs and mussels or wcro pioking up bits of an edible so i weed occasionally found among tho coarser varieties only tbo lanky individual on tho wharf was idle and he wrta without even the ous tumary fiahiug polo of the wharf lounger hit legs dangled and tylseyes aturod iniox- ostodly at nothing now iiud then a fisher man or sailor or clam digger oroiaed tbe wharf apparently unconscious of hia pres enoo a visitor from tho little hotel on tho hill looked at him ounoualy and then turned toanold mau whowaa swinging along with a basket orolama suspeudod from his ahoyldora by a hoe handle that big fellow seems to take life easier than the rest of you tbo visitor said ivj noticed bim thero for three days in auqceeeion now isn t he a little lazy wall i dunno the cram digger low ered hie basket and indostrioubly wiped the triokliug nvulota of sweat from hia leathery visage on fust eight it mi seem so but bomeway i never eot lorn 1 down ae what yo might oall luzy ho d u jouab a what jonah in mild aurpnae aint jo nover run acrosi none bring rnlsfortjn to whatever thoy tech now that leml was what ye might call a bright boy wa nt afearod o work nor nothin hut ho never beoraed to git on when bd was old enough for vyain oapn knonles took him out with the hooton his own bout mind yet but fidh stopped i bitiu and when thev found ho waa a jouah they put hira ou tbo qauoy ann cap n barkor then the saucy ann broke luok an they transferred him to tbo crauercapu bill potter but twan t no sort o use wharever loml was thar want no flab no matter if theyd been bitln liko all psbeat when he teohod the deck arter that thar wan t bo muoh as a atarttah bruug on board tho end out was a boat camo back bpemally to briug lum since then loml a boon sort o dwindltu tolksd htro him now and agin for a bpoll but soon a their luok turned poor lem l had to go now he cant git a job nowhar nor of nobody why it ia bheor superstition i oriod the visitor indiguantlj tho old olam digger raised hid basket to lte position on the hoo handle mubbo mobbe ho said laoobioally but thas leml on tho wharf an thara the boats toasin out yandor ou thara tho fish in the oca 6 poaa yo hiro one o the boats an loml ui try your luck but why daosiit ho go avioy t perfaiai ed tho visitor aa ho followod the old man who began to swing laboriously up tho btreet j the olum digger sullied contemptuously 1 go wny 1 lluh i ho waa bornod and brung up hero an folvn that s bornod and hrung up hro nuver g away thoy cant tho visltorlillowd the old man to owing ou but us he turned toward hiaholpl on tho bill ho glanced baok at hfi wharf leml was silting in exactly lit eninu poaition liin legs dangling above tlh water and his tiyua still staring inturnstudly into apnou i what io a woman u woapoil jl oskiul a chatuilut girl klio dropijod hor laahos ahyly aud btrokcj a vagrant cijrl tlion coubcicuiidv 8u0 uiurjiiurtiij this roaubu 1 nbwry out i havo a strong suspicion tlor woauou is a pout t what je dwomaii awtiolwn i aoliou a lovtir true ho ttirnad uiyi to a inul lun with ojds of honvonly bluo horvdlvot lips tt1iroittt3h all imiocoutjucf guilo ad oagoily ho anaworod hor wfiapop is a bin ill wljat is a woman a jjoupoil i i askodapoot thon with auddeii luapiratlon wxjj u 1 p oh icouldwrlto a thousand ho oricd in acconttj oloar butwonjana aurcat 0apoo i trantyou is a toar wqrse xhan1ndians 4 so you woro a piouoer in tbo early days of the west 1 was answirdd the gray board you lived among the hostilo indians yes v lived with a ntlo in jour bauds arlfl in hourly expectation of being tho mark for a hiddou onemy a bullt it wab abmethiug like tliat do yon know i often think that a life ik4hatinustbe temblo lahonldthink tho rfisrabhrain qn the nervoa wonld kill a man in a short time holdiug your lifo in your hand all the time always conscious that a moment s relaxation 6f vigilance may moan death oiridontrtnbw rephedtlie beard when i oamo back from tbo west iwbto hair i got off tbe railroad train aud started to walk across tho street half way over i heard tbo diugedeat clanging end yelling rightrat my heels i over hoard and somebody gave me a puah tkaj bpirtr mo clear totho curb then when i look ed aronnd lniwld como within au aco of being run over by a trolley never had eo narrow an escape from- indians i wenfr into a saloon cloao by to got d a settle my nerves whilo- standing at tho bar a couple of follow got into a scrap and one of them throwahoavy beer mug didrtt hit tho other fellow bat it aamo within a aixteonth of an inch of my right temple i to up luwu thu first croasing 1 came to a policeman grabbed mo by the eholdor and jorkod mo across so hesjlawjm jjooked bee what was tho mattor for thero wero no car traoka on the btreot and 1 bw i ihad jnat eaoapod being run down by a haokman hurrying to catch the train up atr6etarlittlofurthar somebody yelledt look out i at me and when i jumped a big icicle fell and atruck where i had been standing got to my hotel and wa ho for tbo door whon somebody grabbed too and they abked me if i wanted to bo killed were hoisting a eafe into a second story window over whore i had been trying to go and i hadn t more than got out of tho way bofore tho rope broke and it dropped i went to tod and about midnight i was called up by a bell ringing ovor my head and fonnd the place was on fire and i had to elide down a rope tqcacape being a bound bleepur tbey had hard work to wake me- and i had barely touched the ground whqn the roof fell in whon i looked in tho glassi eaw the firbt atreukb of gray that had ever ehbwed themselves in my hair oh there a dan gers in civilized hfaaa well aa out on the plains i ashamed oe his company 0 the lowibton journal a maine paper tells an instuctive bt6ry of tho timea of tho great tomperanoo agitation in 1811 in those davb practically every retail merah ant in the country kept liquor for talo or to give away in a keunobeo village an old grocer otherwise a repntublo man de rived a considerable part of his income foomtlm eojo otrum the tqmporanco revival had oome to this village and a quesdonf aotidn friendly or unfriendly to tho liquor traffic had arisen in tho town meeting a division was demandod and those in favor of tho traffic went to one sido of the town jiall and those oppobod to it to tbo other tho roa pea table grocer referred to watched this process and eaw evidently to bis surprise chat the people to whom he had been deahngout liquor for years were not as good looking aa the peoplo on tho other aide of the hall i inally ho arose and joined tho opponents of the traffic what aro you over horo for some ouo asked him aro you oppobod to the ealo of intoxioating liquors no uo then thats your bide over thero tbo old grocer looked arouud angrily at themon ou tho other bido and replied you dont suppose im going ovor thero with that crowd of red noscb do yoa his view of hia own cuatomcra all in a bunoh had made a temperance man of him the half rate dollar sterling value and full strength in diamond dyes sixteen ounoea of bilver forrthe coining of 916 00 in ailvor dollars can bo bought to dayfor siol think well of the true value if its com ago wore mado freo aud unlimited just another important thought for tho ladies it takes from two to tbruo taok agos of the oommon imitation dycb to do the work that opo binglo puokago of du mond dyoa will do if you wiah to know why we will toll you it is ainiiily because the ingredionts of the common dyes do not possess tho strength pur fly and ponetrat ing powers of tho diamond dyes juab think of having to apand thirty conta for adulterated dyon for your work that oar bo hotter doim by diamond dyos at a coat of ton uont a you will ulwuyu bo on thu wroim il you ollow prollt loving meruliaiits to uupply you with tbolr poor weak dyos it 14 oortainly to thoir pecuniary benefit but you aro the loiarln every way tho all important ijueatiou la will you work wlturiyoh of full btrungth or will you blindly ruk your iooi1h with tho kind that havn one third the coloring power and thit ont ua muoh as thu diamond y

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