Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1897, p. 2

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rt wastcssaffff ms ji it r born nkihon in acton on monday j tb january to mr hjmvmvh 1 o nelwii ivdatigliuu ma kltird mciknnan iioym at tliomimso jsramorm on wiltiunitiy wth duuoiubo- liyhuv w p wtlkh mr albnrt moliiimfffiof ciumbou- vlllo to mihh olura h hoyil bf nloliol town plill button chutes at tlio mothodisfcfarooiisgo jolmotpwn t y on thursday 31th decern lior uyltuv t o tlipinpaou thtfmaa a huttoji formerly of aaton to miaa oraoo crlpiuiu or uttlca n v gorim wjlti at the roslilouco of tlio bridos futhor iruston rtroot uuulpli by itvy w a j martin on wudnohilay docuinltiir ituth margaret watt dauifhtur of john watt to clmrluu qoldb of mlliuu iliipwii jickijown at tlioroalduuco or llio brldub niotlioroti vrfliiwtj by hov jmiiob kuutlo robert fl rbwbbbu of llobstt urowu liriq ksquoiiug to houriotta daughter of tlio into david moktowti r -of- 1ltva nowiillariikkqs at tlio chiliuiicu of tlio brlduh father ndorlah tqwfishfn ou thars- diiv docombuiiuat by kov j k howoll m a act on fiithur or hit groom a8intod by bovs- job jbdgti ami j w andrews dr a j jlotvolt of fafrgrbvo mich to sarah a third daughter of mr ltobt acbfjaqn 1 mm auasias on thursday due ill as 2m major ktroot toronto male j- bulpvod- and only daughter offobn and oarrib aimnan agod y oars audbuinon tlit cliuhbtoitn at hootland oiit bv saturday jauuary 2nd w j olowifard m drsgod u6 vcors socoudbon of lato jlov l glafltord vaiigiian aud brother of bov bw glass- ford ovtinoliih cfcffimtsz trjuirdivy jxvnuaivx 7 1897 nqxesan rcqmmenxs- thbdbminion cafiiharima not yet con- bitjerod when parliament will 1 meet it hasbeen formally prorogued until the 20th dbt anjl when the tinieoomea for farther prorogation aomtthinfi definite will likely be known of the cauing of the hoatfe nicklin elect reeve denny heada the poilwthsnrflth a close sepond brown nnd arnofd the other m elections ut oftown monday wasji diatnal day for an oleotibn but this did uot attelh tboerdquroftthoolea- tora iu this municipality it lcabt io-as- much aaihho voto waa porliapa tlio largest ever polled in acton not only did the inalo voters exercise thoir frandhibo the ladica in ooiiflrderabrormmbora courutfebu- ly braved ijto olementa and caat tluir votes for the oatididatcaof their oboico tlio couteht for the lioevoiihip wan oj- pecially keen but withal waa carried on in tho moat friendly spirit moasraf ntcklin and franoia have been lifelong frionda trcijaently and cloaoly rolatedip social and aooiaty birolcd and for two years in buocb oion have been oolleiiguea at the council board it was pen era hy cbncodod during the coutoat that the reuult would bo a verj close one and thefrienriaot ijotli cand dates felt that cither might win witli- ft- small oiftjority theroauftrol tlio poll on monday ovenirigrevealod the fact tbfttooun- oi i lor nioklin had developed tho greater btiopgthaud pleotod with it majority of 52 y6teaip vote 61 162 to 110 mr franoia polled a very creditable vote- ouo which in our earlier days haa more than odoefsoted a candida to to ihd ohoir of chief magutrdt iiafllflotioii4or-couq04nor-tucedpui- to be quite a revelation in aorrie reapoqta w h denny who five years ago wob l th bttet in the union show that in tho recent pres idential eltotion major mokinloy received 710l401ote8 mr bryan 6470650 the other candidutcs received 314346 votea major mckinleyd plurality is 030745 and hia nivjorltyover all 310309 tho ptiticuanaiuatthoreturnofwl mal0an conaervative aa tnombor of parliament for east york was dismisied monday morning j tbo proceedings oo- oupied only three minutes the west tojonto petitions ayainat j f ofarkeand b oaier were alad diaoiiaaod the nw county council includes four exwardjinh and one exm p p the ex- prebflion ia reely heard thtoughqut tho goopjntyithbft- uubedmlyi men who have been honored with the highest gifts within tho power of the people ofthpconptyrtq bebtog ppetinner nominated for publio school trustoeand deolioqtlpublfo honors waa hoiiored with a place at the head of the poll aud having to hia oredit the largest vote ever cant for any municipal oandidato in any contest binco inoorpocation exconnoillor smith who tour years ago waa retired at the foot of the list followed with a remarkably large vote coancillor brown chairman of streets and walka tae past year was re- elected with 104 votes against 168 in last oomeat mr arnold who ia an entirely uew candidate for municipal jhou6rs- ran very well and tukea fourtbj place on the irsttlpjarnj8atmarrayuwho would have made a loreh headed buainea3like publio servant retired trio fr im tho turmoil of a counoillore office to g vo his wholo attention to hia own bjaaineaa affairs thftgntanrrinntity nftnnilllnm in antrtn accept thobq honors and by thta aot crowd out riaing men throughout the conetifcuenr oy ifthefewerenb other men who are experien io the condaot of municipal ffairttho caso would porbaps bo different but everympnioipality in the ooopty haj it past jilso be gratifying to aqtoub can didate to know that in tho two qivio to rmmrinirj thtrttlpf milton he polled nearly ahundred votes i men or experience and afiihty who are folly qualified for all tho ddties entailed it is hoped at tho expiration of the two- years term for which tho county connoil- loraeloct have been ohoaen the exwardona generally will stand aaide and give others a fair opportunity to succeed them queen victoria may abdicate and make way for the prlnoe of wales to the throne- proved that the people h re we ro very largely loyal to exrecvo 1i ill ijonbider- ing that they gave him- plujjiry of pear ly two hundred votes over ihj rnmbinod ibdrjamdlfffcf county oouiioilloraiienry bobinapn igborgfl aiidrewa efiouhhino lleevq jolitrwrighluaworth lat deputy kobcrt slowart 2nd deputy john stalker counoillora fred s near james oouu6n utid d wirniuo kahsaoawkiaitebye john imarahall deputy iteovom lleattie counoiilorb l lrwin s bollandjohn kitching rockwood on tlio morning of tupadayrilth deo- ember burglura cutored paamoroa store by cuttiiig through from tlio cellurj they made away witlf homo dry noodr tobacco and othur 1 hitigv couatable u imerre- weather of guelph wiia sent for and murde an investigation of tlio matter it is to bo hoped these frerjuent robbcrloa will bo- stopped tho oleotion of aobool trustee was held on wednesday uoth itibt- unci a very stormy hicbiing waa tio result tlirco mehvveroiipminatltl for the pdaition but hobt dredge duclinoil to rub and the con teaiwaa betwcen bobt hamihod anotjohn sookott tuo voio takenshowbdequal numberaof haiida for each man then thematter v i- -i- iljv ballot and mr namiuon was olottd by a majority of rthrrtyhiiie the entertain nieiitqf ttip ohurohpf england sutkaysoipol waa- given on wednesday evening 30tuinbtaud was quite a buccoab mr a murray has reropqued hia barber bopaftprjfttrftbsehceorr aqmemooths on aocountjdf tljo injury he aaatained by fall- ingfrortflt ladder awreiice gilleapfo is ut homo from work oivaooourifrofabadout he reoeived- in hia foot whilo chopping in the buab mrscottbf brampton made a ahip- ment of cattle for the european market b oq mon abt advanoe of that old war horse dr robert- sun m i na weyd aud takea t p with a minority qfrvotflbv r the detailed result of thfpoll jerej as follows iidnnon jhm g thai- weatm inster gazette this afternoon gives prominence to a report that queen viatoria baa decided to commemorate the fact that she lias en joyed the longest reign in english history by abdicating in favor of the prince of wales amazinq wealth canadas minos as vlovyed by tho 1 mjnlaterof railways and col ljomvludrmp tononio jany 4 hon a jbloirmin- vaster of railways and lioutcol domville m p who are just returning frotn an ex- tonbivo tour through british columbia and the west were in thooity for o few hoqre on satprday evening having to wait for flbbtteiitioh for ottawat theyere metav the union station ey a few friends to whom they chattered freely of their qx- periences both gentlemen epoke qnite entbneiaeticquy of thoprobp of br oolumbinobidbmville going so fame to eay that jf ho told themall he thought of the country ho was afraid tboy would noi birsvvlitta herjutof only say thaptfio wealth of the province ia simply aroazlpg speaking from what bo saw and heard at boealand he said thatho oxpoots that place willbe a city iaside of a year mr blairairemarlia relating to th kootan fluncis i denny smith bnown aiinold murray diatriot and to ritiahcolojnbja generally were equally m onthuaiaatio aa col dpmvilloa how they djojtin huntsvuije from hnutavillo foreacer we glean the fblibwing particulars of a splendid plrebeqtation to mr edward forbes former ofaoton on the partottheamployeea ol the hantsville tannery- afrnewyearbt a buifz of voioea a forming of r then with aefaerry quiqk stop from the offioe to the roaideboo of tannery foreman edward forbes the men of the tannery proeeeded in a body and under the leadership bt the bookkeeper mr mooonaoble sarprieed and gainod admittance to the citadel forbes the object of the inroad was to transfer from the hands of tho besiegers into the keeping of the besieged a present from the tannery boys to their popular f orem anjfjipiiljwsfik eqf t whtooonelstod of a handbomo silver tea set half a dozen sterling silver spoons and one dozen sterling knives and forks arid after tho reading pf a very neatly wordedf and appropriate address by mr m mo- consohis presented to mr forbes the praotioul prqot of the mens good will by such avjluoin a presont mr forbes ox- for hebve kol no 2 total sicklin 75- 87 162 60 54 110 ron counoillors 103 1u 214 103 104 207 07 r07 104 74 64 138 45 71 llrt lott coonty councilwh havill lp0 177 367 hrjtciieon r70 88 158 bodkhtson 18 131 20 the total number of votes polled in polling division no 1 the town ball was 188 and at no 2 c c speights bhop 140 total 287 theooanchfor 1807 willconeeqoently be composed as follows i reeve a e nioklin councillors v h denny w ei srnith william brown h tariiold owing to ati inadvertanae the lst given aa the publio school board for 1807 in last issue was incomplete we consequently give tf below w -h- storey george hyndr james molam robert j holmes t h harding and robert wallace i at the announoement of the result of the poll the candidates each briefly addreaaed the eleotors thanking them for qpnfljence apd support and hopfqg for a jaucoessful year in the conduct of the nffaira of the municipality messrs pranoia and mur ray took their defeat very philosophically th form remarkin that he w eat mr q gil let mi wlio used to work at iiundyb blacksmith ahnp mot with an aocidont recently which endangered his eyesight ho is doing as well as qan bo expected but will not recover for a while mr f bahoy aud family of acton spentnew yearjadayin thevillagq lv mr j stewart 6t manitoba baa roturn- ea to hihpareiita homo for bliort time the township council 4or18d7is -aa- foilows reovo d- talbot doptroeye wm argb council g mcnabb mogreg- or j dickeon 1 mr l walhlug fruiu abor doenwafh ty to bo3ton on railway ties papeed through rock wood tho early part of lust week ajgningdt the gt r station ob he wont througli tionoraj und prepiirod to enter upon her stage career the reaction qf oyer studv audlobg itqum sod began lo tell upon- anyood i am porfeotly willing that my her and althuugh ft did not interfere with her blimbing ho ladder of foiino hv- kn aqtres she very boon became aognirant of that alio was auffernvgfrotn a struiu on tlio nerves which thrcatenedaooner or later- to roaulfi aoriouaty to her health ller eufforings did not iutorefero with hor erigagemeata but preyohtod her from pmaicipatln jn p of any kind the uervoubncaa incrcaaed to suoli an extent that slin becnine u victimof iirs omnia and slowly her dieative poworsgivo out and ahe waa fust becoming a chronic sufferer from hiiorfouadebtjty after trimg romedioa and prcsoriptionfi she one day read an advertisement in one of the dally pa per a referring to cqoanlaiarecovdry of a similar oaae toher own witli tho aid of dr williami pink pillar she had riod ao many remudioj that she almost deapaircdof trying uny more somothing seenred to iqlluenae her to teut this prepar ation and she ventured lo purchase one box of tbo pills- refore abe bad used half of them she began to feel an immediate imprqvementmhelcoonditiouand by the timeiflhq bad mod two or threo boxes she was a different woman entirely and today there arefewabtresses whodiaplay rr bo iter example of perfect health than our seutatiye fonndmiurvwiatoii ju when he called upon her last week the subject was suggested by our reporter ageing a box bfuheptekjpih8iamlfla rawlfltonla-poa- bosvion i always carry them with me she said add would not be a day witbqut m hoqse- ati occasional doae aqts as a them although i do nottako them regu larly i find t a very ben stimulus for one in bur prof e aa loo if the aaaortlon of the benefit whibh tbbso pilja have worked uponhio will do the public numoflbould bo mentioned iind thtthe facta shoijld bo given to ttio publio misi uawlstopb permanont address id in care of wr manager mi tom mpguire room 5 standard thoatre building now york city owing to thwtjig storma railway traffic has been soriously iuterfctd with this week in manitoba sir joseph iiiokaon lata general manager of tho grand trunk railway died jnmont real on monday j- convinced the sceptic th merits of the great south amerlcp nervine withstand all the assaults of the credulous and sceptical whon they are converted to- its use in their personal ailments they become its best frlendfor it never falls them mr diuwoodie of cimpbellfqrd 0ut sdjs i reco rgii american nervinetoevorybqdy i obnaider it would be truant to the beat interests of humanity were i not to do so in onelnatatice i oouyirioed an avowed- sqeptic to all reme died of ita ouratlvo pbwerath prqourbd a bottle and it has boon of such benefit- to him that ho continues topurchaao and nse it- and has proved ha great worth aa a etomabh and nerve tbniq it lhaaj done wobdera forme and i keep it- constantly preventative and keeps mo well and strong itis wonderful medjqlne sold by a t blown 1 qoiaeh for every woman in the dominion as-fifzaimmomtjef-thftwoodiitocf- z polioo forco is viuitiuat boma- kassxaxwesas tho anniverbary in oonnootion with cofliin motliodiat sunday sohoalkill prfinaed hib opprfdintiod 01 the rift and hi value of the taken of kindly feeling and flood will nbioh he hoped would continue toexiat inaha worko notrmhmentrwero bp rved by mr nnd mrs fotbw and a very enjoyablo evening was spent like 6uffe o know h sorlver carpenter of hastings was a qreat sufferer from kid ney dloeasa south amarloan 1 kidney cure effeotlnir a qulok cure it la a speolflo remedy for aspeolflo dleoasa hdiaeol- vee and eradicates all 8old mat- terfrom t system la s and tperthanent t 1or many 5 oars i have been troubled with kidney disease neoesaliatlak the tak ing of muoli iu the way of romedlss two yenr uif lev became so bad that i had to seek the aid o a pliyslolan my urine wss moro like blood than anything tits and waa very painful just at that time 1 began uaing south american kldnay core itgswme immediate relief and from mia time till no i have had ho diflbonlty i jan jfox aha hrumf rsoonimend tj groai remedy to ail person siifferin from idnoittvotibii boll by a t dtottn just aa big a sopper and sleep jijatas6bnnd- ly as ever be had done in hlajisv election noteh mayor little was roolootot4m lotlllou by a majority of over 2600 j mr e a oolquhouh waseleiteatuayot tf hamilton by 808 majority ovdr mayor tuokott the dismal day and muday roads dampened the ardor of candidates and eleotorsconalderabiy the ladies turned oat on olootion day like votertus no leas than twontysji of them polled their votes among the visitors from a distance wero rr iiowry guolph7 david williatobon quolpb andh h worden hillsborij l b j fleming wab ro olootad mayor by a majority of looaover exalderman mo- murriob this will be his fonrtb year id esauebing deputy hoevo wriggles- worth waaeleotod to the beoveahip by a majority of 108 over qhjjstopner prpstonl aid r 331 nelson was teeleotedto qnelph city oounoil by aoolaraation hollba in the mayors ohair two years henoe thovote in esqneiing waa aa follows eeeva wriggloaworfh ui ptoston 200 ooqnoillorb near 481 oonlaon 853 j igglna 810 moclniloagh 880 the helton county counoillqrs for 18978 aro dr bobertbom d hotoheon dr webater h p lawnon henry robin son george andrews w g pettit qoo fisher be held on bnnday and monday january 17 and 18 rav j e howell m a of aoton whl preach on sopday evening and the- te i b giv monday evening the aoton ohoir will again bo present mcsars leiohman and fletqborwill givo a aeriea of inbtramental duetts tho children of thebchool will- render a nnmbor of recitations ana addresaca will bo delivered by rovs howoll mathers amyand otbera election day was qaite exaiiing here notwithstanding tlto bad statooflheroada thorowasa largo number of votes polled for tho candidates in tbeoounty gonnoi mebsra hatohoon and robinson polled the hightest in this ward the saocebbful candidates for this division iu the lonnty council were moaera d hutchon and dr robortson por the township counoilmr beattie won over mr mogibbon fordepnty reevei and meabrbv j erwin b bell and j kitohfng ar woro eleoted counoillorer we have thoii for tho towribbip council mr john marshall jteflvqacoimrm boattio dopnty reeve and meearsjt erwin sbelland j kitobing ar coun oillora publio schools reopened on mqnday the eoholar and his or her now toaoher will soon get acquainted for the llrbt time in this township thoro are fivo now toaollorb at nob 8 i 7 8 and 9 messrs john ftvileori of eden mills and robert e wilson knatohboll are visiting rolatiyea and friends in wawauoah at proaant mr danoan campbell of-kin- cardino havo beon viaiting friends- in nasaagawoya returned4iomo on mobday mrrandmrfitfosterrbf iiowvilieepenf sunday with her father mr john canute mibb a j husband of acton is visiting relatives and friends in nabaagaweya- miss laura dwilaon of naabagaweya spent now yoar with her g mrsgoo norriab guolph v mr and mrav robort- husband 6f nelson spent- tuesday with friends at kuatobbull mr arthur doberciner of guelph is visiting at mrrjolih taylors nasgagawoya at present miss zel ra a charminq soubbetterwho attraqts large audiences she telle something 6fthe hard work neoeaaary to makea suo- cessf ul ajtiatrmany breaic down onder the stralnan interest- intr chat with a telegraph rer porter v such is bur great dissolution sale the remarfiable bargainsto be found here ajevery turn arq tfie result of- our detefminationfo put price5doyn without consideration of valuein order to turn as much of ourstgkias possible into cash liyjanuary ist at that data our senior partner will retire from the businessand we must have as much cash as possible in prdertb make the requireasettlement every woman in tumuli huuluvibit walker m georgetojmn stocfe t siminff 8 ale commencing p dress adods all wbovbrcarfjrjooda 10c worth 5uo heavy arbberfioloo wortli 30o v costurrie lenffths in llabt and dark fancy tiooda ftl75 worth eaoo jjaajwqnh 360 475wortb 000 w worth 050- 635 wbrtil 700r i all wool oroponn hoc wbrtn fioe cream gtialimoro 30j wortuooo pink 39o coo blub 30o 60c nile ww 60c blk hiinriottafloo worth fioo bik henrietta soo worth 75o fancy blk blcilllans 6qa worth 76c colored auvoqlseioi jojprthjwo waist plaids in 3 yard lcnsthar dl 15 worth dl50 a worth 185 mantles to bo oloarod roqardleos of cost 7mdmiatitlcflrfcoioit97flst 7 l short coats 800 700 000 800- s 495 y95 act lflo 515 fur capes 1 ladioe grey lara b capo 30 in long only 621 00 ladioa oroonland seal cape 301 u lotig 1050 groy flahnels the prices aro out of light grey union 0c worth j3io proy uaton uc worth 15c grey wool 17c wdrtli 23c blankets- ifows the urns to get thoin must be sold choap readytowoar clothing tuoro nuvor was saoh a ohanoa- of getting fleadymade olothngatprottjrmiwryoar owi prices i mona tweed pants 8135 for c r ljsdfor10 sloofor 15 suits 600 for w 660 for 190 vnavy sorgo tw for 375 overcoats mens frieze ovorcoau 8600 for 450 floofor 60 10x0 for c50 flnobo laoofor aso yfr- j7 c 7o uu blubi du t ealfi evdry woman in toronto should purchase before january ist but that doesn t preclude women outside of the city from obtaining our goods at these remarkably low figures our mail order department isbpen to them and quick and accurate service will be given t rhpm tvtony refunded to all who i ftoguiari f li bcguifttioe bjc l hogulai jzslt ojjsonsl r828tvwiaff5tkeif 6- queen street toronto farcofttsr r- ladtoafur coats 06 in loiifi ejsoojfor e2760 silks silks colorod dross andothor diucb worth from 60a to ftj23 to bo olonrod out at- 25c dout hjibb this olianco as tboy aro choap at doublo tho motiby stiinle denartment 3t lo factory cottons 3jo wortli 5c 7c loo 64o 7o ojc he oxford shirtings bogularc f fi cottonadoa tho groatoat valuca soon in tbo county of s5o ealo prloo10ois3o jsalo irioo17i soo salo prlco la lbo salo prlco 14c tallorlnar daring our great sale we will offer great in ducements in ourtailorlngdepartmenl mens tweed suit to order for 81000 811x0 81200 1360 we bavo xbo newest and moat tyllsh tweeds that oan bo bonghty nd as for finish and workmanship we cant bo touched you get otery thing of the best and can rely on what ovor wsjlcer maboan dt co will give yon we qont pat cotton velvet colhu on onr overcoat woleavetbatforotberato doweoniy soppiy tho best j two speolals in black bough cloth to be sold at 81650 and 817j0 mons tweed pants to order 8340 worth 830 w mens twood pnu to order 8395 wortli 5j boots and shoes mons boots sattable for all seasons mens heavy plough boots boo worth 8116 men s heavy plough boot 81 00 worth 81 35 r mtpgnnf fl jr rfh f men s xoug boou 8315 worth 83 60 men 8 buckle felt boots 1 jo worth 1 75 men s 4 bucklo felt boots 1 69 worth 9m mon a grain 4 buckle felt boots 910 worth 350 mens 9 buoklo lumberman bobbers lo worth 1 go moq york flr jog w maa cambridgeradbybubbers00 worth 75 oarpets our carpetap be olearedont regardless of cost mfffinai our mllllnory at half irloo mile street acton january clearing sale v- we take stock in february ajid we are anxious to clear out as much stuffaspossiblerduring this month bargains for cash to such an extent that customers will find their rrioneywill go farther this aionth than at any bther rime of the year bargains in li prrnts cotton goods we lead in groceries dress goods millinery mantles boots shoes we wish to expend our thanks -to- the mgny customer for their liberal patronage during the past year hendhson co whlkier tvloeehn 3k co obom ilctu bliirttspntcntp dressmakingr mis8 tsoblo will roolvoprdora ordrobsmftk- ing at lior rcfildcucu lrcdoriok stroot aoton m88 noble wanted- m bright m an wome canvashehs for canada mid a quouu vlotorla her life aud itl anvasbehs for quooii victor la trod uot ion by lord duitorin mid australia 1 itolan ip- thrllling osw book sftltw tuarvolloui tbo quoon as girl mlfo mother monafch hoado libo rouiauco grandly ulustratud big commission books on tlmo iiotb of rnonoy in it the bhadleyqarbetson co ltd toronto out according to agents reports q uebn viotoru hcfrlilfb and ttolguiitro duotlon by lord du florin will reach blgh water mark of clrculatioii oue agent reported twenty-nino- orders tho day after he gob his prospectus and many take orders from threefourths caljs mado to oanvasiers pros pectus freo ii you want atharoln this gold mine hustle territrtrty is goldg fast thebiladiieyoftbbetson co lis toronto out wantmi jttjbu with good education who wat to butter tbelr bosltlonsand woulotbb content foc- year with 860000 andcxperibei write us wltu description and occupation and wo will triakoa proposition for now or tho fatqro also needed reliablo man tor australia wrlto today as we arp in a hurry the manaqeb 9bicuniond8twbit toronto ont i r j- t- i- wanted men to engago with as as salosmqn now season just opening now stylo of plato book more attractive and yet lighter mian ovor all snppues lurnlshod free onlycansdian mi attraotlvo and yet n hod free we are tbo nmerypayingsaiary expenses from tho start liberal commission to part time men largo list of specialities all having boon tested at our trial orchards if you want a good thing for the winter wrlto as stone wbllihaton knrwnryfppn in f toronvi fln over 7q0 acres under cultivation 1wi6itwefsee p do carteret s still offering his well assorted slock of tatflcy goods at the lowest possible pnecs every day come at once while it lasts birgains we have made special efforts this year tthave new goods for customers all the world has been searched for novelties beautiful china from prarwin after dlunor coffoes individual tea and coffee cupa a oclock sots broad ahd butter plates cake plates pin trays brush and oomh trays those are all of the finest china mostly limoges ware mere p rlriieiita fee look at the snaps fo this week- cheaper than ever aid jamea hewer dofoated aid t p ooffaa of gpolpl by a rnajorlty of 801 the jftrsuryaay coffeq may buldoao the coonoil bal be has fopni that lie can not baldoo the olty aotona bona did well in mondayo ron- teat aid john odonanhuo has been eleoted mayor of stratford z a ball reeleated mayor of penetaoknieliene 3 f beoord beaded tlio poll for oouubli inorillia klkotionb out or town gkoiioktown reevew il jcabra ooonoll v jjbrber j b moleod 4 aadanu jaaautlirio col miitom mayor t bloe aoolamatlon iuevee f ir aoollraallon oounoll- lor north ward p a homlreot j m baitedo john somervule aoolamailon bait ward j 8 deacon thbma mo dowoll r it llemstroet aoolamatlon south wardrw 1 arnntronk j ii peaoook w j alexander 6akvujj mayor w ii xonik reave a a wktsiolrjo depntyreeve 0 jt doty ooonolllor ward 1iqeorge wllipor wjbjflirflop dford jwr4 a q ii moden 13 qlllmer r wardj s forator j p ford james humor i i itrom tboquobeattolograiili thoao who have attended tho perforro auooa at the academy of mnaio tbib week will readily bonoodo that midb zelma rawlaton ib of brightest aoubrettea on the alago she ia a plover muaiolan and a charming ajtikor and as an imper- aonator ahowa a talont bonalderably above the average she baa winning way a miaohiovoub twinkle in her eye and a oaptivatin manner hor magnetism for drawing laroaudionnea is not alone con fined to tlio ataio aa bhe ia poaasaaed of arohara wrribhibpieabingtoo6mb aontaot with it ia full of good nature amiable qualities and a- oharm that endeara horto all thqaowjiohatojean bo -fortiimteiib4o-iavo- madoher acqaalnt andd a telegraph representative had tho ilbaaure of an intorvipw with mibb lawl btqn which resulted iu a biographical ek tan of her life being published in tbeae oolnmni on satmrday- buring the course of the interview miss rawlalou lot ont a seoret wbloh ahe oonbonted to allow the telegraph to make public for many years ahe haa devoted the beat part of her time to stady sometimes practising at the piano for 10 tioarbtpotiyr irunibtnlroioforiniafarihh ing that nuder a strain of this kind alio began to feel the rffcota upon lior nervous constitution she is of a rodut bnild and apparontlybtrdng phyalquo and stood the strain wltljdnt intorruptlug her studies until alio had perfootcd that wllloli she deatred lo aooompllsh like many other artists who have gono before she cdmplor- ed hir work raduuted with the ilghest 23 lbs grranxdated sugar 100 ora1 oillscper jgallora metis sjpt iqiig bcjots175 s maxb06 per jbottle moods sarsaparilla 75c perbottle from oennany wo havo cut glaaa cam pitchers fruit and other small dtahoa bostthi butters toothpick holders water and idyasos ingreat variety gllflhoo isterllllg sliver sugar spoons anajtonga hotter knives borry spoons salts and an endless number of little things tor r r personal use and wear and in american andcanadlan novolueawohavo no end of pretty and useful things everytfalngyoircaniniaslno and lots voffcanno1tthinbtof r ncvernrurbhbh a varlod stook of flno goods shown in any ono store everybody known that pringlos la the place for bpex r v wyndham st guelph e b collins butcher desires to thank his numerous customers tor their liberal patronago slnco be eommencod business last jmuary and hopes that bycaref alt mod courteous attention to merit a continuance of their custom a eomploto aaaolrtment of firstclass beef mutton lamb fork fresh and salt hams saoiage toultrj- iard ottif in season- u prieea always aa low u eqoilstentswith the bestqnauty v prompt deliveryrpa w 7 we arehwlng some nice xmas lines at very close friges socii as poreidob sstts lhzhvzduaz teas jjlncy cups jwdsaucxrs brkad and buttbb plates cajoc msbzs berry setts lamps jkc watehoa nobody oan beatns on oaab and thirty yoarslaxperienee in bnylnffbas siven as all tbo advantages in getting good watches- at-tbe-lowesff-prloee- wo dont nycnab bec ita oh jtor will wo soil yon trash to make von think ws sell cheap we want ourrejouliuon alwaya to be if it was bought at ibmole8 its good ladle suvorvtchobe500 s700 c900 100o and auoo ladlo gold wtcbi1500 isjoo 90j ss0o and up and boya and uona watcuoa 875 m00 a500 7x0 800 9x0 lojoo 130091000 aox and op th6 jmlif3t cupljph the druggist and stationer- rure drugs- correct stationery we have on hand several vuable rtarms wbieh we will tell very chea and on easy terms ptpayment the farms are situated in tbe followiug coudtleax wellington briice ealdirhand simcoe hal ton durham perth symon bros corner mill and main st8 acton 1 5pirli in plush velvet leather and carpet price 5oc 75c 86c 95c siip 125 ladies opera slippers i beaded- vamp and strap the new shapes london toe and x raj 8cme farine all aro good various sles and will bo sold at bargain if bold before the first of jan nary no for terms and full particulars apply to j e moeldebrv secretary oueipb and ontabi6 wvbbtubnt and ba vinos booibty duelph ont tjts i is to all black a colored mwy argpaiias neill the shoe man guelph tvantudbbvbbaii rtctupuf men oil vt women to travnl for reanonalble oatab llshedliouae in jontarlo natary 7w pkvabls gift woowy and iisponoa ioalogn jnelmahent itsfarunoe bneloaa aanddrenaedsiaipaen oiivoloiki llionittloital buirlluidluguhloauo during january mltl prpbgectr5r ers a serious question for prospective housekeepers ia the gnat original outlay neoeaaary for the pnrohaio of appropriate furniture and fornlahloga we can be ohenrlobtoiilfsnoht theylpernrprlsecrrtoie u investment they can begin with if their selootlon is made front our stook older house keepers can find many artiolea they need into spring at very low prices in our warorooms that nv clearing sale of crockery groce still continues 1 bargains aroihg out every day arid he time is now getting- very short if you w t at once to jiave your wants supplied jhrffbt p s please stleihiittiobill before the tenth of january 1807 f tjejteg 1 onr slook ieoomplte anioelleut assortment in all the oily itjlaa in jtrlmmlngt end flrjlh prlom lower than ever oluna or oaakela delivered within five mllea of aetata flrstolass hoarse at reasonable ohargea subpa mi show rooms r- cm wjuow mil affacs stroata how is it therenre timeawhen the fact of your hav ing n good black coat la a very great satis faction tho occasion demanding theiwear- ing of it often arises suddenly do prepared for such an eniorgcncy by ordering at onpo we makertuiygrclollienabmblknij try us nnd prove us morohtint tailors 7 fcvilm

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