Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1897, p. 3

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c- a n k o f h a m j lto n- head ofpighj hamilton i oavitaiiaui up 1250000 hkbhhvit fukd w750go total abshts 8a093it board op blrbotoes hn stuamv a q hamsav truiildoiit vioolrobiuoijt ira pnocton quo rcacu a t wood a 11 lbb toronto wii gidbok ml v i- tuunilullcobhlor h h btkluen aaat cashiur uiwattion agenctes hamilton uar ton st east end alliston erlln olieslay goorgotown grluiiiby lintownl luoknow milton mount forout qraugavhlo twonrjcnmd vingham british correspondents bqndon national provincial bank of ens- luufctd american correspondents new yona fourth national dank and uauovernktijual liana boston internation al trustco dopkalo marluobaok cujoaoo national bank of ilupblbaud union national- dank ditruoit dotroib national bank 8 vnsas cixr natlpnabank of qoinmoroo agents in montreal tbebankpitorouto gijokgetown agency notob discounted and advances uiadoon cult old ble oourltiea collection modo and drafts bought and od al aqeeiilblo points in canada udited states qroat britain and tlio coutlnontor europe upon 8ftyihgjdopartmnt y- depoeyiof 1 and upwards received aud interest allowed ironi data of dopoait to data of rllbdrawal j- specjai deposits v ralaoxoooivfldalrpnrtirattfttavbfinttiroot n m xiyingbtone aijont we are heajquarters for sohobbobks school supplies f notepapefsy envelopes account bootta w v arid all kinds 6t stationery ladies and gents purses wc carry the larrest slock our prices arc the lowest give us a call gre hynds acton ont t juton ftti vu thursday january voftle local brieflets whlchicaught the eyes or ears of jfree press reporters this week tdorelike winter now shonidtft aiton havo the curfew introduced t meriuro since bnhday t writs jh897nioofollyand without error now rlfae pabiiq souopiajrepepedonymont day with a gaod attendance- the mild woattaor last week cause very rocrh roads the past tew dnya i ffiiitle bit of april weather soemed jtoiel mianiaoed last week lot a few days tihaiouvof tho epiphany was cele brated in st josepnb oh arch yesterday morning a number bl farmora from this vioin ity attepded the partners inatitate at 8tewarttown yeaterday l to the many fbeb psebs readers who ronowed their sabaoriptions during the holidays wo extend onr sincoro tbanka membero of the toronto milk dealers aeaoeiatipn nil ceabe to deliver milk on sunday from- jan i daring the winter ths eleolioris oer tho hatohete borried qpw for general good fellowship bminets activity and a yearef proaperity visitora to these parts last week might be exoaaeohor imagining they had taken the wronn train and got into florida or california 11 dm nobleflremen wereoven more ltolp and eooooragement at fireb instead of nnfaitorltlera and nnitfat remarks it woold j bo moreseemly tbe qtr freight wbiuh harf carried the toronto morning papers calling hero between sevenand eight a ni for several years has beencancelled anew grain elevator is to he erected litiie gltlr- dpt next fall by mrj james xogiei- this will make acton a lively grain baying oeutro aaeligl cbristian yoang people of the town at the union service in knox church next mon- daylevening at 780 oolook mr- john- moflat who has been in aoton the paat six months and made nam- erqas friends has pnrcbased a mnaio busi ness in milton and will shortly remove jjiereto j ugomo of the yonng and thbnghtloas and sdtno who wore not bo yonbg beemed on new yens evo tohave believed it ne cessary to take a laet ppreo in order to inako the swear off more binding mra j w bews of milton ocoqpied rherbld plsoorin the methodist oharoh- choir on sunday evening her solo in tho antbtm and her duett eden land with i mr ohas jonner wero maoh enjoyed by theoongregation it was nlly demonstrated tuesday oniltlg that ip that- mornings idre ijonehlie- enginb saved to on citizens lrsvlfisilsi tre wst f it71mrobabe by eonflnink the fire to the buildings whefo iipimfql fews holiday nombseof thapnnadun- anietioan of obieago is well printed on ffniipaperi nd bontains manyjsonerior qnduttviwf and- exoellent reading matter afoll page portrait of the genial featnrea of premier laurie adorns tho number the semiinebriated individoalin thj far tlloat who remarked while gasibg npoi the disastrous fire on monday nlgl let her go it wont hurt ns is obs of a olas oioitizens and property ownersyery fnsttaamuijhismbmp j6 whom no sehrspeqtlng resident is proudtobtasaociatst -f- rfthe farmers and theptibio generally- will be pleased to lealrh that robert noble of norval has opened the drain storehouses at the q t it btation bixpt and will pur chase grain of all kinis the hlghfat plloes will bolpald and will range within a gent or two ot mill prices mr nobis has always been a popular gr buyer j b o0r7wiirhave charge of ihttbowbonses the sons of soolland have secured for their entertalnmont to be held in the town hail acton cin friday evening tha 16th imt canadas moat rouowned and famous carlaalurlnls and entertainers- messrs rich and ramsey accempanitd by mr byitlrs urooks and mrs ramsey tua pubilo can vroly on enjoyinb a m0 olaas eoierialnmsnlatavbrylowvlqo to lei that neat shop now oooopled ly n btracr a bargain a good sco- bnd hnhd book olovo mnu b a fstcow the news atjiome mo fitly of a locjal character and ovarv item interesting chrlatlaujiutlcnvor sorvla a union mcojiogoltuo membera of tto youti pooploa bopictios iu town will bo held ip kpox charoh uoxt monday evening at 780 ooloak au interesting programme of tho proceedinutj harj bcori arranged and will include brief addresaoa and conferoucca ujid bpiritijjd prayer and prftieo thomeot- ing will bo conducted iu auch a munnor that all prebjmt may tajto homo part and prollt by attcndanor a ikrgo gathqringis bdpod for iittty licit ticta two years many will remember tho ightflngej33i proxienettiea of wm bell who spent eoveral year a in acton he has lately been reeidout in georgetown and ida thieving has lauded mm at kingston penitentiary for two yeurc ho was arraigyed before judgo hamilton laet week pharged with having atolen a pair of hflrae clippara be longing do d b arrowamith of george- town tpho priaoner pletidedgailty cer- tilioatea from tho eoanty attprfley showed tiiatoi s med 1800 bell hadi boen sentenced tocighteeu roontba jn the central preaon bii each of two oiaep on aoootinfr ibltho prieonorb record aaan bid offender tho judge sentenced him to two yeara in tno provincial ivniientiary at kingatou t mutt inge of dr bert now el the clinton aew ava aiftya the homo 6y mr robeirtaictioeon on the jjih can was the bcebe of a happy and uuiptcoua evenipnjthnreuay iec7 slat the oooa- eiotj waa the marriage of his daughter sarah a to dr a j howell of fwr- grove mich the bride is not only an ex ceedingly popular yonng lady bqt annn- usaally able ono and by natural and acquired graces is eminently fitted to preside over tho destinies of any home an b olive kij1ouh and effective churoh worker her life has been aanodel oue and iu bet new homo will be no less an effective worker for the master than abe has been here the groom is the oldeet son of rev j e howell m a of acton and is a practialng physician in a growing town in the border atate the ceremony was j ro formed atone oclock by tb8 father of the groom assisted by bevs s edga and g w audrewb miss buaio aoheaon biater of the bride and will howell b a ofimcoo btother of the groom acted aa rideamaid and groom aman respectively br neighborhood news newsltoms suppuedby corroa- pondentsantl cxohangoo ballinafad we are pleased lo loarn that ittv mr qaruham of thitt cirouit wa ublo to re- aunie his labora last sabbathf tho rev g a mitchell b a of georgotawn occupied the mothcdint pulpit hero on tho 27th ult r list sabbath itovb 0 nixon of tho chcltenhain proabyteriau church ex- changod with rev mr campbell of thia placed mr r j muaijiitie of jcnox cblloge spent bis holidayttat the manhe mibb oliphant of torduto who has been visiting atlho manse returned to tho city oh monday last our friend miet nellie yemen spent hen xmub holidays- uudur tlio paroutul tbbt we coiigratulate her on being engaged for a third term in tho tame bchpol mr graham has returned and resumed duties onmonday tho pupila ofss no 5erin aro plcae- od with their now teacher mteylcr of cheltenham wo all welcome mr taylor to dur community j we i understand that flrrjmckce our postmaster and eforckoeper has rented hia atorefo mr baxz of geovetown rora terra of 5 yfiar we regret muoh to lose from ppr village a family which was always ready to loud a helping hahd cspooiallyin churcli work coming and going urevvsondeornerr another year hair pibsed into oteruity and a new year has come with its mingled joyaarid sorrows snecta revival bervibot will shortly bj- started in tho methodist charoh hero in announcing the funeral ofmiau lizzio maud of eramohi rev mr keatlo on vlaitorsjto- ancttyom acton and varlouoother personal jmqtes tio fakk rakbn invitw all ita roaderr to con irjbuvo to tlfta column it you or your fsiootlb aro uoliig oway aa a holiday trip or if you havo frlundb visitlnu yoti drop a card to tho fiiku pitesa r mies hattio thuratortji visiting her mother at kimbotly mr john for boa viaited friends in uuutuvillo last week 1 m7t jamea mojre of guelph vibited frioudti here this week mr arch monabb of rookwood viaited a a ton friends tbla week mr- john moreof st calhotinoe was homo for tbo holidaya mrjohujfalona left on monday to tak6 a situation in buffalo n v f mr and mrbn f moore visited rela tives at cdriujigvby lust week rev and mrd j wr lua and children 1 viuitod aoloii fripndron new yeaidt mr0 f uoodovo and bia son fred viai ted friends at gaelph on now years mr frod goodevo returned to hs studies at wycliflo colleije toronto oniondaiv mr ii b henderdou rpoatnjftsteriv gebrgelowrl waa in tawu for tho holiday dr geo coo r of toronto was the guest of hia brother mr adam cook over the holiday mibs emma abetti of toronto has bflen- the guebt the pabt week ofmru j a blcginii j ii polky ws sell as we buy and give bur customers the full benefit j t vof eyery bargainwessccure by close buying gc b ryn do j v iovitationaiho term no presents after a wedding lunch thoy drove to tbo railway andtook the rain for their now homo in the wegt ami the bencdi ofva w circietot i riena 7z ortpdelva machine shops dcatrbycit aboat ono oclock on tuesday morning jtwlsiacovorsrlzbyra homo from a social gattering- that grin- dells machinb shops were on fire the firortmamadebuohheadway that the flames were at this time buratingthroogh tho -roof- and tho entlfo town wasbrilv liadtly ill by the vivid gla so rapid was ita progress that when mr griudell was awakened the window mhrbrbedro6ni fell in with tbo beat as bo arose from bis bed when the firemen and citizens arrived the ab ops were far past- saving and the dwelling was also on fire attention was direct- ed to tho house tho contents were re moved and though i tho hoube was badly gutted the welldirected efforts of the fire- men q tbo flamoa and provented their spreading to adjacent bnildioga and posaibly into the heart of the town as tho wind was blowing due east at the time tho origin of the fire is unknown mr grindell wad through the shops at 11 oclock and everything appeared in good ord the b and expensive machinery are a total wreok whilo the dwelling ia left merely a bhell the estimated loss is about 92500 on tho shop buildings maobiu- ery to and 1500 on tho boa so and con- tents insured in tho economical of ber lin for 8h0o on shops and 8500 on dwell- jogl general ey mpathy is felt for mr grindell and bis family in their heavy lose mr grindou is aa indnstrioua bard working maohiniot and daring the eix years aiuco ho came to aoton has built np a good boai ncfls the building wlrioh was 40xg0 arid twa btories was erected about ten yoara ago by hugh ryder for a salvation army barraoka a new years treat knox churoh annualiunday school en tertainment on new years night was a completo success tbo rain in the after- rutsiv rondo red the proapeots rather dismal but by the hour for commencing the programme seats in the churoh were a promium at eight oclook rev mr maopherson opened the proceedings and the following prograrrfmo waa rendered 1 old nundro4 tho congroeauon a prayor itev h l maophprson o comradoaln anns oampbollvlllo quar tette 4 ilecltatlon curfow mut not ring to- iilljht nottlo cobban 5 solo klarobing to tbo front mr golllnn 6 duott alorry ia tbo wolcomo messrs moibalf and elliott t t load kindly etfibt tbo quartet to fi itocltauodthe laat hyrhu mlnnlo hol- inoa 11 0 solo tbo holy city mr mophall 10 bolothedraud old army mr pillbtt it duett truo isovera danish sorrow mr a canu of eaettlother paid a flying yiait to his brother mr geo cann ott- saturday rr mraudmra geo lockor of nas3dgi- joj jepjnt bunday at mr wra andorbona l meairo golllna and mopball 13 bolo mrelliott inttjrnilabiou iu quartctto ding dong be1lquartotto aub i ur itooitation autuoiasbtlina croino is encore rtdoudggbeek wna crainfj- vluqo well aesoue my love tonight 17 aolotlioklngoriotiirmorhiiil 18 sdlt ib bolo ti tn n tpm uq- pbaik the prcgrammo was a moat aooeptablo departure from tbo beatter path of former years tho pampbellville qnartetto meaarfl neil and charlas morhafl and mosbra gollius and elliotts is welt known for musical ability and the generally uuperior sharadter of the mlcotlpns ren- dered eaoh member of the noartetto ia a soloist and well qualified to entertain mr noil mophailia an old favorite ben and fully bobuiuod hia previous rcputatioo numdoraandrrcipojidedrtbeveraloaoebr mthvjjand o the leal being pepially acceptable the rooitationa of miaaea nettie cobban and minnie hoi njoa wore very crediuble while tbo number given by mlaa lina craine of toronto was greeted with moat vociferous applause mlaa hophai of campbellville waa nooompaniflt for the quartette she ia a mpeician of anperfor merit the staunch old orafl john knox oooupfed an hon- ored place on tho platform and waa ladon with pretty and useful article tho gifu of the acholare to be sent to poor bjboou jn muakoka and eleowhore as the aobolara llod out at the close dmhe ooncerl tbey each received a big of oaudy and anofango tp awwteii tbo jjoehgmomenu of the ilappy jnew xnj day fln m c tin miaa maude sterling worth and christian oharaoter we are anxiously waiting to bear the alefgli bells merry chirp o bnt wo hoar the tho obime of wotfhing bells close at band sooial gatherings aro all the rage in this vfoidity tbaromboniany that it would take up tbomoch of your valuable spaoo to mention them all sufficient to bay tlmt it hs been the most enjoyable holiday seaaon ior a good number of years mrs j gibbonb of churohill vibitcd at th home of tier mou mr r gibbons labb week mrs ohau brown of missouri 0 s a is viaiting at her fathers home mr robt brownie mr and mra frioi and their two chil dren audmr and mrs e mutthtwc of actpn spsnt now years day at mr r gibbon a tf m otuwbuu vl al wrifgr ttrnsysancrsar hflflpilwa lulbu iuelhkim of erorton labt wo ashqrove mies maggie hood has returned homo from visiting friends at mitchell stratford and goelpb mrs ruddoll has enjoyed a pleasant trip visiting at glammis and fort elgin mr s cantelon and family apeut new years day with mrs alexander mibbd cantelon has also been spending the paat week visiting in this vicinity sundayjaat being tho first sabbath of the new year rev mr mitchell conducted covenant servico in this oho rcli officers aud teacherb were elected for the enauing year for tho methodist s s- last tuesday evening tbo old officers were reelected with but fow exceptions mr 3 f brown ridge has again accepted the office of superintendent mebbra morrison and nixon left for toronto on monday wberethey intend resuming studies we congratulato our old friend and neighbor mr john wrigg tea worth on tbo winning of tbo contest for tho reoveahip majority 103 votes the new year how you may feel happier and better than in the past falnea celery compound will enable yoatto thbrongtly enjoy t act pbomptlv and your fondest desires wilu be realized mspy of bur readers can trtithrully con- feas that the year juat gone by wab to theni a period of pajnsqfferiu anxiety dissapointment and wretobodness some were laid onbeds of aioknesa weak and helplebb otbora ailing and almost broken down wore just abloto mova about to im- perfeotly attend to daily duty anil work the aiok and ailing ones met with many failures and disappointments in their effortsto regain liealtb l doctors failed to oure thenf and the rery ordinary medi- oines of oer timos failed to brlog back the blosh of health to tbe pale and wan faco thoae of our readers who wore unhappy last yesrjnay this yeajr throw off their bur dens and sbaqkles if thoy use that marvel- jons source bi healtbgivipgrlainoa celery jbompoondihaicojitrihntrd totbfljian ness ofso inany thousands in past yoars there is no ncoessity heroto enlarge on what maines celery compound ha dono lis was showered will reqdeits forfavorilejorirdolnirattbbprcsenttimo eery day it is maulokwell rliopmatio ucufolktb dy- apoptlo arid sleepless mortals aud givlnx a now life to tbososlllietcd with kidney liver and blood diseaees all olassea unite in praising and rcconv mending ipaines oolery compound as the most effeotivo of medicines the mora pbyslbians know of it tho more do lliey earnestly reoommand it for ibo aiuk if yon wonlibnjiflll uanpyandyigoronflall this year begin at once with natures hosier and lifefitver wanthdsbvkitai vaithvui ubn ou woman to travel lor naponaible estab lished liouae in onurio salary 780 payauls r f jslhofi nermanout voioihi tlwhjtallonal btar dulwlfte ohlcnic a tbobowtna paradi81i injnior evory loatliiuflot virtuoetory intunloli il nolldouboia in iad packet only ssrjoe wo 00c ah orocons r i miaa jtsaio niakliu- who upent the holidays in toronto returned homo on monday mitjaea curriomartin and bertha ryder viaited friendb in cbelteuharb and bramp ton inat week messrs w- a storey aud harry jeans lef 1 6n mo udajojrpgamry a glovereville n y mr aud mrs duncan campbell of kin- oafdine wero th x campbell ebj the past week mr thomub t mooro atlendtd the fuu- eralof bte niece wiea muggie auamau of toronto on saturday mr audmrs trd cbnetio of ouelph were guests at the home of d hondorbon esrjm p on nowyeara mr and mrs j v bews of millon nero piipbtb attlrabome of mr v homitrgct on new years and over sunday lr and m howell of detroit made a bfief visit at the methodist parson ojjo laht week while on their honeymoon tour mr joseph moore leaves this week for southampton where he has speared tlio position of foreman of tho largo tanneries takes dp the ruahof business which the liveliest christmas selling in dry goods we jremenibcr ever having had given us the new years tfiadjb is upon us and os wo are siill too heavily stocked jnmany mepartmeiil5 we amash rhdprices to clear thfc lines v- vercoata t- aboqt 25 mens beaver overcoats good coals and well worth 5 go at 8350 about 33- fatr beaver coats jiice coats at 7 for v i w75 about 60 mens friezetlisters at variona prices all at big reductions from regular values about 30 boys and youths coats all sizes at discounts of onethird to onehalf mantles and jackets we have stijj several hundred jackets capes- ulsters opera cloaksl vyrap a sp range of sizes and materials it is useless jo quote prices the range is so large but eerv girmcnt will during this week be offered at a great cut in price we invite you to see them fur capes 3 grcenhnd seal capes very full size reguhr 922 capes for 413 50- 0 elegant capcreties in thibet and electric seal at one third less than alue 14 grey persian lamb mults worth 6 for3 lamb astrachin and seal giuntlets at clbiring pices 10 mink kufls v mra chae brown of sal rjringh mo arrivod home this week to make a abort visit at thohome of jierjatherjiir robert brown 7 v xr j r dry do l on morxda for new york he will spend six months in afterwhich he will engage as a apecialiat in one of oqr populous cities miaa he moifeelym ai thdnew teliclier f tlio pri m iydepii r tin envd f aoton public school arrived from ber home in carleton place saturday morning she waa me tailed in her now pofiion on mon day mr and mrs w jf stono and famijy of toronto m and mrs r dwrreii and family of georgetown mr and mrp john warren and family of acton and miss barbara n mcdonald of brampton a pent new years day at cedar greek- farm the old homestead- mr wm shaw of st catheripes mm jameabarolay of bock island iii and mra john hunter of marlette mioh have been guests at tho old borne poplar vafe ovor new yearsi thia is tbe flrpt timo tho- family- have wll mat at home elnoe the funeral of tho father the late jamee shaw eq aniuversary aermons wore preached in the alma methodist church last sunday by the rev d a moirb t of walker ton largo congregations from all porta of the cironit gave their former pastor a hearty welcome tbe teameeting on new years night waa addressed by rove phillips cas well watbon iahd moir 1 mr charlea h moore who has oooupied a place ou the freh puess sinoo 1802 left on monday ior albert college belleville where lie intends taking a pourao to better fit himfor his lifes work charlie is a firstclass printer und poaaeabeo rooro than ordinary taste and skill he is of ft studious dispositiou gentlemanly in da rn ran or and of a win respect and eubure sucoebfn iitet thp jpukb pkebb regrets to lose hie- valued bmviccsbut wlbhes him a moat saoceasful future if you want flratolassguelphbaah and doors at guelph prioen t ebdaoe can all yonr order at hia planing mill tuk new mauiiaoe licenheh the now marriage act requires that both bijde and groom make affidavit when procuring a marriage lioenbein orderttt avoid in- oonvenienoe and nnnecessary publioltythe undersigbed will wait upon tbo portiea desiring liconsea at tho home of any of their friends in town to issue dboameriti h p moous issuer of marriage lloenbes free poefls ofiloe aoton mr jamea ray an an caster farmer reports that on qnnday night twbmaaked robbers entered hia place and while one of them pointed- revolver at him the other becured a bag containing 307 at itakefield mra george p01 tie th wait waa burned to death on saturday she waa subject to fits and ia supposed to have fallon with a lamp in her hand and set fire to her clothing u i merit intrlnalctraloe hoodie traap merit in medlblrie cure hoodesarmpriuaphdm and unequalled curative rwerahdthere forolt baa truo merit when you buy hoods baraaparlllaand take it according to directions to purify your blood or cure any of the many blood diseases you are morally certain r to receive benefit the power to cure is there xou are not tr eat i w make y blood pure rich and nourishing and thus drive out the germa of dueaae atrnigtlien 10 orlh 5 lor s3 50 dress goods among others 1 piece s2 inch wide black bohtl very fine regulir 81 75 for i 25 x piece do heavy regular 81 50 1 10 1 piece 52 in 131 ack satin diagonal regular 8175 for 1 25 cash to buy our l mr canhamio sound left for europemonday december 28ttii sailing fromnew yorkwedrresday 30th by s s teuronict- h- g b rt jln m13uelpk dq6s your o watch if your watohjioes not go satisfactorily brin it to uaahd we e r bollert co 26 and 27 wyndham street qoelph ont december is the month when all eyes turn to the bookseller for chist mas gifts 1596 finds us the centre of at traction never before have we had such a display 33 ft our books aro marvolioub lu tholr b eau ty and noallty wblte and gold bindings h3 85 aud 40o boys own annual 8175 postpaid girla own annual 0175 postpaid sunday alhomasl75 post puld eelsaro hour c175 postpaid book4nbetts corvedl s volamea 6js9 dumas 7 tolumoa 6300 ivojujnqs75 1897 i87 1897 thjs is a donafine j- sweeping sale in ordw to reduce our stock before stock taking we are going to make a cearlng saleo all our goods agreat chance for thepublictoaecurobargalns in all the different lines of dry goods cloth ing hals cnps gents furnishingsi fur cnpajit cha8 l nelle3 bookseller cuelph diaries we have office and pocket diaries of different varities and styles well bound cloth morocco or seal in illtpwitliiat mill street acton e for ohsh of every tiling in tie hkrnss lin6 blankets- whips bells at cost for the next 30 days au accounts must be set tled by the 20th of december all yyobd ordered must be jbrought atnco r epairedornot if we undertaktg eandependbn ajgoocujob fine watch repairers 1 12 price rgalns in fine highclass ttoklng iteadytowesr clothing overcoats etc grey flannels at 5 price s everything must ro reganlless of cost to make room for our spring stock and alterations in premised j i cpnie earlynnd secure some of the great bargains or you will regret it as thisjs ah opportunity hottb be lost jqibsonj millar co bofblook deorgetown storeysgloves a mor everv nibcenit line always in jxday 1roduce taken in cjchange otrtife slides for xm as presents theresnothiqg more ser viceable than a pair oif shoes slippers rubbers or over shoes r never were they cheaper than at prese w will not quote prices but onlysay thaf we can give you better value thaaanyiohe pise in thotrade rpelabis6 tha ladlno shot stjore qublph ewijiimnj vppllytora- wa have oor roller mill odjr n eomnlsta and satlsfaatorv running otdsr and an in a post hwsnppirtiiowantroftlibtpnlillirwtth flour moods pills jv bran shorts and all ktndsor r at rldht prioes lovury nnlopwlll irooolve irotnpt atuntlou and will bodollvored to any part of tha town our torins are emab and qua price for all poht foraet tq patronise homo industry qlveui fair trial end we will leave the matter foryoutpdootdaaa loubrruallty of the goods iiauufaottire if i ordara taken at tbeafuh or at j v kaunawlni i ornh store v- oheyne oheyne cashrjjasw ca4shi 7 is the secret of our lv prices by purchasing for cash we can sell you r- oilcloth at 20c a yard worth 30 cents 1 oilcloth at 2c a yard worth 40 cents collarettes at 150 wofth 3oo- caps from 15 cents up half price undershirts at less than wholesale price just look at them and fwelcnow you will buy thosev pant lengths of tweed at si 25 a length cannot be bought elsewhere for 50 more i all hnmorgrocerieskeplconslantlyfresh and ofthe best quality c f goodbve5 shingles for sale next ijost office acton ouse corr kingtmd hughbcto- st3 hamilton in asralanciie irt mantles jevery garment in the h pus reflu ce id in price a cold wave predicted but it will not alter our determination regarding our mantle stock you will in all probability need one before the season is over andwe are determined to place before you mantles at such prices as will appeal to the most radical idea ofaqojiuxtyu ladles black jackets in beaver frieze bouole and serge all this seasons importations joreducedtd 75 9p reduced to mis 450 reduced to 1 325 75 reduced to 7-io- joredueedtoi irr 3m iiysreduced to 865 7joredncedto 7ttt 515 1375 reduced to i 900 800 reduced 10 i 55 ladles colored jackets fawn crown new greens and navy in beaver frelze and tweeds vji f7oo reduced to 775 reduced to 800 reduced to 950 reduced to 1050 reduced to 1 toorcducedto t78 510 sso 600 s5 t74t i275 reducod lo 375 reduced to 1500 reduced to 1600 reduced to 1950 reduced to aiooreduccdto 795 900 1049 1 1149 1349 a great drdp in furs wool seal capos circular and large storm collar quilled satin linings 373 30 inches long reduced to i20 35o 38 inches ibng reduced to 15 grey uuiab crapes circular unu lurgu storm cojlsr quilted satin linings 45 30 inches long reduced to 925 h5 3 inches long reduced to 17 tjtjo 17 inches long reduced lo 15 the riht iiotjse i li i yj

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