Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1897, p. 4

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s a jl ttuitt tess- nuikspvxj -unuaity- m stt- otju ottiig mollis all coasting woll do i rimieinbor our cuanllng on luql mill tliutu wan ciumnyjach ami btutturlub mac and lohnr bkoltbr hill tnoro wuii jed and hod aiuuchabod uriel nud topliw kut i havoud tiino to rhyme oaoli immo and uiuutuitf unchnllati how merrily wo climbed tho hill ami liowwo dlmmrooill for nacli boy nald im sure my avd can mkuu tlio groatcat snood r but when tho flumuttt wo had reached aud atood tlibroln row iwai urbtitoool pot each oneownpd tlio fastest bled an you havo i doubttohb buobaed j and oabh boo wish on tho jolly ian or riftsblng all tlla icbtl j so with aorftity bubtorfutfot oach bought to gain ianolut and todocoiwoiioi flod waa jojto-joilit- 13iit whonotiflnt vipotloit and- dunporoto aa well- apmes lad would utarujubtukqa dart od dash ahead tioll nicjlr tuouprc8toobau86l that imtloiit boy tcovnot another viowy nor slopped to euro that broken joint an dowu tbo bill lur flow audillthouqck jymljollowllo -a- ilook of crany shoof and jlido along with about- and song adotfn iho giddy btoop an advertisers joream a curtain merchant believes- thoroughly inndvortibihg and the result ib bo hatho biggest business in bla town indeed fie works eo much on week days that when he goes to churoh on sunday atf he always does ho generally goe to sleep as soon as the preacher gets well started into his ser- mon not long ago a vibitine clergyman filled thopiilpit and bar friend being unaooaa- fonipd to himblept aaeaaiiybtart ann up every now and then an the minister grew- emphatic and almost shouted the words 61 truth at the congregation when tho preacher cajled out brethren why stand ye here all the day idle because they dont advertise- sung out the half awakened merchant and the way hibrforabbedatfhimand4shookjiim into a benae of bis situation almost broke np tho meeting sold at a loss agnewa liver pills are far saperior to aay1 i varpill ftvnr p on the marke tho manufacturer has for the past six jnontha bqlqtheraat cents a rial of 40 dosc at a is51s of 606f ttietr eggs will cook bwohmowavonlyjftho cort prlcv freryw dr aanewb pjlla ia now recognized in threefourths of canadian homes and from this time on the retail price for a vial of urdbso8wll bbotretrtsr or-flvecentea- viftl lees than is charged for other brands of hver pille they are tho brrjallest cheapest boat- editors tabte tho january number of the delineator is called ths winter holiday number and those who havv not made ohoioe of their holiday gifta will find helpful its record of what the abope bavo to offer in this line as well ab ttfe review of new bpoks calendars and juvenile literature sbttoblefor -jttesen- totion with tbe novf- yelplsbegbii a number of pew arid interesting features address oomniuniaationb to the delineator publishipg co of toronto ltd 83 rich mond st wett toronto oat or the local agont for but tori ok patterns subacrip- tion price of the delineator 8100 per year or 1sq per aiuglecopy methodist magazine antf rimew forjan uary 1897 tpronto wiliiam briggs price 200 a yciar 8100 for six months ainrlct number 20 centrr tha mtllukitil magazine and review for january begins its fortyfifth volume with a yioroas dumber it is splendidly illustrated and from begin- ng to endis atmost jnterebting jiumber a well illuatrated accoant of the goldfields of ontario and nptodate departments of the worlds progress current tbonsht popular science and tho like make up a -aplendid-nuraberv- nowia the timato subsoribe send ofdera to he v william briggs toronto o w coatee montreal or si f euestis halifax an 1nsuranqe mans story j j manratty inspector- for the standard ulfo aasuranco co a peterborourh muaoulnr rheurriatlbnvby th qreat south american rheumatic cure it turns the midnight of suffering into midday brlhtnesb of good healths- these are hlaworda i wsba great auffervr from musoular rheumatlsminrhy arm ao much so that for days at a timo i could not alosp i walkod ihqilqpr in pain tho uroater part of tho nlnhu i procured abattlo of south american rheumatic cure and fooud great relief after afuw doses itd a- burocuro and i heartily recommend it bold by a t bron break up a gold in time y uino ppectoralv tlio qutpk curo for cobois golim4 cjtour jliton ci1iti8 iioalweness etc mna joriii nivick ot os soi u cu ave i oronlo wtilra iftr rituwltn cunt a lumpotuum cumpiior iilooort in your olothaa presffwill keep etoel ornupnonta f pom taruiahinc ortliib best ti public arotoo inlolljrdnt toparobabo nworllilpba article iaecond time on tho contrarytlioy want tlio beaji phyolojanb- are virtuallyunanimou9 in oayinr soottb emuiiion is fabeat form of ooi liver 011 bait flih aro maul qaidbly and boat rce8bpberbybo aonr railk- there aro caaeq or oonauraptiou so far advanoed that feiskleo antioonarirnpuve syrup will not cure but nouo so b3 tliat ii will not ivo reliofi tor oougba oolda and araffectionb of tho throat lana aha oheat it ia a apeoiflo whiohiioa novor been knowiltofail it nrimotea a free and eaay oxpeotoration tnorebyrromovlngthe pblogm and give tlio diaoabed parta ji ohance to heal r ho jnat thinlj of ill thoy bay man deaootidod from a monkoy she a come- down indeed 1 dr lowb pleaaaot worm syrup remoy- ea worma of all kinda from dhlldron or adalta nothing pan conatituto rood breeding irhioh hub not good natuieyfot ita founda tion bolwer i sample of letter wo are receiving every day in regard to tho maryellooa ourea effeotcd by the use of wrrghtb liver and stomaoh 1illa r x vra at liberty to usa ray name in tho ondoraonieritof your valuable pills 0n6 oflliakuu 11a dinuted p ouah a perfect oqre that i cannot find worde to expreea my gratitude to you and will ever aououthospraiaca ot jonr u fptjil tronblo signed e o bnows norb t i onto aek a t brown droggiat about them sample box aont oh receipt of bix centa in blarflpt thblbbovpiltcoiorontorjcjan try dont headacho powders aafo aaro bacceaefnl 20 cenlaltbox meaare northrop cv lyman co are the proprietora of dr thomoa ecleotrio oil whioh ia now being bold in immeube qdan- tltlotbroughoutihojdominion it i weloomedby the buffering insalid every where with emotions of delight beoaiiae it banibhea pain and gives inetant reliof thia valbable apeoiflc for almot every ill that fleah ia heir to ia valncd by the auf terer abmoroprecibob than gold it ib tho elixir of lifo to many a wabtod frame to tho farmer itia induipenaable andit ahonld be in every honae t yoatalp roods rlls the big old-faso- onedaitbareoated pills which tear you all to preset are not in it nub hobdsj xasytataka qtreaiy tobpcirtw wtnia sf hobdi pills which or np to data in every respect safe certain and sure a1y artigglstji so p i hood st co ioweu7mas9 the only pllla to take wllli ilooda parsadarlua iny tlillilrrnul i urwjtnywirorfi iii ctl llvilltl h loli illrff of liuaracucm ii o nahoiu uf little uolic licrnn wrlloai ai eirofr robtflm iwnjiolrrl u itio lt illlnit innu i i iinvu i my u turner will iwvo uu ottur iargo mottle 55 cu davis lmvuhnce co ltd iorrlclowmofctreafc 4t sltlo i a fervevt piiith parson johnson cat- r nov itiktubyoubeuove tnafc do whale swatlered joimh donl yo ila- tuavaja palibn parson johnson daid rigliti llnfltuupw tell mb why j0 beliovea it nustn- icurac jm tf loped ef i dulit j itching hurnlnil siln plseaaeo cured for 35 cents dr agnowri pintrnentblieveb in oue drfy and corca tetter salt rheum scald heai cozema barbers- itch ulcers blotohea and all eruptions of he bkin it ibaooth- iug and quieting and nbts like maglairi the ouro of all baby omorbijjilconts sold hy a tbrown bagloy havo yonrccoyerea froqp your recent 8torjnoas bailey bailey no not fully bagloy why you look ob well as over bailey yes but i owe thedootor thir- teen dollars yet cures stiiimcr coinpliilnt beau sih i havo psod dr ifowlora extraot of wild strawberry for twelve years whim required and think it is the best remedy to be had fofallkinda of summer complaints in our family it has novor failed to ouro any case mnsbkjilosoley- chatham ont for infauts and children 3t3 tojw if yoa find your icing i apt to run rinklolrercakelightlywith burdock pill8 rogulate the liver and ouro constipation everyday of pnr f life is a page in our book how aro you wriling- t v eiohtv in i very hundred sufrermttro ci loes frpm that most oifenslvo pf diseases ca- t dr agntws catarr hal powdffr ia a wonderful rem edy la testified to by thousands who have been cured putrlflfht- mr alex edmondson of roso- rnuth ont says 1 imvp i cen troubled with outarrh for a great many years havo fluff wed greatly from it i hud tried all tho socalled cures but novlr rccorvud any relief from them seeing dk jiicwls cntarrhalp powder largely advertised i dotor mined to try pt althoucli very eoepttcal about any relief bat ifwas greatly and agreeably disappoint ed for from the firet dosa i received very rfeat relief and totlay i canhonebtly bay that it bus cured i kop it constantly in tho house as we find it a quibk anre for cold in tho head it iveiy almost inbtant relied i have no hcswauoyin proclaiming it the beat cure for catarrh and 1 heartily recommoud itto- all sutterers from this malady sou hy a t brown vuit very kiud of yon madamoy batd tlip tfonip to rive me buch- a fine din- ner dont mehtion u yon poor man said tjiekindliearted woman but iwul repay you said lho taamp gratefully pll toll all my pals that you ayeya flinty hearted old torrnsant that aint never known bow to cooknothn decent -so- they wiu give your house the gobyrand wont never bother yoa r bncfeiaebotxaee-aeliei- brtiiue- lium netirito pruu fifk iuthm blait tun rroroptlj nlieyi and ctuad br thedovl wlehthtil plasty llarinii t yr d 4 l henlfaol ptartw ml run iho inrk ana lumuaffd iniinmndmnift ro rriunl 1 tn tncu they ml ilka htilnnltntliicly iniiinmndmroft ro ii iiml tniia rriunl 1 tn tact they art ilk price 93c davis k lawrence co xtd iroiirltiors montreal the moro we lovo men the more wo see tn thonxlo ibvc l is there anything more annoying than having your oorn stepped upon 1b there anything mote delightful than getting rid of it t holloway cprn cure will do it try a better thing than riches is contonl- rent without them r a dinner pill many parsons suffer ex cruciating agony after partaking of tv hearty dinner tbofood partaken of ia llkeaball of lead upon tbe stomaoh and instead ot hriiifl a hqalthy nptri it becomes a ppibon t the s d parm vogetablo pills are wonderful correctives of auohtroubleflfrhoycorreot acidity onej the sooretionb and convert tho food par- takendfljhiaihealthyflhtrimont thoy n iribvahf jqnd to take jf troubled next to a atingiug c6nbctenco makes life a misery the attnging pain of a corn may bo speedily and painlessly removed by the use of putnams painless corn tsxuaotor twenty four hours after pntmane ia applied the corn may bo removed fourteen vears in termor but dr aflrnewscure forthft heart aave relief in 30 mlnutoa and tjhroe bottles effected a cure which baffled the best 6f phy- elolana thia is what mrs j cbdkbarn of watk- worth ont says for fourteen years i have been agrealt bufteror from heart dibeiaso troubled very ma oh with sharp shooting pttirscoitanuyssingtj my heart very aftaortho spasms were so sovere that 1 would become unconscious my limbs would swell and become quite cold lor these fourtoen years i doctored with best phvaioiana without relief hav ing seen dr agnowa dure for the heart advertised i determined jo try it and boforo i had taken half a bottlo i found- tfrftit relief i felt the beneficial effects inaido of thirty ram a tea i have taken throe bottles and it has dona me more good than any medicine or any physician ever did i can conscientiously reoommend it to all suftdrera from heart troable sold by a tbrown paste i shouldnt think the editor would ijkoyou very well yoa are always outtlng up so biirispra yon neednt talk yourecon- tinually having a brash with him moro curative power la contained in a bottle of hooda sareap- arilla than in any other blmllar prepara uont trbo6taterop mann facturor rnore it oopts the jobber moro and it is worth more to the oonbnroer it has a record of cures unknown to apy other propacation it 1b the beat to buy beoanao it is tho qno true blood purifier hoods fills nro thejbest family oathartlo andjiver modioine gentle reliable anre the intelligent editor of a woatorn paper entitled an account of the doath of an aged watchmaker an old timer gone norwaypine syrup cures coughs rrnorway pine syrop cures bronchitis norway pine syrup healstho lungs convict im hero for having five wives visitor how are you enjoying your hbor ty the mobioine for liver and kidney com plaint mr viotor auger ottawa writes t4 take great pleasure in recommending to the general public parmelees pills aa a cure for liver and kidney complaint i have doctored for the last three years with leading physicians and bavo taken many medicines which wore recommended to mo without relief but after taking eight of parmelees pills i was qqite relieved and now i feel ae freo from tho disease as boforo i was troubled an- ideal an ph wat aroyez adoin wid that pig in the fea shore an im makih salt pork av him afore i kill him to he removed all the effects or woe to matter of tho system is removed by the perfect action of laxaltvvr pills thus thoy proyonf aewell aa cure sick hpadach57 constipa- tior bilbusneaa dyspepsia sour stomach sallow complexion jaundice dlzzlnesreicl too late clerk any one waiting on you miss miss pumpkinsoed yea i thank ye si oloverdale has been watting on rrie thlvfive years that habking cough oan bo quiokly cured by hagyarda pectoral balaam price 25o a man without mirth ia like a wagon without springs v there never wag and never will bo a jqniveraal panacea in brio remedy for all ills to which fleshia hoir the very nature of many cuiatives being auch that were the germs of other and differently seated diboaucb rooted in the system of tho patient what would relievo one ill in turn would aggravate tho other we have however in qumiirewiue when obtained in a sound unadulterated stato a remedy for many andgrievoua iljs by ita gradual jadioious use the frailest systems aro led into con vulescenco and atrcngth by tho influence which quiuino exorta on natures own restoratives it relieves tho drooping spirits of thoae with whom achrouio state of morbid despondence and lack of interest in hfo is a disease and by tranqoilfzing the nerves disposes to eound and rofrcsh ing bleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood irhlch being stimulated cpuraea throughout the veins btrengtbehiog the healthy animal functions of the system thereby m ftk i ng actiy i ty an ecqasary result atrongtheniog tho framed and giving lifo to the digestive organa whioh naturally demand increased substance result ira- proved jturjetite nprthro lyman of toronto havo given to the public their quinrjp wino at tho baual rate and guagod by the opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market ah drupgiets sell it r f whieh would you rather trust an old true friend of twenty years or a stranger you may have little health left will you risk it with a stranger if you have a cough arc losing fleskif weak and pale if consunip- tion istares you in the face lean on scotts emulsion it has been a friend to thdu- sands for moje than twenty years they trust vitnd withindigestion orjdyapopsia rryn emulsion is invalifable it you are run i down as it is a food as well as a medicine the d l emulsion will bwildyou u if youfgc bealih la impaired i tho d l emulsion is tho boat and most pnutnble preparation of cod liver oil ugrcclngwidi tho montdoll- cata atomacl i the d lttmulslon la prescribed by iho leading phyaiebna of canada the d fit l emulsion is a marvcllow co5hiroduocr and wiubivo youaaappcute r 60q ft1 per bottlo be suro you get i davis uwrenoe co ltd ihqgenuno montncal 1 1 f f i f 1 11 n n 1 1 1 1 1 if btarmima dysentery and nil llowbi compiiaiintaj a euro saf is qulclc urofortscso 1 truubioit la peitny divib vscd xatfirnally and externally ii z jyxffot3lmkcn5deoc bottles j painkiller tjie great fatouytfledicine of the age taken internally it cures diarrhoea cramp and pain tn tho stomaoh soro- throat sudden colds coughs etc etc used externally it cures cuta bwlac3 barm jscatda spfdlria toothdcfib path itftfto face neuralgia rhwrndtfom frobted feat hortlotafyertuliwxl tu iuch tuiioiindml poiiilar- uy saitm owrrli v wo rn bcr tcitlmony to th nivy o hi in- kuurwhayfn im jntielit effrnu lit iuilnif lloo jwycntimininl knowlt lu w oodattluauuicln kruhuikjuttctiilrpo llio faioktller whlihi llt rooat tuokvid wiilly mnlklna now in um ivrutwm uhiwitwrti ti ft mwurt of wmotlnji ptnno tnxlhiibriatriuimuruuuoaulta ln- dvl lliikhirr krpracv r bwrofflmluuon uuronlr therenoto9paaif viturpibotuiwi moidgehqw pr6udmarneisbiifce ithe ordored her bloyolol tomu-weu- you know pndo goes before a fall- a coae meaens t miuimtn c6 l i need d fowlers extract of wild blrawberry for my little boy for eummer cdmplairit it cured him7 he waasd bad that ho bad convulsions and would strain rottfat lie ruptured himself but as soon as i got tho extraot for him ho got well mits ejjza m ovkmioir s v fonthill ont acton steam a cook proprietor firstduss work rnarantecdln t family laundry worjc -i-ishirar- v i collaro rfiuttosetc work ailed or every monaiy and tbaroday and delivered every thursday and saturday a oookt acton liveiiy -bus- line ibcjihdoreljebod robpectlully bolloits tho natron of thoputbtabdinfoma tbonituafc agoo well equipped and styubh riga can all r7 wa bersequredr at bis subloa a comfortftblo bub moots al trains botrooon 0 amvandfiilfl pm oaroful attention gtvon to everyordor thcwantool morcial travel- y-l- john wilt ja5is pmraiiiton georgetown electric worlis t j spjsjrght proprietor mnijfoturer of dynamos electric motors water motors arpb hydraulic rams prepared to do brasleg onbioojaa o wheels converted from dflfeotlo spobos handle bars pont to any deblrod analo palhlno of spoues kept in stock batisfaotlon gnarantogdjmcyclob enamellod in any oolor 1 3 seeipjht qoorgotowii aeton saw m ills and wood yards j757bves bromn umo7aot0n anh deaijen in lumber tilth sunlcu wood etc all kindi of wood infltook ana promptly dolivqrod to any part of tho town at roasonablo prices hardwood and blabs cut stovo lougth always n hnd tolopbotto comtnautcatlov you can trust it let us send you a book telling ypu all about it free for the asking 1 kqotv uowneritollcvihe onu my pas an oddfollow boasted a little boy my paa a freomaaon replied iho other an thald higher for the hod f ol io wa wait on tho masons 1 whonovorlovo talks to us it speaks our mother tonguo aiiftiiis or lu almost nil tho ilia of life arise from wrong notion of tho btomsohi liver and bowels therefore wisdom if faftrri by uaing dyrciook blood bitters to regulate btrongthon and purify these orgaiisthub preventing and ouring all dlfieao from ft common pimple lb the worst- orofutoaa aorol wantochbbvrual paithliufi mien oil wpmon to travel forrevitoimltilo outti- juhad liouio in ontario halary 7h0 pnyablo fit weekly and oximiubos roallion iwrnmnniit itoiereneo hnolosu nelfit it drained utuntited an vlop the national htur fiulidliig ohio iff yeast i heard that ileal oy said ho won m trust roo with hia pocket book wjiatdoyou think oj thatrt crirhaonbeak i dont think theres anything ih it a faint heart faintheart never von hir lady pal pitation throbbitiff irregular beating pain in the breast and a smothering anxious feeling aro aigna of a weak heart and de ranged drvea milbnrna lleart and nerve pills aro tho boat heart tonio invirorator aud reatorative for all forma of heart dieease g m mi70llbi we dont want the earth we do want ypur trade it will pay you to glyo it to us good style perfect qualitys and reasonable prices with a selection of goods thejargest in thes trade fur furnishings afffp to date buy yourhat here r e neton leading tailor and fursjler 99 yyndham st guelph thei frank doweirgo i hen the store closed last thursday we completed a new holiday record having soldrnore goods and entertained more people than ever before in itshistory trie dajly crowds yere beyond precedent the volume of sales shows increase beyond our best expectations and conditions generally were more satisfactory it was agrandsighttosee the march of people going on such enthusiasm was never known ibeiore in any store we- knpw of the immense varietyof goods improvedservice arid unquestionably low prices had something to do with trade heres a memorandum arwilliams boots nnd shoes are found a his store on will street acton aiaamraiiiiamsvv increase t he organizatiori h been l cvcrv yvand success came because it was well deserved possible way didyqu ever see it otherways i people are buying yet ofsuch holiday goods as remain what they do with them we dont know for forgotten friends or pe rso maybeta to aaytjecause of the near approach of stocktaking closing up fttsinesslfcrziheear occasion all over the store and ready mqney revels opportunitiesto make-ancl- save shop early and bring7our purse with you the jfbakr efpvjep co departmental gtjelph ox strictly speaking a week of b jliiaaiirs 1 1 airs each day this week we will offer a few special bargains watch them closely there will be no halfhearted reductions off all tinsmith deaikn in stoves ranges furnaces t and all classes of tin copper and iron goods i oxford stovpe and uangos aro a bnoolaltty eavjstrouplilrir and tin ant iron work on buildings wtllruoolvocaroful personal attontion btovos sot ut or romovoil on shortest notlco and wlui least pbsblblo aunoyanco c a pannabecker mrs secord9 block mill street acton prospectitre hotisekeepers kt the lalon r railway ti1vie table grand trunk railway- cioinu wiht joino iiarll mall 0 vs a 111 l rxirtbb iljtf am kxpruh 2 li pm i extirusb 0 17 am mail l w lim mall 0 jfuiit j mixed 10 uliim timis ol clouma ilatlh iolds vobt j ll aul and 0 40 run doing ettut 10 10 uiii autlg 40 pm tbiithiuio toljlo wuiib into oitcct on mpnday novaotb lwtc goots shoes hemes a fact 15 williams has tbe largest andmosl varied stock of shoes in town heresan opmiodj lsrwilliatris odesht helleve he can be undersold- i heres promise f7 williams will meetahv jjctnorahle-jcbfn- peiifion heres ari admissipnv ts williams wants our trade- very much jjeres a statement r usf williams will pfove it pays to dear with hrm v heres an explanation lifwilliams saves for yqu in price and i gains in quality f herea a grand idea ugtry willianrsj once wli uuu- n shoes wlalhistreet planinu i acton out john cameron architect and contractor mannlocturor of sash doors frames moulding in nil styles dressifjfi liatcbiqcfr nd teopuuna woll osaortfld stock on unna avprlcos ul thettmos john cameron cprodhetori j h hamilton dkalkitin marble and granite hamiltons block quelph hsvlus on hand a largo qiiautlty of sootoh norway swedleli and rubbian crtrsilte and in order to dispose of it tamakq room for sprinr stock now purchased i will sell nt a reduction of v 20 per cent and will allow all expenses to customers toand from our works john h hamilton j d williamson co wyndham and maodohhell streets v guelph a borioos qnosiion for jrospootivo honsekeepera is the groat original outlay necebsory for tho tfurchaio of appropriate furnituro and furnishings wo can bb ot ecrvioo to all suob thoyil be surprised to learn upon how small ah invostment they can begin with if theit soleotion is made from our stooh older h0u80heoperisjn find many artiollfs thoy need this bprinr at very low prlobanourwareroqaia j v lejing oarbtockiaoomplota- aii the oitybtyles in trimmitir and floibh prices lower than over coffina or oaskots delivered within five mllpb of aoton ftroioiaaa hoarae at rcabophblo obarfios study to bo quiet except when duty oills upon yotrrobpebltr a red hot srnbonj during tlio hotsiimmer season tho blood got a overheated tho drain on tho system is sovore bqdtthe appotito is often foat bur dock blood bitters purifjes and invigorates tho blood idritfa up thoayatelnand restores lest appotile ac j6wr grocer for portobleand dalipumtarlmt i a spfeight shop and shbw itoqms cor wlllowlattd afaeastroets rrvvvyvyvvvvvv tsiodelled each year to fit nlutde latest shoe shapes extra thick ball and heil honestly made of pure rubber lhin light elistic- stylish durable everywfcero httcywriljelronr headquarters for pianosi organs mandolins banjosi mutes accbrdeons drums etc so and trie greatest of all liver stomach and blood medicines a 8pe01f10 port rheumatism dofit and chronic complaints ii they cleanse and purify tho all druggists and general dealers the on store in tie ci where y can get the best quality of strings 7 toriallittstriiriiehtsi3 pianos and organs tuned and repaired by a firstclass tuner kbcl-v- 95 upper wyndham street guflph a parfgct tea leap pmineta oniy jbkjjv 1 23 30 40 00 and bibpmtinflmvrtoitoaw v 60 ent8 a pounbir th dvlttbn a hay ltpholgbale aqentstoronre rirr 1 lyiv fsjftffl mm munna co uutl uroihtwny now yrk

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