Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxii no 28 cton ontario thtjksday janitabv 14 1897 f r pfrlce tiiueif cents lie jktiariffiti press jt ib pouiiflned jbvery thursday morning i at thb kroo frem steam prlntlnfrofilcc mi co street j aofon ont renun or suiisoiuption ouu dollar par ypar trlctly tn advance alluluriptiodb diocou- t nueu whoa tbo tlnyo forwhloh iboy havo boon paid baa expired tho dato to which every anvbiitibina rates transput -advortiao- jaenta 10 cants por noabxeil lino for first in- yortlon 3 cents par jinefor oaou oubaoquont lusortlon 3ojtiiaqt rath b tlio foil owl ug tab i o shows mrrtos for tho insertion ofiuwortiaomontsior spoolnod pqrlods l- our exercise books -the- traders bank of canada and scribblers aro made of better paper than any otliersin town 1 1 yn 6 mp i 3 no mo w radios coooa rcoo b0oo 700 10 inches 3000 9000 2000 lauo s00 5 lnohos 13 jo too bk linoh 800 hm 300 100 advertisements without snoefflo dlrootlons- will be inserted till forbid ana charged accord ingly transient advertisement must bo paid in aavanoo advertisements will bo cbariaed onco each mouth if desired for ohauaos oftener than onoo a month tbo composition must bo paid for at rogulai rates ohangos for contract advertisements must bo a tbo olqoo by noon on tuesdays t h pltfoofte editor abd proprietor musimab bixcttotv t f pjrk af p b m otnoo and realdoncooornor mill afroderlck stroota aoton ab elliott md aoton onipdate tonomto university office main stroot tlilrd door south of presbyterian church acton jr halsted m p p l u o sfco p and b ont office uodloal hall main stroot acton patronage solicited rbouniatlamandoatarrbrbreclatie8r f lfred p husband v 8 graduate of tbo ontaxlo votorluary couoro honorary- rooniboroftbtpyoterina m qoolety office wm husbands lotj cob 4kas- saweya calladay pr night promptly attended to dental l bennett lpb dentist qeonoetown ontabio j bbni7ddb xtdst dkhtiht brtookville uonoii graduate op toiionto um veiihity work-maho-satlafactoy- jmcm moderate visiting dayh tuosday and friday of oach week dl 8 mercer pkntibt graduato of toronto university and itcds ofllco over drug store aoton bikcial dayb monday tdebday wednesday and saturday legal m clean mclean private funds to loan offloo town hall aotop wk a mclean jno a mclean rouglas mdbray 7- jlp bjutlubteils solicitoes motaiiles etc offices 1206 queen st parkdalo victoria cbambcraoi victoria bt tolophone307 tonontp jonndoualab a g moroay a j maokinnon bajinioten bolifiton conveyances omichcornor mill and main btrcot abovo konmaua atoro acton m o m4tbeson j b mcjieod ms auniatjutirboucitors conveyancers qoorgotown aud milton monoy to loan at lowest ratos r j monabb oiurk fourth division court county of hal- ton convoyanoor agent fclro and xjifoassuranco itual estate agent monoy to loan otc office matthews ljiook acton r qnt miscellaneous h dnry gri8x bolloltor of patenta for invention bto pmdaru appjlcuona for the oantulian amor- lead andeuropoanratontofflcoa and for tljo itoalalratlon of trado marks bond for pam phlet thlrtytwoyoara experience tj1eanqisnpnan bookbwdeb wyadhambt ouolph ontario w ovorwllllamabtorol account book of all klnda mado to order forfodioalaof oterydeaorlptlonoarofully bound aulinrneatlt and promptly dono m abbiage liobnbes ht p7mobiie7 iflbtikn or mannuob lickns prlvateofnco no wltnobsosrcquired issued realdencd in tno ovonlnff eroo prosa oinco actow aoton machine- and repair shops henliy qbindeiil proprietor foe vatloiinippildjrltu all ithsjnmlilnery a neoobsary toexoiute all ropalrs to maobln v andagrlenlturollaplemenuabdtp do all y aokamlthlnif woodwork ropalra performed a attfotorymannor we ean repair y aeblns or implombnt of any make saw m mlds and alius done v7oulngton mutual flro inauranoo cdmptliiy ht bto insubanob on cash and mutual plan any ooinmunioatlona forwarded to my addroas boa 6i or tolepliono 68 will bo promptly at- ouolph yiy m hemgtre llomnblep atjotioneea for the coumlea of wellington and halton ordnraleflat the fna pubm offlco acton or at my rojudonco in acton wi up promptly at- londodto fooa reduced to vj 5 00 for farm fifales alio money to loan on tho most favoroble mi and at tho lowest rates of interest id msof000and p wards- 1 it s o all school books day8hbook3tore day jus cheap if vou want authorized capital 1 000000 paid up capita and surplus 9785000 assets over 6300000 3 toney to buy iristnxas presents fancy goods in china glass leather or wood picture frames etc direct to waterabols neab foijt 9ffioe otteiiph ttott hftant assortment to choose from tty3uarelook ing for sachet powder we have never had such an- ex quisite range of ordors sachet rowders to be satisfactory must have a lasting and at the same time- a- delicate- odor this is the kind we sell here is a partial list of odors from which to make your selection violejtlb really irue violet phultfa -v- hisunohana heliotrope oeillet new iilas planc peau despagne caprice vhite7eoset cashmere bouquet wild plum blossom lex stewart dlspenslnsrand family chemist gualph j hi hamilton dealer in- marble and granite hamiltons block quelph having ou baud a largo flubutlty of scotch norwayswedish and russian grhn1te and in order to diaposeof it to mauo room for spring stock now purchased i will sell ni a reduction of r 20teb tcbntttt and will alldw all expenses lb cusiomeri to and from our works john h hamilton clearing sale for ctcshu of everything in the hrrne3s lins blankets whips bells at cost for the next 30 days all accounts must be set tled by the 20th of december all wood ordered must be brought inat once- j h matthews acton acton saw mills and woodirds cuelph branch sums of 81 ariij upwttrda received on depoaitand 3 peroentrfotoroet paid or compounded itulf yearly deposit rocoipta ihbueci for laryobuma deposited advaucoa much- 6- reaponaiblo farmara xtx their own names nooharcemadeforcollejrinksaleb novea ffpayablo inguotph a general banking biidinea irauaaottd a f it jones mana tier kaetrij jjamps all our larrpstate from the latest new york designs arid most artistic theres a satisfaction in knowing you are getting uptodate goods 3isyjjiicailiajwaysdepend on when bu3ing here we are at all times glad to show goods and you neednt under any obligation if ybu- dont jjuy j m bond fc co i hardware guetpr t stock taking swie ssiie at w mdtaiien roo guelph 30 days of shoe bargains the best shoe is ahvaysthe cheapest w m the loading shoe store cuelph r black coat how is it there arc times when the fact of your hay ing a good black coat is a very greit sati- faction the occasion demanding the wear ing of it often arises suddenly jje prepared for such an emergency by ordering at once 1 we makcjcally goodclothes nonebettei try us and pro us shaw turner mercbant tailors j guelpi main street planing mills acton ont ohn cameron architect and contractor mauufaoturor of sash boors frauioa moulding in all stylos a iiha vtifvl poem tho following pobm washriihiim lin oolna favorite audhib frequent recital of it cvidetiood tho juiot melatioholy of thia nature it wua futnalied tho prefli tya gentleman who ijopk it down in ajiortljand word for wurd aa it wait repeitoil by thb martyred ircbident ut is paid to have beeu written by euox a conternporary of bir waltf scot oh why buouldjtbo sjitrlt at mortal do proud liko a fiwlftlloetlitftnnitoor ajaatflylnflploud a hfisliajf llio flbutniiiff break of tho wav ilo posffotb from jifo lollavoflt lntbogravet tho loaves of tlid oakandtlio willow sballfado ijoscttorodaroubirsud toafltbor bo laldil aud tbo youpj aud b6 old and tbo low and tbo hlbli blib11 uibnidor to dust aud togotubr sliojl io tbo infant aruibtbor uttbndod and roved tbo tnotlior that iufanta affect on- wbo prorod tljo iiuuband tliat niotbor aiid infant who blotaod r each lilli aro away to tliolrdwollingsof rest tho liftddpmlia kins tliat tbo scepter liatb boruo tbo brow of tlio jirleal that tlionilter batb warn tbo ayu of tbo sago and tho lioart-oltbabravov- arcblilddon aud lostintbo depths of tlio grave tbo poasant wbbso lot wiutoiow and to roan tbo herdsman who oltiubod witlrhls goats to tjlo btoojlj r tho ticfigarr who waudorod in scarab of bis broad have faded away llko tbo grass that wo troad flonhirtntitrlduldoos7kotbpriowar wood t that withers away to lot others suoooud sotbo multitude cotuei ovou those wo behold to ropoat ovory talo that has often boon told for we aro tbo samo as bur fathers have boon wo boo the samo night our f others bavo spon wo drink tlio waaio it ream and vlow tho ramo gun r j and run the earn 0 oounc our fathom havb run tho thoughts wo aro thinking our fathers would think fiom tho doalb wo era shrinking our fathers would flbrlnh totltotlfo wo aro ctlnging tboy also would cllnff but itnpoodsfrom us all like a bird on tho wing tboyloyod butiht story wo oannot unfold- they ocoruod rait the bdart bf tho haughty is t cold thoy rriuvcd but no wll from tlmbr alutnbdr will cotno j tboy joyodbut tbo tonguo of their glad no a la dumb e thoy diodtay tuoy dlod wo thliigathhloro now that walk on tboturf tliat hos oyer their brow and uiftkojiitholr dwellings a transient abodo meat thd thlogi that thoy mot on tbolr pllgrlui- ago road yea lioi anddeanondoncyiilqnsaro andfatn wo iiiiubio togotlinr lnsanbhiiio and ralu and tbo smtlo and tbo toar thb song and tho dlrgo btlhfollowoftcb otliorulinaurbeuporj snrgo tja thp wink of an oyo tis tho draught of breath from tlto blobboin of hualth to tlio palouoss of doatb frouithq gilded saloou to tbo blor and tbo ebroud ob why should tbo aplrlt of mortal boproud v selul 3fnmiiy ftfaoing 1 wo nosekujs- m a tchinq and- moulding to order on short notlco wellabbortod stock on band at priooa to tul tbe union john cameron proprietor jh7tbs broiitfln mantnrlotuhpb and dealbr ih iumber j shltilca wood etc w baeber bros paper makeef qborgetown oxt xfl a btkoutxi 0 book paper aud ikgit oba wbbk nbwb xba paper used in this journal is from the above nills wu dauber a bhos all kinds of ood in stock and promptly dollvorod to any part of thotownat roasonablo prices n or d wood and blabs out atova length always n h and telephone oommuulcatloo georgetown electric works tj spbiobt proprietor monufaoturerb of dynamos lectbic motors water motob8 and pi jng iintpr ao whoell hydraulic rams and ueneral itepalr r agaabraalob nraanldb bgon illsyolm frames rom plreot to tansoot hpolios bariluajlmflibut to any deilred aucle full una of apokrt kept in atook bausfaouon kuarantcod jllojrolob enamelled lo any color tjbpeiqht qaorgolown acton flou mill cheyneacheyne pr wo hate our roller mlllpow hi com plot 0 and satlsfaatory running orderand aro in a poel to supply the want of tho public with flour bran shorts and all kinds of food at-rioht-price- every ordor will rooolyo prompt atfontlon and will bodolivordd to any part of tho town 0mrteru3bre oaab and ono price for all bont forgot to patronfso homo industry aivoua a falxtrlal and wo will leave tlio maltor for you to deoldo as to tbo quality of lb o goods wo manufaoturo orders taken at tho m1u or at a t browns drugstore r oheyne gheyne iy caul iuiickett go uwiiy i we liavent anything for such aff you down on her koeoa in tho bt raw berry bed littlo pearphoarft the rongh words and liko a flash oho epridga to her feet a miuuto lator abo stauda before the speaker with cheeks fltiahed with indignation bridget how can you apeak bo to a poor lama man you know huff aogrljunty would bo i but bridget holds btr ground mibs pearl the mans a tramp ben ides hes been drinking at the hateful word pearl ehriiikv back a darkfluehspringa to the young roans faco as he hears and bccb the ohildu in- latinotive aotion vtbfg your pardon iviiub but i am not a beggar 1 atopped lo aak for a drink of water ho turns as he ppoaku and leaning nponhib crutch walks away i tell you miaa poarl i oau aeo it in his face as woll as smell it in his breath hoboarol7boandrinklngrhe iantworur your pity littlepearla innocent mind dreads with a terrible shirking any contact with ovll but now notwithstanding bridgetd wordd hor generous impolao urges her forward too btrongly to be rebltdod slowly down thopath the trump u plod ding whan suddenly a light step pauaes by bir side and a soft hand is laid ou mb poor man wait a minote little pearl baya in her birdhko voice i watit to toll you how aorry i am you wero spoken go radelylp joan inot doflome things jor yoa here tlila money is all my own please take it as ho pats back with a gesture of refusal tbo littlo hand holding the lijver coins lio gazed with amazement at the beatitifqf childish face with its expreaaion of angello pity- s why did you follow me he ex el aim bj almost roughly your aervant was right i amnot flffor aaoh aa you to epoak kindly to then a sudden eottuesa comes into hla eyes as he boos on hurriedly all the same i thank you littlo girl yours are the first kindly words which bavo mot my ear for msny a weary day t a- wbito rosebud hod broken from its stem and fallen from the childs bolt to the ground the tramp see it and stoop ing piokb it op then pushing open tho gate ho steps out iototha road has hoard of iiis rim iibthro and morose wajs so little inexperienced pearl itfthrowu out into tjhe great world to fight a atom battle with wautuntil after a timo sho bdoceedu in finding workto do in teaching the numerous smtrll bcions of a wcalthly family but lupu u not thb roniunoo of govorncshbod and lbs end of iho year eee a sad change in the rpiy cheeked rsdiunieyod girl her health never rugged suddenly gives way arid when at laat and all but peuniluua not knowing where toiurn letter cornea to her from the owporof iyhurb telling her that bo hd ouiyrcointly learaed of hor frieud- jleevbuuation and offerlug har a homo at lynhurat as long as sbo choosea to reraainrprdrl has notflbouredbut o writs back anocoptanco haugh ahe remem bers vividly his onproralalng charaoter txi drawn by hor dear benefactress like a stormbeaten dove tflheroatjnot help but butter towards tlio first shelter lot me know when you dooidq to ooino tho lottor saygiahd iny bbusokoopormrfl allou wilimootyouat tho station at her first glimpse of mrs allens benignant fuconith its frame or eilver hair pearlfeeld a sudden lightening at her heart half an hbur luter from out tho tulyn- hurst curriage atopi at eliht olnldiah fixture with a pale waufuoe but this cannot bo the stern master pf ajyuhtirstjgetbr other whoso surly nature even allsa barbara bad never been ahlo tp keep friendly withthid tall ypnngiook ing man with dark pleasant eyes who now holdd her bundswilh a few words of greeting i see he nuyp that you have not betrrof fathers death it ocburrod six months ago evrr since 1 learned that my aunt barbaras sudden deiniro hid letl yoa unprovided for i havo seurohed dilfrentyouexiiyiiacwjieimbotitrittnd antil lately uubticoessfuily i nover knew that old mr lynton wasi a married man pearl siys toenfrs allen as some time latar they were alone togethtr and then mr al fen telle her a strange story how that in hla young duyn vhen abroad old mr lynton hid fanoied and married fibeaiuif itl spanish naideii of whom ho had boon tired and how from that tinie till tho day of his death no bno had ever known of the f not that there was a bon h i ignorance vt his inher ieeihig tho jmngn of desolation spproaahing tho grim old man had been suddenly atrioken with remorse aud oou- fe36edaii lawyers had experienced no htilo difficulty in tracing tho heir who bad led a rovinjztjtq but at length succeas had crowned thttr efforts anti hes a likely young man as you see the old ludy concludes and 1 am sure a nobler kinder oue than he never jived the bracing air and tht entire freedom from oaro before lon brought baik a tiut of the old rich hi com to pearls cheek shjsflndba cougeulal pplrit in mrs allen aoderdayfllibyqtiitti lybrttdrpleaflari tlyr- the rnaator bf lynburbt iskept very basy by tho cures of his estate but oooae ion ally be joipb their group and in listening tp bisoutortsiuing converaalion pearl is sur- prised to find bow like maglo tlio hours fly six mouths have gone by and pearl feels quite her old self affatu and with her returning strength her pride tells hor with a stern commanding voice that it is not for her to eat any longer the bread of dependence aho mubt be up and doing when she left them her former patrons had aignifiedaabetr willingness to have her return to her position again whenever she wished to do eo and to them pearl now writod that having regained her health she is ready to rcsumo her dajjeb ouce more at tirbt mrb alleu demure strongly biitpearl is decided it is the evening before tho day tbo after noon of which is to see her departdrcfrom the hospitable shelter of lynburst pearl is sitting by the library fire while at a little distance busy with his papers is mr lynton mrs lallen is away attend ing to some household duty mr lyntons pen pausefljtheiljoflhing loved by ntfhc a youth should drift into evil habita until your childish hand touched miuo your bweet voice fell upon my oar i had not known what gentleness aud kindneaa wore your purity and innocence coutrastod with my owu belf madit mo think seriously for the first time i was not old barely twentyone and from that moment i determined to begin a new life whan i jpft the hospital to which i was then on my way with rpy idjured limb healed x aet my face sternly against m former habits 1 worked hard i studied harder and i arose to be a man porged through buftering and all the stronger fprthat ho ha buttered now yojrkhow sill ih aye told youjtbatl loye you that my most cherished desire fs to oalkyogmy wife oh pearl wfaarcisrny answer to be au through bio words peaifl had b quietly with downouat eyoifbut heriuind has been a whvrl of conftiotidg emotionp bdes she love thii map enough to forget hiaderffded past ha wajta a moment illien aa she doetf ubt bpaak ho tiaea and draws from a vafe a red halfopenad roie and lays it in her band i will ubtpres for an anawer now be says gently ftomorrow you leve lyn- hurst if you wjll oondonttp return some time as its fondly loved mutreijs ooioe in the morn iug and lay uxib rose on my book ririre pt m dppk t w jjl ia not there i will understand ho fa gone and for a long time pearl bits gazing thoughtfully into the fire then abo rises and goert slowly to her- own room v r pearl hao beu talight to regard marriugo as- a saorod thing not to be entered iuto lightly j she aannotinow bring herself to hdddon- ly todecide about what mit si imp for- wear or woo her whole future life 8b in thgmoynigpvlrenlrei the rose it is not thore he doe not boek pearl and therofore does not bee her untihtha carriage is waiting at the door to take her away- then with a niugle haudolasp they part mreiallans old eyep blinded by tears do not notice thq look pf bnpprebbp which darkenb mr lyntona face nor the reetlpeu expresaion whioh fillu pearlii eyec a year goes slowly by pearl often hears from mrs allen and one day a letter aomes which britikb the hot tearrt tp her ejoff tho master- of lyn tiuast ing siidk unto death i t this is bow it happen od mrhaueu writes an the pa i allblottettbybbrtoarsp a- cbild wan playing in tbo road when a runaway horao caino la mad oaroor straifibt toward it- mr lynton waa naar and baw tho iorllaod reached tho littlo ono lu timo -to- save it but only to ho struck down hhnsolf by bis iron hoofs tho doctors filvo but littlo bopo but if thore is a ohaugo for tho bettor you oh all hoar of itatonco at last how it is too late pearl knows her own heart and tools that should tbib preoiouslife go out all her own happiness will depart with it a week later hope unfurls her radiant banner hjiuerjwakejjiiijmilntvjrpalti it but hero wtw mont too much difference between abu wholesale and retail prices to suit mo so i hunted up another store to do my iradinwith afterjhai fho u eoqie easier tho word then he ib muolr better then the doc tors- pronounce hinvout of danger lown on her knees falls pearl god be thanked 1 be will live and bhd cub yet tell him that if ho at 111 wishes it it shall be her task to make up in the future for all tho auflefinge of his bitter paat paul is convalescent and for tho first time has left hu roaraiind come down into the pleasant library as he leans baok in his easy chair by tho open window tho soft breeze lifting the dark hair from bis temples shows how palo and changed he is i some one standing iu the doorway eeet and with a little inarticulate ory springs to his side ne looks up and tbero boforo him stands pearl there is ho need to ask why or for wbat she has come for a dewy brightness is in her blue eyes and tho delicateiue on her cheek outglows the brinisoti of tho rose she lays iitlmt hand i can only at ay with you a little while jlpw bho whispers softly as u business college ano shorthand institute i auxlpb out bupbbiobpadlmtltasfor thoroiinli and iraotloal eonrnoa at fltncly vookkeeuliik huortband and tyiiowrlunu ooursos k apeelalty oradoatoa ablbtcf to pobltloua 1 falii blflbsiojsh ooinmencob sept 1st writ lor circular aj w antbdbuvbitai faitiifuxj men oh t f women to travol for rosinnslbe oaub- llsbed house in ontario salary 780 payable is weekly and oxpensea position pormanont hnforonco rnnloao snlfnddressfid staiupod on volopcsthu national star- ltiillding chlcagi though old miss barbara lynton is not littlo pearls aunt by ties- of blood no 8irpngerjbtfeotipflcptiid exfik jnbttm an heart than sbo bears for lha child who was placed when an infant in her arms by a dying friend so with the tendereet oars pearl has been nutured and sur rounded by all tho luxuries that go to life pleasant ten years have gone by since we liret mot littlo pearl she is a child no longer but a maiden ol eighteen and now for tbe first time fhe learns wbattrouble is suddenly like a thief in tbe night death comes to their tranquil fireside and lays hia cold flngera npon miss b r baraa o elide they find her in tbenmru- ing with the en mo smile upon her face thatit wow wheujt felli asleep but her wakoning will not be in this world htunnud into apathy by lie iobp pearl takes do heedof pabilng events uptll the question ja forced upon her what u she going to do there is no will and tlio property goes aside his writing bo turnb aud faces pearl so you rtfl to leave us tomorrow miss pearl wo bhall- miss you very very roqeh tboro id an eamobt warmth in his tones whioh goes btraight to the lonely girls heart and i aliatlrniaa you ahercphefl i have grown to love mrs allen almost as well as 1 did your dear aunt end i feel that but for jour kindness x would not now be a i am a living healthy woman riuesabrnptly- to his feet arid comer to her side pearm he exclaims oh little ono 1 have you not seen do yon npt know that i love you po not leave lynburat slay vetay as my wifel pearl looks up but her eyca soon sink beneath the papsion which glows in the sombre orbs bent upon her while like a lightning dash the troth which alio ha never even baspected before is revealed to her told by the quick renponsivo thrills which quiver through all jior pulbos at his words that- fn the short time she has hnowd him she has grown to feel towards paul lynton something more than mere friendliness but no dono not answer mo yet i ho exolaims i havebcvu toohtaty i have something to tell you a9 he speaks he draws from his pooket ivpflrwrjwhiohlhficacelniryunfqlds inji lies a liny withered rosebud years ago ho says ihla belongod to a obltd who from pity had followed to speak kiudly to a poor ci ippi6a man who had been rndely drlvonfionrher door into pearls eyep fixed upon his face suddenly comoa a looknf dawning recogni tion which deepens o one of startled oon- viotiou as he goes o l vthat child wna you self that man crippled by an uccilent received when the evil demon oftirink hud litinumbed his fac ulties waa injatf a littlo ory burst fn in tho girls lips ac with an irrepresbiblo moyoment slip altrinka away from hiui oh why do you toll me this she oxolaima you whom i have always thought so noble thit mini tr drunkard i oh it cannot bo true hid 1 1 forced olmnesh innorthhim oh pearl he oris you were pitiful when a child do no be orae now think a moment and k youraslf if it was so very strange that diverted by an unnsk ursl father left alone it the world yyhon a fie al asps her totm heart but if you wibii it some day i will come never to go again and you can forgot the wretched past my darling you can forget that once i was not worthy to touch your hand no- ahe answers not so but tin remembering i shall feel that lio who con quoreth himself is more than a hero a meastorekeeper ahcuv the meanest storekeeper i ever traded with began xatnor jones ued- itatively was an od cip ntmed abe davie out at iaafeft dead and gone to hia reward so twont do any harm to tell tho story r one day when i was eetliin up my monthly bill with him i ran n cross tbo fotlowingitemb of which i had no account sept 1 credit by 23 poundd- butter l20o v830ff sept 16 debit to 25 pounds butler- at80o 4750 when i askedfor an explanation- tie eaid didnt labk you iiie first of september if you had any butter to jppire hud you bad yoa reakoned bov and youd bring in jv twenty- fl ve pburid crock bf it tlioiext time yoaicamo mabbo i said i au said hoj i knew yoor word wasgqdd for twoutyfivo pounds of butter so i gave you oredit for it q7i that date tbe hext time you came in septem ber 15 i aeked yon how bo ut that butter and ynuaaid the cows wrn dryiu up so on their milk ypu guened ydud lifter keep thebutte for your own use so i charged it back to you on thi dato lo vquare np tbe traneaction i see yondid nnid 1 but thuro is a miatake in it anyhpw youve got the price huo on the debit sidoaivd on71be7 creditide i thatanll rikhr pkjsil tho price of butter ria between september 1 and 15 it may seem like quite a jump but i always buy my bntur at wholoalo ratps and when i sell it of pollrae 1vo got to liave thp retail prices a poid this bill without bijhv anything more bat ijiat wnbjthpjat inony im flver gptoutotmr i di hvt mln- inkin that st the father jin the home mahy flpaohhno hatch rtrersemijq8 a time to bath the daughter and eon wheuthuir eyes turn to the f ither slip with thu reu poet and honor that is or should be aarown to hjb ijfe the boy follows bis ptrent mora closely onthu- siabtlotlly i rtjeahimjuldf er vsntly- longa for the time when- he shall be a man like papa then if the father bo un- w comb t a the turning away with sorrow or the blind unheeding yielding tu bin likeness it once kuevv n man o high standing whqae daughter camu near wrecking her life byli dandeatino and unworthy mar- rlsge who wad to bjamo that affairs had reachotl suoha point is not knowa some times a worthy tree yields unwholesome fruit the day before the ceremony was to tajte plaee he iuadvertently overheard a oouversation between two of his clerks that opeud his eye i a fewihfiii mlgblpwilli a bhter sigh have reliuquisheda diaohefliciix child to her fate many would have down into a rage or laid in wait for the culprits and possibly have committed a remorne- ful doed but this wub a wise father his presence at hjs office would bavo seemed imperative that day to moat men for a considerable bum of money waa at stake but his heart was wifli hia child he waa not angry- at her dildyalty it was not disgust at her poor judgement or low taste bat the father hpart within yearned over the creaturo who wsh about to ruin her own happiness and plunge hor mother in unutterable grief he hastened home aud uallod his daughter to hid room all daylong he talked laborecland prajod with that headstroug wayward girl and at last oould only win from her a promise that bho would wait for a aenfon and in form him pf her decision in the end the fathers love and patiouco conquered- and today that young woman is the devoted daughter of a father who alas is one in thousands methis match vvhy is it why is it- that some boys loarn and bucceed better than others this ia idoqnoatiqu that is often asked hy old people as woll as young and is not difficult to answer if one observes a little wo find in dealing with boys in any bind of a school that the main defect is a lack bf tho power of centering theirmind upon any ono thing or wo might say upon their work if ono wants to know whether a boy is doing well and whether he is look ing forward to true malihoo go in the ahop or bflicoorwherever v may be at worlf and if ho has his whole mind and soul in hia work count on him trust him because ho meaus to bo a man a boys work tells tuoro about his char acter than anything else in the world go into the printing office and look at the proofs and the one who hasthe most mistakos in his type rule the boy who la the fullest of mistaken aiid muat be watched so in any kind of work judge tho boy more by hla work than anything else if yoa want to be bones it with him and do him justice show me a boy who is faithful at work aud i will show you the one that has the beat prospects of a lhrihtjind4iappyfuluirer hard on the examiner through tho law to a brptherof ibe doceaa- cflwhomroarlhua nover soou though abo mcreboybufteted from ar to post a oertain dootor bad ocoaslon when only a beginner in the medical profession to attend a trial a a witness counsel in probelexaminlng tho young m d made several earoaatiu remarks throwing doubt upon tho ability of so young a man lo un derstand hia biiaineaa do you know the bymptoms of ootiouflsiou of the brain naked tho learnod counsel i do replied tho dootor well continued the barris ter suppose my learned friend mr bagwig and mystdf wero tu hang our heads to gether should wo gut concussion bf tbe brain your learned friend mr bagwig might said tho doctor quietly tu- outarrir is aconatitujioiialdiaoase and reqnifpa a caustitationat remedy liko hoods strsapirillh which purifies thu liluuii certainly the gilded youth of today has uotithoobivalry of bis auoient prototype perhaps the new woman has something to do with the badmanuers and itl concealed indi terence whicji he assumoa at whatever functibu ho honors with his presence if this fa the ease however tt will he diamond out diamond for tho girl of tho pariod is far readier with herlongtie and dan be justus indifiereut and independent as her masculine ooutomporary jaok said a lady to onp of her guests come and be introduced to mis sho ii oimrinmigl lthank awfully but id rather talk toyou wat the ouswer overheard by the ahjivrp oars tfi the young lady iu question who could see her hostess lamthingiy ex postulating finally the youth apparently yielding lnuntcd towards her with v trot mb up then and the next iustant mrs 11 aud her viqtimitcod- before her- maudp deer she whlbpered mr- is so anxious to bo preaonted to you may i and then aloud mibb i i want tothtro- duco iriy great friond mr a tho girl gave a little nod and looked at him critically as tf to take in all his points ycs shesiid simply hes very nice and now trot hlmbaok ugata and turning her baok phe continued her interrupted nonveroation with her companion aeio york trunwt the scissohti woro a jolly pair of twins i and woalwajh lvorktojjuthor v always bright andjdiaru howovor dull thu woittlior lltuomardii z takes hur workbox in bur hip wo aro alwnya up and rtiady vlth pur snip aulp uiiup chorus snip snip simp hnlp snip hitajt wo aro always up and rondy with our snip ouiy iniaii wo outtho prottypatelich to ploco tliovrottyiuilt i each squaru tlio uut piio matches 1 thoirpoflios nover wilt wo trim tbo odgoa poatly with iiovara mishap and what tunalo sounds bdbwcctly as our8nipibhip anap i ayicut the dbllpa riiftiittoj woohapo tbodiilyb dross 0 bdjf theoluver thliigfl wodp youd iioyorutivurjub3a i kpt foedorfliooporployllnio wo dp notcarq a rai ilutorq readynljht and duthii6- with our snlii snip snap i laura tiltchard in st nkhoitt m accommodating ourselves to ctrtcumstances hjuppy indeed is the man who can without worrying or trouble nccoinmodato himself toteircumttances as they may befall him tho world unfortunately does not coutuiu muuy of this kiud of men themjorilyofrnatikmdbiingaddiotcdto grumbling wbeu adversity or hard times overtake tliero even j houlh thuy ficquent ly bring tins uufortuuatp condition on theihaelvcs through their own negligence or culpability from- time immemorial farmers havb bflenaetdowiras iiivetevivto rumbleia it being said of them i but thoy uro seldom oouteutod with their crppe evtvn when they havtj been good and to illustrate ihit thb f olj a w i l j trt u r is r o 1 rt n f a hrlttl irf aty merwhb for sevnil nnctoihivu year hiii been uttabluto eavu till his hay in good condition on acotini of wct weatlier and had used the dnnified buy to feed ti hit heifers it imppetioj that hnudry uuai- meroimannd every farmer paverl bin hay inprime ooudition a friend meutiut the farmer referred to who wai a lirtat srumbler said wtll thin wear t uuy rate ypu oamipt clnnplhin allont thing- yob i can he suid their will ht nu lioifur hay thiiyeur tito ntory wo heliovi i a true ono whether fnriuers us u oluea aro moro inolined to be grumblenl than other popo ii open to queatioi thore ia jiovvover this to bo said fer thtm thattlioif buhinchs is one which is more dependent ttrrtho weather temportri und tho heucotis thun that of any other clasd of men and- it if thoreforfa great deal out of their con trol in bad boahoiis thou it tu not altogetbertho farmers fault ifho ban poor crops and in cousequunco fallrt behind abhrevvd irish boy daniel ocorinoll the great irish orator when taking a ride iu tho neiuhborhoid of hifljlqii h ta a an u to open a uato for him th linle follow complied with mash utauiity und looking upwithbuohan honest pleaeuro ut render ing the slight service that oconiicll by way of baying somethiug anything aqked whats your name my boy daniel 0coniel sir replied ho stoutly and whos your father demnndoi- the astonished liberator 1 daniel ooonnell sir oconnell mutterod u word or two below his breath and then added aloud when i aeoyon oyiiin ill givo you sixpence biding briskly on- ho booh forgot the in cident andfell to titikinn of graver mat ters when after travelling some rajles ho found hiaikpaih obstructed by somo fallen timber whioh a boy was htoutty endeavor- irile to remove on looking more closely hediscoved it to be tho bhitio boy he had met in tbo morning whatl oriod hfthow do you como to be here now lyuaeaideiribc uoxttimo ypueeen me youd gtvo mofixpcuce snid the littlo fellow wiping tlio perspiration from his brow- here it jf said daniel yon uirb niy bonrbever a doubt of it the mother and the boy x unique presentation to em ployee3 siagel cooper it co of the great depart ment stores nwyorkand chicago made 700 of their men the rather unique ohrist- mab gift of a 1000 life insurance policy for each paid up for one year in making tho presentation mr cooper spoke a few sensible words oh thrift he paid i know by experience tliat any man who has a good steady position can lay up some thingfrom hiswninga in i860 when i oamo to this country i worked quite a whilo for 93 a week and out of that salary i saved fifty cents a week the great thing ia to live within your income wbat ever it may be und to savo a part of it every week therefore yon ihonlil nevtfr run in dubt buy nothing you oanuot pay for at thuyime of purouauu you arejust as riahiom a- vandurblu a gould oi boukefeller for after all theao people oat only three meals a day and ten to ono that your modest breakfast or dinner earned by the sweat n your brow tasted better to you llitin any banquet ever h proud before a milllontilro the mother ahapos thp boy character her faco tho first siijht her arms tbo first refuge her life tho firwt example out for ruohel and her training tho history of joseph and tho jewish nation would have boon entirely difiorout the hand that rooks the oradlo rooks tho world the time for feed planting of true groutihhs is iu tbo early years of a boys life this ia the mothers opportunity thctpirit of god from heavop the intluenco of men on earth and the temptation of satan around tho boyk of today mothers guard the boys before it is too lte plant yonreeed take iiiteribt in every thing yotirboy does ltt him havo fiamesat home or ho will go where there is no home plant tlio seed of greatness kiudnesi und purity whio tho grounilij uoft although oti do not live to- see tho fruitage biv trceistos bytcrimi ivnifthiyt n work spoiled did not get the right kind why labor iu vain why do you try to dyo cotton or mixed goods with common uypsjlhatlio jriftsprs propatfidfpr all wool goods well you are no altogether to blamo the dealer who sold you thu dye and who told you it was good for eithor cotton or wool is the onn who id directly reaponaiblo for your loss und failure ho sold you worthless dyes bocau so they gavo him a large return of profit if you had bought the din mo ml dyes made spooiutly for otton and mixed goods your work would havo been woll and truly dono these spoaial tiuttun colors of tbo diamond dyes aro the latodt djbaover- ios of tlio boat ohomiata of thu world and are far superior to ull other dynrt fur thu coloring ufuttoii goods fast diamond dyes for oytton tiro quite fast to light and if you iho them your carpets and rugi will bo us bright after years of wear us tfie most ixpaiibivo car pels yon can buy for djoing 01 ton or mixed goodv ask for fat dituiniid dyes for cotton takn no others

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