Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1897, p. 2

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vt born kknniiity in ljrin oil prldav jnuuaryhth co mr uml mm j kounotly a diiut liter moiiat i ebtniiilny fitli 6oiifoti tlnnxliiy 7th juuimryrtu mr tutd mrs thou mojtm a vilkried ma vin- hamilton at onkvillo on monday jiu till by hov h 8 cnilk wull tnatou may boo of rifciuliurimm nuil mrs adollna uuui- llton or oaltvlllo mcdonald in erin on rtmdny lotli anuary william uodpnuldifyou ilo yours koiitkitfaj ijlirlllikton on rnturday iho ilm jan iiiiry huury foslor bgod 76yonru j camiiuijl li noibdii op saturday- llnd jann- ary nuiljotmuou cumpboll lu hie ootb year mqciiak at liur rofluonco jano fluid quelpb on sunday january lotli joan caiuiibah widow of tholato tuoiuasmotjraoir in hor sard your glahiiponij at lior rouldlmco 01 oiik btrcot torontb bri woduoaday january itb atinlo ilnrrla roliot of ttio into itov i aiasaforct of vattehbtij and mother of itov 11 j m olastr- iord g mjz jtoott xuffizsx thursday january m 1897 notes and comments o ritimeroua failures ohuoo -the- reports of rr in flpfta of ti throughout tlio prohiioo travfillera for wholesale houses arohendqur- tftoflottinguptiadoia stoui but indioatioda tboy hyfdvor a larger volume i of business in theneir future haii mrlgreenwsy who has beoh in ottavvafor a- week or bo weut weuton mon day aftoruood he bays the manitoba legislature will bo olfed for au early date ia february it will ratify the school bettleraont before parliament rnoots tho dominion government having deoid- at to appeal to the judicial committee 6f the privy council from the judgment of tbo supreme court of canada in be fisher- icbrnttsetton charles 3ti has gone to england to argue the oabe milton is fortunate id having secured rcpresentatrori in the new county council and that by sb able a representative as dr robertson but the arrangement by whioh oiio of the munipipalities included in to 4 county con a oil division most be left out in the cold ia anvthintfuiut a eatisfaotory one it is to bo hoped that it will be changed before ano coun coqnoil elcotlorvoomes off milton chaqtpion a cablegram from london epg bays william cook a lad of aovanteenauh a record 6t four years in the- relhlry was today cbnvinted hero of robjhtd wus handed ovsr by the ooart tohrjn- ary with a view to sending him wkacla judges here have been repeatedly notified in thirregardraud sir donald smith will again cornmaoicato with the home office regarding theee undesirable emigrants the council initiated sir7rraalmitrj7bcatia4airhffilr commissioner has addressed a circular lotter to the press pointing oat the im portance which canada attaobea to making better known its resources and attractions for emigrants and announcing the ebtab- lifliment of new agenoies in waleb and iroland tospread the propagan da especi ally inviting persons of moderate incomes capitalists farmers and domestic servants to emigrate- to canada the newfoundland legislature will open on february lat tbo government- will introduce a resolution early in the session favoring reciprocity with tbo united stales and will duupatch clbnlal secretary bond to arrange a stohtal or splioitor general morris convention if possible with the mokinley admin 1st ration to secure the free entry of newfoundland oodflsh into the american markets the 0sbing intoroats of the island are greatly interested in the scheme the committees appointed ancltho municipal maohlne rencfy for operation the rebvbdbref speech the momboradloct of tho municipal cpuiioil of 1807 mot at cfttpun oulock on monday morning a week earlier than for merly iu qompliaucb with tho ucjondnietit to tho municipal abt passed at inst bcftssion of thp provincial lslislatare tlrisflrst session of the now coujioi is itu initiation daytbo mernbera snbsorib- led to the dvoluratidna of oftioo and of quali- lfioatim and then took their places us follow uoeve a 13 nioklin counoidora t h arnold win brown wh denny and w e smith in taking jideitipn us presiding officer reave nioklin in a brief inaugural address said tho members who hayo juat taken their places were eleoted to transact tbo businohs of tho corporation for the year i hope wo will make a good record and constantly have the best interests of tbo towij at heart to do thin we must pull together we may not always bo able to see eye to eyd but wo oau conduct ourselves ip a geuucmauly spirit 1 jdoyiot know that there will be mapyimportarxt hatters id come before na during the year but there afe beveral improvements and re pairs whtpb must receive- oug careful attention wei are committed to the repairs needed to mill street roadway it will be nodes bary for us to early odnsfder tho best method of improving it the hill and street crossing the stream in cooks sqrvey muot also bo pat into passable con dition thofhro i brigade should receive groatecxpusideration from ns and it will be our doty to study how we may improve the position of the members- and give tbem the enopargemdqtbey deserve and par- imereopgnitioaofthi value when i actively engaged in fighting fires it will now be your duty to appoint a cpramitteb to strike tbo standing- cora- rnittees councillor arnold before proceeding- with the appointment of committees mr uoeve there are several points we should oanbidcr wo shdntd lqokweil into the qualifications u the men for tho various works study their ability juaae pare till y asa baboball oaptain floes bia players ami appoipt the beat men to the moat import ant positions now i would be no uso on the streets and while i am rnt seeking a praoe on the committee on fm urn i tbiok lam wellqualifled for a place uir give your best men the best places the reevowtho oommittbe wil np doubt give these matters their careful con sideration v- moved by w e smith seconded by wmbrownthat the bfleve w h denny and wlliarn brown be a speoial com- hon q aii kirkpatricfc better fvira klrkpatriolc here arrived in england and la in attendanco at hla bedside lonopn jau 12 tho conduion of hod goorgo a kirtpatriok lieut goverrtor of outario wlioiu lying ill in the southbtreot hobpita ib somewhat imprqvod and he la now in a state justifying hopos of his spoody rebnveryc his wifewho his ariiv- edjioro from canada in response to a stimjnonh from englund ia in couatunt altendauoout his bsdsjde and ier presence has be tut of groatasbidtanoo to hia modioli treatment and aareful nursing in bringing about liia present fayorba condition tbo operation which the physicians decid ed a week ago was imperatively necofisary in order to flavo the patients life has now beou poatpond uutil tomorrow the bye elections ottawa onc jan 1v- speaker edgar has issued his warrant far byeelections in brant vacated by iltmry east sunooo vacated bjutiiibuett andl north ontario vacatctby mcgiriivary the byoeleotions will take i place all on tlirtcr7jdayrybnjh wilibo dtcidc u wa week it iaex- peoted ihe olejctiona- whl be held iuthe second ieek9tfebruafy ad these were all couservatiye in the- last elecupu thie government hae everything to gain and rjotbing to ioeo in ithpae qohtesta robert jaffcay and geo a cox are hero oonfer- ingwlth tho gpveroynent a careful compilation of oapital accredit ed to all chartered gold and silver mining companies in canada gives a total of over 821000oooo british colombia btdourse headsthe list in number und wealth of its mining companies while ontario with its scarcely less extensive deposits of free mil ling ore in rainy river districts comes second by provinces the figures stand british colombia 8250825075 982004000 now brunswick 1030000 manitoba 500t6 mitteo to strike the standing committees for the present year carried the committee adjourned to arrange tho standing committee t oothmittee returned and reported the standing committees for tho yoar as follows cemetery h tarnold chairman w h denny andw e smith finance w h denny chairman and wm brown nub wm brown chairman the reave and w h penny milton j miltpn has npt yet got away from the old fashioned method of holding the elec tion of public sohool trustees on wednos- day following the munioipal eleotjbd owiug to the iplthdrawer of their spffon- enta messrs t mcdowell and d m harrison were declared elected last wed nesday ev w xrwilsou ortoronto delivered a powerful lecture on men who conquer in the methodist cbnrch on monday evening the anuual meeting of the milton ceme- jery co wil be held in tho mayors room town batt milton on monday next at 8 p m tho iisjormer hab diagnosed the political and religious proclivities of the town council as follows poetically the jtowucounoilisooropoaed of-eix- opnserva tiyea and five liberals pr with the mayor in the chair a tie denominationally there are six methodists three preabyter- ians indtwoepisoopalians but wo are glad to say they do npt divide on the above lines but will work together as in the past as ono harmonious whple and this is kb it shonld be seeing they are all loyal oitizbna of bneoommon wealth there are those who indulge freely at election times in glib talk about mysterious oombinationsfeflotoraauohashhe glowri the owtari leoislature will moot tor busineaa on wedhea- dayebruary iqth tdiionto jany 11 tho ontario cabi net met list weekvud decided to call upon the legislature to me wednoadn february 10 tho oulliim of tlie leinlutarw for that date dhtpoaob of the rumor that iho ontario governrneut would dissolve shortly pohtioiittabouevo that two mora sesaions will tako place before thepreraior goes to lh people and tho government will re main in off oo ui h its term legally ex- pfreu iu 1808 no miportant iadue i like ly to arise which would demand the verdict of the people undsomo bay premlerflardy requires sometime to get hold of the pablio oonfidemt a recordlaraker over twentyone thousand names fc v in 28 daye unheard j3fsuccess according to dffleial figures fully autllen tloited the herald and hcekty star of montreal ia runnipg away ahead tf anythiipg of the kind on this cpnrinouk fjt ii given aarjfaot beyond diapute nd oni vera ally admitted that tho family ravld atid jvdi star is rriaklng thp record for this continent j that apfltdoeiyed- in 2s days upwardv of twenty one thousand subscribers jubi think df it we give the figures by days subeoriptlorjs j ladies and 1 i unrciothin its more like inv6stingmoney thanspcnding money wlicri you buy underwear especially now from us the prices on all lines of underwear in our stock are fc forced dpwn as low as possible wc want to sell while the demand is strong- i 5000 deo 1 deo 2 deo 8 deo i deo 5 deo 7 deo 8 taeaday wetfneiday tharatlay fihay satardfty monday taebday weddqbday deo 0 thursd d iottt fridayi deo 11 saturday seo 12 monday duo 14 taeaday deo 15 wednesday- deo hi xharaday deo 17 friday saturday monda taesday c wednesday v thanday saturday monday taeaday wedaeaday thnraday sainrday monday deo 18 deo 10 deo si deor 23 deo 23 deo 2tj deo 20 doo2a- deo 29 deo 80 deo 31 jan 2 jan 4 no doabt tbs pnenbmenai aaooeba is aoooqanted or by tbo wonderful valae of tho family hffiunjl its beaaufal prem ium piotara lha orpbano prayer bymail 887 117 488 025 520 008 40 701 vfiso 702 075 1108 181 809 781 787 780 1231 i 187 780 808 1s70 -j27- 588 000 1001 illooo 1600 h tionnty coanotltor andrew of oakville will bo the senior member of the now coanty goanoil as bia division inolades trafalgar and has tho largest equalization his great popularity in the township pat hint withljtjvavqwbommrvjetownboni tbero andwith bis oakvijlo vote added at the lioad of the poll for the whole division trafalgar had a narrow oeoape from being likp aotoni unrbpreaented by alooal man ir was at first reported that ex warden boblneon the trafalgar oandldate had boon defeated and there was great disa pbintmeni among his friends in this neigh bbrliood with the reports sent in from the different polliogrsabdivialons partioalarly from almero where they had expeoted ho would bead the poll and where be was ono vote behind mr andrew champion proaidenfcelebtrmokinloys inangnra- tion onmarohltb attraots a good share of tho attention of washington oongress bas bcooi asked to paeb quito a nnmber of laws for the occasion like ono allowing the railway companies to lay extra traoks for tho aooomodation of the liuea of oars whioh will have to bo holdln the oity over maroh lib then obngress has been askedv to authorize the oonstrpotion of reviewing stands on the pnblio reservation and aoross some orthelesa departments moreover aro busy making planb for the coming quadrennial festival the war department is arranging for the troops including tbia year the west point cadets who are to be quartered ib the city at the time of the parade it goes wfthout saying that thocorn-ngin- anguration will be the biggest affair of its kind in the history of the country the milton reformer says the county cotinoil elections oh monday created abbot as much excitement as would have been prodnood had tbdena provincial or dominion election no far as tho towns were bonoerned for division no 4 embracing aaton milton and nasagaweya the vote in town was father disappointing so fr as miltons candidate was couoerned many voting for abtcns candidate true they had a perfect right to use the franchise as they saw flt but we think ft wjis anything but loyal totholr o wigtown to oaatsnoh a vote if fhejy oouldnt conscientiously vote for dr robarhon it would have looked vory muoh better had they not voted at all to tho credit of anton be it aald thoy stool by their man and only avo miuous candidate ib votes had mil ton stood as loyally by their candidate therein woqld havo been far dlffereutaudlnfatcad of dr robertson bolng80 vbtetin advance qf mr- havlll he wonld havo been 180 or more however alls well that ends well and acton needhaveno fear but that in dr rnburtsoo shands her iutereals vill be well lookedafter iubk the whole counoi j stueets anii walks w e smith chairman and arnold t town uaifi the reovo chairman and h t arnold and wm brown moved by w e smith seconded by win brown that tho report of the committee jaatread bo adpptedr carried the- bylaw for the appointment of uuditorsf was introduced read the re quired number of times and passed the reeve nominating x g matthews and tho council anson smith jr id committee of the whole on the auditors bylaw a peculiar pair of xeaolutiona to beau re appointments werepreaonted they had cengiderable of the giveandtake abon t them councillor arnolcl moved that j b pearson be the opus oil a choice for auditor and councillor smith seconded the motion upon the same motion blank and presented simultaneously was a iraotion by councillor smith seconded by igodncillor arnoldfnhtttranbonsrnith jt7 bo auditor tho fact that the copnbi oonld appoint bat ono auditor the beeye having the privilege of appointing the otherwan what gave the motidfas tholr poonliar complexion the con adjourned to meet on mon day evening 35th inst at 8 ololock before rlaing several matters were jlq- formajly discussed final report of the inspector of the board of underwriters stated that on and after the first of febru ary aoton will bo placedn class e for insurance rates the fire limit bylaw was approved copioa will be prinud for general distribution bo that all citizens may beopme familiar with the provisions hereafter no buildings re to bo erected within the are limits without permission from 4he cpunqil and all buildings must be made fireproof externally the new couooll commenoea tho year under favorable oonditlons the finances are in an excellent position tho rate of thejiaaryoar wa6fairandreaeohliblo and on of the sfftirs factory vote or the tannery vote or such andstiah a church vote eto these ex pressions aro largely visionary and the people whol are included in suoh catalogues hold in contempt the suggestion that they are moved about in herds and vote as peo ple who are without opinion of their own who pray has the custody of any of these alleged votea and who dictates as to bow thoy shall be cast experience proves that no such wholesale voting is accom plished tho curfew bell was rung for the first time iii ottawa on new years night a provid rescue from a life burdened witi pain and suffering lanjytior severe hdadaohes and pains in the res ion of the kid neys made the life of mrs mo- cauce miserable pr wllllamsv pink pills cured after other medlolnes failed of tbe inonioipajity promiadov during the election contest the year should show progress and improvement without any inareoso in the rate of taxation oniy s e maaeaoro of a peaoof ul british ex pedition to benin london ljtnnary 18 despatohea re ceived at the foreign office confirm the previous reports of the massacre by wild tribesmen in the territory of the king of jbenlu of t members of a british txpod- itltori pfiloh left tbe ooast of ujercrainea january 1 intending to proceed to behln in tho niger coast protectorate tbe reporjis bay that all of the whites comprise in the expedition together with 248 native carriers wore killed and that only seven kroomen esoaped the expeduion consisted of aatlmr consolgeneral phillips major co pel and crawford capt bolaragnn who r was the commandant of theforoof the niger ooast protentorato capt mallng belonging to the same force measra campbell and xipoks conaplar officials pr elliott mesara powia and gordon civilians and a number of kroomen and nativo aarrlers 1 the british are sending ah eipedition to benin to avenge the maaaore of a pcaos- ful ezpsdltioa by the natives i frointlio gravonhurst banner poor health is an affiiotion that is dread ed by every one and the first sign of ap proaching diaoaao is usually met with an attempt on the part of the patient to check and kill it frepuently however even tbe most skiillcd physicians fall and tne suffer- or endnros a weary round of agony such as those who aro in the fall enjoyment of health can have no conception of bat when at last a medicine ia found that will cure its worth cannot be estimated in dol lars and conta it is wihoqt price buch is tbo opinion of mr and mrs hugh mcbause of aehdown oht 7 mr mocanoo tells the story of bis wifes illness and cure as fol o ws fpitb reeoriaur my wife bad been constantly failing in health tbe first symptoms of her trouble wero languor andloas of appetite accompanied by bearing down pains and headaohea vhich affected her periodlcallyi- as time grew on aba was attacked with pains in the kjdneya that became almost unbearable owing to their severity home medicines and different remedies were tried but with no feood reaults last winter bus became so weak and helpless that i was obliged to seek medical aid for her and accordingly bent her out to barrio whore she received the beat medioal attention the result of which was bnlylghtly on her return owing no doubt to the tedious- neas of the journey she suffered from a re lapse and her trouble came back in a form more aggravated than before i noticed in a paper which i was reading one day- a testimonial from one who had been ourod of a bimilar trouble and although knowing that other remedies had failed in my poor wifacamrtbeiwmyelarayxfhoperr thfereforq procured a few boxes of pr failures in canada last year were the most nomerona for seven years baqkia jog to bradstreets reports liquors have benbanishedfroma41eaf the royal military opllegp by 6rder of lieut col kikaon commandant it was old at the cadets mess bat this has been abouahed miss grace stearns a young port rowan lady was taking a gun out of a buggy in her fathers barn on saturday when the oharge exploded entering hor side inflicting a fatal wpuud rfriend moore of the aoton fbbb psbss has euoloaed with this weeka ex change a neat calendar the front of which js inumlnated by bahdabmerportraits of thaahlef and bts staff since the inception of the paperoneiph dally advocate infants long sicbvo wool voitaoro 13c for ioc fc ladles heavy mrlno veals and dtwer wora 6cc for jd ladleivwool vein fine finish were 50c for 39c iiadler wool drawers ribbed were 73c toroc lkjllss health drand wool veats vrera i2sfr97cr j ladlci health uraxd wool vcati wero s lvlltv jicaltli qrnud wool combination uiiijei30 rotti73 muieaand children wool vcita wero- 30016700 for 3jc cacln ltlm scotch lambs wool shirts flnd drawcrifino rlbfintsh naiural faclngi ffortlopfpr73c mens heavy ribbed woot underwear were 73c 55c 6 all qiicstions chccrfiillynnswcrcd letters or nrtlers rcceivci be fore i oclock answered sameday ixsutcuffesorijs 8a quccn st w addrcs order clerk q when calling ask for mr j e butcliilc ooes if your wateu does not go satisfactorily bring it to ns and wo will say whether it can be repaired or not if we undertalco to do it you ean depend upon a good job is the ratio of our expenses when fcomparect with- the departmental stores of toronto o gualph thatis why we can sell irkss goods for half the money you pay in guelph or toronto for instance blue serge extra quality 52inwide worth 75c for 5c- jblack lustrekorth 60c for 40c a yard 1 black sergev worth 35cfoir 25c ayard i call in and seetor yourselves shingles a 1 cedar yc a bunch ppgopdeme next post office acton nb store close 10 pm saturday note a fe of the attractiorfssf biitclearing sale- this week y v- j 4r m- v lrboiiumfii childs and misses pyershpes 50 jer pair reg 1 10 womens dongj buttoned 1 00 per pair reg 1 50 w6mehkid buttoned v i 25 per pair reg 1 66 mensbuff lace 1 25 per pairreg r 50 mens buff gaiters- 1 25 per pair reg 1 50 womens felt lined lace 95 per pair reg 1 25 in dry codds 11 ladies fgrmuffs7 coney- seal astrachan etc at sio i7 t i s overcoats atjreduction of 25 to 5056 spools 3 for iocl prints sheethigs tipkingsetc at clearing prices m0 l0 ttkt cor king and hughaon sts hamilton ottse januaiy is the great baiaiu month jlihj aftjiertihejitente v iressmakjwg miss nolilo will rnoijivo ordorn for dreismah- lugvcut lpr rtuldiiiiou kred oriole btreet aoton miss noble wanted youkg woman aud moo of old or ones if still young in spirit of undouljusd abaraator good talkers ambltloub and industrlouj can find fiiiployuimit in a rood causa with sg0 iter month and iinwarraooordlnato ability ubv t huinbcott toronto ont jteen vicjtoeia hr lif and re1qn gueat blstorlo work aolroa ilnbt to tbou sandbi lord durln inttoducee it to iftuiii canadian id spotvidb ifords easy to make lake twioewat no than during nloyment tbis years great jjxa- inarroeleuramonaare boomldg-lu- boouswoii lajrft sixa- tuvod prospectus free t6 canvassers territory fast j s tlb pkadleygaltltetson co ltd l t toronto out- wanted mem to etjpbo wltbua as aalesmen kaw season just anonicr new atvrs of plate boolcjnort attractive and yet lahter tban- over ah aopplles lornlahod frea we are the obly qanadfap nursoryaayldb atartljbivsucomml j t r hilary aud- ntpsdaes fronitho stari libanleontmtaalon to krt time inomxarse list of bpeolalltlat all ylng beenteatad at our trial orcnards 1 you want goodthlag jorthwyu tor write tia bt6se jweltinat v kuraerytneti and fruit owerstoroatoi can over 700 acres under oultlyatiod e cangiye jpositions dpbts ona to persona of all- of ability agents bookrkeopera olerks fanners sons lawy- machanlcs pbyslolans prasfebsrs attidal tnarrled and single women widows poslui are worth from smoo00 to 390000 per annum w have paid sevoral oanviuaers 90001 weekly for years many havo started poor and beddnia rich with us particulars upon application and if satisfactory sod ndoeaaary personal inter view maybe arranged tbla la an nbnatt adter- writ boloro you bleep btate salary expeoted noltbar loafers ooc tipplers needapply tue j3hadieyg altltetbon co lui needapplj itbongo toronto ont notice to cr lh thej5state of joseph corii- fiild an insolvent vtotjols la hersfcr given that joseph corn- x ador the village of aoton- in tbe county of hal too grocer baa made an awlgameut to ma for tbe benefit oifala creditors pursuant to b8o oaplu and amending acts and that on v pridoyj 22nd january 1897 at 11 oclock am intbebomlnlon hotei aotn meetlna of creditor will be held for uiajftppolntmoocof luapeetors and givlog direct don for the dlspoaal of tbe estate au orodlt- ton are required to file their claims with we verified by affidavit on or before aald date and x will not be liable for any olalm of wbloh notice 1 not tbco glvenr j a mowat assignee dated at auelpb 13th jan 1897 mowata dawson bolloltors t or aaalgase jvndwhenouadurlistfoi yuu cij relynpoir their being bargains in tfie broadest sense- of the word savage co rone watub rxpjukers quelph jmssolutiort stock must be sold look out for our advertisement next week ihomjvlnlrpillbtbnrl- ofrnpayretdrn home sd ministered tbe first dose to my wifer it is perhaps needless to relate that before tbo first supply was exhausted she found great relief my wife now 00m- menood to enjoy a booyanoy of spirits and kept on taking the pink pills with inoreas- log rood rosnltv- by the time shehsd need six boxes her conduion had so improved jbath holghbora were al noprepsr ttttantmdbbvbbabfaitnfulmbn oil k tt- women o travel forrsporalblo epub ilahed bouse in ontario salary too payable 9u wsftttly and expenses postuon purmanant iteferenee bnoloaaselfaddressod stamped eu- euvslope tbe national htar dulldiug chkagit ed to believe the evidence of tholr own eyes when seeing the change in her appearance before taking the pills it was a severe- task even to dress jiorulf briuoh joss to do any hoaeworkpwhuo nowthodgtr not having rised any of the pills for moro tlmn a cop- pie of months she attends 16 all her house hold daties without the alihteat inoon- venlonce taking all things into consid eration i feel it a duty 1 owe to other suf ferers to reedramend these little pfnk messengers of healthwhioh stood between my well nigh distraoted wife and the jaws of a lingering but certain death the experience of years has proved that there is absolutely no disease due to a vitiated condition of tho blood or shattered nerves that dr williams fink pills will not promptly euro and those who are of fering from suoh troubles would avoid muoh misery and save money by promptly resorting to this troatmeht gel ibogen- nine pink pills evejy time and do not bo persnadol to take an imitation or soma other remedy from a dealer who for the sake of the extra profit to himself my ssy itjnst as rood dr willumapink pills care when other medicines fall hew white underwear the large quantity sold this month places us in a position to offer at much less than usual prices ladies skirls special and g5 cents corset covers special 12j 17 30 45 55 and 75c i gowns special 45 49 co 65 75 8g and ope drawers special 18 25 35 40 45 and 70 cents chemise speciat725v 35v 45 and6oc i infants wear rdbe3 barricots slips c etc- at special prices s ore at january ofterznq of dress aopps ah hew goods bought specialiy for this sale i- l clearing at nearly half price tveed effects very special 40 inches wide 25c boucle effects very special 46 inches wide 30c boucle fleets very special 46 inches widerjjct j- r tweed effects very special 44 inches extraordinary mantle selling the sweeping reduction in our mantle- room is clearing off the stock rapidly ips better look into the matter- saved to buy now ladies jackets in beaver boucle or frieze good quality stylish garments all this seasons import at ion v regular 35 wra7j regular 4 for s3 25 regular j550 for 1395 regular 65q for 450 regular wfogr s3-i5- regular 9 for 96 womans winter skzrts wellmade sightly garment at thes pric t sh no bc by r black sateen quilted regular 275 for 8150- black sateen quilted regular 375 for fl2oo eiderdown quilted yegulah 600 for j3oo u moreen regular 6300 for it 50 tjf sa crjttcx theres a great saving in buying at this end oftheseasonnbtel these prices wool seal cape 30 inches long regular ij2875 ipri5oo black opossum cape 30 inches long re gular 92500 for 1500 alaska wallaby cape jo- inches long re gular 93750 for jiooo 1 cold mining stock is dealing in boaaland and bther suooeaaf ul itot mining btook and oan aupfily any stock desired at loweat market prices i am bandung the fol lowing favorite mines at prices named snow drop 4c ibex 6c bed eagle ioc y silv bell 75c v j c hill aqent aoton samples on application freighter express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on all purchases of 95 and upwards satisfaction guaranteed watkins january 1 tk 1 897 the- jright flouse the fft aiik d we are showing some ico xma8 lines at verl close pitlgesr w such as porbxdqjb setts unuvxdvaxi teas rawoy cup aub saucv brefdjt jju caxedisbxs bessy setts7 lamps to the druggist and stationer pure drugs correct stationery rockwoodr how about corsets d- manufacturers remnants the whole surplus bf the seasons product of one of the largest woollen mills in quebec golf cloth plaid iiacks and plain worth 175 sale price 75c golf cloth iplald i3ouble 250 sale price 90c somethiijaironrbowetiplr an easy matter these days to got good corsets without paying extra for a maker name you are quite likely to unless yon ttre posted more apt to be that way on foreign makes than others makers often aim tor a big reputa tion and then exact tribute for it we know of corsets you can boy and pay for nothing but actual co worth thby rmrtrl ready for quick use and comfort handling so many hundreds wo gst to know their w and adaption yon cau learn all of that at wedding presents to the corserrrounterr how about mantles the paper is full of store news and evorybodystrying to make a tempest in trade especially is this true of the seasons mantle stockp your buying time and you must t somebody goueautkiiuw the qua itttou cant always tell by looking at it it moans somothing to buy of a merohant who holds your money in trust guaranteeing entire satisfaction with every purchase oxcollont vfo thipk you kpow of ojir ability to sell cheap theres no singsong about that to you und nothing exaggerated about theso values 1 jpyainos pictu jm artis sappue3pancysb0ds wars bros st qiobculssqtjarll grubijpb lb97-f- f ib97 thl9 18 4 bona yjdh dress tweeds plaid plain and fancy very stylish sale price 50c heavy and warm regular 9f halifax tweed all wool saleprice 25c 1 grey canadian frieze double width worth 9i sdlo price 60c shprt remndnts of canadian tweeds worth per yard frorri 50c to 9i in lengths of 3 to yardsjsaje priceeachjoc 25c and 40c v 9 ip 1 ji sirs8 jo si dstv o o wyndham anrietodoft 1 2 fawn mantles silk hired sable collnr 20 for 91500 1 fawn cloth mantle velvet collnr double breast large pearl buttons f 13 now 950 2 fawn mantles applique seams velvet collar and cuffs i1600 now fig 50 1 black irish frieze high collar oo now j550 1 1 fur manila astrachan laj for licoo 1 fur mantle stylish make 5600 for 13500 1 coon cape lis for 2500 1 greenland seal cape sable trimmed 35 how tisoo 1 blk oppossum fancy silk lined cape 922 nowf8oo fur robes irons wr coats and caps at fiedaced prices quelph 1 departmental ftteiipb co sweeping sale in order stock before stockakingweafnnytb7ffiaetr clearing sale ot all our goods a great chance for the public to secure bargains in all the different lines of dry goods cloth ing hatscaps gents furnlblnga fur capsat 2 special bargains in fie highclass tailoring rfcadytfrwear clothing overcoata etc grey flannels at i price everything must go regardless ofcost to make room for our springstock and alterations in premises come early and segjuewmo of the great bargains or yotl will regret it as this is an opporlunltydot to belqst gibbon mwjab a co roe blook qeorgetown storeys gloviesi a mag v j jjvoduci laun in cnclnngn

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