t bank of hamilton uead06tioe hamilton uavnai tau n ttkuknvb pukd total aaskt board o iluoooo ig7sjxx w503si0 ftlrbotobs hin stuabt a q ftamsay lrosljimt vlcorrcmlilont n 1nooron oko hoaolt a t wood a i leu toronto wu ginsbx mi tubni1uli cariior- ii 8 btujlhen ant oijhior h m watbon tubiiootor agencies hamlltou lllavtou 8t fc east end alllbton tiarllnqliijaloy qoorgotown urliusby listowiil uuokqow milton mouat vorost urnduovlllo owed sound vlnguanr port elgin blmooo toronto british correspondents 10npon national 1rovlnclil bank of eug- wdiim iatderloail correepondents ynmtfyonk fourtib national bank anil hanover natljoal hank iioston internatlonj ll trostgo buffalo marloouaok cuioaoo national bank of llllnou and union national dank darnorr- datrolt natlonat bank h waia orrr national bank ox commoroo agents in montreal tllobanlcof xotonto the news- at home pjprob agfflnoy kotos discounted and advauqos made on suit lulttmroaritfei i oollootfoas made and draft bought nnd bald odj1 tooonlblo point in canada united btatos s f qrmtbrlulniftddtbtfedqtldqqtorfiuraporiiioq tucwifatorfcbijltonnfl sangso lnd upward rooeivod aud- t abrarest ajlowed fronidato bf deposit to data of tthdrawal 1 z special d13pobits- alio xecolved at current ratos of in tores tr nm livingstone we are headquarter school books school supplies note papers envelopes 7 zj- accountbooks and all kinds of statioriervi ladies and gents purses we carry the largest stock our prices arethe lowest give us a call i geo hynds acton out jbwbllbot stork wit jirfmt xu iffeas thursday january 14 1697 wttiie local braeftets wlttch causht the eya oreare of 1 free press report oris this week renew your subscription to the fbeb rbbsa r hay sold in goelph market lhia week iu88to0 another flour and feed store wijl short ly bo opeued here cidketajoibasoqbotsua mostly of a local character and r everv item interesting antfuai meettug of jcubx church the unnunt raeoiiug of knox churoh will lie heliton mouday qvomngnexl at 8 pjplook tho4nctnberb tnd adheronts of theohurob aro iuvitod to a lunch to lo tfivon by lhu aiders and managers in the baboraontfrora 030 to 730 the pastor preuohed in norvuj on friday of last week tind onvsuturdtty iu heapeler another resident pastor iuv mr for b on pastor of the congrnca- tioiml churches tit churchill and calcdon has t liken up hlureblenoe in aoton an effort is beip made to have the charohea of georgetown and aotonr re united with rev mrforbe8 as pastor until a few- years atfa this waothe arrangement dur- in thnlo pastorate of rev joeeph unsworth acton grain markets n the opening of thorain market nt 4lio g ttk hero has ovdantialy beoa oppre- oiated by the farmers dating- tpe week cop alder uble grain has came in mr nubia enjoys thcrtiouftdence of the farmers of tlita section apd thoy joobetder hie prices bekitsfactory tho pricea ixqiafi i ibis weoh ato as foifovt whear hite780p to 81 red 78 to 80o barley 22a to fl2o peane 40o oats 17o to 22o itauontarptcra institute very interesting aesaiopa of tbs farmera institute were held loinveok iut palyritip ud stewarttown mr jl warren the resident occupied the chair at both meet- iujjbf the aubjeocs dlsonssed were emin ently praqtioal and of genuine interest to f amrra the addressee of prof boynolda i the ontario agricultural- colletie were particularly interesting a mooting of the institute will be held at brookvillo on tueaday 16th february sthoojjem c wflxoditia eighbcrhood iniews news itoms supplied byporros- pondonta and exckanses rockwood yev fr geean of tl peurd gliuroh hamilton held a miasiou service lu st johns gliuroh on monday a new ahipinoot of booku by the beat writora of to day havo been added to tlio dblleotiouat the piibito library ashorove mr mungo nixori and miaa m nixoyi arrived homo on monday after a prolonged trip throuxh arthur guelph and other phtcea whore friends reaide spedial aervicos for prayer aro being held every evening of this weok saturday ox- oeptodin tho metbodlat oburoh here theroadsju thia vicinity are fairly well levelted down and all unit id wanted is a fow iuohes of suow afbgrova methodist choir sang at nor- va tea meeting monday- evening january uthl the gripmmrj becti makiug its rounds of late mr j wriguleaworlh and mrs w have haddevere attapka comingand gdlkg visitors to anrj ftorh acton arid varlousother personal notes december s oerkoan be seoared frbm th harding messrs l g matthews and anson smith are actons offioial auditors for the yekry uiut worry about the ioe crop jan uary u only half dono and february is to ooofayet found a ladys blaok shopping bag containing small sura of money apply at this office i rrfodnd in tho melhodiat choroh shod traightoarr iage wbi p q wpe r c ajj d ve inrt this oflioe wear walkers continue to hold down the couohei at the town ball they eay that georgetown freezes them out rra al fc la now coridnoting special services in the metbodibi church oakville rev g a calvert pastor v rtne annual convention of halton sunday school association will be held at georgplown on tho 4 th and 6th february the prayer meetingat the methodist i oburoh thia evening fttil be conducted by tbe metnbers of the vomaus missionary v acton hookey club will play their flrat oatside match next saturday evening on the milton rink with the club of tho county town the fbke press has a few ofits oalsni dars tot 1897 remaining as ldrig ha tho y last subscribers and their friends are wel come to a copy nearly every farmer who comes to mil lob complains that the streets in town aramna wdvso condition than the country ioida miltonyfeirmer theraton fbhpn ea9aend8oo fc a- tho oleotibn of officers for 18t7 in acton lodge a o ii w no 807 took placo at tho laat regular meeting as follows- past maator workman bro a a sooord mafltor workman bro r u gfvabaiw foreman bro joliu mattuows overseer bro isaac francis bocordor bro w nbpoigbt bocolvhpbro w e smttn financier bro jobn jconnoy ouldo bro james bautead lauorivatoli bro jolinmoeaohroqi outer watch bro william garnoy bop to grand iedgo bro it d graham audltora bros a a 0ocord and r d gfalmni for laughing purposes cnly tho sons of scotland feel that they have secured an entertainment for tomorrow evening which wit give genoine enjoy m en v to all who will attend tho place is the town hall the performers measra starry rioh and w e ram aay mrs ramsay mr and mrs broolba the programme promiaes a fountain of mirth and molody by the above company of morry- majfera mesars rich and jlamaay an- n ounce that ithoy wiah their auaionoaa to nas9agaweya theinowconnoil raeton monday ihthu coquotlohatnborjprookville for prgauiii too one 4temof baaineaa was tqo op- poinrnont otan assessor for tho township jmr augualennody gat the position meaara thob r tayw and david locker captured a ilpo fpx on saturday laat in the river swamp foxeaare quite plentiful around thia serttiou v gornbin sunday soio61 anuivecdary next supday and monday a good pro gram uro ia being provided and a pleastut time is autioipated s- the president id arranging for a mcetiug of haltou farmbrh itaatituto in bro ville on tuesday 10 th february 1 georgetown tlio fubr pnkbb invites all its roadara4o con tribute to this column lfyoqoryourfrlondil uro going away ori a holiday trip or it you jiave frlundj vialtlugynu drop a card to tho fnbb ilttcsa miea auuie clark of toronto viaitcd friends hentduring the week mibs kmma graham of glenwilliama visited adtou friendarbis weok mrs a j murray of rookwood has been tho gneat of the miaaoi laing the past wtfok miss roafl of georgetown has been the gyeat the past weok otrljuus mtnnio btatham miasjobbie modonaldteaohor of lornq- sohoolj wub ateriu on tneadayj atteuding jthajfunerul of her uncle rav john hough of giielph well known in autou and naajagaweya is very ill and bia recovery i a very doubtful mra priest iajying very ill frompataly- aiaof tho brain at the home of her daughtpr trbrev w bryere mr and mfjfred bryeib audmastor brandon ot toronto were gdeata at the home ofjkevwm bryers tljis week mr james jaidlaw dfygfearwater man was in town on tuesday he visit- earohcampuyq and other friooda r miaa iiertiemann returned hocqe on saf- urd ay after spetiding a cbuple of weeks very pleasantly with friends at hamilton and vipinity mr albert laiugia now in georgia giv ing phonograph concerts he is having the oppartuutty of bcoing the oontlnont pretty thoroughiy rcvrha macphorsou waa over to gaft last week tu vidit his brother mr john mucphersou who met with a serious aoct- deiit hisankletwasdialocbted and tho ligimbnta of tbe knee drawn out of plucel frame their mfcda to mirth and merriment whiah bars a thousand harmaf and length- enahfeaa thia programme is put together for laughing purposes only by thebo apt pupila from the ruerrymakiog school the programme ia varipd and embraces many nomberaofmu3io and literature song and btory llleatbe thotio that binds the nnion meeting of the young peoples flpoieiiea of tho various churches in town hold in knox church on monday evening waa very largely attended the bervioe was of a very interesting obaraoter as the following programme wilt indicate 1 ouug 8ai hall very neito calendar with pictorea of the editors of the paper since its inception madondnnyreepre stdtvill meet oolook for organiastion the change io hour of meet jifpgwmmayoty tho man who circulates an evil report against his neighbor without knowing it to betraeisonlylen to blame than the other man who deliberately manufactures such a report xihe hamilton conierenoe ooramutee q circnit b will meet io aoton on m6ndsy26ih jsiiusryrtftev jrvanwyok b- a president of the conference will pnuido t the tiviflion court sitting last wed- nesday attracted a big attendance the pavlieipiipta in the several oases found th w nttbtihs sod iioes in lawsoifu 7r misses jessie niolin and mina wajhar jttfliiw wbtmrr r tbs prcmme for m mong band in that tillage tomorrow svsnlng the fiuw pbxss bis received frommr j v kannswin interssung copies of the inpw x m tno o aofleles t- bp haitone engravings of calif ornli oily and country scenery are gweb i the acton fftxc pbess sends out a very neat calendar with pictures of the editors of the paper slnoe its jnoeptlon be t albert moore well known to harolltodlanbionsofthsm h mr j chorsf a former merchant of bl town now a broker in the oityof washington d c was married last week io miss hyde dl stratford ont daoghter of tbt latepr hyde mr and mrs uurbt will preside in wmhingtonr jacornfleld grocer has made an asslfinmeoi for the benefit of bis dreditors since poming to acton a year ago mr corpneld bos been very ugfortonate tor everml months his faooae has been like a hospital at he present time both mr nd mrs coniflold are seriously ill aud oopflded to bed menrs chejne dv cheyoo announce pas they wilf hso the sksiing rink open as follows i to tbs hookey club on monday wednesday and friday aftornooni from 9 to 4 oclock aud to the pablfo on tuesday thursday and saturday afternoons aud mondav i wednesday friday and saturday vculngs from 7 so to 10 oclock o ia iilost bo tho tie 165 i want to bo a worker 2 sgrlptarojboadlng t cordis rev mr forbes 8pfayorliov h atmaepheraonv hymn lluonwdxd christian boldlors 5 fivomlqute addrcis rev 0 o latig- ford b j g bymn 415 standlag on tho promises 7 flvomlnutooonfbronoo on our soured of strength hymn 208 svroot hour of prayer five mlnutos for social q rooting 3 hymnau wepralao thoo 10 flvomiuiito addrobs rev j e howoll 1ua 11 hymnfij whosoever will 12 silent prayor followed bya season of sontonco prayors 13 flveralnuto addross rov h a mac- phorson 1 h hymn-370- 15 dlsouaslon advisability of a ohrlitlan endoavotunlon f oraoton 18 closing doxology i the addresses of revs ling ford howell forbes add maopharson were spirited helpful and to the point the serfice throughout waa of a character cal- oolated to encourage and unite the y mr j b mcleou spent a day or bo this week vyith friends ih toronto mrh m avathon iitbpeptorof tho bank of harailtoii was jn town on friday miss annie iibkeodof cobourg paid a short viuit to hersistor- mrs c c roe during the holidayp 7 mr w f b jackson loft monday morning for montreal where he has accepted a lucativo poaition with a large and enterpriaiug firm a diaaplutiouof partnorehip ia about to take place iu the firm of walker mubonii tfc co in whiah thtwjciior partner mr r walker retiree miaa bertha harrmou hae beeri unable to resume her blaases ittthc publia actiool since the holidays owing to a severe ill- nerb from whiohwe are glad to hear biio iv reoovpring the georgetown hookey club played tho first ma of thyaeaqon at quelph on is thp month yhcn all eyea tunito the bookseller for chistmas gifts 11396 finds us the centre of nt- traction never before have we had such a dispay our boobs art marvolious intbolrboau ty and quality- white aud gold blnaf lings 85 maud 40o annual s175 annual 175 itoys own post paid girl own ixist paid rundayathomo 8175 post phid ifoistimhoaramopobtpald the k of tlb itear for the economical buyer books in setts i corvodl 8 volumes sloo dumm7 volumoa tuoo eliot 0 volumes 175 dlckotis istdlumesijio cha8 fe bookseller thursday evening laat which fact waa evideuoeed by- tho a core which wab g to 1 in favor of the gaelph team the annual baaineaa mseting of tlio baptiat ohnrch was hold on friday even ing lat iu tho aohool rosin after a aobiil tea this bubiueaa of thu past year was ro viewed the reports ehowidg an excellent btanding next sunday the anniversary arvico in conuootion with tho congregational church will ba hold on wodnoaday evening following a reception will ba ten dered jjhe new paator rev tlios h rogers who ii a youog rain of estimable qqalitiea and marlred ability tmiaj emma elliott will suenbo blen heim council fur 300 for injuries received by falling over a bundle bf wire fencing whiuh had been luft on the aiduwlk the fuke pnahaiaaubsoribed for ou ita menta ns a newapapsr and is looked for and read with pleasure by every mem- berbf thp family it is not token merely to get rid of an jmpbrtutiae ainvaaaar and when received thrown to one side the frthe pitkse is ihe beat read paper in this bection and oovtrd the wholu community tub new mauiiiaob licbkbbs the iiow mirriuge aut requires that both brido and groom make altitavit when proburiug a- mrriaga lioenae in order to a void in- couvoqionco and unneoeeasry publlpity thp nnderaigued will wait upon the parties desiring licenses at the home of any of their friends in town to inane dooumonta h p mooiib issuer oil marriage licehaes fiiek prt fee hog cholera in reported in middlesex coqnty visitors to hawafden say that thoy hkvo hot seon mr gladutouo in betterjiealth for sometime r peoplo in obriatian work a local on ton will be organized rev mr- maoplierbon presided a second meeting will be held on monday evening 5th april in the metho dist churob at which it is suggested tbe programme may include a brief essay upon some popular toptp from eaoh society tote- followed by general discussion our boys appreciation the faee pubsb valnea very highly the cordial reception given- its calendar for 1807 and the many expressions of oom- mendation on tho part 6t friends and con- frores bat no words however kind havo been so fully appreciated aj those oomiog from the old fsks pussfl boys tne gradp- ates of the office in the years gone by we will bo pardoned for appending two or three of these kindly expressiions t cbioago illjftd 0th 1697 dear friend i am joit in receipt of your calendar for 07 which reached me without a broakorberatcband fcannot refrain eonmient on tho wbrkmanobip bjnco i have laf t aoton and tlio pbeb pjibbs x have wategad with great interest tbe coming of tho fiikb pnaaa calo and noted the improvement eaeh year the caloodaryou have jtiif urtoed surpamos r thing you have aver sent outin this lino and were 1 not spmowhat acquainted witli tho art of printing as you oxeente it i fear x should say this calendar was never printed n tho acton fbkb pnsaa offlos tbe workis simply superb tasty and oatobyanavi am proud to give it tho moat eonsplelous place in ray mdtmca with kindest regards to toaani youra i am sincerely a g babtoi brantford jany 6tcl807 dear 81rfocelvgdyoatenlajrpaienda for- 1807 for whiah plooso accept thanks tlio cal endar is very pretty and the boys in tbe exposi tor ofllco would hardly believe it was printed in a town lloaotw yours merer ennennaas palraeflton janyr7tb 4897 calendar rooolvod today t assure you it is a vory beantif ul one and far prettier than i antic ipated it would be tho portraits are good and tho letter proas could nofcbedone better iam sare all your patrons will greatly appfetiato a copy vonr method of forwarding was good for tnlno earao as psrfept as when wrapped it up sincerely t aldbnt uoone tbe brampton coitkrvator pays thjs appreciated compliment- if a thing ia worth doing at all it fa worth doing well is the motto of the aoton fmui pnass in tbs calendar lasoedfrom that bmoe this year tlio motto a retiglqtlalyilved op to if you want first olafsqdelpbsasband doors at gnelph prices t e chaos osn dltyonr order at bis planing mill tantedrbbveralfaitflfuiimen 6n vv women to travel for responsible estab lished house in ontario salary s780 payable 15 weekly and expeiisss rostuon permanent rftreroueo itncloso self stldrassmt stamped on velopu rho national star liuiidjug chicago i crewsons corners thahtgljwator mark iri beautiful oalen dars hae been reached thit year by the fnue pmisa it io tbe handaomeat bouve- nir octbb holiday season that we have yet seen from tho honest and honorable appeaianoa oftho former editors as well as that of tbo probent editorit is little wonder that thefiieb pnieab has met with snob marked success the roadb are btill in a very rough con dition revival meetings were etarted in tho mothodiat church hero on monday even ing on wednesday tho otlr ijibt at -ft- oclock a rjuiot but very pretty wedding took plaoo at tho reaideuce of mrs d mo- keown fif whou hor daughter henrietta waa united in marriage to mr robert g brown of ibis place rev j kestte per formed the ceremony only the immed iate relatives of tho bride and groom werb eflpntathajuidoveaatlinreoipieuof- many costly and uaofol preeouts after spending a very pleapant evening with their frienbathe happy couple sottlcd in their bonio hqre tho many frienda of the bride and groom jpip inwiahing them many years of happiness aud buooobb mr geo oaun was in hamilton on a business trip on monday mr a fielding of- woodeteok ia vi biting hie listor mrs tramainrw of this vicin hy erin by c- overland ir who was eleoled aoolamation wilimakoagood heove tbbdamp weather interfered consider ably with the volunteeru ah oo ting match on new years the annual meeting of the erin agri cultural society will bo held at tlio graud central hotelhiljbburg pnfriday jan- nary 15 th a there is talk of reopening tbe store hear gonnihgaby shortly j if a action ia cures talk hi favor of hoods sarsapsrills ps for no other- medi- clne its g eo recor la ttuth convincing lsnguageof grstef ul qjen snd womjm constitute its roost etfectlve ad vertising many of these cures are mar- vejous they bavo won the confldorice of tho peoplo have given hoods sarsapa- rllla the largest sales in the world and have inado necessary for its manufacture tho greatest laboratory on earth hoods barsapariila is lenowri by tho cures it has made routes of sctofulh salt rheum and eczema cures of rheumatism neuralgja andwoak nerves cures of dyspepola liver troubloa catarrh euros which proye is thp beat io fact the piiotmo blood ptirlfler h ill 1vcr eny to hood 3 plils take toujierute eorgelxfljlelcetriejffipeks t j speight proprietor after the trade that is to be done this mont over loaded in many departments still goods coming in stock must be lower by a great many thousands by the end- 6f the month we face the issue bquarely and fully re alize the necessary means for doing this the 6ulrrfiiaation of thisisthe reduced prices which greetjoti all through the store we are at clear- ing selling in earnest eyery benefit goes your way would you likeus to quote you a price list that were impossibl wc e orrly- point out the departments and say that you can buy ovefobaits 2 p 33 percent less than regular prices suits mens and 36ys 25 to 33 per cent than regular prioes underwear 25 to 33 per cenl under price jacketa foca stlort time- g b ryan co will make liberal reductions on- goods in the following departments r millinery jjctes hoiise 3tirnisiiing3 1 tfiho milllney deparrmentthe reduction ivill be fifty tper centl on the follbwiriir goods trimmed millinery inciudinghats bonnets toques c and all felt shapes both ladles arid misses for instance trirnmed hats will be sold for j 2 hats for vi 81 mats for 5oc v all ladies and misses jackets vil bo sold at a straight discount of 20 per cent all ladies and mlssostjisters will be sold at a j reduction of r onethird or iri blher words in t gormeril will be soldfpi 8s33 ghrts np house furnihikcs while these special lerms last we will sell everything in carpets and house furnishings at a reduction of ten per cent this is a grand opportunity to purchase your carpets c for spring at a big reduction g brhm st c0 guelph owen sound 1 regina less ladies cloth 33 to 50 per cent under what we were selling ihem for itulaterh ladies and misses33 to 50 per cent leas than regular purs all kinds 2510 33 percent- under values millinery- trimmed and unrrlmmed rit 40 to op per cent less than prices to clear prbbroodfl black fancy s and all kinds at sacrifice prices to clear carpets at 20 per cent cut oh marked prices blankets guilts woollens of all kinds go out at the january clearing sale prices bring ois the cash- boots shogs heres a fact us williams has the largest nnd most varied stock ofshoes in town heres ari opinion he can ia williams- doesnt believe undersold be theresa ppomfse j ua williams will meet any honorable com- petition heres an admission tj williams wants your trade very much heres a statement lowiliiams will prove it pays to deal with him heres an explanation twilliams saves for youinprice and gains in quality heres a grand idea ustry williams just once when you need shoes s ivliisic store pianos violins mandolins priims headquarters for organs gruitars ps accordeon eta etc herjes a memorandum 3willianis boots hnd shoes are found his store on auu street acton manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams ptpo andsieam fitting animjqnoral bepalr ing bolns etinlppod witli a gas brazing machine i am prepared to do braslng on blayolea frames stoi wbuols eonverted from direot to tangent hpokes handle bars bent to any doilrod angle fqllllneof spokos kept in stock satisfaction guaranteed bieyoloa enamelled in any eolor t j speight qeorfio town taksnit will bg in charge of an enterpris ing merchant with a good stook the death of sir will modonild last sunday has caused deep borro where the funeral on tuesday was largely attended ii was conducted by rov b jfowlie rey w h oarnhnm and rev h a maopher- son aoton v the ohoir of burna choroh made the pastor the recipient of a beapttful rroap portrait of ihembolves the other evening bevtatr otbebt proaohea in flie congregational church caledon walks over from acton where lie resides -a- grand mnflioalcntartainment was givon by tho ladles of the disciple ohurcb in the temperance hall laateveoinif tbo prpgrammo opnsiated of vocal and instru mental musio solos and reoitationa rev w u jqafnham b a who had his collar bone broken in a ruusway acci dent a months go still carries ills arm in a alfng withconragp which is admired on alt idoehe perfonna tho duties of his pastorate as nsual and hag preached for several sabbaths a teagrowing paradise i 1 t- hvoty tear is lull of irtjm erory infusion is dolloloua jlold lu lobi laeltota only 03c joo soo ooe all grocer c main stroal flaim mill acfonront john architect cameron and contractor manufaoturor of 8ah doora frame mooldiug in all styles and moulding to erder onauort notlee jyotl aaao atoc on ban a atotlce jginl john cambr9n proprietor gol nn organ or piano if not calpai mbffat4 music store and see his slock of dominion instruments they are nice toned well and carefully tnndeof good material and wiu be sold al prices to suit the times i have also a select stock of small insfruments at rcisuntble prices also strings of bes quality for ill stringed instruments mimical sundries of all kinds visitors ato always welcome and will not be urged if not prepired to invest n xi orders taken for piano tuning wloffatts music store next door to symon bros aqton e r bollert 5t co coal istoo john ivlcqueerv having prirobasoff tne coal buinml liereto- foro carrlod- on by jamos drown i am nreparotl to apply all ordora- for furnace coal stove coal chestnut coal op best juhiitv drilora given to rrio puraoniilly or lelt ac kan- na wlnttdltuq btolte wlllbo promptly ailad john moqubbn the pnly store in the city where you pan get the best quality of strings j for- all instrurjients pianos and organs tuned and repaired by a firstclass tuner g iisl klly 95 uppet wyndham street guelph jjiskelm store r for this week we offer great allurements in 1300ts hmd shoes this is to 25 and 27 wyndbam street oxiktph ont bronchial syrup an excellent remedy for the various affections of the throat and lungs such as coujefhs colds croup in- huenza hoarseness soro throatj r eawness tickliiiff bronchial iuflammation aim allitaluiojmry pablesr for sale by mill street v acton that our clearing sale of crockery groceries etc still rh continues bargains are going out eyery day and the time is now getting very short if you wish to save money come at once tq- have your wants supplied t- c moore 80n cor mill ana main street acton- tcs riease seitlo that little bill before the tenth of january j897 job piuntinft rnoludino books fauipbleu posters bu heads circulars ao c execute in the best style of tbs art at moderate prloes and on hort notice- apply or address hapwpobb uik iniiss pffloe aoton coughs and cold8 mastmjtriautglythorttlne its a scl ntlno certainty triad aul true soothing nd bamllng lnlta ucteou w c macounun tt son ilotrieegi mr4rtjaamtwthatf7nylv 0aatmtnorcbrotionmrafl- tis j ii huttt chsmlsl jasyono st tomnto writes p ynln itay- ivcl ta uii hi ttivtluuil lii fhafiafkllnt ik 1 llnu innt turirtla so all who 1 mwvltiipt toimoriho i oiim li4iulnuhrtalli i of jit mlttf prftmrthtto with imi ti ust wttlrfiil r remind ydu we have on hand iseveral r vaiiiable iparmi vbteh wowlll hit very obeap and on easy term of tiaymant uuu farms ara altuatcl ia tbe following counties wellington bruce haldimand siihcoe halton durham perth borne of them are ltlgbly improved farms all are good varloussuws and win be sold at a bargain if sold before the first of january next for terms and fuuparuenlsxs apply 10 j e moeldebbv seorotsiry qublpr and ontario tnvk8t1ibnt and bav1ng8 society guelph ont rushinc rllttp hal totmotlho u lnicplfwirtktt9 t lmmwttlrr fifrlflltjci u 11 m s mu ttlr ci cl itlncii co roirlctors 1iul ltr p do carterejt is still offering his well assorted slock of fancy gfoods bargains it the lowest possible prices every day come at once while it lasts wyndham st quelph ladies fine dongrjla button 8135 worth ladies finb imp kid button 9250 worth 300 ladies imp kid button 175 worth z2 ladies pebble button srbworth i75 mens fine dong kidz25 worth 300 meris dong kid 8206 worth 8250 mens buff congress 8r6oworth 8200 misses dong kid button 8140 worth 26o misses calf lace 110 worth 8140 girls dong kid butt 8110 worth 8140 girls calf button 90c worth 8110 glrkbuff lace 80c worth 8100 boys fine buff lace 8110 worth8t35- youths fne buitlace 8100 worth 8125 boys and youths ordinary buff 85c worth sloe- rubbers ahd overshoes at the same rate remember they last 6nly for this week patent modicinob pyny pectoral for coughs nnd colds kemps balsam harvards bronchial syrup v syrup of mint t eclectric oil 20c v castoria 30c 5colts emulsion 46c beef iron nnd wine 65c worth 8i belladonna palasters 15c epsom salts 5c per lb i sulphur 5c per lb we are headuaners for patent med- cines 20c 2 oc 20c 20c symon bros corner mill and main sts acton es all the world has been searched for novelties beftuuful dhlna ironj jtajlotf hi after dinner ooffeoflimhvliiual tea sndcoiivotk cups o oclock beta fbroad and ilutwr platos cako platos pin trnrs urusli and comb trays- tbeaa aro iall of the anaatoblaa luoatly lfmoges ware fnngerm wpffiavotjiit olara fialu hntte tootbpiok lioldorawusr and cream pitchers fruit and other small dlabos and vase i ngroat varluty jjngllsh qooda in sterling silver sugar biioona and tohrb duttor kiiivob borry bpoons baits aud anandlesa number of llttlo thlugs tor jwrsonal uao and wear and in ameiioan and ganadlan novel tl we havo no and of nrotty and tiflfu1 n tniaalne and lots xeupaodot think of nov things- bteryl varied stock of jing yon can imagine and- lots you cannot think of flno goods ahowriln any one store 4ovor was hitch stock 0 everybody knqws that pringlos is tho place for flpex avatehas nobody can beat ua on cash and thirty yaarb oiporionco in buvlng haa givon os all the advantagia in getting good watches at the lowest prices wo dout buy trash t jtation always u bltyor watphaoo 700 t sqbaapnorwlll4mll you traahto4nakayoa thlnkwojioli chbapjw want our reputation alwayt to b ipit wa8 bought at rui no lb 8 its good- 90jro hs800 and up and iloys an iaooi530otrftnapp ladtini 1000 and 1800 ladles gold watobo 1300 91800 1 mens wntobos s97s lo0 000 a700e600 900 81000 the jemecler guelp h wb dont want theearth it will pay you to give it to us good style perfect quality and reasonable prices with a selection of goods the largest in the trade fur furnishings arc up to date buy your hat hciie- r e nelson lciding tnilor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelnh