Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1897, p. 4

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i thuhbday january 14 1b7- itlstties difficulty n kiuil jiunuim who uvea in tlio country a barrul of rod app03rignt tlio saiuo day by mail cainoalottur which saldthat tu apples werq uiciiit eachouo from tlio top id tlio bottom v for hljdoarhttlobraiiadftiljjiitortjot and ftl bo bin host lovu hii soul to bwoot uuttlo his own littlbput tlio burriil was opoiibd by papa tbo dear littloplrl sat on top she ata oqo two threo tbon bho faltoroil and burat tuto sobbing oh i oli pop oh pop papa 1 i ciiiniot eat nllln tho harrcjmidyot i dont waiittoiti nd iy dour grandpa liovo him and i urn bin pot v ohto farmer a knowing merchant ruuh stronjz one ottlio bis merchants otennebqeowithmouoy to burn got h atart hi jifo by a neat tcfqfc that advertised bis buuineeb all oyemho eonlb baya au ex- change the county was about to hold a fair and eachtoordlmut offered uprise for tln best of something in hie tine a offer ed tj 10 fortho flnesb pound of buuerb offered 10 foe the finest ddzen pf eegdeto when it oamo btrooga turn ho said he wanted atl night to think itovsraa he felt very poor the next mocniilg ho eont to the committee this proposition rush strong will rive half tha entire btook in his aotfe to the man or woman who iaonterjted with hia orher lot in life it was published in tho pamphlet of the tair association and caused laugh all over tho state one day the president said to strong look here strong weve beajrjl foolinjibautthia- thing jongenpaghand- xuol now its getting serious you had bettor stop this right how and tell everybody yon were only joking beoauae berea a ohap down here m blount county who ia goto to tako you up and hes got a half dozen neighbors ready to swear that be ia abso lutely contented with bia lot in life strong vowed that i he moaov ooataess und wrtnlrl iftpvo thnaiiinh- nruio ootor o naitl tho old atorouoojilt sternly i will not do it iovur have i wold tfnjr kjhing by false reprebontatlona luidlllwlll not begin nowi for- a njoinmitho aa uileut and the alerk who alood before him could seo that the bettor nature of hia em ployer wan limiting htroiirly for tho riyhtr notho old man oriod nnnin v will not do it it is au inferior gratln of hhoend i will never psaa it off nil anyliujti better mark if a shoo kit for ft queen ami put in tho window a queen does not hove to do much walking where independence exists no nobler career ia open to young men lhau canadian arriculturo offorfl the man who is a nooimehner who puyh hia debta raise aud cducatrb a family does his private dqty in town oounty ptato and national affaire and faithfully executes tho political social or religious trntjt reposed iu hinvby his peers that nianla ijfo ib full or- all that ia beat in this world he may not acquire millions but ho dps pbtain ajtiod- eat cprnpotenco bpon which to live in- com- fort j mittoea bands tho atook was ready- to be divided ploading was in vain the man appeared with his witnesses declaring thaf ho wob tpget ho prize he made oat a good case and the committee were abont to decidein his favor when strong arose and oaked quietly oentlemenj if thib man is opdtent- ed with his lot in life what on earth does he want with half of my atook easg d hisconscience rail i can ypu tell mo the nam en of tho rail road linea in texas asked pallaa teaaber- of a pupil who wab the eoo of a memberef tli icfiialuture ii dunno wasthereplyi j doea j pur fatheriravel when ho goes from here to attend tho sebsion of tbo legielatdre on ftfreepaaa youuttuhuyell when your blood if pure rich ttnd nour- ifhini mr iioryoa and niiiholud tho blood i tho yitiililuid and wiion it 1 poor thin and impuro you nitibt uither cuffer from homo distrebhhij dhuaaa or yon will easily fall o vidtim tp midden chaiiuob oxpoaro or oytrwotk koep your blood ptiret with iiooda sairfiiiarilhi mid bowoll hoodrt pi lit are tho wt afterdihnor pill j mhiit diebtion ciiro loadaoho 25c firat keep tlijaeir in poace and then thou bhalt be able to pacify otlitrd r tlii ills or mfc almost atl i ho ilia ot lifo uriso from wrong aotlou of tho40lomach livor and hovyola therofpro windonir ia ahowo by using burdock blood biuora to rosuluto streugtben and purify thes orihiia thus preventing and curing aiu disease from a common piuiplo to iio wornt pbrofiilous aoro a cheering truth i thastatal ment that paineb celery gom- poutw makes pjeoptb feel y0ono again the oirls ard th prince wben thepripco of walea waa in amer ica in i860 ho was a yoting man of nine- tcan and unmarried naturally the americau girle wore deeply interested in him moat romantio oielttmoht ensued in all tho oltlek m verr bubterfugo to dance with the young prince waareeortod to andmemberb of his- party were bribed to arrange a waltz with the heir apparent the most muiuftl exped- lonta were resorted- to by his bag- gage watt kfabed as it waa put aboard the oars and when he left a hotel room women would rash in and carry away in bottles the water in which he had wabhed hia face church people forgot themselves and blood on tbo cushions of the pews in order to see the royal visitor on every bandit waa a eeaaon of ezcttement and balls dinners fetes e re a rn le on princes party waa stephen flake the journalist who was delegated by the elder james gordon bennett of the new york fferflm to with ttie prinoewhue be was in america natarally mr fiakej aaw all the inoidenta iif his royal rigb- ceea toqr taking a liking to the amer ican iournaiiat the young prince saw that he was present upon all oocaalona now mr fisko baa written out tho whole etoryv tktid itwillform the january tins tall ment of the ladiei home journavs sariea of great personal eventa illnetrationa of some of the great scenes have been made and these will lw given with the article intbo january journal a cured man says t feel just as brldlrft as a boyv the right- medicine for every all- insr man and woman all the combined powers of earth cannot stem tbo tido of troth that sweeps over this canada bura in regard to tho during and lifegiving virtues of- painea celery com pound thousands of the best people back up h plftin nnt nnpmitihacl cljarioblinjbbuidthut a laugh jb worth a hopdjred groads nftuy market -v- iiwtc uaed tr fowlers extract of- wild strawberry fer woive years wlien required and think it 1b the beat remedy to be had for tfll uinda of suujrafer complaints in bur familviitlbfls noyec failed to i nny cabe t srija bpkjxokniey chatham out fvery family at does nof necebbanly mean thoconttrao tion of diacaep provided the system iu in a vigorous condition with thobloodpuroand- all the orgaua in healthy action when in aboli a conditiou oontagjon ia readily tesi an th diaeab c can hua a vary ramari tbjiwaii for infante find chim nothing bo muph advances christianity as practicing it burdopk pills small eafo and aurev regulate tho liver and onro oonulipation jpotiteneds oosta littlo nod yielda much there never was andnover will ho a uuivorbal ptmsccain one remedy for all immtn whtnh tifh ia imirihn vory nature btatementa about painea celery compound publiahed from time to time the- oured thousands sendvsdoh convincing letters of testimony that the mobt hardened- skeptics are forced to admit that they airo founded on the rook ot truth and honeaty tho following lotter from mr a r mc- gruer dixons corberb ont assures you though your case may be dobperato and death very nigh and though doptorsfalt and other medicipoa proyo unavailing for your relief that painea celery compound will do more for you than yon can justly realize or- hope for mrmnorner aaya cllty and country a gentleman whose baainesa keeper him in a largo city the year round excepting a week in september said to me im afraid yon people do not fully appreciate tho many blessings you enjoy here you havo tho purest air the bebfc of water bjin flhineqqclbbaddirfiahfruitaandvdge tables andentire freedom from theatencbes tho dangers the perplexities the crowding and annoyances constantly met with in the oity it ia true you have to work in tho hot sun a great deal but really that ia not ao prejudicial to health as the ateam- ing heat of the city streets then now different aro your surroundings from oura aftor a shower your lawns treea gar- dena and growing oropa freshened and beautiful the air purified and cooled jand birds rnade merry j- while from our atreetm and alleys arises a atonoh of naaty modi and decaying matter and your septem ber and oalobor nights espeoially when tita m what could bo lovelier how merrily tbo criokete chirp i how the musio of the katydids rings through tho orchards and grovel biobb you- tbia muaioof anaatnroo nighlisthe mqbiaof peace of freedom of rest and to a weary city man it is a thouhanda times sweeter than the clang and bhriek of the opera 1 s r fbeq-orundy- some time ago my condition of health was alarming and i snfforad very muoh i waa laid up three days out of every week and x often said to ray friehda that it would be better if it was the iiordswill that i should be called away threojf the beat doctors attended me but could not relieve me in any way u was then i was advised to use painea celory compound which brought relief at once after ueing this rroafromody i find myself a new man and feel jus tf as bright as a boy of eighteen years t think itin the greatest raedicino in the world and would a trpngly recom mend it to all who buffer dont try to offset the meanness of to day with thesgopdness of yesterday totally deafmr s e crandell port perry writes i contrated a heavy cold last winter wbiob resulted in my beaoming totally deaf in one oar and partially bo in the other after trying various remedies and oonoulting eevorarapotors without ob- taining relief i waa advised to try dr jthpjpfqjmttioil-jlwarmed-the- and poured a little of it into my ear and before onohalf thebottlowaa oaed my hear ing was eompletly restored i bavo heard of other baaea of deafness being onxcflby the me of thia medicine of many cuiatjveh being apch that were the gcrhia of other and differently seated diseabcb rooted in theayetom of the patient what would relieve one ill ia turn- would aggravate the other wo have howeyeir in quinine wine when obtained in a bound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous i lis byits gradual judiolous uaethefrailbateyhteroa are led into con- yaleecenoe and strength by the influence whiah quinine exerts on natures own rebtpratives it relieves tho drooping spirits oftbobewith whom a chronic state of morbid deapondepceandlaokqftaiereqt in life is a diaedsc and by tranqailizing tbenervcb disposes to sound and rofresb ihg sleep impartb vigor to the action btthe blood sy both for 1n- bxtbrkaxj use and won- derrullnlts quick action to rellovo dlatrqaa painkiller uskz pamitler wtffisffiks iiicltofhltoltneniuatuin i ihenralvlm painkiller tifflymatii- painkiller mis sfefflvm it r un lulornnllr or exlomnllr kh sttulloii fil tat ibiu trtiavdavllf nobody but a fog will always try to be wilty i sample of ioter wo are receiving every day in- regard to the marvellous euhea off eo ted by tho uee of wrights livor and stomach pills you are at liberty to use mvnama in the endorsement of your valuable pills one box taken as directed proved such a perfect coro that i cannot find words to exprepa my gratitude to you and will ever seuud tho praises of your pi la for liver trouble j signod e c bnowh north toronto abkartbrbwnringglfliiabonxthena7 sample box eont on reoeiptof bx oenta in btampa f tiia lerqy pjft co toronto can try donnhe3aohe powders safe suresuticessful 2fi centa a box l etpiibtfro ta discnbfl lodgement hoods sarsapartlla id the best medicine to buildup tbo ayatem bo cauie it makcb purs riah blood und para boodi the babia of good health in cold- wealliarit is cepecially ncccbeary to keep up tho health tone bcoanso tho body jb bubject to tratcr exposure und more liahlo to dierase hoods barroparjija is lie safeguard to health in order lo bo a puccrasful teacher of bo lo bo fiend if is uecerflttry iiot only to tuke an interest in seeing that their lefchoiiro propoi ly reci ted hut to bo mire th tt i hey understand what they are doing and take an interest in it f make them feel that it is their hustnees now and that lhetr future jucceaa in life depends on their dojng their wprkwell ip the present rboyslikoa friend not an overacer pc a quarter but just 2b cemts and 46 poss in a vial of draq- i nevvts liver pills s fefletablcprcpqmtionforas- siourvgttetoodaridregula- railway time table facsimile signature no pain no bac after pleasure in every doae but awfully good effects llttiev cure elok headache oonatipatfon biljaus- neasi nausea sallownesa they are purely vegetable in bigdemand and all druggists bell them mere granules in aizi yon have a place in sooiety pennliarjy your own endeavor to find out whero it is and ketpltt which being stimulated oonrses throughpot the veins strengthening the healthy animalfuiiotipns of the system thereby making activity a necbsary reaolt strengthening the frame and giving life to the digeetivo organ b which naturally demand increased substance result im proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto havo given to tho public iliqir quinine wino at tho ubual rate and guagod by tho opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in tlio market all druggists sell it h i tb ef e dr lows pjeabant worm syrup remov es worina of all kinds from children or adults ho who servea willingly berves- grace fully the healthy glow disappearing from tha cheek and moaning and restlessness at night aro biiro- symptoms of worms in children do not fail to get a bottle ot mother igravcs worm exterminator it is an effect ual medlblne f relief for jjixrig troubles emulsion lncaxcmptioknnilill lltmo di8ease3rittloopulod codoht uohh of appetite yoti hear it in nfae btt of ten drug stores it is the reluctant tea- tlmony of 40000 druggists that scotts emulsion is tie standard of the world andisdt tht kind all others try to range op to the kinthorycu to buy twa tizofsq cts aoj tx0 mm puster nbtarlna yorr rnuoh ploaim wltta tbo nrwu and rlnunntnou of iu pillrattnn w u caspxm 7ku md iiotm oxford uotlon 1 hurt itied unnitml ilutori iniereral casn kroumlr fbauraailtm hinjtd in cvrrrctim t 11uoobilwblvallniithn iu v itcurfs soluticn uin1nao noru- ralffta pntnn lit buck or sldo or any jauasular rtiis price davis ss tjiirrcnoo co ltd me j o consider well whai you can and ouht to do and bo faithful in performing it a serious cdflev mpsepa t mrtiiyun co i qaed dr fpwiorb extract of wild strawberry for my little boy for summer complaint and it cured him hfe was ao bad that he had cobvulsiona and would strain so that he ruptured bimbelf but aa bdon as i got the extract for him ho got wpu l mltseifinwlv q fonthfll ont fpur things can- net como backthe spoken wrd the pperjtarrcw the past life neglected oppprtanitiea in pcnol rating power never attemrjt duty bntln gods strength norway pipe syrup cures cougba norway pine syrup cures bronchitis norway pine syrup beats the lungs novcr aliirk a duty to dodge a oriliclem a nliit ilritru faint hoart never won fair lady pal pitation throbbing irregular beating pain in the breast anda smothering nxloub feeling are signs of a weak hoart and de ranged nerves dilburns heart and nerve pills are the best heart tenia invigorator and restorative for all forma- of heart diaeaae dcdieltv tlio beneillaoribls nrtlelonrotojut manlfct kmulmi much in little m especially true of hood plllfbr nomedl- elno ever contained so great curative power id avniiau apaecfc they are a wbolasnodlcuie u ihfttejrot ush wlilh liml t mil u i nil mo for havo mint onililomlilj in itj thold of tbo d 1 sb rid ofn bmlcliir wolttlil i itlcod tliu krniilnlim m wtill i wtgud a wltcu uia uiua canio nniunil to tiko 1 w ai t it wincilncce montreal we anil 81 per buttle davisauwrehcetlorttintwoirnear of nothing ao relieves loneliness as vibitlng the lonely to he removed all tho effect a or waeto matter of tho system is removed by the perfect aotion of lazaiver pills tbua they prevent aawellaacuro sick headache cpnatipa- lion biliousneaa dyspopaiu spur stomach suiipw complexion jaundice dizzinebb etc ways efficient always lal lafaetory prerent av eololv or fever euro all liver iha alck headache jaundice constipation etc tbo only plus to tako with hoods barsaparllla selfdeuial is tho vlrtuo that id moat ad mired and least practised get tiie ucst they lived well ladies of acton who do their own cook ing and feel that their work la not appro- otated will please ahow thib tp their -has- bands a farmers wife hi michigan kept a record laavyear of bet oookibg operations her hubband waa jflumb itftb astonish ment when she produced this record for a family of six 825 loaves of bread 83 tins of bucuits 15 loavea of brown ibread 207 plea 180oakes 86pudding8 lftdozen cookies 108 dozen ginger anapa and 14 ohioken pleai nordpesthuinoludfl meats and vegotabea that this hat la not above tho average ia readily been by divid ing it into weekly port ioua machinery andeooperaiiou arealready making life lifo easier for the woman who dpea her own lipuaewprk the time to show a couragooue opirlt ia when the trial comes in hia vegetable pills dr parmelee has tpveirttibworlclthefrnitbof long floiati- hflo reaearoh in the whold realnrormedir oal aoieboev combined with new and valu able dlaooverlea never before known to man for dolicate and debilitated constitutions parmeleei pjlis aotlike a aharm taken in small donee the effeot is both ahonlo and a stimulant mildly exciting the bcorot- ionbof the body giving tone and vigor the public are too intelligent to purchase a wort li lees artiole a second time on the contrary they want the beat physioiana are virtually unanimoua in saying sootta jumulaionib tho boat form pf cod livor ou borrowed troublo is always tho most burdensome parmoleos pills poasess the power of act ing apeoiflcally upon the diseasod organs stimulating to action the dormant energies of the system thereby removing disease in faorsbgrcar isth epo wfi f rjtfflh iltro edi ceno to cleanse and purify that disease a of almobt every name and nature are driven from the body mr d carawel carewell p o out writes i have tried par me lees pills and find them an excellent medi cine and one that wilt sell well no remedy in tho world equals nervil- iue nerve pain cure neuralgia and rheumatism are relieved almost inbtant- ly and the miner acbea and pains are cured by a single application nervil ine nerve pain cure is auro to cure it ia brave to overcome it is saintly to endure that hacking cough can bo quickly oured by hagyarda pectoral balsam price 25o there are some anbjeote puch as tho sanotitlties of religion and of tho home life about whioh one should never feet maaaaaaa waaitp t m relietf from choking a correspondent writes whenever i road of a case of oboklng in any paper i always endeaver to send the aa me paper a sure and oertain relief from oboklng that has never yet failed the remedy la bhhply thia to immediately reverse the uprirht position of tbo body aupporled by tho hands- whhjfeet elevated wjieri imtaqt relief will be obtained and tho obstruolinn will fall from the raqulh a obild can be aied and the head turned down and relief will be inatintaneba bpveral live have beep aavod by thia treatment and i have reoeived aeverat grateful iettora advulhg maofua fluooeas wheri death seemed in evitable i there are oases of oonaumptfou so far advanced that blckles anuconaumptivo byrop willnot cure bad thar it will not give relief for cough a colds and all affections of the throat infigs and ohest it is a speoiflo whlob has never been known to fail it promotes a free and easy expectoration thereby removing v the phlegm and give the diseabed parts a obanoe to hear it is not great deeds but faithful that god rewards t uvea worth two to- ooe hour today morrow tub nkw mahiiuok licenhkb the new marriago act requires that both bride and groom make affidavit when procuring a marriage license convenienovahd unneoeaaary publicity the understood- will wait upon the parties desiring keen baa at tho home of any of their friends in towrmo iaaue dooftmerits ii p moo in isaaer of marrlago lloenaes fiiek paxaa office acton tttantbd b8vbbal vaithvuij men oh z to travel for reaponalble etub- lubed bouw in ontario salary 780- payable tfl wmklv and asttuinh miflon permanent jtferno buold aolfaddrauied aump koolplft aalfaddraaaed thenatlonal btar huimidk siichro raped oil- 41 iivlcihsr r iykmrpiriby a bnre and safe limnedy in every case and cvory kind ot uowel complaint la painkiller thia in a trno ntntement and it cant bo tnatlo too atronff or too empbauo it is ahlmplo safe and quick euro for cramps consht rheumatism colic colds neuralgia xmarrlima cronp topthaolie two sizes 3 and boc j preakiip a cd in timor j bv usinq pyfjy- pectoral tlio qnlelccaro for coughs cq 1 hh cllovvt iikon- chitis hoarseness oto mis jorkpii noiiilick of6j soruuienavcturoiitowrtcn rttnrttral hi prar fnlw tn cta ltif rtilllrtn orcn nirmliiijrirofftlpwnilinfr cnitfh aftar cvral orlmr rrnmllm iind fulld it 1ms- hloirfovlnritilluiit rnucli cun for nir futllt t 1 litcfrr i li nnr mticr raodlctuo fur cuuntui oruu or timrictifm ii o nawnouii ol lluloitocbsr jjilwrlles tcrand trun irltalt ooinu wkbt uqlkalfabt mali 9 1 ami kxiitihb jixiiro u ii-ijiiu- ilxiirtbh bi ui 1 7xupni mull i mixo tisii or tloflinuaixiir ioliia woht 0 li am and 6 40 jmij going kaat 10 15 am and 45 piii tlila lluifi tntil w6nt ilito jtcct oi nov uotll ihtfl 0 ittaiu 10 47 am 611 pin 10 vn pm ui w ga camp prepare for wlndsvv we would call yuur dltodttorj lo chotacc thajt we are prpuoil toaapply you with lumber of biiitablo length lor your burn doors viz 10 13 18 or 14 fcot also sash v- vdqolcswvv v frames mouipihos etayorbojtdlng storrbdreput tip at- as low a rate aeposaible wjbjjbsi or putju hewpueji befqre ifis too cold- wcan uo rr shop at foot lof rv0r stroot acton thos ebbace manager hate yoii got in organ or piano if not call at walker mcbe aim co georgetown stock creht taking sale commencing alotlals music- is torcand ecc hisetocuof dominion instruments they ire nice toned well and carefully mide of good material and will be sold at prices to suit the times i hie also a select stock of small instruments at reisormble prices also strings of best quality tor all stringed instruments musicil sundries of all kinds v visiters are always welcomaand will pot be urged if not prepared to invest n b orders taken for piano tuning- moffatts music 8toro next door to symdii broa aotolf racton- livery bus line tbo undorstgnod respeotfnlty solicits the patron ago o tbo public and informa them that- dress goods all wool droso goods 19c worth goo heavy art sorgo 19o worth 30c costume lengths in lfflbtand park fancy twooda 175wortli 300 as5 yortli 350 475 worth 000 405 worth 0s0 533 worth 700 x allwoolc toiocrs will uve no oilier largo hottle 9 cu davis ft lawkencb co ltd propflolor mohtreal 4 cream caabnioro ujjworth wo ilnlt u36 50o illuo i93 50e nllo 80c fioo illk hnurlotta 119c worth 50o ink henrietta 59e worth 75o fanoy illk tilclllianu coo worth 73 o colorod all wtfol sorgo id worth aoo waist plaids in 3 yard lengths d115 worth 6150 worth elb5 mantles to bo cloarodtcijardlobb of cost ladlob mantloa 1500 for 9775 800 im 700 a93 short coats 600 385 800 ift grey flannels tbo prloos aro but of alght grey union do worth 12io grey union lie worth 15c grey wool 17c worth 22c blankets nowathe time to get thoin mubt be sold olioap raadytqwaar clothing 900 fur capes p5 ladles groytamb capo 30jn lousouly 2100 ladion groonldihl seal carfo30 in long 1050 worth 82700 fur coats ladlob purcoatfl ooiiiour s3o00 for 2750 silks silks colored dress and other bilks worth from 50a to 125 to ho olearod out at 25c dout miea tola chanap aa tloy aro cheap at doublo tho moiioy i staple department 31 in factory cottons 3jc worth 5c 4c fie 6c 7c will to 70 100 too 7o m acton steam a cook proprietor fifstolass work guaranteed in ihmtly laundry worjr shirts collrs i cuffs etc work ailed for every monday and thursday and delivered every thursday and saturday r acookv oxford shirtings itooalar 13c for lie itogular 10c for 8jc itogular7c lorkjo cottonades tlio qroatoat valuoa boou in tho county oi halton 25c paloprico 10c 22c salo price 174 20c salo prlco 16c lbd ealo prlco 14c r tboro novor was snob a obaece of getting readymade clothing at pretty near your own prlcon mona tweed pants 15 for 80e jr50 for l0or ajo 15 bulta 500 for aw fijsofor 4oo- navy serge 500 for 375 overcoat mens frieze ovorqoatft3600 for 450 p floofor 80 lojwfor 650 fino uoavor laoofor 8j tailoring duringour croat bale wo will offer groat ln- ducomonts in oar talloriog depart m out mens tweed buita to order fmr1000 9llxj0r91j00r 130 we have tbo newest and moatatyluh jw tbat canbwbpnght and asforfinish apd workmanship we cant be touched you get everything of the bast and can rely on what ever walker mobpan fe co will give you wo don t put cotton velvet col lata on our overcoat wo leave that for ethers to do we only eupply tbo best v j i in sh clbtbtto be sold at 16flo and 1760 mens tvtooot panu to order s34d worth 3bo men a tweed fonts to ordor205 worth 6500 boots and shoes mens doou suitable for all seasons mens heavy plough boots 89o worth 115 mens heavy plough boots ai00 jrtrui fiiss moniionbboou jo worth 1s x m men 8 bookie felt boot 1w worth 175 men s 4 unokle felt doou 189 woh 80 men agraln4 uuoklo jolt boole 210 worth 860 if lumberman bnbbers l89 worth 160 mens york granby rubbers 60e worth 75o mona oambridgo granby mubbers 00 worth 73 carpets our carpets to be cleared out regardless of cost millinery oar milllnory at half frloo well equipped and stylish blgi oan all waya beseoured atblaatabloa a comfortable boa- moots 1 trahidtjbetweon 9m adbclb pm oarolbl attention given tqeveryoraor t tbo wanta of commercial travel- lers fully mot ohn wjlliams pftopolk ton ebcollinjvv liutfelhoir desires to thank his humerons onatomera for tholr liberal patrooago since he oommenoed business last janoarr and hopes that by oaref ul itlu u of tbolroubtoa a eomplotp asaortmout of fintelass beef mutton lamb fork fresh and salt hams sausages poultry lard ao in aeaaon prlcos always oa ov as eonalstent with the boat quality prompt dell vory fat stock wanted job printing includinq nooks papipliletfli roitorsjul hoads circulars aoaozeonto in the- best stylo of tho art at moderate prices and on hortnorico apply or addrenn h p moobb fnaa piikbs office aotob whck6r mcbehnco etaxi ttary brgmits florida water thbsyraetest most fraoltant most refreshing and enduring of all perpumbs por thb handkerchief jbilet or bath all 0rubbi8ts perfumefts ahd sss5ttl beheral deaiehs aaiaaimamjmmammafiiiwmmvwmm s cdwetcwwes gejdsramnfanfow rcomphaw it is no wonder that rub bers which arcnot the same shape as the boot should be uncomfortable itcotts mo- i ney to employ skilled pattern makers but the result is a satisfactory fit each year new patterns arc added to fit all the latest shoe shape and oranby jrubbers are always uptodate they are honestly made of pure dont draw the feet thin light elastic du l r ettrathiclc atballahd heel they fltpthe boot tt 15 p6rcent qfh all black and colored dijringr january i vjrpbhi oiiiiiaaio a roil llovsnosoii during tlio hot aummer aeason llio blood rot ovorhontod tho drain on llio fblcnili in order to- avoid jn aar a tho appetlto is often ibat bur dock blood billon purities and invigorates tho blood tones up tlio eastern and restores lost appotke pureat and beat for table wstfifelry no adulteration never caked mctisre gis a serious question for prospective housekoetoers is tbd flreat original outlay necessary for the purchase of appropriate farnlturelahotfurniahinga wo can be of service to all such theyll be aorprlsod to loarn upon how email an investment they can begin with if their selection is- made from our atook older house keepers oan and many articles they need this spring at very j6w prices in our waroroomg undeitakiiig r our atook ia complete an exqelletit assortment in all the oityntyloa in trimmings and tloiah prices lower than over collins or oaabeta deliverud within flvo miles of aoion flrstofass hearao at rcaeonahle qhargea a e qtnhsy co saotfand sbow rooms cor wlltawr nttit affaci streets jai co specially selectedblack or mlxedhpwud and one pound pacltets- atgkocgka thi davidsdn hay ltpwholblvlgabertat mfc sitlons upvuiohts jto vnnteh ahddotorintlon mar mjfliotna an juvonuon l ila coinlnuuldiitfniifl trfotly if ainnaj rnrmflurliut uti 80ientifi0 american ssj5saa p4tt munn a co 301 uraiidnuy niw vrh j h

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