Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1897, p. 1

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volume 3cxii no 32l act03st7 ontarro thubsbay jantjaby 21 1897 iuicjs thitlsi ojntb m ib poiiiiianfd evert thursday morning at thf free press htcum printing oaul miueastrnpt aoton ont titniib of sodfloniprios ouo dollar por year itrlotlyiu advauco all nubsnrlntionb dlbcou tinued whan tho tltno for wliloh tuoybavo baoii paid boa ox mired abo dato to which every subscription is paid is denoted ou tho address lab advehtibihit katkb trunnion t advert i bo moots 1u a out a pur nonparol huu for first in hortion s conta por lino for oaou bubsonuout lnsortlop contract ratps xho following table shows 3ur rates for tho iisdctiou of udvortlsoiuonta for poclqed periods our exgrcie- i books id scribblers arc nndc pf belter piper thin any others in town spaces tvii 6 mo 3 vo 1mo boluouas 10 lnobos stnahos llnob 860 00 35 00 00 00 000 3s00 woo 1900 s00 20 00 ia oo 700 aoo e7oo 300 100 advertisements wltbont spociflo directions mil bo innortd till forbid and obargod aocord ingly transient advertisements must bo paid in advance advert bomonta will bq changed pneo each month if desired por c ban rob oftonor tban onoo mqnth the composition musbo paid for at regular ratoa changes for contract advortlsonjoiiffl musjrbo u tho offlceny noon on tuosdaja s hp mooltfa v editor and proprlotor ftusiness fflireritorp medical t f uren m pcm otdoo and rosldooco corner mill frodorjck streots acton as elliott mb acton giuduatm toronto university opproe uoin street third door south of presbyterian church acton f halsted m d p l u c o m c p and s ont office medical hall main street acton patrons go solicited hheutnntium and catarrh spoclaltloa veterinary svrqeon s ulsupplyof all school books at days bookstore otjelpk 1 day saiis cheap tjhb traders bank of- canada authorized capital 1000000 hald up capita and surplus 785 ooo assets over 6300000 3 xou want a jargq assortment to choose from if you are look ing for sachet powder we have never had such an ex quisite ran lfred phusband v s graduate of the ontario votorlnary colloao honorary hi ember of tbo veterinary medical boolety owtce wnl husbands lot 2j con 4noss agaweyo calls- day or night promptly attended to dental l bennett ids dentist obnaitoww qktuuo jm bell d d s e d s dentibt unoobtlifle hovoiigiiaduate or tuahjvto university work made satisfactory price modora to visitivo days tuobday and friday of oacli wttk dr t 8 merger uentihi graduate of toronto university and rods office over drug storo acton special days monday tuesday wednesday and saturday legal ib a mcle barristers solicitors notaries conveyancers jcc private fnnda to loan offloo town hall acton wu a mclean jno a mclean d mdrray llajinibters soei01toxb notaries eto offices 1206 queen tit parkdalo victoria chambers 01 victoria st telepnono 397 toronto john douglas a g munnay a j mackinnon j bannihten boliorcon conveyancfr omicecorner mill and main fitrcot above kopman a storo acton g matheson j b moleoe i aumstuns bouciroas conveyanoeiib georgetown and milton monoc to loan at lowest ratoa t r j monabb otork fourth division court county of hal ton oonveynoor agont flroanchjyo assurance itoal estate aoont monoy to loan oto oirloemaluios block acton ont -mischllaxiods- henky grist ottawa canada bolioltot of patonta for inve oto prepares applications for tho canadian amor lean and europoan patent oulcos an for tho iteglatratlon o trade marks bond for pam pblot thirty two years oiriorlonco iranois ndnan booebikdbb f wyndham st ouolpli ontario over wllllaro store aooount dooks of all kinds mado to order firiodlcalsofovory description oarefullybound ttolldp neatly and promptly done t m abrraqe xicenses b p mooitk isbubn off manniaoe iifafbeb private oflldo ho wltnossos required issued rosldenco in tho ovoning proo press oinco aoton aoton mneliiue and kepair shops bnmabindemliroprutor akb veil equipped nltb all tho mabblnery neossary tooxoonto all repairs to mubln and brtonltoral imploiedt and to do all nisof iteain fitting horse shoeing and genera iokamltblng woodwork repairs torformod a satlsfaotory rnannor wo ean repair eay aoblno or implement of any make haw m mlng and filing done wellington mutual fire insurance company bstabllankd 610 tn8ubah0e on oash and mutual plan any psotmrairalertornrtoitnedtoirryarfdres box ffs or telephono 66 will bo promptly at- 1d john tayiiob agent oaelph rttm hemstbeet lloetlbid aootioniir war the oouitles of wellington and ilslton orders left at the fnh pnesj oflloo aoton or atmyrmldenooinaoton will be promptly at tended to fees reduced to 6 00 for farm sales aim money to loan on tho most rayorablo miand the lowest rates of interest in ma of woand pwords v- vt barber bros paper makers georgetown ont uu a srxoiaiii or machine finished book papers aiti 11011 obasb vtbkklv vkws i ji tlio padr used in tbla journal la from uio nbovo nllls wm barber bros sachet powdees to be satisfactory must have a jastingarfd at the same 1 1 rne adelicateodor this is the kind we sell here is a partial list of odors from which to make your selection i violet n really irue violet phul na na has tj no ha na heliotropl oeilletncw i ilas blanc peau despagnl caprice white rol cashmerk bolquet wild xjluai blobsom cuefph branch i supas f 91 anil upwurdo rcoeivod on diopoaitand 8j percent interest paid or compoutjded iiulf yearly deposit rocoipta isauvd iqr largo bums deposited advaoccb rnsde to reappnaibla farnlera- on their own paracs no charge made for colleoinji 3uleb notes if payable m guolpli a general banking bndineaa transaoted a r u jonqst manager 0cirt alone i in lea jou lily doxllug my ddrllnfl thu onlbcra burirlow on the boartli and still ia tbo slrof the housoliold tlr jnnln in rhn v f mlftll hockey wayers alex stewart dispensing and family chemist quetph main 8treet plaivinc mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor jlnilfa rash pnnra frnmns mniilrlln in all stylos marnrrmn and movhbiaa to order orusbort notloo well sssortod stock on hand at prlcoo totul tho times john cameron proprietor weddinsr presents to dkte frames pictures artists supplies fancy goods lgo0d value 1 waters bros 8t qeojrae 8 square gublph acton steam -laundrt- a cook proprietor firat class work guaranteed in family laundry tyork shirts k cauan caffs etc work ailed for overy monday end thura8oy and delivered ovory thursday atidsalurdaj a cook acton- livers bus line e uudnralffiiod roftjootlallywholta tbopatron afio of tbo pablloi and lnfonna tbem that tbo offo- well equipped and styluh rifli can all waya be secured atbliatabloi a oomfortftble bus moots al trains botwean 9am and 610 trains botweon 9 tn and 818 p m careful attention glvon to ovory ordor tbo wants of ooninioroialtiatol- lerafullymot -whn-williams- e 8 collins butcher doalrei to tliiuk his numefoai enstomers for tbalr liberal patronao sinoe bp commenced budinoai loit january and liopca tbaubv careful and oourtorfob attention to merit a coutlunaoco of their custom a oomploto asiortmont of firstclass beef mutton lamb jork fresh and salt hams shusages poultry lard o in season prices alwaya as law as consistent with tbo bot quality prompt dollvory at stock wanted tft jj collins guelph business college a shorthand institute ouexpb out burinion faoimti88 for thoroush nd nnotlcal courses of btudr bookkeenlnr fiheruiand and typewriting courses a ipeofslty orsduates assisted to poellfons kaii bbkbionb oommsnoos 8oni 1st write or olrouler baarp prln0 can getjierffjust what is right in skht9s anb hqcksy sticks if youre talking hockej write us for prices well make them low enough de pend on that j m bond fc co hardware gueiph stock tajfing shoe skle at w mclaren ccs guelph 30 days of shoe bargains the best shoe is always the cheapest w- mclaren co the loading shoe store cuelph your black coat how is it there ire times when thcfict ofyourhav ing a good black coat is a ery greit satis faction the occasion demanding the wear ing of it often arises suddenly be prepnred for such in emergency by ordering it once vt mike rcilly goodclothes none better try us and prove us shaw turnei merchant tailors guelph fall campaign prepare for winds wo would cat onr attoution to tho fact that wo aro prepared to tfipply lou willi lumber of builable length for your darn doors trir 10 12 18 or u feot also sash doors frames r mouldings oto for building storm doors put up at sb low a rato as possible pumps repair jpur pdrops opput iu new ones before it is too cold wb can do it 8hopaf7oot of rkver street acton th08 ebbac manager aqton saw mills and wood yards jktwcbs brojnin manuvaqtoubil and dkalun ih lath f woqil all kind a of wooa in stook and prompt delivered to any part of tbo town at rttusonttbo prices hardwood ud slabs out stovo longtb alwayn n u and t tolppliono eomiiiunlcatlop rushing sale p de carteret is still offering his well assorted slock of fancy goods at tho touetst possible prices birgiins every day come at once white it lasts wyndhom st gublph wantm0 sbvbualfattnpuimun ok wopieirto ttveiotnmmnblbloiltitt llsbed homo in ontario salary 7h0 nayablo 10 weekly and eipensos 1osirioti purmanfliit lleferodco ennloso self add reined stain nod ou unvolopo i ho national huir utllldltih tfhlcftrfu thu rain bilaalida font on the torraco tho winds past tho lattices inoaii tlio mtdnlhut ohlmob out from tbo stooplos aj4d i am atouo iwotou my darling my darling i in tirod with core and with frot i woufd ticbtlo in sllouoo boslde jon and all hut your proaoncojorgor lu the hutih of thohappinobs glvon to tboso who tbroygli trusting havogrcwu to tho fulluoss of lovo iu contentment i ut lam alone i cajl jou my darllnbjiydsrlldg my votoo eobooft baok on fbo heart 1 fttretch my afius to you lirioiina and jo i- thoy fall owjjtydart i wbjapur tho nweot words ypa taught mo the wprdatbat wo flnly havo known tilt thoblauk of tho dumb air la blttor j- or i am alouo fnoudjou niy darjloj mydarllugl 1th iu yearning my very hoart action thu load that divides us noigbs harder i shrink from tho jar that it makov ohlitorrows rise up aud beset me old doubts piako m spirit their own o coino tbroughtbo darkness and savo mo i or i am aloue etohortj burdetto on tbodoath of hla wife j yamllg-4tga5tnff- gtettmg a husband what uw idea 1 one to do it ll u youll never ct any oh jo i ehiill i know jut tho girl who do toll me 1 cftu t jou 1634 no you ilo i i fairly acreaino 1 yea you now listmbirilu you r jdbt tho fir for dunoid ivo alvyi thought s and 1 k tow jou both well daacau n oh my dtar tirl jtiat us if i duln t know eorj thing tlitit jjutitun is hnd unt and uai and vv ill b t aid i at us tlio ih aty nrl would tuke that nort of thing ou trust and not jtiduo for heraelf boforo utie wentrutl ilia wy out to india to murry a mup 1 bortlia darling dont ue lxuiio i please dp think thm tnrfiter- over oorlously and try and boo uh ndvautugea here i will feivo jou his letter to read aud leao yod for a httje do try and like the idea i read iholotur hdi cant say i was much lmprchsed 1 ut ae it explains the poflition of affairs litre it is xyxa old lil i am writing to ask a favor of of jou hut first jou must proiulso you won t thluf xao perfoctly uiad as i solemnly ossuro you e am in onrucit wo havo alwaysbconpala havou t wu and 1 tnlukkou kiiov oxaotly what sort of follow i nm do you romombcr you used to eay that tho reason bo many peoplo aro unhappily married is bocatibo tbo man al ways persists in choosing tho girl ho falls iq loyo with without considering uli bu0 tdo qualities noooasary to tuako him a good wife i romemborou onco said men would be far bappllr if ttioy would lot their sisters choose tholr wives for thorn woll i want to get married and i havo rscolvod to filvo your wlso maxima a trial perhaps i may be ratlioracold sort of follow but anyway i havo novor wautod to marry any of tho girls about here will you choose a wife for mo from among your english birl friends and plaao the case oloarly before nor tell bar all jou know of mo m regards chm actor disposition otc also that i am 29 years of age well oft tall and i uollove passab ly good looltlng i shouldhjs4br to bo present ablo in appoarauco tho nut i leave to you wo might oxchango photos only mlno would bo no good as thoy aro all old ones and i iujow you havo no docoiit ouos at homo i uoad bard i y add that though it is a dangerous experiment i will do all in my power to niako it turn out a success and wboovur trusts bersolf to mo shall novor havo caubo to rogrot it if i can help it lot mo know ns aoon as yon aan aud bollovo mo youraftoctionato brother duncas asabtwoop after all it is rather a good idea i think original if nothing else but somehow i wouldnt like to take tho risk on the other band iro no homo now that dads gone and only a poor little iot year to live on lu a awfully good and bind bat i cant stay hero forever her husbind oiubt think md a uumanoe bb it i i shall havo to co out as a governess and heros a chance of marrjing a rtiun who ia rich handsome kiod hearted and of whom overy ono epoak- well i dont aire for any ono etao shall i chance it well i did after all x had no one iu the world to advibo mo but ltl and her baeband aud thoy both thought it a dssir ablo match thoy fiaid wo were mado for cuob other bat i believe in their innermost heart of hearts they think duncan a bit too good for me my photo was sent out and my future hubbaud deigned to say that if i was anything like my photo ho loved mo already i think it was rather sneaky pt him not sending one of hi but he has been minutely described to me and lavoing to wear a while gardenia in his button hoiowlion ho meets me at calcutta he ban a good post in thj indian civil oorvlce and lives in calcutta in the- coldwathcr and simla in tho hot so i shall have a good time lit rigged me out arid packed mo off and as for mc well i think i shall like him aud 1 moan to try anyway wo hava passed fort said and very soon wo shall reaoh aden every one on board is kind to me i shall never forgot arriving ut aden a horrid looking place with low white bouses against a dreary background of rock and no trees or flowora to be aeen an interesting man came on board at aden he is tall and broad with a kind face and dark eyes and bnoh a lovely beard and moustache i think i rather like beard that horrid danoan is elean flhareo i oughtnt to be tbinklo about men oh dear i wonder if i have dono right i beard this new man ask the oaptain in whose charge i am whether ho might be introduced to a girl ou board which one asked the captain i think ahe fs in yoaroharge said the man a tall slight girl with lovely firoy oyes he must have jnet me i should like to be introduced and yet in some way 1 would rather not if x fell iu love how awkward it wiim be 1 mis carr mr rugct the oaptain stood before me with the man who came on boatd t adm i got red and hardly chtrnd to raise ray lovely gray yet to the handsome faco above mo jr mlivs vrr i know a friend of yours in ottloatta duuunu eistuood i got rodder how morli did hu kuow i how could 1 tell him i watt going io marry a mauxhad nuver seen oh ea i stammered i am join to tta for few dya with 1ns nnler mrp oiborho in calcutta do you kuow her yes btijjbtly lie bnsworod ituther a long way to jo for a visit for a few dayp isnt it i there was an awkoeard pawn i simply couldnt tell him the truth oh i said carelopely i have other plans after that he beamed amused at my confusion im sure x looked a perfect fool aud i was thankful that just llion another man came apaod asked mc to joiu m a onaket match they were getting up i have boon eo happy all theno dayd bat to night i fim the most miserable- girl yb tho world wo f hull got to calcutta to morrow und i shall bo seuedbn by thot odioaa- white gardenia v flhafl neier lovo him i love uome ono else and some one eleo iovotrme a few hour fgo mr rogers asked me to marry him and i told him all my story i was leaning over tbo bide of the boat watching tho gloribus effects of the moon on the dark waters when ho oamo up behind me i had a white drees on 1 looked up alhim as he stood near and he wus looking down at mo with a look x had novar seen before in any man eye such a world of love wus there and all for tflfl tftwrin w hvlng nil iny 1ft firim local patriot ism it was cuara opinion that the tlrat rank in a small village was to bo preferred to tho second ono in a big city but since cilar s time new ideas and new fee lings havo prevailed and tho general tendency offhe ag ii t u ll adb oily do your best prominence very few aro tho men who- remain iu their uative placo and son tent thmnsolvls with improving tbings around tiem aud doing good to their neighbor it it jiad always been bo dugland would not be england that is the hritisli urn- working over time that way 0ifll buve to juat simply to see thut look i dont know why i did ir but i could not keep back a great bub and at that bo tpok me in bisnrms and kissed me passion ately over and over again as though he had lost all contrql over himself i to romlf mid hitn atr oalmly al could ull about nivself i ouut to have told you be fore i oritd over and over but oh dont jou uudejv 8 land how h ml it wus i thought you would thiuk mo tjucli a dreadful erl to marry a man i hid never town i donr dar he said very gravely 1 flunk it la a in 1 kihh end you will hud all will go woll i yju ttro lionthss i criod deflpafr ougly you don t oaro a bit yoa aro not one bit uulmppy my berth it is ecrjlhin to ma to know jou luvu iih i dont think i shall ever be unhappy wuun yon re oiut1 liariless wicked i oricd 1 wont licit n anv more aud before he could stop mo i rati away and here i urn oryiiij my ejta out wfbhing wo had 011 been wrtcked tn the bay he callod mo back bertha dcarebt let me exptuin but ljwonldnt listen a strange tiling hsnhartpened to me i went on deck this morning and found everything in a buatlo ond carly every ono hud 1000 on ehoru x waited behind purposely the captain came up and asked mo whether i could bob my friouds anywhere about no i answered miserably he biid ho was eorry to see mo looking so pale the gentleman who h to meet mo is tall and olean shaven and will woar a wblta here we aro theti mttrrupted tho captain and i felt rather tban saw that some onq was approaching my knees were trembling i thought i should fall i couldnt raibo my eyes until suddenly a deep voice that x knew ah yes and loved too spoko mias carr x think startled i looked up the captain had been called away and i stood face to face with mr itojertf j what does it mean i gasped it means my durlmp that i am dun can eastwood will you forgivo mo for the deception 1 couldnt speak aud he went on i who impationt to see the- dear httlo girl who had trusted her future to me bo as i had been ill and woj ordered a holiday 1 came to aden to meot you then it atruok me i would like to see what sort of a little grl jou were before yoti knew who i wa ijii waa nht you were made for me doar heart then i found you loved me last night i noarly betrayed myself but i wanted to co your face when yon met roe this morning by the bye i haveu t seen it yet my bister is waiting for you i have been ou bhoro and tot rid of my board htc lok at me darling andsee how you like tho change i looked up and ho took my hands in hie are on still afraid of tho rmti my bertha tho re will be no nukj murmured my life will bo ausonehinq and if not ho broke in gently our love will help us through the shadows the exptrleuaa- turned out a perfect 1 eucaees and xtl is moro than ever con- vinoed that a man bhbuld let his sutor choose his wifo for him 61 paula voice from the unseen lady henry somerset whoso philan thropies and eloquence in the cause of humanity have won for her world wide fame was during her earlier lifo a woman oljhewjvvrld pleasure inheriting immense wealth she had tho power to gratify overy desire but restless and unsatisllod she began to qucstio i the meaning of lifo turning to tho biblo and studying it earnestly bhe soon felt tho need of religious consecration and of greater motive power but under the influence of the spirit of oriticjbin about her shefound her faith weakening and hot mind oiouded by per plexity and doubt one day while alone in her garden eho was pond t ring u mjhteries of life and quoutioning the verj exi teiicoof god flho beard a toice say distimtly act as if 1 were and jou shall know that i am though the orr w ta not ahdible to tho material ear la j henry deofaros that she heard ho worda with the ear of ber soul as dlssttncily ns thi iihlhey had been spokeu antl tho benlimt nt they expressed mado a powerful im i jsbion upon her mind the iimru she thought of tho mysterious utterance tho more itseemed to her that only divine viidom could have prompted the words and bhe determined to livo by their counsel soon her faith in god and christ roturn cd and lie entered ioto tho life of active benevolence which is uow univermihy reooguiised and haa beei followed by suoh bouctlcent remits to tvery earnest t perplexed and doubting soul tho voice which spoke to this devoted woman ppoaks to lay act as if i were and you hiihii know that i am piro nould havs jess solid foundatldna an3 no center local patriot mm has beou its corner atone what then is local patriot isdj arrnau is bound to lovo aud nerve his otipntry it is not considered a duty fqr him to lovo and serve the smaller com munlty where lio wag botn or cdqoatnd the former feeling is pressed upon him tbo lattor grows up freely patriotism la a moral tie local patriotism a moro mater lal one the one is herediturv and goner al other ia exceptional and dependb on ciroatnatancns you can lovo jour country without even knowing it you dont love a town or a village unless you hive nptnt witbip itb walls or fouocs tho greater or most importan pur of jour life thie is bufiloiont to eiplaiuwhy local patnotfam dcoreases in proportion ab palriotism grows strong tho modern nation has say ben leld pitoh lu and tijy up thi shop before one oclock and give thubors a surprise when he ccmoj b u i did ho say bo no but the shop needa cleaning up and ill bet he would like to havo it doip well if jou aro green enough to g to putting in your noon hour working fur old markbara witliout extra paj go ahead but not any of it for mo you ii netr get any thanks for jt tom aud if you beniu a tall ov a joonnlt a hutlkilv is 1uui i laulh 1aut i till 110nn1t a lit of foundation as big ab mir hiind ljowa of ribbon nnd lace wirqulllciuut to iimku tliijni at mid a handful of robts a yolvot band eclipsed and overpowered the antique city the anglo saxon race alone bee succeeded in keeping up the two feelings and in strengthening tho one through the other loaal patriotism ia not uncommon in con tineutal europe but there it remains ulfttdluo0il bocomcb eolllali it manifests jjojurhfltt aud h n nlmltilny itflelf by worde not by ucta verba non acta and if money is given or bequeathed fojr tho purpose of erecting a pjlblio build lug or founding a mmenm or an hospital or a hbnrryrthe motive will nsmom prove a purely civic one vanity or iieno f- brouder philanthropy will ure the b te factor not a simple modonr and jioble desire toj beautify a 6 pot dearer to turn than any other in tho world or to improve tho conrditiontruf a community of which he efill feels himself a mpmbar thlsttttfie way dr w p brookts did loe wenlock and the wehlqckpeopte he did not care for immortality and was a practical philanthropist ho believed in every man taking care of tboeiiear to hun and leaving others to do 4ho hnmc if progress can bo reached by a sbortor road there exists no safer ono from a typical lnglibbmau ir w p brookeb of wenlock in shropshire by the baron pianne us cotiiikrti in january ttevtuo of jteuetcs a bit of irish wjt some time ago tvhile x wan trading in a village stare one of the clorke came to the junior pfltner who was waiting ou me and said pleaee etep to the desk patfljnn wantb to settle his account anl wants a receipt tiro ntetfchanc was ovideully annoj od why what does he want of a receipt ho said wo never ive one simply cross his account out of tho book thai is receipt enough so i told htm answered tho clerk bnt he 9 not a itibflcr tfou had better see him so the people tor stepped to thu deak and after greeting put wiib a good morning fluid you want to settle your bill do you pat replied in the nffirmative wtlj said the morchant there is no nocd6f my giving you a receipt see 1 1 will nroea your accoint off tho book nnd suiting tho action to tho word ho drew his pencil diagnonally across tho account that is a good receipt and do yoa moan that that bottles it exclaimed pat 1 that aottles it paid the merchant and yero bore yoll never bs abkin me for it agrtin well never ask jou for it atfuin said thomerchaut dcoldodly taitb thin batd put ill bo after kapin roe mbney in mo pocket for i havout paid it oh well i aan rub that out 1 faith now andi thought tho bamo bsid pat it is needless to add that put got hi rccoipt cautied him tu n itw jeirn t i be hindi fqre man of iho little ehop lm u liiuu those larker oppurtiiuiiiehtniul mru st1 a ivan lages that bo ofuu fll m the wuv of nun who tan bo iruto tu d y loni rcher is otijf the wealtliiqat an 1 mo t n nl io contractorw nnd butldtra of a urt wtmcrii citj when will our bojs ull karn ilnt it yi4b to be faithful in little tin in unit t lake a personal intcrot in thuir employtra buai nes it ii tho boh who do tlui ihrvt olttnb to tho top inevrry llhe of hpainonh while the eulkera and rowlerb who nro always afraid of doing toa much nro pretty cr tain to rem if n well dow n toward tho bottom nf tho ladder asign1ficant juxtaposition we do not suppou bayj tho temperance hecordy lug the licensed victualled of kiugbton on llmmea tro retponhiblo for tho arrnngqment by which iho column in the surrey comet devoted tu tho report of the proceedtnga at their annual dinner last wee is placed alongside the oo until do vat ed to thu proceeding- beforo themat at both thu boruujih and county police courts but the juxtaposition it cortainly biguiflcant and may bo made instructive iu one column wo road of mr t bkowes cox mpj faajing that those whodrauk ecclesiastical wit a bibhop is credited with having rescued a wholo drawing room from tbo profound- eat abyss of sooiat oonfusion a lady had been asked to slug and in accordance with invariable oustoro declined but to no purpose she must sing suo begin not one note had oven a faint relation to tbo tuno an eminent traveler was heard to mnrtpar something about red indian war wltoopb near and distant oats thought it a challenge from some formidable rival and joined in the ohorus with auperfeliue energy at laat it ended and dead silence iguet so appalling fiad ben tho por for man ce that even the most conven tional of complomonts refused to be utter ed but tho bishop was rqual tq the occauion going- up to the astonished sougbtrcba ho thankeuv her for complyihg with their request adding with a courtly emtio and tactful intonation wo shall know what to think another time my dear oliss so and so when yon toll us yon cin t swig uncertainty and old age fear of it is the practice of certain members of oxford college who all wtnt up iu the eame yoar wbioh is now totting on for haf a century ago to dmo together yearly during tbo yoar the majority of them never meet at all their homes being scat tared over all parts of the country and in some cases abroad accordingly when they do meet they scrutinize eaoh other prtlty oarefnll marking the changes which have taken place in their respective appearances during tho year at tlio larft of these gatherings a white haired old gentleman bent almost double with rheu matism turned with difficulty to his neighbor and painting to a gray beard on the other nido of the table whispered auxlouslj tell roe i dont really look as old as that do i tunny and terribly patlietio waaritit ptcl air up others hayflfoun4jlbftub vigor jtnd vi tality in hoods sarsiparilu hud it surely hau power to help yon atro why not try it keep it up uud the speaker u jud of flqme eighteen jcars stretched lunnwif out on the work bench for a uooqiimo nap alt light food naturedly replied uib opmpaniou n boy some two jcars younger ill tlott myself then fori dont like ta wprk in a place littered upjlk ihisjtnd thorowont bo time after ihoncn get back with all thoeo framea to get out lhn after noon so baying he weut briskly to work and by the limejjje one oclock whiatlo bound ed the carpenter bhop wuh neatly cleaned that was fifteen years aio jhone two apprentice boys tiro men now thi older oue who refund tu hulp oca i iipjiln hhup for fearot doing bimethiug fur win h he was not bpecinlly pai i is utill j mriifj man carpenter in hla native vill baitly able to keep his family hupphed wiih thu necesaaries of life the other boy loit nothing by h a will ingnces and thu micrtut ho took in his employer buaineb mr mirhhuii noted l1a disposition ni gv in tin txf opportunity io m mti r thu tra h lioii in- was uven iho tupoi titiirluicy of binull pure beenritl teaflonabe quauiitioa never aeemod any tuotvortjo for it but ull the better and lower down iri the column wo read of mr flint of mesr duuville co testifying ttnrt jicopad victuallera wore the most prao aal temperance party in tho country for they had ofion to eay to a weakminded man hold that is enough they were the eeatest promot era of temperance and tho greatest atop gaps ugaiuat drunkonneus aud in the other column we read of a widow 02 years of age beiog hopelessly drunk of man of yj being drunk aud disorderly of a youth of 30bein drunk anl disorderly and ufiog obscene language of a muu of 36 and another of 10 beiug drunk apd die orderly th4w tho monotouy or the record is vnriud mid we read of a man who in his dnni had turned his wife an 1 family out of the houde being afterward- found in the street bo disorderly that ho had to bo taken to the lockup we have no doubt all these poor creatures had beou drinking the pure beej which mr skuwos cox praises bo much and thoy had all received that pure beer from mr flints greatest promoters of temperancg and reateat atop gaps against drunkenness bits of fun wilhereadiny pa what is a prevari oated minion of beelzebub pa a man who disagrees with you politicall my bod defined what is an accommodation train pap an accomodation train my son is one that stops at every etatiou that j on dont want to get off nt from tho pjuukulle bulle yestcr- day wo though tic sdy called the hon mayor wetwisble an empty rhetorician wct hasten to withdraw tho statement the mayor has not been empty for twenty- oiht years past 1 hopo alio haid thoughtfully that you wont havo anything more to eay about the manner in which women hunt bargains and get oheated why not dout you tlniik your box doservob it i m not go iug to desoiihb that point cn if wo do ability or repotatioti 7 deaoryahodticiamuoe4ot gracefully from a man who bujb hair res torer from u bald headed barblc the helpful man who waa aluajsou tho watch fo do whatgo d he ctiim ns hcpsred along thia valo of it ats notice 1 that a man he knew by right annwho usually got off at a certaiu croamiitf was making no motion towards lonving as tho oar ap poached hat cornor on thu particular afternoon he eeemod absorbod in his newspaper and the helpful man became nyioua lest ho should be earned pabt bis destination tho car was right at the street and still the man road opt when tho helpful man pulled at his coatsleevo and said i beg parddn but isnt itim your street the reader looked up a moment and replied oh no it boluiigs to tho traction company it was easier for god to mako man than to re make him besides tho ro mado article always shows it and is apt to ret out of repair a vete story at elffhty years of ave ons box of dr agnews catarrhal powder cures a case of fifty years stan din flr- it relieves colds and catarrh in thirty mlnutoa george lewis of bhaiuokin ph wrltis i am eighty joara of ago i insvo been troubled wltlpialarrh for fifty years and in my time have used agreat many catarrh cures but never had any relief until i need br arqbwh gatarrhm powder one box oursd mo complatoly and gives mo great pleasure to rooommond it to all buffering from this malady hold by a t brown it laukti uui ono crowning graco iaut3 till lillll a ohlrp a twitter a hash of wings four wide open mouths in u utbt from ukjriihib tilt nigttslio hrlnga un i bihijn for rroiug birds thoy aro tiuiifr tliuitft ay i hultgry things at tho heat tho crack ot a rifle o shot woll upo 1 a crimson stain on tuograab fqur hungryblrds in a noat unfed aht woll wc will leave tho rest unsaid home things it were bettor to pass parts the vkanfh thu lady linsurely a beautiful faco hliohobflurely a quopuly air jtho bonnet had ilowers and llblxw and j ace out tho bird has added tbo crbwniig jrutu it is rdally a charmmt affair is tlio lovo of a bonnet sui romo ovur al in a lady so faultlesuly fair tho father takus hood whon the sparrows tall ho hoars wheu tho atarvliif neattliim cu1 con a tender woman not caro i susvn r jtmwovh i how baby went home 1 no door of ilciinin k taluort was uulio i open bv n iiulu hand and a child run m looked eag rly jibour popi pupa wlaru h mi papa alio cried a in m standing ut the counter with a g as raed 1 air way to his lit b started at tho ho mi i of the plamtivo vpice ihui nut down the uulahied btor wlitto vou wane bundle he nked oh pnph oomo home 1 bho exclaimed baby u dyutg 1 babys dying i hen pttucd neeliu ica1 ly snatched his hat nnd taking tin li md or tho irembluik child ihoy loft ilia hi i together djwii tho btreot llicj went tho fttlur aud tho child ho with hired jienl tuiil j j iruml iiim with motion hio l ii io bis hau i tiud sibbiu ut in r triu in a helplehri hopolo b muitn r i hoy moppet utrt tcijciiient houhj mid hhcouded the hiau- till they r achat the fourth storv where they puufed at room no 8 ou a wretch d bid qovere 1 by a raygod qnik lay tho tiny form of tin by so still ro tire in tho in id at of iho aur rocndiiu dirt and difltrenw oneglaucc and a tntn hgmiing jroan burst fruiu tho failnru iijih mj dud id our little- durljiu to ioavo m oh georho i sobbed his wife crjopng to his bide and laying her baud li in idly on bu bhouldor she uallod for papa up to a few minuted aeo our tutk tnby will boon t o with tho atigelh itoverenily thu husband mi 1 wifo i nelt beuido tbo littto form tho father took one tiny white i md in his i iro on thu mother took iho other little iiuul und covered it with tears and kisses georo sobbed tho moiher god is going to tako our darling don t you think that to bo the parents of a baby angel that we ouht to bo good y mary i da nw 4w tmw- on god helping me i luterii to bn a dif forent man amen i exclaimed mary the baby stirred just then and smiled into tho faces of her parents all right papa alio murmured then olobinghor eyoa forovor baby had ful tilled her mission hunts soin imirl crusade against smokers tho women of philadelphia who start ed a crubade aainbt having smoking cars on the street railway havo wou tho aorriplalnlb of tho women wore that tho reservation of ears tor men was u dtb cnmiuatioti ftniust them which often caused them vexatious delay and that when thev unwittingly entered ouo of tho smoking cars their clothing waa ruin od by tlio filth their comfort was impaired by tho vjtiated air and their worn inly bluho wub offended by tho unrestrmned amokiug m their proaerilc some in u whoao sciiso of emell ro vol ted at the kind of tobacco used on tho cars joined in the orreode but the finol blowwas etrack when tho hoard of health informed tho railroal managers that it wan in earnest in tho matter of tho enforcement of the regulations ugainbt expectorating in tho street cars hereafter philadelphiatib who mast smoko while in transit must ndo on the front platform with tho motorman wha will you do will you risk failure or as sure yourself of success 7 if job were dangorounly ill would jou oall to your aiaistanoo some faith euro nn poster or a third or fourth rato doutor if you vvero obliged to defon i jotirslf m court would you employ n lawyer without a find it ncccpbary to do homo djcin in it wiio and pru lent to allow ifvhalor t h md you soroo mako of poor und wuukdib with which to do year work hhiiiuii mihe nnd tho having of linio uud monoy deiu md the use of diamond djes tho only malto that oau bring md ithiilts nn 1 pel feet satisfaction commort mutation packoga dyes ruin your goodi rufllu your temper aud waato your tnonc thoy would never have a sale or a place in any homo were it not for iho love of profit so dteired by hhort tiiit ed and gnedy dealers diamond djcn uro as necessary for effectlva work as is tho able phjbician when lifo ih in dung r there aro 000 aollego professors in italy little switzerland can boast of 12 750 teachers the continont of australia contains 1 000 toaohors heart pains leave in a day unable to attend to hor dally duties and a great sufferer from heart trouble induced to try dr agnews cure for the heart and it proved a wonder worker l theso are tho words of mrs w t hun die of dundalk out xwaa a great buf- ferei withlevero pains in tho roion of my heart tor a lime i was uilo unable to attend to my boost hold dalies i was induced to try dr aguow a euro for the heart and must say the result waa won derful the pain immediaielj loft mi and after the urst day i have had iu pain or i rnu bio 1 ii co hulil hja v brown

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