a r rrrwr trtt737jvjtt l married lvanb nuhnrat the rasldoiioo of tbo lirlrlos atnprutber ouolpti op wodneidy latli jan- tinrybv huv winhobortboqmaor worris toil john u a ijwanorol aotan to ftlus bliiry ii ilauntiujr of tliu into j oliu numi of galotlon ljtiik atquolpli on jan 15 follx davlib agmfuyearfl hemhtueft at ttio poaidonco of lioron mr ty li hotuatroot cleveland obio on tuokrtay 12th january graoo widow of too late milior llomitropt aged 60 years ijxtoit thursday january 21 1897 notes and comments writs have been isnoti for tlmbye-eleb- ti0n in sbuth firant north ontario and east bimcoe february 4 is polling day nominations boiufl one wcet earlier- tbo grand lodra oflahonb of minno- sota has adopted- a resolution birring all those who bell intqxioant from booorain- maeonb in ihia juriediotiod anotbcr ro- dotation wao adptpd providjp for the ex pulsion- of rail perbonv now maepus who shall after thia data sell jiflnb l the fin her m of b r col u to fa a ft rei urging ttbe roimpoaition thotilntyon f roah oalnion the datytoae removed two or three yoara ago in qrder tq- enable tho oanndriesto parohase supplies of sal mod 1q the states bat the fishermen ayit jias operated raostlnlarlqiisly against then appuoatronbaro btiircominiinabkin edrecitationi waa given by the scholars tho tariff committee of alitfrattrs to visit a nnmber of differ places bat it la simply impossible to do so mr fielding and bis confreres have not unlimited firoa at their disposal and it is in the general jnforept that tho session shall comodn as boon aa possible ths cleveland arm explains that the annexation of canada to the states wonld not be popular fast now for the reason that uncle sam has a pretty largo household and he haant been able to make expenses for three years it is yerjaad no doubt butno appologies aro neoessarv in the case misb canada ia doing very nicely thank yoa mr ucgregorrm p for essex was at ottawa last weok prom q ting the move meota to aeoqra the adoption of an alfen labor law by canada- in reply to repre entations from varioas sotffcoe th prem ier has undertaken that at next session the government will annoqpott either tbo withdraws of the an friendly policy on the part ofthojjnid btatesjrthoclopuon of the same policy by canada for the first time in a reat nnmber of years aoioo burlington and georgetown will haveno resident representatives in tho county council it remains to be been bow this- auil-worhu- qajutiueandmiltop are the only two atbari ian representatives at the board we think it would have been maoh more satis- factory had an arrangement been entered into by which every municipality in the county liiittht have had a reuident repre sentative reformer neighbo news newei items supplied by corres pondents and exchanges crew8q corners a thunder storm is a rare thing- january quite number from bora attendod tho 808 concert in aoton friday pight last mr m crewbop jr has just completed drillinkra thfrtyfoot wett he drilled through solid rook and has an ajundaut supply of water mr greweon intends to take oontractb for drilling wellp mr colin 0 khohing left on saturday 4opeltfinntllturioodbnfnw and kincardine mr j mcdjrroott pf krintownsbip spent a day last week at mr james bamflhaws- mrandmra b piokitt of lowyilw paid tcflying ytbtt to friends herotws week f tf c y 4 bev ji e liowell h a pf aoton preached an able- sermon here on saaday evening fromihe text rv ihik ye orchr4at v thebd ifdtlhppmfotblci veatber inierfflred bopbiderably with the attendana at the methodibtbanday school teaoieetlng br monday evening the church waa fairly well filled however and the evenings proceed i dga were maoh ep- jbyedl jtiprpyraname of creditably render- thia was aupplemented with a splendid range bjt anthems jby the ohoir of the mo t bod ib t church aoton whoso narnbera were mach odigyod the phoirs orchestra also played number of pieces with excellent effeot 6nr own boub meaarh fjetoher and iieiohman made the ring with theinstramental dnetta ethey rendered beve j e howell and david koarna beeva marshall and sapt cock- barn made brief speeches bov i amy pastor presided with his customary grace tinting hia visit here thia week mr john kltohior br enjoyed very maoh a ohat with rov mr howell on the earlier day b father eitohlng is one of oar patriarohs and isweliqualiflod to rehoarso local biatory ballinafad mr johnmckoe f or a numbex of yoara postmaster andstorpkepor tttballinafad has resigned bis office a 1 iold ont bis busines the family are juei j esteemy their neighbors aoouur cveoibg cunsda did well in the british markets iu lftoo the board of trade returns show that while the imports from all counties in creased g per cent over 1805- the imports from the canadian dominion increased 18 percent tbe chief increases are wheat 536000 bacon 105000 hams 179- 000 butter jc 1 80000 obeoso 25000 egae 22000 flab 39000 meals s4- ooo hown wood 191000 sawn wood 783000 the decreases are oxen 13- 000 bheop 202000 wheat and flour 187 000 tbe british exports to canada decreased leas than one par cent and british exports to all ooantrles inoreased six pop cent last week about sixtof the memibirsof lhvmethpdistandprebb7tm tions assembled at the home of mr and mrs mckeo and presented them with a valuable token of eateora and the following address- to mr and mrs j w mokoo and family dkau- fnienpb ivej4hs mjniibflrs olthfi presbyterian and mothodiat cburchoa balllqa- fad have aasombled hero tbla oyening to teitify to tbe regard in which ypu are bold as advocate of our ohurobes arid as friends to the common- ity with us yoa have beonover at she post of daty ready and willing to do yonr part in tbo work of tbe chqrchand oarohrlstian endovbr society at all times we have found you faithful workers true friends and steadfast wltnoases la the work for christ and now t bat yon are about to go from our midst to find other friends and form other associations we wish to oxproaa our sincere regret at the parting and as a slight token of our appreciation of your sprviceajm present you with this pnrso wo wish you success and happiness in all ookwqodt thp john currjftrffthfnv noir jerton was sold saturday fotouoon at auotion by mr job heffcrnan to mr john mokinnqn formooo among those who passed at the o a c gaelrth olaas a mr c 11 hnrrio took varyjaroditablo btandiog in the first year olaea ho took honcirs in grammer and oompobltigp erin mr j a morris mimosa who recontly sold hie farm in krin o mr johu gibiioa basparohabedtho kirjirland farm on the 8th oon guolpb township forjjjlsso tbe barne farrrf waa sold loma- ten years ago for 85900 w simpson oaretakerqr tho counoil- room will reoeive 810 for ihb services mattbewa bros haruesa makers who were announced eomoumoagoto remove to acton will niji do bo but will remain berelrjuhero native ton and dbwell dr greer iin beon appointed medfoal health omceratatlary of 10u milton the town cjiiil evidently foresees a shortage df water 4a the reabrvoir 8g0 wabappvopriatedt-jabtouaolii-dioetfnr- be ajdtbr drillins for water if hpea- tlary -f- mrathhnaiflbittbr btlowville has solclber farm of loooares to j fajidg c biobardbou for the am of 8500 this la one of the moat doairable tarm proper ties in nolflon a grand concert in aid of the bl o ohuroh will beheld in the town hall thia evening the towa council i taking bteps to appeal in the supreme court against grant- iug the wiun abpe factory leave to enter appeal the premises formerly oceppiedby mr jofnetone osa furniture atoro are being flxpd np for mr moffat of actonrho will carry on a musirf business here a female choir of about forty voices lead the binginjua the methodist choroh last sunday evening at the mibsionary atfhl- versaryi t there are several severe ases of la grippe in town aiid vicinity it eecma to be of a virulent type georgetown tho la grippe in a now form is prevailing itr georgetown and yialnityl m asevere storm with heavy thunder and vivid flash oa of lightnin passed oyer our beferring to our- paragraph concerning ex wardens in the county council the heoniur faye if we are not mistaken the fitee pnesb paragraph while it is d i rooted against ox- wardens in general is ievelledjn particular againat miltons representative the meformer is very maoh mistaken the foee pniaa has no quarrel with perbonp bat with princf pies dr bobertaon is one of the moat worthy public men it has beon oar privilege to he asboaiated with in twenty years of pablio life wo know he will fulfil the duties of county coanoillprwlth ability and we are oodfidentthafrhewjlldortmbot look oaref ally after actons interests as one of our districts representatives at the county cooocil we esteem dr bobert- son as a map of lifgh oharaoter and ability but wo object tp the principle which her or any other ex- warden or exm p p fol lowi of returning to the lower oflqoea when by that op or so rising and able men are kept ont of the poai tions they are justly entitled to the milton papers take iqine with the fiwe press beoauseof its olaim that men who baveenjoyed the bonfldnnoe and prc- frmontof the electors of the oounty -aod- ocoapledthe wardens chair and positions in the legisiatare ahonld now retiraand give other aspiring men who have served in the town and township gouboilf a chance to gat into tbe county coancil the ftampjoaya the iineibfsrgat meat adopted by the fheh pnsss might just aa reasonably- be applied to parlia ments as to county con noils and excabi taiwr pursuit of ufa may you bo blessed and pros- porous in all your undortakingii doparting you ukojtith yoa onr prayoja and bebt wishes and leavo behind tlie mbsfklndty rernom- uraucea signod on bohalt of tho congrogatlons bev pttj cfmpjbei s maooreertnotfthokr madoe itcsselii i aknie hnaoinb mr mohfeein reply bincerely thanked the donors for their great kindness in tuns remembering them nei mlntstsrs or sxjfremisrs aiksd to retire after oo wro of offloe so as to allow dotiom to try uwlr bands at ieglalation not et all- almost invarlablr tbe wardens chair mod lbs ijegffutdra fare made sopoessive sttpplnf stones toward tbeblgfar position that of msmbtr of the house of ctomrodn uwh l this fair eonotry can sustain blmsslf ojo- llnuoasly as a member of tbe parllarneht nassaoxweya acdbess andpeeskntationon tpobday of last week mrs mobobbie celebrated tbo 77th anniversary of her birthday by having a smahgalhering- through the day at mr wrnvkitoblngs among tbegaeits were miss ee carrie and her mother from erin and io theeyening a large number of the pupltsand parents of school section no 9 nasaagaweya armed with lunobskets want to mr kitpbings to borprlse miae carrie tespher of no 9 and make her a preaenta- mtm-jil-lxl- address a bean lif nl parlor rookingohair andan antoharp mr colin cameron was chosen chairman for the evening and called on messrs lamb and leiohman- to open thejprogramme wuh vlpffn music after which ho called miss carrie to take a chair beside him and mebb minnie mclaughlin read the following address at the- proper time goo t wilson made the presentation the fol lowing is the addrebb dbantjcacheb we your pupils and friends of this seotlon hate learned witb- mueh regret of your departure from oar midst for throe yearp yoa have been our faithful end efficient teacher aprlngj0 pains to a b edqoa tldnaxfnterosu vpu have alto been most faith fnl in instllllngjato our minds moral tenths and lessons which jnnit becreflt ns in after years not only in tesvbooiroom will you be missed bat yoa have endeared yourself to the people young and old in the section we appreciate teryfaljy tbogpojt work yoa bare done bj bee you eame amongst ns and as a slight token of bur esteem and repoci ask yon to aompt tbasa presents we hope they mayjjeeall-ten- der memories of the yoara spent here and belp to while awarwbamlgh otherwise be todiom hoursi wo hope your f qture may be very suoeassftil and we assure you pf a hearty wel come whenever yodoome in our midst signed on bebau of the seotlon datoaoitbw wlluim o onat oaonpa t wilsow mnniik moiauohlik miss carrie was takcd greatly by sur prise bat made a feeling reply thanking her friends for their handsome presents the chairman then palled on several rate payer of the section who sdoke very high of tbo doroinlpb hemast pwmarily oairrle as a teach ar and were make pohucs hu pro t a li degree and when hj gets tbrongh that honorable position be is generally retired id private life- if he is a man of value to village sabbath evening the anniversary aervioea were held in tirecp pgregation alch flrch i bbtflabbath r tbe metbodists withdrew their eervicoin the tnorning arid the presbyteriana and baptists in tbe evening and these congre- gatioqs qtiitedwlth tbeioongtegationalists in giving a welcome to- bev thob v jfuigijihttjifljpabiqr qn gloaday even ing a welcome social waff held after the refreshments an excellent programme of mnsip reoitatioue and addressee waa given owing to ill healtbrdih g beed has foaud it necebbary to dispose of hie exten- sive practice b b nicol v s of kel- wood ont is the purchaser thepahlic library hus liad large adidi- tibna lately to ita excellent supply of read ing matter very few free reading rooms have a better supply of current magazines the following new ones are added for 1897 boya own oirla own leisure b our sun day at home westminster jteview and the methodist magazine although a number of papilslett our high school orf account of the change in tbo g t b timetable yet alarge number of new papilflhave arrived to take their plaoea for the new term skating has been the chief pat door amusement lately buf tho recent storm has flooded the best skating ponds next babbath will be missionary day in the metbodibt chnrcb the bev j e howell m a ot aoton is announced to preach the bev g a mitchell attended the norval anniversary tea in the methodist church on monday evening mr j l warren was elected president of the esquesing agrioultaral society at the annual meeting last week mr grant was rooleoted secretary miss b harrison baa again resumed her school work after her iltaeas the county b s convention ib to be held in georgetown and preparations are being made by the various committees to give ttheaiftywelcome toail srsrwprkerar everything will be done to make the gathoring a buccobs mmm but it is not a jdisgrace to fee sick mm yet some r to n6t even speak on ike health and strength can be restored not tbeleit among the imny valuable mrvioe ir wilharoa pink pilli hya rendered to lattering womop-i-tht-o- reitthai tiding them over tbe orltioal period com- menolng at iriddteaie oomtbonly known ai tbe obanfe of life it bo often happen that avthis olimajerio ffonfentelapssfqto a etete of obronio invalldlem apd tbe aottial danger to life wblobattende the obanffeis the queens speech waa very brief and dealt with sub- i jeots or minor interests iiohdom january 10 the queens spoooh at the opening of parliament today mi uoprecedenfodly brief it oongratalated parjlament upon the signing of the arbitration treaty with the united states and upon the more aatia- faotory working of the allianoe of the poworaioijburopoior promoting reforaniu turkey and expressed regret at the benin ditatter and the nepesaity for a punitive rttdedltlod the irgialative- proposala are few and important moaaarea promised will v eon- flnod to the relief of voluntary aohools and an eroployeraiiabillty bililsnpph- mented by -minor- measures- relating to- the improyeraent of agriculture in irelandand well pleased with the way aha had oon ducted and brought on tbe eohool there were addreaus ilo given by meeart 8 sooit of noj 5 leollon j mcfhedran hi oonntry he a generally retorned terra j of noi ieo lk by mr geo after term apd beoomes more anfl mors mldgley aohr of no school there familiar with his duties and experienced waa plenty if muslb interaperaed through as to the needs of thsoonntry on the other hand there are scores o men la the oonnty who- have been and are sorwrlo hunioipal oounoillors and just as oapable for the office of oonnty councillor ee any or tho exwardens reoontly eleoted bnt who if the county coqnolu act eonlinues to give twoyear terms and ex- wardens oontlnne to allow thsmielves to be eleoted will never have an opportunity to sroure tho higher and more honored position c th tnllltafy aadoaavrei to be more convesieutly carried out a bint is also given of the inoreased sums to be demanded for military ssrvloes jrev william friuelt preaident ot the presbyterian mldfiateriat aiisooiatloo read a paper monday morning qn modified itinerary hs advocated a systerh of term seryibo fpr- sr period of three or four years with the option o a jife service so great tbata medjoipfl wmohoanne relied npontooarry the system oyer tola dangerous timeis nolbingless than a life- saving invention what dr williams pinkpjils willdo for women attbis chango of life is shown in a case reported in the sewsbury engi chronicle itl that of mrsbenjamin smith who lives- at han over street iowabury the change of life had left her weak and miserable with con stant pains dizziness and shortness of breath on the altghteat exertion togetuer withohronio rhenmatlbm in the head and oyos tho pain in hrhead was too aonte for words she got bo eleep eithor by day brnight and her agoby was attimea so great that it took twopepnlbtoholdherin bed a skilf ol dootor was coifed iobat did good my oheeks would swell up as higas saucers sfiid mrs smith my eyes were as red as fire andtherowaii no getting rid of the pains in tbe heaoi i saffereov also from a bhjsjsjtsri liver and weak heart and attimeay eypslgbt was so bad that objeota beforsme seemed but dimehadows and there were none of my friends who looked for my restoration to health i saw an aoconnt in a oewspaper of a acre similar to mine through the nac of dr williams pink pills and my husband urged me o try them before two boxes were ueed the pains began to disappear as if by magio and the oontioued use ot the spil f a liltls laurvllmu a aiuulll l left me enjoying as good health as ever i had in mv life iconsider dr villianis piuk pills a bleselngand bb i know there are thousands of women who suffer in silence from troubles having the same origin as mine i am grateful enough for what they have done for me tp tell my story in the bbpethatsome suffering eiater may be similarly helped aud you have fall permission to publibh what i have told yon which statements can bo vorified by any of my neighbors mrs frank murray who resides near ogdenubnrg nysays i am 46 years of age and for many yeara resided near fresoott ont we moved over here some time ago and havo worked this farm tlnoe my husband is working in ogdensburg at his trade that of a stobe mason while ttny children and myself oarry on the farm i have been a great sutferer from sick headaabei which wonld generally come on about evening and i would be completely prostrated not even able to lift my hand or help myself in any way these spells was terribly emaciated my head gave mo great trouble and at times the pain was bo it effeot my reason t had tried many medioinea with out avail anu began lb despair of recovery when i was urged to try dr williams pink fills the result baa been marvel- ibue from a sfckly despairing woman i have been tnansformed into onefultof bealth and energy and i feel more bank- ful thaq i oan say for the wonders pink pills have done for roe mrs l dqndahl levant ont bays ihavemuob pieaeare in adding my tesjti- mony to tho great efscaby ot dr williams pink pillfsomeyiiarb ago i was severely injured in ohlld birth and had to go to the klogstonljiosplta to be operated i was in the hospital and uqder treatment foreartwoortbsutnowiugset and all the skill of bo doctors was unable to otop it i wont home and after atillsuf- stjlxlo i snrcbnt omm all blagk and colored or- goqds m b aiifeo mill iii acton walker mja geqrgifown tertng fortbree or fbiirtionthvtl oteir mined to go to the hobpital again but fortunately ftstrme an old lady on the cars who noticed my emaolatedfcnd worn con- dttlon abked what alls yon my child i told her toy trooblo add she replied befbref thehoanital ataingive dr williams pink pius a fair trial i know they will help yon i followed her advice and lifter taking four boxes the flowing absolutely stopped i took the pills for some time longer and my health was fully restored and since then i have been both strong and active i believe dr wfllfamb piuk pila are a bleaaing to women mrs a o fitcboll writes i takto this opportunity of thankiqg you for the great benefit i have reooivod from dr williams would last for about twentyfour hoars and would have me in so weak a condition that for a few days i could scarcely drag about the honw i have also had consid erable spinal trouble the sharp darting tongues of severe pain being mpst ysevere following along my spine and o the back of my head hftvo ootbred mnob lut without the desired reat the dootor told me it wm due to the approaching ohange of life i beard of dr williams pink pilla for pale people and also- later beard of the oaree they had effected in a number of persons personal ly known to me add ft was khefrj stories that deoided mo to try them i got some of the pills and af tei t hvl taken a few boxes i had no mbroheadaoj for several months this summer my bead began is have a heavy feeling and at time iwas quite d rd wey but no pal os acoompanled it i now have more pills and tboufib ive taken only a few i feel well again i dont think any person con id aland it a great while to be pink pills in that oritioal period known as the change of life i had suffered for years from kidney troubles and this i suppo8e was the commencement of the change then i wasattaoked with spells of dizziness and weakoefls acoompauied with pains ib tbe baok which would laet for weeks at a time and from which i would hot get more than an hour or twos sleep at night a friend who had successfully used dr williams pink pills in a similar emergency urged me to try them the result was that they brought me through this aritical period and i am again enjoy ing perfect health and take pleasure in recommending pink pills to those similarly situated ilsrotiotbale the greatest csh saving sale ever heard oi comrriejnees january 1897 we iritehid to turn as much of the stock into cashas we possibly can and to do so the prices ofgoqds will be cut away belowwholesale prices so as to make a speedy earatrcera4iltmeaiiwatrtsto s t spring trade with ah entirely new stock of the vry latest- gopdsfrpm european markets prices will tell the tale read them tailoring department keer were alade to ordmt suits soobeap a at present two apeelala ta bougb black tweed sis jo an417j0 tweed pants to order sale prloe esse woith tsm tweed panto to order sale priee 14ff worth 3j0 issoei7ej7arcmear tlie beat sale ever held in the 8boe depart- menli womens kid olforda slid sal priee bj i s1j5 070 lsb sj1i0 im s1j9 womensbedroom slippers bso saleprlee iso dresa qooda soo all wool dreasooodadistolutlon prioo 10o 350 heavy art sorgo dissolution prloo loo 50c black henrietta dissolution price 37o maailea a every lady in tbla vielotty knowa tbo quality of mantles wo handle the iwst only we wlfl sail thorn for losa than it wonld cost you to get them mado s6jx8hortcoatdisaolutiou prloo sd84 s800 8bortcoat vorv latest stylo dissolution prtrn aim the ney t cabinet we have just received eyumpfibeopy ot a mast exeellent and llieiygpapjbgtat ing done in threjbwpf the new ijberal cabiuct tb mk p asenffd tlieexjjpjwbvajlam r iaixa inohjfcmpff aotqal ploiibirpkowhii canndlan arii 3 daelty anpl jitjs prepatsdbvlbe toronto llttibgraprilnsj co which bespeaknwrfeot work the programme after the programme the ladies passed around the baskets refreshments dispensed with the house was open to the people to enjoy themselves in games and social ohat the gathering broke np in the j wee ama hours and all wenlaway feelibg thai they bad a very pleasant time knatohbnll has a basket factory started tbo young people of this vicinity are commencing a literary soolety in the patrons hall knatohbull and will ho doubt have good- meeting during the winter months msglslrate court at rookvlllo on toes- daythepsrlloulars of which will appear lnnet issue one case 1 that of wilson t hjgen ormbpijalim rlflilseimititf show rtbrt bine has enjoyed publloii patronsgejtoa greater ex tent than aobord- ed any other proprleury medlbine v la slmrily becauso it possesses greater merit snd produoea greater cures than any othei it is not what wossybnt what hoods barsaparllls does that telle thesiory j ail otvettlaemants of hoods baraaparllla like hoods sarsaparlllalt- self rnxm goriest we have never deceived thepubllo and this with its superlative medicinal merit is why the people havo ahlftlnjioonfldsnoe in it and uy rdubled as 1 was and stand tbe amount ol palp f know that pink pilis are a good medibineand- folly what jbey are repre sented to be bays recommended them to some of my friends with beneficial rasulls oh my yesl tbey have dobe wonders for me i do al my own bouse- work on tbe farm we have a dairy ot twelve cows and often when the boys are very busy getliug in the crops i have milked all the cows alooe bev david forbes missionary at poplar dale algoma writes 1 feel that i would be remiss in my duty did i not write to let yon know the wonderful benefit derived by n young lady here from the rise of your pink pills miss mary martin the young lady referred to was taken siok two years ago and all tho medical treat- ment-she- underwent provebvofnovail visiting the family in my capacity as missionary i saw with sorrow that unless something was done to avert the progress of her trouble she would not be long in this wor she wa pale almost blood less and eubjeot to ell tbe distressing symptoms whlob aooompany arnaomia and brfrigtho vlotlm to stn early grove i urged the parents to try dr wllliame fink fills they acted opon my advloe and i am rejoiced to say that they have fully and entirely restored her to health and in the rosy cheeked girl of today you would not reocgnlze tbe invalid of a bhort timebeforejthewords of her grateful mother to me were these we have to thank yon mr forbes for recommending dr williama pink pills tjey wye aaved pur daughters lito and we ore morn grateful than we oan say and freely give yon permission to send this testlmonialiq the hope that bome one in efmilar birbumstappes may be benefitted mrs j h momlllan booth fiucb ont aays for seven yeara i was afllioted with- what is generally termed female weakness and was for weeks suable to leave mjt bed at times my friends all thought that i was going into decline and consumption my oompleilon was my appetite was almost gone and i isouse in on ipjrssjir maul oli ifrnee jtnolo enyolope tbktloual prrwlllfgrnb p v u medloineenriohiug the blood and strength ening the nerves ihus reaching the root of the disease and driving it from the system they are beyond doubt the greatest med- loinaof tbelpth century and have cured in hundreds of oases after alpolher medi- oines had failed the great popularity of dr williams pink pills has oansed on- aorupulous dealers to imitate them exten sively and intending buyers are arged jto eeba4vrysisnpieed4nvpw bearing the fall registered trad mark dr wllliamspiok pills for pale people pills colored pink but iold in loose form by the desen hundred or ounce or taken from glass jars aro fradulent imitations and should always be refused no matter how plan sable may be the story of the interesting dealer offering tbem slooo bbort coat very latest stylo dlaiolutlon price smuis 700 3 coat dleeolution prloo ea09 aoo goat dissolution price 6105 1800 j coat dissolution nrlco 77j stmplb department itoad read 25 jnchwoolrlannol foeso- 85 inch wool flannel 17o salo price 12d 45 inoh wool flannel 33o aalo prloe 18c blanket all blankou to be sold at oii than mill prloob mtuinory every tbirig in tbe millinery donartment will- be aoldat the rttojtjsqo on tbo dollar gents turninhinfm it li aeknowiedred all over that walker mc- bean co keep tbo best heos famubioci in tbo coantrytfcod seirtbetitoruieiest money 65o all wool shirts and drawers for39e 75o all wool shirts and drawers for oo 65c unlaundored bblrts sale prloe 89o 40a fonrinhand ties sale price mc 95o to85o ties aale ptloe ldo misses boots smd shoe mines oxford bboas m5 sale price 05e mines oxford shoes stlfio sals prloe jjo mlues cordoran buttoned boots 9135 sale price 119 mlsies kid butt boota 135 sale prloe 9118 1jj0 sale prloe 199 17s sale prioe 189 bai 1 j5 sale price 119 r dongol bai boots aus sale priee 119 misaes dongola bai boots 8150 itale prloe 129 mens boots tad shoes suitable for all ufids of weather mens heavy flongh bootalss for 89e moos heavy plouih boou 13 for 9se meni ixrag boti7t5 for 1m mens iiong bootafljo f at m mens 9 bueus felt boot l85 for 130 men 4 bqokls felt boou 1m for lst meo annoy 4 buckle boots 8j for ju5 jfteto mbettlittninltf dres i m1sb noble wl rooolveorders fordrommak ing at lier rraldenoo frjoderlok street acton r mibs kobiib wanted- 7 ouno worn op and men or older ones if till i you ob in pirttrofundoubtodeliaracter good talkers ambitions and induitrlouj can nod employmont in a good cauie with 60 per mowutband opwarda aooordlns to ability t nbvt8linbootttoronto ont l vqueen victqer her life and reion gftbat blitorlo worv sells on iiftlit to thou- s lands lord dnfierin fotroduoes lcter canadians in blowing worda easy to make aooo a week some- make twice that many make more in aparo time than during day at regalar- employment thl years orut bexa- smary celebratlptia are booming lubooks on me prospectus free to canvassers territory rffe bkadlrygsriletbojfco tm toronto on wajrted men to engage vajltb ua as salesmen new kason fuetopenrng platd book i njore attractive and yet flghterhan ever vtlaupplloaturelshea free wsjfs only oanadlan nuraerri pabg salary and only qaadlsinnurarri pjbg eipensesfroni the start rberalo hsrli oommlsalonto time men large list of flneoulilles all leg baeb teatedat ouririal orobarda ii you ifagbodtwug lor the whiter write ua y btonbyrbmitnqtdn- v niitaorymenand fruit owers toronto oan oyerjpbaeresupdereultfvation we qan give positions vtoperabuabfall grades of ability abents x bookkoopersoleksfannerapdslaers meebanlca pbyaleiana preaebers studou married andvalngle women widows josltlous ro worthjrtbiljoao0 to mo0 per annum we bare paid several canvassers i foryears many bare started pool ricb7wltbnpartlcnlaraepona u bstursutuiy aud neuusaaif a uaisoust lutoi- vlew may be arranged tbls if an bonest adver tisement aud 1 you want to better write before you sleep state- aall neither loafota nor tipplsra need ai the wellington mutual f i nsarahee c thb general annual afeeung otl ton alutual fire inaurauoftoowpauy be bold in the companys office g tuesday 9til of pebj at 9roolo6k p m to reeelvetbo dlreou port with the financial statement for t- ihe eleetlun of dlreotcrs tor the ensoi and other boslneas relevant to the meeting- byinrder v signed ohab davidson r pserjtairyv notice to cr j i ntheestatljosepliiorruj field at insolvent notice la hereby given that josepboom- nold aeicnrtotboocnnir ofbalton qrocorbas made an assignment to me far tho benet el bl eredltorspursuant to n rja 1m and am it mi that on friday 22nd january 1807 at ii o aoton a meetini at ii ootookr a mr tatteomlrdnn hotel oton a mmung of eredltora willbe held lor the appointment ot inspectors and giving dlreo- 0 un uto alt credit ing of eredltora will l- ini ot luspeetors and giving dlree uonaorlhdlapoaa ol the estate all orodlt- uraanrequhrod to ue their claims with mo vorifled bv affidavit ob or before said date and i will not bo liable for any claim ptwblcb notice la not then given i j a mowat aaalgnee dated at ouelph 19th jan 1897 mowat dawmon solicitors lor assigns cold mining stock jchill is dealing in boaaland and other eueeeulul lio umkeudeana t market prloel lowing iavorlte mines sttrioes namedt muring bl at lowest market k and can anpnlr any stock desired i i am handling the lol dont miss this great dissolution sale j you do you will regret it the frank snow dropr4cv ibex 6c red eagle ibe silver bell vlii 15c i jbhillia6iilntoton how about corsets ji something aboil t obwofcs -not- an easy- matterrtheae days to get good ooraets without paying extra for a makers name you atequuolikalytovlunle88y6uawposted wpttolitriatway on foreign makes thnn others makers oftou aim tor a big rep ta- tion and then eact tribute for it j i w6knov bfcdrtete ypu but octual corset worth theyre among several score that are here read for quiokuaaondoo b st to know their worth and adoption yon can loarn all of that ot 60 ooreetconnter we dont want the earth ne do wiantyour trade hpw about mantles i tho paper is full of store news and evoryhodya tryingto make a tempeatin trade eapeoially is this true of the aeagong mantle stockp- it your buying time and you nwst trust bomebody you cant know the quality by what is said of it you cant always tell by looking at it it means something to buy of a uierohnnt wlio nolda your money in trust guaranteeing entire satisfaction with every piircliaso wo believe wo have the jaokotund mantle showing car excellent wo think you know of our ability to sell oheap theros no singsong about that to you and nothing exaggerated about these values we are showing some nice xmatr ltstes rr veity clyiaee8 bocb asv ponnnloje sxtts imuvlpvavrxas rjmcycopsajtd saucers attuiahdbvttx plates uts lllflmshi r bbrny 8ktts jbaaa1ihfc the druggist anjd statione r pure drugs correct stationery rockwood gmmmmmd m haylnfl porehaaerl ihec fore earned on by james brown i am nroparod to supply all orders for furnace coal i it will pay you toglvo it to us v hooiffl phis umi howls saraalwrlllls ii good styles perfect quality and reasonable prices with a selection of goods the largest in the trade fuxfurrrishingsare up to date 0uyyourhiat here i 1 rxc5 leading tailor and vurnishcr 99 wyiidiiam stguclph y yl i 2 fawn mantles silk lined sable collar lao for 1500 1 fawn cloth mantle vejvet collnr double breast large pearl buttons b13 now to jo 2 fawn mantles appliiue seatne velvet- collar anoj culls fi6oo now tie 50 i black irish frieze high collnr t7oo now i550 1 fur mamie astrachan i25 forf x6qo 1 fur mantle stylish hiake tjbbo lor m 1 coon cape i35 for 92500 1 greenland seal cape sable irlmdied j5 now t28oo 1 blk oppomum fancy sik lined cape 1 22 now l8oo fur fiobes mens fur coate and cajw at redacod prices epaktmental gtjejpe go stove coal che8tn lit coal olvailsxrqokutw- f ordera given to me mrsonalsrwrelt a kak- nawinifdnuabtolsb wubgromrjujr niied jojkttocnb8ir this is to that our clearing sale of crockery groceries etc still continues bargains are going our every ajanr the time is sfr now gettinffvrry shbi if 1 t c moows sojir- cor- mill maajtmwfiilaiptouim tho tenth of january 180711 jl jffl ii ji-