Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1897, p. 3

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tc bmw of ham i lton head obtiok uativaulaiii ul 7tbsbvtfftfld totai aueii hamilton 41160000 1178000 r l board op directors iin stuabt a o itaatbay president v vioo1reeldont m pnootonv oko roach at wool a 11 ijbb toronto wm giobonh tuilnbullcihler h 8 htblhbn aut oashlor hm watson inspector aomtfcies hamilton darton st 4 but bad allliton berlin obesloy georgetown grimsby llstownl lucknow ullton mount forebt orangovlllo 3wen sound port btgla blmooo- toronto vllgbam british correspondents vjnnrinn nhoml vrnvliinll rtsiik nf kntt ta fltri1 1 the news at htfme montly of a local character anov t very item intereitlrm hajton- county coanoltflrat scbmod the county connou will meet next tuesday tho most important vhuslnew tobojrantnioted will bo tho election of the wardoii who finder ioterprtstatijn ol the now apt will hold office or two yoexb al though there u considerable doubtubout the mm or it has been plated that the attorneygeneral is of a different opinion and holds that the county councils may eleot different wardens every year another i rare medal found ta walton mult griffith of boyno brought to tho champion effico last monday- a copper modal rtrnck ip 1731 in honor of admiral from samples the central experimental farm at ottawa fib ssbuv jvyi vy ohpasowhjpjr ie sxnertenental vtrijoii on0110 side of it is a vignette- of tbe admiralund qlhejrpverao roprfisetjv tuliqn o atiavitl battle with the iuoorip- tion py courage aud condact he took poriobullo with six ships only mauler griflif it found tbtfmodat which ie inv good preservation wlifje waliiiog asrofisva plowed held near liidhoapocviaiort v sueieatfuxattnttal meeting tho aonoal njeouihiof kaoidjiuroli on monday evening 1wb bnasaall iflirgely attended an eidorotexperjpndaiy the social witlj tbs meeting had something to do with thii tlw re porta from tho virioobdepartnitu tiof the ohnrahipre rjsd and- fojanfl r lb to yery eambfaotbry thcnfoptembera otho board of managers annualy elected were messrs a t mann an 1 james mcdouaid rocleotfd and meabre petdr mcdptifcld and xhomafl moffat rev mrjmaopber- son presided hewa otoirichurohca rev t amy of naseagaweya occupied the pulpit of the methodist chtitch last sunday even i or he preached an excel lent aer in oft unique in some reapecti from is cor 10 6 bringing into uaptiidiyjavery- of those varieties have bucoeedetlbist on the uxpertlneht farms havo been distributed on application in 81b bagsto farmers in all parts -of- the dominiou free through tho mail tlie objeotia view in thin distribution has been to add to the productiveness aiid improve the rjuauty of these important agricultural prod not a throughout the country by placing within reach of ovory farmer puro used of ijhe most vigorous aud productivo sorts this work hasjpet with much appreciation and a considerable degree of sqccesi coglnflifflptgolng vlaltore to and frpm acton ana varlouaotl para notes totheeaffna dearsh daring pe past niue y ibote to this solatnn ifyprt or your frioldt ha beehriven miiiistvr of akrioulturotomakba ainoitac diatributiouthib seaaon owin to he very ijiro number arapphoatioib uow received it is not pruciicablo to soud more than on o sample to each applicant but wj this limitation it iti hopod that the a tqo available wilt be sufflpieut to permit everyfdimervbo sodestipesbhariug in ihe benebteidf this uaefgl brauati of tlio work of the experimental farnjb the dieiributlon now inprbgreesoousiau ofeotne jot ihemoet promising eortsof oata barleyj field corn out potato reqqeiftb for aimpfes mayvbe sentta the contralexporimental farm otlorvb at any tftne before the 1st of march but after that date i the hstswlll be opsipxao tljatjhe applioatiopo thonlon hand may be filled before boediog begins all communications can ha sent frea of postsge it is desirable that each appli cant ehpold name the variety which be dea ires fo teat also one or two alternative sorta to case the stock of the sort chosen bhould bo exhausted while no prbmlae can be rriaae that the variety abked for will be sent the wishes oy correspondents will be aro going awayion m holiday trip or if you have friends vultibg yon drop a card to the fnib puxsa mr and mrs wm hems roe t liited relatives at milton this week miss jeuolo thbropaon of gleuwilhanip viaitod atjton f rioodd this week miss mina walker of toronto was in town for aoonplo of dnysjast week mrs eluabethoray of palmeto was theguestof her son at the maples the past wee k i bev tf a manpherson attbnded the mummu jl satb op capes and cloaks vou never had siich an oppor tunity to buy your winter over garments at such low prices we dont know when you will again we are selling off our stockof winter oiirniflnts nt prirpn whirh isiltietioiis at an cfe go all our furs at a big reduction g b ryan rsrco mid ltd r am oorregpondeiitb nkw tobk fonrlh national bank meoliuh u uuo1b proibytery iu guelph on tuoddtty represent about onehalf of their uanorarnatudal llank bobton intari tl truitoo flurfalo marlnebank ouioaoo nauonaf bank oflillnoui and union national h inbt birt national bankot oommoroo 1 agents in montreal tnobankortoronto qlilqhgb 4gbwoy hbtaiaiaqoantadfiandadiufcnceb ibadoon lult- dlaooi tbleaoonrula hi oolleouonbnladaanddrartabongbtbiidsold oqallaoeonlblb point lacaiiadaudltatlbtatoi urearbritainanatbagontlnontofearopbnpoh imt fnmuhtafamrffll all aoooulblo roarbritln an ih0a fairorablbtorma yi department tfipdihb d ii ananpwarilairooo tooolrod and totormt idlowedtromdato of deposit to dato of fltbdrawal- i apeqnifppoaita alao raoolrod at onrrent rate of interest nff liywastone agent 1 ve are heaaquarteis for sohoolbooks sohool supplies note papers envelopes account books and all kinds of slatlonery ladles arid gents purses vo carry the largest stock our prices are the lowest give us acajl qko synds acton ont m -v- v xhobsday january 21 1807 m little local brieflets which caubht the eyes orears of free press reporters this week have you renewed your subaoription igon n ci i mee i the skaters aro puttiug in full time at the riuk these eyening the meraury has been nestling btlow xe a f night wee i je corry will ahortlopen a flour mod feed btoro in arthurs block- rthe rain the past week hasireplen- hlijd tlia cisterns veryhooeptably- the thunder and lightning on hon- day evening was somewhat unusual mr john h worden has purchased tba harnesb bdsmeabqf mr j hmatthews burglars ransacked the o b sta- tion guelpb on sunday and secured 35 oentb a good many ot our citizona aroi in- thougbt to the obedience of chrlbc rev mr howell pfeaohed the 8andsy school anniversary sermon at corwbin rev geo a mitchell b a of geotflolosn will preach in the method ibt church dflifc san- day he is an able preacher and will be heartily welootued on this bis flratk visit to the cdrigregation here mr to veil- of evrton wh has boo s ciples cbtir6b here for spme time wis here on sundayas usual notwithbtandtnn the storm sons of scotland entortntnznik the comptidy which appeared in the town ball for the s o s laet friday evening gave an entertainment for tiaagh lag purposes only ae wis promuedv in thjs rpapect they a filled the bill messrs ramsay and rich are perfectly at home in making their audiences lough perhaps the most creditable pari ot the programme however was the raaalcal belections rendered by mr brooks mr brooke ie an artist of the flrbtclasa ordtfr oh the violin white mrs- brboksib equally al home with goitar and piano the au w geoerauy well pleased the attendance b bat- isf aotdry how the fire limit bylniy worjkm a speoial meeting of the council ma held last friday togrant permission to mr h qrindell ooreot a temporary ahop on tho site of the machine ahopa recently doroy by fire the premises being witbia the fire llmitb the following action waa dee mod neomaary moved by jw h denny seconded by wm brown that henry qrindell be granted permibaion to erect a temporary shelter on the site ot the build ing owned by him and reoently dettroyed by fire in which be may work atbli call ing bald temporary erection to toe taken down on or before the 81st day of may 1807 in case of failure to comply with the fire limit bylaw by above date to be snlijeot to the penalties imposed by said byiiawioarried a joyona chtauwcadlpil 7 r on friday last jan 15th mr and mrs thomas statham of this place celebrated their ohioawedding and were able oa that day to look baok with great thankfalnsa and joy oyer the long stretch ot thirty years- from the day when they were nnitea in holy wedlock thejbappy event was commemorated by a yj gathering in the evening at their homi with friends and relatione children sod grand children who all joined either in word or deed in expressing every good wish for fhtjure years a aomptapus reput was provided whoh it is needless to miy was enjoyed by all after an evening spent pleoaantly togetbor all returned o their homes with the hope that they may be spared any bo blessed as mr and mrs statham hye beentp enjoy- aohioa wedding tberoaelyefl some day cou xtttlton s s conveuttonfeby 4 and 5 the annual oonventlon of haltonoounty sonday sohoorqonvention is ab aopaal event of great interest to tho sunday school workers of the oonntyttbe obnvontloq of 1807 meets in georgetown sod the attended td as far as practicable tho samples of grain will be sent early but pdlatocb cannot be distributed until- thff dangerof injury in transit by frobt u over wusapkdeji8 director experimental farms ottawa january 15 1897 3uesino township council items of interest crowing- out of the first meeting 7 reeve twriggl re worth jnado a- neat ioangnrahspeeah aud oondncted the affairs of the day with dignity and ability ws hal and neil gillies were the applicanta foir the position of asaessor the latterwon the appointment otacalary omtsory lesarel robt harper and john mc- pljerson were made the custodians of 2500inbid of john oharlee of- norval wbpjijufferidgqrauasfl and is in poor cirenmetancep john lindsay jr aud wp allelby wero appointed tpwjiajjputqrr remunera tion j00 each the members of the board of health were appoluted aa follows paul kennedy as meniber of local bouad of health david mcgulre as sanitary inapeotor and ghriatupher nixon as sanitary policeman unseated at winnipeg huarh john macdonald unseated for violation of elootlon law by agents winnipko man jan 15 in ihe trial of the petition against the eleotion of hugh johb macdonald for winnipeg it was admitted that an ngent had hired teams to mr u p mooro ajdroidou iha north weutwbrth sunduy hobiool onveutiou at millgrove yeuttirdiiy mr james gtbbouewtio went o tho north weal iait spring bas lakeq up land neat hartuoyimd will settle in manitoba musemma m moore ot tcrrpaiohaa fteen hpuie the pftat week ebjoybg a wflll- earned rest bhoreturos to berdatfea to- i mr aud iurs coitboy who have been iaitiog in erin forsbme time have been the gnaat of exxoonoillor matthews tha pait week mr william moore offhartnpy baa been vlaiting mr qter gibbous and other friends tbe past week or so he left on tuesday to visit friends in owen sound- mr levi las by of ponsonby who has beeu laid np with lung rouble for the past two oionlhtb is not proxrening- very favor- ably aud littlebopea are entertained for his rccdverygeulph mercury mr and mrs johub a evans have taken up riesdeaceihaoo ttage on youdg- st mr evans has won many frloodrwr ing hie residence in acton and he and bis bride will be made to feel perfectly t home iu abloo mr j j ogoanor of chicago aud fr maurice oconnor of iowa have been visiting at the home of mr james gibbona errraqd-othsr- friends the past week the messrs oconnor are natives of aotou aud arq atiiroy to thq home- of the voath the news has just reached the friends here of the death at the home of her son mr wm xj hematreet cleveland ohio o mrs grace hemstreet sisterinlaw of wm herostreet eq aotou mrs n-fm- street was orio of aotuus earliest reaidents herhiistandnortemihet hefnstree opened a grocery here in about 1835 ten yearn before aotan was finally chrtitieued he called it the danvillajgrooery mrs hembtreetwae liitjhty odteemej a young mau named sajers was killed iu the woodri nar thornbury while felliiig treoijrsiiturdity r mr tbomtis huhe a farmer near tecawiiter fell thrqughj trap door fn his barn and was billed latt saturday gmud prefiidentbraiihwaite of the mauitobs patronb will retire and mr w c graham grand secretary has re- bigoed ctiihuellihg value- wevfrdoing- this because we want to distribute ourstock quickly eaw doing this because we dont want tp 1 cany any pf our tvintcr stockoveir ladles heaver cloth coatitnid i itjrte wero siooo for s-t- v ladle priezn iidvbver7cloilic6itii were dyoo for 3x rs jr jftw pihi capes quilled tllolnit were 9mx for 8ool ladle beaver cloth cpoi fancy icbfng tnd overlaid work were p900 for t6oo ah questions cnccrttiily answered letters or orders received be fore 1 oclock answered same day f jsutcuffesons tbrohto j 1ss1b4vqfiacaiv 9p qutkn st w- adjir orde clerk b t when calling ask for mr j e v sutcliffc liii cp exiyiri has no equal as a remedy for voxps bronghitis andalf throat and lung diaeases it is topic in its properties and nt the same time is an excellent cough expector ant these chronic colds so hard to get cured alrnostlnvariably yield with the use of this elixir 25c and 50c a bottle prepared and sold only by alex stewart dlapenslhir and family ohemist queilph all our mantles ata reduction of from 20 to 33 per cent 7- g b ryan co ahour carpets and house furnishings at a reduction of ten percent fdr a few days longer i 0 b ryan co price all our trimmed millinery and felt shapes at half gb co our buyers are- how jp europe scouring the markets for the bestvalue obtairtable and the latest novelties to be had forthcpasteleven years ve have not allowed a season to pass without sending a buyer to the old country thus making 22 trips inallor44 timesof crbssirigthe ocean we are the only dry goods house in guelph sending a- buyer to europe this season xmm sux guelph owen sound regina 4 bronchial syrup 1 an ejfcellent remedy for the various affections of the throat and lungs such as coughs coldg cronp iu- hn8iizahxarsoness 8ore throat veffwliess ticklinir bronchial inflammation and all pulmonary troubles ftsaletby t will street acton ioes the season is advancing reduced in price 1 we have about one hundred pairs of mtsses rubbers sizis 1112 i3yi72 quality the 1 price is 25centsp6r phir nei ll the shoe mam guelph kellys lysic store headquarfxpns for pianos violins lifliandolins organs gruitars banjos veating tbelr earplaa cash id gold miplog tin blmcoa rttormtr nd ll mark- dais standard have favored ibefobb pbkbs with asoelleni ojhoddara tho secnoiiiiacl fire iosarance co suolearedliway theulvae from-the-ftra- tgriqdeirb robohine ahops mr john moffat who removed iat weear lo milton waa toarrled yesterday to mijb annea mofhemobiwiomiog viimr ja motray has rooslvbafroni hi inbaraece ooropany j10 for damage to hi wlndona etofrom the grindell bre aoroa thqbtreet a viomber of chloafio girla have formed ah orgabiiatlon for tho pijrpoae of nb- btilullug a bveybar wedding oontraot for theprcbentforrnofniarriago the prloes doling aotoo grain market ibuwoekaro aj ioiiowb whoat white 80oto81 red 78 tp80q barley sqo to 82oj peaao 0o oata lid to22o what tblb country wants i not a oom- l pleti- pverhnhngolfhotradlpqllpy hot a good old fashioned canadian winter goderioh siowi jthe fajia- pab baa ploaanrejn oon- grain jatlng mr james l warren upon his eleotion to the presidency of esqnebing- agiicnltoral society at the annnalmeeting jiltev ohaa a llaton m a ot blow st baptiat charcb toronto win lecture in the town hall on friday jansoat 8 p m bnbjeot with kith and kin beyond tho sea i the kvbsa haa received eovera oontrlbntiona of belated chribtma and nt-iira- pitry inai newapaper tlcneliooall lip a cardinal vwna nd it jntoiveaforealght tbohockey team met with a defeat at milton baturday night thobborewab ggoalii to 1 in favor of the connty town pjayorir return match will be jlayod woiibrtflf4ayhinat iotlqer bbpluijfjbta bayo had two towrj both iiftd them they hope for amrnriwlr forfann ta gam with aatoni lmiib jienlollo- and mina walker and jmeiara jeana and surk were the ro- dptiof namerom onmrea and many oornpllrnenu for their entertainment in hliubarglatt friday avenlng tfci btpti looug peoplee pbjon bawacoa rtd ber chab aeatod fl a of toronto to deliver blbcbolcb i wtore with kltfeaiiilntieyona the beaittr friday evenibgjbns9 in lha town hiill 4rl horon blgmi bai paaa41t half- etji ler baa the sfoboj been brfgbhr ormofe highly appreotaled than apqafiii artbrihlp of mr ln mp qihlowfofyy wbp bill feolda the helm llmri jhomab artbare baanmoved to the storey farm on thi flflh line on tho btewartlqwn orobiroad jhrarthorb has alwf ya reaided in thlsviolnltytihibfrlsndb tbmiibblmavarybooam in bla- naw- hoev v iu pitillowi lqwn o6onomappoiyia toilowln ot idltf ooipmhmei flni witivwojr lf wnifrt xight tow cht1obncleb police and pablio moral 6ikli v notbiiig has helped alobg the early jjlbgrmottmanl lb ogntttrywnrorr qoloiily than the adoption of eleotrlo light bfl cnltnw noiil begin t ngoranp wbtber tha problon ibvtrad tfiify io i afijev wlbaf- piyor the llht ihey bnrn bbqfrbw draw voters to polle contrary to law judgment waa iyeh voiding the election bat proceedings btayod until tho decidion of tbesapreme court on the prelirribaty objectionb is delivered the aaae only took about twenty niluates re ttittblutis pruvmlcnt r- 80 many people are effeoted with ton- silitis bat it may be said to bo almost epidemic in some places in many instan cesu is necessary to lance tho throat and great oare has to be taken to avoid the more aoate form of tho- disease known as flioinsy we ro informed ttiat bcores of oases have been treated in thi bectjon dont atntllnto canadian coins attention has been called to tho fact that a number or mutilated canadian coins are in circulation in thin oohntry it in desir able that it ehdnld be understood geueijally that coins so mutilated not only cease to be legal tender bnt persons bo mutilating thepa are guilty of acrimnal offence and liable to imprisonment onder the orimoal code it may not be generally anderatood that itis an offence pooibhuble by imprison meqtlqr a person to deface a coin by stamping on it any name or words canadian ptgbs association the thirtyninth annnal meeting of the canadian press association will be held in toronto on tharaday and friday feby stscktaking besk tttgh flutes drums accbrdeons etc ibtc 4th and gib the day meeting will be sohoplb of that town eitend a moat oordialjid j the board of trade building and invitation to all delegates who dulro to attend the programme arranged by the executive ibtboroughly praptioal and tip to ante iu addition to liva sabjeoti to be presented by a number of foremost workers of tho county the following promloept pakers gaged to be present alfred day general secretary of tbe provincial snndayaohool amoclatloh toronto jrey dr beavls pastor first congregational 9horoli hani- ilton key w w weeksvpaalor wailmer road baptipt church toronto ainir bev jj bedditt pastor st pauls milhodist church brampton aoton usually sends many matters of ipterebt to nowspaper men will be dlsoaased on thursday even ing a bakiquet will be held at tbo nstroual olnb at which the following spokera among otboraare expepted hod w 8 fielding hon j i tarte sir mackenzie twweiltbonywmtiuipokrlientrcolrg t denlaon and prinoipal parkin milton bcullxcs the valuo of factorea tb prpbpeotlhat we shajl abortly have an- important induetry eslahliahed in mitori is very bright local papilblists have been canvassed to take slock in a oompauy fprtmfmannfabtareofbarbedaodtwlsteov wire or fencing nails washers and after the trade that is to be done this month over loaded in many departments still goods comingin stock must be lower by a great many thousands by the end of the month we face the issue iquarely and fully re alize the necessary means for doingfhis the culmination of this is the reducedprices which greet you all through the store we are t clear ing selling in earnest every benefit gqesybiii way rwpuld ypulkejis tp quote youa price list that were impossible we can only point out the departments and say thatyou can buy 1 see our window for clearance prices on books big 35c lines big 30c boys books annuals at low prices all the authors in new york cost price sets at peloubets notes hurlbuts notes 100 9xoo canadian almanac whitakers almanac globe encyclopedia 15c 35c 20c we are in the lead and will keep it if your watoh dees not go sstibfmtorlly brlrjrit to us and we will iay whether it eaptw repaired or not it we undertake to do it you can depend upon good job savage co chasi l netles cuelphr ont 35 tp 33 per cent less than regularprlces suits r mens and boys 25 to 33 per cent less than fegulnr prloes underwear again tula year a fare and one third rate haa been secured over tbe railway the ctnmdk olorc works btpatatloa the caawfiaa hotel btporter pibllshed in toronto makes ibis ooraplitoontary reference to our leading indostry t 1 m seoordtwbo baa been represenllbg w 1 storey 4 son glove mannfaotnrem of aoton ont for aeventesn yesrs bas a sample room at the palmer honn mr beoord is on the road for a hoose tbssl for thirty year baa anooabsfnllv competed iabljasa matalllkbltih t aan e3 toa meeting held on taesdy- evening that they had met with gratifying success that a large portion of tfio necessary amonnthad been aubscribed and that there was no doubt that tbe balsnoo would bo seooreawilbin a short time the propos ed factory would employ at least thirty hands mostly won from the start this would mean a bonafderable increase in the populaliouof the town champion with the prodoou of the eoropesn and tjnlted state manufacturer aud which and an active demand for it gocxli in the ambitious repqhttoto the sonlh he carries- tine 6t mples that embraces verytblngimaglnabl in tbe lib ol gtoves from tbe coarse milt of tb fsrnsr and laborer up through all r tb gradm to tbe finest and most delloal styles ol ladies eveniogwear in novelties of daalrn and perfection of flolsh th 8tory glont is to- dsyrbntbwdalad and l merit bas found it yrayio aoob rmot markets a japan and australia a nw deparlare for ths bou 1 tb msnttfauilore of grips and mr beoord shows loese in profusion tb legal bag the oantnarolsl grip tbe handsomely flltd f tklllog nil th pbyiroian eo lbs ladles retlonle th masonlo speolsl vall and other too many tb enunmrate ooropiris a lipe of lsluiipies that infinite ctaitto qanadlan nrp andvlogronlty all anen not s by the first of fsbruary will bo plaood in other bands for oblleollon johh ii mitriirwb harness maker mr iiobert noble of norval will open afaed store in joq arthurs old stajid about 1st febrnary worvillponr on band all tbe time flour maybe hsd at lbs atattpn granary from now till tbo store is opened 25 to 33 kt cent under price r jafketfc- ladiea cloth 13 to 50 per cent under what we wero selling them tor 1 ulsters ladles and mlsses 50 per cent less than regular j purs all kinds 25 to 33 per cent under values millinery jrjmmed an urn rimmed nt b to 60 1897 1897 1897 1 this isa bona fide sweeping sale iiabrrltpriefuce our stock- before stock taking we are going to make a clearing sale of oil our goods a great chance for ihe public to secure bargains in nil the different lines of drytigoods cloth- ing hats caps gents furnlshingh fur caps at lal bargains in finh hjghclass ri re cloihirig overcoats etc grey flannels at price eyprytblng must go regardless of cost to roakoroom for our spring- stock and alteration la premises mt tliomsssibbbll of stroilsville an old and highly respooted resident of that plsoe died rather tnddenly on saturday last per cent less thanprices to clear dress goods black fancys and all kinds at sacrifice price lb clear- oarpet at 30 per cent cuton markeov prices blankets quilt woollens of alt kinds go out at the january clearing sale prices bring us the cash icome early and secure some of the great bargains or youwill regret it as this is an opportunity not to bp lost oibson millar ft co boa plonk storeys gloves a mag v irl j nificn alwy in e i mac vtatch kxtjujtsrs the only storftn the city where you can get the best quality of strings for all instruments piapbs and organs tuned and repaired by a firstclass tuner 6 w kelly 95 upper wyndharh street guelph quelph j h ham dkxlkb in marble and granite hamilton blook guelph e all the world has been searched for novelties having on hand a large qnautlty of scotoh norway swedish and russian crfinlfe and jn order to dispose of it to make robin fbr spring stock now purchased 1 will sell at a reduction of bemttuful qhlna from franoa in after dinner coffees individual tea and coffee cape s oeloek sett bread and uuttar plates cka pin trays brush and ootnh trays these are ulmuieitntwtcbtnatnioauy ltniogoa ware fret cream v wa hava cat baits batters -tootbplok- holders water and it and other small dishes and rases 1 tigreat variety 4 batter kotves horry kligllah ctoiocu ta 8 and tongs butt bpopni baits and an enaiessiiuuibef of little things tor personal use and ftmai rytbii 20 percpt t and willnllow all expenses to customer to and from bur works john h hamilton aetdnjmimil pr wahavaourraltomlliaowin oomplato and utlrtmtof running ordr and ai in a posi toaupplvth want ot tb public with flour bran shorts and all kinds of resd at right priobs kvs ordar will neetve prompt ateanuon and will bdlva to any part of tb town oeortfeto wa- rb ji h m nmrra bawmias nam lain it 10 pstronlse bom tnanitryr island wa will laav tha matter as toumjoatlty of ihfood produce taken in exchange dibttfi olv us at ror yon ta we mabafi otflbrstakanattb mill or at a t brown drugstora v omiynaqhitjrak special 8ale of ttefsrsbe bnoiom alfs tbnatlona flti aboljaamoiioftnsudd qanadian novelties we have no end of pretty and useful thing sverytblng yon oan imaaln and iota you cannot tblnk of never was soeb a varleotoecflnbtsobbownuaatnatore bvarybody knows that pringl ui the place for 8nex jwatehaanobody eenbtus onoaab and thirty yearkexnerlenee in baying- lia elveu sftlltbedvantainstpiibloodwalehm at tbo lowest pribwi w dont buy traalr beeaumeltaehmp nor will w sail you traab to rnakoyoo think we sell alieap ve want our repotatlon always to blf it was bouqiit at pbingles its qood indies blltervatohea56o700j1000aodhj tartly gold wateheals0o s1800 m00 sux and mi and llojs and lions wntobes lts 6100 ajsqo 700 s600 900 s1000 isno fiooaoki and up th jesnllluer guelph drtiiitl store for this yeek we offer great allurements in m boots hnd shoes w- m vv f sttetyjitollbi vlrta delloloa bold in iisd pwkelaonly o0e 06y alrtlrbeor wmmi to clear out our stock of underclothing we will offer from now till the end of the monih underclothing at 1q phpi3istpiscouislt allooiribied drawers l3c all wool knit shirts r- 435c callin and examine r ladies fine dongoia button 1135 worth 7v ladles fine imp kid button a 50 worth 3oo ladies imp kid button 173 worth tsaj ladies pebble button ti40 worth i175 men fine dong kid tiaj worth 3oo men dong jiid tsoo worthta50 men buff congress i6o worth i200 misses dong kid button 1140 worth lioo i- misses calf lace tiio worth 1 140 girl dong kid butt tiio worth i140 qlrls calc bution 90c wanh tiio j girl buff lace 80v worth lloo boy fine buff lce i110 worthti3s youths fne buff pec 100 worth f 125 comer boys and youths ordinary buff 85c worth loo rubbers and overshoes at the same rate remember they last only for this week patent medlolnes pyny psctoral for coughs and colds 20c kemps balsam aoc hnrvarda bronchial syrup 20c syrup of mint aoc eclectric oil 20c caatotia 30c scott emulsion 40c beef iron and vvlnp 65c worth f 100 belladonna palasters 15c epsbm salts 5c per lb 1 sulphur 5c per lb wo are headuanentfor patent med- cine 1 acton

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