Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1897, p. 4

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ije kttan tjm ffefos thursday january 21 1ba7 bv ouii0 jfoutfi until it is tfbttled howuvcr tjo imttlo in ondid though proudly tho victor odlnes with tluttorlog liana and prancing tiaga and ooliotuyrollqf druuib btill truth proclaims tills mottol in lottcrsorhvliib unlit no quoatlon ia over attlod 1 until it u bottled right though tho hool of tho strong oppressor may eiud tho waak id thoduat and tlio voicob of fame with oub acouhu may call him groat and juat w applaud tnh lo sight and koop tlila motto in sight no question la over battled uatll it ibbottlod right ixrtthoao who havojailod tulto courngo though tho onomy aomua to havo won v though his ranks aro strong l hio bo iu tho wrong- thclittittolatiptyotdauo for suro qb tho niorultlft follows 9 tlmdrk08t hpur of tho-plglitl- no tiuoptionlaovor settled outlllt la bfljtlea right oman hofod down withjabor 1 0 woinau young yot old o hoartopproabod intlio tollorvbrobt andcrubhod by tho powoof gold j f kooponwith yoqr weary battle agaiovt trlunipbanti mlgllt no question woyoriattled trntiiitib botuoaright elx4 wrjkhlen wixcqx wrecked jvirs harkloy the wife of captain harkloywdllknown lake cqp- toln- of qwen qpund ont telle flow la grippe loft hjar and howvoftori doctors gnve jja hqpo arid hor- farrmly nnct friends despaired- of hor re- qovery tho great south arber- lean nervine was the beacon which directed hor fnto tho good health harbor about four years tfgor 1 was iiiuicted with a btjvcroftttuok df la fjrippu wliioh iff t mo ulinodt n complete wreck i wua poat rated for wteke i duotorud with several pliyaiciuns und used many romediep but none had any last ing effcctmy friends benn to bo ularmad for my recovery fio doctors 1897 a stepping stone the tidings wishes all its readers a happy new yearand in doing so would suggest that in order to realize this there can be no better plan of action than- to unselfishly seek to mnkc others happy and thus realize the truthfulness of our finvifinrsprrivfr mtf mniv- memorl t p tbeittrnoat profeseioub o italy com prize 295 000 persons fifty yearss- of bucceas in curio diarrhoea dysentery qholerqictolp orftuipeboweicomplbints qf summer and fal qtobtanipic fowlers eilrapl of wild strawberry as the beat romody h the market iiaavea chhdrtns lives theve are 1892 touohcra in tho domin ion of cabftdn give than to receive how much are you going to do in thematter of making yourself happy by following theteach- ing of that proverlrf do not despise the httlt bceds of klridness that nay be dropped along the wayside the cup of cold water given in his name th6 soft answer that turneth away wraththe woxel of encouragement to a faltering one the widows mite and many others winch come to us its golden opportunities in the hohrs of the passingyear and make it by his hdp a happy joyous and useful new year difficulties may come and surely w ill come but difflculties ate ods errands and when we are sent upon thorn weshould esteem it a proof otgpds confidcnci avoid discussing sermonspraising a wind tol blow away the seed v these are golden words would that every christian would remember them how often a harsh criticism has destroyed the effect of a sermon that would otherwise have blessed the hearer- i thought it was a good sermonnsaid a young girl till i heard them talk of it at home wild can tell the harm such talking does how quickly will satan take advantage of the effect- it produces to snatch away the seed avoid discus sing sermons listen to thqm pray over them but never by a hasty ex pression of your opinion undo their work on the souls of others league tidings the grace op kindly speech the l god hath given mo the tongue of them that are taught that i should know how to sustain with words him that is weary what greater talent have we than speech especially if the tongue be taught it can pour out the oil of sympathy and trustfulness on hearts sad nhd disconsolate with the bitterness of strife it carl perfume with the spikenard of love the- dismal vaults of loveless hearts it can transplant the tree ofhppe into the desert of despair it can make the riches of one true human heart mnitiply till they fill impoverished lives with wealth of gladness fellow leaguer ls this graceperfected in you suppose our league should excel in this grace can you forecast the results how much would it mean to the members of the league if they tried how many weary will you sustain with words duringjot he was better tome than all my hopes he was better than all rayfears ho made a bridge of my broken works and a rainbow of my tears the billows that guarded rny seagirt path carried mylord on their crest whpn i dwell on the days of my wilderness march i can lean on his love far the rest epworoi ltague titling advice to a youno man uemembcr you have to work whethox yoi handle a pick or a pen a wheelbarrow or a set of dishes digging ditches editing paper or ringing an auction bell you mu7f work if you look around you wiusee that the men who are the most able to live the rest of their days without work are the roerr who work the hardest dont be afraid killing yourself witfiervorkrrisnjel dom done on the sunny side of thlrt they die some ttnies butit is because theylj quit work at n p m and dont get hqmej until i p m it ia the wasted interval of dissipaiiqn that does the harm the work gives you nn appetite for your meal it leads solidity toyour slumbers it gives yotul a perfect and grateful appreciation of a holiday there are men who do not work but the world is not proud of them it does not know theirnamea even it simply polks of ihem as old sovandsos boys nobody cares for them the great busy world doesnt know that they are there so find out what you want io be and do and take off your coat and go at it the busier you are jhe less harm you will be apt to get into sweeter will be yuur sleep brighter and happier your jioliday and the better flatisfied will the world be with you bob bhookhtyr iiuadtt aud heldgurlittiu bop i waa attrsctod by an udvertibemont ot south am erica u nervine and as ray troublo waa of a nervous nature i decided to try it the first bottle helped me great ly 1 persisted in its use and tbia tfreat remedy uas completely built up myoybtem aud i poaitively deotaro that it ia tho only remedy thtvtgvomq any reiipf soldby a t brown like biliousness dyspepsia headacho oonatk patloftbour btomach indigestion aro promptly p yni th f wr easily and tlioroughly brat after dinner pills ssconta all druggists irrepared by 01 hood co lowell mass tho onlvrm to take with hoods sarsaparllbv holland is email ingeographloal area but ha 10b7q teacherb i y cinnam0k1 0ated dr agnewa bivbr wua are coat ed like a cinnamon drop very v small and delightful to take ti m ffhe yl ulsion is invaluable if you are run f f down as- it is a food as well as 3 e a medicine i the d l emulsion wml hulhl you uii if your general health is tho d l emulsion a la tw bnst ntltl nmit iialiialtla propnrahonofj p coiillvcr oil irculnii with thu most doll a f caiqbtorimcha a e thed l emulsion p laprcacrlbcdby ilio leading pbysiciitub of a r canada 3 the d fit um emulsion f is marvellous qcsli irojuccr and will glvo e nnpctlo 3 coc til per bottle f no tturo you get i davis uwhf kot co ltd will carry the scars to her qrayfi o sporit thouaartds for hdaltln but did not obtqln fhld oreatoat of nil blosarnss jjntu siq used the great south american rheuma tic cureguffeved intensely for 1 2 years mrn f bruwloy of tottnlmin on stutta i uuffortid dlntoat continually for 12 years with rllcumutihm tho effoats of yhijh i will ourryto my gravo and while tho joints nt my elbow and wrieta are yet stiff i am entirely frood from pain in the ubq of south anorlcau lllieumatio cure it has indeed proved a wondorfu cure in my cfte i liavo spout thoumiil ordollurs pn doctora billa and mciicinov wihont avail fivo hollies of juu wondor worker baa cured all pain i am better in health worth its weioht in oold is the estlrhohy of frank 8 emer- idk of alvlnston- ont says south american kidney cure saved his lrfelt relieves in six hours ior 6wo yuoiiri i was grcatljt troubled with kidney ditfoago i suffered intened patu anil jrenuefjuy joib unablo tb work i dootdred jttwt tio relief j bgan to grow worse andtbe paipa werb frequent antjlintenso about thiatirnol saw 5outh american kidney cure adyertiaedab appaody relief for all kidney troubles irjurbbaaed a bottle and it gave me wonderful relief in a few hours i improved btoadjly and after taking four bottles i arri completely curcd i consider it worth ita weight in godfor it hsbiiredly aaved mv life bold byjfcf brown people glpry in all sorts of bravery ex cept the brayery they might bhow oube- hilf qrthnir neareat iieifjhb cnnkrr in llmbioiith smith fulls ont deo 15 1806 for several years i havo beeu troubled witb canker in the mouth l have tried many different remedies bnt all failed antil about a year ago when i waa advised to try hobda burfaborihftl i am now on my third buttle and my health is much better misaqroce juhnaou hoods pilla becomo tho favorite cath- oarllo with every one who tries them one pill a dflse 46 in aphial for 2p cents their popularity is a mlahty whirl wind sweeplnff competitors before it like chaff no pain no griping no inconvoniouco small in size and pleasant to tho taste most pleasant afteroffecte sold by a t brown thore aro 90200 teaohers in the austro- hun gar jap empiro i can attfely recommend wrights liver and stomach pills from personal exper ience having been troubled with pains in the stomachafter eating for some time and one box of wrights liver and stomach pilla effected a complete oqro i can high ly recommend tbem to give immediate relief sgd e n havill ianville on du uul foul with cheap pujgattvepillfl whenyoucan get a mediofno that removes the cause of sick stomach pain in the back aiok headache indigestion etc that goea direct to thu float of the trouble a com plete treatment is 50 centb with full direc tions and can bo obtained at at brownv drdg ntore aoton sample box sent on receipt of six cents in stamps thk leeoy pili co toronto can dont headache powders will cure that splitting headache safe successful sure 25 cents a hor the universities of russia have 701 pro fessors and tutors norway pino syrnp cures coughs norway pine syrup pares bronchitis norway pine byrupf heals the lungs the kingdoms of norway and sweden jgsmjafe4- r oflhes bowel eys and liver tog off gradually it- weakening- the ilall llie impuri- foul humors of secretions j otihe fe rime correot- aoldlty f the ib oaring blll- j nbw year wisue9 what shall i wish thee treasures of arth saflgb m the npringtlme pleasure or mirth ploweni on thy pathway skies ever clear would this ensure theo a happy new year what shall i wish thee what can bo found bringing the sunshine all the year round where is the treasure lasting and dear that shall ensure thee a happy new year loith thawncrcruies walking in light hope that aboundeth happyi and bright love that js perfect casting out feat these shall ensure thee a happy new year peace in the savisut rrat at his feet mllo of his coudtonance radiant and inv lnhl presence i christ evr nearr j jhewlensure thee a happy nev ukrancii riuuw havbkai dim jauo rheum iluispp6fula intof the nervousness pweral debility erapttwaifpother edropjainwyield tapwrinfluence imllburhaco- joflohto germany harone doctor to every c7a0 of there never was and never will be a nnivpraal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh ia heir the very natnro otmany cuiatlvfih being each that were the germs of other and differently seated diseaues tooted in the sybtem of the patient what would relieve one ill ia tarn would aggravate the other v we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a bound qnadalterated ute a remedy for many and grievoua ills by its gradual jadloioui aie the frailest byatem are led into eon valescenoe and strength by the influence whlgh quinine oxoru on natures own rmtoralives it relieves tbe drooping plrlts of those with whom a chronic state of morbid despoil deuce and laok omnteresk in life fi a dlseabo- and by traoqoillzing tho nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood whioh being stimulated oournet throdgbout the veins strengthening the healthy animal function o the aybtem thereby rnaklhg actwttya neoeaavry reiult treaglhenlng the frame and giving life to the digestive organs wbioh naturally demand increased substanceresult im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto havp given to ho publlo their quinine wine at the oioal rate and gnaged by tho opinion of scientlitf this wide approaches nofcraiit jwrfeotion of- any in tho market all drupglals acll ll great britain ha 80000 toboherf ttiantbdsbvbbatjpaitnpurmbn oh yj v women to travel for reaitonilble eatab luhtlhoub o ontario balaw 760 payable lboolaiideijnm itotiwon ptrrauont kaferanm bnolow efftildrimiied aiamp rd velope tho national star halldlua ohio ago god adopts the race in christ bonshipis offered in jesus to every oreatore there arc cases of oonbumption so far advanced that dickies an ti- consumptive syr will not gore cu none so bad that it will not givo relief for coughs colds and all affections of the throat lungs and chebt it ia a speoiflo which hab never been known to fail it promotes a free auos easy expectoration thereby removingthe phlegm and givo the diseased parts a chance to heal wewishcvc could make e v ery b o d y believe thar promptness is prevention that there should be no de- lay when you are losing flesh and when you are pale espec ially if a cough be present the continued use of scouts emulsion in the early stagesof liinp nftections does prevent the development of con sumption your doctor will tell you this is true arid we state it without wisrrrng to make any false claims or false promises free bejok tells more on the subject scott c cqwne dellcvuie oat nothing cures mans- falseestimate of bimbelf like th overestimate of lpve irchlnff burrilnflr skin dleeaaes cured for twentyfive cento dr agnews ointment relieves in one day and curefl tetter salt bhanm scald head eczeraa barbers itch ulaerb blotohes and all eruptions of the skin it is soothing and quieting and acts like magio in tbeeuro of all baby humors 35 cents soldby at brown who are tbo men whe man ltauifeboats thoaojrvho know tho peril of the sea and tbo joy of salvation cr- wliy some people fsll j the world is full of people who have failed becauso of dyspepsia biliousness and constipation which are responsible for ninotentha ot lifes miseries burdock blood bitters euros these diseases as well as all other diseases of thu btomaoh livor bowuts and blood in 09 oases out of 100 generally thuu i httyobooufor ten yea bold hy a t brown wp makordwefe ublo to inarnct him the healthy glowiuappouring from the cheek apd moaning and- roatloasnsaa at night are suro eymioms of r worths in children donot failto gtrt avbpulo of mbthorgravvd worm exterminator it is dti effectual reoicly7 7 only gbdlibabje to bear the paet present auf f utuwalv at oiiqe j y d v dvansifls i amlhankful ip burdcok bjood bitters that i am strong and healthy today i suffered from bilrousneas and bilious fever so much that i was ont of my mind night after night but i am now entirely cured by the nseof two bottles of bbb- nellik i hendenson kir by p 0bnt ft i jdlaitilmba and all bowel coaipjaintff a sure bale quick cure for theso i troubles la 2 r rtmywvia j used latcrnitllyandextcrnofly itwo blrea toe iand doo bottles c the tbeologicnl students of the lutheran seminaries numbor 937 dr lows pleasant worm syrup remov es worms of all kinds from children of adults ls tbe cborchea are like our faces so many expressions of life and not one perfect fover and ague and bilious derange ments are positively cured by the ase of par melees pills they not only cleanse the stomach and bowels from all bilious matter bat they open the excretory vessels oanstng them to pour copious effusions from the blood into the bowels after which the corrupted mass isthrown out by tbo natural passage of too body they are need as a general family medicine with the best results the lawhohoois of this conn try contained in 1803 7311 btudonta a new combination as their name signifies laxaliver pills are a combination of laxative principals with tho bebt liver medicines obtainable they cure siok headache constipation biliousness liver complaint dyspepsia stomach liver and bowels the baptist theological seminaries have an attend ah co of li6l corns 1 corns tender painful corns bleeding corns pain lea el y removed in twentyfour hours- putnams painless corn extractor aots m agio ally try it andbe convinced tho kiofidom of italy contains 8g100 teaohera male and female a member of the qntafio board of health says i have prescribed scotts emulsion in oonsamptfon and even when the digoative powers were weak it has been followed by good results h p yeomaus a b md 7 thegrfeat j family medlcineof the age taken internally it curoa dittrrhma crttmp and pain in tha stomach fibre throat 8udden coda cougha etc etc uaedxtemally cuts bruises burns sodlda spratria toothache pain in tho face npuraujia rheumatism froatfid feet niinrtlrlbfvfurttultiud la auch miwunjoj potiutar ity wriil cjiwiivr kill r wo imvi an n it iniflo cftivln 111 nnllilnif llio diivrfrt fuln nud knotv it tu ihi n ihhi ftrtldo cincin iliiiiliyotiinl lio painklltbr wltlrh ttin tiiyitvttlliiiwu ulully uiullulnottowltium tnrwmt ii i ii i mrrll i lw li ninniii of rffiinvlntf phi no ipriihttmtiiiiiiriiiiimln mifuutuun equal ta 1orrjr dvu i stpltsvui jti i ifixni9 lliijfolr thn genptnq renar utn jivrrjvirirpllirtloulojsc vciyltirjjowilso tx tho congregaiionsi theological r schools nqniberc20 sttldents llrhtjn anliiit shines icieauy miihfjim tmxljuns covtoiiosto deah sinsrthere s light in asia after all and tho man that advised me to try your heart and nerve pills was a friend indepd and tvuly a friend in need before i started to take them i was languid weak bleeplcss and nervoub my brain was bo- clonded add i could not collect my thoughts i had gone through an operation in the hope of relief but still remained generally broken up my appetite was gone and i waa almost without hope or ambition i new white underwear- the large quantity- sold this month places us in a position to offer at much less than usual prices t ladies skirts special 25 35 39 63 and 65 cents corset covers special iiji7 30 45 55 and 75c- gowns special 45 49 cq 65 75 89 and 90c drawers special 18 25 35 40 45 and 70 cents chemise special 25 35 45nnd 60c nfrantswear- robes iarricotsstlps cloaks etc at special prices oreat january xrrerinq of dress ooodsk- all new goods bought specially forihis sale clearing at nearly half price tweed effects very special 40 inches widefasc boucle effectsj very special 46 iinches wide 30c boucle effects very special 40 inches wide 35c- i tweed effects very special 44 inches wide 50c extraordinary mantle selling- the sweeping reduction in our mantle room is clearing off the stock rapidly the ubo of atilburas heart jind nerve pills and it took only three or foot weeks to do tbo work i often think of the years of suffering i might have escaped had i only known of uilburns heart and nerve pills in time but tarn grateful to bo restored to health at last and gladly recommeud the medicine that oured me- htoke walter autist pasadena cat break up a cold in time oy usinq fynypegtoral tlio qnioic caro for cotoiis coids ickolt ilkoi- ci1xti3 lioauseness etc mns jobpi11 kihwick oti sorao tn av toronto wrlcn rrnteetirnl lim ir ta curn my ililfilrtn of erii h nirert mwifof filinuiiltiiir ctnjh after eyiral uihar niifli 1v aiu1 it lint lio jirovtil nn ex 1 nt tjfu aim fir my fninlr i iuifrr h to nnr oilrrr mod i tins for euufllii cmnp or li on rl ii 6nanuun of little kocher nb w hni a a cl fr 0iifi tiivrturahi us imt muind mrjli inn i iiivu my cu- tomdr wlu ivo no otuor larffo jlottlo sc cta davis ailawuececo lto proprietors mohtreal the total number of theological students in this country is 7058 money saved and pain relieved by tho leading household remedy dr thomas eoleotrio oil a small quantity of which usually autlicioa to ouro a oough heal a bore out bruise or sprain relieve lumbago rhoumatlsm neuralgia exorioated nipples or inflamed breast tbo teaohera in 4he government sohoola of gormany numbsr 120000 burdock pills small safe and sure regulator the liver and euro contittpation holland hab 160 uuiveraity and college profeasorbi and belgium 120 gvst0ma for infants and childreri dmlls slgftaton un stbrt giasgw house acton bpaiu haa bui 80000 teachers totrain its youthful population that haokiug oough can bo qqiokly curod7bybaryaraaefdtbrai halaamr price 85o lhoro aro 10800 teaohera in tho diroinu tlvo kiuncom ot belgium colic- cured deanina iwaavery bad laat nnmuaer with poliandai fewdqie of wildstraw- berry oured me i am aafo iu reoorumend in it aa tho hest remedy ever nsod i oan not apeak too highly of it mm arrjbd vios berlitt out thj teabherr in llro publlo sohoola of franoe number 1811 ww fagged out none but thoeewho havo becomo fagged out know what a depreeaeuv muarablb feeling it ia all atronglli it gone nddeenondenoy haatakeuhold oflhe auiu ferora- they feel aa thougil thoro waa nothing to livo for there howover ia a ouro one box of parmoleoa vegotable pilla will do wonders iu realoring benlmi and atrongth mandrake and dandelion aro iwoof thqartiojei euteribi into ibo com poaitlon of pavmeieoii pilla ask note a few orheattractiqns 6i our clearing sale week in boots and shoest childs and misses overshoes womensxon buttoned womens kid buttoned meris buff lace mens buff gaiters ttt77ttt womens felt lined lace i 56 per pair reg 1 00 per pair reg 1 25 per pair reg a5per pair reg 1 25 per pair reg 95 per pair reg this 10 50 60 -50- 5- 25- in dry goods ladies fur muffs coney seal astrachan etc- at i5oi 75 200 and 225 reg 300 to 500 overcoats at reduction df 25 to 50 3 spools for loc printssheetingsj tickings etc at clearing prices hahsiisqw less sx foi lead pa0ket8 nly- i2ahb i pounds i iabv the putartlm 4 mot fraarant oenu nljotuld tht pxvioaohvrtayltpv wryrjijrkii aoentajrorowto 7- uu- le rigiit loiise cor king anij hughson sts hamiltn january is the great bargain montjv and when yotireadoiir list of offerings you can roly upon their befag bargains in the broadest sense of the word ri fy belter look into the matter its money saved to buy now i jafrfti frieze good quality stylish garments nil this seasons importation l regularh35p for 275 regular 4 for 325 regular 550 for 395 kegular w50 for 9450 regulars for 8515 regular 89 for 3g womans winter skirts sightly garments at ihese pricesmjey should pot bepassedby black sateen quilted regalar 8375 for 8150 black sateeeu qahtqd regular -fcjs-rfar- 82ioo eiderdown quilted regular 8600 fur 83-00- morten regular 8300 for ii50 r tub sacrifice 7 theres a gret saving- in buying at ihis end of the season note these prices wool seal cape 36 inches long regular 82875 for 81500 black opossum cape 30 inches long re gular 82500 for 1500 alaska wallaby cape 30 inches long re gular83750 for lao60 samples on application freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on all purchases of 85 and upwards batlsfactipn guaranteed thqinas c watkins january 11 th 1897 r the right house listent ra qolf clbtlis dress tweeds halifax and frieze t the whole surplus of the seasons product of one of the largest woollen mills in quebec j golf cloth plaid backs and plain worth 8175 sale price 75c golf cloth plaid boucle 8250 sale price 00c dress tweeds plaid plain and fancy very stylish heavy and warm regular 81 sale price 50c hatifax tweed all wool sale price 35c grey canadian frieze double width worth 81 sale price 0oc short remnants of canadian tweeds worth per yard from 50c to 81 in lengths of ti nor y or ari vs r r- jf to ij- yards- sale price each ioc 25c and 40c j d williamson co wyrtdham and maodonndti streets quelph tibbe of m youmay talk about your potton and yonr sda upon thof ehce dut they aint the kind of mediums that appeal to common aenee you may talk about jour dodgers and your elroolars and auefi but i calculate they dotft assist au advertiser rnueb and especially imwlnter trhon the anow la on uiefitound i wonderwhereyourpoaters and your dodgora can bo found dut within tbo aoay homeatoad whan the par- lor atovos aglow tho newspaper la read aloud to evoryons wo know tho farmer sees tho palntod sign upon the barn and grim jinp dollars yearly for the ipaee he usually wins and there bis interest ilntbo ad begins- and it ends anitthersame is true of rearlyall bis neighbors and bis friends but tbey toad the local p per every day of every week andin ita woleomo oolnmos all their informa tion saek and you may bo quite certain hat the ads therein displayed wayaroad with- 1 nako some trade interest ana aro sure to no mure itstandn to leattiaajulhow tbat wlit a fellow buys 3p hes going to road and gat his money worth if no is wise the father mother undo aant danghter and the eon are going to read tbe newspaper and so is everyone botti alaoatandsto reason that a local mer- obantaad will thoro attract attention be it either good or bad andihpnewapapor as mediumleads all other klnde with east for that is where tbe multitude tbo advertise ment sees try ma tut id tbtjj frer jmmjss railway- time labiil grand trunk railway ttoivo wiiht mail kxnrob mall 0 u3 am aiii pni 7 00 iiu uolnd kaht a it5 kxprobb icxitrcab mail mixed 10 47 am 011 lu 10 mi iiin tisih opclohinu mailh ooiag west 015 aiiiatid g 40 pm oofugeuht 1015aiii and 5 4 pm this umo tollu wont into effect ou monday nov 30th i8d0 heres a fact lisswnilarhs hns the largest and riiost varied stock of shoes in town heres an opinion ksfwilliains doesnt believe he can be uhdersold a proniise uarwhhams will meet any honorable com- petfribn mh qpe an acfmiss i orr fcs williams wants your trade very rnuch heres a statement- tsf williams will prove it pays to deal with him- heres an explanation licwilliams saves for you in price and gains in quality heres a grand idea t3rtry williams just once when you need- shoes heres a memorandum ota williams boots rind shoes are- found a his store on mill street acton wiiiliam wixeiams mill street acton georgetown electric works t j seecht proprietor manufaoturors of m dynamos eueothic motors watr motors and i jiydrauuc ram3j1 flpo aodhteam fitting and uaoeral itepalr log doing equlppodwlthasaabralgmalde i aut prepared to do brasiogoo bioyoleaframoa ee wboela eonvortod from diroot to taogenl spokos handle bara bent to any dealrod angle fall line of epokos kept inbtook satufaotlon guarantood blcyoloa enamelled in any tjoior t j speight georgetown we have on hand 7- several valuable farms which wb njuiell vbry cheap and oq eaaytermb of payment tbo farma aro situated in tbo followin conntios-t- wellington bruce haldimand simicoe haltbn durham perth some oflthem aro highly improved farmi allaro good varloue siiea and will bo bold at a bargain if bold bofbro tbo first of january noxt for termband full particulars apply to j e mcelderry sooretary gukl1h and oniabio investment and savinob society quelph i ont xncluding books pamphlets fosters bu beads ciroulars ac kc execute in host style of tho art at moderate prlaes mnd hort notice apply or address h pmoolte fbbh prksb offloe aott cure rssumatisivi tkei ebtiye hoii8eteper8 t a serious qobstton for prospootive bonsebeepers ia tba graal original anllay neoeiaary for the pnrohaseofppropriate farnitara and ftunbbinga we can bo of service to all snob theyll be anrprlaad to lean noon how amall an investment they can besln with if their hleotlon ia made from onr took older boose keepers oan find many artlolea tbey need tbia aprlng at very low prices in oar wareroonn ikdeitfciggr our atook laoomplolo an eioollent aworlmaut in all tbe elty atyua in- trimmiun and fibih prion lower than eter cottloi or oaakata delivared wltuin dvo tnllei of aoton flrstolaa hoarse at reasonable chargee shop and sbowroous con wiuovrnad agaos streets sarsftpflrilla itis prompt reliable and never fails it wiia ob sf t 1 1 1 boumamlnaraaeaklfvtej vlsut moiitnb hpininoc u ox pvitajrra sent rrofc- ml brhwavrhrvlfr

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