Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1897, p. 3

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h bank qf hamilton hbadpiok hamilton dwtwlainuk 81sw00 umumve ifukd a07s000 tokl abbbt w6sbw poabd op direotobs hnstuaht agambav irosldout vtooproflldont uis pnocron qao jtdacll a t wood a ihlkh toronto wu uidboh up tultnuull cuabior ii b btklhen abst cashier ii m watson lubpfctor agencies hcurilltou tiartoa st east end allibtou bruuoucbloyaoorfiotpwnljrlmabym8townl tiuiilinnvr mlftnn tl ilmngnvllln won bound iorc elgin btmcoo torjouto visbani v brltlbh correspondents iioiinon national iroyinolul llmik of eu- the ne mofltly of a local character and everv item interesting iuocndiury fires at guelph guelph has hail an op idem io of incen diary fires lately four barns havo beon buruod out ho outskirts of tho city two suspects wero arrested last friday one baa turned queooa evidoaoonnd lias re volted the particulars iuconnootion with ouch fire to tho authorities tho flroa wore evidently perpetrated without any partiou- lar object in view with ktth amlktoncytmdthascs this is the subject o u leoluto rtxotlo liverou by rovchas a eaton m a of toronto iutlia xoffn hall tomorrow even ing under the euapioea of tbo baptist neighborhood news news i tome supplied by correa- ponclentb and exohanseo ballinafad miss a j moluro is cnjoyhix a few days with frjeucls in tho vioinity of brampton alius boawick of iwolty is visiting friehdb in tho fad mrs jamison who haa boon tho past fow weeks with her brother in stratford ts now with hor mother mre aaokef wo aro sorry to iparu that miss raid liaij bbeo laid up with a sovera attack of su t mrehlrreid ihtjonvatpbcetrtr our now postmaster and storekeeper mr betz iy evidently doing a mailing- hui- nesp up intrude keeping a food block coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousolherp0rionalnotee tho fiisxtpnabs iuvltw all ita readers tribute to tbla column if yoa or your frioinos aro going away on a holiday trip or if you bave t rlouds visiting yni drop a cardto the fubb pnkfli mies kato orr returned to grand valley oti monday dr mckcakue visited friends at toronto junotiou ou monday iobtuiaiirer hondonon of georgetown wub home bauday mr qart o geo visiter tttrdttnrttrteimjnkblo prices itov p l campbell rutenied the miu- friends in town this week midi ethel foster of mi i tab is a guest at tho homo of mr james browo mis8 e of vidifinjj friends in bur old liomj hero ft f c g 0 cl q t q 00 o ttttt 0t ciothingx etx there isnt a clothing buyer who canaflbrd to pass us by when we are selling fashionable at clothing at such remarkably low prices there isnt a man any- where who cannot afford to buy ob b byain fe gos ah our furs at a big reduction g bryabfgco american corret pondentfl uaaoverkatupal bank boston intoruatlou- ittrubtco uwvilqt- uarinojiank cuicaoo nationalbank oflllldolaand union national raok daraoitl patroit national dauk s vnb4soixr nallona dank of conimorco agenta to montreal the bank of toronto amqrqetow agenpy i notadlsoountodndadvftncob liiado on suit- iblaieooritlea t i w colloouonafiiaaaandjlraltb bongbd and sold on jail adoef alblo uoibtaln canada united states arbrirzluttatti con unontofuropo upon nostiavdrabletarniff v v 8avlng pertinent dapoifti otjii and upwards rooalvod and tntareat allowod froiu dato of deposit to dato of spboiaii deposits also rpobked at iurranaratejir or intoresf n m livingstone afiout wedfliiig presents birthday presents hoeers knives jforks andpoons spectacles spocialattontiongiven -torepairjng- trust us with your watchjrepaira we always give sathjfactlon drbbhvnps acton qnt youitf feoplud union mr iatouis an easy orbeablp and eiiat bne ii o has something to say thut is worth bearing and auuh u fuoility in sdyinf it that hu iiauro to have attentive interested aud ben fit ted lfearors ibootdn watchman our ixockey its win tboelprn hookey mat oh belweon aoton and geornbtowu wue played ou saturday after nojhi the nib cm andaold were aevere but tho puyers entered the rlpjc each full of virii aud determfnouon to pa up a winnjnf gatne tbo hiatoh waa iooqly opnioated bat roeolted in a pigal vlotory for tjio ibme teaqi inv score of three r0fl- to one our boys aregetting down to work in oarnettand tbo hookeylits of this saotion wilt flooo loarn ho ttiey p ps npfastplay tho tearmwerfl confppbi idtorial abbooiatioii lib jeorg frown on mou day labt tho cliribiiun endeavor socuoty have introduced tho ttudy of tlio shorter cat- eohiam for tlvo mtontoa of eaph hoaaion the meoiings are largofy atlouded follows aoton qoftv lftwreaoo y thfjtlspa jancaby 2818071 k uttle local brieflets whlph caught t eyca or fre press reporters thnjwoof look dtit for th6aupperypvemontb oodgrlalllsntwarde hploieod the rpada iivq been badly srlrted tbuweefi j v sabeorlptiod lists are orcalatedjiere tor the belnot the sturviospeocle in india tcoroe and bear revohae a eaon in thton hall fcidaytomorrowqighti toe north grey arionltnral sooiety is over six- hundred dollars bohiod id its accoants rmr11 qrindell is at work library ahop an iho sito of bja former tnaohldohops wta tenoent sooial was haidia kobx qbqrch on monday dvening a pleasant evening was spent the oold snap this week has given m a taste ol gennine oanadian winter weather tqaite a nnmber or popils irqm aqton ars attending goelph oollegiata institute andoneor two guelph business college tboae people who have been bewailing the abacdoe oi the good old fashioned winters should now be vbondatftly satis- aedi the retarn match with milton will likelybe piayed hero next saturday at8 tlie boyi expect to revcrso theaooreinade almutbn the annnajjnssng of haltougi farmeralmfltbal fire insarancecompany held in tbo towpmiail last friday afternpdn xlisffptitg assises for the county of kill be bold on monday tbe stb dy of march- the hon chief jvstiee sir william ifilpb meredith will preaido jrihh hraydnnof ptreets wis eleo- rmhatdeh of peel john monabb west sjpr of wellington dr j o moqregor waterdown of wentworth and it dickey of ilofferln weiiecrossing the millpond on fri- f day afternoon mr v modonalds team broke the ice fortunately the water was not secy deep and driver and horsesescapeil wllii dotbing more than a wettinfi the erin adeckiuaft week entered on tneolh yea otim existonoe the ad vpoataiia always worked for what it con sidered the best interests of the place in hiouttrstooaimtmlweirrtpremhtreriii sodvioinltyv j tbe remalasof the iato miss anne gordon were brought from toronto yester- dtyprtibtng the fonertl in tha after- noon to fatrvlew cemetery from the old faom g largeljrattendgd by friends and former neighbors mr john it kennedy met with a pain- aooldent on saturday alternoph whilo engaged at his work in the acton tanning gos works he made am libtep while hang ing upfjides and fall heavily upon his left armustamhig a f raoture attbowriit foubtralo newspaper reporters were oahgkvb7 p flk otbvdsy and jterenn in with the- gang iijtigiiliimivtitk reporters sjogljiiwai aprinolplsjot law as well si of common sense that three kinds pjjwnwsre permitted- to go anywhere without blame doctors olergymeh and reporters tbe talmerston spcclatofu new can- dldate for puiilio favor thedrsl nonjqj- wasifssneof isstweok frpnl new type a si j praaoiitsi a haiidslftms pearsuoe mr w sohieflo s practical ptefp rbpwfee h oonsmonoss wih holsdpprtppptpart of thspooplo of pasmerston andoinlty nfiapropepls of suceeis isjolearly foreseen m i illev j vanwyokt b a ol hamilton president of conference jltev w o hen derson dd ofbsrlln otoliihid js piixm xl jjwmbers ijiesjronferenob clonmlon on clroult labbaries met herajmpha methodlit fahqn po m6icdayxlsntd0srnes pi the iimmliston was advanoed a stage and a icsikfmeetlng will be hfld in paris in tsclerxy of tbe bural daanery of jfsjrllt meet week jo aqton divine service in si albans fonday evoulngi next at b bev a jpel of guslph yprsaiherir xhe is onertory on ftstjom orslpsansry library on fiiorleg aetebra- ssofiehoi doropiqpionat 830jfol- sfpynefi letlbpttnirtne 5iay llama point a smithy cover point t mopnail forwardfl v 3 gjipin prauk motntbab frod jryderb sinclair geornotownvooal dathrie point a bradley oover point x wheelor for- wards a haziovyood w mokenzie w button wyttfolieod the cptin iy a4tpmiu rat saotcty hatton agricultural sooiety beld its ijinouai meetiug pq wednesday afternoon in tho town ball milton when a large no rubor were preaent following were tbe officers elected for this year president john fijodoagallj 1st yioepres john stewart 2nd vicopres john t elhotti seovtreas win olorjients bireotonir robt s to wart abraham stark james mocowan e kixoti win n bmu charles e wood frank greeulesfl david hutobooo w a lawrenoe t t harris ajex waldle sarotlel tybn and wesley reoboa- tting fair will be beidoir thorfldayrsofi apriltand the fall show odtbnfuday and friday the 7tb and 8th botober the tfetiiurer read bis report wbloh shows defloienoy of 290 oon- eideriqg tho loss sustained in the baruing of the old hallthe association is fortquate in having so small a deqoitj ijiribbarp band concert the comparatively large aadtands wbioh assembled in tbe hillsbarg hall last friday evening to hoar the concert under the ous- pices of the band expected a rate treat aotioipation ran high but tbe greatest ex pectations were fully realized the concert was probably the best ever given in hille burg certs inly the beat for some years the chair was occupied by johnoralg m p p fergas who in svfew happy retuirksqtro- duoed the programme aqd for fqlly- two hoars the nnwqarieov people listened and laughed and applauded and were then rei inotonitogo tbo bjnging of miss sjeabie nicklin of aoton was reoevvod witb trei mendoua applaoae and especially so in il rendition of tho sweetest song snng mias wajkbr eleouti gave somo exaellent readingsj and bj itafiyfrifi tbo man wasrwalking ahead ol ie train ajid did not step off thu track iu tirrwoo eqcape tho engine the loqamq- tive struck him in the back hnrliug biin eornodibttinooanl killing him almist in- stantly tho body was brought to town tbo dooebbed had put up at the wallace houso the previous nigh ho wa in bramptoii oo wednesday awaiting nowacf his brother who was baid to have boen frozen near oalgary if9eaod watton hit way to hamilton the agd ienoe ioa bpoii of admirauptfwhile ing the piece entitled fiawitberejdbunqh of roses mr ypflrstarkyv baritone singer and mivjbearry jeaflo a oomio voo alist won jrferited applause tbo band playedfleveral beleotions during ho ngetipadvocat6 calealoatical intelligence kevo a mitoheu b a of george- torii won the hearths of the methodist oodgrogation hero by life able ministra tions on sunday his sermons wore scholarly eloquent to ode r and iodpressive the part taken in tbo sunday school service was also apprcolatod rev j e 3swell m- a i preached missionary ser mona on georgetown oircuik on sunday mdch pleasure is antfoipated from the leothro ikub and kin by rev o a eaton ma of toronto in the town hall tomorrow evening rev p baker of everton will preaoh in tbe disciples ghnroh this evening at 746 onthe key to the aota of the apostles the re- gal arqu arte rly communion seryioe will bo heldin knox church next sabbath rev mr mokay of korval wilt preach pro- ooromanion eermons on friday at 11 a m and 780 p u the pastor will officiate on sabbath the anniversary servioes of knox oh arch will be held on sunday and monday 21at and 8 2nd fobroary the managers have aeoored the services of miss twauocollum for the moudayevonlng programme a dellahtfal at home when the members of aoton temper- auoe union undertake any matter of a special oharaotoruhey invariably carry it to a bocoessfql termination the at home in their tiail on friday evening proved to ha speoially enjoyable the night was the first re stormy winter weather of tho season bat borne seventy- five members and frienda aisembled tho programme was as follows opeolnglodo tlio company laop ttov v j gilpin betnarksluiy oha4rnian quartette temporauoe ball boliiiig sootoh bettatlon oallena bowaro tha drinv hui maggie wilson v i bplnvelafjes- miu kelllo matlliob addroubev j b howell mai befreahpiontbi -quartotte- not drink tho baby wine a1dromilcvkgodiltdm a itoadlbs what ifommy did mis- olara atoore duett save tbo boy mines matltliows and hill addraaabat viator j ollpln god save the queen the adjrews had the true ring of tam peranoe sanlimedt and were bfloalated to encourage the workers bandeot together in the union to continued efforts in the oause of prohibition bey mr goddan track a responsive otaord when he advocated very btrobgly a movement edwards the opening and equipment sat a publio library with a view to tbe inculcation of atslem litera ture aqd thus ptoviding aplace for yoang men to spenof the evenings iather than itf tho taverns in town mr gillb farther saggested that an effort be made to open a gymnaaium under proper an per vision with a ojompetens athletio idstrootor it will be a benefit fo oar town if these haggeatioos are goberally duousaacdmteda notice all soounbbi not settled by tho ffijsv of february will be plaoed in other for collection joum h mattlflrws hsrneis maka winnipg will lav- ten roilea of maoaam pavements this y the annual meeting of- tho rookwood bran oh of the upper canida bible society was beld n the proabyteriau 0qroh- on thursday evening mr miarray baa aufljoiontly rocoverpd from his recent acti lent to be able to at tend to hla barber hop the ersmosa agrloultural socjotyhold ita annual meeting ou wednesday after noon the treibprera report bhoed a balanceou hand of 90c03 theattfoof tbo fall show wui fixed for october 7th and 8th tbe following offioera meroeleotod president wnf argo vicepreb john kitohing ficotreaa cblja cameron board ofqireotor root talbot chan momab jus gray john gibbons a e ramsay juimos ramsey a ji carrie geoj thorpe and wm kitchinr xcbero was a large gathering of tho era moaa prohibition a in tbo presbyterian church on wednesday lst a committee was appointed to aot in non oertwilhinspeolbroovan in auppreasiug i of liq by nniceniied m11ton v goorgo bopth atinmarriedweaverfrdrn bramptenvaa hi 1143 last thursday roorir log dn4hegrapd trunk railway about a mileahda half butow the town bythjr passenger train wbioh leffcliiihou at 1050 the annoal meeting of kiioi chqroh was held on wednesday night the ro- port e reft d show the congregation to bo growingand progrosaing the oatholio coueartwab a gratifying sooaebs the program mo delighted the large aadienoe good sleighing und winter weatharihe paotrwdokr the coonty council with ita eight mem- bers waequrtea contrast at tbo meeting on tuesday io the former body with its six teen representative a from all flections of the county jho new body lookb lonosome rookwood and quite in itive with the ooantry in a friendly otter to the editor he says whon arrived bore tbe grandest sight i ever beheld lay before ufi as far as the eye could roaoh there was beautiful golden grain waving all around we first stayed with mr george agnew at hnrtney one of aoton b former resident he owns several of manitobaaohpioest wheat farms this year he had aomo8000 budholi of goodwheav- htfbao five span of working horse thirty head of cattle and every thing about a farm a hptqlm farmer conloj neg mr jos anderson has aecur- od one of the best farms in tbis neighbor hood the former owner told mo that ho had 2000 bushels of wheat on it iu one year we have ha4eomoyerybeyare manitoba wjitfttir veatber pui have stood lt well alfred qrville and i have bten drawing hay and have teamed twenty toads ten m and never yet had even a toe- tho twtjujideat boys arowith me helping feed stocfrior a nfighbor alfred is with mrjlae00w we hud i plettbtnl chriatraas togetfce kindly remember ua to all former frienda heavy enow fit or md prevail throughout england wales on 1 sootlaivd this week toronto i tho utodl point for gold fiudst tho don valley isclaimodto be ooderlaid with gold houeea an influential deputation was alio appointed to wait on the council to urge tho furthur limitation of the number of hotels in tho township the following gentle men were chosen office bearors for tho year 18i7 prosident j it harris vicopres john auld scctroabwm tovell nas3aoaweya tone of tho old settlers of nassagiweya passed away io tho person of mr wm diamond who died on wednesday jan 20th at tho ago of 01 yeare the funeral took place from hia bouarefilence ndsba- gaweyaon frldjy22nd lust to tbo eben- ozer cemetery the rev mr amy preach ed the funeral serrndti and conducted the burial service thcrb was a ltrgercou coarse of friends who followed tho remains tp ita last resting place the nail bearere were messrs geo stranger george easter- brook el lab easterbrook james miller john kitching and george norribh mr wm mapper of brant is visiting relatives aud friends in nasaagaweya mr ehas eisterbrook of hamilton ib visiting relatives and friend in nubsaga- weya tbe magistrates court was held at b rook villo last tnotday tlio only oase was that of wilftou vb hageu for assault the osbo was tried before meesrs cam- eron and e mgiajtog were several witnesses examined for tbo prosecution were robt wilson and son who test i fled as to the asanalt of mr hagen and messrs bolt and thomas to the wounds found on robt wilsons back and arms the defence were mr hagen and familyr therewaa agcoodeal of-con- tradlotory evidence put in thb verdfot was guilty and mr hagen was flood five dollars and his son and two daughters ono dollar each and mr hagen had to pay the ooat of court the oase against mrs hagen was d hi mused the trial com menced at 1 oclock and lasted till six oclock mr field was for r prosecution and mr buckingham for tho defence mr thomaerrtaylor and his enter miss ellen taylor of naesagaweya are visiting relatives in clifford at present wo are having winter weather in earnest thetait few day with the thermometer at- aero aud- it storming and- bjpwiug-it- makes one feel like keeping near the stove alonra o t and d b wiiboh and h m taylor of nassaiaweya captured a fine fox on thursday mrs goorgo anderson and two children rays-with-relativea-at-kttatob- boll this week miss lalng oil berlin is visiting her mother at nasragaweya miss emma lalng of toronto is spend ing a few days with her mot he in mass- sgawoya- mrs a easton of nasaagawoya is ser iously ill at present and it is doubtful as to her recovery we hope eho may soon be restored to health again an oldoouplo named paijaete of tiu bary west township died within a day of each otherand their f oheralt were held the tame day they were both 10i years old miaa flowitt of kinorndint was uhe guest of aoton frieudd tho past week mids nina miller of qeorgotown is spending a few daia withmiss mintiie hardinajjy mr wj mooro who his been in gah- awa for several moiitlih arrived- home yesterday mr j a coroqold took mrj cornflold vvhobaa boen sociomly 111 fqr soraetime o the toronto general hospital ou thes- day v r r rev hamttojjueraonrud miss liawie mophersoh attended the wedding of mr john moffit and midti agnes mopherson in eequesing liiht wedne9dy txfessrti i frauds and h p moore were in hamilton oh monday aud toesdky giv ing evidsnoein an important case before the courts there wiuon vd lyraau bros a suit overcoat or ulster at these prices a former citizen in tbe north west the many frienda of mr tbomai millet who wont to tlio iorth weat laat fall will llimae4otrowhaerisrring wiiite goods sale for one week commencing on friday morning were to hold a great sale of vhite sheetings cot tons cambric quilts pillow cottons tablings napkins airidtowels we have just opened 7 cases of these goods bought under exceptional conditions note a few- prices 84 bleached twill sheeting super heavy quality 19c per ynrov 9j bleached twill sheeting supor heavy qunlity 23c per yard fjk 84 bleached twill sheeting very finest quality 24c per yard 9a bleachetfwill sheeting very finest quality 28c per yard jn4 jbieached twillshecfingjyerjfinest quality 34c perivard v 84 bleached plain sheeting strong soft cotton i8jc per yard 94 bleached plain sheeting strong soft cotton 22c per yard y 84 bleached plain sheeting very fine cotton 23jc per yardir 94 bleached plain sheeting very fine cotton 37jc per yard we guarantee a clear saving of 25 per cent in the above under regular prices seo our white cottoiisin a b c and d qualities nt 50 gjc 8c and 90 per yard see tho bleached soft cambrics yard wideat ioc and i2jc ono case boston while quilts beautifully woven pattern 78x90 inches regular price i iioo these itro a great snap 150 table cloths irish mnen at half regular price towefcs special- values in u hockahacks and damasks with knotlt fringe down quilts tea cosies and cushionaatl a straight discount of 25 per cent spring prints we have opened e hikiefu lot of spring pri cotton goods- which will be ofiered daring this sale factory cottons and sheetings extra- ordinary value meiia all- wool harris frleto yister fancy tweed linings alorm ftjllar half belt talib etc colors brown- and fawn r wero 759 for t495 menabiue beaver cloth oycrcoaia tweed- llrtoil velvet collar fine finish were 730 64 05- mn scotch tweed sidtwnblabreaited joatsji j ljnlnfea- were 6950 for ejoo mens ii4rv7 tweed pants were fris fp9cv mqprblck worsted coat and vestimbhatr brtlrl binding prince atbcrtslyle fine trlmmlnrb jvoll tsiirorcdwereitxod all our mantlesat a reduction ofhrom 26 to 33 per cent j g b ryan co r all our carpets and house furnishings at a reduction of ten per cent for a few dayslonger j g b rysn cq all our tnmrned millinery and r pelt shapes at vhalf price g m ryan co all questions cheermlly answered letters or orders received be- fore i oclock answered ftinp day jsutquffeson ti to obrsuckn st w laddrna order clerk b when calllnff nsk for mr sutcliftc j e t t 01 i 1897 todo this before tho new year must be made even larger than the bid one prices must suit hie hard times taking will prices do it we are going to mike an effort- tonlear 300 window- shades jjtoth shades 3xg 35c cloth shades lace 55c wall paper at half price city bookstore guelph worm remembering la not to neslect the eyas when wearied rest thjembythe uaeofthe proper slasaes iveoan ault all asas sinri oondi- tlona and we test the eyea free of charae c d pringle the jeweller guelph gents waterproof rrmaple leaf brand oneweek cohbtencing friday 96 and 7 windham street v- oueijph ont lerttsc co bronchial syrup an excellent remedy for trre- varioiis affecti ns of the throatsrnd lungs s ijuch as jouglis coius uroup ht- tb lutess tislliue all prtltiionaitjonbles ouribuyers are now in europej scouriiig ffie markets for the best value obtainable ahd the latest rtovel ties td befriadi v to pass yvithoiit sending- buytir to country markets thus making 22 tnpsin alrr a4- times of crossing the oceaii we are the only dry goods house in guelph sendinga buyer to europe this season bmy guelph owen sound regina a if your watch dooa not go satisfactorily bring it to us snflvro will bay whether it dan be repalrod or not if we lindertako to do it you can depend upon a good job savage co ran watch hepajbers guelph t 1 1 this is a bona fide sweeping sale in order to reduce our btock before stock taking we are koinjr to make a clearing sale of all our goods a rreat chance for the public to secure bargains in all the different lines of dry goods cloth ing hats caps gents furnishings fur caps at 12 pr1gg v stmclal bargains in fine highclass txiloring readytowear cloihing overcoats etc grey flannels at 4 price- everythihrmustgo regardless of cost to make room for bur spring stock and alterations irtpremiseb come early and secure some of the tireat bargains or you will jajretit asthls is ah opportunity nonobe lost gibson millar ft co roe bloojsit georgetown- storeys g18jb aimag e d firtnt linn nlwnvn in i ji j nlficent stock produce taken in exchange llnoalways inl stey acton sow mills and wood yards julinfaobab asin dstalaatk lumber xaa qhiugtea wood- jsto all kinds ot wood in stock and promptly dallvered to any part of the town at riasonablo pjrloes hardwood and slabs out atovo length always n h and telephone doroniualcatlop acton livers 7btjgline the iindaralgnad reapeetf oily solicit the patron ageef tbe publio and informs them that waft bciulpped and stylish rigs oan all wt atbuiubleaewfortable boa- mual tralna betwean 9 am sad bos pm careful attnuonthn tb etraxy order tbe wantaof oommarelel trmvel- lets folly mat john williams acton steam a epoev proprietor eltstlel w uaadtsr l ntiitudioir hasosanlcallli oanu btainp uku addro hpubh inssholl uut jjsfabi aanadrjr work fil i oaflsj work ailed for estf monday and thursday and dsllertdsvsryibnrsday andbatardar blacfc a the value of unytliing largely dopondq upoh your particular heed it often happens that bargains comic l out of aenaon when theres no speeial advantage to you in buying unless you do liko the woman with blaclc hair wovo hfard of who bought a red switch becn it was cheap our bafgaiua depend upon new nod deairnbleggpl for the immense trade they create we endeavor to mako better induce ments than the average- by anticipating your wants and meeting them always after inventory the general anxiety of department chiefs ia to get ridbf ninny things aud present business cant help bufjje brisk bargains aro tho rule rather than the exception juat non including the following p grey goat robes a 1 robe mens australian coon coat mens do do mens dp do menfdogmitts uidies baltic seat cape xadies electric searcape ladles coon capo ladles coon cape 5 9ofor 7 50 tio 50 for 9 00 35 00 for 23 00 30 00 for 23 00 25 00 for 20 00 3 75 f 2 5- 40 00 now 29 00 40 00 now 30 60 20 00 now 13 00 30 knpa 20 oo- ladiesknit wool shawls r3 off ladies golfers 1 1 25 now 75 3 pairs chenille curtains half price 2g table carers brocatelje oil wool and liqen 14 off or a cover that was 2 50 for- 1 87j ladies gossarilers and cloth waterproofs at the original price to clear indies mantles at 25 per cent off all this week 1 all the remnahts and old lots at your own price j r this store npiys is printed aa inncli- for your boiiefit aa ours it tolls of things you want to know if nioneymaking be an object bargains tlien a general contribution from all departments avith special reference to your present needs are evening up ot all stocka with prices lower in consequence vva it pnya observation to be on blind no words can equal pergonal the frank dowser co departmental guelph wbj strlxxoa islisgent all black and colored during j akxjary vi jlm mill street acton to clear out our stock of underclothing we will offer from now till the end of the rripnth underclothing at io per cbntj all w09i jribbed drawers discount 3 i i- iuicmviim all wool knit shirts gail in and examine m jifpost office acton f

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