Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1897, p. 4

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vv- v thuiisday january 28 1807 just i vgvr uest tho hiyn la lml whuii folks commbnce a flmliu fault with providence and bdl kla causo tlio oarth dont blinko at ovry prancing btop tlicy take nojmm la firont till lio canbio how less than llttlolio lypuldhn kf r trip tied to bok and utcirk and laro iiu huuij lila e lyu out uuywlioro my doctorn is to laynaido coiitoiitioim ami bo batlanod jchl do your bust and nralbtor blamo that follors that counts jobt tlio bfttup ivuftlluq no c od gro buccobb ih mixed with troublob uioro or loai and its tlto mail who doou tuo host that gub moro idcks tllun all tbo roflt jahhb wliitcomb itllky a tida sweeping over thjs canada w ours paineq celery compound banishing sickness and disease rbestowihg health vigor and nejtv life a sllght mfsunderstandinq atvellknowtirbrillittnfrentertrv9fwho jus just returned from a nvojfosrs tour in australia has many amusuik tutos to toll amoiifi which ib tho following iwaa ordering my advertiaemeut in a molbrnifiie daily newspaper ofllco on o day v v when tall lanky cuuntryiribt walked in ahdsaid ho wanted natico in tho obituary oblumboif tbonaper i my- orogavdrtdipdrft 7year agoi7be explained and 1 hhould likerjt bit o poetry in tho paper aboatliim tho oleik have you broughtit with you no said tho rustic can you fit me up a bit certainly replied the cierkqpr charge for in mdmoriam notices ie bit shillings an inch a look of intense amazement passed o ft r good fifacionbl cried as he made lor tho door i cant afford that my ravuor was 6 est high angels wings liagermanaqientibt ful scrutiny of the works of the old mas ters has unnorjpoed that they invariably painted the wiojjabf angels in ho wrong- placo rgbenit raphael correggib and michael atapelo he says were ignorant of tho elemental principles of science and bimply madotoota ot themaelves bypaict- ing angels wjngaatjhejb6uldor blades nature baysthib critic has plaoed the winga in all creatures that fly eiaotly at tho center of gravity this la obviously the right plaoe for thomand nature never made a mistake but now an examination of the old masters shows that the center of gravity for ahoft is far below wheretbe wi n p o ujhtpr op e rl y t baysthis german to havo beooeituatod about the waist and that otherwise they look absurd as to fly with wings from the shoulder where the old masters plaoed them is a phyoioial impossibility the young afjd old feel its wonderful power tho cured nevej cease to sins ita v p raj be a iikoataighty tidal wave pa in celery- compound wih its marvolloua healidg utid carirg virtuceis sweeping over canada on itvbiribaiorirhealth restoring tbdpy itis theonly medioine thfttrts baniohiog biobnebinand dieeaeo the only one tlmtis bcbtpwing health vigor and- new life amongst all oianfles its wonderful power is felt directly ab aoonaa- the first bottlp ia commenced paine- a celery compound owing to its honesty and noverdiaappoihting virtues has becorne tho peoplen chosen medicine aud its worthy praises are buug overywhero by thopsandsof cured people nothing plun tn thn wnrlrl iwiin wftll ftdwptfld for thn deeds of tbobick and after one trial it become b a friendj j a cured lady mrs george dnrant of elmavont writes ab follows for many years i have beeu a bufforer from uver trouble g and have doctored with jjrder several phyaicsane but only found relief for a very short time my husband advitf- ed metb try fainea calory compound i did so and found borruuch relief from the first bpttlelhat i continued ahdtam now nsingthethird bottle your oompound baa done tuorefot me than any physician for months before using the compound t never bad one night of fund sleep but now- 1 can go to bed and alt p r and naturally and feel like a now cijitnro in the morning 9 m 9 melieffor thoub7es 7 emulsion 9 lu 0xhtr1utioiv mid nil vvsu lnniihrtiirrioj mooi roirwuihf aiktite p dilc tin- lln nrilciimiror j iiuuiirif 0 itytlinnmofttmso ikinilli lltirpt r ridornimkliiktomili wlilii luiilinmlml iimor w nvrr a yur uml jitvo kiiiiutl iiinluiumy in wclulit llikml tliullrniiuliiiibuhflill wa clad a whjn 114 tliim tiimt nniiltrl lo tka li tiiyixiiiailcimimtreiii-0- soc niil 01 prp eltll 0avi3 uwrekce co lu mon ial e 9 o oo o o o o spadesancfahovolh toethorjwith acoopa are foun4dpiotoil on- the egyptian cata combs and all three arof re quentlytoehtion ed by llqnmn mid preek ngricnltural writers olbtodndnden yy happyhnprohlnbs m the historic i v hetrrilet v mrt3onu gumhle jr tho woll-kpowo- and popular bon of john gamble fsq proprietor of tho tpdmordeij hotel darinfi tho piistfpflr ybarn giveatliefolidwink adcpnnt of liia rescue from heart and nervo trouble through the ubo of milourns heart and nervo pills spoaking to our reporter mr gamble said somo threo months ago i bogan to feolvery ppofy i aot i felt ab if i was moving arouild in a dreams this condition i wrongly at tributed to bilousnesfj for i became very weak and seemed to have no staying power i aleo bcoamo very norvoua aud would jnmppr-fltftrtfttft- nhbtt unnrutthe ioiin aafelyrenrtimend wrighta livor and stonjauh- pi s from eraonal ciiper- itiice imvinj nvu troubled with pains in thohvumch nitr ulttng ifor fomn time uhd one hoxof wittily liiivrr and 9tomch pills ffouttd a oomplotoourf 1cau high ly recamniond thorn to givo immediate relief sgil h k iiavim dunvljio ont do not fool with ohoup purgative pilta when you ouu get a modioine that removes the co nao of sick htomach pain in tlio back biok hondaahe indigeatioucto that gooa direct to tho seat nf tho troublo a com- plate treatment ia co oonte with full direo- tion8raiidcarrbo-obtaincd-ut-a- trbrownv drug store acton simple box eout on reotipt of six cents inbtampp- tiik lkroy pill co toronto can donthcadohopowderowilcarotha splitting headacho suf successful euro 25 cfiilh abox feeling was one of constant drea3 t pented something dreadful would happen i knew not wlrat againiwas dizzy my memory failed mo jery often and as a mutter o fact my whole bystem was out of biliousness plowarrwbjaiirpreveburmgea- nguoftboaogelbhavoboodplaoed the- ttlotan4pennimmttofermenfrandputfiryin roturninythadkbtothomauufaiit u4sjinach then follow dizziness headache t rough on the toe a lady grevioualy tormented with a corn on one of her toes was advised by afriond t to anoint it with phosphorous which in a weak moment she did bu- forgot to tell her husband beforo retiring at dight it bad just struck twelve when the bos- band awoke and was startled to see some thing sparkle at the foot of the bed he had never heard of a firefly in the locality nor did he ever remember seeing such terrible looking object as the too presented reaching carofolly out of his bed till he found one of hislippers he raised it high in the air and brought it down with- ter rible forcotfpon the mysterious light a bhriek and an avalanobe of bedolothes and all was over when at laatbs released himself from- the avalanche ho dlacovpred his wife groaning in the cprner hebad btruok the phosphorated toe f he anticipated mm wallace i do believe that a woman could wear her dresses almost to rags be- foro her husband would notice it mrs ferry that ia not the case with mr ferry ho notice the dingfnew of my clothes bo f orb i do i oan tell when im getting shabby by hie beginning to talk about bow acaro money is and bow necessary rt will be for obto economize cincinnati knqitixcr bisbwhwi neryonjnttm aiidj u not relieved bilious fere or blood poisoning hoods pills stlmulato the atoniach rouse tle liver cure headache dizziness con- stlpatlbn etc 23 cent sold by all dryftglsu the only fills to take with hoods saraaparllla if your goal baa no room for your brother it has no room for joy the whole story of the great sales attained and great oorea accdmplisbedby hoods sarsaparir- la is quickly told at purities and enriches the blood tones the btomaoh and gives strength and vigour disease cannot enter tho system fortified by tho rich red blood whiph comes by taking hoods sariaparilla hoods pills cqre nanbea stok headachp indigestion oilloubness all drnggists- 25 o j corka for bottles were first manufactured in spain and italy some time- during the fourteenth century corkscrews were con temporaneous with corks jealous rivals y ourdrugift mr h w love cqrner broadview and danforth avenuea recom mended milburne heart and nerve fuib taking them according todircotjons from the very first i bogan to improve and am njw aurpriaed at the oliahe in my pondij tion 1 ani very muoh stronger my nerves aro steady ahd ray memory nright i noibnger suffer from that morbidfeehng of dread tho pills hayo proved certainly in my case a remarkablo remedy for weak nerves and reduced physical btrepgtb i cannot too highly recommend them to all who auffer from any or all of the symptoms which i have mentioned to you and- mast er dresa does not make er woman but it of ten breaks er man j akcw- combination- as their name signifies laialivor pills aro a combination of laxaliv principals with tho bebt liver medicines obtainable -thtytfrtn5khedaobe- constipation biliousness i iiiver complaint dybpepsia and all deranged conditions of the stomach liver and bowels these spills for placing such du excellent medioincbeforo thopubhc sgd jons gaimle todmorden ont teacher what is a btraight lino pupitftho picture of its own road which eaoh company prints in tho railway map norway pine syrup cures coughs i norway pino syrup cures bronchitis w norway pine syrup heals the lungs d fowlers ext of cannot turn the tide the demand for dr aontws- iittie tpilus is a marvel there are cases ol oonbampton eo far advajtuud that bicblea antioodbamptivo byrop will not onre bat nonq eolmd that it will not give relief for coaghs oolds ami all acfectiohaot the throaty tadgs and clicet it u a spcoifio which ban never been known to f ail it promotes- a reeand eaayezpeatoration thereby removing the pblbgrri and givo tho diseased parte chance to heal its the old story tho survival of the fittest and jealousy its own destroyer cheap to boy bot diamonds in pjaality banish nansoa coated tonguo water brash pain after- oatisf siok beadabhe never gripe operate pleasantly 40 doseb in- a phlatrso cents at all drurnjats 7 du feu til uioraldepravitysarotjam boree jimjarao he has tried ilmr john anderson kinlobbei writes i verxtatp tobayfew any havo received greater ben uae of dr thomas eoleotrio oil jhani havo i have ased it regularly for oyeir leii years and jiovo recebmmended it to all sufferers i knew of and thoy also tobffdmt of rbat valdo in oabcsof severe bronchitis and incipient oooaomption do mop dangerous draft ler many er man 15 or bight draft thankful to b b fl diun sins- aim thankful to bnrdook blood bitters that i am strong andbesllhy today j suffered from bilionsnesa and bilious fevovso mnoh thai i was ont of my miud riigtitafter nightbnt i am nqv entirely cnted by the use of two bottles of b bb nellie i hendeiisok eirby p o ont if vye told you that your baby wait starving that it actually didnt get enough to eat you might resent it and iyet there are tho of babies who never get the fet they shouldin their food or jvhbare not able to digest hajrthejr dp get fain js anecessitytoypur baby aqbaby dropstrf- scotts emulsion for all little ones one two and ttiree years of age is better than cream for them hey thriye and grow on it scott ic liowne bdlcvuli out jw j- j- it is baby ltfearjbaby a few drops has a record 4ccvears0f success it 13 a surroue- diarrhoea dvscntcry colic cramps cholera infantum imlui summer eomplaints in ekildt or ladulis- young men suould tiebber hug er dclu- ehun qrileas purty gurls ii worry source ljirtylormapooltorkibelonjtomei ita bpfoihhe paps do hill w a jfrniborolhioontjirlo hoard of hrulth j sojn i v 1 havo prescribed scotts emnlaibn in oonsumptionatid veh when iho digoativo powers were it ha been followed by good rebilitbi h p yeomans a b mp i- r for inianta and cbildrei dey say da world moves hit probe ry finds hit cheaper dan pay in rent p t iea wotpi svrup rcmov- oa worms pof all hinda from children or adults v my da6s the enpinietc an thterestlnit story suggested by tho popular and protty melody mm timnb smith don mill llonrli todmorden ontrgftvq nnr ruportor a kindly itltcrviuwa few duy ao antl apoho about tho euro offeotedby milburnri ilourt and nerve iillnin the ohho of herhuttband mr rtamea smtlh iho wcllknowii popului- and efliaient orgiiiucr said mrb smith my husband haa hocu aufforin for a long timowith nervous debility whioli herioubly tffcoted his gen- ora h tho u of milbarnd heart and nervo pills whioirhe aql from mr ii w love the drugin iiuh been very benenciul to him they did him more good thau anything else ho had oyer taho n before atronnthening his nervetf and ton ing up hie on tiro bystrm thoy are tho grandest remedy for nervous uttootioub and moreover the boat tonic obtainable thoy proved flofrfllaaqiouri in my hubbanda ease that i poraroenood giving them to my diugljtorfor hervouaneai with which ahe haboen troubled fdfc sometime ami they are already giving satiafaotory rcaulta sgd mae jah suithj v- i don mills wai todmordon ont tomorrdwe obedience is idiiobedieiice i god aayff now pinihiiilblipdu by mngt nerviline nerve pain ourcris apbaitive remedy for external internal or local paine the ttiilbt active remedy btthertoknbwn falls far short of nerviline for potput powek in tho relief of nervo pafnv a frial will demonstrate er wpman fro wing rooka at er hen is er poultry eihibltion l burdock pills bmall safe and sure regulate the liver apd cure constipation painkiller a bnrooiid safe itemed in otott case and every kind or bowel complaint ia tiu 10 b tnio statenenu nno is cunt bo modo too strong or too emphatic a la a simplo cafo and quick euro for crampfl cough niieunuitum colic cold kanrtilfflfh dlarrboon crojip toothacko two sizes 25c and bpc 1 rmnm mtwinn rnmvi 1 de man who keeps hie rooof shut nebber baa ter eat anyxrbw that hacking cough can bo quickly cared by hapyarda pectoral balsam prico26o when silence reina it aint neoesbary to parry an ambroira colic tfurcrt dkau sins i was very bad last summer otroflbtfew d o w straw berry- oared me i am bafe1qrecojnmend inr it as the bebt remedy ever used not speak too highly of it j mnh alfiikp vice berlin ont until comparatively reoent timoa the only harrow was a largo pile of brash or tree branobes dragged crolft iho field by a team of oxen ufiht in aula it shines clearly mk8bn t hiiaornjacom tobosto dkah siitfl there is light in asia after its and won- wiutaxj tna i won- dtrful in 1u qaiomwokfotrulv oursm pamrialiiiirijysffi- all and ihp roan that advised me to try your hear aud nervo pills wse a friend indeed and truly a friend in need before i started to take them i was languid weak sleepletjs and nervons my brain was be- clonded and i could not colleot my lbonghta i bad gone through an operation in tho hope of relief but fltlll remained generally broken op my appetfto was gone and i was almost without hop or ambition now i- feet thoroughly rebuilt througli the oie of mllborns heart and n wimmin- swallers ilattory as babies swallers buttone widobt any ideo ob do trnbblo what may foller there never wua and never will bn a nnivorsal panacea jn ono remedy for all ilia to which fleshtsfioir tho very naturd of manyjuifttiyeh boing such that woro tbbgorms of other and differently seated disoaucs rooted in the nycitem of tho patient what would relievo oiio ill in tarn would aggravate the othor we have however in quinipo wine wbeu obtained in a sound unadnlteratrdfltatev a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judicious hfle tho frail oatsy atoms are lodinto con valescence and strength by tho influence vfhioh quinine ejtorts jnvnotnros own rebtoratives it relieves the- bpiritb of those with whom a chronio biato olmorbiadeapoudencejndjaokolintorfiflt in life io bi diaeamaivir yj3mztrl rtfenorvcs diapoisb bound and refresh ing blcop imparts vigor to tho aotion of the blobd which being stimulated courses tntrmghnt the veins strengthening tho healthy anrsaaalfunctions of the btystom thereby ajtingflfltiilya neoesfiary result btrengtheningtlhframe anugivl the- digeative organs which naturally demand inoreaaad bubbtancoreiolt im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto havo given to tho public their quinine wino at the naual rate and gnagod by tho opinion of scientists this wine approaches hearest perfection of any in the market all druggists sell it iiqt not tho loyal say in what ho will be hits r wliy some pepide fall the vrorld is full of people who have failed because of dyspepsia biliousneb and constipation whioh aro responsible for ninetentha of lifes rihserles burdock blood bitters pares these diseases as well as all pthor dlaeatea of tho stomach liver bowels and blood in 09 cases out of 100 m i menthol ui plaster tlmtsptmctibrdubnuioltlaataruiaiiainber ofau of pflimltflo slid rhemnuo tlni ftnd myott muctapleaud wilb thn tutmta and plouanumh of 1u plic8tlun w u ojotkh- 7er ud houl oxford ihwton i am uted menthol iluinn in lernwl awi of tiiqicuulrrbeuinatunf mt find in every vnu uiatltnriuraqttltutaiiihndpornunnitrut jnuolkmd waklilnitlnn dc it cyres latlcaxumbago ncn- talgla pains in icicle or fctldo or any muscalnivpnliis price davis alavrvnoo co ztd sjol solo fropriotors hiohtreai qq are yonr corns harder to remove than tbobe other people have bad have tbey not bad the same kind havo they not been cured by ubing holloways corn cure tr a bottle r- l titodrbairroado a yonr-teh- men the best pills mr whi vanderwdrt sydney grosblng ont writes wo have been using parmeleea pills and ffnd them by far jibe best pills we have ever ueea for deticato and debilitated constitutions tbeso pills act like a obarm takon ba arhall doses tho effect is both a tbnto and a stimulant mildly exciting the secretions st the body giving tone and yiroar ura mit ujrpwr y hv ssssaim3iit8s i what arj yqu wearirig on your feet thfe wtth there is style in footwear as there is in hats isch year- the granbys rubbers and overshoes are modelled to fit allthe- fashionable shapes s of boots they arethin so a to prevent clumsy appearance andfi feeling and to make them so necessitates the use of the finest quality of rt rubber while granby rubbers and overshoes are tip to date in style fit and fjii jsh they retain their old enduring quality rll b0jfs wear hkfejron i bbyixn black or mixed in half and one pound packet8 only at all grocers25 30 40 60 and 60 cento x pound e davidson a hay ltd wholesale agents toronto ily w a lk e r j m cb e a n qq gorget05ain illustrated edited jy albert shaw k enfy 6nt magaiini can ie laten me mould siiggtst he j rrijeik of reviews at etmrrin more ground than any other magazine board of library commissioners of new hampshire 1896 5y in lis contributed and departmental tmk features what its reader- who include the most noted lnammqrthetengnshseatd absolutely up to date thoroughly abreast ol he times invaluable and indispensable it is profusely illustrated with tlmelytpprtralts views and cartoons its original article- are of immediate interest by the best authorities on their respect ive subjects the editors progress of the world glvs a clear rightly proportioned vlev o the history of the human acedurlhe current montthe i leading articles of tho mom7 lrporlant arts of thctjestmagazino aruclesl that have beowtitten in every f f the world tkenewest an most impttrwjit books xte carefully reviewed- indexes chronological reeams and ebjer departments complete tho certainly that thers kniveb of flint and othor stonobreatung with a bharp fracture woro known in early tirnen whontho bpiniarifa invaded mex loo this natives liad knives of voloanio- kibbb a fflsriiri tturdivim rs8ss ana it took only three or f oar weoki to do tho work i often think of tho yours of snfferlnr 1 lisjvonprthai only known of rflbaroa heart arid nervo pill in time bnt lam jralef nltobe reitared to health alast and gladly recommend the meillolne ihh onrrd me antonk vairin ahtist 1asadenai cl n ftltantbdbbvehat faithful mbtf ob sliah4tboum in onurlo hatary 7e0- payable o weekly arid axpenies foslqon parmansnt afannea bnolow seiraddresead numnod ntslope tbs national stat vtrndlng glileago 3r thomas ballard syracuse n y writes i havo bcou aniioted for nearly- a year with that dreaded disoaiie dyspepsia and at times worn out with pain and want of sleep and otter trying almost every thing recommended x tried ono box of par- moleed valuable phld i am now nearly well and believe tbey will euro- mo i would not bo without them for any money j what i am lookiug for said buggins jqbt after ha had rented ti lei e ph is the man who said talk iu cheap fifty years of biiccebb in curing diarrhoea dysentery oholora golio cramps bowel compluinta of summer and fall etc stamp dr fowler extract of wild strawberry iisthe bent remedy in tho market it saves childrens lives sendio cnu a stetepsfor- specimen dtpjt fr ty gcreat iissoliition sale the greatest cash saving sale ever heard of commences january 1897 we inteiid to turn as much of the stock into cashas we possibly canand to doso he prices of goods will be cut away below wholesale prices so as to make a speedy clearan a mrmcbean wants to start the spring trade with an entirely- new stockof the very latest goods ifrpni european markets prices will tell thertale readt5hem railway time tabuc grand trunk railway ooixu wlilit oo1k0 kaht mail kxnru h mail 1 tain kxprohb m iipn hxirunu 7 utpni mull miiod ft 3ja in 10 47atn 6 11 1m1i 10 oi im riui ok rtohinii iiiih joiiik wiyit 0 ir am and 0 0 ptn ooliir kjjut 10 lfi ii in itiul 5 15 p in thin tlnui tnblii went into tltict on monday nqv yotii ihihi we are showing some nice- xmas lines a4m451h- cwjsr pkices svcfl a5 jonfupoi setts individual teas fancy cups and saucers breadandbutter pzates v cakbd1sbes- berhy setts lamps o 4- tftv jjruggistrand statitfssik pure drugs correct stationery- vv rockwoeid acton rrmiir cheyne 4 cheyne pr wohavo our roller mlli now in complete and battsfsbtorvninntnborilbraiidaro in a roai to supply the want of the public with flovp bran short8 and all kinds of feed at riqht prioe3 every order will receive prompt attention and will bo dollyored to any part of tho town our terms aro coin aud ono price for all dont forgot to ntrontzo home industry givrrrnrafali trial andw-wllmeav6-the-biatter- for you to decide as to tbo quality of tbe goods we manufacture orders takon at tho mill or at a t browns drugstore coal fc isf oodr john mcqueen havins pnrohsbod tbe coal bualntns hereto- foro earriod on tiy jainos tlrown i am prepare toaupply all ordora for fofraggoetl stove coal chestnut coal op bpst quhl1ty ordora alvon to me porsonslly or loltat -kak- na wins dhuobtoltb nlllbo promptly nllod johnimoqtjbbn j h hamilton dealen in j marble and granite hamiltons bloqk quelph j having on hantl largo qnautlty of sootcb norway swedish and rubbltfti grhnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock n6w purchased i wil sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will allow all expenses to customers to and from our works john h hamilton florida waters purest aadocst for table and dairy no adulteration never cakes prospective ers a sorious qaestlon for prosneotlva houbekeepers is the flreat or7gh9xjiutuy ncoesaary for the purohaw of appropriate furnituro and furnish fngs wocstr- rde of srvioe to allsnoh theyll be sorprlsod to learn upon bow email an investment they can begin- with if their selection is made from our stook older house keepflrs oan find many artiolob they need this spring at very low prices in oor warerooms ijisxg jl- our stoek is aomplete an eieellent asaprlmoit in all tlio city stylos in triiiiiniukaandllniilii prloes lower than aver joiiiub or osakels tlollvored within live mlleaot aoton firatolaab hoarao at reaflonublo ohwfeb sbop and show boohs cor willow utid agnea streets ji a speight c co dres goods 90cauwoo1 dress goodai dlssolutlouprlcolsc 35c honvy art sorgo diaaolution irtoo 10o goc black ilonriatta dlbfloluilon tico 37o mantles evory lady in this vicinity ituows tlio nuallty or mantlcfi wo lmndlo tlio hoatoitly wo will soil thom for loss than it would cost you to gat ithamnnadbr i r 1 8a0o8iortcoat ftoo hhort coat voty latest stylo dissolution price 8405 r- 41000 short coat very latest stylo dissolution prlco 8596 8700 3 coat dissolution nrlco 813 8b00j coat dissolution prico 8495 ff 1500 j coat dissolution pried 8774 staple department lloailitcad as inch wool flannel for oc 2ft inch wool plannol 170 slo nrlco laja 31 inch wool flannol 2sc bio lirido 18o blanlcots allulanhotfl toho sold at lobs than mill iricos millinery everything in tho mllllnory bojmrtiuoaivll bo sold at tho rato of coo op tho dollar gents furnishings it is nckuowledftfld all ovor that vdlkor- mc- noau feco koon tlio beat moils furufnhlnfts lu tho couutrv and sell them for tholeant mojioy fi3fla woo shirts and drawers for 39c 75c all wool bhirui and drawers for 49c oso unlaundntod flhlrta salo prloo mc 40c kourinhnnd tjossalo prlaoslo 95c taluo tics aalo prloo loo tailoring department noyerwenrmmdoo6raorsqlu so cheap mat proaont two spocials in hough diack tweed m and81760 tweed pants to order salo prloo 83 w wmth tweod rantp to order aalo prloo 149 worth 83fiq 7- bop popjwpnoati tho boat salo over hold in tho shoe depart wont womons kid oxforda 8im salo price mo 125 8110 1j 819 womons hodroom slippers 25c sale price 15c misses boots snd shoes misses oxford shoos 8135 salo prlod 05c ml sacs oxford snoes 8100 sale price 8120 misses aordovan buttonotluoota 8l85 sale prloo 8119 v mines kid butt boots 8133 sale prloo 9118 n i i 160 sale prloo 189 175 sale price 1 m ji h ias prfo wo mlisoi dongol bal boots 8185 salo prloo mibkos dongol a ita boots 8160 sale prloo 1 mans boots and shoes suitable for all kinds of weather mods hoavy plourh boots 1 a for fioc mens heavy plough hoot 195 for flflo mods dohtf jloots 175 for 139 mens long boots a50 for 815 mens 9 buoklo pelt boots 185 forl30 mods buoklo folt boots 900 for 169 mens orsnby 4tduako bo6ts0orilfl dont miss this great dissolution sale if you do you wl we dont want the earth 1 vvib diii ivnt your trade it will pay you to give it to ua bxbb good style perfect quality and reasonable prices witlra selection of goods the largest in the trade fur furnishings are up to date buy3 hat here r- reading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph im ua adtmgift 8pgsn mpwlnolujl i- osireirrsmtrrm xairem munn co 301 uroaannv new vrv iskij vi-

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