Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1897, p. 4

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z witt xxw was dhuusdayv f03bmj ary 4 18ot outtg r sfailth a radical chancje i ifeki zply jranpa is a iiiujiy mail hos scotch aaho can bo 1 trloe totcflbh him all loan ttuthoeftnt talk tbo ino 1vo told liiiu forty thoufiaoil tluicb bui talut a bit of ubo fjo always says a mans a mon an callb a house a hooso he pi ays with mo moat ovory day and rldqa mo on bis knee ho took mo to a plcnio once a 14 droaaod up just hko mo ho aayb i am a bonnlo bairn andklaaoa mo and whon v iaakfl him why ho oaat talk right bo says i dluua kou hut trip an mm baa lotsbf fan hob each a funnyman i danio for him add brush bis batr c and r6v6shlin all lean icallablm anjrpwthatsrlrtbnain6 jud than bo puts my piaidio-o- and tokos mo for a walk itellfbiri forty itiolisaud tlmob bwttbinttnt of ijeo ho always aayaa nianaa vmbn- an qallabouboa v be kindly if onlywen would glvetotbbirvibg eomo of that whlok they bestow bo javibhly upon jbein when they are dead whftta different world thin would b even a little of that tvbioh ja fettflffturd on the cold roaiblo wbuldr if breathed fromtbej warm lip havo mado many a one happy for life one of the auperetitioue of the beneoa indiana ia that they can aood their jove by a bird to their dead ones when a maiden dies they imprison a young bird until it first begins to sing they then load it with hueaaddbareabee and not it j bp modioing th at liberty over the rave of the maiden that died bolievidr that it will not fold its airbnjamoa graham 280 jamoa utreet north hamilton wife of ihowollkiowu grocer at that adefroae relates tho following olrouraatanthi mr rind mre graham havo resided iu hamilton for tho past fourteen yearn and are very well and favorably known i mrs graham says during- the six montha priqt to taking milbnrna heart aud nervb bills f had a sorioue trouble arising from wronp action b tho heart aud nerves one of tho symptoms- was that loould not liou my loftrjfde jor it i did bo my heart throbbed bo violently as to give mo groat pain the bmalleat noiaeor the slightest exertion would start my heart palpitating terribly it was impossible forme to go op a abort flight of stairs without stopping to rest and regain my breath- i was excessively nervous and my hmbs would trernbw as it- with ague my hands and feot were s cold and i buffered from aharp patnain tho back of my head the slamming of a doqr would nearly iet mo wild jpycquautlyi would wake np frightened and then waa unable to get to sleep again 1 lost flethi and became very woak and despondent i felt thiserablein mind and ftdy s rfpr six months ibavrt been constantly taking mocliqihe trnsting that it wauld kelp roe and for a time waa under the care of a phyalclain but all the ffpfsi inade towords ac4ireweroqfu6 avail my pbyaiqian finally told my husband you know there is nocure for heart dibeaho which made mo more despopdeut than over 81x weeks ag i waa iuduqed to try milbn heart and nerve pila from wings not close its eyes until it has flown to the spirit land and delivered ita precious burden of affeotionto the loved anit lobt and it ia hot uncommon for twenty 6r thirty birds to be loobed i over the same grave many and many a husband and wife many a brother and eleter would give all they haveif only they could aend to their dead ones an expreaaion of love whiobralghthave been bo easily made jn life and how many bops and diughterb would now send meaflafies unsaying mwy ttfings which should never have been said and baying many things which were alas i left unsaid let the song birds of soft looks of soft wordd fly now now we know bat they oan reaoh and we flhall have this great advantage the bongbirdfl wiirfly ba to ua again r mccullagh could be frank like all other editors j b mocollagh waabrely tried by the individual with a raanuboript he did npf care for- volun tary contributions on any subject anil very few of them were ever usedy the people who brought them in were curtly- disposed of wbdn they belonged to he masculine box but ww dofceoeaay- tog8trid of them when they happened to bo women it waa nia habit for many years to bring buohoallers to my desk telling them in a graoioua way that i was in ohargo of sdoh matter and would be pleated to have them tafae a aeajt and read their pieoei to me and then he wjould utand btok within hearing distance and phuokle over my mibery qnroneroarignihoweter a v tbia kind rctnaed to be pat off end inflated tbc icwab hla duty npt only to palilivlr her nrtlole bat to tee that it went in thai nhdyibbnedibne more people read thi paper on tbav day than any other- madame ho blandly replied the reaaon so many people road the gan- day papyri thatwe koopaob ataff oat ot 1 itbtlbai qhbcdcmocral a daniel to judgement atareccnt oommenoement bt a pertain law sohool aetreral women were admitted to the bar esjc m wzr among them was one who created quite a atir when he walked aorofla the platform to reoeive iher diploma bbe wojet nesfflfcjp h stiand ehe led littlel afl tho obmparjyere dispersing a masr online spectator commented lipon this apparition to hia wife who was with him the wife did not agree with blm that it was only a notion 9fthe new lawyer x think it ahqws her acntness aba asserted shu made juajundemt and hir story by that nirht fhh a a hamilton ubdy underaroeo fan ex- perleriod and relates jhwhia- tory of a severe trial kidney pain that time my reatoration to health dates i have takenfour boxen which i bought at john a barra drog store oorner jamea and merriok atreeta these pills are tho or given me relief i am happy to bay that they proved that the doctor was mistaken in baying tbaheurt disease could not be onred since i commenced taking mil- aheartandneryepiltb r have been daily getting better i oan now go upstairs without trouble and attend to- my daily dutieb without tho slightest diatreaa r i have gained in fleab in health arid in strength my bloodis healthy and olrca- latea freely lying on my loft aide pauses me no iii convenience orpain and i enjoy health and restful bleep my norvea are strong and vigorous and there has been euh a radical change for tho better in my oonditiop that i pan a ay these wonderful pilla have practically made a complete cure 1 ban reoommend them without the slightest hesitation to all spffprera from similar complaidtbl signed mra jjiev graham hamilton ont that christians should fight one another when they are facing the world the fiosh and the devil ia anuhspaakablo pity from new york lam a oommioaion merchant doing boa- ineaain the west indies 1 uaod eomo of your putoama falnleaa corn extractor when in canada and think it ie the beat cure for oorna i have over seen please send me a few dozen for friends and cus tomers in south amerioaand the west indies william could now york city when you tak hood pllts theblg old-fash- joiuiavaujnirifloftted pills vrblch uar yotrall to plflcef are not in it with hooua easy to take jtidhiytbperarubi jfjhoods piusj hlch ar irototbatoineveryirtfdeot safe certain and sure all aniffglsts 2be o t nboll fi co tbweii mass tho onlub to tako wl ji hoods barsanarlua in trooly fsbioqable houaeholdsdit biled aigs for breakfast are hanjj i john snail of wlnfiham ont waa in a mae i storm of pain arid aarony from dlaoaaujl south american lhioy curox was the- welgorrtb ldfo preaerverrlt reillevea instantly and cures surety i- iivo years ago i hud a uovoro attaak of lagrippo which affptcd my kidneyaaud cauaod intonai l in my back and nrinu organs i buffortii untold miaory at timoalaould not walk and any standing position gave me inteudo pain ibeaarao woreo bo that my family beoama alarmed just at una time i noticed sooth americau icidnoy cure advortjaod al though i had little faith loft in auy remedy haying tried bo many worthless ones but adrowniug man will jrasp at a straw aud i procured a bottle in afew daya it had worked wonderff upd before alf a bottlo waa takon i was totally relieved of pain and two bottlos cutiroly curodme sold by a t browu heartt pain great britain iiuh 8co00 toachere v util refiult of delay v sioknosa cencrully follows in the path of negleoi dont be rcckleaa 1 bait prudontlv tawoa f ow doaee 6t- soottb eniulsion im mediately followihgejtno to cold it- wlllvftve yon many painful daya an4 bleep- ipffsmshfb- m v day 6ay4ork ia cheep but tlipmau what said dat nebber dn ov- campario ker- m u tee what hired er campane oroter tor btump dordebtrio j do nbtdeloy ing fflr tho little folk- mother gravea worm exterminator is a pleasant aud bafo euro if you love ypur childwhy do you let it buffer when a remedy is so near at hand pdlikoter know how manyspokee dar jtrtlh de wboel o fortonel whatkindoc wood is de pos bv honor made ov shattered nerves and par- v- auys19 shattered nervee developed nerr vous prpbtratipnnervoua pros- tratlon developed total paral ysis pf ohe side greatsouth a loan norv i th t will curb orrkuevi 1 1ndigesti0h hntthbdio op thi yjaimotciv heabt bvslpbtas acidity of thb v salt bhedlf stomach dxyme51 0pth1 tleapachb sktif ijiuoushess dttzihess vswpsu dborey lvplmr rrm ti 1 kidmbtvfl atomaqfl boweia or tohonto when the siberian railway ia completed the journey around tho world will occupy not morri than forty dayband the cost of transportation will not exceed 800- truly tliankful until 1 used your pilla x waa constantly troubled with bilious headaohe no appetite and general- febling bf deprosbion and bless thojiay i waa persuaded to give your pills atrial as they hayo mado a now man of me i find their action mild and effeotnal trusting tiat others may be benefitted aa much ae i have heen i am youra thankfully sgd alee maqon 00 adejaide st toronto this ia bno case ont of tho thousands lwe havoboonjreccivinjfiuejajkhnjtll reference to tho marvolloua ourea effoctpd by the uae of wrigbta liver and stomach pilla they are riot a cheap purgative piu they simply act on the bbwols but a uvor and fltomoob treatment and can bo obtained at a t browna drug store at 60 oentb a box sample box sent on receipt of eix cents in btamps iibrov pux co torouto ci try dont hoftdachvpowrf- safe coeaafujjbnr oenth dr affnews cure tor the heart defies the most intohso palne no tvj attar how i loner standing the trbiibiie it- ivlasters- disease in half anrlourflnd in thercaee of johncrovv five bottles cured heart disease of ten years stjandlnkrheros histestlmony unsollolated i john crow aon of hr george crow farmorj near tho villago of tara out writes i was alarmingly a filiated with palpitation and oulargomjmt of the heart for noarly ten j aara i doctored with best jihysioiuus and tried nnmerous remedies with very little benefit in our local papers i qotioed dr -arnewa- cure for the heart advertised ano 1 determined to give it a trial inqido of half an hourl iliad relief i had tukou about five bottloa audieol today that lam ab wom as evpr 1 was i am completely cured sold by a t brown nnrliaebf nccaelie sciatic rtilus xcuralhle pnlus pain li tim mile da rrompuy llellerod wtd curwl by plaster nsvintiiwi jriir d l ltwhol ihutbt fiinvrieomliiln miti ljnclo4jtlmboiqi iailiinliitltulr irriiiirwpntlauunii vita ii tnlklratiithmntmluntclthftiawthko- imijio a- tatwlktbllajjww0nt4 pilcemei v davis fit t avyremck co ltd hroprlutpr mohtrkai of most adverse and complicat ed clroumatanoea overcome aid and restores wife and mother in good health to her jfamlly these ara the wrlttef words of edwarparr surry entrajbc my wife waa taken bad laat aujgnat with nervoua proa t ration whioh later on developed into paralysis of one side we trle4 many remedieb bat all in vain i thought i would trysouth american ner vine havfng aeon it advertised tho new west mine tor b crpaprbvahdl am glad to be able to aay that the reanlt after taking three bottles was an asionlbhment to myaelf and family it wbrkedwbn- derrf for her and we oan not speak too highly of tfate great rernedyv no case- too acute or of too long standing to defy its wonderful raeritp bold by ai t brown r3 is invaluable if you are ran i down as it is a food- asftell as 3 a mdalcfine the d i jl emulsion will build you up if your general health la impaired the d l emulsion f is ilia befst and most palaiablu preparation of 3 f cod liver oh agreeing wllh tho mostilolb a f cao stomachs i the d l emulsion f is proscribed byjho icodtdg pbysicuna of the d k l emulsion p is ft inirveilonb floth produoor and will glvo you anappeute a 60c- si per bottle do sure you get 1 0avi8 uwifmqr co ltd 3 tllo geiluluo montbiau 3 atl llllj j ml 1 1 1 i n 1 1 iii the publio bhould bear in mind that dr tljoraaa eolcotrio oil has nothing in common with the impure deteriorating class of aooalled medinipal oils it is eminently puro i really effioaoibua relieving pin and lameness btiffaess of tbo joints and muaolea and eorea and hurta heeidea boingmu excellent apeciflo fpp rlieu- matibtn cbhgha aud bronchial oonoplainta thoro are aomo things such aa the acquibitlon of knowledge and the growth of bharacter that baonetbfl hurried ohronjb derajjbemenuor the etpmach liver apdb active principle of the ingrctdeuk entering into tho oompoaitlbn btparmeloea vega table pills these pillu act flpooiflcatly on the deranged organ b atlrnulatlng to action the dormant energies of the ay aiena there by removing disease and renewing life and vitality to the- afllioted in this jiea the great seoretof the popularity of pprmelpea vegetable pilla i break up a cow in tlrae w imina w pyny family mealciiie of the ae taken internally it cure diarrhoea cramp and pain- in the stomach soro throat sudden colds faugh w flf used externally it cures cute bmleee burns scalds 8pralne toothache pain in the face neuralgia rheumatism frosted feet- colds citodip bson- cditi3 hoajksenesg oo mrs joseph nowwick or 63 sorsuren avo toronto nritco uvalufoulw reniralle wd wtl too nrotcda excellent cnuslt cur nimllr i pftt it to n our r for cougluf croup or hosraooem il 0 bmtipun of lutlo kochnr nd wrlles toiutr will luvana ouior largo bottlo 8b eta v davis tc lawrence co lrro i- proprjotors mohtreal 4 3t0 in trying to wrong another man yonao yourself a greater harm than yon ban do him i aa parmeleoa vegetable pilla contain mandrako and dandelion they cure liver and kidney complaints with unerring cer tain ity they also contain roots and herbs which have speoiflo virtues ixnly wonderful in their aotion on the stomooh and bowels mr e a cairnorosb shakespeare writes i ponbiderparmelces pills an excellent remedy for bilioaanoaa ami derangeoientoflbe liver- having uaed them myeelt for eomo time red headed gale ehouldnobber ertemp ter aroaa er railway traok in front of do en gine de engineer moat mistake her bed fererdangarsignal wj mm dlir alor i left by t fjinrter pillage dr aqnewsfclverpifclszoc a vial areplanned after the most modern in medical science they are as great animprovement over the 60 years dldstronar dose phi forrnulasas ablr dyole is over an ox oart in travel na tharabe waa a widow lef t by herreoent beraavenimb in peondiafy atralla and with a little boy to look after ae well as to anp- pbrt herself think atie jndgea fairly joi soman nature and that she stansa in a fair way both of proving a qnlolt witted lawyer and of rettins all tha work that those who wltneaned tlila boene can throw in ber way it de dcoolietto faeblon does not draw de lines bomewbar prlmertive fig leaf will wfr y wv wtvi- wja m- toilet beafil heahl a elnger asks whar oh whar kid i aing the gladaorjfii of my yrf j go ont inter de woaroaharjll alog em to do tree dey kin ajfiftloa eberydlng- tmi bijtingt tzrx sorentyone people aooordldgltfa recent parllaraentary report died of atarvation in london in 1805 as agalnet tbirtynloe in thv previobyear a staff pffioer in berlin deolareatbat the doogdlaeipedllion ia on the whole the t military workrviorje by jbritlah o aloes the peninaolar war bees hearer diatillery blaya drank all do time an mnkea no honoy beea iaer good deal like men dey dont keer far honey wherrthey eairiretbrerrr r oinnamon drop goatad makes them jleaapt td take helno- pttrnlr veyatahln gripe and theyrjeyor fail 40 doaflsj 20 leentjat all drogsiatu castoria for ijnnts and children blgutan of 4ujv i 33 j j s j and oil iiowez compfainsi aburb safe quick cure for those t troubles is fc- ottt rrxvis ji j used jaiemnuy and externally c two eltes 23c and fioc bottles h4 a groat ttioabb id a m6re valuable poa- fiit seems hardly probarble dat prohor- buhn kin p i khodo i onlnie de temporanoe folks puts er hi bord fence erounde strait iqctpents wilu happen iip i w 1 scotts emulsion bfgod- liver v oil wifh hypophos y phites brings back the ruddy glow of liie to pale cheeks v die lips become red the ears lose their transpareney the step is quick andelasf ic vyork jploniger abjiien exer- cjgejisriot followed by ex haustion and it doei this be- cause it furnishes the body with a needed food and rffljgsriiiepsed kction to j hfcafthy k a bettcrir- iliatiijiy iniproved nu- liit6tierfdilow but this- tlmjs was- a oodsenbl to mr ibrowhvadta r r veteranf4emarohairse phlladeldhlad6darotj shot and bhell in the- interests of hie oonntry qrly tobe attacked toy that insidious disease catarrh but dr affnews catarrhal pow der cured and permanently too this la what he sitlys- by a mere aooideot i oame aoroaa vr agdo catarrhal powder i wae a great e oflilflu uja o today ftgiveeme unbonnded pleaaaro to btate for safferlbg humatiitya bake that lhltoooderfal remedy elfedud 1 ipudy and permaneht oare- in my oaae and i have been bo thankfoi for it that l am will ing to spend the remainder qf my days ia spreading the good news to my fellow ant- ferera sold by a t brown aeeion than a gold mino wo piles cured ln3 to 0 nlffhts -ltoh- iner burning skin diseases re- ilevedln ohe nlsht r dr agoews ointment will onre all oases of itobing pileajn fromthreeto bix dightb onospplicatlonbringftrooot fort t lor blind and bleeding piloa it ia pberlebbtalboppreatorjbahrhenra ebzemabarbers itob arrfall eraptlonsof the akin roriovos in a day 85 centa flaldhy ft t rrnwn tii tba rvlnklller whlch 1 itt mut vuluabl letully uudklna nov la um rnrimm it hrrml merit amratui ofrfinnrtntf pkl no inlli l linn iull i tliulitluu equl u lrrypiivli jht vnrfinlxctfr rrjinuon uny onlv llircrti3ttnuv dav u livrtlinrcilnnrellols vi j uio ujuis ja l j l stands at thehead of thfici n i k imriit for all diseases of lwtubv and innga it iota like magio inreaklng np a oold a ooagh is boon bqbdaeov tightness of theahebt ia lieved even thb worst oaae of oonatimp- tioo is reliev 3d while in reoenf oases it may be said never to fail it is a mediolno pre pared from the aolive prinoiplea or yirtuea of aeveral medioinal herbs and oan be de pended opon for all pulmonary obmplaintb s c1 black iir an a ete siteii thoivaluo of anything largely ideponda upoujyoup particular need it often bnppoiib that bargains come out of eoapon when theres ira special adyantaeto yon in buying unless you do like the woman with block b air weve heard of who bought a red switch becnusp it tvas cheap r j our- bargains depend upon new and desirable goods for the immense trade they create weendoavoi to makaiotter induce ments than the average by unficipating your wtttats and meeting them ralways after in jeintbryi the general anxiety of dopartmont chieftis to get rid pfihany things nud present business cant help but be brisk bargains are the rule ratqerthan the exception jubt now including the following 1 grey goal robes i g oofor 7 50 ai robe 10 sobr 9 00 mens australian coon coat 3500 fqr 2300 x mens- do do 30 oofjr 23 oo j mens- do- do 25 00 for20 00 j jtariies baltic seal cape o octnow 29 00 ladies electric seal capoiv 40 oonowjo oo ladies cooacapo ladiesvcopntiajm oo ladies knit wool shawls j3 off v ladies golfers 1 25 now -js- 3 pairs chenille curtains half price 26 coversr4jrocatelleall wool and linen 14 off or a cover that was z 50 for- l 87j ladies gossamers and cloth waterproofs at the original price to clear ladies mantles at 24 per cent off all ibis week ij all the kemnarits and old lots nt your own j price t this store newsis printed aa much for your benefit as ours it tells of things yw want to know if money be an object bargains then a general contribntiou from all depar with specialreference to your presentneeds are evening up of all stocks with prices lower in eonsequence it payb observation to be on hand no words can equal pergonal departmental gtjelph co glpasdowr hoiissartpn note a few of the attractions of our clearing sale this week t ghtlds and misses overshoes oper pair reg i womeris dong buttoned i oo per pair reg i 10 50 60 l75rg mereliaiidise movements mens buff lace mens buff gaiters 7 7t- womens felt lined lace i 25 per pair icg -r- crarid tyunkraiiiryffy floindnvkbt uolna eaht mall- j bxprubb kjitiruob c aiailf 10 41 am 0 11 pm i0 oapni 9 is am bnroja itiaiiui mall 7 ooiun aiau imod timb ol clobinu maitb going wobt0 1g am arid 00 pm doing i3ait 10 10 am utiil c 40pm jtbti tlmu tiililo vlunt into uttuct on monday nor 80tb 18u0 boots slioe8 heres a fact iwillifims has the largest and meat varied stock of shoes in own heres an opinion fcisr williams doesnt believe he can- be tindersiotd hers a iswillianis willtnefli aujionorable com- heres riadmis8iqrvv iwillffirhs viuals qur trade very mtith iwilhantisjrviil proveit pays to deal wi heres an explanation tswilllams saves for you in price and gains in quality heres a grand idea iritry williams just once when you need shoes heres a memorandum r williams boots and shoes are found a his store on mill street acton william williams rviiii 8tret ac we have on hand seyeral av wblchwewlubelltoryeheapauaod easy tenna of payment the tarrna aro situated in tllo ollowtti coanues wellington bruce haldimand sinicoei flalton eurham perth bomp oftthom are highly improved- farms all aro good varlodb bums and will be sold at a bargain if aojd before tho first of january next for terms and foil particulars ap to reticcpebnvrsotsremfryr guelpn and ontabio in vestment and bavlnqsjipoiety hiuelph ont georgetown electric works t j bpsyobttnptletor manufacturers of eleetricmotolis water motors arl hydraulicjlfvma 25 per pair reg 95 per pair reg 50 25- in dry goods ladies fur muffs coney seal astrachan etc at i5b 2ooand 225 reg 300 f5iir5b overcoats at reduction oi 25 to 50 4- 3 spools tor 10c printsjsiteetings tickings etc at clearing pfices this business is eppoaed to waatov wofitob money in gathoi ing and distributing merchandise va6to 6f timo which would be more expou8ive btifl and so the seasons that old fogyism counted noooaoftpily dull aro improvod to handlo vnutloto of goodo with largest benefit to our public lord bobertv commander inohiof of tnoarmy in irelabd has hcooipe an inde fatigable oyoliet ho may bofieen any day oareerinr throorh tho dublin atreeta thojro noyec- waa andlnawer will boav anlvoreal panacea in obo remedy for all ilia to which flesh is hoi r tho very nature of many cutatlve boinrt auoti thai were thefiorma of other and dtftereuuy seated diseabca rooted in the by b torn of the patient jwbat would reliovo one ill ia tarn woold aggravate the othor we have however inqnloine wine wbeb obtained in a aoond unadulterated btatb a remedy for many t ytluvuua ili dj it j womens and childrens goatg if you had a sorting from a market fall youd pick just such stylos os wo toll of today prices are little not because tho gar ments deserve snch a fate but because the holders of the good gob scared 22 ladleaclolh jackets beaver nnd serge velvei collars and cuits close neck ijuttoiicd diagonally three buttons 85 ijr j335 all jackets over 812 at half price all other inckets and capes one third off do you wonder that moro and more tho coat boiling center here 885 and by easy stages to tho tip top of luxuribusnes more and more the public realizes that the proper place to buy dry goods is a dry qoodb house not aqrocery store keil3rt3 iitic 1 headouarters for pianos violins rmttitdoiins pjstes iruns r oans 0uitars lirjtjos iordeons eto etc tutbteam fating and general bemtit being eqqlpped with gas braaln machine prepared touo braalng wheeja converted froi ing being spoken fall line of a guaranteed gas braalng tnaefilne brutgonbieyolmframaa mia converted from direct to tangen handle ban beat to snydejlred aagle okeakept in atockv jlaaiifaeuoa jloyclea enamehed in aujr oolor t j speight q ftorge town j0bbmrin6 inolddino books fmpbleui roteribl heads oircqlaxadtede exoate in tb beatatyleof triaajrtbtmoaermteprieeti na abortcohce apply or addreaa b pmooeb fbh piuub omee 4cton bristol3r brlstotsfe nm end pills j d williamson co wyndham nd maodonnell streets quelph nae tho frailest ayatema are ted into oon valcbconpqand elrcutttli by tho inflaenoe before a fire brigade can start for a fire d beclin the memben mubt all fah line military fathlbo arid ealoto their captain loaing importaut time bjr ifala foolery catarrb in tho head ii a danerooa dlseaae il may lead directly tooobauroptfon onifttrh idoaaaed by itnpdre blood and the true way to cure it ieby pnrlfylor the bjood hooda sar- aparilu oorea oatarrh beoauio it re move a the nanio or it by purifying tha blood thouaandy teitlfy that theybavb been obrofl by h6oda baraaparllla w v hftoovs ipilu tkxt purely vogetable and do not potk pain or sclpe all druggist twjcen if t whioh quinine exerta on natures owa rea totally ob it -relidvea- the drooping bpirita of those witlrwhom achronlp ataterjl of morbid deflpoudenco and laok of intermit jnjife ja 0 diaoaao aud by tranqaillang the pervev dlaposea to bound and refreah- infl sleep impafta vigor to tho action of tba blood which being btianuled oouraea throughout the veins atrengthenlng the healthy animal fudations of the ayatem thereby makin activity ft neoeasaryreaol btreugthenlng the frame and giving life to the dlfieative oryaiib whioh natnrally ddmand ihoreaaod babntanceranu im proved appotito northrop a lyman of toronto have given to the publio their quinine wino at the uiual rate and guaged by trio opinion of bofenmets this wine approaphmnoareat porfeolion of any in the iarket all droflta aell it atthaw the be3t evoinp bntybtaori or mlxrsdh alf and onfe pouno ipaoketsr retail 2rj3p4pb0 xnp 60 cents x pound ibfflsffib rh davidgon a hav ltd wholesale agents toronto the only store in the city where you ban get the jbet qixatlty xe strings for all instruments i pianos and organs tuned and repaired by a firstclass tuner t the- greateistbfjflf lwer stomach pnd blood medicines apoipibvibr- rbcumatlsm oout and chronic corrtjnt they cleanse jujdpurify the bioocj all misggftp jifiji warjle 7 o ilil icellv gxie 6t8 a aerioos question for prospaauiw honaekeepen is the greaioriglnal outlay deoesiary tor toe pnrobam otatpprbprlwu fornltore and farnlshinga we on be of aervioe to ll anoh thejll be borprteed to learn apon bow btnall an investment thejr caoberln willi if their selection ia made from onr took older honae keeper oan find many artiolee thejr need this spring t very low prices in oar wererooms j our slook la oomplote an exosllent aasortmen in all the blly stylea in trimminrs and flnisbi prloee lower tbtier oofflnior owksli delivered wltbln five mile ojaotoa firftoih5malrnawiobwb urijmtttv ai m tfi0 i ameffiof irmlijnijurl5aand b fftf r k ypmtw

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